ML082410644 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | River Bend |
Issue date: | 08/20/2008 |
From: | Peterson W Federal Emergency Management Agency |
To: | Collins E Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response, Region 4 Administrator |
References | |
Download: ML082410644 (61) | |
U.S. Department of Homeland Security FEMA Region 6 800 North loop 288 S?, R Denton, TX 76209-3698 0FEMA t No S' August 20, 2008 Mr. Elmo E. Collins, Jr.
Regional Administrator U.S. NRC, Region 1V 612 E. Lamar Blvd., Suite 400 Arlington, TX 76011-4005
Dear Mr. Collins:
Enclosed is a copy of the radiological emergency preparedness final report for the River Bend Station Plume Pathway exercise evaluated on June 11, 2008.
There were three areas requiring corrective action (ARCAs) which were corrected during the exercise.
Based on the results of this exercise, the offsite radiological emergency response plans and preparedness for the State of Louisiana and the affected local jurisdictions are deemed adequate to provide reasonable assurance that appropriate. measures can be taken to protect the health and safety of the public in the event of a radiological emergency. Therefore. 44 CFR Part 350 approval of the offsite radiological emergency response plans and preparedness for the State of Louisiana site-specific to River Bend Station will remain in effect.
A copy of thisreport was provided electronically to Ms. Kathryn Brock, Of....,ce of Nuclear Security and Incident Response, at NRC Headquarters. Should you have questions, please contact Lisa Hamimniond. Regional Assistance Committee Chair, at 940-898-5199, or Elsa Lopez, Louisiana Site Specialist, at 940-898-5308.
William Peterson Regional Administrator Enclosure cc: Governor's Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Preparedness - Mark A. Cooper Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality - Jeffrey Meyers River Bend Station - Joseph Leavines NRC Headquarters Document Control Desk
River Bend Station Exercise Report - 2008-06-11 Final Report - Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program 2008-08-14 SFEMA 74 t;
FEN Exercise Report River Bend Station Exercise Date: 2008-06-11 Report Date: 2008-08-14
,U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Federal Emergency Management Agency REP Program 800 North Loop 288 Denton, TX 76209
Table of Contents Chapter 1 Executive Summary Chapter 2 Introduction Chapter 3 Exercise Overview Section 3.1 EPZ Description Section 3.2 Exercise Participants Section 3.3 Exercise Timeline Chapter 4 Exercise Evaluation and Results Section 4.1 Summary Results of Exercise Evaluation Section 4.2 Status of Jurisdictions Evaluated 4.2.1 State Jurisdictions Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality Headquarters Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality EOF Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality Field Monitoring Team One Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality Field Monitoring Team Two River Bend Alternate Joint Information Center 4.2.2 Risk Jurisdictions East Baton Rouge Parish Emergency Operations Center and Traffic/Access Control Point Baton Rouge River Center Reception Center East Feliciana Parish Emergency Operations Center and Traffic/Access Control Point Pointe Coupee Parish Emergency Operations Center and Traffic/Access Control Point Point Coupee Parish School District West Baton Rouge Parish Emergency Operations Center and Traffic/Access Control Point West Feliciana Parish Emergency Operations Center and Traffic/Access Control Point West Feliciana Parish School District 4.2.3 Support Jurisdictions Zachary Fire Department Monitoring & Decontamination Center 4.2.4 Private Jurisdictions EAS Radio Station WJBO Appendices Appendix 1 - Acronyms and Abbreviations Appendix 2 - Exercise Evaluators and Team Leaders.
Appendix 3 - Exercise Evaluation Areas and Extent of Play Agreement Appendix 4 - Exercise Scenario and Timeline
- 1. Executive Summary On June 11, 2008, a biennial Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) exercise was conducted for the Plume Exposure Pathway Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) around the River Bend Station (RBS), located near St. Francisville, Louisiana.
Personnel from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security-Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS-FEMA) Region VI, evaluated all activities. The purpose of the exercise was to assess the level of preparedness of local responders to react to a simulated radiological emergency at RBS. It was held in accordance with FEMA's policies and guidance concerning the implementation of state and local REP plans and procedures.
The previous exercise at this site was conducted on August 16, 2006. The first qualifying exercise to satisfy FEMA rule 44 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 350 requirements for Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) licensing to operate the facility was conducted in January 1985. Including the exercise on June 11, 2008, there have been fourteen DHS-FEMA Region VI evaluated exercises plus several drills conducted since then.
FEMA Region VI wishes to acknowledge the efforts of the many individuals in the State of Louisiana, West Feliciana, East Feliciana, Pointe Coupee, East Baton Rouge and West Baton Rouge Parishes who participated in this exercise. Protecting the public health and safety is the full-time job of some of the exercise participants and an additional assigned responsibility for others. Still others have willingly sought this responsibility by volunteering to provide vital emergency services to their communities.
Cooperation and teamwork of all the participants was evident during this exercise.
This report includes the identification of any exercise issues and recommendations for corrective action where appropriate.
All state and local organizations, except where noted in this report, demonstrated an adequate knowledge of the emergency response plans and procedures and properly implemented them. There were no Deficiences, three Areas Requiring Corrective Action (ARCA) that were corrected on the spot, no Areas Recommended for Improvement (ARFIs), and one Planning Issue identified during the exercise.
- 2. Introduction On December 7, 1979, the President directed the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to assume the lead responsibility for all offsite nuclear planning and response. FEMA's activities under the REP.Program are conducted pursuant to 44 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Parts 350, 351 and -352. These regulations are a key element in the Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program that was established following the Three Mile Island Nuclear Station accident in March 1979.
Rule 44 CFR 350 establishes the policies and procedures for the DHS-FEMA Region VI Office's initial and continued approval of tribal, state and local governments' radiological emergency planning and preparedness for commercial nuclear power plants:, This approval is contingent, in part, on state and local government participation injoint exercises with-licensees.
FEMA's Region VI responsibilities in radiological emergency planning for fixed nuclear facilities include the following:
- Taking the lead in offsite emergency planning and in the review and evaluation of radiological emergency response plans .(RERPs) and procedures developed by state and local governments, ensuring .the plans meet the federal criteria set forth in NUREG-0654/FEMA REP-1, Rev. 1 (November 1980);
- Determining whether such plansand procedures can be implemented on the basis of observation and evaluation of an exercise. conducted by the appropriate emergency, response jurisdictions;
- Responding to'requests by the U.S., Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) pursuant to the.Memorandum:of Understanding between -the NRCand FEMA dated June 17, 1993 (FederalRegister, Vol. 58, No. 176, September 14, 1,993); and
- Coordinating the activities of volunteer organizations and other Federal agencies with responsibilities in the radiological emergency planning process.,
- U.S. Department of.Commerce (DOC),
- U.S. Nuclear Regulatory.'Commission. (NRC)
- U.S, Environmental. ProteCtion Agency (EPA)
- U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)
- U.S. Department of Homeland Security-FEMA
- U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT)-
- U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
- U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI)
- U.S. Food-and Drug Administration (FDA).
Representatives of these agencies serve on the ýRegional-Assistance Committee (RAC),
which is chaired by the Branch Chief of the Technological Hazards Branch at the DHS-FEMA Region VI Office*.*
The findings presented in this, report are based on-the federal evaluation'team's.
assessment of the participants' response to a simulated radiological incident at the River Bend Station that affected the offsite population. The RAC-Chair:made the final classification of any issues identified, and the FEMA Region VI Regional Administrator approved thereport. - , .. .
The criteria utilized in the evaluation process are contained in:
- NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1, Rev. 1, Criteria for Prepar'ation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness; in Support of Nuclear.
Power Plants, November 1980;
-Interim REP Program Manual;,including the.'Radiological:Emergency Preparedness Exercise Evaluation Methodology (August 2002).:':,,
Section III of this report, entitled "Exercise Overview," presents basic information and data relevant to the exercise: This sectioh of: the-report contairis a description of the Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ), a listing of all-participating jurisdictions and functional entities that were evaluated, and a tabular presentation of the'time of actual occurrence of key exercise events and activities.
Section IV of this report, entitled "Exercise Evaluation and Results," presents detailed information on the demonstration of applicable evaluation areas at each jurisdiction or functional entity. If applicable, this section also contains descriptions of all DeficiehIcies and Areas Requiring Corrective Actions (ARCAs).assessed during, the exercise, and recommended corrective actions, as well as: descriptions of ARCAs'assessed during, 3.
previous exercises and the current status of each.
- 7 71 I, .1 4:.
- 3. Exercise Overview This section contains data and basic information relevant to the June 11, 2008, plume exercise to test the offsite response capabilities in the area surrounding the River Bend Station (RBS). This section of the report includes a description of the Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ), a listing of all participating jurisdictions, which were evaluated, and a tabular presentation of the times of actual occurrence of key exercise events and activities.
3.1. EPZ Description The area within 10 miles of River Bend Station (RBS) is located in the State of Louisiana within the confines of West and East Feliciana Parishes, West and East Baton Rouge Parishes, and Pointe Coupee Parish. This area is referred to as the Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ).
The total population of the EPZ is 41,568 (Daytime Peak Season). Besides schools and churches, there are a few other special facilities. There are two hospitals within the 10-mile EPZ including the West Feliciana Parish Hospital (an MS-1 hospital). There are also four incarceration facilities. There are two paper mills, Tembec in West Feliciana and Georgia-Pacific in East Baton Rouge. In Pointe Coupee Parish, there are two electricity-generating plants, Big Cajun No. 1 and No. 2. Located approximately five miles south-southeast of RBS is the Port Hudson State Commemorative Area. Located approximately five miles north of RBS is the Locust Grove State Commemorative Area, and located approximately two miles north is the Audubon Commemorative Park.
There are two major railway lines running through the RBS EPZ. They are the Illinois Central Gulf and the Kansas City Southern Railroads. U.S. Highway 61, Louisiana State Highways 1, 10, 68, and 415 are the major roads within the EPZ.
The EPZ is divided into 18 Protection Action Sections (PAS) defined by geographical boundaries for the purpose of emergency response planning and their implementation of protective actions.
