L-16-229, Submittal of Pressure and Temperature Limits Report, Revision 3

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Submittal of Pressure and Temperature Limits Report, Revision 3
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 07/28/2016
From: Boles B
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
L-16-229 32 EFPY PTLR, Rev. 3
Download: ML16210A393 (12)


55Al North StateRoute2 FirstEnergyNuclear@emting Company Oak Harbor; Ohio 43449 Brkn D. tu'rre 419-32'l-7676 VicePresident, Fax: 41*32t-7582 Nuclear Jufy28, 2016 L-16-229 ATTN: DocumentControlDesk U.S.NuclearRegulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001


Davis-Besse NuclearPowerStation,Unit No. 1 DocketNo. 50-346,LicenseNo. NPF-3 Submittalof Pressureand Temperature LimitsReport.Revision3 In accordance 5.6.4,"ReactorCoolantSystem(RCS) withTechnicalSpecification PressureandTemperalureLimitsReport(PTLR),"FirstEnergy NuclearOperating CompanyherebysubmitsRevision3 of the PTLRfor the Davis-Besse NuclearPower Station,UnitNo.1 (DBNPS), whichwas approvedon June24,2A16.

Revision3 removedthe restriction of exceedingthe operatinglimitdateof Aprif22, 2017,whichwas includedin earlierrevisions.Thischangeis the resultof the NuclearRegulatory Commission (NRC)issuinga renewedoperating licenseto DBNPS extendingthe periodof operationto midnightApril22,2A37, whichmade32 effective full poweryearslimiting.Thischangealsocorrectsan administrative errorthat existed in the previousrevisionwhereFigure2 was combinedwith Figure1 and the original Figure3 was designatedas Figure2; howeverFigure3 was stillreferredto in the body of the document.

Thereare no regulatorycommitments containedin this submittal.lf therearc any questionsor if additionalinformationis required,pleasecontactMr.ThomasA. Lentz, Manager FleetLicensing, at (330)315-6810.

Sincerely, tultu BrianD. Boles

Davis-Besse NuclearPowerStation,UnitNo. 1 L-16-229 Page2


PressureandTemperature LimitsReportfor Up to 32 EffectiveFulfPowerYears,Revision3 cc: NRCRegionllI Administrator NRCResidentlnspector NRCProjectManager UtilityRadiological SafetyBoard

Enclosure L-16-229 PressureandTernperature LimitsReportfor Up to 32 EffectiveFuflPowerYears, Revision3 (NinePagesFollow)



Reviewedby: 6al, At/x fwit David W. Gerren

32 EFPYPTLR Rev.3 Page2 of I FirstEnergyNuclearOperatingCompany Davis-Besse Unit I Pressure andTemperature Limits Report for up to 32EffectiveFull PowerYears l,0 lntroduction This Pressure andTemperature Limits Report(PTLR)providesthe informationrequired by Davis-Besse NuclearPowerStation(DBNPS)TechnicalSpecification5.5.4to ensure thatthe ReastorCoolantSystem(RCS)prcssurebormdaryis operatedin accordance with its design.Thelimits providedarevalidto 32 EffectiveFull PowerYears(EFPY).

ThePTLRprovidesthe RCSOporatingLimits in Section2.0,whichsatisfiesTechnical Specification 5,6.4.a.ThefuralyticalMethodsusedto developthelimits,including determination of thevesselneutronfluence,areprovidedin Section3.0,ftlfilling TechnicalSpecification5,6.4.b.Theinformationandformaftingof Section3 followsthe guidanceofAfiachmentI to GenericLetter96-03. ThePTLRrequirements areprovided in Section4.0of &c report,fulfilling TechnicalSpecification 5.6.4.c.

Revision0 wasthe initial issueof the 32 EFPYPTLRafterissuanceof License Amendment282,whichauthorizeduseof newmethodologies.

RcvisionI is re-issuingthe32EFPYPressure-Temperatr.ne limits to includethelimits for theReactorVesselClosureHead(RVCH)installedin October2011Cycle17Mid-cycleOutage.Thelimits associated with the RVCH obtainedfrorntheMidlandnuclear powerplanthavebeenremoved.No methodologychanges occurredin this rpvision Revision2 is re-issuingthe 32EFPYPressure-Temperatre limits to incorporate Revision4 ofANP-27l8, "AppendixG Pressure-Temperature Limitsfor 52EFPY, UsingASME CodeCasesfor Davis-Besse NuclearPowerStation"(Reference 5.7).

