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2734296-R-010, Rev. 0, Expedited Seismic Evaluation Process (ESEP) Report Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 11/03/2014
From: Guerra E, Rich Smith
ABS Consulting, Rizzo Associates
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co, Division of Operating Reactor Licensing
L-14-401 2734296-R-010, Rev. 0
Download: ML14353A060 (167)


{{#Wiki_filter:Enclosure C L-14-401 Expedited Seismic Evaluation Process (ESEP) Report Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station (84 pages follow)

rcGon$ultlng 2734296-R-010 Revision0 RIzzo i,, ;'. ti ExpeditedSeismicEvaluation Process(ESEP)Report Davis-Besse NuclearPowerStation November3, 2014 Preparedfor: FirstEnergyNuclearOperatingGompany ABSG ConsultingInc. . 3OOCommerceDrive,Suite 200 . lrvine,California 92602

2734296-R-0L0 Reaision0 3,201-4 Noaember Page2 of 52 EXPEDITED SEISMIC EVALUATION PROCESS (ESEP)REPORT DAVIS-BESSENUCLEAR POWER STATION ABSG CoNsULTING INC.Rnponr No. 2734296-R-010 RrvrsroN 0 RIZZ.ORnponr No. Rll 12-4737 NovnvrBER 312014 ABSG ConsuLTrNGINC. R.IZZO ASSOCIATES lSGonsulting {}Blzac

2n4296-&41A Reoisisrl0 Nowrrlt}rr3,20:14 Page4of52 APPROVALS Report Name: Expditd SeismicEvaluation Process(ESEP)Report Davis-BesseNuslear Power Station Ilate: November3,2014 Revision No.: Prepared by;  !-!fi3nffi4 Rldie M, Guerra(RlZZ0Associares) Dale tt-6*bt( Date 7eT ]-L 20L4 Reviewed hy: FarzinBeigi (ABS Consulting) Date ll* 6 -zot( Tim Ridlon(FENOC) Date 1'-{'}v -- /(-{",t-!. TomGulvas(FENOC) Date ft--6 *2.ol{- Mohamned Approved by: AESGons$fting {iRlzFo

2734296-R-010 Reaision0 Nouember3,20L4 Page4 of 52 Table of Revisions Revision No. Date Description of Revision 0 November3, 2014 Originalissue. lSSGonsulting {:R}zz9

2734296-R-010 Reaision0 Noaember 3,201.4 Page5 of 52 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE LISTOF TABLES ..............7 LIST OF FIGURES ......8 LISTOFACRONYMS ..............9 I.O PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVE ................13 2.0 BRIEF


OF THE FLEX SEISMICIMPLEMENTATION STRATEGIES. .........15 3.0 EQUTPMENT SELECTTON PROCESS AND ESEL ...............r7 3.1 EqurrveNrSELECTToN PnocsssANDESEL ...17 3.2 FoRUsEoFEeurpMENr JusrrprcATroN THar rsNor THpPRIIraaRv MpeNsron FLEXInapr-EMENrAroN........ .......20 4.0 GROTIND MOTIONRESPONSE SPECTRUM......... .............3I 4.1 Plor oFGMRSSueN4rrrED By rHELrcpNspE ........... .........31 4.2 CovpanrsoN ro SSE.. ................33 5.0 REVIEWLEVELGROUNDMOTION....... .....35 5.1 DpscRrprroNor RLGMSpr-scrED ....... ..............35 5.2 MerHooro EsrrMerp ISRS....... ..............35 6.0 SEISMICMARGINEVALUATIONAPPROACH .......37 6.1 SuvuanyoFMErHonoLocIES UsEn..... ...............37 6.2 HCLPFScneBNtNc PnocESS........ .........38 6.3 Ssrsrrarc WnxnowN AppnoACH ................38 6.4 HCLPFCalcut-ArroNPnocgss .......41 6.5 FuNcrIoNnlEvar-UATIoNS opRplnys..... .............45 6.6 Tneulnrpo ESELHCLPFVar-uEs(INcI-UDING Kev Ferr-unp Monns) ............45 7.0 INACCESSIBLE COMPONENTS ................46 7.1 InpNrrrrcArroNor ESELrrEMS TNACCESSTBLE FoRwALKDowNS ............46 8.0 ESEPCONCLUSIONS AND RESULTS....... .......48 8.1 SupponrrNcINToRMATToN ...........48 lBSGqrsulting {}Rl,zzo

2734296-R-01.0 Reaision0 Noaember 3,20L4 Page6 of 52 TABLE OF CONTENTS (coNTINUED) PAGE 8.2 IoeNrrrrcATIoNoF PLANNEDMourrcATroNS.. ................50 8.3 MonrnrcATroN IrVrplevrBNTATroN ScHeouLE.... ................50 8.4 SuurraRnyoF RrculnroRy CovnarrMENrs .........50


                                            ....51 ATTACHMENTA   EXPEDITEDSEISMICEQUIPMENTLIST ATTACHMENTB   TABULATED HCLPFVALUES f3tCffisulting






OF INACCESSIBLEITEMSIN DBNPS ESEL ...............46 lffiCqrsulting {}Ft:zz?






2734296-R-01.0 Reaision0 Noaember3,20L4 Page1.3of 52 BXPEDITED SEISMIC EVALUATION PROCESSREPORT DAVIS.BESSENUCLEAR POWER STATION I.O PURPOSEAND OBJECTIVE Following the accidentat the FukushimaDai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant resulting from the March 11,2011, Great Tohoku Earthquakeand subsequenttsunami,the Nuclear Regulatory Commission(NRC) establisheda Near-TermTask Force (NTTF) to conduct a systematicreview of NRC processesand regulationsand to determineif the agencyshould make additional improvementsto its regulatorysystem. The NTTF developeda set of recommendationsintended to clarify and strengthenthe regulatory framework for protection against natural phenomena. Subsequently,the NRC issueda 50.54(f) letter on March 12,2012 [], requestinginformation to assurethat theserecommendationsare addressedby all U.S. nuclearpower plants. The 50.54(0 letter requeststhat licenseesand holdersof constructionpermits under 10 CFR Part 50 reevaluatethe seismic hazardsat their sites againstpresent-dayNRC requirementsand guidance. Dependingon the comparisonbetweenthe reevaluatedseismichazardand the currentdesign basis,further risk assessment may be required. Assessmentapproachesacceptableto the staff includea SeismicProbabilisticRisk Assessment (SPRA),or a SeismicMargin Assessment (SMA). Basedupon the assessment results,the NRC staff will determinewhetheradditional regulatoryactionsare necessary. This Report describesthe ExpeditedSeismicEvaluationProcess(ESEP)undertakenfor the Davis-BesseNuclearPower Station(DBNPS). The intent of the ESEP is to perform an interim actioninresponseto theNRC's 50.54(f)letter [1] to demonstrateseismicmarginthrougha review of a subsetof the plant equipmentthat can be relied upon to protect the reactorcore following beyond designbasisseismicevents. The ESEP is implementedusing the methodologiesin the NRC endorsedguidancein EPRr3002000704l2l. lFGqrsulting

2734296-R-010 Reaision0 Noaember3,2014 PageL4 of 52 The objective of this Report is to provide summaryinformation describingthe ESEP evaluations and results. The level of detail provided in the Report is intendedto enableNRC to understand the inputs used,the evaluationsperformed,and the decisionsmade as a result of the interim evaluations.

