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Request for Relief No. 9 for the Unit 2 Third 10-Year Interval Inservice Inspection Program
Person / Time
Site: Prairie Island Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 11/16/2002
From: Nazar M
Nuclear Management Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML023290578 (96)


Committed to Nuclear Excellence Mano K. Nazar Site Vice President Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant Nuclear Management Company, LLC 1717 Wakonade Dr. East

  • Welch MN 55089 November 16, 2002 10 CFR Part 50 Section 50.55a U S Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT Docket No. 50-306 License No. DPR-60 Request for Relief No. 9 for the Unit 2 Third 10-year Interval Inservice Inspection Program On November 15, 1994 we submitted for review our third 10-year Inservice Inspection Examination Plan for Unit 2 and, on April 19, 1995, relief request revisions associated with that plan. The NRC issued its evaluation of the Third 10-year Interval Program Plan on February 22, 1996.

The purpose of this letter is to submit a relief request for "limited examinations" associated with that plan. Attached is Unit 2 Relief Request No. 9, Revision 0 which addresses those limited examinations. We are requesting relief pursuant to 10 CFR Part 50, Section 50.55a(g)(5)(iii) due to the impracticality of obtaining "100%" examination coverage for the affected items.

By letter dated March 21, 1997, we committed to submitting relief requests for "limited" examinations following each refueling outage inspection (whereas the regulation only requires that the relief requests be submitted within 12 months following the end of the inspection interval). We recently identified that we missed one, for the limited examinations encountered in the Spring 2000 Unit 2 refueling outage. Our review has determined that we submitted the requests following each of the other refueling outages since 1997. The attached relief request is for that Spring 2000 outage. We apologize for any inconvenience our failure to previously submit that relief request may have caused.

USNRC NUCLEAR MANAGEMENT COMPANY, LLC November 16, 2002 Page 2 In this letter we have made no new Nuclear Regulatory Commission commitments.

Please contact Jack Leveille (651-388-1121, Ext. 4142) if you have any questions related to this letter.

Mano K. Nazar Site Vice Presi nt Prairie Island clear Generating Plant c: Regional Administrator- Region Ill, NRC Senior Resident Inspector, NRC NRR Project Manager, NRC Chief Boiler Inspector, State of MN P. Fisher, Hartford Insurance


ISI Relief Request No. 9 (Rev. 0), Prairie Island Unit 2, Third Interval and its attachments U2 Limited Exams.DOC


Limited Examination SYSTEM: Various Class: 1 and 2 Category: Various Item: Various Impractical Examination Requirements:

ASME Section Xl (1989 no addenda) Code requires full examination of inservice inspection (ISI) components per Table IWB-2500-1, and IWC-2500-1. Reg. Guide 1.147, Rev. 12 endorses Code Case N-460, "Alternative Examination Coverage for Class 1 and Class 2 Welds." This Code Case allows greater than 90% examination coverage of a weld to meet the "essentially 100%" requirement.

NRC Information Notice 98-42 "Implementation of 10 CFR 50.55a(g) Inservice Inspection requirements" Dec. 1, 1998, states, "The NRC has adopted and further refined the definition of 'essentially 100 percent' to mean 'greater than 90 percent' in 10 CFR 50.55a(g)(6)(ii)(A)(2) for required examination coverage of reactor pressure vessel welds. This standard has been applied to all examination of welds or other areas required by ASME Section XI.

The Prairie Island construction permit was issued in 1967. This facility was designed and constructed with limited accessibility due to component configurations and/or physical barriers for which 100% coverage is not achievable on some ISl components required to be examined for the Third Ten Year Interval.

Basis for Relief:

The following 10 CFR 50.55a paragraphs apply to the inservice inspection of components in accordance with the ASME Section XI code:

50.55a(g)(1): For a boiling or pressurized water-cooled nuclear power facility whose construction permit was issued prior to January 1, 1971, components (including supports) must meet the requirements of paragraphs (g) (4) and (5) of this section to the extent practical.

50.55a(g)(4): Throughout the service life of a boiling or pressurized water-cooled nuclear power facility, components (including supports) which are classified as ASME Code Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3 must meet the requirements, except design and access provisions and pre-service examination requirements, set forth in Section Xl of editions of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code ... to the extent practical within the limitations of design, geometry and materials of construction of the components.

50.55a(g)(5)(iv): Where an examination requirement by the code or addenda is determined to be impractical by the licensee and is not included in the revised inservice inspection program as permitted by paragraph (g)(4) of this section, the basis for this determination must be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Commission ...

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NUCLEAR MANAGEMENT COMPANY INSERVICE INSPECTION PRAIRIE ISLAND UNIT 2,3RD INTERVAL EXAMINATION PLAN Prairie Island was designed and most components constructed and installed prior to development of ASME XI, therefore design for accessibility and inspection coverage is not, in many cases, sufficient to permit satisfying the current Code requirements.

Limitations to inspections are primarily due to obstructions, interferences, and weld joint configurations.

A summary of the limited examinations are described below and included in Table RR 9.

Part A: Category B-B, "Pressure retaining Welds in Vessels other than Reactor Vessels."

Chemical and Volume Control (VC) Weld (W-2), Cap-Integral Tube-sheet:

Volumetric coverage limited, due to cap to tube-sheet configuration, to 48.75%

for UT examination. See Attachment 1, ISI drawing 2-1SI-34 and Attachment 7, Examination Report Number 2000U138.

Part B: Category B-F, "Pressure retaining dissimilar Metal Welds in Vessels Nozzles."

Reactor Coolant (RC) Weld (W-1) Nozzle to Safe-End: Volumetric coverage limited, due to nozzle-to-safe-end configuration, to 62.5% for UT examination.

See Attachment 2, ISO drawing 2-ISI-30A and Attachment 8, Examination Report Number 2000U1 19.

Part C: Category B-J, "Pressure Retaining Welds in Piping" Reactor Coolant (RC) Weld (W-1 3) Nozzle to Pipe: Volumetric coverage limited, due to nozzle to pipe configuration, to 53.75%. See Attachment 3, ISO drawing 2-ISI-5 and Attachment 9, Examination Report Number 2000U125.

Part D: Category C-A, "Pressure retaining Welds in Pressure Vessels" Steam Generator #21 (SG) Weld (W-E) Shell to transition Cone: Volumetric coverage limited, due to ring support at weld junction, to 11.4%. See Attachment 4, ISO drawing 2-ISI-37A and Attachment 10, Examination Report Number 2000U131.

Part E: Category C-C "Integral attachments for Vessels, Piping, Pumps and Valves" Safety Injection Pump 22 Supports A (H-I), B (H-2), C (H-3), D (H-4): Surface examination (MT) coverage limited to 83.0% due to inaccessibility of the bottom Page 2 of 6

NUCLEAR MANAGEMENT COMPANY INSERVICE INSPECTION PRAIRIE ISLAND UNIT 2, 3RD INTERVAL EXAMINATION PLAN of support because of concrete pad interference. See Attachment 5, ISO drawing 2-ISI-60B and Attachments 11 - 14 (Examination Report Numbers 2000M087, 2000M088, 2000M086 and 2000M089).

Residual Heat Exchanger 21, Support A (H-I), and Support B (H-2): Surface examination (PT) coverage limited to 85.2% due to the configuration of the support and concrete pedestal. See Attachment 6, ISO drawing 2-ISI-69A and Attachments 15 & 16 (Exam Report Numbers 2000P054 & 2000P056).

Additional Means of Establishinq Pressure Boundary Inteqrity:

System pressure tests and associated visual inspections (VT-2) required by Section XI are performed at the required frequency to ensure the piping system is capable of maintaining pressure boundary integrity. The B-B category weld was visually examined during a pressure test in 1997, Attachment 26, List of Section XI VT-2 Examinations.

The other pressure retaining welds with limited exams were visually examined during pressure tests in 2000, Attachment 27, List of Section XI VT-2 Examinations.

System integrity is monitored during normal plant operation by many direct and indirect methods, e.g., containment radiation monitoring, containment air monitoring, containment sump monitoring, containment temperature monitoring, system walk downs, surveillance testing, etc.

In addition to the UT volumetric examination with limitations for the listed B-F Category weld, the required surface examination (PT) was completed, Attachment 17, Examination Report Number 2000P023.

In addition to the UT volumetric examination with limitations for the listed B-J Category weld, the required surface examination (PT) was completed, Attachment 18, Examination Report Number 2000P037.

In addition to the surface examinations (MT or PT) with limitations of all listed C-C Category integrally attached welds, VT-3 visual examinations were performed, Attachments 19 - 24 (Examination Report Numbers 2000V393, 2000V394, 2000V388, 2000V389, 2000V314, and 2000V313).

Alternate Examination:

Limitations to the required examination coverage have been noted on the applicable ISI examination reports and included in the 2000 ISI Outage Summary Report. NMC will continue to document examination limitations.

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NUCLEAR MANAGEMENT COMPANY INSERVICE INSPECTION PRAIRIE ISLAND UNIT 2, 3RD INTERVAL EXAMINATION PLAN In-service inspections at Prairie Island Unit 2 have been performed to the maximum extent practical. When examination limitations are encountered, M&MR procedure ISI LTS-1, "Limitations to NDE," is applied. ISI-LTS-1 (Attachment 25) is used when an ASME Section XI Code required examination results in less than 90% coverage of the required examination volume or area. It requires a review of the procedures to obtain maximum coverage and documentation of the limitation. The procedure also considers whether an alternative method could be used to obtain improved examination coverage required by the Code. This procedure was used for all the items identified above to determine that the maximum examination coverage was achieved.

Limitations to inspections are primarily due to obstructions, interferences, and weld joint configurations. NMC will continue to utilize the most current examination techniques available for future examinations.

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NUCLEAR MANAGEMENT COMPANY INSERVICE INSPECTION PRAIRIE ISLAND UNIT 2,3RD INTERVAL EXAMINATION PLAN Table RR-9 Limited Examinations - Prairie Island Unit 2 - 2000 Refueling Outage Category Item No.I I~ SYSTEM . I s , Summary Comp ID.#1.Description 4. Method, Coverage REPORT I Limfi*tation


oeae B-B B2.51 Volume Control 2-ISI-34 W-2 Cap-Integral Volumetric 48.75% 2000U138 Limited due to cap to tube Tube-sheet UT sheet configuration.

501536 B-F B5.40 Reactor Coolant 2-ISI-30A W-1 Nozzle-Safe Volumetric 62.5% 2000Ul 19 Limited due to nozzle to safe End UT end configuration.

501405 B-J B9.31 Reactor Coolant 2-ISI-5 W-13 Nozzle to Pipe Volumetric 53.75% 2000U125 Limited due to nozzle to pipe UT configuration.

501935 C-A C1.10 Steam Generator 2-ISI-37A W-E Shell to Volumetric 11.4% 2000U131 Limited due to Ring Support

  1. 21 Transition UT at Weld junction.

502624 Cone C-C C3.30 Safety Injection 2-ISI-60B H-1 Support A Surface 83.0% 2000M087 Bottom of support Pump 22 MT inaccessible due to concrete 501377 pad.

C-C C3.30 Safety Injection 2-ISI-60B H-2 Support B Surface 83.0% 2000M088 Bottom of support Pump 22 MT inaccessible due to concrete 501385 pad.

C-C C3.30 Safety Injection 2-ISI-60B H-3 Support C Surface 83.0% 2000M086 Bottom of support Pump 22 MT inaccessible due to concrete 501390 pad.

C-C C3.30 Safety Injection 2-ISI-60B H-4 Support D Surface 83.0% 2000M089 Bottom of support Pump 22 MT inaccessible due to concrete 501396 pad.

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NUCLEAR MANAGEMENT COMPANY INSERVICE INSPECTION PRAIRIE ISLAND UNIT 2, 3RD INTERVAL EXAMINATION PLAN Table RR-9 Limited Examinations - Prairie Island Unit 2 - 2000 Refueling Outage iategory Item 1No0. SYSTEM I iSO*0 1":Method'%

' CobneDDescriptionbe's'P n /l.Coverage

-ov ra ekpORT; REPORT I l*m'_It Eli; a tlo Limitation 40 C-C C3.10 Residual Heat 2-ISI-69A H-1 Support A Surface 85.2% 2000P054 Limited PT examination due Exchanger 21 PT to configuration of support 501412 and concrete pedestal.

C-C C3.10 Residual Heat 2-ISI-69A H-2 Support B Surface 85.2% 2000P056 Limited PT examination due Exchanger 21 PT to configuration of support 501419 and concrete pedestal.

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NUCLEAR MANAGEMENT COMPANY INSERVICE INSPECTION PRAIRIE ISLAND UNIT 2,3RD INTERVAL EXAMINATION PLAN Attachment 4, ISO Drawing 2-ISI-37A Main Steam Nozzle N-5 Inlet Nozzle Inlet Manway B-i Ne Outlet Nozzle Outlet Manway B-2 Bottom View CL I D = Weld No Channel Head I = Bolt No To Tubesheet Weld NSP - PRAIRIE ISLAND UNIT 2 151 NSP - PRAIRIE ISLAND UNIT 2 sI1 DWN CHKD APPD SYSTEM tefam Generator21 Steam Generator 21 LINE NO NA Inwcn NO 2-JS!-37A REV 0 DWG No 2-ISI-37A REv ýL-Attachment 4


"*Holding Lugs I Safety Injection Pump (Typical)

REF DIYG XH-1001-648 NSP - PRAIRIE ISLAND UNIT 2 ISI DWN CHKD APPD Safety Injection Pump B SYSTEM Safert Irnecnon Pump B LINE NO __

DWG NO 2-!SI-60B REV t A

Attachment 5


" Thick S S Nozzle Reinforcment Ring See D'etail A


~Outlet =WELD No RF. DFVG- XH-1-215 XH-1001-1022 (manual)

NSP - PH*AIRIE ISLAND UNIT 2 lIl DWN CHKD APPD SYSTEM Residual Heat Exchanger 21 Residual Heat Exchanger 21 UNE NO- "

DWG No 24SI-69A REV -2L Attachment 6

9#0t,ý 7 IP UT Pipe Weld Examination Repoi' No.:

-in-ml Site/Unit:

Summary No.:

NSP I 501536 P12 Procedure: 151-UT. .16 Page. I 2000U138 of 4 Procedure Revlslon/FC: 13 I i Examination For. ISI Work Order No.: 00002 32 Applicable Code: 1989 ISO Drawing No.: 241si.34 Location: Containment


Cap-Integral Tubesht System ID: VC Component ID: W. 2 Size/Length: 6" Thlck/Dia: .719" Umitatlons: See Comments Start Time: 10:30 Finish Time: 10:52 Temp. Tool MFG: PTC Instruments Serial No.: 3355 Surface Temp.: 68 -F Couplant: Sonotrace 40 Batch No.: #98243 Angle Used 0 1 45 145T 60 Lo Location: Top Dead Center Wo Location: Centerlne of Weld Scanning dB N/, 37.0 400 147.0 1 Cal Sheet No.: 2000CA146, 2000CA147 Examination Surface: Inslde C] Outside [J Indication(s): Yeso No 10 Scan Coverage WRT Weld: Upstream [] Downstream &a CWg CCW[a Comments:

Scans Ilmitedtin tubesheet aide top dead center and bottom dead center for 3 1/2" due to nozzle Interference. Scans limited at 90 degree for 4" due to ID tag Interference. Scans limited by attenuation on cast cap side.