The 10-mile EPZ includes: RBS, Starhill, Audubon State Historic Site, St. Francisville, Hardwood, Elm Park, Bains Road, Airport Road, Mahoney Road, Carney, Freeland, Whitman, Tembec Area, Riddle Area, Tunica Swamp, Cat Island, Solitude, Wakefield, 5S
Beachwood, Bains, Jones Vaughn Creek Road, Freeland Road, Highway 10 between Carney and Jackson, Williams Gas Pipeline/Transco and the sparsely populated area North of Highway 964 and West Highway 68, Delombre, Port Hudson State Historic Site, Jackson, Asphodel, Green Briar Road, Highway 68 south of Jackson City.Limits to Highway 964, Highway 955 between Green Briar Road and Highway 412, Lindsay, Highway 68 south of Highway 964 to Highway 61, Highway 412 from Highway 955 to Thompson Road, Plains, Flanacher Road, Port Hudson, Bonn, Mount Pleasant; Port Hickey, Waterloo, and Big Cajun No. 2, Rougon, Chenal, Ventress, Patins, Leavel, Ploup, Brooks, Schexnayder, and Beaud. The Mississippi River runs through the southwestern portion of the.ý EPZ.'
3.2. Exercise Participants Agencies and organizations of the following jurisdictions participated in the River Bend Station exercise:
State Jurisdictions Governor's Office of Homeland Security and-Emergency Preparedness.
Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry.
Louisiana Department of. Environmental Quality Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals Louisiana Department of Social, Services, Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Risk Jurisdictions Baton Rouge City Police Department Capital Area Transit System East Baton Rouge Council of Aging East Baton Rouge Emergency Medical Services East Baton Rouge Fire Department East Baton Rouge Health Unit East Baton Rouge Office of Family Support East Baton Rouge Parish East Baton Rouge Parish Homeland Security,and Emergency Preparedness East Baton Rouge Parish School Board East Baton Rouge Social Services East Baton Rouge Sheriffs Office East Feliciana Parish East Feliciana Parish Homeland Security. and Emergency Preparedness 6
East Feliciana Parish Fire Department East Feliciana Parish School Board East Feliciana Parish Sheriffs Office Point.Coupee Parish Point Coupee Parish Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness Point Coupee-School Board City of New Roads First Student Bus :Company West Baton RougeParish West Baton Rouge Parish Homeland Secuity and Emergency Preparedness West Baton Rouge Fire Department West Baton Rouge Sheriffs Office West Baton Rouge School Board Port Arthur City Police West Feliciana Parish West Feliciana Emergency Ambulance Service West Feliciana Parish Council of Aging -
West Feliciana Parish Fire Debpartnnt ,.-
West Feliciana Parish HomelandSecurity and Eim"ergehcy Preparedness -
West Feliciana Parish Hospital West Feliciana Parish Office of Family Support West Feliciana Parish School Board West Feliciana Parish Sheriffs Office St. Francisville Police Department St. Francisville Volunteer Fire Department Town of St. Francisville Zachary Fire Department Private Jurisdictions American Red Cross Entergy Operations, Inc. - .
River Bend Station Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES)"
3.3. Exercise Timeline 7
Table 1 - Exercise Timeline DATE: 2008-06-11, SITE: River Bend Station, LA Emergenc)yClassification Level.or.,,.. , ,,:
Event' C).
Unusual Event Alert '-08471 0903 0904 0904 "0922 0903 0907 Site Area Emergency .0958 1005 " 1007 1"010 1010 1006 1007 General Emergency 1145 1157/ 1201 '1145 .1158 1157 1159 Simulated Rad. Re lease Started 11i45 .115:7 " 1201 1158 1157 1159 Simulated Rad. Release 13.57 1400 1405 Terminated.. . . ,. . .. . 1005 Facility Declared Operational 0910 1120 0938 1000 Declaration of State of Emergenc-y"" 1047 "1 I115 1205 Exercise Terminated " -- 1357/.. . 1406-.. . 1354 140)8'" .. 1400 1405 Early Precautionary Actions:
IstProtective Action Decision: 1215 1231 1215 1217 1st Siren Activationr 08 1025 100000 1225 1225 Ist EAS or EBS Messn4ge 1229 151229 1231 2nd Protective Action Decision-2nd Siren Activation.
2nd EAS or EBS Message ........... 11....205 3rd Protective Action Decision:
3rd Siren Activation .
3rd EAS or EBS Message KI Administration Decision:
Table 1 - Exercise Timeline DATE: 2008-06-11, SITE: River Bend Station, LA U
Emergency Classification.Levelor -
Unusual Event NA Alert " 084 0904. . 0903 .0905 Site Area Emergency 6.958 .. 100*4 . 003 1006 General Emergency. 1,145 H155 ... .11 55 1,158 Simulated Rad. Release Started. 1145 1155 .. .4:1155, .1158 Simulated Rad. Release Terminated 1400 Facility Declared Operational "1004
- - ot 11010 0924' Declaration of State of Emergency "1010 . ... 0948- 1045 Exercise Terminated .. . . ........ .. .. .. 1400-... . 1401- .. ... .1400 Early Precautionary Actions: . ..... NA I1st Protective Action Decision: 1218 . .. 1212 " 1200 I1st Siren Activation 1225 .. . .1225, 1225 1st EAS or EBS Message '1229 .1228 2nd Protective Action Decision:
2nd Siren Activation .. . .. . ... . .
!2nd EAS or EBS Message . . .... . .. .
3rd Protective *ActionfDecision:.....
3rd Siren Activation ... ..
3rd EAS or EBS Message..... . .. ..
KI Administration Decision: . .. ".. .. .
- 4. Exercise Evaluation and Results Contained in this section are the results and findings of the evaluation of all jurisdictions and functional entities that participated in the June 11, 2008 exercise to test the offsite emergency response capabilities of state and local governments in the 10-mile EPZ surrounding the River Bend Station.
-Each .jurisdiction and functional -entity was evaluated on the ,basis of its demonstration of criteria delineated in the exercise evaluation areas as outlined in the April 25, 2002, Federal Register, Radiological Emergency Preparedness: Evaluation Methodology.
Detailed .information on the exercise. evaluation area criteria and the extent of play agreement used in this exercise are found in Appendix 3 of this report.
4.1. Summary Results of Exercise Evaluation The matrix, presented in Table 2, on-the following page, presents the status of all exercise evaluation area criteria that were scheduled for demonstration during this exercise by all participating jurisdictions and functional entities. Exercise criteria are listed by number and the demonstration status is indicated by the use of the following letters: -
M - Met (No Deficiency or ARCAs assessed and no unresolved ARCAs from prior exercises) ...
D - Deficiency assessed A - ARCA(s) -assessed or unresolved ARCA(s) from prior exercise(s)
N - Not Demonstrated (Reason explained in Subsection B) 10
Table 2 - Summary of Exercise Evaluation (2 pages)
U DATE: 2008-06-11
- SITE: River Bend Station, LA A: ARCA, D: Deficiency, M: Met U -
Emnergcy' 01ýraiions Managetnentt~-i:
Mobilization lal M M M M M M Facilities "lbl .. M Direction and Control . lc M M M M M Communications Equipment Idl M M MIM M M M M Equip & Supplies to support operations . leT M" M M M M M M M M M Protective Action Decision Making" Emergency Worker Exposure Control 2al M M M M Radiological Assessment and PARs 2bl M M Decisions for the Plume Phase -PADs 2b2 M M M PADs for protection of special populations " :. " 2c1 M4 M Rad Assessment and Decisiofnrmakingforithe Ingestion EXposure Pathway, 2dl ..
Rad Assessment and Decision making concerning Return' '" Relocation,
" ' ' Reentry, :' and.,
- " "" 2eel Pr6tectiveActionltnplementation"',, - - - - -.. . . ... .. >2 ' .. ... , . - -- ,
Implementation of emergency worker exposure control 3al M M M M 'M M M Implementation ofKI decision 3bl M Implementation of protective actions for special populations - EOCs 3cl M M Implementation of protective actions for Schools 3c2 Implementation of traffic and access control 3d1 M M Impediments to evacuation are identified and resolved 3d2 M M Implementation of ingestion pathway decisions - availability/use of info 3el Materials for Ingestion Pathway PADs are available 3e2 Implementation ofrelocation, re-entry, and return decisions. 3f]
Field n:au andl Analysis;.: '~~(,!"![i* }')*i2 i* l~Ii:'
ement . ...
Adequate Equipment for Plume Phase Field Measurements 4a 1. M. M Field Teams obtain sufficient information 4a2 M Field Teams Manage Sample Collection Appropriately 4a3 M M Post plume phase field measurements and sampling . 4bl Laboratory operations 4cl Emergency Notification ard Public info .. " , "
Activation of the prompt alert and notification system 5al M M M Activation of the prompt alert and notification system - Fast Breaker 5a2 Activation of the prompt alert and notification system - Exception areas 5a3 M Emergency information and instructions for the public and the media 5b1 M M M M Support Operatiohs/Facilities. .. ',, . , " . - . ". - . " . . . "
Mon / decon of evacuees and emergency workers, and registration of evacuees 6al M M Mon / decon of emergency worker equipment 6bl M Temporary care of evacuees 6c1 M Transportation and treatment of contaminated injured individuals 6dl 11'.-
Table 2 - Summary of Exercise Evaluation (Continued. page 2/2)
< ,U o ;
DATE: 2008-06-11 C .
SITE: River Bend Station, LA '
.4 4 >
A: ARCA, D: Deficiency, M: Met U
.. , *. NJ Emergency Operations Management.
Mobilization .. lal M M M Facilities IbI Direction and Control Id M M M Communications Equipment . Idl M M M Equip & Supplies to support operations lel M M M Protecti'v-l ction.Decision'Making ..... ... .. . .. .. .
Emergency Worker Exposure Control 2al M MM Radiological Assessment-and PARs 2bl Decisions for the Plume Phase -PADs 2b2 M M M PADs for jrotecti6n ofsoei6ial populations . " 2cd M M M Rad Assessment.and Decision makifig for. theIngestidn Expouire Pathway 2 2di Rad Assessment and Decision making concerning Relocation, Reentry, and Return 2el Mtio'nlple entti... .. ;:, - '. . . . . , ; -;.'", ... ;"'; ": !:i : ,:* ',!
Implementation of emergency worker exposure control 3al M M M Implementation of KI decision .. ., . . . . 3bi M Implementation of protective actions for special populations - EOCs 3d M M M Implementation of protective actions for Schools 3c2 M M Implementation of traffic and access control 3d1 M M M Impediments to evacuation are identified and resolved 3d2 M M M Implementation of ingestion pathway decisions - availability/use of info 3el Materials for Ingestion Pathway PADs are av4ilablI 6 -3 - 62 Implementation of relocation, re-entry, and return decisions. 3fl Field Me~surefien6t an Aziaiysis -K .2:--- -
Adequate Equipment for Plume Phase Field Measurements 4al Field Teams obtain sufficient information. -- .- 4a2 Field Teams Manage Sample Collection Appropriately . . 4a3 Post plume phase field measurements and sampling 4bl Laboratory operations . . . . " 4cl Emergency Notification and Public Info ... . . .J.... . - :-, .
