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(PA-LR) Update to Checworks
Person / Time
Site: Vermont Yankee File:NorthStar Vermont Yankee icon.png
Issue date: 02/19/2008
From: Rowley J
To: Beth Sienel
TAC MD2297
Download: ML080700166 (2)


Page 1 of I Jonathan Rowley - Update to CHECWORKS From: Jonathan Rowley To: Beth Sienel Date: 02/19/2008 4:16 PM


Update to CHECWORKS CC: Raymond Powell Beth I (and OGC) need to find out if VY has updated the CHECWORKS computer program they used to predict and track pipe thinning to account for pow!er uprate conditions. VY stated during the EPU process that the FAG Program (using CHECWORKS) would be updated to account for uprated power conditions. There has been one outage since the EPU was granted during which the updating was to have initiated, that is my understanding.

Could you contact the Flow-Accele rated Corrosion Program owner and verify if they have started updating the program?

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Update to CHEC WORKS Creation Date 02/19/2008 4:16:51 PM From: Jonathan Rowley Created By: Recipients Action Date & Time kpl~po.KP-DO Delivered 02/19/2008 4:17:09 PM' BEK (Beth Sienel) Opened 02/20/2008 7:53:07 AM RJP CC (Raymond Powell) .,Opened 02/19/2008 4:19:11 PM Post Office Delivered Route kpl~po.KP-DO 02/19/2008 4:17:09 PM Files 3ize Date & Time MESSAGE( )77 02/19/2008 4:16:50 PM TEXT.htm ~32 Options Auto Delete: *;.o Expiration Date: 14one Notify Recipients: i'es Priority: 'tandard ReplyRequested: 4;o Return Notification:

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