Results: NAD 0 IND E] GEO 5 Percent Of Coverage Obtained > 90%: No Reviewed Previous Data: Yes Examiner Level II C § s Date Reviewer

,lechlnger,Todd P. I11312000 Hailing. 15avldrA. it ,e4 Examiner Level N/A Signature Date Slte-evlew n NAI HIinney. Charles R. I , _

Other Level NIA Signature Date ANII Review NWA I Heater. Stephen B..


Limitation Record ReportNo: 2000U138 SfteUA)ni NSP I P12 Procedure: ISI-UT-16 Page: - 2 of 4

-Sumniary No.: M5015 Procedure Revision/FC: 13 1 tF For ExaminasJon ~ 1311 Work Order No: 0000232 N

Desipt ton or Limitateon0 2" Nozzle at top dead center and bottom dead center. 4" Nameplate at 90 degree.

Sketch of I.mitation: GNVD0EALSPl2FO2000WI2 SUPPLEMENTALIPI2 SUPPLEMENTAL UT1200OUl Urnltafto Iremoval requirements:

None Radiation lield: 200 mR I hr examinerl Level 11 n#Rviwe Bleching.4ir, Todd P. 1 Afl ' 511312000 Hailing, David A. 57I7L Examinern Level WA Signature V Date Site Review NIA I Klnney. Charles R.

Other Level WA Signature Date ANII Review ate WA 1 Heater. Stephen B.

I Determination of Percent Coverage for UT Examinations - Pipe SgteJUnlt NSP I P12 Procedure: ISI-UT-16 Report No: 2000U138 p

U0 Page: 3 of 4 Surfniy No.: 501536 Procedure Revislon/FC: 13 I Exanminaon For. IS! Work Order No.: 0000232 1 56.000  % LengthX 62.500  % volume of length 1100 = 35.000  % total for Scan I

+n2 56.000 %LengthX 62.500  % volume of lengthI100 = 35.000  % total for Scan 2 San 3 100.000  % Length X 62.500  % volume of length 1t00 = 62.500  % total for Scan 3 Span4 100.000  % Length X 62.500  % volume of length I100 = 62.500  % total for Scan 4 I Add totals andrdMde by # scam , 48.750  % total for 45 deg Other d _ (to be used for supplemental scans)

The data to be listed below Is for coverage that was not obtained with the 45 deg scans.

SianlI  % Length X  % volume of length! 100 = %total for Scan I

+ 2_______  % Length X____  % volume of length 100 = %total for Scan 2 Stan3  % Length X  % volume of length 1100  % total for Scan 3 Scdn 4  % Length X  % volume of length I100 =  % total for Scan 4 P*rt ent complete coverage Add otals for each scan required and divide by S o scans to determine; 750  % Total for om Site -Wad Supervisor Date: 4 7.4

Supplemental Report Report No.: 2000U138 t- :- -

Page: 4 of 4 Sutnyz o.: 50153B rxanjr:

Blechinger. Todd P. I. Levet Ul Reviewer: Hailing, David A. Date: I

/liOo Exaniner- WA Levt NIA Site Review: Kinney, Charles R. Date:

CoeIater, Ojher NIA Level: MIA ANII Review HeateStephen B.

SteraenPlot Date: .

I Corrfrients: COoveVA9 Plot No additional coverage obtained with 60 degree shear exam.

Sketch or Photo: G:'JDEALr5 2RO2000i SLE AL'1P2 SUPPLEMENTAL UfL200- I


UT Pipe Weld Examination Report No.: 2000Ut19 Slte'Unft: NSP I P12 Procedure: I$S-UT-16 Page: 1 of 5 Summary No.: 501405 Procedure Revlslon/FC: 13 I Examination For ISI Work Order No.: 0000232 Applicable Code: 1989 ISO Drawing No: 24SI-30A Location: Pressurizer


Nozzle -Safe End System ID: RC Component ID: W- 1 Size/Length: 6" Thick/Die: 1.379" Limitations: No scan area on safe-end side due to configuration. Start Time: 15:43 Finish Time: 16:25 Temp. Tool MFG: Talatemp Serial No: NSP 122 Surface Temp.: 70 TF Couplant Sonotrace 40 Batch No.: #98243 Angle Used 0 45 45T 60 45RL i I LoLocation: Top Dead Center Wo Location: Centerflne of Weld Scanning dB 44.5 44.5 65.0 Cal Sheet No.: 2000CA120,2000CA122 Exarination Surface: Inside D Outside R3 Indication(s): Yes a NoD Scan Coverage WRT Weld: Upstream 2 Downstream [ CWO CCWN Comments:

Performed supplemental 45 degree RL examination due to attenuation concerns on weld metal and Inconel buttering.

Results: NAD 0] IND - GEO __

Percent Of Coverage Obtained > 90%: No Reviewed Previous Data: No Examiner Level 11 Date Reviewer ( ~ Sig ture Blechinger, Todd P. I .. _ M riayr_- 5/31000 Hailing, David A. I Examiner Level II *Slgnature, Date Site Review "

Kilpela, Mathew F. , V312000 KoInney, Charles R. ,

Other Level WeA Signature Date ANII Review Dt IN/A IHeater. Stephen B. I pp00i'

MP Ultrasonic Indication Report Report No.: 2000U119 Site/Unit: NSP I P12 Procedure: i ISI-UT-16 Page: 2 of 5 Summary No.: 501405 Procedure Revlslon/FC: 13 I Examination For I$1 Work Order No.: 000232 Search Unit Angle: 45 Wo CL Wm

( Piping Welds Wo Location: Top Dead Center 0 FerrlticVessels > 27 Wil Lo Location: Centerline of Weld o Other Uf.

Ilo MP Metal Path Wmax Distance From Wo To S.U. At Maximum Response E:ni RBR Remaining Back Reflection WI Distance From Wo At NIA Of Max (Forward)

L Distance From Datum W2 Distance From Wo At NIA Of Max (Forward)

SAMPLEC INDICATiON Scan Indication  % W Forward Backward L1 L I RBR Remark

  1. No. Of Max N/AOfMax N/AOfMax N/A Max WA Amp.

DAC W MP W1 MP W2 Max Max 1 100% 1.5 1.55 N/A ANA A WA A 4c.w NWA N/A 360,DegreIntermi*entClad**oom.,y Behne, Tod P. I f aln.DvdA Iý IM2 Exmi,'ner Level ,, ý r Date SteRevimew o? Datea lVllpela, Mathew F. I 13120001 Kinney, Chalsrt k.

Other- Level N/A Signature Date ANII Review

up Supplemental Report Report No.: 2000WU19 LA II Summary No.: 501405 3:., ,- R Page: 3 of 5 i Examiner: Blechinger, Todd P. .Level: II Reviewer Hailing, David A.


Examiner. Kilpela, MathewlF. i Level 11 Site Review:. Kinney, Charles R.

Other. WA Date. ____,_o_

Level: NIA ANII Review. Heater. Stephen B.


Comments: Indication l1- Clad Interface Geometry Sketch or Photo: O.VDDEN! O2000P2 SUPPLEMENTALVPV2 SUPPLEMBUAL U'L2000Ui

', 1f71/

aaj S

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  • 1 ii zo 4.4 (WO I I C I-CO

l1W Determination of Percent Coverage for UT Examinations - Pipe Report No.: 2000U119 SitelUnit: NSP I P12 Procedure. ISI-UT-16 Page: 6 of 5 Summary No: 501405 Procedure Revlslon/FC: 13 I Examination For: ISl Work Order No.: 0000232 "4dog Scan I 100.000  % LengthX M2.000 %volumeroflengthlloo= 52.000  % total for San Scan2 100.000  % Length X 46.000  % volume of length I 100 - 46.000  % total for Scan 2 Scan3 100.000  % Length X 76.000 %volume of lengl 100 = 76.000  % total for Scan 3 Scan 4 100.000  % Length X 76.000  % volume of length I100- 76.000  % total for Scan 4 Add totals and divide by 2 scans r 62.00 %total for 45 dog Other deg _ (to be used for supplemental scans)

The data to be listed below Is for coverage that was not obtained with the 45 deg scans Scan 1 0.000  % Length X  % volume of length 1100 = __% total for Scan I Scan2 000  % LengthX %volume of length-1100= %total for Scan 2 Scan3 0.000  % LengthX -_-_ volumeoflengthI100

% = %total for Scan 3 Scan4 0.000 %LengwpX %volume oflength1100 = %total forScan 4 Percent complete coverage Add totals for each scan required and divide by # of scans to determine;

$4500 %Total for complete exam Example - 45 deg scan 1 - 63% plus supplemental 60 deg scan 1 28% ( of remaining required scan volume ) for total of 91% coverage for scan 1 volume. Repeat for the remaifnng scans. add together and divide by the 0 of scans (typicaly 4).

Site Field Supervsor.t i Date:

14 64'A14ceJrJ U - =

9 ago jr.T2,g

ýJN M0A M I "- UT Pipe Weld Examination Report No.: 2000U125 SIteJUnit NSP I P12 Procedure: ISI-UT-18 Page: 1 of 3 Summary No.: 801935 Procedure Revislon/FC: 13 I Examination For: IS!

Applicable Code: 1989 ISO Drawing No: 24SI. 5 Location: CONTAINMENT


Nozzle to Pipe System ID: RC Component ID: W.13 Size/Length: 6" ThiclkDla: 2.0" T Umitatlons: *See Comments Start Time: 11:10 Finish Time: 12:32 I amp. 1001 Mrr; " G instrumenm Serial No.: 3356 Surface Temp.: 95 'F Couplantr Sonobtace 40 Batch No.: #98243 Angie Used 1 0 145 1 45T 60 j ILo Location: Top Dead Center Wo Location: Centerline oftWeld Scanning dB I 38.5 lNA 153.0 51.0 Cal Sheet No.: 2000CA131, 2000CA132 Examination Surface: Inside 0 Outside [

Indication(s): YesO No 2 Scan Coverage WRT Weld: Upstream R Downstreamr- CWg CCWo Comments:

  • No scans on cold leg and weld due to configuration.

Results: NAD [a IND Q GEO fl Percent Of Coverage Obtained > 90%: No Reviewed Previous Data: No Examiner Level nadI Date Examiner. Level ,l .. t.* Date, Site Review Reviewer signatur

  • Datel

/DateI V~lpela R~thewF. 5/62000 V~lnney, Charles R. / C IOthe Level, NA Signature Date ANII Review ... *----*-_ */ " Date]

INIA I IHeater, Stephen B. I .:r.1.7.0:*


P Determination of Percent Coverage for UT Examinations - Pipe Report No-- 2000U125 i. -

SiteUrnit* NSP I P12 Procedure. ISI-UT-I 6 Page: 2 of 3 Summary No.: 501935 Procedure RevlsIon/FC. 13 I Examination For ISl Work Order No.: 0000232 Scan1 100.000  % LengthX 73.000 %voumieoflength100.= 73.000  % total for Scan I Scan2 100.000  % LenghX 95.000 %volumeoflengthlO0= . 95.000  % total for Scan2 Scan3 100.000  % Length X 11.000  % volume oflength 1100 = 11.000  % total for Scan 3 Scan4 100.000  % Length X 11.000 %volumeoflength100l= 11.000  % tolal for Scan 4 Add totals and divide by scan* a 47.500  % total for 45 dog Other deg- 60 (to be used for supplemental scans)

The data to be listed below is for coverage that was not obtained with the 45 deg scans.

Scan1 100.000  % LengthX 20.000  % volume oflength I IO = 20000  % total for Scan 1 Scan2 100.000  % LengthX 5.000 %volume of length100= 5.000  % total for Scan 2 Scan 3  % LenglhX %volume oflength1100= %total for Scan 3 Scan4  % Lenigth X %volume oflengthl1t00=  % total for Scan 4 Percent com plete coverage Add totals for each scan required and dride by # of scans to determine;

%Total for complete exam Example -,45 deg scan 1 = 63% plus supplemental 60 deg scan I a 28% (of remaining required scan volume) for total of 91% coverage for scan I volume. Repeat for the remaining scans, add together and divide by the # of scams (typicay 4).

Ste Field Supervisor~ Date:

NONE Limitation Record Report No.: 2000UM25 SiteaJnit: NSP 1 P12 Procedure: IS1-U'r.6 Page: 3 of 3 Summary No.:

Examination For.

501935 ISI Procedure Revislon/FC:

Work Order No.:

13 1 0000232 M

Description of Limitalion:

No scans on cold leg and weld due to configuration.



CoM0 I

Umitatlons removal requirements:

None Radiation field: 250 mRIHR Examniner Level N 4ga~ Date Reviewer e We~ntu Blechinger, Todd P. I 516r2000 Hailing, David A. I Examiner Level fl DateSite Review . e ilpela, Mathew F. I 66=000 /(Inney. Charles Rt. . -p Oiher Level IA signature Date jANI Review Date.