Revision4 of AlrlP-2718combined theHeatup/Cooldown Curvesintoa single Figne.

This resultsin iirere-numbering of theln-ServiceLealcmd HydrostaticTestsFigureto Figure2. No methodologychangesoccurredin this revision.

Revision3 removes therestrictionof exceeding theoperating limit dateof Aptil 22,2An whichwasincludedin earlierrevisions.This changeis therezultof theNuclear Regulatory Commission issuinga renewedo;rerating licenseto Davis-Besse which extendstheperiodof operation to midnightAWi122,2037,which made32 EFPY limiting. This changealsoconectsanadministradve errorthatexistedin theprevious revisionwhereFigure2 wascombinedwith Figure1 andtheoriginalFigure3 was designated asFigure2, howeverFigure3 wasstill referredto in thebodyof the document.

Revisionsto thePTLRareto besubmittedto theNRC aftrissuance.

32EFPYPTLR Rev.3 Page3 of9 2,0 RCShessureandTemperature Limits

a. TheRsactorCoolantSyslem(exccptthc pressurizer) temperfiire andpressure shallbelimited in accordance with thelimit linesandrarnpratesshonmon FiguresI and2(Reference 5.7)duringheatup,cooldown,criticality,andin-serviceleakandhydrostatic(ISLH) testingwith:
l. A manimumheatupof 50oFin anyonehourperiod,and
2. A maximumcooldownof 100oFin anyonehorr periodwith a coldleg temperature of > 270oFanda maximumcooldownof 50"Finany one hourperiodwith a coldlegtemperature of < 270oF.
b. Duringperiodsof low temperalure operation(Tag<280oF),Technical Specification3.4.12(Reference 5.3)providesadditionalrequirements for RCS pressureandtemperature limits. Thoselimits aremaintainedin the Technical Specificationsbecause theyarenot deternrined usingmethodsgenerically approvedby the NRC,


PeF4 dg Figure1:Composite NormalHeatuilCooldown Limit- BothHotLegPressure Taps 2600 2400 22A0 2000

'ilts l'leatuplCooldoumLirnili I 1800 a

-*r CriticalityLimit I I

.9 gt 1600 ilotrr:

CL l. Atilnbh lrrtup rrtc b 50 T/fr Grnpl, lffid by r 1400 15 T rtcp drrrga fdlil,ld by m l&rnlnub ffi.

E 2. A0ilabb cookbtn rrlr d srbop 270'F b f il T/nr 3 tRemp).lmlcd byr 15'F dtp chrqn HIM W r $"

o 1200 mhut hold,

'Flhr tn 3, Alornblc cooHorrnreb bcbt n0'f ir 50 E (Rrmp),Imffi byr 15'F @ chrtqe fullomdbyrn

o. 1000 f&mlnuD hofd,
1. A mlrlnum rhp tunprfrrturtchuee sl l3'F b rtonblo x,hdr tltrrottlt dl RCtrttnpohomoparrtlon 800 rfh he DFlRrftrm opct$fq. Ttr thp hnryrntu't drrngc b .bfrrcd rs RCgnp r$xn lhr Dln ctum hn* b thc ltr&t coolantry&tn Rrbrlo stoppltf et; 600 PunFr.

5, tffhontrt dccry horl nmovd 3yrt m (0H) 3 operdng

$ffhotilrny FC puttPt opcr$U, fittllcabdil{ nrurrt 400 lrmprdrrt b$. na6r vcllel rhellbr urill,

6. TtlaeetrrHt prtlrur! endlacperrtuic mmbhdlonr an bclcr andto lhc ftht dthr lmlt snt.

200 7. lnrfturpnt alor b nd rmul$d br Intn* llffi.

0 100 150 200 250 Tcmprnfurr, cF

32 EFPYPTLR Rev.3 Page5 of 9 Figure2 ReactorCoofantSystemPressure-Temperature Heatupand CooldownLirnitsfor ln-ServiceLeakand HydrostaticTests 2600 P.qu!bgl grcrglesut la*p Hrps$

h 70 s71I C 1J0 t296 ._ ..t_.