Activation of the prompt alert and notification system 5al M M M M Activation of the prompt alert and notification system - Fast Breaker 5a2 Activation of the prompt alert and notification system'-. Exceptiori areas .. 5a3 Emergency information and instructions for the public and the media 5b] M M M Support Operations/Facilities - .- . . '
Mon / decon of evacuees and emergency workers, and registration of evacuees 6al Mon / decon .of emergency, worker equipment -, . .. .... ' 6bl Temporary care of evacuees . 6ed Transporation and treatmient of contaminated injured inidivi*tialg.'..........' : 6dl
- '.': ".........-":c.... " N" ;. i' -:.".' '.; - .:* " ' .' * . . " " .
4.2. Status of Jurisdictions Evaluated This subsection provides information on the evaluation of each participating jurisdiction and functional entity, in a jurisdiction based, issues only format. Presented below is a definition of the terms used in this subsection relative to demonstration status.
Met - Listing of the demonstrated exercise evaluation area criteria under which no Deficiencies or ARCAs were assessed during this exercise and under which no ARCAs assessed during prior exercises remain unresolved.
Deficiency - Listing of the demonstrated exercise evaluation area criteria under which one or more Deficiencies were assessed during this exercise. Included is a description of each Deficiency and recommended corrective actions..
Area Requiring Corrective Actions - Listing of the demonstrated exercise evaluation area criteria under which one or more ARCAs were assessed during the current exercise, or ARCAs assessed during prior exercises remain unresolved. included is a description of the ARCAs assessed during.,this exercise and the recommended corrective action to be demonstrated beforeo r"during the next biennial eXercise'.
Not Demonstrated - Listing of the exercise evaluation area criteria which were not demonstrated as scheduled during this exercise and theý reason they were not demonstrated.
Prior ARCAs - Resolved - Descriptions of ARCAs assessed dUring previous exercises that were. resolved in this exercise and the corrective.'actions .demonstrated.
Prior ARCAs - Unresolved.- Descriptions of ARCAs assessed during prior exercises that were not resolved in this exercise. Included is the reaeson the6ARCA remains"-
unresolved and recommended corrective actions to-be demonstrated before or during the next biennial exercise.
The following are definitions of the two types of exercise issues that are discussed in this report. .
A Deficiency is defined in the.Interim REP Program Manual as.'" observed or.
identified inadequacy of organizational performance in an exer-cise that-could cause a finding that offsite emergency preparedness is not adequate to provide reasonable 1.3',
assurance that appropriate protective measures can be taken in the event of a radiological emergency to protect the health and safety of the public living in the vicinity of a nuclear power plant."
An ARCA is defined in the Interim REP Program Manual as " observed or identified inadequacy of organizational performance in an exercise that is not considered, by itself, to adversely impact public health and safety."
-The-DI-S-FEMA Region VI Office has developeda standardized system for numbering exercise issues (Deficiencies, ARCAs and Plan Issues). This system is used to achieve consistency in numbering exercise issues among DHS-FEMA Regional Offices and site-specific exercise reports within-each Regional Office. It is also used to expedite tracking of exercise issues on a nationwide basis.
The identifying number for Deficiencies, ARCAs, and Plan Issues includes the following elements, with each element separated by a hyphen (-).
Plant Site Identifier - A two-digi.t number corresponding to the Utility Billable Plant Site Codes.
Exercise Year - The last two digits of the year the exercise was conducted.
Evaluation Area Criterion - A letter and number corresponding to the Evaluation Area criterion.
Issue Classification Identifier - (D = Deficiency, A = ARCA, and P = Plan Issues).
Exercise Issue Identification Number - A separate two (or three) digit indexing number assigned to each issue identified in the exercise.
4.2.1. State Jurisdictions Governor's Office of'Homeland Security and
-EmergenoyPre~pared ness 14
- a. MET: 1.a.1, 1.c.1, 1.d.1, 1.e.1,2.a.1, 2.b.1,2.b.2, 5.a.1, 5.b.1.
- f. PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: None., Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality Headquarters
- a. MET: 1.a.1,1.c.1,1.d.1, 1.e.1.%
- c. DEFICIENCY: None "
- f. PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: None Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality EOF
- a. MET: 1.a.1, 1.c.1, 1.d.1, 1.e.1, 2.a.1,2.b.1,3.a.1,i 4.a.2.
ISSUE NO.: 70-08-3a1-A-01 ISSUE: The LDEQ team members in the main room, did not read their dosimeters or record readings during the exercise.
CORRECTIVE ACTION DEMONSTRATED: During this exercise a prior issue from the 2007 Waterford-3 Plume Exercise was corrected as f6llows:
The Logistics Coordinator in the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) used a timer as a reminder to read dosimetry every 30 minutes. Every 30 minutes, the Logistic Coordinator would remindltheo LDEQ.personnbel inthe DOse- "
Assessment Room and in the main EOF Operations Room to read and 1.5
record their dosimeters. All LDEQ personnel read their dosimeters and recorded the reading on their Exposure Control Card. The Logistic Coordinator also went around and recorded all readings on a separate log to monitor everyone's exposure.
-4.2.-1.4. Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality Field Monitoring Team One
- a. MET: 1.d.1, 1.e.1, 3.a.1, 4.a.1, 4.a.3.
- f. PRIOR ISSUES.'-. UNRESOLVED: None Louisiana Department of EnVironmental Quality Field Monitoring Team Two
- a. MET: 1.d.1, 1.e.1, 3.a.1, 4.a.1, 4.a.3.
- f. PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: None River Bend Alternate Joint Information Center .
- a. MET: 1.a.1, 1.d. 1, .e.1, 5.b.1.
- c. DEFICIENCY: None,
4.2.2. Risk Jurisdictions East Baton Rouge Parish Emergency Operations Center and Traffic/Access Control Point
- a. MET: 1.a.1, 1.c.1, 1.d.1, 1.e.1,2.a.1,2.b.2,2.c.1,3.a.1,3.b.1,3.c.1,3.d.1, 3.d.2, 5.a.1, 5.b. 1
- f. PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: None Baton Rouge River Center Reception Center
- a. MET: 1.e.1, 3.a.1, 6.a.1,6.c.1.
ISSUE NO.: 53-08-6al-A-02 ISSUE: Reception center/emergency worker facility, has appropriate space, adequate resources, and trained personnel to provide monitoring, decontamination, and registration of evacuees and/or emergency workers.
(NUREG-0654, J.10.h., K.5.b)
CONDITION: During the initial personnel survey the emergency worker misread the reading from the meter face as 1000 mR instead of 1000 counts per minute. This error was not cbrre~cted until the controller stopped play.
POSSIBLE CAUSE: Possible lack of radiological equipment training to the emergency worker providing the initial pe~rsbnnel monitoiing.
East Baton Rouge Parish Emergency'Response Procedure for Reception Center (Baton Rouge River'Center), Attachment 6: Initial Personnel Monitor.
Interim REP Program Manual, page 111-92.
EFFECT: Following the termination of the reception center operations, the suvery results are turned over to Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality. If those results show 1000 mR from the surveys, it would indicate that the evacuees received a dose from the release. The survey meters used at the reception center read counts per minute which measures the radioactivity or contamination.
CORRECTIVE ACTION DEMONSTRATED: The play was stopped by the controller and additional radiological equipment training was given to the emergency worker at the initial personnel monitoring station. Play proceeded and the emergency worker gave the correct reading of 1000 counts per minute to the recorder.
- c. DEFICIENCY:,None .
- f. PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: None East Feliciana Parish Emergency, Operations Center and Traffic/Access Control Point
- a. MET: 1.a.1, 1.b.1, 1.c.1, 1.d.1, 1.e.1,-2.a.1,'2.b.2, 2.c.1,'3.a.1,3.c.1,'3.d.1, 3.d.2, 5.a.1, 5.a.3, 5.b.1.
- c. DEFICIENCY: None .
- f. PRIOR ISSUES.- UNRESOLVED: None Pointe Coupee Parish Emergency Operations Center and Traffic/Access Control Point
- a. MET: 1.a.1, 1.c.1, 1.d.1, 1.e.1, 2.a.1, 2.b.2, 2.c.1, 3.a.1] 3.c.1, 3.d.1, 3.d.2, 5.a.1, 5.b.1.
- e. PRIOR ISSUES - RESOLVED: None f., PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: None. Point Coupee Parish School District
- a. MET: 3.c.2.
- f. PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: None West Baton Rouge Parish Emergency Operations Center and Traffic/Access, Control Point
- a. MET: .1.a.1, 1.c.1, 1.d.1, 1.e.1,2.a.1 2.b.2,,2.C. &a.1, 3.b.,13.c.1, 3:d.1, 3.d.2, 5.a.1, 5.b.1.
- c. DEFICIENCY: None'
- f. PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: None West Feliciana Parish Emergency, Operations Center and Traffic/Access. Co~ntrol, Point
- a. MET: 1.a.1, 1.c.1, 1.d.1, 1.e.1, 2.a.I,,2.b.2.,2.c.,1.3.a.1, 3.c:1, 3.d.1,3.d.2, 5.a.1, 5.b.1.
- f. PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: None 19 West Feliciana Parish School District
- a. MET: 3.c.2.
- f. PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: None 4.2.3. Support Jurisdictions Zachary Fire Department Monitoring &
Decontamination Center
- a. MET: 1.e.1, 3'a.1A,6.a.1, 6.b-.1.
ISSUE'NO.: 53-08-6a1 -A-03 ISSUE:' Reception cen ter/emergency worker facility has appropriate space, adequate resources, and trained personnel to provide' monitoring, decontamination, and registration of evacuees and/or emergency workers.
(NUREG-0654, J.10.h., K.5.b)
CONDITION: Ac6ntamihated emergency worker's personal item (wristwatch) was not removed at the initial 'personnel monitoring station.
POSSIBLE CAUSE:. Inadequate training and knowledge of procedures.
NUREG-0654, K.5.b; East Baton Rouge Parish Emergency Response Procedure for Zachary Fire Department, Attachment 12.
EFFECT: Further spread of contamination to the emergency worker or monitors at the station may have occurred.