INA I IHeater. Stephen B. I ý ý J70

/c' UT Vessel Examination Report No.: 2000U131 SIte/Iaft4; NSP - _-Y12 Procedure: ISUT-3 Page: 1 of Summary No.: 802624 Procedure Revision/FC: 9 1 Examination For: ISI Work Order No.: 0000232 Applicable Code: 1989 ISO Drawing No.: 24Sf- 37A Location: Containment


Shell to Trans Cone System ID: SG Component ID- W.E Size/Length: 450.5" Thilck/Dia: 2.82" Umitations: See attached limitation records. Start Time: 11:09 Finish Time: 17:32 Examination Surface: Inside C] Outside 62 Surface Condition: Ground Smooth Temp Tool MFG: Tolatamp Serial No.: NSP 123 Surface Temp.: 75 "F Couplant Sonotrace 40 Batch No.: #98243 AngleUsed I 0 1 45 I 45T 6e0 e60T I I LoLocation: CenterflneofFWNozde Wo Location: Top To*

Scanning dB 44.6 164.6 164.l 60.2 60.2 Cal Sheet No.: 2000CA135,2000CA137.20000A138 Indication(s): Yes [] No Ea Scan Coverage WRT Weld: Upstream C" Downstream CW[] CCW[


Noted Indications recorded on Report #90-229, located outside exam volume.

Results: NAD Sa IND [ GEO _"_

Percent Of Coverage Obtained 980%: No Reviewed Previous Data: Yes Examiner Level Si n re Date Reviewer Signature Pate, Roberto. I56/612000 Hailing, David A. I S 1 Examniner Level ii gnaza Date Site ReviewDt Nwgard, Jerry W. I51612000 Kinney, Charles R. I Other Level NIA a 4 Sig ture Date ANII Review N/A I Heater, StephenB.B.


Sl Limitation Record Report No.: 200OU131 I Sde/Unlt Sumrpary No:

INSP I 502624 P12 Procedure:

Procedure Revlsion/FC 9 151-UT-3 I

Page: 2 of 6 NS Examlrnfon For. ISI Work Order No.: 0000232 Descrip ion of Umltalon Top vle, limitations #1 upper lateral support rng bolted ianges, each 7"in length, 4 -1 t ir to 13'5. #2 - t7 2"toT 1 9",

  1. 3.31' S"to 32, #4-36' 2" to 36'S% Side view limitation. support ring covers entire weld and lower 112" of base material Include l In the exam area.

Sketch 4f Uimitaton: (XVD.EAL5WI2RF02000%pl2 SUPPLEMENTALPI2 SUPPLEMENTAL Uro 1i "To?v LF..

tO417. LE Umitatiw removal requirements:

None Radiatiorl field. 6- 30 mR Exardnef Level 11 Date Revie-wernaue P Auer, R.ort G. I iý4000 Hailing, David A. I ai Level 1A Date Ste Review Ewa NIA IHeater, Stephen B. I

t Supplemental Report Report No.: 2000U131 0ý Page: 3 of 6 Summar, No.: 502624 Exaner AuerRobertG. Level. II Reviewer Halting, David A.

Exec inet Newgard, Jerry W. Level: If Site Review. Kinney, Charles R. Date:._____

I e. MA Level: WA ANII Review Heater, Stephen B. Date:

I-I Cofn o Deg"e Scan - No exam volume achieved due to support ring.

45 and 6 Degree Scanm - Scan #1 - No scan from Us direction due to support ring. Limited exam volume was achieved from second leg of Scan 12 Scan #2 - ULmited scan from tifs direction due to support ring and support ring bolted flanges.

kLnited exam volume was achleoved.

Scans #3 and 4 - No exam volume was achieved due to support ring.

See attached coverage workshees.


ro Determination of Percent Coverage for UT Examinations - Vessels Report No: 2000U131 P.te/UnIt: USP I P12 Procedure: ISl-UT-3 Page: 4 of 6 SuaT*, No.: 502624 Procedure Revislon/FC: 9 I ExamlrrJton For. ISl Work Order No.: 0000232 O feg Planar 93.800 9can  % Length X 0.000 %volumeoftlegh1100o= 0.000  % total for 0 deg t nl 93.800  % Lenglh X 27A00  % volume of length II00 = 25.701 %total for Scan I "can2 93.800  % Length X 30.500  % volume of length 100,, 28.609  % total for Scan 2 Scan3 93.000  % Length X 0.000 %volumeoflengthl10o= 0.000  % total for Scan 3

$can4 93.800  % Length X 0000  % volume oflength 1100 = 0.000  % total for Scan 4 Add totals and divide by S scans = 13.578  % total for 45 deg 6I

.SzanI 93.800  % LengthX 34.700  % volume of length 1100 = 32.549  % total for Scan I San 2 93.800  % Length X 53.700  % volume of length 1100- 50.371  % toWal for Scan 2 SLan3 93.800  % Length X 0.000  % volume of length 1100 - 0.000  % total for Scan 3

=an4 93.800 %LengthX 0.000 %volumeoflength1100= 0.000 %total for Scan 4 kdd totals and dvde by # cans- 20.730  % tota for 60 deg Pe ent complete coverage totals for each angle and scan required and divide by # of angles to determne;

% Total for complete exam Notn Sup )lemental coverage may be achieved by use of other angles I methods. When used. the coverage for volume not ned with angls as noted above shall be calculated and added to the total to provide the perent tl f t c e exat SueviorL

I Supplemental Report Report No.: 200OU131 Page: 5 of 6 Surmmary1No.: 502624 Excaner. Auer, Robert G. Level: IU Reviewer. Hailing, David A. Date,-:/A Exa4irner Newgard, Jerry W. Level: II Site Review: Kinney, Charles R. Date:

Cther. WA Level. WA ANII Review:. Heater, Stephen B. Date:

conimnents None Q.,

Sketch o0Photo: G.'IDDEAL-OPMRFO200PI2 SUPPLEMENTALMPI2 SUPPLEMENTALUTM" upper ldeal support ring i


IT Supplemental Report **

Repot No.: 2000U131 cý Page: 6 of 6 Summar) No.: 502624 Exan iner Aver, Robert G. Level II Revewer Hailing, David A. Date:

Exan rner Newgard, Jery W. Level II Site Review- Kinney, Charles R. Date:

Cthet WA Level. NIA ANII Review. Heater, Stephen 9. Date: jr-t:e

  • 1*

Courkn-eft: None Sketch oj Photo: GiJDD .5MI2RFO200PI2 SUPPLEMENTALP12 SUPPLEMEAL. f200DU1 upper lateral "supportring W-E 60P COVERAGE PLOT I


'W Magnetic Particle Examination Report No.: 2000M087 Site/Unit: NSP I P12 Procedure: ISI-MT.1 Page: 1 of 3 Sum mary No.: 501377 Procedure Revision/FC: 10 I Examn*ation For: ISI Work Order No.: 0000232 Applicable Code: 1989 ISO Drawing No.: 24SI- 60B Location: Aux Building


Support A System ID- SI Component ID: H-1 Size/Length: NIA Thick/Dia: .75" Limitations: See attached sketch.

Light Meter MFG- N/A Serial No.: NIA Illumination: NZA Temp. Tool MFG: N/A Serial No.: N/A Surface Temp.: <600 "F Gray Card (if used): Not Used Cal Block Serial No.: N/A Surface Condition: As Welded Lo Location: Support Bolt Centerline Field Orientation: Longitudinal Magnetic Particle Material:

Brand: Magnaflux Wet [I Mixed: Yes C]

8A Applied By: Dusting R Type: 8A Red Dry Ea No [ Spraying 0]

Batch No.: 92B062 Fluorescent El Wth: N/A Flooding.,

Equipment: Parker Research Serial No.: 7817 Head Shot --] N/A Amperes Fixed Spacing AC P' DC E Adj. Spacing [ 6n Inches Encircling Coils El N/A Turns Prods. Spacing El N/A Inches Current (machine setting) El W/A Amperes Indication Loc Loc Diameter Length Type Remarks No. L W R/L Comments:

MTPI Gauge - LMT-90 Results: NAD EZ IND __

Percent Of Coverage Obtained > 90%: No Reviewed Previous Data: No Examiner Level Ii Sijiature Date Reviewer Signature Date Johnson, JefferyM. NL v52W/2000 Hailing, David A. _ (Q KýZ j -5/Z0/,0D Examiner Level N/A Stiature Date Site Review \ / _,-,Signa Date N/A Kinney, Charles R.

Other Level WA Signature Date ANII Review ',,Date NIA I Heater, Stephen B. /1-


&W Limitation Record Report No: 2000M087 Site/Unit: NSP l P12 Procedure: I1S-MT-1 Page: 2 of 3 Summary No.: 501377 Procedure RevislonFC: 10 1 Examination For: ISI Work Order No.: 0000232 I mm I I Description of Limitation:

6" of weld on bottom of pads are Inaccessible due to concrete pad.


- - Icoy LJcff2 Sr F4i'ap CASI& S/Vor~i LJ4I.

5,P p 4/V04' Accis.~4hi, weLA

-er. 'C' -

PA4 7'r'P e-* oJ

~5ujp/ocr7S Limitations removal requirements:

None Radiation fild: < - 5 mR I hr Examiner Level II Siglature Date Reviewer Signature Date Johnson, Jeffoiy M. I 6~Jfr...-

1251000 Hailing, David A. 1(7 1XJL f3/CTz Examiner Level WA SIature Date Site Review Sionture- Date WA inney, Charles R. IU Other Level WA Signature Date ANII Review Date NIA Heater, Stephen B. I

14 X~ MhL~jIf Determination of Percent Coverage for Surface Examinations Report No.: 2000M087 Site/Unit: NSP / P12 Procedure: ISI-MT-.1 Page: 3 of 3 Summary No.: 501377 Procedure Revision/FC: 10 i Examination For. ISI Work Order No.: 0000232 Area Required (as shown in applicable code reference drawing)

Length 36.000 Width 2.000

=Total Area required 72.000 square inches Coverage Achieved Area examined 60.000 sq. In.I Total area required (100%) 72.000 sq. in.

- Percent coverage '  % (area reiluired - area of limitations = area examined)

-- fv To determine length of a circumferential weld Note - Diameter refers to actual external diameter not pipe size (see table below)

Diameter 0.000 (PQ 3.1416

= Length 0.000 inches Pipe Actual (Length) Pipe Actual (Length)

Size Diameter Circumference Size Diameter Circumference 2 2.375 7.46 12 12.75 40.06 2.5 2.875 9.03 14 14.0 43.98 "3 3.5 11.0 16 16.0 5027 3.5 4.0 12.57 18 18.0 56.55 4 4-5 14.14 20 20-0 62.83 5 5.563 17.48 22 22.0 69.12 6 6.625 20.81 24 24.0 75.40 8 8.625 27.10 30 30.0 94.25 10 10.75 33.77 _

Site Field Supervisor. SDate:

1. 1 - .

I W Magnetic Particle Examination Report No.: 2000M088 Site/Unit NSP I P12 Procedure: 1SI-MT-1 Page: 1 of 3 Summary No.: 501385 Procedure Revision/FC: 10 1 Examination For. ISI Work Order No.: 0000232 Applicable Code: 1989 ISO Drawing No.: 24SI- 60B Location: Aux Building


Support B System ID: SI Component ID: H- 2 Size/Length: N/A Thick/Dia: .75" Limitations: See attached sketch.

Ught Meter MFG: NIA Serial No.: WA Illumination: N/A uw/cm2 Temp. Tool MFG: N/A Serial No- N/A Surface Temp.: <600 TF Gray Card (if used): Not Used Cal Block Ser aiaNo.: NIA Surface Condition: As Welded Lo Location: Support Bolt Centerline Fiel,d Orientation: Longitudinal "MagneticParticle Material:

Brand: Magnaflux Wet El Mixed: Yes El Applied By: Dusting []

Type: 8A Red Dry No 66 Spraying [I Batch No.: 92B062 Fluorescent NWA El With: Flooding El Equipment: Parker Research Serial Nco.: 7817 Head Shot NA Nl Amperes Fixed Spacing El AC FZ DC El Adj. Spacing R 6" inches Encircling Coils El NIA Tums Prods. Spacing E] NIA inches Current (machine setting) El NIA Amperes Indication Loc Loc Diameter Length Type Remarks No. L W RIL Comments:

None Results: NAD [ IND E-_

Percent Of Coverage Obtained > 90%: No Reviewed Previous Data: No Examiner Level 1i Sig ure Date Reviewer S - ate Johnson, JefferyM. I Jv\ 5125/2000 Halling, David A. I --

Examiner Level NIA Si attire Date Site Review Dt W/A I Knney, Charles R. I Other Level NIA Signature Date ANII Review re Date WA I Heater, Stephen B. I

  • .h *

-p Limitation Record Report No.: 2000M088 Site/Unit: NSP I P12 Procedure: ISI-MT-1 Page: 2 of 3 Summary No.: 501385 Procedure Revision/FC: 10 I Examination For ISI Work Order No.: 0000232 Description of Limitation:

6" of weld on bottom of pads are inaccessible due to concrete pad.

Sketch of Umitation: G:IDDEALS0MPt2RFO2000P2 SUPPLEMENTALPI2 SUPPLEMENTAL MT12000M sr i AW Szr CA S v V' do PAW 1po 4

,e'- or 14tL. W

. S 8s Umitations removal requirements:

None Radiation field: <-5 mR I hr Examiner Level II Sig at re Date Reviewer :Signature ate Johnson, Jeffery M.

Examiner N/A K

Level NIA I

4 i, A.

Sig ture 5/2512000 Hailing, David A.

Date Site Review Kinney, Charles R.

1 -

.AI 1

- 0D Date Other Level N/A Signature Date ANII Review B Date NIA I Heater, Stephen B. /

. .~ b Wb' Determination of Percent Coverage for Surface Examinations Report No.: 2000M088 Site/Unit: NSP I P12 Procedure: ISI-MT-l Page: 3 of 3 Summary No.: 501385 Procedure Revision/FC: 10 /

Examination For ISI Work Order No.: 0000232 Area Required (as shown in applicable code reference drawing)

Length 36.000

  • Width 2.000

= Total Area required 72.000 square inches Coverage Achieved Area examined 60.000 sq. in. /Total area required (100%) 72.000 sq. In.