2734296-R-010 Reuision0 Noaember 3,201,4 Page15 of 52 2.0 BRIEF


OF THE FLEX SEISMIC IMPLEMBNTATION STRATEGIES The DBNPS FLEX responsestrategiesfor ReactorCore Cooling and Heat Removal,Reactor Inventory Control/Long-termSubcriticality,Core Cooling and Heat Removal (Modes 5 and 6) and ContainmentFunction are summarizedbelow. This summaryis derived from the DBNPS Overall IntegratedPlan (OIP) in Responseto the March 12,2012, Commission Order EA- 12-049tl7l. Reactorcore cooling and heat removal is achievedvia steamreleasefrom the SteamGenerators (SGs) with SG makeupfrom a new Diesel Driven EmergencyFeedwaterPump (EFWP) during FLEX PhaseI with suction from the EmergencyWater StorageTank (EWST). The Phase2 strategyincludesSG cooling water makeupvia either the EFWP or FLEX portable pump, with suction from the EWST. The EWST will be replenishedfrom the Ultimate Heat Sink inventory via the FLEX ServiceWater (SW) Pumps. The EFWP flow control valves and Main SteamAtmosphericVent Valves (manualoperated)are also requiredto provide reactor core heat removal capability. Phase2 rcactor core heat removal is achievedvia the new FLEX mechanicalconnectionslocatedin the EmergencyFeedwaterFacility. The only permanentplant equipmentmanipulatedfor the Phase2 is manual valves (the EFW systemis only alignedto SG #1, in Phase2 a symmetricalcooldown will be accomplished.To supporta symmetrical cooldown SG#l will be aligned via manual valves and the SG control will be via manualthrottle valves). ReactorInventory Control/Long-termSubcriticality strategyfrom normal operationand Modes 5 and 6 conditionsconsistsof reactorcoolant systemboratedmakeupvia the primary makeup connections. Reactorcoolant system(RCS) inventory reduction is a result of water volume reductiondue to cooldown, reactorcoolant pump sealleakage,and letdown via head-ventsandlorpressurizer pilot-operatedrelief valves (PORV). The reactorcoolantpump sealreturn outboardcontainment isolation valve is manually isolatedto conserveinventory and keep leak-off flow within the ContainmentBuilding. To avoid adverseeffects on the RCS natural circulation flow, the Core []R\7z.o

2734296-R-010 Reaision0 Nouember 3,2014 PageL6 of 52 Flood Tanks (CFT) block isolation valves are electrically closedduring the cooldown to prevent nitrogen injection into the RCS. There are no PhaseI FLEX actions required to support maintaining containment integrity. The primary Phase2 FLEX strategyfor containmentintegrity entailsrepoweringone Containment Air Cooler (CAC) and restorationof cooling water via the SW system. For Modes 5 and 6 with the SGs unavailable,the RCS will releasethe steamgeneratedin the core to containmentvia open vents; i.e., SteamGeneratorPrimary Manways or removedhead. The RCS inventory will be replenishedby the FLEX primary makeup connections.Heat rejectedto containmentwill be removedby the operationof a CAC. Necessaryelectricalcomponentsare outlined in the Davis-BesseFLEX OIP submittal [17], and primarily entail 480 Voltage Alternating Current (VAC) essentialmotor control centers,vital batteries,equipmentinstalledto supportFLEX electricalconnectionsand monitoring instrumentationrequiredfor core cooling, reactorcoolant inventory, and containmentintegrity. AESGstsulting {}R12z9

2734296-R-01.0 Reaision0 Noaember 3,2014 Page17 of 52 3.0 EQUIPMENT SELBCTIONPROCESSAND ESEL 3.1 BeurpvrENTSELECTToN Pnocnss ANDBSBL The selectionof equipmentto be included on the Expedited SeismicEquipmentList (ESEL) was basedon installedplant equipmentcreditedin the FLEX strategiesduring Phase1,2, and3 mitigation of a Beyond Design Basis External Event (BDBEE), as outlined in the DBNPS OIP in Responseto the March 12,2012,CommissionOrderEA-l2-049 ll7l. The OIP providesthe DBNPS FLEX mitigation strategyand servesas the basisfor equipmentselectedfor the ESEP. The scopeof "installed plant equipment" includesequipmentrelied upon for the FLEX strategies to sustainthe critical functions of core cooling and containmentintegrity consistentwith the DBNPS OIP [7]. FLEX recoveryactionsare excludedfromthe ESEP scopeper ElectricPower ResearchInstitute (EPRI) 3002000704[2]. The overall list of plannedFLEX modificationsand the scopefor considerationherein is limited to thoserequiredto supportcore cooling, reactor coolant inventory and subcriticality, and containment integrity functions. Portable and pre-stagedFLEX equipment(not permanentlyinstalled) are excludedfrom the ESEL per EPRr3002000704l2l. The ESEL componentselectionfollowed the EPRI guidanceoutlined in Section3.2 of EPRI 3002000704.

l. The scopeof componentsis limited to that requiredto accomplishthe core cooling and containmentsafetyfunctions identified in Table 3-2 of EPRI 3002000704. The instrumentationmonitoring requirementsfor core cooling/containmentsafety functions are limited to thoseoutlined in the EPRI 3002000704guidance,and are a subsetof those outlinedin the DBNPS OIP U7l.
2. The scopeof componentsis limited to installedplant equipmentand FLEX connections necessaryto implementthe DBNPS OIP [7] as describedin,Section2.0.

a J. The scopeof componentsassumesthe creditedFLEX connectionmodificationsare implemented,and are limited to thoserequiredto supporta single FLEX successpath;

i. e., either "Prim ary" or "Backup/Alternate".
4. The "Primary" FLEX successpath for mitigating actionsfollowing a beyond designbasis externalseismicevent is specified.

lBSGqrsulting {}Rtzzto

2734296-R-01.0 Reaision0 Noaember 3,2014 Page18 of 52

5. Phase3 coping strategiesare included in the ESEP scope,whereasrecovery strategiesare excluded.
6. Structures,systems,and components(SSC) excludedper the EPRI 3002000704[2]


      . Structures(e.g.,Containment,ReactorBuilding [RB], Control Building, Auxiliary Building, etc.)

o Piping, cabling, conduit, heating,ventilation, and air-conditioning(HVAC), and their supports.

      . Manual valves and rupture disks.

o Power-operatedvalves not requiredto changestateas part of the FLEX miti gation strategies.

      . Nuclear steamsupply system(NSSS) components(e.g. reactorpressurevessel and internals,reactorcoolant pumps and seals,etc.)
7. For casesin which neither train was specifiedas a primary or backup strategy,then only one train component(generally"Train l") is included in the ESEL.