2400 l - - - - - Y - - - - -

ts ale I D ili Mga 00 0Bg 150 l5B3 I 22AA ss 909 195 168I *- +

e0 933 E 160 1793 t l

. t 95 961 165 1859 2000 100 sg3 170 1924 105 102el 175 1997 1800 110 1S6I F f15 1108I 180 2078 185 2170

,9!t 1600 o I t Altowabb heatup rate b 50 oFlhr (Ramp). fi'nited by e 15 'F slep change CL folh,vad by an 1&rnlnute hold.

1400 E


2. Albntrablecooldown rate at or aboue 27goF b 100'F&r tRamp), lln$ted by a l5'F step changefollo$rsdby a 9+ninutchold.

n 120a 3 Allowabh cooldom rate befff 270 oF is 50'F/hr (Rarp), limited by a 15 o 'F slep changelolhwed by an 1&minuie hold.


o. 1000 4. A rnexmum step temporaturtchangeof 15'F ig allol,ablewhen rarnovttg all RC purnp from operation with ttre DffR s)tern operatirry. The rlep 800 tcmperaturechangc is delined as RC trnp minrcthe DHR refum lcmprlo thc rpaciorcoolantsysternprior to stpppir allpump*.

5, When the decay heat prnoralsystem (DH) is oparatingwithout any BC 600 pumps opcrating, hdicEted Dfl return lernpergturato the reedor tnssel shaflbo used.

400 6, The amptabfe presourc and ternperntutscombindhnr lrc below snd to the right of the limit curw" 200  ?. Instrurnentenor b not accountedfor ln th$e llmt$,

0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Temperature, oF

32 EFPYPTLR Rev.3 Page6 of I 3.0 AnalyticalMethods 3.1 Ihe limia providedin Section2 andl'igures I and2 arevalid until the Reactor Vesselhasaccumulated 32 llffective Full PowerYears(EFPY)of fa* (E> t MeV) neutronfluence.

3,2 Theneutronfluenceis calculated (Reference 5.12with Reference 5.13) consislent with Regulatory Guide1.190usingtheNRC-approved methodology described in BAW-2241P-A(Reference 5.5). Table1 providestheneutron fluencevaluesusedin theadjustedreferencetemperaftrecalculations.The listedfluencevaluesarebasedon 52EFPYof opentiou.

3,3 TheDavis-Besse ReactorVesselMaterialSurveillanceProgramcomplieswith therequirements of AppendixH to 10 CFR50 andis described in BAW-I543A (Reference 5.6). Thisinfomrationwasapprovedby theNRC in the SERof Amendment 199(Reference 5.1). Thespecimencapsule withdrawalschedulc is containedwithin the supplements of thetopicalrcport. All plantspecific spcimen capsuleshavebeenwithdrawnfrom the reactorvessel.TheART valueswerenot calculatedusingsurveillancedata(Reference5.14)sinceit was detenninedto be non-credible.

3 .4 [,ow Temperature Overpressure Protection(LTOP)limirs areaddressed in Section2.b,above,andTechnicalSpecification 3.4.12(Reference 5.3).

Reference 5.7discusses themethodsusedto determinethetemperature at which LTOPmustbe active. Thepressurelimit wasdetemnined usingASME Section XI, AppendixG, asmodifiedby thea:ternativerulesprovidedin ASME Code CaseN-588andASMECodeCaseN-640(Reference 5.9).

3.5 TableI providesthe AdjustedReference Tempetahre(ART) for eachreactor vesselbeltlinematerial. TheART valueswerecalculatedin accordance with RegulaloryGuide1.99,Revision2. For weldsin the reactorbeltlineregion,the initial RTNorvaluesused(in part)to deternineART werecalculatedusingan altemafemethodology describcd in ttreNRC-approved BAW-2308,Revisionsl-A and2-A (Reference 5.10).TheNRCrequiredlicensees to obtainan exemption from I 0 CFR50.61and10CFR50,AppendixG to usethealtemate initial RTNorvaluesprovidedin BAW-2308Revisionsl-A and2-A. The requiredexemptionwasgrantedby theNRC in Reference5.17. TheNRC oonfirmedthelimits andconditionsfor usingthemethodologyweresatisfiedin the SERof Amendment 282(Reference 5.8).

