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IR 05000382-03-011, Letter-Notification of an NRC Triennial Fire Protection Baseline Inspection at Waterford 3
Person / Time
Site: Waterford Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 06/02/2003
From: Marschall C
To: Venable J
Entergy Operations
Download: ML031550367 (8)

See also: IR 05000382/2003011


June 2, 2003

Joseph E. Venable

Vice President Operations

Waterford 3

Entergy Operations, Inc.

17265 River Road

Killona, Louisiana 70066-0751



Dear Mr. Venable:

The purpose of this letter is to notify you that the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC),

Region IV staff, will conduct a triennial fire protection baseline inspection at Waterford 3 in August,

2003. The inspection team will be comprised of a team of reactor inspectors from the NRC

Region IV office and a contractor. The inspection will be conducted in accordance with Inspection

Procedure 71111.05, "Fire Protection," the NRCs baseline fire protection inspection procedure.

The schedule for the inspection is as follows:

  • Information gathering visit - July 29-31, 2003
  • First week of onsite inspection - August 11-15, 2003
  • Second week of onsite inspection - August 25-29, 2003

Members of the inspection team will visit Waterford 3 from July 29 to July 31, 2003, to obtain

information and documents needed to support the inspection, and to familiarize themselves with

your fire protection program. The enclosure to this letter provides a list of the types of

documents the team will want to review. After review the team leader will request that you

transmit copies of some of the documents to the NRC, Region IV office for team use in

preparation for the inspection. We would appreciate it if you could send this information to

arrive in our Arlington, Texas offer no later than noon on August 4, 2003.

We request that during the onsite inspection week, you ensure that copies of analyses,

evaluations, or documentation regarding the implementation and maintenance of the fire

protection program, including post-fire safe shutdown capability, be readily accessible to the

team for their review. Of specific interest are those documents that establish that your fire

protection program satisfies NRC regulatory requirements and conforms to applicable NRC

and industry fire protection guidance. Also, appropriate personnel knowledgeable of: (1) those

plant systems required to achieve and maintain safe shutdown conditions from inside and

outside the control room, (2) the electrical aspects of the post-fire safe shutdown analyses,

Entergy Operations, Inc. -2-

(3) reactor plant fire protection systems, and (4) the fire protection program and its

implementation should be available at the site during the inspection.

Your cooperation and support during this inspection will be appreciated. If you have questions

concerning this inspection or the inspection teams information or logistical needs, please

contact Joseph L. Taylor at 817-276-6559.



Charles S. Marschall, Chief

Engineering and Maintenance Branch

Division of Reactor Safety

Docket: 50-382

License: NPF-38

cc w/enclosure:

Executive Vice President and

Chief Operating Officer

Entergy Operations, Inc.

P.O. Box 31995

Jackson, Mississippi 39286-1995

Vice President, Operations Support

Entergy Operations, Inc.

P.O. Box 31995

Jackson, Mississippi 39286-1995

Wise, Carter, Child & Caraway

P.O. Box 651

Jackson, Mississippi 39205

General Manager, Plant Operations

Waterford 3 SES

Entergy Operations, Inc.

17265 River Road

Killona, Louisiana 70066-0751

Manager - Licensing Manager

Waterford 3 SES

Entergy Operations, Inc.

17265 River Road

Killona, Louisiana 70066-0751

Entergy Operations, Inc. -3-


Louisiana Public Service Commission

P.O. Box 91154

Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70821-9154

Director, Nuclear Safety &

Regulatory Affairs

Waterford 3 SES

Entergy Operations, Inc.

17265 River Road

Killona, Louisiana 70066-0751

Michael E. Henry, Administrator

and State Liaison Officer

Department of Environmental Quality

P.O. Box 82135

Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70884-2135

Parish President

St. Charles Parish

P.O. Box 302

Hahnville, Louisiana 70057

Winston & Strawn

1400 L Street, N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20005-3502

Entergy Operations, Inc. -4-

Electronic distribution by RIV:

Regional Administrator (TPG)

DRP Director (ATH)

DRS Director (TWP)

Senior Resident Inspector (TRF)

Branch Chief, DRP/E (WBJ)

Senior Project Engineer, DRP/E (VGG)

Staff Chief, DRP/TSS (PHH)

RITS Coordinator (NBH)

ADAMS: * Yes * No Initials: ______

  • Publicly Available * Non-Publicly Available * Sensitive * Non-Sensitive


JLTaylor/lmb CSMarschall

/RA/ /RA/

6/2/03 6/2/03



Reactor Fire Protection Program Supporting Documentation

1. The current version of the fire protection program and fire hazards analysis.

2. A listing of the fire protection program implementing procedures (e.g., administrative

controls, maintenance, surveillance testing, fire brigade).

3. Pre-fire plans.

4. Post-fire safe shutdown analysis.

5. Piping and instrumentation (flow) diagrams highlighting the system and components used

to achieve and maintain hot standby and cold shutdown for fires outside the control room

and those components used for those areas requiring alternative shutdown capability.

6. Plant layout and equipment drawings that identify the physical plant locations of major hot

standby and cold shutdown equipment.

7. Plant layout drawings that identify plant fire area and/or fire zone delineation, areas

protected by automatic fire suppression and detection, and the locations of fire protection


8. Plant layout drawings that identify the general location of the post-fire emergency lighting


9. A listing of plant operating procedures that would be used and which describe shutdown

from inside the control room with a postulated fire occurring in any plant area outside the

control room, and procedures that would be used to implement alternative shutdown

capability in the event of a fire in either the control or cable spreading room.

10. A listing of fire protection and post-fire safe shutdown related design change packages

(including their associated 10 CFR 50.59 evaluations) performed in the last three years.

11. A listing of Generic Letter 86-10 evaluations performed in the last 3 years.

12. The plants individual plant examination external event report, results of any post-individual

plant examination external event reviews, and listings of actions taken or plant modifications

conducted in response to individual plant examination external event information.

13. Organization charts of site personnel down to the level of fire protection staff personnel.

14. A listing of applicable codes and standards related to the design of plant fire protection

features and evaluations of any code deviations.

15. Listing of open and closed fire protection condition reports initiated within the last three



16. Copies of the licensing basis documents for fire protection (SERs, exemptions, deviations,


17. Electrical schematics and cable raceway listings for circuits supplying power to components

used to achieve and maintain hot standby and cold shutdown for fires outside the control

room and those components used for those areas requiring alternative shutdown capability.