3.1.1 ESEL Development The ESEL was developedby reviewing the DBNPS OIP [ 7] to determinethe major equipment involved in the FLEX strategies.Further reviews of plant drawings (e.g.,Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams (P&ID), and Operational Schematicswere performed to identify the boundariesof the flowpaths to be usedin the FLEX strategiesand to identify specific componentsin the flowpaths neededto supportimplementationof the FLEX strategies. Boundarieswere establishedat an electrical or mechanicalisolation device (e.g.,isolation amplifier, valve, etc.) in branchcircuits / branchlines off the defined strategyelectricalor fluid flowpath. OperationalSchematicswere the primary referencedocumentsusedto identify mechanicalcomponentsand instrumentation. The flow pathsusedfor FLEX strategieswere selectedand specific componentswere identified using detailedequipmentand instrument drawings,P&IDs, piping isometrics,electrical schematicsand one-line drawings,system descriptions,designbasisdocuments,etc.,as necessary. AFfursuEing {}Rlz7o

2734296-R-01.0 Reaision0 Nouember3,20L4 Page1.9of 52 3.1.2 Power-OperatedValves Page3-3 of EPRI 3002000704l2l notesthat power-operatedvalves not requiredto changestate are excludedfrom the ESEL. Page3-2 also notesthat "functional failure modesof electricaland mechanicalportions of the installed PhaseI equipmentshouldbe considered(e.g.,RCIC/AFW trips)." To addressthis concern,the following guidanceis applied in the DBNPS ESEL for functional failure modesassociatedwith power-operatedvalves: Power-operatedvalves that remain energizedduring the ExtendedLoss of all Alternating Current (AC) Power (ELAP) events(such as Direct Current [DC] poweredvalves),were included on the ESEL. Power-operatedvalves not requiredto changestateas part of the FLEX mitigation strategieswere not included on the ESEL. The seismicevent also causesthe ELAP event;therefore,the valves are incapableof spurious operationas they would be de-energized. Power-operatedvalves not requiredto changestateas part of the FLEX mitigation strategies during Phasel, and are re-energizedandoperatedduring subsequentPhases2 and 3 strategies, were not evaluatedfor spurious valve operation as the seismic event that causedthe ELAP has passedbeforethe valves are re-powered. 3.1.3 Pull Boxes Pull boxeswere deemedunnecessaryto add to the ESELs as thesecomponentsprovide completelypassivelocationsfor pulling or installing cables. No breaksor connectionsin the cabling are included in pull boxes. Pull boxeswere consideredpart of conduit and cabling, which are excludedin accordancewith EPRI 3002000704[2). 3.1.4 Termination Cabinets Terminationcabinets,including cabinetsnecessaryfor FLEX Phase2 andPhase3 connections, provide consolidatedlocationsfor pennanentlyconnectingmultiple cables. The termination cabinetsand the internal connectionsprovide a completelypassivefunction; however,the cabinetsare included in the ESEL to ensureindustry knowledge on panellanchoragefailure vulnerabilitiesis addressed. fSSGonsulting {}R\zTa:

2734296-R-0L0 Reaision0 Nouember 3,201-4 Page20 of 52 3.1.5 Critical Instrumentation Indicators Critical indicatorsand recordersare typically physically locatedon panels/cabinetsandarc included as separatecomponents;however, seismicevaluationof the instrumentindication may be included in the panel/cabinetseismicevaluation(rule-of-the-box). 3.1.6 Phase2 and Phase3 Piping Connections Item 2 in Section 3.1 abovenotesthat the scopeof equipmentin the ESEL includes". . . FLEX connectionsnecessaryto implementthe DBNPS OIP [17] as describedinSection2.0" Item 3 in Section 3.1 also notesthat "The scopeof componentsassumesthe creditedFLEX connection modificationsare implemented,and are limited to thoserequiredto supporta single FLEX successpath (i.e., either "Primary" or "Backup/Alternate")." Item 6 in Section 3.0 above,goeson to explain that "piping, cabling, conduit, HVAC, and their supports"areexcludedfrom the ESEL scopein accordancewith EPRI 3002000704I21. Therefore,piping and pipe supportsassociatedwith FLEX Phase2 andPhase3 connectionsare excludedfrom the scopeof the ESEP evaluation. However, anyactive valves in FLEX Phase2 and Phase3 connectionflow path are included in the ESEL. 3.2 JusrrnrcATroNFoR Usn oF EeUInMENTTHlr rs Nor THE Prunn.q.ny MEANSFoR FLEX InrplnvrENTATIoN SW Train 3 was evaluatedrather than Train 1. SW Train 3 is the 'swing train' in that it consists of a pump, dischargestrainer,heat exchanger,and can be aligned to either Train 1 or Train 2. In the original FLEX mitigation strategy,the flexibility to align to either trains made it the preferableoption for the primary connection. Modification developmenthas determinedthat SW Train I will be the primary connection. The justification for the useof equipmentthat is not the primary meansis the componentis comparablefor installation,certification,and rating. The completeESEL for DBNPS is presentedin Attachment A. Sincethe FLEX Integrated Mitigation Strategycould be modified during engineeringchangepackagedevelopment, Notification 600864752hasbeen developedto ensurea final review is conductedto ensurethe lBSGonsulting {}Flzzp,

2734296-R-010 Reuision0 Nouember 3,2014 Page2L of 52 ESEL componentsand final FLEX IntegratedMitigation Strategyremain consistent. Station drawings and the Master Equipment List (MEL) were consultedto populate the list and to provide the supportinginformation given. No walkdowns were performedas apart of this effort. Discussionof Flow Paths/Instrumentation included in the ESEL Core Cooling, Decay Heat Removal Modes 1-4 PhaseI and Phase2 With RCS pumps unavailable, heat transfer from the core will be conductedby meansof natural circulation to the SG. The heat will be rejectedfrom the SG by EFW flow to the SGs. For mitigation of the FLEX BDBEE, EFW flow will be initiated manually by the Main Control Room Operatorsin the event the Auxiliary Feedwater(AFW) Systemis disabledby the BDBEE (reviews identified the AFW systemwater suppliescannotbe creditedto supportthe mitigation of a BDBEE). The CondensateStorageTanks are neither seismicor missile protected. The SW systemis unavailabledue to the loss of all AC power and the loss of normal accessto the Ultimate Heat Sink (UHS) as requiredby Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) 12-06. The EFW systemautomaticinitiation will be creditedfor NFPA-805 mitigation ratherthan FLEX mitigation. Steamwill be ventedto atmospherevia eitherthe main steamsafetyvalves (MSSV) or AtmosphericVent Valves (AVV). The AVV will be manually controlledby handwheel operation. The replenishmentwater will be storedin the new EWST. The new EFWP (a diesel driven pump with capacitycomparableto the AFPs seeECP l3-0195 and ECP 13-0196)will be capableof supportingPhaseI and Phase2 operations. In addition to EFWP, the EFW systemwill have the capability to connecttemporaryFLEX SG pumps consistentwith the requirementsof NEI 12-06. The new EFW systemwill be installedto current seismicqualification requirements.Active components(EFWP, ContainmentIsolation motor-operatedvalve (MOV), solenoidoperated valve, etc., will be qualified to the 2 X safe shutdownearthquake(SSE). The EFW system,as new, seismicqualified, robust equipment,is not included in the scopeof the ESEL. ASGonsulting {}R\zz?

