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M040226B - Commission Briefing Slides/Exhibits for Briefing on Status of Davis-Besse Lessons Learned Task Force Issues on February 26, 2004
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 02/26/2004
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research
Download: ML040620152 (41)




Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research (RES)


  • Overview J. Dyer

@Inspection Program Management S. Richards e Barrier Integrity N. Chokshi e Summary J. Dyer 2


  • Action Plans developed for 21 High Priority items (3/03)

- Responsible Office

- Schedule

- Resources 3

Overview (cont.)

  • Remaining items integrated into individual Office operational activities via Planning, Budgeting and Performance Management (PBPM) process
  • Status reported semiannually to EDO and forwarded to Commission 4

Overview (cont.)

  • 23 recommendations were scheduled for completion by 12/03 16 were completed including all 7 scheduled high priority items

- 7 lower priority rescheduled

  • 22 recommendations are planned for completion by 12/04
  • 5 recommendations are planned for completion by 12/05
  • 6 recommendations TBD ri

Stress Corrosion Cracking (nCC)

LLTF recommendations incorporated in Action Plan

-SCC and Boric Acid Corrosion database

-SCC susceptibility model evaluation

-ASME Code changes

-10 CFR 50.55a revision

- Inspection Program Guidance

Stress Corrosion Cracking (cont.)

@LLTF recommendations have been combined with previously initiated actions

  • Progress being made on activities
  • Industry response has been generally positive 7

Stress Corrosion Cracking (cont.)

  • Activities completed and ongoing since Davis-Besse

- Bulletin and follow-up questions on licensees' boric acid corrosion control programs (BL 2002-01)

- Regulatory Issues Summary (RIS 2002-13) summarizing staff review of responses to BL 2002-01 8

Stress Corrosion Cracking (cont.)

- Bulletin 2002-02 on upper head penetration inspections

- Order EA-03-009 plus revision on upper head inspections 9

Stress Corrosion Cracking (cont.)

- Bulletin 2003-02 on lower vessel head penetration inspections

- Pressurizer Generic Communication 10

Stress Corrosion Cracking (cont.)

e Staff completed review and evaluation of responses to Bulletin 2002-01 regarding Boric Acid Corrosion Control programs and published results in RIS 2003-13 (8103) 11

Stress Corrosion Cracking (cont.)

  • Bulletin 2002-02 on upper vessel head penetration inspection was precursor to the Order

Stress Corrosion Cracking (cont.)

  • Staff reviewing inspection results and processing requests for alternatives to Order (Ongoing)
  • Temporary Inspection Procedure TI 25151150 was issued for regional inspector guidance (8/03) 13

Stress Corrosion Cracking (cont.)

Bulletin 2003-02 issued after discovery of leakage on bottom head penetrations at South Texas Project (8/03)

- TI 25151152 issued (11103)

- No additional cracking found in inspections to date IA

Stress Corrosion Cracking (cont.)

e Staff and industry responding to pressurizer heater sleeve leaks

- Staff developing generic communication

- Westinghouse Owners Group letter on inspection of Combustion Engineering pressurizer heater sleeves 15

Stress Corrosion Cracking (cont.)

- Integrated assessment to support regulatory decisions/actions

- Components of research programs 16

Stress Corrosion Cracking (cont.)

- Cooperative programs

- Results used to support review and confirmation of industry programs 17

Stress Corrosion Cracking (cont.)

  • Challenge: Replace interim guidelines in Orders and Bulletins with Rulemaking

- Endorsement of revised ASME code

- Industry working on alternative guidelines and technical justification 18

Stress Corrosion Cracking (cont.)

  • Develop a rulemaking plan

-Also considering developing a performance-based rule

  • Needs detailed evaluation 19

Operating Experience

  • Interoffice task force defined the objectives and attributes of an effective Operating Experience program

- Report documenting specific program improvement proposals issued in 11/03 20

Operating Experience (cont.)

  • Line management to develop implementation plan (4/04)
  • Framework to be established by 12/04

- Program will be dynamic and continuous improvements will occur 21

Operating Experience (cont.)

Key Findings/Recommendations

- Agency's current activities contain necessary functions

- Clear vision lacking of how activities should function together to support licensing, inspection and research 22

Operating Experience (cont.)

  • Recommends establishment of clearinghouse within single organization

Operating Experience (cont.)

Improvements to date:

- Organizational alignment of inspection and Operating Experience programs

- Significant enhancement in web-based access

- Improved communications to end users 94

Operating Experience (cont.)

  • Separately reviewing previous generic communications to assess effectiveness of commitments

- Initial screening completed (7/03)

- Selection of focus areas completed with management review and input (11/03)

- Verification Plan (3/04) 25

Operating Experience (cont.)

  • Implementation Challenges

- Resource intensive

- Effectiveness of interoffice coordination 26

Inspection & Program Management

  • The LLTF recommended se, Feral changes including:

- More focused inspections and follow-up to longstanding equipment issues

- Enhanced inspector traini ng

- Enhanced oversight struc' ture for plants in extended out ages (IMC 0350) 27

Inspection & Program Management (cont.)

  • Inspection guidance was revised to require resident inspector screening of all corrective action items
  • A new requirement was added to inspection program to perform a semi-annual trend review focused on recurring equipment issues 28

Inspection & Program Management (cont.)

e Program guidance was enhanced regarding NRC oversight of plants in extended shutdowns 29

Inspection & Program Management (cont.)

e A new "read and sign" training program has been developed and implemented

Inspection & Program Management (cont.)

Guidelines were issued for ensuring a more complete documentation of important staff decisions (3/03)

- Follow up effectiveness review in progress I1

Inspection & Program Management (cont.)

  • Challenges

- Need to enhance process for timely incorporation of operating experience into inspection program 112

Barrier Integrity The LLTF recommended that the requirements for Reactor Coolant System (RCS) leakage be improved

-Assure that plants do not operate with Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary (RCPB) leakage

- Plants can discriminate between unidentified leakage and RCPB leakage 33

Barrier Integrity (cont.)

  • Initiated research program at Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) to develop technical basis for RCS leakage requirements (7104)
  • Identified units with nonstandard RCPB leakage requirements (7/03) 34

Barrier Integrity (cont.)

e Identified improvements to existing Performance Indicators (P1) (6/04)

All leakage Technical Specifications (TS) could be monitored by Pis and compared to the allowable limits 35

Barrier Integrity (cont.)

- Evaluate leak rates associated with degradation of various RCPB components (3/04)

- Develop database of leakage events (4/04)

- Evaluate capabilities of leakage detection systems (5/04) 36

Barrier Integrity (cont.)

  • Assess adequacy of plant alarm response procedures (3/04) e Develop recommendations for inspection guidance and RCS leakage requirements (3/05)
  • Develop and, if feasible, implement Pi capable of tracking number, duration, and rate of primary system leaks (12/05)

Barrier Integrity (cont.)

  • Completed preliminary scoping study of risk assessments involving passive component degradation
  • Recommend multi-discipline review to identify potential risk from combination of failure mechanisms and RCPB locations

Barrier Integrity (cont.)

  • Technical basis will be used to support potential revisions to requirements using appropriate regulatory processes 39


  • Significant progress on implementing recommendations
  • Effort is integrated with other activities*

- Ensures efficient and effective use of resources

- Maximizes safety benefit

  • Activities have resulted in significant positive outcomes for the agency and nuclear industry 40