- Percent coverage L

  • % (area required - area of limitations = area examined)

To determine length of a circumferential weld Note - Diameter refers to actual external diameter not pipe size (see table below)

Diameter 0.000 * (PI) 3.1416

= Length 0.000 inches Pipe Actual (Length) Pipe Actual (Length)

Size Diameter Circumference Size Diameter Circumference 2 2.375 7.46 12 12.75 40.06 2.5 2.875 9.03 14 14.0 43.98 3 3.5 11.0 16 16.0 50.27 3.5 4.0 12.57 18 18.0 56.55 4 4..5 14.14 20 20.0 62.83 5 5.563 17.48 22 22.0 69.12 6 6.625 20.81 24 24.0 75.40 8 8.625 27.10 30 30.0 94.25 10 10.75 33.77,_

Site Field Supervisor: Sit FildSuevio- - 3eo-c

Wb' Magnetic Particle Examination Report No.: 2000M086 Site/Unit: NSP i P12 Procedure: ISI-MT-1 Page: 1 of 3 Summary No.: 5'01390 Procedure Revision/FC: 10 I Examination For ISl Work Order No.: 0000232 Applicable Code: 1989 ISO Drawing No.: 2-si-60-b Location: Aux Building


Support C System ID: SI Component ID: H- 3 Size/Length: N/A ThicklDia: .76" Umitations: See attached sketch.

Ught Meter MFG: NIA Serial No.: N/A Illumination: NWA uwl.cm2 Temp. Tool MFG: NWA Serial No.: NWA Surface Temp.: <600 TF Gray Card (if used): Not !Jsed Cal Block Serial No.: NWA Surface Condition: As Welded Lo Location: Support Bolt Centerline Field Orientation: Longitudinal Magnetic Particle Material:

Brand: Magnaflux Wet Li Mixed: Yes L] Applied By: Dusting P]

Type: 8A Red Dry ] No[6 Spraying L' Batch No.: 92B062 Fluorescent Li With: N/A Flooding Li Equipment: Parker Research Serial N( 7817 Head Shot Li N/,A. Amperes Fixed Spacing [i AC 2 DC I Adj. Spacing [ 6' "inches Encircling Coils Li NIA Turns Prods. Spacing 1 N rA inches Current (machine setting) Li N/A Amperes Indication Loc Loc Diameter Length Type Remarks No. L W R/L Comments:

None Results: NAD [ IND L_

Percent Of Coverage Obtained > 90%:" No Reviewed Previous Data: No Examiner Level II Signaltr Date Reviewer Sgau Date Johnson, Jeffery M. I 5125/12000 Hailing, David A.

Examiner Level N/A Signj jre Date Site Review e NIA Kinney, Chares R.

Other Level NIA Signature Date ANII Review ign. Date N/A IHeater, Stephen B

4/9ac-4nýL (-3

-p Limitation Record Report No.: 2000M086 SitelUnit: NSP I P12 Procedure: ISI-MT-1 Page: 2 of 3 Summary No.: 501390 Procedure Revislon/FC: 10 I Examination For ISI Work Order No.: 0000232 Umitation: due to concrete pad.

i Description of Inaccessible Description 6" of weld on bottom of pads are of Limitation:

6" of weld on bottom of pads are Inaccessible due to concrete pad.


Lcr44~ 5 614 -57 o T7 dr Sir PtMp G-A S weLd covr,.rO C:%

c~.S~p~F-r S'.P. A Al I ti ALPACT Umitations removal requirements:

None Radiation field: <-5 mR 1 hr Examiner Level II Slglature Date Reviewer Sn Date Johnson, JefferyM. ,I Vi&,... 512512000 Hailing, David A. /00 Eainer NIA Level N 0ASIature ..

Date Site Review Ki(nney, Charles R. 145a_*


  • ),*"J, Other Level NIA Signature Date ANII Review Date WiA /Heater, Stephen B. I

dr Determination of Percent Coverage for Surface Examinations Report No.: 2000M086 SiteWUnMt: NSP I P12 Procedure: ISI-MT-1 Page: 3 of 3 Summary No.: 501390 Procedure Revision/FC: 10 /

Examination For ISI Work Order No.: 0000232 Area Required (as shown In applicable code reference drawing)

Length 36.000 Width 2.000

= Total Area required 72.000 square Inches Coverage Achieved Area examined 60.000 sq. In. I Total area required (100%) 72.000 sq. in.

= Percent coverage //43 &3 % (area required - area of limitations = area examined)

I-To determine length of a circumferential weld Note - Diameter refers to actual external diameter not pipe size (see table below)

Diameter 0.000 * (Pi) 3.1416

= Length 0.000 Inches Pipe Actual (Length) Pipe Actual (Length)

Size Diameter Circumference Size Diameter Ckicumference 2 2.375 7.46 12 12.75 40.06 2.5 2.875 9.03 14 14.0 43.98 3 3.5 11.0 16 16.0 50.27 3,5 4.0 12.57 18 18.0 56.55 4 4..5 14.14 20 20.0 62.83 5 5.563 17.48 22 22.0 69.12 6 6.625 20.81 24 24.0 75.40 8 8.625 27.10 30 30.0 94.25 Site Field Supervisor. ate: .?.-,-,*"

11111111 Magnetic Particle Examination Report No.: 2000M089 Site/Unit: NSP / P12 Procedure: 1St-MT-1 Page: 1 of 3 Summary No.: 501396 Procedure Revision/FC: 10 I Examination For. ISI Work Order No.: 0000232 Applicable Code: 1989 ISO Drawing No.: 2-4s-60-b Location: Aux Building


Support D System ID: SI Component ID: H- 4 Size/Length: NIA Thick/Dia: .75" Limitations: See attached sketch.

Light Meter MFG: N/A Serial No.: N/A Illumination: NIA Temp. Tool MFG. N/A Serial No.: N/A Surface Temp.: <600 F Gray Card (if used): Not Used Cat Block Serial No.: NWA Surface Condition: As Welded Lo Location: Support Bolt Centerline Field Orientation: Longitudinal Magnetic Particle-Material:

Brand: Magnaflux Wet l Mixed: Yes [I Applied By:. Dusting R Type: 8A Red Dry R No [] Spraying []

Batch No.: 92B062 Fluorescent 0] With: N/A Flooding []

Equipment: Parker Research Serial No.: 7817 Head Shot [] NA Amperes Fixed Spacing [0 AC[] DC-Adj. Spacing [Z 6" Inches Encircling Coils [] N/A Turns Prods. Spacing ] WIA Inches Current (machinese tting) I NWA Amperes Indication Loc Loc Diameter Length Type Remarks No. L W R/L Comments:

None Results: NAD 9 IND []

Percent Of Coverage Obtained > 90%: No Reviewed Previous Data: No Examiner Level t Sigjure Date Reviewer SD Johnson, Jeffery M.

Examiner I 5125/2000 Hailing, David A. I L/h%

Level N/A [ Slature Date Site Review ,g Date NIA I t ,Kinney, Charles R. I ,:::er Other Level NIA Signature Date ANII Review Date N/A  ! Heater, Stephen B. I

-p Limitation Record Report No.: 2000M089 Site/Unht: NSP / P12 Procedure: ISI-MT-I Page: 2 of 3 Summary No.: 501396 Procedure Revision/FC: 10 1 Examination For: ISI Work Order No.: 0000232 Description of Limitation:

Inaccessible due to concrete pad.

Description of Umnitation:of pads are 6" of weld on bottom 6"of weld on bottom of pads are Inaccessible due to concrete pad.


-4 6a'.s Ill xwk;4J¶ &111k C,"

JI ir WeLd

`V0'.,fL.-tS CA S w!Y w,,.LA CO -S

" S-pp-,or PAJ 0~0 PAd Urmitations removal requirements:

None Radiation field: < - 5 mR I hr Examiner Level 11 Sig ature Date Reviewer I Dat Johnson, Jeffery M. Jl M 56/2512000 Hailing, David A. lI j4( 5../C/

Examiner Level N/A Sitature Date Site Review Date Other Level WA Signature Date ANII Review Date WA IHeater, Stephen B

44,ei IV 19ror 3Cf MP Determination of Percent Coverage for Surface Examinations Report No.: 2000M089 Site/Unit NSP 1 P12 Procedure: ISI-.MT-1 Page: 3 of 3 Summary No.: 501396 Procedure Revision/FC: 10 I Examination For. ISl Work Order No.: 0000232 Area Required (as shown in applicable code reference drawing)

Length 36.000

  • Width 2.000

= Total Area required 72.000 square inches Coverage Achieved Area examined 60.000 sq. in. I Total area required (1009/6) 72.000 sq.-In.

Percent coverage  %

% (arerreqire (area required- area of limitations area examined)

To determine length of a circumferential weld Note- Diameter refers to actual external diameter not pipe size (see table below)

Diameter 0.000 * (PQ 3.1416

= Length 0.000 inches Pipe Actual (Length) Pipe Actual (Length)

Size Diameter Circumference Size Diameter Circumference 2 2.375 7.46 12 12.75 40.06 2.5 2.875 9.03 14 14.0 43.98 3 3.5 11.0 16 160 50.27 3.5 4.0 12.57 18 18.0 56.55 4 4..5 14.14 20 20.0 62.83 5 5.563 17.48 22 22.0 69.12 6 6.625 20.81 24 24.0 75.40 8 8.625 27.10 30 30.0 94.25 10 10,75F i33.77 Site Field Supervisor. *ate: .'_


-p Liquid Penetrant Examination Report No.: 2000P054 Site/Unit NSP I P12 Procedure: ISI-PT-1 Page: I of 3 Summary No.: 501412 Procedure Revision/FC: 12 /

Examination For: ISI Work Order No.: 0000232 Applicable Code: 1989 ISO Drawing No.: 2-1si-694 Location: RHR PIT 21


Support A System ID: RH Component ID: H-I Size/Length: N/A Thick/Dia: N/A Limitations: See attached limitation data sheets.

Temp. Tool MFG: Telatemp Serial No.: NSP 123 Surface Temp.: 85 "F Surface Temperature of Comparator Block (if used): Side A. N/A OF Side B: N/A "F Gray Card (if used): Not Used Lo Location: Upper Left Comer Surface Condition: AS WELDED Cleaner Penetrant Remover Developer Brand Magnaflux Magnaflux Magnaflux Magnaflux Type SKC-S SKL-HFIS SKC-S SKD-S2 Batch No. 98L07K 87C054 98L07K 97J04K Time Evap. 5 Min - Dwell 15 Min Evap. 5 Min Develop 10 Min Time Exam Started: 11:10 Time Exam Completed: 12:00 Indication Loc Loc Diameter Length Type Remarks No. L W R/L Comments:

See attached limitation data sheets.

Results: NAD [ IND E]

Percent Of Coverage Obtained > 90%: No Reviewed Previous Data: No Examiner Level I! Date Reviewer tu .SiDate Auer, Robert G. I 511312000 Hailing, David A. I 451/o Examiner Level N/A L/Signature Date Site Review Sip D te N/A I inney, Charles Other Level N/A Signature Date ANII Review Date WA IHetrStpeB.LrZ0

W Limitation Record Report No.: 2000P054 Site/Unit NSP / P12 Procedure: ISI-PT-1 Page: 2 of 3 Summary No.: 501412 Procedure Revision/FC: 12 /

Examination For. ISI Work Order No.: 0000232 Description of Umritation:

Support sits on top of concrete pedestal. The outer radius of RHR-HX-21 and pedestal are in such close proximity as to preclude access to the center 12" of the bottom attachment weld.

Sketch of Umitation: G:IDDE_.AL50M*,2RF0200002 SUPPLBAENTALT1I2 SUPPLEMENTAL P'I2000PO J1FJTfa 4! -


-a Limitations removal requirements:

None Radiation field: 2-5 mR 1 hr.

Examiner Level II X Date Reviewer Date Auer, Robert G. 1 6/1312000 Hailing, David A. aA Examiner Level N/A / 6nature Date Site Review WA I(neCalgI Other Level NIA Signature Date,----e-iew reA. Date N/A I Heater, Stephen B. I

/S-Determinationof Percent Coverage for Surface Examinations Report No.: 2000P054 Site ,Unit: NSP / P12 Procedure: ISI-PT-1 Page: 3 of 3 Summary No.: 501412 Procedure Revislon/FC: 12 l Examination For. ISI Work Order No.: 0000232 Area Required (as shown in applicable code reference drawing)

Length 81.000 - Width 1.750 Total Area required 141.750 square inches Coverage Achieved Area examined 120.750 sq. in. /Total area required (100%) 141.750 sq. In.

= Percent coverage .. AV5-  % (area required - area of limitations = area examined)

NA 20 To determine length of a circumferential weld Note - Diameter refers to actual external diameter not pipe size (see table below)

Diameter 0.000 * (Pi) 3.1416

= Length 0.000 inches Pipe Actual (Length) Pipe Actual (Length)

Size Diameter Circumference Size Diameter Circumference 2 2.375 7.46 12 12.75 40.06 2.5 2.875 9.03 14 14.0 43.98 3 3.5 11.0 16 16.0 50.27 3.5 4.0 12.57 18 18.0 56.55 4 4..5 14.14 20 20.0 62.83 5 5.563 17.48 22 22.0 69.12 6 6.625 20.81 24 24.0 7540 8 8.625 27.10 30 30.0 94.25 10 10.75 33.77 1 1 1 Site Field Supervisor Date: PD-

AuAcAawj 16o

[SLiq uld Penetrant Examination / 3 Report No.: 2000P056 Site/Unit NSP I P12 Procedure: ISI-PT-1 Page: 1 of 3 Summary No.: 501419 Procedure Revision/FC: 12 1 Examination For. ISI Work Order No.: 0000232 Applicable Code: 1989 ISO Drawing No.: 24sl-69-a Location: RHR PIT 21


Support B System ID: RH Component ID: H-2 Size/Length: WA Thick/Dia: NIA Umitations: See attached Umitation Data Sheet.