2734296-R-0L0 Reaision0 3,2014 Noaember Pase22 of 52 The electricalpower is provided by the site vital batteries,EFW batteries,and 480 VAC FLEX power. The installed site electrical componentsare addressedin ESEL as FLEX support equipment. The equipmentinstalled for the EFW systemwill be seismicallyqualified to 2 x SSE. The AFW Pumpsand Turbines are not creditedfor FLEX mitigation becauseneitherthe CondensateStorageTanks nor SW can be creditedper NEI 12-06requirements. For the event scenariothe AFW system will start and operateuntil the protectedvolume of water installed by ECP 08-057I, 736 gallons,is depleted.At full flow with both AFPs operating,this volume of water coffespondsto approximately24 secondsof pump operation. Due to this negligible water volume availableto supportDecay Heat Removal (DHR), the AFP and associatedSSCsare excluded. Phase3 Upon reachinga RCS temperatureof 280"F and establishmentof FLEX 4I60VAC capability, the DHR systemwill be placed in operation. The decayheat will be removed from the DHR coolersvia the ComponentCooling Water (CCW) and SW systems. The SW will be provided by FLEX SW Pumpsconnecteddownstreamof SW Pump #3. The installed SW discharge strainerwill be utilized to provide filtration. The strainerwill be poweredfrom 480 VAC power. In Phase3, the 4160VAC power and, therefore,480 VAC will be provided by temporaryFLEX dieselgenerators. The FLEX 4160and 480 VAC componentsESEL reviews are addressedin FLEX support equipment. The FLEX SW utilized for Phase3 DHR is commonto the SW systemcomponentsutilized for maintainingcontainmentintegrity for FLEX. The ESEL review of the SW componentsis addressedin containmentintegrity. lBSGonsulting {}Ftzz9,

2734296-R-010 Reaision0 Noaember3,2014 Page23 of 52 Modes 5-6 PhaseI and Phase2 With RCS pumps unavailable, heat transfer from the core will be conductedby meansof natural circulation flow in the RCS. The heat will be rejectedto containmentby boiling the RCS with the steamexhaustedto the containment environment via an opening in the RCS integrity (removedhead or primary SG manways). The heat rejectedfrom the RCS to containmentwill be removedby the operationof a CAC cooled by SW. The SW flow will be provided by FLEX SW Pump operationprovided via SW Train #1 or #3 hose connections. The FLEX SW seismicreviews are addressesin containmentintegrity. The RCS replenishmentwater will be storedin the Borated Water StorageTank (BWST), Clean Waste Receiver Tank, and EWST. The alternatecharging and boration path via the Clean Waste ReceiverTank is not completely seismicallyqualified and is not creditedfor mitigation following a seismicevent. The RCS inventory will be replenishedutllizing the FLEX RCS ChargingPumps(A positive displacementhigh pressure60 gallonsper minute (gpm) pump poweredfrom the EFW Facility) and alignedto the High PressureInjection (HPD systemto provide RCS makeup. The safetyrelatedportion of the HPI systemwill be utilized for RCS makeup. The EFW systemwill augmentthe RCS chargingpump in the event thatthe makeup capacityexceeds60 gpm. The EFW flow will be provided by the EFWP via hoseconnections betweenthe EFW systemin MechanicalPenetrationRoom #l andHPI drain connectionsin MechanicalPenetrationRoom # I . Phase3 Upon reachinga RCS temperatureof 280"F and establishmentof FLEX 4160VAC capability, the DHR systemwill be placed in operation. The decayheat will be removedfrom the DHR coolersvia the CCW and SW systems. lSSGqrsuhing {}Btzzo

2734296-R-01.0 Reaision0 Nouember 3,2014 Page24 of 52 ESEL Scope: o AFW Systemfrom the New EFW, AFW Piping from AF43, to SG #l S G# I Main SteamTrain 1 from SG#l to theNon-ReturnValve DecayHeatSystemTrain I HPI Train I with WaterSuppliedby EFW or BWST FLEX ChargingPump CCW Train I with CCW PumpandCoolerTrain I SW Train I with FLEX SW PumpInjectingto SW SystemUpstreamof the SW Pump#3 DischargeStrainer StationBatteriesandInverters 480VAC Powervia EFW FacilitvandEl 4160VAC via CI BWST Required Instrumentation Primary instrumentsfor verification of DHR include indicationsfor the following parameters: incore thermocoupletemperatures,Channel I RCS pressure,Channel I pressurizerlevel, SG 1 pressure,SG I SteamFeedwaterRuptureControl System(SFRCS) level, BWST level, and DHR Loop 1 flow rate. II RCS Inventory and Reactivity Control, FLEX RCS Charging For the FLEX implementation strategy,maintain sufficient negative reactivity in the core is independentof mode. NEI 12-06identifiesthat all control rod will insert,therefore,the control rods immediately provide reactivity control. However, plant cooldown requiresboration of the RCS to maintain shutdownmargin. RCS Inventory Control and boration will be evaluatedon short-termand long-term considerations: lSGonsulting {}Rlzzo

2734296-R-0L0 Reuision0 Noaember3,20L4 Page25 of 52 PathsAvailable (All Modes)

1. Control Rod insertion for short-termreactivity control.
2. Boron addition to the RCS for long-term reactivity control using both BWST and FLEX ChargingPumps.

Short-TermReactivitv Control Primary path: Manual reactor trip using one of the two manual reactor trip push-buttons,which opensthe reactor trip breakers. Long-Term Reactivity Control FLEX RCS Charging/Boration: The BWST inventory will be provided to the FLEX RCS chargingpump (DH7B is a normally open MOV). The alternatechargingand boration path via the Clean Waste Receiver Tank (CWRT) is not completely seismicallyqualified and is not creditedfor mitigation following a seismicevent. The FLEX RCS chargingpump will usetemporaryFLEX power (480 VAC) to provide makeup water to the RCS via the HPI system(Train I ). The connectionwill be downstreamof HPI Pump #1. The flow path will be manually aligned (including the MOVs: HP2C or HP2D). The FLEX RCS pump is a positive displacementpump. Once the plant is cooled down, the makeuprequirementsare minimal. NEI 12-06requires postulatingmaximum reactantcoolantpump (RCP) seal leakage. The RCS sealleakagewill be significantly reducedfollowing cooldown and the associatedreduction in RCS pressure. ESEL Scope: Manual reactortrip utilizing HS-NI46 as the primary switch, and HS-NI45 as the backup switch. The trip breakersare located in C4603 (primary) and C4606 (backup). BWST lSSGsrsuhing {}Rlz,z9,