CORRECTIVE ACTION DEMONSTRATED: A correction on the spot was requested to review the disposition of personal items (wristwatch) which had 20:.
not been removed from the contaminated emergency worker. Training was conducted by the utility representative and the monitor correctly re-demonstrated the process for removal, tracking and disposition of personal items.
ISSUE NO.: 53-08-6b1-A-04 ISSUE: Facility/ORO has adequate procedures and resources for the accomplishment of monitoring and decontamination of .emergency worker equipment including vehicles. (NUREG_0654, K.5.b)
CONDITION: Improper speed and distance technique was used while surveying an emergency'worker.
POSSIBLE CAUSE: Inadequate training on personnel surveying procedures.
NUREG-0654, K.5.b.; East Baton Rouge Parish Emergency Response Procedure for Zachary Fire Department, Attachment 6.
EFFECT: Contamination may not have been. detected causing further spread of contamination.
CORRECTIVE ACTION DEMONSTRATED: A correction on the spot was requested to review the proper techniques for speed and distance while surveying an individual. The utility representative reviewed and demonstrated the proper technique. The personnel monitoring team re-demonstrated surveying the emergency worker and successfully completed the process in accordance to the procedures.
4.2.4. Private Jurisdictions
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~... ".."
- ,,o.*,.,.", , ",.",-,....,.........* "."i.*"." :
21T> EAS Radio Station WJBO
- a. MET: 5.a.1.
APPENDIX 1 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS AAC Accident Assessment Coordinator AJIC Alternate Joint Information Center ARC American Red Cross ARCA Areas Requiring Corrective Action CAD Computer Assisted Design DAC Dose Assessment Coordinator DRD Direct Reading Dosimeter EAS Emergency Alert System EBR East Baton Rouge EBRFD East Baton Rouge Fire Department EBRP East Baton Rouge Parish ECL Emergency Classification Level EFP East Feliciana Parish EMD Emergency Management Director EOC Emergency Operations Center EOF Emergency Operations Facility EOP Emergency Operations Plan EPA Environmental Protection Agency EPZ Emergency Planning Zone FAA Federal Aviation Administration FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency FMT Field Monitoring Teams FTC Field Team Coordinator GE General Emergency HOO Headquarters Operations Officer IPM Initial Personnel Monitor IPZ Ingestion Planning Zone IRT Initial Response Team JIC Joint Information Center LDEQ Louisiana Department Environmental Quality NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission PAD Protective Action Decisions PAR Protective Action Recommendation PAS Protective Action Sections PlO Public Information Officer RAC Regional Assistance Committee RACES Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Services RADEF Radiological Defense Officer RBS River Bend Station RC Reception Center REP Radiological Emergency Preparedness SAE Site Area Emergency SEL Senior EOF Liaison 23'.
SEOC State Emergency Operations Center SOP Standard Operating Procedures T/ACP Traffic and Access Control Point TEDE Total Effective Dose Equivalent VMT Vehicle Monitoring Team WBRP West Baton Rouge Parish WFP West Feliciana Parish WFSD West Feliciana School District 24
Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency *Ernie Boaze ICF Preparedness Ronald Bonner ICF Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality Headquarters Ronald Bonner ICF Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality EOFI *Richard Grundstrom ICF David Seebart ICF Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality Field Monitoring *George Brozowski EPA-R6 Team One Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality Field Monitoring Jill Leatherman ICF Team Two River Bend Alternate Joint Information Center *Bill Bischof DHS/FEMA Robert Duggleby ICF Morrison Jackson East Baton Rouge Parish Emergency Operations Center and Joe Howard DHS/FEMA Traffic/Access Control Point *AI Lookabaugh ICF Baton Rouge River Center Reception Center Nan Calhoun DHS/FEMA Robert Duggleby ICF
- Chad Johnston DHS/FEMA Jill Leatherman ICF East Feliciana Parish Emergency Operations Center and *Nan Calhoun DHS/FEMA Traffic/Access Control Point Linda Gee DHS/FEMA Chad Johnston DHS/FEMA Pointe Coupee Parish Emergency Operations Center and Shyrlee Fox DHS/FEMA Traffic/Access Control Point *James McClanahan RVI ICF.
Point Coupee Parish School District Shyrlee Fox DHS/FEMA RVI West Baton Rouge Parish Emergency Operations Center and Lenora Borchardt ICF Traffic/Access Control Point *Marynette Herndon ICF West Feliciana Parish Emergency Operations Center and Mike Goldsworthy DHS-FEMA Traffic/Access Control Point *Wendy Swygert ICF West Feliciana Parish School District Mike Goldsworthy DHS-FEMA Zachary Fire Department Monitoring & Decontamination Center Mike Goldsworthy DHS-FEMA
- Joe Howard DHS/FEMA EAS Radio Station WJBO *Elsa Lopez DHS/FEMA
- Team Leader :- -
APPENDIX 3 River Bend Station Extent of Play 2008
. evision 3 R
5/14/2008 2b
STATE OF LOUISIANA I RIVER BEND STATION PARISHES 2008 EVALUATED EXERCISE JUNE 11, 2008 EVALUATION AREA 1: EMERGENCY OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Sub-element L.a - Mobilization Criterion 1.a.l: OROs use effective procedures to alert, notify, and mobilize emergency personnel and activate facilities in a timely manner. (NUREG-0654, A.4; D.3, 4; E.1, 2; H.4)
Locations State EOC, Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality Headquarters (LDEQ HQ), LDEQ at EOF (LDEQ EOF), Alternate Joint InformationijCenter (Alternate JIC), East Baton Rouge Parish EOC, West Baton Rouge Parlsh EOC, East Feliciana* arish EOC, West Feliciana Parish EOC, Pointe Coupee Parish EOC Extent of Play Partial participation at the State EOC will include the Governor's Office of Homeland Security
& Emergency Preparedness (GOHSEP), LDEQ, and the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals (LDHH).
The JIC emergency response team will be pre-positioned near the Alternate JIC located in Baton Rouge and will mobilize and activate the facility at the Alert ECL.
ARCAs None EVALUATION AREA 1: EMERGENCY OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Sub-element L.b - Facilities Criterion 1.b.l: Facilities are sufficient to support the emergency response. (NUREG-0654, H.3).
Locations East Feliciana Parish EOC Extent of Play The East Feliciana Parish EOC is new facility which will be demonstrated.
ARCAs None 2-7,--
STATE OF LOUISIANA / RIVER BEND STATION PARISHES 2008 EVALUATED EXERCISE JUNE 11,2008 EVALUATION AREA 1: EMERGENCY OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Sub-element 1.c - Direction and Control Criterion 1.c.l: Key personnel with leadership roles for the ORO provide direction and control to that part of the overall response effort for which they are responsible.
(NUREG-0654, A.l.d; A.2.a, b)
Locations State EOC, LDEQ HQ, LDEQ EOF, East Baton Rouge Parish EOC, West Baton Rouge Parish EOC, East Feliciana Parish EOC, West Feliciana Pari~h EOC, Pointe Coupee Parish EOC Extent of Play ARCAs None EVALUATION AREA 1: EMERGENCY OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Sub-element 1.d - Communications Equipment Criterion 1.d.1: At least two communication systems are available, at least one operates properly, and communication links areestablished and maintained with appropriate locations. Communications capabilities are managed in support of emergency operations.
(NUREG-.0654, F.A, 2)
Locations State EOC, LDEQ HQ, LDEQ EOF, Louisiana Department of Environmental Field Monitoring Team 1 (LDEQ FMT 1), Louisiana: Department of Environmental Field .Monitoring Team 2 (LDEQ FMT 2), Alternate JIC, East Baton Rouge Parish EOC, West-Baton Rouge Parish EOC, East Feliciana Parish EOC, West Feliciana Parish EOC, Pointe Coupee Parish EOC Extent of Play Note: Communications may be made with the LDEQ Environmental Radiation Laboratory for the purpose of meeting the communication needs of other players. However, the Radiation Laboratory will not be evaluated inthis exercise. , ..
ARCAs None
STATE OF LOUISIANA / RIVER BEND STATION PARISHES 2008 EVALUATED EXERCISE JUNE 11, 2008 EVALUATION AREA 1: EMERGENCY OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Sub-element i.e - Equipment and Supplies to Support Operations Criterion 1.eA: Equipment, maps, displays, dosimetry, potassium iodide (KI), and other supplies are sufficient to support emergency operations. (NUREG-0654, H.7; J.10.a, b, e; J.11; K.3.a)
,State EOC, LDEQ HQ, LDEQ EOF, LDEQ FMT. 1,LDEQ FMT 2, Alternate JIC, East Baton Rouge Parish EOC, EastFeliciana Parish EOCGPointe Coupee Parish EOC,West Baton Rouge Parish EOC, West Feliciana Parish EOC, Zachary Fire Department Monitoring &
Decontamination Center, Baton Rouge River Center Reception Center, Traffic/Access Control Points Extent of Play LDEQ FMTs will not don anti-contamination suits. Anti-contamination suits are available in the field team kits and will be demonstrated through discussion with the evaluator.
Dosimetry and KI are not applicable at the Alternate JIC.
" Fire Departrnent Montorng DecontammiatiOfiCenter will be demonstrated~out of sequence from 'the main exercise activities on M6fida*y, June 9, 2008'at approximately 6:00 PM. Participants may be pre-staged near tle moton-itbring & decontamination center.
- Baton Rouge River Center Reception Center will be demohnstrated out of sequence from the main exercise activities on Tuesday, June 10, 2008 at approximately 9:00 AM. Participants will be pre-staged at or near the reception center.
Correction-on-the-spot will be considered at-these locations at the discretibn of and concurrence between the evaluator and the controller. ý-CGution should be exercised to insure that exercise play is not internupted: Correctiori-on-the-spot at Parish EOC's are limited to areas outside the EOC operations area (i.e.,, emergency worker briefings and issue of dosimetry in other rooms).
ARCAs None EVALUATION AREA 2: PROTECTIVE ACTION DECISION-MAKING Sub-element 2.a - Emergency Worker Exposure Control
STATE OF LOUISIANA / RIVER BEND STATION PARISHES 2008 EVALUATED EXERCISE JUNE 11, 2008 Criterion 2.a.l: OROs use a decision-making process, considering relevant factors and appropriate coordination, to insure that an exposure control system, including the use of KI, is in place for emergency workers including provisions to authorize radiation exposure in excess of administrative limits or protective action guides. (NUREG-0654, K.4; J.10.e, f)
Locations State EOC, LDEQ EOF, East'Baton Rouge Parish EOC, West Baton Rouge Parish EOC, East Feliciana Parish EOC, West Feliciana Parish EOC, Pointe Coupee Parish EOC Extent of Play If the scenario does not warrant a discussion on either:the authorization to administer KI or emergency worker (EW) exposure exceeding administrative limits, then the criteria shall be accomplished through an interview with the evaluator. Note: Parish decision-makers receive recommendations for KI and EW exposure from the State EOC.
