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June 4, 2002 Meeting Handouts to Discuss Replacing the Davis-Besse Reactor Pressure Vessel Head
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 06/04/2002
From: Pickett D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML021560107 (21)



TRANSMITTAL OF MEETING HANDOUT MATERIALS FOR IMMEDIATE PLACEMENT IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN This form is to be filled out (typed or hand-printed)by the person who announced the meeting (i.e., the person who issued the meeting notice). The completed form, and the attached copy of meeting handout materials, will be sent to the Document Control Desk on the same day of the meeting; under no circumstanceswill this be done later than the working day after the meeting.

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DATE OF MEETING The attached document(s), which was/were handed out in this meeting, is/are to be placed 06/04/2002 in the public domain as soon as possible. The minutes of the meeting will be issued in the near future. Following are administrative details regarding this meeting:

Docket Number(s) 05000346 Plant/Facility Name Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station TAC Number(s) (ifavailable)

Reference Meeting Notice 05/24/2002 Purpose of Meeting (copy from meeting notice) To discuss replacing the Davis-Besse reactor pressure vessel head.

NAME OF PERSON WHO ISSUED MEETING NOTICE TITLE Douglas V. Pickett Senior Project Manager OFFICE NRR DIVISION Division of Licensing Project Management BRANCH Project Directorate III Distribution of this form and attachments:

Docket File/Central File PUBLIC NRC FORM 658 (9-1999) PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER Tins form was designed using inrorms

Reactor PressureVessel Closure Head (RPVCH)

Replacement at the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station June 4, 2002 1

FENOC Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station


  • Introduction

- Jim Powers

  • RPVCH Replacement

- Bob Schrauder Concluding Remarks

-) - Jim Powers 2

FENOC Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station

RPVCH Replacement Considerations

  • Evaluated several replacement options

- Repair existing RPVCH

- Fabricate new RPVCH

- Purchase existing RPVCH 3

FENOC Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station

RPVCH Replacement Considerations S*The Midland RPVCH is

-Similar in design to the Davis-Besse RPVCH

- Readily available

- Not contaminated 4

FENOC Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station

Replacement RPVCH

  • Midland RPVCH was fabricated by Babcock and Wilcox

- Manufactured to ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code Section III, Code Class A, 1968 Edition, Summer 1968 Addenda

- Accepted by Consumers Power and an Authorized Nuclear Inspector as an acceptable ASME component

- Hydrostatically tested at 3125 psig per ASME Code Requirements 5 FENOC Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station

Replacement RPVCH

  • Framatome-Advanced Nuclear Power (FRA-ANP) has purchased Midland RPVCH and is compiling/validating the ASME Code Data Package
  • FRA-ANP is reconciling the Midland RPVCH against Davis-Besse design requirements
  • FRA-ANP activities are governed by their safety related Quality Assurance program, including 10CFR21 reporting 6

FENOC Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station

STRUCTURE Replacement RPVCH Design 7

FENOC Davis-Besse NuclearPower Station

Replacement RPVCLI Comparison to Davis-Besse RPVCH Davis-Bessie Midland Material of Construction Closure Head SA-533, GR B Cl 1 Same Closure Head Flange SA-508, Cl 2 SA-508-64, C1 2 CRDM Nozzle Inconel SB-167 Same CRDM Flange SA-182, F-304 Same Design Pressure 2500 psig Same Temperature 650 degree F Same 8

FENOC Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station

Replacement RPVCH CRD Nozzles

- 68 Nozzles: Material Heat M7929

- 1 Nozzle: Material Heat M6623

  • Alignment of control rods to RPVCH nozzles is consistent with original Davis-Besse design 9

FENOC Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station

Replacement RPVCH S*

  • Minor machining of 4 out of 8 vessel-to-head key way surfaces is required The Midland CRDM flange indexing pin hole locations will be modified to match the proper Davis Besse azimuth-orientation 10 FENOC Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station

Replacement RPVCH Minor differences in RPVCH O-ring design 173,563 TIR

- 172,383 TIR 7*3"i 170,313T- MIDLAND HEAlD O-ring grooves are 169.133 TIR 9;.0,501,0 , slightly different

/ / /  ! requiring the use of a oH-/ RV FLANGEsmaller diameter O-rings 168.944 TIR

  • -1---

17.*048 TIR 73.548 TIR 1 1.2 (0.455 in. vs 0.500 in.)

- New O-rings will be installed 11 FENOC Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station

Examinations of Replacement RPVCH Examinations to supplement ASME Code Data Package:

- Visual examinations

- Radiography (RT) of flange-to-dome weld

- Lifting attachments prevented full coverage

- RT of nozzle-to-flange welds

- PT examination of the CRDM nozzle J-groove welds 12 Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station

Examinations of Replacement RPVCH

  • Preservice Inspections

- Magnetic Particle (MT) examination of flange to-dome weld

- Ultrasonic (UT) examination of flange-to-dome weld

- Liquid Penetrant (PT) examination of peripheral CRDM nozzle-to-flange welds 13 FENOC Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station

Examinations of Replacement RPVCH

- Chemical smears

- Baseline UT of CRD nozzles

- Eddy Current Testing (ET) of CRD nozzles 14 FENOC Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station

Examinations of Replacement RPVCH 15 FENOC Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station

Installation of the Replacement RPVCH at Davis-Besse

"* Davis-Besse Containment Building will require temporary access opening

"* Original RPVCH will be moved outside Containment Building for storage and/or disposal

"* Davis-Besse Service Structure will be used

"*Inspection ports will be installed on replacement support skirt 16 FENOC Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station

Installation of the Replacement RPVCH at Davis-Besse (continued)

Original Davis-Besse control rod location and core configuration will be used

- Existing CRD Mechanisms will be used

- CRD Mechanisms nozzle flange split nut ring modification will be performed

- Upgraded gasket design will be incorporated 17 FENOC Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station

RPVCH PlannedPost-Installation Activities

"*Fill and vent RCS

- Perform visual inspection for leakage

"*Bring plant to normal operating temperature and pressure using Reactor Coolant Pump heat

- Perform visual inspection for leakage

"*Perform control rod drop time testing per Technical Specifications 18 FENOC Davis-Besse NuclearPower Station

NRC Approvals Identified to Date

- Existing request RR-A2 for flange-to-dome weld volumetric examination

- Existing request RR-E4 for VT-2 visual examination of containment building access opening following restoration

  • No Technical Specification changes 19 Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station

Concluding Remarks 20 FENOC Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station