2734296-R-010 Reaision0 Noaember 3,201,4 Page26 of 52 o Decay Heat Train I Piping from BWST to ContainmentSprayPump #1, HPI Pump #1, andDecayHeat Pump #l o HPI Train I from HP22 to RCS o StationBatteriesand Inverters o 480 VAC Powervia EFW Facilitv and El Required Instrumentation Short-Term Reactivitv Control Core neutron flux using Channel 1 sourcerange nuclear instrumentation. Long-Term Reactivity Control Channel I sourcerange nuclear instrumentation, zero percent zonereferencelights for all control rods, and temperaturemonitoring of incore elements. Inventory Control Primary instrumentationfor verification of Inventory Control will include both pressurizerlevel and BWST level indicationspoweredby train I power supplies. ru. RCS PressureControl PathsAvailable (Modes l-5) (Note: Pressurecontrol not requiredwith RCS ventedin Modes 5 and 6). Modes l-5 (with pressurizerbubble) The pressurizerheatersare used, as necessary,to maintain a saturationtemperatureand pressure within the pressurizerwhile the bulk RCS will be maintainedbelow the saturationcurve as requiredby operatingprocedures.Pressurereductionmay be accomplishedby use of the PORV in venting steamto the pressurizerquenchtank. RCS overpressureprotection is also affordedby meansof the pressurizercode safetyvalves,which vent to the containmentatmosphere. lBSGqrsultilU {}BtZ'7o,1

2734296-R-070 Reuision0 Noaember 3,2014 Page27 of 52 Modes 5-6 Low temperatureoverpressure(LTOP) protection is satisfiedby meansof relief valve DH4849. Valves DH-I1 and DH-l2 with the associatedRCS pressureand pressurizerheaterinterlocksare requiredin establishingthe necessaryflow path with the RCS. ESEL Scope: Pressurizer Heater EssentialBank I PressurizerCode SafetyValve RC-I3A Relief Valve DH-4849 for LTOP Protection Required Instrumentation: Backup instrumentsfor verification of pressurecontrol include indicationsfor the following parameters:Channel 1 pressurizerlevel, Channel I RCS pressure,Channel I RCS saturation temperature,and temperaturemonitoring of incore elements. IV. Containment Integrity PathsAvailable Heat rejectedto containmentwill be removedby operationof CAC #1. CAC #1 will be energizedfrom 480 VAC, which is restoredfrom FLEX temporary480 VAC generators.The containmentheatwill be rejectedto the SW flow, which will be provided by the FLEX SW Pump. The FLEX SW water pump is a trailer mounted,diesel driven pump which will take the suction from the UHS. The pump will dischargeto SW Train #3 upstreamof the pump dischargestrainer. The flow will be directedto essentialSW train #l . The valveswill be manually aligned. The #l SW dischargestrainerwill be restoredby 480 VAC power. lB$Gonsulting (}Btzzg

2734296-R-01,0 ReaisionA Noaember 3,201.4 Page28 of 52 Required Instrumentation CAC l - 1 inlet suctiontemperatureand Safety FeaturesActuation System(SFAS) Channel1 containmentpressure. SupportingEquipment Support equipment required for implementation of the FLEX strategy A. SW System SW will be pressurizedby the FLEX SW Pump. In addition to the direct FLEX mitigation strategyactivities (CAC cooling and CCW cooling), the SW systemwill cool room air coolersand provides a flow distribution headerfor replenishment. For the ESEL SW Train 3 was designatedthe primary train utilizing SW Train I. During the developmentof ECP 13-0464,FLEX SW Modifications, it was identified that SW Train I supportsthe FLEX modifications better. Since the trains are comparableand can be cross-connected, the ESEL was developedfrom Train 3 utilizing Train 1 piping for distribution. The return headerflow path to the intake forebay is usedto minimizethe loss of UHS inventory. Manual valvesmay be closedto provide a flow diversion boundaryisolation betweenthe primary and backup SW trains (most of the systemcheck valves have internalsremoved). However, since structuralfailure of passivecomponentsis not assumed,flow diversionpathwaysare not expected. B. EmergencyAC Power The FLEX power supply strategyinvolves utilizing temporarydiesel generatorsto restore power to the essential480 VAC and4160VAC power. For 480 VAC, the primary FLEX diesel generatorwill be stagedin the EFW Facility and will be alignedto bussesin the EFW Facility. The 480 VAC power will be providedto the plant via temporarycablesand will be capableof being provided to El and/orFl busses.The alternateFLEX diesel generatorwill be either connectedto the EFW Facility or directlyto El/Fl. For 4160 VAC, 1.1 MW 4160VAC dieselgeneratorswill be connectedto eitherCl or Dl bus. lBSGonsulthg {}F}zzo

2734296-R-010 Reaision0 Noaember 3,2014 Page29 of 52 C. DC Power DC power is suppliedby either of the two of batterieswhich eachprovide +125 volts direct current(VDC) or -125 VDC supplyof potentialvoltage. DB-OP-02521,Loss of AC Bus Power Sources,delineatesthe plant control for battery load sheddingand restorationof power. In the absenceof load shedding,the batteriesare estimatedto remain operationalfor at leastone hour. The invertorswill maintain selectedI2OVAC poweredcomponentsuntil restorationof AC power with FLEX diesel generators. The EFW Facility has batteriesto sustainEFW systemoperationuntil restorationof 480 VAC facility power from a FLEX diesel generatoris established. D. CCW System For the ESEL CCW, Train I was designatedthe primary train. Either train can be utilized for BDBEE. Sincethe equipmentand configuration is comparablethe ESEL was developedfrom Train 1. CCW surgetank level indication is requiredto supportsystem inventory requirementswith makeupsuppliedby the SW system. E. MiscellaneousVentilation Systems Other ventilation componentshave beenaddedto the ESEL to supportcooling requirementsfor the low voltage switch gearrooms, battery rooms, and both the CCW and EmergencyCore Cooling (ECCS) pump rooms. F. InstrumentAC Power Sources Electrical bussesYAU or YBU are requiredto supportplant instrumentationneeds. All four 120 VAC essentialinstrumentationchannels(via DC backup) are assumednecessary for supportof both the flowpaths. Protectionof all four channelsis necessaryto prevent spuriousisolation of flow pathsif two channelsof SFAS or SFRCSwere to trip, due to the consequences of a seismicevent. G. SFAS DB-OP-02521,Loss of AC Bus Power Sources,delineatesthe plant control for battery load sheddingand restorationof power to precludespuriousactuations.All four SFAS Channelsare requiredto preventactuations,which may adverselyaffect desiredsystem lineups for the various safeshutdownfunctions. The SFAS cabinetsand systemblock switchesare also included on the SafeguardsSummaryEvent List (SSEL) to supportthe RCS pressurecontrol function. lFGonsulting {}R\zz9