ARCAs2 None EVALUATION AREA 2: PROTECTIVE ACTION DECISION-MAKING Sub-element 2.b. -Radiological Assessment and Protective Action Recommendations and Decisions for the Plume Phase of theEmergency.
Criterion 2.b.l: Appropriate protective action recommendations are based on available information on plant conditions, field monitoring data, and licensee and ORO dose projections, as well as knowledge of on-site and off-site environmental conditions.
(NUREG-0654, 1.8, 10 and Supplement 3)
Locations State EOC, LDEQ EOF Extent of Play The LDEQ EOF controller will interject simulated field monitoring data to the Dose Assessment Coordinator for the purpose of dose projection validation and verification through back cilcaulations. : -."
ARCAs None JU-
STATE OF LOUISIANA / RIVER BEND STATION PARISHES 2008 EVALUATED EXERCISE JUNE 11,2008 EVALUATION AREA 2: PROTECTIVE ACTION DECISION-MAKING Sub-element 2.b. - Radiological Assessment and Protective Action Recommendations and Decisions for the Plume Phase of the Emergency Criterion 2.b.2: A decision making process involving consideration of appropriate factors and necessary coordination is used to make protective action decisions (PAD) for the general public (including the recommendation for the use of KI, if ORO policy).
(NUREG-0654, J.9; J.10.f, m)
Locations State EOC, East Baton Rouge Parish EOC, West Baton Rouge Parish EOC, East Feliciana Parish EOC, West Feliciana Parish EOC, Pointe Coupee Parish EOC Extent of Play ..
According to the State of Louisiana's policy, KI is not considered for the general public.
ARCAs None EVALUATION AREA 2: PROTECTIVE ACTION DECISION-MAKING Sub-element 2.c - Protective Action Decisions Consideration for the Pirotection of Special Populations Criterion 2.c.1: Protective action decisions are made,, as, appropriate, for special population groups. (NUREG-0654, J.9; J.10.d, e),
Locations East Baton Rouge Parish EOC, East Feliciana Parish EOC, West Feliciana Parish EOC, Pointe Coupee Parish EOC, West Baton Rouge Parish EOC (if applicable)
Extent of Play If the scenario does not warrant a discussion on protective action decisions for the protection of special populations, then the criteria shall be accomplished through an interview with the evaluator.
- - 31 *- - ..---.
STATE OF LOUISIANA / RIVER BEND STATION PARISHES 2008 EVALUATED EXERCISE JUNE 11, 2008 If the Resource Data Book at the West Baton Rouge Parish EOC does not list any special populations at the time of the exercise, the criteria shall be accomplished through an interview with an evaluator.
ARCAs None EVALUATION AREA 3: PROTECTIVE ACTION IMPLEMENTATION Sub-element 3.a - Implementation of Emergency, Worker Exposure Control Criterion 3.a.l: The OROs issue appropriate dosimetry and procedures, and manage radiological exposure to emergency workers in accordance with the plans and Procedures.
Emergency workers periodically and at the end of each mission read their dosimeters and record the readings on the appropriate exposure record or chart. (NUREG-0654, K.3.a, b)
Locations LDEQ EOF, LDEQ FMT 1, LDEQ FMT 2, East Baton Rouge Parish EOC, West Baton Rouge Parish EOC, East Feliciana Parish EOC, West Feliciana Parish EOC, Pointe Coupee Parish EOC, Pointe Coupee Parishb.School District, West Feliciana Parish School District, Zachary Fire Department Monitoring &Decontamination, Baton Rouge River Center.Recpption Center Extent of Play LDEQ FMTs will not don anti-contamination suits.
- Zachary Fire Department Monitoring & Decontamination Center will be demonstrated out of sequence from the main exercise activities on Monday, June 9., 2008 at, approximately 6:00 PM. Participants may be pre-staged near the monitoring & decontamination center.
- Baton Rouge River Center Reception Center will be demonstrated out of sequence from the main exercise activities on Tuesday, June 10, 2008 at approximately 9:00 AM. Participants will be pre-staged at or near the reception center.
Correction-on-the-spot will 6ie considered aftihese locations at the discretion of and concurrence, betweenthe evaluator and the controller.. Caution should be exercised to insure that exercise play is not interrupted. Correction-on-the-spot at Parish EOC's are limited to
. areas outside the, EOC operatipns-,area,(i.e.., emergency worker briefings and issue of dosimetry in other rooms):,
ARCAs 15z
- 2008 EVALUATED EXERCISE JUNE 11,2008 70-07-3al-A-01: To be demonstrated during this exercise at the LDEQ.EOF.
EVALUATION AREA 3: PROTECTIVE ACTION IMPLEMENTATION Sub-element 3.b - Implementation of KI Decision Criterion 3.b.l: KI and appropriate instructions are available should a decision to recommend use of KI. be made. Appropriate record keeping of the administration of KI for emergency workers and institutionalized individuals (not the general public) is maintained. (NUREG-0654, J.1O0.e)y Locations .
- East Baton Rouge'Parish Eoc, West Baton Rouge"Parish EOC..
Extent of Play Note: There are no institutionalized individuals within the 10-mile EPZ affected areas of East Baton Rouge Parish or West Baton Rouge Parish. Decision-making and discussion will focus on emergency workers.
The capability to make KI available to 'emergency workers as well as the capability to accomplish distribution of KI consistent with decisions made will be-demonstrated; however, actual distribution of KI will not be demonstrated. Emergency workers will be able to discuss with the evaluator their procedure on the use of KI and appropriate record-keeping process.
Correction-on-the-spot will be consideredit these '10&ýtions At the discretion of and concurrence between the evaluator and the controller. Caution should be exercised to insure that exercise play is not interrupted. Correctior-on--the'spot at Parish EOC's 'are limited to areas outside the EOC operations area (i:e., emergericy'worker briefings and issue of dosimetry in other rooms)..-
ARCAs None EVALUATION AREA 3: PROTECTIVE ACTION IMPLEMENTATION Sub-element 3.c. - Implementation of Protective Actions for Special Populations Criterion 3.c. 1 - Protective action decisions Ere implemented-for special populations other than schools within areas subject to protective actions. (NUREG-0654, J.10.c, d, g)
Locations 33...
STATE OF LOUISIANA / RIVER BEND STATION PARISHES 2008 EVALUATED EXERCISE zJUNE 11, 2008 East Baton Rouge Parish EOC, East Feliciana Parish EOC, West Feliciana Parish EOC, Pointe Coupee Parish EOC, West Baton Rouge Parish EOC Extent of Play The EOCs will demonstrate the capability to alert and notify special population facilities, special populations and individuals according to plans and procedures, as applicable, and it will be accomplished through a discussion. Contact with a special facility will be simulated.
If the Resource Data Book at the West Baton Rouge Parish EOC does not list any special populations at the time of the exercise, the criteria shall be accomplished through an interview with an evaluator.
ARCAs None EVALUATION AREA 3: PROTECTIVE ACTION IMPLEMENTATION Sub-element 3.c. - Implementation of Protective Actions for Special Populations Criterion 3.c.2 - OROs/School officials implement protective actions for schools.
(NUREG-0654, J.10.c, d, g)
Locations Pointe Coupee Parish School District, West Feliciana Parish School District Extent of Play A school official from a selected school wvill. report to the EOC and demonstrate the implementation of protective actions for the school population by describing to the evaluator the procedures that would be followed. The school official will discuss with evaluator the capability to alert and notify all schools according to plans and procedures, as applicable.
Using the method specified in procedures, one transportation provider for the school will be contacted. The transportation provider will report to the EOC. Implementation of transportation for schools will be demonstrated through a discussion. The transportation provider will not drive the route to the reception center.
The discussions with the school official and the transportation provider will occur outside of the EOC operations area after they report to the EOC.. The discussions will occur at a time, as determined by the evaluator, when EOC activities do not require observation.
STATE OF LOUISIANA / RIVER BEND STATION PARISHES 2008 EVALUATED EXERCISE JUNE 11, 2008 Correction-on-the-spot will be considered at these locations at the discretion of and concurrence between the evaluator and the controller. Caution should be exercised to insure that exercise play is not interrupted. Correction on-on-the-spot at Parish EOCs are limited to areas outside the EOC operations area, i.e., emergency worker briefings and issue of dosimetry in other rooms.
ARCAs None EVALUATION AREA 3: PROTECTIVE ACTION IMPLEMENTATION Sub-element 3.d. - Implementation of Traffic and Access Control Criterion 3.d.l: Appropriate traffic and access control is established. Accurate instructions are provided to traffic and access control personnel. (NUREG-0654, J.10.g, j)
Locations , -
East Baton Rouge Parish. EOC, WestBaton Rouge"Parish fOC, East Feliciana Parish EOC, West Feliciana Parish EOC, Pointe Coupee Parish EOC Extent of Play This may be demonstrated out of sequence. One traffic and access control staff will.
demonstrate knowledge of their roles and responsibility by discussion with the evaluator. The discussion will be at or near the EOC: Travel to the traffic and access control point will not be demonstrated. If the scenario does not warrant this discussion at a location, the controller will inject data to stimulate a discussion.
Correction-on-the-spot will be considered at these; locations at the discretion of and concurrence. between the evaluator, and the, controller..,Caution should be exercised to insure that exercise play isinot inteirupted. Cofrection-on-the-sp6tat. Parish EOC'.sare limited to areas outside the EOC operations area7 (i.e., emergency worker briefings and issue of dosimetry in other rooms).
ARCAs None EVALUATION AREA 3: PROTECTIVE ACTION IMPLEMENTATION Sub-element 3.d. - Implementation of-Traffic andlAccess Control '
Criterion 3.d.2: Impediments to evacuation are identified and resolved. (NUREG-0654, J.10.k)
STATE OF LOUISIANA / RIVER BEND STATION PARISHES 2008 EVALUATED EXERCISE JUNE 11,2008 Locations East Baton Rouge Parish EOC, West Baton Rouge Parish EOC, East Feliciana Parish EOC, West Feliciana Parish EOC, and Pointe Coupee Parish EOC Extent of Play Evaluation will be by discussion, or by controller interject, of the capability to identify and take appropriate actions to deal with impediments and may be conducted out-of-sequence.