3 ,6 ThePressure-Temperature (P/T)limits of Section2 andFigures1, a:td2 (wittl applicabilityasstatedin 3.1)weregenerated consistcntwith therequirements of 10CFR50 AppendixG andRegulatoryGuide1.99,Revision2, usingthe methodsdescribed in BAW-10046A(Reference 5.4)andASME SectionXl, AppendixG (Reference 5.9),asmodifiedby the altemativenrlesprovidedin ASMECodeCaseN-588andASMECodeCaseN-640.

32EFPYPTLR Rev.3 Page7 of 9 3.6.1 TheNRChasreviewedthemethodsdessibedin BAW-10046A (Reference 5.4)andapprovedthetopicalreportby issuanceof a Safety Evaluation Report(SER)datedApril30, 1986.Section1.2of BAW-10046Astatesthat it is applicableto all cunentB&W nuclearsteam systems.

3.6.2 ASI{E CodeCases N-640andN-588havebeenincorpomted into ASME SectionXI, AppendixG, 2003Addenda"whisharetheeditionand addenda codifiedin 10 CFR50.55a(cffcctiveMay 27,2008)andthus maybeusedperNRCRegulatory IssueSummaryGIS) 2004'04.Specific approvalfor application at DBNPSis includedinRef. 5.8.

3,7 Theminimumtemperature requirements of 10 CFR50,AppendixG areineluded on FiguresI and2. Figure2 providesthe In-Servicekak andHydrostatic (ISLH) TestLimits. Theselimits werecalculatedin accordance with the requiremeirtsof 10 CFR50,AppendixG andASME CodeSectionXI, Appendix G, 1995Edition,with Addendathrough1996andASMECodeCasesN'588 and N-640.

3.8 Davis-Besse hasrernovedmorethantwo surveillancecapsules.Thecapsuletest resultshavebeenevaluatedandfoundto benon-credible(Reference 5'14).

Consequently, ART calculationsarenot basedon thestrnreillance data. The MeasuredARTnor PredictedARTNoT dalascatterwas lessthan 2o, sothe RegulatoryGuide1.99,Rev.2 ChemistryTablevaluesusedin theART calculationsareconservative.

4.0 PTLRRequirements 4.1 ThePTLRhasbeenpreparedin accordance with therequirernents of Technisal Specification 5.6.4(seeReference 5.1l). ThePTLRshallbeprovidedto theNRC uponissuancsfor eachreactorvesselflue,nce periodsndfor anyrevisionor supplement thereto.I)avis-Besse will continueto meettherequirements of 10 CFR50,AppendixG, andanychangesto theDavis-Besse P/T limits will be generated in accordance with theNRC approvedmethodologies describedin TS 5.6.4.

32 EFPYPTLR Rev.3 PageI of I Tabbl: Davis-Besse NuclearPowerStationReactorVesselBeltfineRegionData (Appficable as notedin Section3.1)

Flucntx ART ART

@ 52 EFPY @%T @'/tT (WettedSurface) {"F) fn limiting RTrn I Reactor V6gel ldaterial (n/cm2) @52ErPY @s2EFPY Mat'l? ("n I tnsation Idcntification (E> I McV) {Notc l} (NotcI ) (Ye#No) {Note 2)

Nozde Bclt Foreine ADB 203 2.:9F+18 74,8 64.E No I r.2 Nozzle Belt to Upper Shell Weld w-232 2.29E+18 Note 3 Note 3 No l5?.9 (lD 99o)

Nozzle Belt to Upper Shcll Weld wF-233 2.29E* l8 100.4' 67,E* No Note 4 (OD 9l7o)

UpperShell AKI233 1.69B+t9 7l.E 57-3 No 79.4 Forgiur Upper Sbgll to Lower Shell wF-rE2-l I .69E+l9 156.2r 1ffi.4't Yes 182.2i Weld lnwer Shelt BCC 24I 1,79f,+l9 E9.9 78.8 Yes 95.7 Fors,ine Notcl:ReponcdARTvrluesurobasedonRegularoryGuidel.gg,Revision2(Ref 5.15).P/TLimitcalcuhionwasbsscdonateinpcralurcvrluo whichis morecomervative tbeflthollstcdART ralue. (Rcf,5.l 3)

Note2: vrluss fi,omRef.5.16,whic,hm brscdontbe locationspccificcladro vesselinterfaccfluoncoat 52 EPPY.