2734296-R-010 Reaision0 Noaember 3,2014 Page30 of 52 H. ECCS Room Sumps In order to precludeloss of functionality of ECCS componentsdue to SpentFuel Cooling the EmergencyCore Cooling System(ECCS) Sump Pump capability is required. The spentfuel pool (SFP)heat removal will be via boiling and makeup. While the Fuel Handling Area will be ventilated it can be anticipated that a significant amount of steam will condenseon building walls and ultimately drain to the ECCS Room Sumps. Kev ParameterInstrumentation S/G level and pressureindication in Main Control Room (MCR) RCS temperatureand pressureindication in MCR Pressurizerlevel and pressureindication in MCR Essential4160Bussesfor PhaseIII operation Containmentpressureindication in MCR Core Exit Thermocouplesindication in MCR BWST Level Indication in MCR HPI flow indication in MCR DH flow and cooler outlet temperatureindication in MCR The FLEX strategyhasthe following connections: o EFW injection connectionto AFW train I FLEX chargingsuction from decayheat (DH) Train I (Source- BWST) FLEX charginginjection to HPI Train 1 FLEX SW connectionto SW Train 3 480 VAC connectionto El and Fl switchgear 4160VAC connectionto C I and D I switchgear Included in the above parameterlist are the transmitters and instrumentationracks and/or cabinetsthat contain the equipment necessaryto operatethe coffesponding instrumentation loops. ABSCffistrlting ()Rtzzo

2734296-R-010 Reaision0 Nouember 3,20L4 Page31 of 52 4.0 GROUND MOTION RBSPONSESPECTRUM 4.L Plor oF GMRS SusMrrrED By rHE LlcpNsnn The DBNPS Site bedrockoccursat Elevation (EL) 555 and consistsof massiveand bedded dolomite layers. The primary structuresof DBNPS are foundedon bedrock. The designbasis analysisappliesthe SSE ground motion at the respectivebuilding foundations. The deepest foundationelevationof thesestructuresis EL 540 and is associatedwith the RB. Therefore,the SSE and the GMRS, control point elevationis taken to be the baseof the RB foundation, EL 540. The bedrockimmediately underlying the bottom of the RB foundation(EL 540) is characterizedbyshearwave velocities (Vs) of about 5,200 feet per second(ft/s). Figure 4-I presentsthe ground motion responsespectrum (GMRS) at the control point EL 540 and comparesthis to the GMRS reportedin the DBNPS March 2014 submittal t3l. The difference is attributed to the material damping used for the rock material over the upper 500 feet (ft). While the GMRS included in the March2}l4 submittal is basedon the low strain damping of approximately3.2percent over the entire 500 ft depth,the GMRS usedin the ESEP limits this dampingvalue to the upper 100 ft, where the rock is consideredas weathered,fractured,or has a high percentageof voids/vugs. Within the depth rangeof 100 ft to 510 ft, a low strain damping of 1.0 percentis usedbasedon the unweatheredshaledynamic propertiesfrom Stokoeet al., [4]. Table 4-1 presentsthe spectralaccelerationsat selectedfrequenciesdefining the GMRS usedin the ESEP. The developmentof this GMRS is more fully describedin [3]. This GMRS is also being utilized as basisto obtain fragilities in supportof the on-going SPRA. Becausethe GMRS defines the ground motion at the RB foundation, it is also called the RB foundation input responsespectrum(FIRS). lBSGqrsultirg {}R\zz9

2734296-R-010 Reuision0 Nooember 3, 2014 Page32 of 52 1.00 0.80 FI bJo H d.60

  .9 P

o L g I o S P (J ll\ -^

    \l    tll EL tn 0.00 0.10                  1.00                10.00           100.00 Frequency[Hz]

FIGURE 4-1 COMPARISON BETWEEN GMRS AT CONTROL POINT USED FOR SPID MARCH I3TH SUBMITTAL AND DBNPSSPRA PROJECT TABLE 4-I UHRS AND GMRS AT THE DBNPS,EL 540 FnneuENcY HORIZONTAL SPECTRAL ACCELERATION (g) AT THE RB FOUNDATION (IJ.z) 1x10-4 Mlnn Uuns lxl0-s M,lnn UHns GMRS 0.10 0.0027 0.0064 0.0032 0 .1 3 0.0039 0.0092 0.0047 0.16 0.0056 0.0133 0.0067 0.20 0.0081 0.0192 0.0097 0.26 0 . 0 1l 8 0.0277 0.0140 0.33 0 . 0t 75 0.0404 0.0205 0.42 0.0265 0.0602 0.0307 0.50 0.0371 0.0826 0.0422 0.53 0.0388 0.0867 0.0443 fBSGoffiulting

                                                                         ? Rlz,uo
                                                                         %-  r'- :: I;': '  :. ' 't' - i:, ..:

2734296-R-010 Reaision0 Noaember3,201.4 Page33 of 52 TABLE 4.1 UHRS AND GMRS AT THE DBNPS,EL 540 (coNTINUED) FnnounNCY HontzoNTALSpncrnal AccnlERATIoN(s) lr run RB FouNo.q,TIoN (IIz) 1x10-"MlpE Unns lxl0-5MnRaUuns GMRS 0.67 0.0473 0.I 070 0.0545 0.85 0.0570 0.I 309 0.0665 1.00 0.0613 0.1417 0.0719 r.08 0.0642 0.15 16 0.0766 1.37 0.0669 0.1683 0.0840 1.74 0.0624 0.1678 0.0826 2.21 0.0630 0 . 1 8I1 0.0880 2.50 0.0664 0.t975 0.09s3 2.81 0.0765 0.2316 0.1114 3.56 0 . 1 Il 0 0.3493 0.1666 4.52 0.I 595 052t9 0.2470 5.00 0 . 18 81 0.625s 0.2951 5.74 0.2367 0.795r 0.3144 7.28 0.2909 0.9942 0.4665 9.24 0.327 4 t.t334 0.s305 10.00 0.33s0 1.1639 0.5444 tt.72 0.327 6 1.1484 0.5362 14.87 0.2967 1.0509 0.4896 18.87 0.283s 1.0120 0.4708 23.95 0.2534 0.9129 0.4239 25.00 0.2456 0.8853 0.4110 30.39 0.23s2 0.8415 0.39t3 38.57 0.2348 0.8321 0.3877 48.94 0.2t96 0.7640 0.3s72 62.t0 0 .I 8 2 1 0 . 6 1 1 I 0.2878 78.80 0.1445 0.4628 0.2200 100.00 0.I 298 0.4200 0.1993 Note: MAFE: mean annual frequencyof exceedance. 4.2 Covrp,tnlsoN To SSE Figure 4-2 comparesthe GMRS with the Site SSE at the control point elevation. The SSE horizontal spectrumis characterizedby a peak ground acceleration(PGA) of 0.15 accelerationof ABSGonsulting {}8t7711o

2734296-R-070 Reaision0 Noaember3, 2074 Page 34 of 52 gravity(g) anda shapederivedfrom the five percent-damped averageresponsespectraof several acceleration records.This shapeis similarto thatsuggested by Newmark,et al, [12]. The comparisonpresentedon Figure 4-2 illustratesthatthe maximumratio of spectralaccelerations (GMRS/SSE) is about1.6at aboutl0 Hertz(Hz). TABLE 4.2 SSEHORIZONTAL GROUND MOTION RESPONSESPECTRUMFOR DBNPS FnneuENCY SpncrRALAccnLERATroN IHzl tel 0 .1 0 0.004 0.37 0.060 2.31 0.37 4 8.00 0.37 4 33.00 0 . 15 0 1 0 0 .0 0 0 . 15 0 rA 39 0.4 c