ARCAs None '
EVALUATION AREA 4: FIELD MEASURMENT AND ANALYSES Sub-element 4.a - Plume Phase Field Measurement and Analyses Criterion 4.a.1: The field teams are equipped to perform field measurements of direct radiation exposure (cloud and ground shine) and to sample airborne radioiodine and particulate. (NUREG-0654, H.10; 1.7, 8, 9)
Locations LDEQ FMT 1, LDEQ FMT 2 Extent of Play LDEQ FMTs will not don anti-contamination suits.
'Correction-on-the-spot will-be considered at these locations at thediscretion of and concurrence between the evaluator and the controller Caution should be exercised to insure that exercise play is not interrupted.
ARCAs None EVALUATION AREAA4: FIELD MEASURMENT AND ANALYSES Sub-element 4.a - Plume Phase Field' Measurement and Analyses Criterion.4.a.2:-Field teams are managed to obtain sufficient information to help characterize the:rlease and to c6ntroll radiationý exposure. (NUREG-0654, H.12; 1.8, 11;
...... "6
STATE OF LOUISIANA / RIVER BEND STATION PARISHES 2008 EVALUATED EXERCISE JUNE 11, 2008 Locations LDEQ EOF Extent of Play ARCAs None EVALUATION AREA 4: FIELD MEASURMENT AND ANALYSES Sub-element 4.a - Plume Phase Field Measurement and Analyses Criterion 4.a.3: Ambient radiation measurement are made and recorded at appropriate locations, and radioiodine and par~ticulate samplpr sare collected. Teams will move to an appropriate low background location to determine whether any significant (as specified in the plan and/or procedures) amount of radioactivity has been collected on the sampling media. (NUREG-0654, 1.9)
Locations LDEQ FMT 1, LDEQ FMT 2 Extent of Play LDEQ FMTs will not don anti-contamination suits. Charcoal cartridges will be used for air sampling during this exercise. Note: Silver zeolite cartridges are available.
Correction-on-the-spot will be considered at these locations at the discretion of and concurrence'between the evaluator and the, controller. Xaution should be exercised to insure that exercise play is not interrupted.
ARCAs None EVALUATION AREA 5: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION & PUBLIC INFORMATION Sub-element 5.a - Activation of the Prompt Alert and Notification System Criterion 5.a.l: Activities associated with primary alerting and. notific~ation ofthe public are completed in a timely manner foqllowing the pinitial decision. by authorized offsite emergency officials to notify the public of an emergency situation. The initial
.. . 3..T7- . . .. ....
STATE OF LOUISIANA / RIVER BEND STATION PARISHES 2008 EVALUATED EXERCISE JUNE 11, 2008 instructional message to the public must include as a minimum the elements required by current FEMA REP guidance. (10 CFR Part 50, Appendix E.IV.D & NUREG-0654, E.5, 697)
-Locations State EOC, East Baton Rouge Parish EOC, West Baton Rouge Parish EOC, East Feliciana Parish EOC, West Feliciana Parish EOC, Pointe Coupee Parish EOC, WJBO Extent of Play The alert and notification system, activation procedure will be demonstrated up to the point of activation. The siren activatibn will be simulated.
The State EOC will demonstrate through discussion the dissemination of the EAS message to the public. The State EOC will fax the EAS message to the Alternate JIC.
'OUT OFSEQUENCE SITE ASSISTED VISIT WJBO radio station - A. siteassisted visit will be performed Monday June 9, 2008 at 1:00 pm.
ARCAs None EVALUATION AREA 5: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION & PUBLIC INFORMATION Sub-element 5.a - Activation of the Prompt Alert and Notification System Criterion 5.a.3: Activities associated with FEMA'approved exception areas (where applicable) are completed within 45 minutes following the initial decision by authorized offsite, emergency officials to notify the public of anemergency situation. Backupalert and notification of the public is completed within 45 minutes following the detection by the:ORO ofa failure of the-primary alert and notification-system. (NUREG-0654, E.6, Appendix 3.B.2.c)
Locations East Feliciana Parish EOC.
Extent of Play The helicopter and pilot will pre-stage at the helipad located at the Sheriffs Annex on Highway
- .- 6 1. . . * .. , . ,-.-...: .* ,: .-- ,, , - . , - "
STATE OF LOUISIANA / RIVER BEND STATION PARISHES 2008 EVALUATED EXERCISE JUNE 11,2008 The pilot will launch when notified of the declaration of a General Emergency. The helicopter will complete the flyover of the PAS 9 exception area within approximately 45 minutes of the decision to notify the public of the emergency. The broadcast of the message will be simulated.
The EOC will demonstrate the availability of a second person to accompany the pilot to make the pre-scripted announcement; however the Entergy Controller will simulate this emergency worker in flight to accommodate aircraft loading and will read the message to the FEMA evaluator.
The Public Address system will be demonstrated after the flyover at the False River Air Park.
The helicopter will land at the Air Park for the evaluator and controller to disembark. The evaluator and controller located near the launchpad to receive a.simulatedbroadcast made from the helicopter in flight. The helicopter will' launch and make an in-flight announcement test message similar to "This is a test." The evaluator and/or controller on the ground. will signal when the broadcast is heard. When-the demonstration is completed, the helicopter will return the evaluator and controller to the original launch pointý If a law enforcement priority prevents the use of the helidopter or the pilot or the helicopter is not available, the demonstration will be completed using the Pointe Coupee Parish helicopter and pilot. If the unavailability is short notice, the demoristration will,be scheduled out of sequence at a later date to be determined.
If advance notice of the unavailability of the West Feliciana Parish helicopter is received, the Point Coupee Parish staging area for the demonstration is the False River Air Park.
ARCAs None EVALUATION AREA 5: EMERGENCY:NOTIFICATION & PUBLIC INFORMATION Sub-element 5.b - Emergency Information and Instructions for the Public and the Media Criterion 5.b.1: OROs provide a'ccurate' emergency information and instructions to the public and the news media in a timely manner. (NUREG-0654, E.-5, 7; G.3.a,.G.4.c)
Locations State EOC, Alternate JIC, East Baton Rouge Parish EOC, West Baton Rouge -ParishEOC, East Feliciana Parish EOC, West Feliciana Parish EOC, Pointe Coupee Parish EOC Extent of Play Utility, State and Parish representatives will demonstrate the ability to provide emergency information and instructions to the public consistent with the scenario. News media will not be
STATE OF LOUISIANA/ RIVER BEND STATION PARISHES 2008 EVALUATED EXERCISE JUNE 11, 2008 present. Selected personnel will simulate the role of reporters asking questions during briefings. Controllers will inject public phone team messages, media phone team messages and news briefing messages.
ARCAs None EVALUATION AREA 6: SUPPORT OPERATION/FACILITIES Sub.element 6.a - Monitoring and Decontamination of Evacuees and Emergency Workers, and Registration of Evacuees Criterion 6.a.1: The reception center/emergency worker facility has appropriate space, adequate resources, and trained personnel to provide monitoring, decontamination, and registration of evacuees and/or emergency workers. (NUREG-0654, J.10.h; J.12; K.5.a)
Locations Zachary Fire Department Monitoring & Decontamination Station, Baton Rouge River Center Reception Center. .:. ,
Extent, of Play,.. *. .'.,
OUT OF SEQUENCE DEMONSTRATION Zachary Fire Department Monitoring & Decontamination Center will be demonstrated out of sequence from the main exercise activities on Monday, June 9, 2008 at approximately 6:00 PM.: Participants-may be pre-staged near the monitoring &
decontamination center.
Two emergency workers will be monitored for contamination. A controller will inject data foi a'simulated contamninatinri level for one e"mergency worker. Decontamination will be evaluated by demonstration and further discussion:'
Baton Rouge River Center Reception Center will be demonstrated out of sequence from the main exercise activities'on Tuesday, June 10, 2008 at approximately 9:00 AM.
will be pre-stagedat or near the reception center.
The capability to monitor 20% of the West Feliciana Parish, East Feliciana Parish and East Baton Rouge Parish evacuees living in the 10-mile EPZ over a 12-hour period will be demonstrated. To meet 20% requires (20% of 20,189 popUlati6n) a in6niitoring capability of 5 to'6 evacuees per minute. .
,. ' .',. , . " 7.* . o". , " " ' . -. , . : . . ..-
STATE OF LOUISIANA / RIVER BEND STATIONPARISHES 2008 EVALUATED EXERCISE JUNE 11, 2008 Six people will simulate evacuees for demonstration. One portal monitor will be set up and the 6 evacuees processed. One (male) of the six will, be simulated contaminated. One (male) monitoring station for contaminated evacuees will be set up and the contaminated individual will be processed to the decontamination station. Decontamination will be evaluated by demonstration and further discussion.
Handling of potentially contaminated personal belongings will be demonstrated by discussion. '
Correction-on-the-spot will be considered:at these:: locations at the discretion of and concurrence between the evaluator and the controller. Cautionshbuld be exercised to insure that exercise play is not interrupted.
ARCAs. None EVALUATION AREA 6: SUPPORT OPERATION/FACILITIES Sub-element 6.b - Monitoring and Decontamination of Emergency Worker Equipment Criterion 6.b.l: The facility/ORO has adequate procedures and resources for the accomplishment of monitoring and decontamination of emergency worker equipment including vehicles. (NUREG-0654, K.5.b)
Locations ....
Zachary Fire Department Monitoring.& Deco.ntamination Station; Extent of Play One emergency worker vehicle will be monitored for contamination: A controller will interject data for a simulated contamination level for one vehicle. Decontamination will be evaluated by discussion.
Correction-on-the-spot will -be considered at theselocations at the discretion of and concurrence between the evaluator and the controller. Caution'should be exercised to insure that exercise play is not interrupted. .
- Zachary Fire Department Monitoring & Decontamination.C,.enter demonstrated out of sequence from the main exercise activities on Monday, June 9, 2008 at approximately 6:00 PM. Participants may be pre-staged near the monitoring & decontamination center.
STATE OF LOUISIANA [-RIVER BEND STATION PARISHES 2008 EVALUATED EXERCISE JUNE 11, 2008 ARCAs None EVALUATION AREA 6: SUPPORT-OPERATION/FACILITIES Sub-element 6.c- Temporary Care of Evacuees Criterion 6.c.1: Managers of congregate care facilities demonstrate that the centers have resources to provide services and accommodations consistent with American Red Cross planning guidelines. Managers demonstrate the procedures to assure that evacuees have been monitored for contamination and have been decontaminated as appropriate prior to entering congregate care facilities. (NUREG-0654, J.10.h; J.12)
Locations McKinley Middle School (East Baton Rouge Shelter)
Extent of Play OUT OF SEQUENCE DEMONSTRATION - The selected shelter will be evaluated by discussion and walk-through at 8:00 am on Tuesday June 9, 2008.