NoJe3: ThiswcH rnatsrirldocsnotoced ou ro rh%Tor %T location.

Nco 4: this wcldmacrirl is nol presentat atecladto vcssclintorfrcc,soRTrrsdoesnot aprply to it.

I Basodonthc iuitial RTxor Rcponsro BAW-2308,Rev.l -A rnd 2-A (R.f. 5.l0).

Fovkledin theNRCSafetyF,valuation

32EFPYPTLR Rev.3 Page9 of9 5.0 References 5.1 SafetyEvaluationby theNRC Officc of NuclearReactorRegulationRelatedto Amendment No. 199to FacilityOperatingLicenseNo. NPF-3Davis-Besse NuclearPowerStation,Unit No. l, attachedto correspondence datedJuly 20, t995.

5.2 TechnicalSpecification5.6.4,"ReactorCoolantSystemECS) PRESSURE Al.lD TEMPERATURELIMITS REPORT(PTLR),"

5.3 TechnioaiSpecification3.4.12,"Lolv Temperature OverpressureProtection."

5.4 BAW-10046A,Revision2 "Methodsof Compliance with FractureToughness and OperationalRequirements of 10 CFR50 Appendix G."

5.5 BAW-224IP-A,"FluenceandUncertainty Methodologies," datedAptil 1999.

5.6 BAW-1543A,"MasterIntegratedReactorVesselMarerialSunreillsnceProgram.'n 5.7 ANP-2718,Revision4, "AppendixG Pressure-Temperatrne Limits for 52EFPY, UsingASME CodeCasesfor Davis-Besse NuglearPowerStation""dated December2013.

5.8 SafetyEvaluationby the Office of NuclearReactorRegulationRelatedto AmendmentNo. 282to Facility OperatingLicenseNo. NPF-3,FirstEnergy NuclearOperatingCompanyDavis-Besse NuclearPowerStation,Unit No. I, (FENOCLh. Rl l-030),dated}ll2&l20rl.

5.9 ASME CodeSectionXI, AppendixG, asmodifiedby thealternatenrlesprovided in ASMECodeCaseN-640andASMECodeCaseN-588. ASMECodeCases N-640andN-588havesubsequently beenincorporatedinto AStttE SedionXI, AppendixG,2003Addenda, whicharetheeditionandaddenda codifiedin 10 CFR50.55a(effectiveMay27,2008).

5.10 BAW-2308,Revisionl-A andRevision2-A, *Initial RTNproflinde 80 Weld Materials,"datedAugust2005(l-A) andMarch2008(2-A).

5.11 CalculationC-NSA-064 .02-037,Revisionl, "Davis-Besse 52 EFPYPT Limits-ChalonRV ClosureHead,"dated9l23/2011.

5.12 AREVARepon86-9015129-000, *DBl - Cycles13-15Fluence Analysis datrd4I2112006.

Report,o' 5.13 - EOL FluenceReconciliation o' AREVA Report5l-9123331-000, "Davis-Besse dated10/8/2009.

5.14 AREVA Document32-90311 57-000,"Davis-Besse RevisedART Valuesat 52 EFPY," dated9120/2006.

5.15 AREVA Document32-9017744-003, "Davis-Besse ART Valuesat 52EFPY,"


5'16 AREVA Document32'9123247-000, *RTrrsValuesof Davis-Besse Unil I for 52 EFPY,IncludingExtended Beltline,"dated Ll I L2l09, 5.17 NRC Lrtter to FirstEnergyNuclearOperatingCompanyn "Davis-Besse Nuclear PowerStation,Unit 1-Exemption fromtheRequirements of 10 CFRPart50.61 and10cFR Paft50,AppendixG," (FENOCLtr. R10-298)datedDeccmbcr14, 2010.