    .9 P

o L o 0.3 o I I TE ts (J 0.2 o CL tn 0.1 0.0 0.100 1.000 10.000 1,00.000 Frequency(Hz) FIGURE 4.2 COMPARISONOF GMRS AND SSEAT CONTROL POINT ELEVATION ABSGonsulting l:bRtzz.o

2734296-R-0L0 Reaision0 Nouember3,20L4 Page35 of 52 5.0 REVIEW LEVBL GROUNDMOTION 5.L DnscnrprroNoF ftLGM SnlocrED The ESEP is being completedas part of the AugmentedApproach becausethe GMRS exceedthe SSEin the 1Hzto l0 Hz range. The ESEPguidance(EPRI-3002000704) allows the useof the GMRS as the review level ground motion (RLGM) in lieu of using scaledSSE response spectrumto demonstrateacceptanceof the high-confidence-lowprobability-of-failure (HCLPF) valuesfor the ESEL components. BecauseDBNPS is currently performing a SPRA, the fragilities developedin supportare being usedto the extent applicablealso to accomplishthe ESEP. The SPRA GMRS shown on Figure 4-1 representsthe ground motion input usedto obtain new seismic demandon the componentson the ESEL, and to obtain HCLPF and fragilities for the ESEL components. Table 4-1 presentsthe spectralaccelerationsat specific frequenciesdefining the RLGM. 5.2 MnrHoD To ESTTMATn ISRS A review of existing lumped massand stiffnessmodels of the DBNPS structuresconcludedthat thesemodels were not sufficiently adequateto use as basisto scalethe building seismic response.Therefore,the building seismicresponseusedin the ESEP (and in the SPRA) is obtainedusing new finite elementmodels of the structures. The analytical finite elementmodels developedhereare basedon geometricinformation, such as configurationof floors and walls, dimensions,wall and slab thicknesses,locations,and size of openings, etc.,taken from appropriatestructure layout drawings and details. The parametric information, such as the material properties,live loads,equipmentloads,and boundary conditionsare also obtainedfrom drawings,existing reports,and prevalentcodesand standards. The best estimate(BE) Vs of the supportingrock medium is approximately5,200 ft/s. Basedon the study presentedin EPRI1025287, Appendix C, the rock supportedstructuresare analyzed assumingfixed-baseconditions,wherethe fixed-baseis taken to be the bottom of the building foundationmats. The responsespectraat the respectivefoundationlevels representthe ABSGonsulting {}Ftzzo

2734296-R-0L0 Reuision0 Noaember 3,201.4 Page36 of 52 foundation input ground motion. For example,the GMRS shown on Figure 4-1 is taken to representthe foundation input responsesspectrafor use in the fixed-baseseismicanalysisof the RB. The exceptionis the BWST, which is supportedon compactedgranularbackfill and, therefore,its seismicanalysisconsiderssoil structureinteraction(SSf using the BE soil profiles. The SSI analysisof the BWST useslumped soil springsand damping constants. The seismicresponse,including the in-structureresponsespectra(ISRS) for the rock supported structures,are developedutilizing the time history modal synthesis,in which the input time historiesrepresentthe horizontal and vertical FIRS at the respectivebuilding foundation levels consistentwith the GMRS describedin Section 4.0. SubsequentequipmentHCLPF calculationsand fragility evaluationsare basedon the conservativedeterministicfailure margin (CDFM) approach. In accordancewith EPRI 1019200 "Seismic Fragility Applications Guide Update" [8], the seismicanalysesare performedusing BE structure stiffness, mass and damping characteristics,and the BE subsurfaceVs profile compatiblewith the expectedseismicshearstrains. The resulting ISRS approximatelyrepresent the 84th percentileresponsesuitablefor use in the CDFM calculations. ISRS at selectedlocationsare obtainedseparately,due to three directionsof input motion (X, Y, andZ). The resulting responsespectraare then combinedusing the square-root-of-the-sum-of-the-squares (SRSS)method [13]. For example,the three ISRS at a specific location in North-South (NS) direction resulting from ground motion input, respectively, in the NS, East-West(EW), and vertical directionsare combinedusing SRSS. Details of the developmentof the models,inputs, analysis,and resultsare presentedin ABSG Consulting Inc. (ABS Consulting)lRlZZO Report 2734296-R-005,Revision 1, dated April 29,2014. ABSGonsutting {}Bl.z1g,:

2734296-R-010 Reuision0 Noaember3,2074 Page37 of 52 6.0 SEISMIC MARGIN EVALUATION APPROACH 6.1 Suunnlny oF METHoDoLocTESUsno The seismicmargins for componentson the ESEL [6] are developedfollowing the EPRI guidelinesdescribedin EPRI 6041[4], EPRI TR-103959[5] (Methodologyfor Developing SeismicFragilities)and EPRI 1002988(SeismicFragility Application Guide). Additionally, EPRI 1019200[8], is usedto developmarginsusing the CDFM approach. The ESEL is first groupedto identify similar componentsrelative to equipmentclasses (e.g.,GenericImplementationProcedure[GIP]), and then sampledfor representativeitems based on type of equipment, manufacturer,location, and anchorageetc. Representativesamplesin eachequipmentgroup are then evaluatedto obtain the seismicmargins using the EPRI guidelines. The overall strategyfor developingseismicmarginsfor the various SSCsis as follows:

l. Perform screeningverification Walkdown to documentthat caveatsassociatedto generic fragilities are met, and perform anchoragecalculations.
2. Develop the HCLPF capacitiesbasedon availableexperiencedata,publishedgeneric ruggednessspectra,designcriteria documents,and designanalysis.

J. Rank the componentsbasedon preliminary results.

4. Perform improved analysisof selectedequipment.

A number of componentson the ESEL are breakersand switchesthat are housedin a "parent" component,suchas a motor control center(MCC) or switchgear. For the pu{posesof this evaluation,calculationsare not explicitly performedfor thesehousedcomponents. Instead,their HCLPF is assignedbasedon the parentcomponent. Seismicwalkdowns as describedin EPRI NP 6041 [4] are performedfor all "parent" componentson the ESEL [6]. SomeESEL componentswere walked down in December2012, lBSGwrsllting {}Rt77A

2734296-R-010 Reaision0 Noaember 3,201-4 Page38 of 52 in supportof SPRA, and thesewalkdowns were creditedwhere applicable. The remaining componentswere walked down in March 2014, during a plant refueling outage. HCLPF calculationsare performedfor all"parent" components[6], as describedinSection 6.3. The evaluationof functional capacity,as describedin Section 6.4, is also consideredin these calculations. 6.2 HCLPF ScRnnNrNGPRocESs No componentswere screened-outbasedon HCLPF values. Rather,the screeninglevel HCLPFs provided in Table 2-4 of EPRI 6041 [4] were utilized to developmounting level capacities. HCLPF values are then calculatedfor eachcomponenton the ESEL, as described in Section 6.3. 6.3 SntsnntcWnr,roowN Appno,q,cH 6.3.1 Walkdown Approach The seismicwalkdowns of DBNPS were performedin accordancewith the criteria provided in Section5 of EPRI 3002000704l2),which refersto EPRI NP-6041 t4l for the SMA process.The proceduresusedfor different equipmentcategoriesare summarizedbelow. The seismicreview team (SRT) reviewedequipmenton the equipmentwalkdown list that were reasonablyaccessibleand in non-radioactiveor moderatelyradioactiveenvironments. Equipment items in the ContainmentBuilding were walked down during the plant refueling outagein March 2014. For componentsin high radioactiveenvironments,a smallerteam and more hurried reviews were employed. For componentsthat were not accessible,the equipment inspectionrelied on alternatemeans,such as photographsand inspectionchecklistsfrom previous studies,such as A46llndividual Plant Examinationof External Events (IPEEE) programs. In the eventthe walkdown team had a reasonablebasisfor assumingthat a group of components were similar and similarly anchored,a single representativecomponentout of this group was selectedfor examination. The similarity of a group of items was establishedbasedon equipment construction,dimensions,locations,seismicqualification requirement,anchoragetype, and lBSGqrsulting {}Frzz?.