- 1. With regard to last minute additions or changes to any previously approved Extent-of-Play, all suggested changes must be forwarded to the RAC Chair for approval.
- 2. The goal of all offsite response organizations (ORO) is to protect the health and safety of the public. This goal is achieved through the execution of appropriate plans and procedures. It is recognized that situations may arise that could limit the organizations in the exact execution of these plans and procedures.
- 3. In the event of an unanticipated situation, OROs are permitted to exercise flexibility in the implementation of their plans and procedures in order to successfully achieve the objective of protection of public health and safety and protection of the environment.
- 4. As a statement of fact, no ORO will deliberately deviate from its plans and procedures with the intent of avoiding responsibility.
STATE OF LOUISIANA / RIVER BEND STATION PARISHES 2008 EVALUATED EXERCISE JUNE 11,2008 As indicated in the Extent-of-Play Agreement, the State of Louisiana requests the option to correct issues immediately as defined in FEMA Policy Paper, Strategic Review Steering Committee, Initiative 1.5, correct Issues Immediately, effective March 31, 2000, signed by Kay C. Goss, CEM, Associate Director for Preparedness, Training and:Exercises. Acceptablejlocations/activities for on the spot correction are clearly indicated in the extent of play portion under each criterion.
¶ S
'Participating Organizations State of Louisiana.
East Baton Rouge Parish East Feliciana Parish
. PointeCoupee Parish
.West Batoh Rouge Parish West Feliciana Parish 44
STATE OF LOUISIANA RIVER BEND STATION EXERCISE June 11, 2008 Purpose This exercise will be conducted for the purpose of testing the ability of the following organizations to address an emergency at the River Bend Station: the State of Louisiana through the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality and the Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness; East Baton Rouge Parish; East Feliciana Parish: Pointe Coupee Parish; West Baton Rouge Parish; and West'Feliciana Parish.
II. Objective The objectives for offsite activities are listed in Attachment 1.
Ill. Summary of Events Attachment 2 contains a detailed timeline of major onsite activities. The following is a summary of those events.
The initial conditions include the information that Div II diesel generator (D/G) was running parallel to the grid per procedure SOP-0053 and tripped at 0755, 5 minutes before the drill start. The drill will start at 0800. The first event after the crew has assumed the shift is a control rod drop accident. At approximately 0845, the Shift Manager (OSM) will receive a chemistry report that the reactor coolant sample analysis indicates activity greater than 300 pCi/gm dose equivalent 1-131. An Alert will be declared at approximately 0845 to 0900 on fission product barrier category FA I - I.
At approximately 0940, a grid transient will cause spurious trips of CNM-PI A, CNM-PIC, CCS-PIA, and NJS-LDCIA supply breaker. The reactor will scram on lowering water level due to the loss of condensate (CNM) and feedwater (FWS). The RCIC injection system will initiate (manually or automatically) to maintain post scram reactor water level. The high pressure coolant injection system (HPCS) may initially inject if level lowers to -42" or if manually initiated. HPCS will be secured. Reactor pressure vessel (RPV) pressure will be controlled using main steam drains or safety relief valves (SRVs).
The RPV scram transient will result in a weld failure on the reactor coolant Recirculation system (Recirc or RCS) loop A pump suction line. Unidentified leakage will rise to approximately 200 gpm and a drywell (DW) 1.68 psid signal will occur at approximately 0945. The drywell high pressure 1.68 psid initiation setpoint is an indication of loss of the reactor coolant system barrier. Atapprgxirnately:0945 to 1000 a Site Area Emergency will be declared on FSI EAL I (FCI and;RC .), loss, or potential loss of 2 barriers. The SAE will be declared within 15 minutes of re.aching 1.68 ,psid:ci At approximately 1I 18, the RCS leak at Recirc-A line'crack degrades to a line break between the suction valve B33-MOVF023A-and the Recirecpuriip A. RCIC and CRD will inject but the magnitude of the leak is greater~than the makeupi. The drywell airlock door seal will fail and alarms will come in on control room panel P863 to alert operators. This is indication of drywell bypass leakage.
STATE OF LOUISIANA RIVER BEND STATION EXERCISE June 11, 2008 The crew will attempt to inject with HPCS but the injection valve E22-MOVFO04 fails to re-open. Level will lower to < -162". top of active fuel (TAF). at approximately 1125 to 1130.
After level lowers below TAF, area radiation monitors and the Containment / Drywell post accident monitor (PAM) indications will rise. Seven safety relief valves (SRVs) will be opened to emergency depressurize the RPV to enable low pressure emergency core cooling system (ECCS) injection. RHR A will inject but RHR B and C valves, LPCS injection valve, and HIPCS injection valve fail to open. The Severe Accident Procedure (SAP) containment flooding will be entered when RPV level cannot be restored and maintained above -186 inches. The estimated time for SAP entry is around 1145. Control room supervisor decision making process will determine entry. General emergency conditions are met when the SAPs are entered and GE FGI-i will be declared within 15 minutes of entering the SAPs. (FCI and RCI loss and PC2'potential loss) The containment and-dryw'ell post accident monitor readings will rise. Mihimum PAR scenario 6,will be recommended.
Theý drywell airl6ck seals fail causing drywell bypass to 'the containment atmosphere.
Containment integrity is 'maintained throughout the scenario. The activity in the containment is not scrubbed 'because 'of the. drywell bypass. 'Radiation release is from the containment design leakage into the annulus aid will 'be filtered by Standby Gas Treatment system prior to release to the environment.
':HePCSinjection valve 4 ,ill'faii toopen ahd after RPV depressurization, LPCS and LPCI B &
C injection valves will fail to auto open once below the shutoff head due to MOV failures.
RHR A SDC injection valve MOVF053A or injection valve MOVF042A may be opened after the low pressure interlocks clear:
NJS-SWGIA will be restored and the RCS leak will be isolated at approximately 1245 by closing the Recirc A suictiori'valve 'MOVF023A. Level xrill be restored above TAF. The "nainplintrefflueni monit6r'reading will lower after restoring level..
At approximately 1330 t61 400,.the simulator will be placed in FREEZE after verifying that all onsite and offsite objectives have: been demonstrated.'
STATE OF LOUISIANA RIVER BEND STATION EXERCISE June 11, 2008 Scenario Timeline 0800 Initial Conditions Plant operating at 100% power On-linfe 180 days.
" tDiv ii work week.
" Div il Diesel Generator (D/G) was started for a syste.m operating procedure (SOP) run at 0755. The D/G'started, ran fof appr ximately I inu.e anid 50 seconds and then shut down. No trip alarms were received. The onlY a'arm. received was the LUB.OIL TEMP LOW alarm. On the local panel, the UNITITRIPPED Iight came on, UNIT AVAILABLE EMERGENCY STATUS Iight on, SYNCHRONOUS light on and no other abnorm0al conditions. After the engine coast down to stop, the. UNIT.TRIP light went out with no operator actions`The'3ra RO .rdI&: tecfihnician are at thIe D/G investigating: The systemengineer was caled but has nt arrived.
The offgoing shift manager remembered a similai*iol:ctunence on the diesel generator last year caused by a problem with the logic board in the local control panel. He has not investigated any further.
" CNM-PI B out of service, motor removed
- NJS-SWG I S and IT are cross-tied.with power from NPS-SWG I B. NJS-SWG IS tripped last night. The operator found HVL-CHLR I B and supply breaker ACB389 tripped but it couldn't be'deterimined immediately that the chiller trip.was the cause of the bus feeder breaker ACB380 trip. Operations racked out and danger tagged ACB380 and ACB389 as a precaution. After a visual inspection, operators cross-tied theS and Tswitchgear. All readings are normal. Work request was written.
" Wind direction 358
- Wind speed 4 mph
- DeltaT +0.1
" Precipitation: heavy overcast, forecast is 60% chance of rain for this afternoon and tonight.
NOTE The times indicatedin the time/ine are approximate. The time Q/"
scenario events may be affected by operatorresponse in the simulatoror bv the timeliness oj'Emergency Response Facility activation and actions.
STATE OF LOUISIANA RIVER BEND STATION EXERCISE June II. 2008 Event I Alert FAI-1 (FC-I loss of fuel clad)
TIME Event. Cues/Indications Expected Response 0800 Investigation of DIV 1ID/G failure (CR-2007-00784) OSM/CRS/STA will determine Tech Spec:
applicability. (TS 3.8.9 and
The OSM will make notification per procedure OSP-46."
The crew will pursue the cause of the D/G failure.
0820 Control Rod Drop Rod 3637 Rise in reactor power Indications include a rise in, Pre-treat.MSL Rising pre-treat offgasline main steam and radiation radiation, anld turbine building monitors,.
- levels Rising radiation 'levels to indicate ciad damage.
The OSM will direct chemistry to sample reactor
. .. " coolantif Contingency Controller Iniect if (Acontroller must be near the The OSM will consult the EALs..
the CRS or OSM direct a manual ATC operator and another The crew will implementAOP-0061 .section 5.7h, scram at any time during or after this near the CRS at the control OSýM-/CRS/STA will 611 the reactoraengineer to event, stop the action with the- rod drop event to inject this the0nrt'roA room..
following message: "For the messageifnecessary) purpose of exercise progression control, do not insert a. manual -.
scram; perform a controlled shutdow'n using the applicable GOP."
0835 Controller Inject to OSM Iniect Message The OSM/CRS/STA will review TS 3.4.8 action B The OSM will receive a chemistry Controller will tell the OSM TS LCO to isolate MSL in 12 hrs report friom the controller that that a time compression is * -
coolant sample results are 300 simulated for the sample Review TS 3.7.4 for offgas. The offgas pretreat
STATE OF LOUISIANA RIVER BEND STATION EXERCISE June 11. 2008 TIME Event Cues/Indications- Expected Response pCi/gm dose equivalent I-13.1. result For-the purpose of the will be less than TS.
Controller in the simulator~will, drill. a chemistry ýample aind.
provide the cue to the OSM. analysislis complete and confirms-TS limit is exceeded.
