L-23-092, Occupational Radiation Exposure Report for Year 2022

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Occupational Radiation Exposure Report for Year 2022
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 04/27/2023
From: Christopher Jackson
Energy Harbor Nuclear Corp
Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, Document Control Desk
Download: ML23121A103 (1)


IE energy


harbor April 27, 2023 L-23-092 A TIN: REIRS Project Manager Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555


Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Unit 1 Docket Number 50-346, License Number NPF-3 Occupational Radiation Exposure Report for Year 2022 Energy Harbor Nuclear Corp.

Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station 5501 N State Route 2 Oak Harbor, Ohio 43449 10 CFR 20.2206 On April 12th, 2023, the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station (DBNPS) staff electronically submitted 725 reports showing the results of occupational radiation exposure at the DBNPS during 2022.

The Windows operating system file "NRC5.dat" was electronically submitted successfully via the Radiation Exposure and Information Reporting System (REIRS) internet web page www.reirs.com. This submittal contained data of the reports on NRC Form 5 maintained for the individuals concerned. This information is provided in accordance with 10 CFR 20.2206(b).

There are no regulatory commitments contained in this letter. If there are any questions or if additional information is required, please contact Robert W. Oesterle, Manager, Site Regulatory Compliance and Emergency Response, at (419) 321-7462.


ly, ~---

~~ph~. Jackson General Plant Manager, Nuclear Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station tnw cc:

USNRC Document Control Desk Regional Administrator, NRC Region Ill DB-1 NRC Senior Resident Inspector DB-1 NRC/NRR Project Manager Utility Radiological Safety Board American Nuclear Insurers



Tylor Whitmer 4/12/2023 OAK RIDGE INSTITUTE


Derek Hagemeyer


Data Verification ORAU is responsible for maintaining the NRC's Radiation Exposure Information and Reporting System (REIRS). We collect and analyze the exposure data for all NRC licensees and produce the NRC annual report on radiation exposure, NUREG-0713. As part of the data coJlection process, we also receive the data from all Agreement States who chose to submit to us. We would appreciate your assistance in verifying the data that your organization has submitted to the REIRS database. This is an informal, voluntary request from ORAU as a records management function to verify that we have received the correct exposure data for your facility.

Attached you will find a summary of the data received from your facility. The summary is presented as a distribution of the doses received at your facility for the 2022 monitoring year. The number of individuals receiving dose in each dose range is shown, as well as the collective TEDE for each dose range. The fiJe name is assigned by ORAU upon receipt and does not require verification. Doses and dose ranges are in units of rem.

It is important to note that the distribution is based on the dose received by each individual included in your submittal. If multiple dose records were reported for an individual, the doses were summed for that individual and the individual was included in the appropriate dose range. Likewise, the 'total number monitored' refers to the number of unique individuals included in the submittal, not the number of dose records in the submittal.

If the attached summary is not correct, please let us know within 2 weeks of the date of this report so that we may resolve the problem. Please contact REIRS support at 865.576.5092 or REIRS support@orau.org to report any problems or questions. If you choose not to participate in this voluntary request, or ifwe do not receive a reply, the data will be assumed to be correct and will be processed into the REIRS database.

MEMORANDUM 4/12/2023 File: E22046.dat License No: NPF-3 Licensee Name: DAVIS-BESSE Contact Person: TYLOR WHITMER Associated Licenses:

No measurable exp.

Meas. - 0.100 0.100 0.250 0.250 - 0.500 0.500 -

0.750 0.750 - 1.000 1.000 2.000 2.000 - 3.000 3.000 4.000 4.000 5.000 5.000 -

6.000 6.000 - 7.000 7.000 8.000 8.000 - 9.000 9.000 - 10.00 10.00 - 11.00 11.00 - 12.00

> 12.00 Number with Measurable:

Total Monitored:

Total Collective TEDE (rem):

Total COE:

Total CEDE:

Number of Intake Records:

Validation Status Errors:


Number 772 572 130 23 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 725 1497 0

0 1


~,r~ FOR SCIENCE AND EDUCATION TEDE 0.000 18.788 20.546 6.886 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 46.220 0.000 0.000 Age> 80 YO indicates possible error in birthdate: (1)

Note: The results of this report are in question due to issues identified by REIRView. Please examine and verify the following warnings and/or errors.

Note that WARNING alerts are generally about format and data that appear questlonable, while ERROR alerts generally indicate values that are inconsistent or appear to be invalid that the licensee should address prior to submittal.