Temp. Tool MFG: Telatemp Serial No.: NSP 123 Surface Temp.: 85 F Surface Temperature of Comparator Block (ifused): SideA: N/A "F Side B: NIA *F Gray Card (ifused): Not Used Lo Location: Upper Left Corner Surface Condition: As Welded Cleaner Penetrant Remover Developer Brand Magnaflux Magnaflux Magnaflux Magnaflux Type SKC-S SKL-HF/S SKC-S SKD-S2 Batch No. 98L07K 87C054 98L07K 97J04K Time 1Evap. 5 Mn Dwell 15 Mn Evap. 5 Min Develop 10 Min Time Exam Started: 11:25 Time Exam Completed: 12:15 Indication Loc Loc Diameter Length Type Remarks No. L W R/L Comments:


Results: NAD [] IND E]

Percent Of Coverage Obtained > 90%: No Reviewed Previous Data: No i LI Examiner Level 11 Zg Date Reviewer Signature Date Auer, Robert G. I /?Ha/i5/t3/2000 Hailing, David A. I ,.

Examiner Level NWA V atue Date Site Review N/A I tneCalsR Other Level WA Signature Date ANII Review Date IWA I Heater, Stephen S. I .ZUOd

F7Ts Site/Unit: NSP / P12 Limitation Record Report No.: 2000P056 Procedure: ISI-PT-1 Page: 2 of 3 Summary No.: 501419 Procedure Revision/FC: 12 l Examination For ISI Work Order No.: 0000232 Description of Limitation:

Support sits on top of a concrete pedestal. The outer radius of RHR-HX-21 and pedestal are In such close proximity as to preclude access to the center 12" of the bottom attachment weld.

Sketch of Umitation: G:UDDEAL50%P2RFO2000Pl2 SUPPLEMENTALTPI2 SUPPLEMENTAL PT)2000PO m, ftj t



-I I.,I<::"I* jminTcnon *'

I Limitations removal requirements:


Radiation field: 2-5 mR I hr Examiner Level II /1g r Date Reviewer Signature Date Auer, Robert G. I/f*s -'5-/7 6113/2000 Halling, David A. ISA.-.- 2A */,/o Examiner Level N/A Vgnature Date Site Review E I-ate W/A I Knney, CharlesRF I  ;,40 Other Level 'N/A Signature Date ANII Review Date N/A I Heater, Stephen B. I F-.,C-

Determination of Percent Coverage for Surface Examinations Report No.: 2000P056 SiteJUnit: NSP I P12 Procedure: ISI-PT-1 Page: 3 of 3 Summary No.: 501419 Procedure RevisionFC: 12 1 Examination For ISI Work Order No.: 0000232 Area Required (as shown in app~licable code reference drawing)

Length 81.000 aWdth 1.750

=Total Area required 141.750 square Inches Coverage Achieved Area examined 120.750 sq. in. /Total area required (100%) 141.750 sq. in.

= Percent coverage _...D.26  % (area required - area of limitations = area examined)


To determine length of a circunferential weld Note- Diameter refers to actual external diameter not pipe size (see table below)

Diameter 0.000 * - (Pi) 3.1416

= Length 0.000 inches Pipe Actual (Length) Pipe Actual (Length)

Size Diameter Circumference Size Diameter Circumference 2 2.375 7.46 12 12.75 40.06 2.5 2.875 9.03 14 14.0 43.98 3 3.5 11.0 16 16.0 50.27 3.5 4.0 12.57 18 18.0 56.55 4 4..5 14.14 20 20.0 62.83 5 5.563 17.48 22 22.0 69.12 6 6.625 20.81 24 24.0 75.40 8 8.625 27.10 30 30.0 94.25 10 10.75 33.77 Site Field SupervisorDa Date:

r" Liquid Penetrant Examination Report No.: 2000P023 Site/Unit NSP / P12 Procedure: ISI-PT.1 Page: I oil Summary No.: 501405 Procedure Revision/FC: 12 /

Examination For: ISI Work Order No.: 0000232 Applicable Code: 1989 ISO Drawing No.: 2-ISI- 30A e Location: Pressurizer Desc'ipticfn: Nozzle - Safe End System ID: RC I

'I Component ID: W- I inmitations: None SizelLength: 6"/ 19" ThicklDia: .719" Temp. Tool MFG: Telatemp Serial No.: NSP 128 Surface Temp.: 95 F

  • 1 Surface Temperature of Comparator Block (if used): SideA: N/A TF Side 8: NA "F Gray Card (if used): Not Used Lo Location: TDC of Nozzle Surface Condition: Blended Cleaner Penetrant Remover Developer Brand Magnaflux Magnaflux Magnaflux Magnaflux Type SKC-S SKL-HF/S SKC-S SKD-S2 Batch No. 97H1 I K 87C054 97Ht1K 97J04K Time Evap. 5 Dwell 10 Evap. 2 Develop 7 Time Exam Started: 14:45 Time Exam Completed: 16:00 Indication Loc Loc Diameter Length Type Remarks No. L W R/L Comments:

None Results: NAD [ IND __

Percent Of Coverage Obtained > 90%: Yes Reviewed Previous Data: No Examiner Level 11 ,,,Snature A1 -Date Reviewer Signau _pt/

Blechinger, Todd P. 1~ /-1120 Hpalte Examiner LevcA N -A Signature Date Site Review N/A I inney, Charles R. Dat Other Level NIA Signature Date ANII Review pate N/A I Heater, Stephen B. /

-p" Liquid Penetrant Examination Report No.: 2000P037 Site/Unit NSP I P12 Procedure: IS[-PT-1 Page: I of I Summary No.: 501935 Procedure Revision/FC: 12 1 Examination For. ISI Work Order No.: 0000232 Applicable Code: 1989 ISO Drawing No.: 2-4SI- 5 Location: CONTAINMENT


Nozzle to Pipe System ID: RC Component ID: W-1 3 Size/Length: 6" ThicklDia: 2.56" ULiltations: None Temp. Tool MFG: PTC Instruments Serial No.: 3355 Surface Temp.: 106 "F Surface Temperature of Comparator Block (If used): Side A: N/A "F Side B: NIA °F Gray Card (if used): Not Used Lo Locafton: Top Dead Center Surface Condition: Blended Cleaner Penetrant Remover Developer Brand Magnaflux Magnaflux Magnaflux Magnaflux Type SKC-S SKL-HFIS SKC-S SKD-S2 Batch No. 97H11K 87C054 97H11K 97J04K Time Evap. 5 Min Dwell 10 Min Evap. 2 Min Develop 7 MIn Time Exam Started: 13:00 Time Exam Completed. 14:45 Indication Loc Loc Diameter Length Type Remarks No. L W R/L Comments:

None Results: NAD [] IND []

Percent Of Coverage Obtained > 90%: Yes Reviewed Previous Data: No Examiner Level tl Signature Date Reviewer S t Date K , h, 51412000 Hailing, David A.

Examiner Level NIA Signature Date Site Review D I NIA I Kinney, Charles R.

Other Level NIA Signature Date ANII Review Date NIA I Heater, Stephen B. /

PUP Visual Examination of Component Supports and Snubbers 1q 4 drCJ/* *4 I SRte/Unet. NSP I P12 Repdut No.: 2000V393 o Pot Sie/ni.

SP 1 12Procedure. ISI-VT-2.0 Page: 1 of 3" Eammnay F0137r No.o Procedure RevislonrFC:

Examination For: l 8 I 99V`r2-1 1

Work Order No.: 0000232 Applicable Code: 1989 IS6 Drawing No.: 2-4SI-60B Location: Aux Building


Support A System ID: SI Component ID. H-1 SzeALeng%- N/A Thick/Dia: .7S" Limitations: See attached sketch.

Light Meter MFG: N/A Serial No.: WA Illumination: N/A FLICDS Temp. Toot MFG: WA Serial No.: NWA Surface Temp.: NWA 'F

. Gray Card. 1/32" Direct 1 Remote [] Surface Condition: As Welded Visual EquipmentiAlds: Flashlight, Mirror, Neutral Gray Card Visual Examination:

Observed Condition All Components NAD IND WA See Comments Spring Supports NAD IND W/A See Conmments

1) External Obstruction  % - - 19) Off Scale High ",I
2) Cracks or Unear Ind. - 20) Off Scale Low
3) Loose Parts -,- 21) Locking Device In Place
4) Missing Parts -
  • 22) Spring Degraded
5) Obstr.To Moving Parts - -23) Gross Misalignment
6) Wear -* - Mechanical Snubbers
7) Corrosion _24) Swing Clearance '.4

.8) Contaminants - - 25) Bent Extension Rod '.4

9) Improper Weld Reinfor. - - 26) Housing Damage
10) Physical Deformabon 0 * *Hydraulic Snubbers

-11) Misuse - - 27) Reservoir Level

12) Slipped Clamps - 28)Leakage

,13) Other (Describe) -- 29) Piston Fully Extended '.4

14) Correct Settings Yes No o NIA 30) Piston Fully Retracted

,15) Actual Setting MIA 31) Reservoir Inverted

16) Serial No. WA 32) Piston Damage Constant Load Supports
17) Travel Stops In Place
18) Housing Damage



'Resuts" NAD W IND []

Percent Of Coverage Obtained > 90%: No Reviewed Previous Data. No Examiner Level I1 Johnson, Jeffery . I Date Reviewer J52000 Hailing. David A.

Signatu Data

Limitation Record :ltL810c 4 Report No.: 2000V393 Sde.JnILt NSP I P12 Procedure: ISI.V'r2.0 Page- 2 of 3 Summary No.: 501377 Procedure Revlsion/FC: 8 I SSVT2.1 Examinabon For: ISI Work Order No: 0000232 Description of Limitation.

6" of weld on bottomn of pads are Inaccessible due to concrete pad.

Sketch of Limitation: G:NMDDEALS0WP2RFO2000PI2 SUPPLEMENTALPI2 SUPPLEMENTAL VT%200OV3 took,kI LjeffTf £C.4s X0.. S-ikýAPr-

-S - A .S-O

,vow.04' MP P4_!YL b C.AS wLAVd t'Ad 4

Limitations removal requirements:

None Radiabon field: <-5mRIhr Examiner Level H ignatur Date Reviewer Signature Date Johnson, Jeffery KL I , 5I25/2000 Hailing. David A. I Examniner Level MIA A ugnature Date SeRve WA I U Kinney, Chattes R. I LA M jt Other Level WA Signature Date ANII Review Date WA I Heater, Stephen B. I 4',,,o

IP Determination of Percent Coverage for Surface Examinations Report No.: 2000V393 SWlUnMt: NSP I P12 Procedure: ISI-VT.2.0 Page: 3 of 3 Summary No: 501377 Proced ure Revlsion/FC: 8 1 99VT2-I Examination For. ISl Work Order No.: 0000232 Area Required (as shown In applicable code reference drawing)

Length 36.000

  • Wdth 2.000

= Total Area required 72.000 square inches Coverage Achieved Area examined 60.000 sq I. InTotal area required (100%) 72.000 sq In.

Percent coverage  % (area required - area of limnitations; = area examnined)

To determine length of c rcumferential weld Note - Diameter refers to actual external diameter not pipe size (see table below)

Diameter 0.000 * (PO) 3.1416

= Length 0.000 Inches Pipe Actual (Length) Pipe Actual (Length)

Size Diameter Circumference Size Diameter Circumference 2 2.375 7.46 12 12.75 4006 2.5 2.875 903 14 14.0 4398 3 3.5 11.0 16 16.0 5027 35 40 12.57 18 18.0 5655 4 4..5 14.14 20 200 62.83 5 5.583 17.48 22 22.0 69.12 6 6.625 20.81 24 240 75.40 8 8.625 27.10 30 30.0 94.25 10 10.75 33.77 1 Site Feld Supervisor. Date' ___.__- __

MP7ý Visual Examination of Component Supports and Snubbers 4 6/4 ' 2o Ste/Unit NSP 1 P12 Procedure- ISI-V'r-2.0 Report No.: 20001/394 pa~z Page. 1 of 3 Summary Wt* r~A4q fl "O.. . . .

Proceaure RevLsio4VFC: 8 I 99VT2.1 Examination For ISI Work Order No: 0000232 Applicable Code: 1989 ISO Drawing No.: 2-4SI-60B Location. Aux Building


Support B System ID: SI Component ID: H- 2 Size/Length: WA ThicklDia: .75" Limitations: See attached sketch.

Ught Meter MFG- N/A Serial No.: N/A Illurrin ation.

N/A FtJCDS Temp. Tool MFG: N/A Serial No.: N/A Surface Temp.: N/A *F Gray Card: 1132" Direct R 1/64" Remote 5] Surface Condition- A d=Welded Visual Equipment/Aids. Flashlight, Mirror, Neutral Gray Card mWelded Visual Examination:

Observed Condition All Components NAD IND NIA See Comments Spring Supports NAD IND NIA See Comments

1) External Obstruction 9 19) Off Scale High
2) Cracks or Unear Ind. 9 20) Off Scale Low 9O
3) Loose Parts 9 21) Locking Device In Place
4) Missing Parts 9 22) Spring Degraded T
5) Obstr. To Moving Parti 9 23) Gross Misalignment
6) Wear 9 Mechanical Snubbers
7) Corrosion 9 9 24) Swing Clearance 9o
8) Contaminants 9 25) Bent Extension Rod
9) Improper Weld Reinfor .9 26) Housing Damage
10) Physical Deformation 9 Hydraulic Snubbers
11) Misuse 9 27) Reservoir Level
12) Slipped Clamps 28) Leakage "13) Other (Descrbe) 29) Piston Fully Extended
14) Correct Settings Yes -No v NIA 30) Piston Fully Retracted
15) Actual Sething N/A 31) Reservoir Inverted
16) Serial No. N/A 32) Piston Damage Constant Load Supports
17) Travel Stops In Place
18) Housing Damage Comments*

None ,

Results: HAD Ea IND []

Percent Of Coverage Obtained > 90%: No Reviewed Previous Data: No Examiner Level 11 sign turet eiwr i uDt Johnson, Jeffery M. I 8 25/2000 Hailing. David A. M .  :

Examiner Level N/A ASgfure Date Site Review h, e NIA Kiny halsR Other Level N/A Signature Date ANII Review Date N/A I Heater, Stephen B. 4e_1_0

I hsp Limitation Record Report No.: 2000V394 SiteiUnit NSP I P12 Procedure: lSI-Vr.2.0 Page: 2 of 3 Summary No.: 501385 Procedure Revlslon/FC: 8 I 99VT2-1 Exanination For: ISI Work Order No: 0000232 Description of Limitation:

S"of weld on bottom of pads arm Inaccessible due to concrete pad.


