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(PA-LR) CT Presentation
Person / Time
Site: Vermont Yankee File:NorthStar Vermont Yankee icon.png
Issue date: 09/14/2007
From: Hamer M
Entergy Nuclear Operations
To: Rowley J
TAC MD2297
Download: ML072740381 (14)


CT Presentation Page I of I Jonathan Rowley - CT Presentation From: "Hamer, Mike" <>

To: "Jonathan Rowley" <>

Date: 09/14/2007 1:11 PM


CT Presentation CC: "Rademacher, Norman L" <>, "Dreyfuss, John" <>,

"Mannai, David" <>, "Metell, Mike" <>, "Lach, David J"

<>, "YOUNG, GARRY G" <>, "COX, ALAN B"


Here is the cooling tower presentation that has been provided to the Senior NRC Resident. Note that the investigation is still in progress and that some of the details provided are preliminary. However, I believe this will serve your needs to demonstrate how a cooling tower operates. Please use regard this presentation as "Information Only".

<<9-6-07 Cooling Tower Update.ppt>>

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CT Presentation Creation Date 09/14/2007 1:09:52 PM From: "Hamer, Mike" <mhamer(-,>

Created By: mhamer( Recipients TWGWPO03.HQGWDOO1 JGR (Jonathan Rowley) acox CC (ALAN B COX)


DLach CC (David J Lach) hmetell CC (Mike Metell) dmannai CC (David Mannai) jdreyfu CC (John Dreyfuss)

NRADEMA CC (Norman L Rademacher)

Post Office Route TWGWPO03.HQGWDOO1 Files Size Date & Time MESSAGE 386 09/14/2007 1:09:52 PM TEXT.htm 2468 9-6-07 Cooling Tower Update.ppt 2283008 Mime.822 3130223 Options Expiration Date: None Priority: Standard ReplyRequested: No Return Notification: None Concealed


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