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Summary of Meeting with Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Regarding Digital Instrumentation and Controls Review
Person / Time
Site: Watts Bar Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 12/22/2009
From: Joel Wiebe
Watts Bar Special Projects Branch
Tennessee Valley Authority
Wiebe, Joel NRR/DORL/WBSP, 415-6606
Shared Package
ML093520931 List:
TAC ME0853
Download: ML093560019 (4)


December 22, 2009 LICENSEE: Tennessee Valley Authority FACILITY: Watts Bar Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 2




On December 15, 2009, a Category 1 public meeting was held between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and representatives of TVA at NRC Headquarters, One White Flint North, 11555 Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the staffs review of the anticipated submittal of information related to the planned incorporation of digital instrumentation and controls into the Watts Bar Unit 2 design.

The licensee presented information (see Agencywide Documents Access and Management System Accession No. ML093520967) that provided an overview of the instrumentation and controls for the Watts Bar Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 2, including platform based applications for safety and non-safety related actuation, control, and monitoring systems. The staff queried the applicant regarding the information presented as well as regarding the scope of information submitted to the staff compared to the scope of information referenced by Digital Instrumentation and Control Interim Staff Guidance 6. In addition, the staff made several requests of the applicant as listed in Enclosure 2 Two members of the public were in attendance. One Public Meeting Feedback form was received.

Please direct any inquiries to me at 301-415-6606 or

/RA PMilano for/

Joel S. Wiebe, Senior Project Manager Watts Bar Special Projects Branch Division of Operating Reactor Licensing Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket No. 50-391


1. List of Attendees
2. NRC Staff Requests cc w/encls: Distribution via Listserv

PKG: ML093520931 Meeting Summary: ML093560019 Meeting Notice: ML093280034 Handouts: ML093520967 OFFICE DORL/LP-WB/PM DORL/LP-WB/LA DE/EICB/BC DORL/LP-WB/BC NAME JWiebe BClayton WKemper LRaghavan DATE 12/18/09 12/ 23 /09 12/ 23 /09 12/ 22 /09 LIST OF ATTENDEES U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION MEETING WITH TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY ON DECEMBER 15, 2009 DIGITAL INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROLS (I&C) REVIEW WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT, UNIT 2 Nuclear Regulatory Commission


Name Position/Title Organization L. Raghavan Chief Watts Bar Special Projects Branch (WBPB)

Division of Operating Reactors (DORL)

William Kemper Chief Electronics and I&C Branch (EICB)

Division of Engineering (DE)

Patrick Milano Sr. Project Manager WBPB/DORL Joel Wiebe Sr. Project Manager WBPB/DORL Norbert Carte Technical Reviewer EICB/DE Hukam Garg Sr. Engineer EICB/DE Daniel Santos Sr. Technical Advisor DE Digital I&C Rich Stattel Sr. Electronics Engineer EICB/DE Lisa Castelli Sr. Construction Inspector Division of Construction Inspection, Region II Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)


Steven Hilmes Electrical and I&C Manager TVA Watts Bar Unit 2 Gordon Arent Licensing Manager TVA Watts Bar Unit 2 Public Attendees Sean Smith I&C Engineer Lockheed Martin Nuclear Systems and Solutions Bill Freebairn Sr. Editor Nucleonics Week Enclosure 1

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Staff Requests

1. Provide the justification for any hardware and software changes that have been made since the previous U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff review for Eagle 21 and other platforms.
2. Verify that the refurbishment of the power range nuclear instrumentation drawers resulted in only like-for-like replacements.
3. Identify the precedents in license amendment requests (LARs), if any, for source range monitors or intermediate range monitors.
4. Identify precedents in LARs, if any, for the solid state protection system. Also, identify any hardware deviation from the precedent.
5. Identify any changes made to any instrumentation and control (I&C) system based on prior knowledge of failures.
6. Verify that the containment purge isolation radiation monitor is the same as used in Watts Bar Unit 1, or identify any hardware changes.
7. Provide environmental qualification information pursuant to Section 50.49 of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) for safety-related actuation transmitters.
8. For the Foxboro Spec 200 platform, identify any changes in hardware from the precedent systems. Provide the design report and the equipment qualification information.
9. Verify the auxiliary feedwater control refurbishment results in a like-for-like replacement, and identify any changes from the identified precedents.
10. Provide environmental qualification (10 CFR 50.49) information for safety-related control transmitters and complete the deviation section of the table.
11. Provide a schedule by the January 13, 2010, meeting for providing documentation in accordance with I&C Interim Staff Guidance (ISG) 6.
12. For the containment radiation high radiation monitor, verify that the information provided by TVA is consistent with the information provided with the previously-approved license amendment request for the Duane Arnold plant or provide Phase 3 information.
13. Provide environmental qualification (10 CFR 50.49) information for safety-related monitoring transmitters.
14. For Foxboro I/A provide information regarding safety/nonsafety-related interaction, common cause failures, and communication with safety related equipment in accordance with ISG 4.
15. For the turbine control AEH system, verify that the refurbishment results in a like-for-like replacement.
16. For the rod control system, verify that the refurbishment results in a like-for-like replacement.
17. Regarding the refurbishment of I&C equipment, identify any component digital upgrades and, if so, provide the supporting design information.
18. For the rod position indication system (CERPI), provide information in accordance with ISG 4. Need to consider cyber-security issues.
19. For the process computer, need to consider cyber security issues and emergency response data system needs.
20. For the loose parts monitoring system, provide information regarding interactions with safety related equipment.

Enclosure 2