  • LJ(5 7 £.sT Sr P.4 3%p CAsy 5=

P4 mp C.ASW,

!Y S. *



-P PAd p


is, I-Umitabons removal requirements:

4 None Radiation field. < - 5 mR I hr Date Examiner Level 11 Date Reviewer Signature Johnson, Jeffery I.L 512512000 HMlUng, David A. Sli;;fkre S/3110'0

Determination of Percent Coverage for Surface Examinations A4~cz~i

.3 Report No: 2000MV394 Site/Unit NSP I P12 Procedure: ISI-VT-2.0 Page. 3 of 3 Summary No.: 601385 Procedure Revision/FC. a I 99VT2-1 Examination For: ISi Work Order No.: 0000232 Area Required (as shown In applicable code reference drawing)

Length 36.000

  • Width 2.000 Total Area required 72.000 square Inches Coverage Achieved Area examined 60.000 sq In. ITotal area required (100%) 72.000 sq In.

= Percent coverage  % (area required - area of limitations a area examined)

To determine length of a circumferential weld Note - Diameter refers to actual external diameter not pipe size (see table below)

Diameter 0.000 * (P0 3.1416

= Length 0.000 Inches Pipe Actual (Length) Pipe Actual (Length)

Size Diameter Circumference Size Diameter Circumference 2 2.375 7.46 12 12.75 4006 2.5 2.875 903 14 14.0 4398 3 35 11.0 16 160 50.27 35 4.0 12.57 18 180 56.55 4 . 4.5 14.14 20 20.0 62.83 5 5.563 17.48 22 22.0 69 12 6 6625 20.81 24 24.0 7540 8 8 625 27.10 30 30.0 94.25 10 10.75 33.77 Sdte Field Supewdsr. Site Field Supervlsor Date: iýl f/-'Z -4v )

ZVisual Examination of oomponent Supports and Snubbers A&t Site/Unit NSP I Sie/nt P12 SP /Report No.: -2000V388 Procedure: ISI-Vr.2.0 Page: 1 of 3 Summary No.: 501390 Procedure Revlsion/FC. 8 I 99VT2-1 Examination For. IS! Wodr Order No.: 0000232 Applicable Code 1989 ISO Drawing No.: 24si-60-b Location: Aux Building


Support C System ID. SI Component ID. H-3 Size/Length: _ WA Thick/Dia. .75" Umitations- See attached sketch i m Lg.*a.n

.u,' rlewr mrr.: MIA Serial No.: WA Illumination WA FtJCDS Temp. Tool MFG: WA Serial No.: N/A Surface Temp : WA F Gray Card. 132* Direct a 1V4 Remote [] Surface Condition: NIA Visual EquipmentlAjds: Flashlight, Mirror, Neutral Gray Card IVisual Examination:

lObserved Condition All Components NAD IND WIA See Comments Spring Supports NAD IND WA See Coninents

1) External Obstruction v - ., 19) Off Scale High
2) Cracks or Linearlnd. %o - 20) Off Scale Low
3) Loose Parts _0 .. 21) Locking Device In Place
4) Missing Parts _0 22) Spring Degraded
5) Obstr. To Moving Parts  %.o; 23) Gross Misalignment r6) Wear V_ 'I, Mechanical Snubbers 'WI
7) Corrosion VP
24) Swing Clearance
18) Contarrinants V 25) Bent Extension Rod I 9) Improper Weld Reinfor. *' 26) Housing Damage

!10) Physical Deformation 41 Hydraulic Snubbers 'WP 111) Misuse WO 27) Reservoir Level 'WI 4l2 ) Slipped Clamps __: 28) Leakage 113) Other (Describe) _ 29) Piston Fully Extended *10 h14) Correct Settings Yes No  % N/A 30) Piston Fully Retracted

15) Actual Setting MIA 31) Reservoir Inverted h16) Serial No WA 32) Piston Damage iConstant Load Supports 6 7) Travel Stops In Place ,_

I8) Housing Damage 7, '

Woments" Nonie Results' NAD [ IND I]

Percent Of Coverage Obtained > 90%: No Reviewed Previous Data: No Examiner Level a Sigl Date Reviewer Signature Date Oohnson, Jeffery M. 1 00 Hailing, David A. C L f, M Examiner Level N/A Sig re Date Site Review Date WA 1 . lnnoy, Charle;. Z-1-0 Other Level N/A Signature Date ANII Review Date IWA I Heater, Stephen B. I

ý1=11 iEP Liitation Record

,46a d, 7z /

Report No.: 2000V3 ff Site/Unit NSP I P12 Procedure: ISI-Vr-2.0 Page- 2 of 3 Summary No.: 501390 Procedure RevlslonIFC: 8 1 99VT2-1 Examination For. ISI Work Order No.: 0000232 Description of Limitation:

6"of weld on bottom of pads are Inaccessible due to concrete pad.



b'je( £4s sr ,op CA~Sw

  • A'ov &Ak i Sr 4/o&' CASW

-7 10 C. 1 PAI jUrmtations removal requirements:


Radiabon field. < 5 mrlhr Examiner Level II Sagna'Date Revewer Signaturea Johnson, Jeffery 1. I 55Mo, Hailing, David A. I . (.

Examiner Level A Si Date Site Review

WA I Kinney. Charles R. I 1/

Other Level NIA Signature . Date ANII Review nature Date WA I Heater, Stephen B. I

  • ,, ,, I M11131111M I A L.

Iu Determination of Percerot Coverage for Surface Examinations Report No.: 2000V388 SiteIUnit NSP I P12 Procedure: ISI-VT.2.0 Page 3 of 3 Summary No.: 501390 Procedure RevislonFC: 8 I 99VT2-1 Examination For. IS! Work Order No: 0000232 Area Required (as shown in applicable code reference drawing)

Length 36.000

  • Wdth 2.000 Total Area required 72.000 square Inches Coverage Achieved Area examined 60.000 sq. In. [Total area required (100%) 72.000 sq. In Percent coverage  % (area required - area of limitabons area examined)

To determine length of a circumferential weld Note- Diameter refers to actual external d'ameter pot pipe size (see table below)

Diameter 0.000 (Pi) .141L' Length 0.000 inches Pipe Actual (Length) Pipe Aclual (Length)

Size Diameter Circumference i Size Diameter Circumference 2 2375 7.46 12 12.75 40.06 2.5 2.875 9.03 14 14.0 43.98 3 3.5 11.0 18 160 50.27 3.5 4.0 12.57 18 18.0 56.55 4 4.5 14.14 20 200 62.83 5 5.563 17.48 22 22.0 6912 6 6625 2081 1 24 24.0 75.40 8 8625 27.10 1 30 300 9425 10 10.75 3377 Site Field Supervisor Date:

JW Visual Examination of Component Supports and Snubbers /f/cJhta 22 Report No., 200OV389 P Sdte/Unit. NSP / P12 Procedure ISI-VT-2.0 Page: 1 of 3 Summary No.: 501396 Procedure Revlslon/FC: 8 I 99VT2-1 Examination For. ISl Work Order No.: 0000232 Applicable Code: 1989 ISO Drawing No.: 24s-40-b Location: Aux Buildling Desaiptlon Support!)

System ID: SI Component ID: H-4 Size/Length: NIA Thick/Dla: .75" Umitations. See Attached Sketch.

Light Meter MFG: N/A Serial No.: NIA IlluIminatinn WIA Ei W-'e Temp. Tool MFG: WA Serial No.: WA Surface Temp.: WA *F Gray Card. 13W Direct &a 1/64" Remote [] Surface Condition: N/A Visual Equipment/Aids: Flashlight. Mirror, Neutral Gray Card Visual Examination:

Observed Condition All Components HAD IND N/A See Comments Spring Supports NAD IND N/A See Comments

1) External Obstruction  % 19) Off Scale High
2) Cracks or Linear Ind. %0 20) Off Scale Low V0
3) Loose Parts __ 21) Locking Device In Place
4) Missing Parts V 22) Spring Degraded '4
5) Obstr. To Moving Parts ,* 23) Gross Misalignment
6) Wear Mechanical Snubbers %10
7) Corrosion__ 24) Swing Clearance %0
8) Contaminants 25) Bent Extension Rod
9) Improper Weld Reinfor. v, 26) Housing Damage W4
10) Physical Deformation Hydraulic Snubbers
11) Misuse ,4 27) Reservoir Level
12) Slipped Clamps 28) Leakage
13) Other (Describe) 29) Piston Fully Extended
14) Correct Settings Yes No v N/A 30) Piston Fully Retracted
15) Actual Setting IA 31) Reservoir Inverted
16) Sedal No. NI/A 32) Piston Damage Constant Load Supports
17) Travel Stops in Place 'I
18) Housing Damage '4 Comments:


Results: NAD 6E IND [J Percent Of Coverage Obtained : 90%: No Reviewed Previous Data: No Examiner Level 11 Sig t Date Reviewer Sr9 natue Date Johnson, Jeffery Mi. ini Examiner W Level N/A 1

JSlIgture 51=520

&7f...- Hailing. David A.

Date'St Review I(ny Chare R. 1.ýý TM pue I 6///,-r)J Datel Other Level W/A Signature DefteAI eiwDt WA I Heater, Stephen B. I

Limitation Record Report No-* 200OV389~

Site/UnIt NSP I P12 Procedure: ISI-VT-2.0 Page- 2 of 3 Summary No.: 501396 Procedure Revison/FC: 8 1 99VT2-1 Exarnination For ~ ISI Work Order No.: 0000232 Description of Umblaion.

6" of weld on bottomn of pads are Inaccessible due to concrete pad.

Sketch of Uniltatlon: GUDDOEM5P12RF020O0P12 SUPPLIMIENTAUtPI SUPPLEMENrrALvr200cw3

%co~~Lk7- i tvohCýsU Ldzicd Sr


CA S v wcLA o .N


c -!- r ý -I

  • 4 a


Lirritations remcwal requlremrenta, Nonte Radiation field: <C5mRlhr Examiuner Level U Date I Slggntjr Date IReviewer Johnson, Jeffery IL I 512512000 Halting, David A. 6 /o t1loo)

SDetermination of Percent Coverage for Surface Examinations PC az" 4 of Percent 3 ZZ Report No: 2000V389 Site/Unit: NSP I PI2 Procedure: 1SI.VT-2.0 Page: 3 of 3 Summary No. 501396 Procedure RevisloniFC 8 1 99VT2-1 Examination For. ISI Work Order No.: 0000232 Area Required (as shown In applicable code reference drawlng)

Length 36.000 . Wdth 2.000

=Total Area required 72.000 square Inches Coverage Achieved Area examined 60.000 sq hi. Total area required (100%) 72.000 sq. in.

Percent coverage  % (area required - area of limitations = area examined)

To determine length of a circumferential weld Note- DMameter refers to actual external diameter not pipe size (see table below)

DIameter 0.000 - (P) 3.1416 SLength 0.000 Inches Pipe Actual (Length) Pope Actual I (Length)

Size Diameter I Circumference Size Diameter I Ckcumference 2 2.375 7.46 12 1275 4006 2.5 2.875 9.03 14 14.0 43.98 3

3.5 11.0 is 16.0 50.27 35 4.0 1 12.57 18 18.0 56.55 Site Field Supervisor. Date. 4-'

Visual Examinatl~ion- Coponent 61 Supports iifd SthiubbeI~

N~f' P12R~ppft No'0 2000 V314 Site/Unt:t -NPI P2Procedure: 1SI-VT.2.6 'Page; IoY.1

'Summary No-1 'W01412 *ocedUr&Revisiin/FGý J- if9WV2.1

,Eiamination F'or Appffcab~e Code:- - 989 xto:


- - Aux"

-Description: Su~pprtA System ID: RH4 rcomponent ID: .H-I Sletieogth: VA Thic/Die: MIA Uimitationc -None LlghtMelerMiG& NiA ~ ito:W[ illurfiiriatiob, VA tJO Temp.;ToQI MFG; NIA Serial No-;. VA,- !Surfacdejempz ___ AL ýF Gfiy'Calrd:, 1/32 Dwed- i 164"AFemoteo (J-urface C~ndillon:. Pafned ,-As Wealied vjsuýi Equlpment/oes: ls. g rrCmr,'Sn~Nete ryCr Miual Examlnaliofi:

Observed Condition All Components_ NAD IND NIA See Cohmmentst S0 Ii pot ,NAb INDý WA -8eeC~himbntts

1) Etehiai Obsiruction .

- '10) Off Scale Hgh-.

2) CracKs or UnbarlInd. - - '20) Off Scale LoW
3) Loose ORarts - ~ M), LOddg bevioe in Place 'V

-4) Missing Parts - -~ ~22)Sprin De~fad~d

-5) Obstr. To Wv~ving Parts -

23) 'Gross Misalignment - _

Mdctianlcal &9iibbere

7) Corroslon 24) dozi Clearance
8) -Contaminants V


,Q) Imporoper Weld Refinfor. w.' - ~ ___ ~ 26 q-kislg Dama~ge

10) t'hys~lca Dfdrmaiion - - 'Hyraulk&Snubb~iv

- -. 27) f~es~tvdir Level


12) Sripped Clamps- ____ 28) Leakage
13) Other(Describe) - V- 29) Ei(nTiyEtended 'V

-14) Correct Settings -- __Yes No V .N/A 30) P orifntby Retractbd 15ý) ýAcual -setting V/A ,1)Rsvbrnvte I

161 Serial-No. V/A 32) pi~to ~h, iage VP

,Constant Load Sopporti

17) ;Travel Stops'fn Place
18) ffoding Damage Comments; '*fr Cracking bt basý oikiily ptortýý Itfero-n-6, Aepj"R #4#00. !Crrený co-nditon ls more severe than previously reported.

Resilts*: NADfJD IND J Pefoerit~fCov age0,btainedt;W%; -16i Data.

'eiwdPrevious Ye Examinet Level Reiee D814nau' Auer; Robert 6. /2Z0 Haflfftqj~aVldAX I /

Examiner Level NWA le~ve DateXLefat NtA I ~~CasR. I -

Other Level NIA Signaure --Date A1,11 Review' pt NIA -I Heater, Stiphen'& I'

,4,týý n4-aa 2.3 Am, plwWkbid k4jý6rt Pae 2 ý 8 RWOO NO.: i-0dbVS14_

2 -lof )Kt SumrnaVNýý 50144,29 F-)tafdnor Auiar,,IýObertM Revfeweý; Halling,04vid Otte:

Exadner WA 'te4bl.-- -NIA SWRW&f.- 10*il 0*04 Date.