--0835 to CLASSIFICATION The 15-min. clock for the The Shift Manager will declare an ALERT FAI-I 0850 The Shift Manager classification starts when The Shift Manager. or designee, will request the PI Alert FAI-I.onFCI loss. of fuel clad the OSM receives the communicator to report to the control room.
barrier. (co6lant samplqe.analysis of sample analysis report, complete the short notification message form.
300 pCi/gm.dose.equivalentl-131) announce the Alert in the control room- make a' AW..2........plant anouiueenent of the Alert~and to acti,ýatd all Emer.gencie s . '- facilities. and' complete. the A lert checklist in EIP-
- 2-002. Classification'Actions.
toNThe 15-min. clock for the Thecohmmunicator will report to the simulatorand 0"J 0905 The communicator will transmit the notification starts at the implement the checklistof EIP-2-006,.
P1 short notification message form for Alert declaration time. Notificationt, to notify the state and local Alert using ESP-COMM and authorities usingESP-COMM.. The Shift.Manager activate the ERO paging system. will approve the short notification.message. When directed, the communicator will activate the Emergency Response Organization using Dialogic paging system for an Alert.
0840 to The OSM/CRS/STA will make When notifications are made, the OSM will 0900 notifications per OSP-0046. receive directions to. start a controlled shutdown per GOP-002...
The chemistry technician and TSC .-The TSC/CR Communicator will report to the ENS Communicator will report to simulator and assume the ENS notification the simulator. function.
The TSC ENS Communicator will assume ENS notification function and will relocate to the TSC
STATE OF LOUISIANA RIVER BEND STATION EXERCISE June 11. 2008 TIME Event Cues/Indications Expected Response when operational.
The EOF, TSC, and OSC will man The Shift Manager/RM/ED will transfer the with minimum staffing and Emergency Director (ED) functions to the ED in operability established within 45 the TSC. Emergency declaration, corrective minutes of the declaration, actions, personnel protection The OSC will assume tracking and accountability for teams dispatched.
The JIC will man the alternate JIC. The EOF will assume the Recovery Manager (RM) functions. State and local notification, dose assessment, and protective action recommendations (PAR) will be performed in the'
__ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _E__ _ _ _ _ _ _ OF.. . ..
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STATE OF LOUISIANA RIVER BEND STATION EXERCISE June 11. 2008 I Event 2 Site Area Emergency FS1-I (FCI and RCI)
TIME Event Cues/Indications Expected Response 0940 A grid transient occurs and CNM-P1 A. P680 alarm and Loss of CNM and FWS injection and level will CNM-PIC. CCS-PI A. and NJS- indication of trips lower.
SWGIA all trip.
Emergency operating procedures will be entered The reactor scrams on either manual when RPV water level lowers to less than 9.7 initiation or level 3. inches.
Approximately 200 gpm RCS leakage will start in the DW from a crack at a weld on Recirc A loop after the reactor scram.
After After CNM trips, Level 2 initiations - RCIC and HPCS will inject. HPCS will be secured 0940 I-HPCS. RCIC, and containment or injection valve will auto close on level 8. RCIC Lt isolations will be capable of maintaining RPV level in the normal band..
Radiation levels will rise in the RCIC room when ihý system starts due to the coolant activity.
0940- RCIC will inject after auto or manual 1000 initiation and CRD is available. HPCS injection valve E22-MOVF004 will fail to re-If DW temperature cannot be open after it is overridden closed from the auto" maintained below 1450 F. EOP ENC initiation.
20 may be used to restore the available DW unit coolers.
STATE OF LOUISIANA RIVER BEND STATION EXERCISE June 11.2008 TIME Event Cues/Indications Expected Response z0945- DW high pressure 1.68 psid will be The SAE declaration The Emergency Director will declare a site area 1000 reached clock starts when DW emergency (SAE) on FS 1-1 (FC I loss of fuel clad reaches 1.68 psid and RC I loss of reactor coolant boundary). The RM P1 SAE FS1-I (FCIloss of fuel clad and will direct and approye the notifications. The ED RC I loss of reactor coolant boundary) will direct an owner controlled area evacuation. The condition is met. protected area evacuation will be simulated. The OCA evacuation notification by a Security Officer will be simulated.
The ED will demonstrate decision making for the egress point and an assembly area as required for protective actions for plant, personnel.' .
Z1000- NOTIFICATION The 15-min. clock for The communicator'will implement the checklist of 1015 The communicator (EOF) will transmit the notification starts E!P Notifitations. to notify the state:and.local tU) the short notification message form for at the SAE authoritiesusing.ESP-COMM* "
PT SAE using ESP-COMM. declaration time.
Protected Area evacuation and The Security Coordinatof inrthe TSC will verify accountability Simulated accountability within 30 minutes of the declration.
ý1030 The OSC team may attempt to reset -CNM will not be restored.
and restore NPS SWGIA ACBI4 and 15: however CNM A and C pumps NJS-ACB21 breaker may be restored to cross-tie cannot be restarted. NJS-SWG I A NJS-SWG IA to NJS-SWGIB. After the bus is ?e-supply breaker will not reset. energized, the.recirc valves B33-MOVF02'3A and MOVFQ67A will'partially close using: the control
__ _____switches on P680. The will not gofull closed.
STATE OF LOUISIANA RIVER BEND STATION EXERCISE June 11,2008 I Event 3 General Emergency FG1-1 (FC1 loss, RC1 loss and PC2 potential loss) __7 TIME Event Cues/Indications. Expected Response 1118 The crack in the A Recirc loop R.PV leVel will,lower. Containmentand Drywell propagates to a line break. PAMs start to rise after loss of adequate core DW temperature and pressure rises, cooling. The leak is a crackon the A Recirc'su'tion RPV level lowers to TAF, RCIC cannot tine between the suction.MOV and the-pump. .T1he maintain level and willi be lost after the leak cannot be isolated because of loss of powe'r to RPV is depressurized. the suction and discharge MOVs (NJS-SWG IA),
1125 to RPV water level will io to below TAF.. RlHR'RA injeciiton valve will open and: inject when 1130 pressure interlocks are cleared:.
Emergency Depressurization- occurs before level lowers to -1:86 inches. The seals fail on the drywel:l personnel airlock C,,
M0 causing bypass, leakage through the air lock seals to the containment atmospherei...
,A135 Containment post-accident radiation DRMS and ERIS Indication of gap release and clad damage after loss monitors (PAM) RMS-REI6A and 16B indication, of adequate core cooling.
and DW PAM RMS-RE20A and 20B readings rise.
1145 RPV level cannot be maintained above After the SAPs are entered,. E12-MOVF053B will be
-186 inches and SAP containment opened.,
flooding will be entered. This is a potential loss of containment. The simulator controller will make adjustments to the rate of injection to try to maintain a balance somewhere between -210 inches and TAF after the SAPs are entered.
STATE OF LOUISIANA RIVER BEND STATION EXERCISE June 11,2008 TIME I Event , Cues/Indications . Expected Response 1-145- CLASSIFICATION DRMS and ERIS The Emergency Director will upgrade to a General 1200 The Emergency Director will declare a indication. Emergency.
PI General Emergency on FG I-1. loss of 15-min. clock starts any 2 fission product barriers and a when the SAPs are potential ,loss of the third (loss. - RC 1 entered.
& FC I andlpotential loss PC2). Entry into SAP containment flooding is the If SAPs are not potential 4oss of containment PC2. If entered, after the the crew does not enter the SAPs, a GE PAM setpoint is condition will be met when exceeded.
Containment post-accident radiation monitor(s) reads greater than I E4' R/hour.
10 The Recovery Manager will issue The 15-min. clock for -The Recovery M~anagerrwill recommend PAR minimum PAR - Scenario 6. (Wind thePAR starts after scenario 6 and direct, the communicator to send the from 358 degrees, centerline sectorJ and the GE is declared, notification of GE and PAR.
adjacent sectors H and K)
NOTIFICATION 15rmin. clock The communicator will transmit the SNMF, The communicator (EOF) will transmit notification of GE the short notification' message form for and PARstarts at the The Recovery Manager 'will complete the PAR GE and PAR using ESP-COMM. GE declaration time verificatioh checklist and PAR decision time.
STATE OF LOUISIANA RIVER BEND STATION EXERCISE June 11,.2008 TINME Event Cues/Indications Expected Response PAR scenario 6 is the minimum PAR to evacuate 2 mile radius (section 1) and 5 miles downwind (sections 4. 9, and 16). Shelter the 10 mile radius (sections 2,3. 8.5.6, 7, 10- 1.1. 12, 13. 14, 15,. 17.
and 18)
Evacuate schools, institutions, and recreation areas
____ _inwthe ...........
__ _______*______ 5-m ile r'adius.
t1230 - Fuel Clad damage Risingradiationý level Fuel'clad damage will be simulated to increase after 1245 RMS-REI 6A andl 6B.will reach on,.area~monitors._" level lowers and stays below the top of active fuel.
approximately IlE4'R/hr P MsPAsandmain plant .
1120- Some ECCS injection valves fail to Cannot open using E12-MOVFO42B land.E1 2-MOVF042C fail to open.
1300 open on the initial open signal. control. sNitchisiinvthe Failuire mode'is the pressure switch and inter-lock for control room' loi head er pressure to allow opening:. t-)
IO E 2-MOVFO42A or F05 3A will be E21-MOVF005 will fail to open. bent valve stem opened after emergency causing binding depressurization and the recirc loop line break. ; .
.E12-MOVF053B may be partially opened after the SAPs are entered to maintain level between -162 and
-210 and then fully opened at approximately 1245.
E22-MOVF004 was overridden closed after the initial loss of CNM and FWS.
'Leak is isolated by closing B33- An OSC team successfully closes the MOVs by MOVF023A and B33,MOVF067A. 'driving them closed from the breakers.
B33-MOVF023A - NHlS-MCC2A bkr ID
-B33-MOVF067A - NHS-MCC2A bkr 5D EI2-MO.VF053B may be fully opened HPCS E22-MOVF004 will be opened manually by HPCS injection valve will be opened. ____an OSC team. . -
STATE OF LOUISIANA RIVER BEND STATION EXERCISE June 11. 2008 TIME Event Cues/Indications Expected Response Radiation levels will stabilize in the A PAR not expected. Weather conditions containment and main plant exhaust will be stable for the duration of the scenario and after the core is covered. radiation release will not require a PAR beyond minimum PAR.
.1400 (if all onsite and offsite objectives to ensure all offsite objectives have been have been demonstrated) demonstrated before terminating the exercise.
LDEQ will verify by contact with controllers in the state and local EOCs.
(0 U")