-Ott*r. NfA Levei.' IVA A-NI(t?0vjew.-- eater;*

CýOmqeqts; t and I t.,]Rofteasýtnd 2 craFcimý-.i.65" L:ff0in'VOlt -'fftibv-q-h',0'rout'I P L'lioM.bolt aMpi ihrpygo ato6t across

'top *fP0JdestaJ$,0Yerj:0nlerabd doWffbackeldi6( d*, i. iý 6ý0'ý odip"th. d,0.4!'-L qý:uý4ymA Z44 - Praawd fmn Wiarea i6"-hgrout and #10110 lJASW,6fprOfA t6ýb of,* 4ýýL

ýqpojpe jjgtj& I btý ni M biid &V n- n,' jhJkedff6 iduf

-such th#tlhdbntlreldnUth of gidUt 3 leing upsi!t'by (Ossftri OA61,

Supplemental Report Report No., 2000V314 Page: '3 of '9' SummaryNo.: 501412 Examiner: Auer;Robert G. Level: n. Reviewer: JlallingDavfd A Date:________

Examiner:. WA Level: NIA Site Reyiew: Kinney, Charles Rl.


Date: P2 -At)

/A Level: N/A ANII Reiew-. Heater, Stephen Comments: Northeast End Sketch or Photo: G:.VDDEALS0?I2RFO2000W12 SUPPLEMENTALTPI2 SUPPLEMENTAL VTf2000V3

  • 1 I -

Supplemental Repbrt Report No.: 12000V314 Page: 4 of Summary No.: 501412 Examiner Auerj Robert G. Level: li Re~iever Hailing, David .4 Examiner; NIA, Level: N/A Site Review, Kinney, Charles R. Date:., -t- 3 Other NIA Level: N4/A ANi[.Review:. Heater, Stephen J. Date:

Comments:, Middle Sketch or Photo, GPDDF-ALS0EJ2AFNO2L0T2.SUPPýý-IpI2 SUVpL TALT0

SupplemenitalReport Report No.- 00V1 Summary No-- 501412 Page: 5of .LrA Exardner. Auer, Robert G., Level, uI -Reviewer~ Hillihq, DavIdA Date 310 Exarniner~ NIA t~e:WA Site Review: Iinhey.CharlesMR Date:

Ot~hein WA Level: NWA ANJI Review: Heater.tteohenam Date; Comments: Southwlest Eifd Sketch or Phoo: G.VDDEALs0oPI2RFo2ooolp2 SUPPLEmENTALVPj SU~pLEMENTAL VT\2000\3

pa qz Fý0009--- ý

'Pa9b: S SUmnfary No-,. S01411 Pýýqer-- XtierRob'ed G. 'Reviewer Balflng; DeMd A. note.;

B(a NIA -WA. 00ý0ý- J-0-nneyo.ChadesX bthor:: WA ANI-RevT&r ABiterStephen-M Dite:

,CoffiriiW Ndne Sketchbr Phot6: G-V6D&LWI*6266ýPIZzuppLEMemun2suFpLEmt*TALW*Oyý

A fla cA tt,,ad NEEMISIMS13RDINTEWAL -- cFttPARdyDI&6SItl0N

'ENGf DIS "UNIT-2,-:2000 ROP-O-it NurfiberiMOV314 ltem'-Descrlpfian: 921 "RHR Heat b(changer Support A msdroaficy: vatidg.§ trodks ho*_in70dd0tdIbiplUt; I'&oi Itil o*riý StiiktuWeiýglrie ers "'titAES 66htdct6d foli Qf lheýsupJ6ýtI,,

boffijýbfi. NSP;)bJ40W#Vftb theiCd6fdjrhiMaTiofi-th4t tlýd -§0s-`eTvedpp, T Ao not reprp"Ot,,priy skiýiufaf-64iq&e6n-ýi& Pedestill; See-lottathed lýfter.'f'romt)oct6ýtbtutýf6Oýu!Hýj-o-.-V'y-.-ý-dd-ted M4'l2,'2bJ00'.lh-tssyppott Iýd0ertiblb Inits*W06-utid §4NWibn-.

NOTIFIED: P115/,09 1500 Prepa!ed Py; D-atW.

PA,AE -. 2.AF

AUTO ý40 Q'gde)t Are..,-50420,5 tN G &43324&S iýPoj 474sýo Y4.-mu).337 ý444S

-Mayý22,2-000 i&.-*p-aul W - 'Jovy Nofthern S'Jtaieý13owerCoxnpany

-PraifidIslabd NUcI&vt'GeneratiDg'Plant:

47-1ý Wiiikoiiade Dfivb Eat


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Subi6et: EiIg'Ine'm*n Vvaýadons 4-ISI13imifinadonkepcds -,Unitl

-RON4ýý,'WVIIUn 2000Vjl406tWV13P.000 Aý-tomatedEngine-en'ngServices'Corp.-(AI19)'haseviluateýd-thesoleýtt-,C-_ppaiffvOlvipgthe Tbeýewaluafion sWeadw w

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,c*ýs p4 ilit will not,IdVe-any zdversýiffe& on tic 'ybfthese anchbis. 'Therefb% btr ofIrAon, Ihd-6b$e'-r-v-ed'd--Wc9 do Apt T-qm-'-w- -S 6ý nvf ibe4pdeital,

ýfiihve quýifions, pile= give Tw a Call. -7hankyoufor the,oppWwfiýy to be-,of semi"M to Trairielslahd &id NSP.

AN. Seflur



Visal xam inatiqn~d ofCmponent upporsrid ntibr L*~

Report o.* 2600V313 it 'NSP Pt P12 Pzr: iS!-VT-2.0ae 1 summary N~o fi01419 ;Procedure Rev~ionlFC: I 1 09VT2-1 Exarnination Fo 151 Wark Order No.: 00(10232

,Appllcable Code; '1989 -. ASO Ibrawingho.,, 2-1149a Ldofatior RKR PIT 21 kSyitemiID-: RH Component.1ID; H-2: Size/Length: NIA T11iWIla. -NJA Uniatibis' 'Noti-a ,

Light Meter*AFG: NIA Serial No.t WA Aoufininf5on W/A .FUC06 Temp. Tool MFG. NWA f~edbleNo.. W/A -Sutface T~mO.: MIA *F Gray Card: 1/3' irect -ý5 i)4Rew e Surf~eCopd Orr,#1tt,~Wle

-jJ rmr,$~clieta irr Visual Equipmebt/AldsFiaslgt ryCr Vrisual EurtInon; Observed1 Conditiorl All Cornponento NAb IND WA $Seo I momirxtqsSpring suwports MA IND NI/A Sii4Coniinients

'I) Exiemnaiblý tron' 49 - 10) Off Scale-Hlbh

2) JCracksor lerld
3) Loose Parti v--4 __,21- 2Lbabihg eviceIn PlAcd 4)is~rg aft - 122) _p~g1Dflegra'o
5) -,Obstr. To Moving Fartt z23) Gt6as Misallhignent 6). Wear - - Mechanlool Snubbem
7) Corfiioh * .4
8) Cont~arrinants V - 2~sent Eotiisio&Rd 9 rproper Vldfleinfor' , y,
10) -PhyalcalDetidnattoh V - 4- Hydniuld Snubberk

,IlMi Vuse

12) Slipped Clamp -- 26) Leiage,
13) Ofthe(Des&be) - 29) Pistoh Fully Extended i4) Coffect Setting _ _Yes ___ o i, -W~A 36) Piston f~ll Retmaced
15) Actual Setting !A j1) Reservoirnverted 9
18) Seria[No. I/A ;32) Plistdnfl'mboe '9 Conftint Lad Supports
17) Travel Stopsi PlnPacd I8 n'a~g Comments:

None Results: NAD I] IND 91 Percent Of Coverage Obtained >'SO%-- yil !Rtmvi~dveiwvu 'Yes Exatniner LeVel -II r/atelwe AurbeftG. 1017J60 Reier qg,".I -AR Exarniiner Level NIA f nWTJato Site~eview 1 Date N/A I -- Kinney;Chadds it Ofthr Level N/A Signatre - 'Date ANII Reviw. Dt WA/HatrtehnB

Reporit No,. !IOOOV313 Page: 12 df--'

.Summaty Noz: .514ip EUa~nbnr:Auer, RobertG. .,Le~el. 11 Revoiewr. 'HalJfiqUpId A1 ixamriner 'WA " I;e N/A Site Review- Ktnnudy1 Clrrlea M. [Date*,~ j 1LevI. ~IA At Rvfew ~Hetf. Stephen 13;


2) and 10) - Northeast End - CrAck iunfrom bolt iioi lift brbU4 I .2' L

- Southweat End-.CriAc runs from bolt area throuaghgrtheIo biofru fr1'aoui1i

!pposrte dIrection along base cfsrout4arqtnd corne olgrodt to an rauti heupr,$5

- Uiddli, - 'Ciickiijs frinb&Iojjaroi ftgroiit.ý

F" S~uooIeiental Report Report No.: 26D0V313 Page: 3 of ,~

Summary ao.: 501419 Examiner Auer, Robert G. L~evel: 11 Reviddwer Halting, david A Date, Exami~ner WA Level: WA Site Review: 19inney, Charfe's R.

Other: WA Level: K/A ANII Review; Heater, Stephen M. bate:

Comments. Southwest End Skeldi or Photo: G-itýLý12 20\lSUPPWAMENTALýPl2 SUPPLEMEIWJAL VTX2OoVý

dpIfacJlk,1cýe2 2c/

ANP Supplemental Report Report No.: 2000V313 Page: 4 of Sunmary No.: 501419 Examiner. Auer, Robert G.

Level: If Reviewer Hailing, David A. Date: ___/,____

Exaniner: WA Level: NIA ,Ste Review. kinney, Charles R. Date,- --4/A6 OOther N/A Level, NIA AN*l Revfew, Heater, Stephen B. Date:

Comients: Middle Sketch or Photo: GjDDEIM 2RO2Pj 2 SUPPLEMENTAuIp SUPpLaAENT. Vf'*000Va

,4 jacrmaJ 7 2zl Sup~plemental Report Ag .57- 8

'Report No: 200OV313 Page, j; ofX Summary No:ý 601419 Examiner' Auer, Robeirt G3. Level: .11 Reviewer -Halting, David A. - _______

Examiner: NIA Level: k/A- Site Review: ,Kinney, Chailei R.

Other: NIA DAte;, 'c~

Level: N/A ANII keVewr Reater, Stephen B. Date.'-

Comments: Northeast End Sketch 6r Phto0: G-,VDDEAL5OjPj2R~FO200 SZSpP IUI UPEMNA2f20V

71, tA*w -wNa-mwns zrdwuamwdns wooozo.4uzta6gmaaivo o@qd jdiýjxs auojj 'sj VN V/N' :jOtlio YIN 48AGI. VIN -;Iwiujzxa pf" qtttos "'ON kmýWng

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4 #aeý n,.Cj 7-Lf Age- 7 EkGINEERING'ISI 3110 19TEFWAL-Di E

-ISCR PANCYýDISPOSIT16N VNIT 2 - 2000' Reobrt Number.206OV313 Item bescriPti-Oh' . #2-1 F3HRHeat Exchangers'upport B DistmOgindY.-Van"ous cradks-noted' inpeddstal gt6ul.

Disposition: Structural ehqlnebiti:ýt AESwere, corftadedjo review'the Subjeot coni'ýdition.'NSP cdncdrs",wittt,;theffýdetdrWn

-a6nihai !he Obsbfvbd Oo'n6t re"present any str,uctural degrWati6if-of

ý 6racks

ýýb pedekal.ýýee dtta dfied elte t -M6 P46 r,6ýt I'd 46'Pa aI-- Hajýv.y 04pý .200 Mgy 22, ý0. Thlis;support isoperpbJe'lrfRg-fis,'fbUhd-b6ndhion.

SM NOT1FlW-,5A5/00 166d

'Pr6oar6d By: Date: -,0- -Z7--60 I I

,Reviewed'Bv:_ Dale;


AUT09ATSD 3060 F4iqloýýING SERViCVý 'CORP.

=.-(6jO)3S7-444S May2Z ý000 Mr. Paw Mj6vy Nýrdheýn-StatesTýOwdr Company Prbifie Island1juclear Gener 1.. atjng.Pja&,

1717 Wako-fi* POe BW welch'.,NN'55689 DearMr.-Hajovr.

Sy4bjwt; -EnginwiinglgvWuAongoftltxaiiin,*6on,ýle*-op.ýtk -Uhit 2 13.and, V314,61ed ýjh/2000 Aýi6mated-Enginecm'ng'SeMees-,Cdr ýA&O-ageVgiua iý;bject Mo Oger,ýýtal Heat-Exch -,gMUj Ci"ýg' In ffiC -gýotýwere.observed find'ýýaidatbd in -1996.

'týýevzaua'6'oitstated.t"hbLt-lbýýe'tffckg*i,ýere hWifftiettaclokýf t4-c gtoýtjfid thit týe phAfit;,R6W- -th '10 d6d

,,,ýycr, .eýev ubifi&il ,mmen t1fatft extdfifff thecWdn&h6uld be lnvesýgatea carýfWly fýqrdper c6

'Me cracks fha't were-Observed in fl-feý-sUbjecýBffepoftý afe thdt wdftqbOb&4 in.1986.

,ýAidefi6d in tbb past exracks-baveriotgrownlor 14L -TkhW cýýW d- -I th

-ftughthe con=te.'IbeyVpmýtohavo-omui;ýauring theshtitiidýgof.&cýioncreteýnd*dýt 1ýeviewof ihe-pedestal strucfurgdmwings,(N-Fýý!W'3 &.ý5andtý313-i)!§ýhowiýatýhebdcii b6ltsinflie.pedesWksVPd eiit of

'.cracks HN6 I

-.'b&iWfijffiý obýý cpcki do"ti-d' 20f týý_

(,iep my sfrudtu&l.*gra

.Ityouhave any quoitionsplease give moacafl. -- *rbariýufor-lhepoortuni 46btofseryiýeto Siboetely, eg.

A.V.'Sefl u-r Presidenit PAGE '? 0%-ý

.!7-660 VX3




Superintendent M&MRN EFFECTIVE DATE: /

1.0 PURPOSE This procedure provides instruction for identifying, quantifying and recording of limitations encountered while performing examinations under the ISI program.


This procedure complies with the applicable portions of the following referenced documents:

2.1 American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code:

  • Sections V and XI, 1986 edition, no addenda (Monticello - Third Interval)
  • Sections V and XI, 1989 edition, no addenda (Prairie Island - Third Interval) 2.2 Nuclear Regulatory Commission Regulatory Guide - 1.150 "Ultrasonic Testing of Reactor Vessel Welds during Preservice and Inservice Examinations", (Rev. 1 dated Feb. 1983).

2.3 Code case N-460 Altemative Examination Coverage for Class 1 and Class 2 Welds - Section XI, Division 1 2.4 ISI NDE Manual procedure

  • ISI-NDE-0 "Equipment, Personnel and Material Reporting".

2.5 Metals and Materials Resources Procedure

  • MMRN 2.3 "ISI Examination Program".

2.6 ISI Administrative Manual procedures

"* ISIA-1.4 "Preparation of Relief Request from ASME Section XI Code Requirements"

"* ISIA-2.2 "ISI Field Activities - Preparation and Control Page 1 of 12

XCEL ENERGY METALS & MATERIALS RESOURCES NORTH INSERVICE INSPECTION - NONDESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCEDURE TITLE: Limitations to NDE NUMBER: ISI-LTS-1 Revision 2 3.0 APPLICABILITY 3.1 This procedure is applicable to examinations performed at Xcel Energy's Nuclear Generating Plants.

3.2 This procedure is to be followed when it has been determined that there is a limitation which prevents obtaining full coverage of an area or volume as stated by the applicable examination procedure.

  • For ultrasonic examinations, this would mean less than all of the required scans and/or a reduction of required scan path for one or more scans.

4.0 DEFINITIONS 4.1 Limitation - something that limits, restraint : An obstacle to the performance of an examination procedure.

4.2 Evaluation - to determine the significance, worth, or condition of, usually by careful appraisal and study 4.3 Practical - "of, relating to, or manifested in practice or action : not theoretical or ideal; concerned with voluntary action and ethical decisions. Useful." For this application this is interpreted to mean, for a specific case the benefits of a proposed action outweigh the negative aspects of that action.

5.0 PREREQUISITES 5.1 Personnel Requirements

  • Examination personnel certification and eye examinations shall be documented in accordance with ISI-NDE-0.
  • Nondestructive examination personnel shall be certified to a minimum of Level I in the appropriate method to operate equipment and Level IIto interpret test results.

6.0 EQUIPMENT This item is not applicable to this procedure. Ifaltemate methods are required to augment coverage, that work shall be done under a separate procedure.

Page 2 of 12

XCEL ENERGY METALS & MATERIALS RESOURCES NORTH INSERVICE INSPECTION - NONDESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCEDURE TITLE: Limitations to NDE NUMBER: ISI-LTS-1 Revision 2 7.0 INSTRUCTIONS 7.1 Initial Examination Where the examiner is not able to complete a full examination as dictated by applicable procedure, the following steps shall be taken;

  • Complete original examination on accessible portions
  • Make sketch which includes dimensions defining location and size of limitations using a report format similar to that shown in Fig 3.

Describe the limitation including what it is and how it interferes with the exam.

State what appears to be required to remove the limitation using a report format similar to that shown in Fig 3.

  • For volumetric examinations, construct a surface profile using a surface contour gauge and perform a thickness profile (typically one reading each 1/2" in a line) of the area that encompasses the code required volume. For UT that would include the available scanning surface.

Record radiation field information on the report (this may require assistance from the health physics group).

Sign and date the data sheet then forward it to the Xcel Energy's Field Supervisor.

7.2 Evaluation

  • The data gathered by the initial examiner shall be reviewed by the Xcel Energy's field supervisor / designee to determine if altemate methods may be used to achieve additional coverage.
  • If altemate methods would provide additional coverage, a review of the benefit versus the required resources (radiation dose, time, cost etc.) to achieve that coverage shall be performed by the Xcel Energy's field supervisor to determine if that action is practical (see para 7.3).

Ifit is determined that the entire examination volume or area cannot be examined due to interference by another component or part geometry, a reduction in examination coverage on any Class 1 or Class 2 weld may be accepted provided the reduction in coverage for that weld is less than 10%. The applicable examination records shall identify both the cause and percentage of reduced examination coverage (see para 7.4).

Page 3 of 12


"* For surface examinations, MT and PT may be interchanged / intermixed as appropriate to the material and the conditions.

"* For volumetric examinations, RT may be substituted for or augment UT assuming the ability to drain the line, and that the wall thickness / diameter is within a practical range.

"* For UT, use of other angles, full node or node and one half calibrations, skewed scans or approach from another surface to achieve additional coverage shall be considered.

7.4 Determining Coverage Achieved When evaluation of initial and altemate examination methods results in examinations which do not provide full coverage, a determination of percent coverage shall be made. The required examination coverage is defined by applicable figures in ASME Sect XI.

"* For surface examinations, a worksheet similar to that shown in Fig 4 shall be completed.

"* For volumetric examinations, a worksheet similar to that shown in Fig 5 or 6 (ultrasonic examinations) shall be completed.

7.5 Should the evaluation show that 90% weld coverage has been achieved, attach all related information to the original NDE report and no further action is required.

7.6 Contractor procedures for performing examinations utilizing automated equipment (e.g. reactor vessel and nozzle safe-end exams) shall be reviewed by an Xcel Energy's level III in the appropriate method to ensure the requirements for identifying, quantifying and recording of limitations encountered are adequately addressed.

7.7 When it has been determined that the maximum examination coverage practically achievable for a code required item is less than required; a relief request is required to be submitted to the NRC (refer to ISIA 1.4).

8.0 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA This item is not applicable to this procedure.

Page 4 of 12

I XCEL ENERGY METALS & MATERIALS RESOURCES NORTH INSERVICE INSPECTION - NONDESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCEDURE TITLE: Limitations to NDE NUMBER: ISI-LTS-1 Revision 2 9.0 REPORTING 9.1 Information addressed in Fig's 3, 4, 5 and 6 (as applicable) shall be reported.

9.2 Information for examinations that are required to meet Reg. Guide 1.150 shall also include the following from Appendix A - Alternate Method; 7.c "The best estimate of the portion of the volume required to be examined by the ASME Code that has not been effectively examined such as volumes of material near each surface because of near-field or other effects, volumes near interfaces between cladding and parent metal, volumes shadowed by laminar material defects, volumes shadowed by part geometry, volumes inaccessible to the transducer, volumes affected by electronic gating, and volumes near the surface opposite the transducer. Sketches and/or descriptions of the tools, fixtures and component geometry which contribute to incomplete coverage should be included."

9.3 Reference System Recording of limitations shall be based on the reference system shown in the original examination procedure.

9.4 Documentation A picture of the limitation should be taken and added to the description, preferably in a digital format.

10.0 RECORDS 10.1 Inservice inspection examinations shall be incorporated in the ISI records. See Metals and Materials Resurces North Procedure 2.3 "iSI Examination Program".

10.2 Records of other examinations shall be the responsibility of the organization requesting the examination.

Page 5 of 12




t Page 6 of 12 I


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Co VI .

Page 7 of 12

2 e /Z


ISO # Item #

Description of Limitation Sketch of Limitation Limitation removal requirements Radiation field Examiner~ Date:

Page 8 of 12

/I/ o3/f2Ž S

-- I XCEL ENERGY METALS & MATERIALS RESOURCES NORTH INSERVICE INSPECTION - NONDESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCEDURE TITLE: Limitations to NDE NUMBER: ISI-LTS-1 Revision 2 Figure 4 Determination of Percent Coverage for Surface Examinations This is a sample form only Initial exam rpt # Procedure #

ISO # Item #

Applicable Code figure #

Area Required (as shown in applicable code reference drawing)


  • Width _

= Total area required square inches Coverage Achieved Area examined sq. in. / Total area required (100%) sq. in.

= Percent coverage _% (area required - area of limitations = area examined)

To determine length of a circumferential weld Note - Diameter refers to actual external diameter not pipe size (see table below)

Diameter *(Pi) 3.1416

= Length inches Pipe Actual (Length) Pipe Actual (Length)

Size Diameter Circumference Size Diameter Circumference 2 2.375 7.46 12 12.75 40.06 2.5 2.875 9.03 14 14.0 43.98 3 3.5 11.0 16 16.0 50.27 3.5 4.0 12.57 18 18.0 56.55 4 4.5 14.14 20 20.0 62.83 5 5.563 17.48 22 22.0 69.12 6 6.625 20.81 24 24.0 75.40 8 8.625 27.10 30 30.0 94.25 10 10.75 33.77 1 1 1 _1 Xcel Energy's Field Supervisor: Date:

Page 9 of 12

d~ie.Ahe4J 2**)

XCEL ENERGY METALS & MATERIALS RESOURCES NORTH INSERVICE INSPECTION - NONDESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PROCEDURE TITLE: Limitations to NDE NUMBER: ISI-LTS-1 Revision 2 Figure 5 Determination of Percent Coverage for UT Examinations - Pipe This Is a sample form only Initial exam rpt # Procedure #

ISO# Item #

Applicable Code figure #

45 deg Scan 1 _  % length X  % volume of length / 100 =  % total for Scan 1 Scan 2 -  % length X  % volume of length / 100 =  % total for Scan 2 Scan 3 _  % length X _  % volume of length / 100 =  % total for Scan 3 Scan 4 _  % length X _  % volume of length / 100 =  % total for Scan 4 Add totals and divide by # scans =  % total for 45 deg Other deg - - (to be used for supplemental scans)

The data to be listed below is for coverage that was not obtained with the 45 deg scans.

Scan 1 -  % length X _  % volume of length / 100 =--. . % total for Scan 1 Scan 2 -  % length X  % volume of length / 100 =  % total for Scan 2 Scan 3 _  % length X  % volume of length / 100 =  % total for Scan 3 Scan 4 _  % length X_  % volume of length / 100 =  % total for Scan 4 Percent complete coverage Add totals for each scan required and divide by # of scans to determine;

% total for complete exam Example - 45 deg scan 1 = 63% plus supplemental 60 deg scan 1 = 28% (of remaining required scan volume) for total of 91% coverage for scan 1 volume. Repeat for the remaining scans, add together and divide by the # of scans (typically 4).

Xcel Energy's Field Supervisor: Date:

Page 10 of 12


- NONDESTRUCTIVE RESOURCES NORTH PROCEDURE TITLE: Limitations to NDE NUMBER: ISI-LTS-1 Revision 2 Figure 6 Determination of Percent Coverage for UT Examinations - Vessels This is a sample form only Initial exam rpt # Procedure #

ISO*# Item #

Applicable Code figure #

0 deg Planar Scan  % length X  % volume of length / 100 =  % total for 0 deg 45 deq Scan 1 -  % length X _  % volume of length / 100 =  % total for Scan 1 Scan 2 -  % length X _  % volume of length / 100 =  % total for Scan 2 Scan 3 _  % length X _  % volume of length / 100 =  % total for Scan 3 Scan 4 _  % length X_ _ % volume of length / 100 =  % total for Scan 4 Add totals and divide by # scans =  % total for 45 deg 60 deg Scan 1 _  % length X  % volume of length / 100 =  % total for Scan 1 Scan 2 _7_  % length X  % volume of length / 100 =  % total for Scan 2 Scan 3 _  % length X_  % volume of length / 100 =  % total for Scan 3 Scan 4 -  % length X_ _ % volume of length / 100 =  % total for Scan 4 Add totals and divide by # scans =  % total for 60 deg Percent complete coverage Add totals for each angle and scan required and divide by # angles to determine;

% total for complete exam Note: Supplemental coverage may be achieved by use of other angles / methods. When used, the coverage for volume not obtained with angles as noted above shall be calculated and added to the total to provide the percent total for the complete examination.

Xcel Energy's Field Supervisor: _ Date:

Page 11 of 12



OF SIGNIFICANT CHANGES Title block changed NSP to Xcel Energy and Materials & Special Processes to Metals &

Materials Resources North.

2.1 Added no addenda to code years.

Changed O&MS to MMRN, two places.

Changed NSP to Xcel Energy's, seven places.

Page 12 of 12





A z*c-l ISI RESULTS UNIT 2 3/30/97- 1/1/99 RC I Reactor Coolant 2070 NF-39835 12129/1998 FW 2 Feedwater 2168.17 NF-39843 3/611998 VC 2 Chemical Vol Control- 2168.16 NF-39836-7 10/1511997


  • ~~-~; -- '~ NA*,~P t

~; t.

-qtfly74~7~< r~~t~t+4 - - 4 Xj*-t., AILT--


.. 4¢ 2 -'-at


'-it' 0 4 0

Pagqe 1 B:iSI299.XLS




ISI RESULTS UNIT 2 1/1199 - 617/00

,P~ 2 a/Z RC 1 Reactor Coolant 2070 NF-39835 6/5/2000 CC 2 Component Cooling 2168.4A NF-39844-1 4129/2000 RH 2 Residual Heat Removal 2168.10 NF-39840 612/2000 MS 2 Main Steam 2168.11 NF-39842 6/5/2000 SI 2 Safety Injection 2168.12 NF-39838 5/2912000 CS 2 Containment Spray 2168.14 NF-39824 5/29/2000 HC 2 Post LOCA 2168.15 NF-39830 5/31/2000 SS 2 Sampling System 2168.19 NF-39825 5/28/2000 RV 2 Vessel Vent System 2168.23 NF-39835 6/5/2000 2 Containment Vent (Misc) 2168.24 NF-39847 613/2000 SI/RH/CS 2 RWST to RHR Pit Trench 2168.25 NF-39839 5/28/2000 The above tests were performed on Unit Two Code Class 1 and 2 systems between the dates of 111/99 and 617100.

Page 1 H:ISI200.XLS