2734296-R-01.0 Reaision0 Noaember 3,201,4 Page39 of 52 configurations. The "similarity basis" was plannedto be confirmed during walk-bys, which would also record anomaliesin installationor presenceof seismicinteraction,if any. The representativeitem was targetedfor a thorough review and documentation. All "representative" and "walk by" items were fully documentedin SeismicEvaluation Work Sheets(SEWS). The SRT performedthe walkdowns in an ad hoc manner. For eachrepresentativecomponent, the SRT performeda thorough inspectionand recordedinformation relatedto anchorage,load path configurationand any potential seismicvulnerability associatedto the componentseismic capacity. Thesedetailsrecordedin SEWS were subsequentlyusedto verify as-built conditions and determineseismicfragilities. The 100 percent"walk by" is to look for outliers, lack of similarity, and anchorage,which is different from that shown on drawings or prescribedin criteria for that component,potential SI [Seismic Interactionl] problems,situationsthat areat odds with the team members'past experience,and any other areasof seriousseismicconcern. If any such concernssurface,then the limited samplesize of one componentof eachtype for thorough inspectionwill have to be increased.The increasein samplesize,which should be inspected,will dependupon the number of outliers and different anchorages,etc., which are observed. It is up to the SRT to ultimately selectthe samplesize sincethey are the oneswho are responsiblefor the seismicadequacyof all elements,which they screenfrom the margin review. Walk-bys also serveto provide the SRT with the suffrcientdegreeof confidencein relation to plant maintenanceand constructionpractices. This is especiallyusedto reinforce the engineeringjudgment applied for the fragility assessment of inaccessiblecomponents.However, in casequestionableconstructionpracticesare observedin the SSCs,then the systemor componentclassmust be inspectedin closer detail until the systematicdeficiency is defined. For eachitem on the equipmentwalkdown list, a specific SEWS was preparedcoveringthe different caveats. Each SEWS consistsof: EPRI 3002000704l2lpage 5-4limits the ESEP seismicinteractionreviews to "nearby block walls" and "piping attachedto tanks," which are reviewed "to addressthe possibility of failures due to differential displacements." Other potential seismicinteractionevaluationsare "deferred to the full seismicrisk evaluationsperformedin accordancewith EPRI 1025287[5]." lSGqrsulting {}Flzzo

2734296-R-0L0 Reaision0 Noaember3,20L4 Page40 of 52 Generaldescriptionof the equipment: equipmentID, name,equipment category,and building/fl oor/room Equipment evaluation caveats Equipment anchorage Seismicinteractionissues A databaseof SEWS was developedin an electronicformat using iPad computersto facilitate entry of the information collectedduring the walkdowns. The databaseincludesthe record of equipmentqualifications,walkdown observations,and photographs. 6.3.2 Application of Previous Walkdown Information Previousseismicwalkdowns were usedto supportthe ESEP seismicevaluations. Someof the componentson the ESEL were included in the NTTF 2.3 seismicwalkdowns [15] and SPRA seismicwalkdowns [ 6]. Thosewalkdowns were recent enoughthat they did not needto be repeatedfor the ESEP. SeveralESEL items were previously walked down during the DBNPS SeismicIPEEE program. Those walkdown results were reviewed and the following stepswere taken to confirm that the previouswalkdown conclusionsremainedvalid. A walk by was performed to confirm that the equipment material condition and configurationis consistentwith the walkdown conclusionsand that no new significant interactionsrelatedto block walls or piping attachedto tanks exist. If the ESEL item was screened-outbasedon the previous walkdown,that screeningevaluationwas reviewedand reconfirmedfor the ESEP. 6.3.3 SignificantWalkdownFindings Consistentwith the guidancefrom NP-604l l7l, no significant outliers or anchorageconcerns were identified during the DBNPS seismicwalkdowns. The following findings were noted during the walkdowns. lESGonsultilg {}Rl77a

2734296-R-0L0 Reaision0 Noaember3,201.4 Page41 of 52 Severalblock walls were identified in the proximity of ESEL equipment. Theseblock walls were assessedfor their structuraladequacyto withstandthe seismicloadsresulting from the RLGM as part of the SPRA Fragility Calculations. Capacitiesfor block walls in the vicinity of ESEP components are summarizedin [6]. For any caseswhere the block wall representedthe HCLPF failure mode for an ESEL item, it is noted in the tabulatedHCLPF valuesprovided in Attachment B. Valve 55-607 was identified to be supportedby supportsother than its mounting pipe. The pipe segmentfor 55-607 is directly supportedfrom the Auxiliary Building (AUX), whereasthe yoke is supportedby U-bolts connectedto the shield building. This configuration was taken into considerationfor the fragility assessmentof valve 55-607. 6.4 HCLPF C.r.r,culATroN Pnocnss ESEL items in DBNPS were evaluatedusing the criteria in EPRI NP-6041 [4]. Those evaluationsincludedthe following steps: Performing seismiccapability walkdowns for equipmentto verify the installed plant conditions. Performing screeningevaluationsusing the screeningtablesin EPRI NP-6041 as describedin Section 6.2. PerformingHCLPF calculationsconsideringvarious failure modesthat include both structuralfailure modes(e.g.,anchorage,load path,etc.) and functional failure modes. All HCLPF calculationswere performedusing the CDFM methodologyand are documentedin a DBNPS Reference[6]. 6.4.1 CDFM Approach HCLPF values for functionality and anchorageare calculated for eachrepresentativecomponent selectedfrom the ESEL. The functional HCLPF for equipmentis basedon experiencedrta, GenericEquipmentRuggednessData (GERS), test responsedata,designcriteria, or new analysis. The functional evaluationis supplementedwith the verification of the equipment anchoragefollowing SeismicQualification Utility Group (SQUG)/GIP procedures.The seismic lSSGonsultirU {}Rt.zTp

2734296-R-0L0 Reaision0 Noaember 3,201.4 Page42 of 52 demandon the equipment is basedon the floor responsespectranear the equipment support location, and the componentdampingvalues as recommendedin EPRI 6041 [4). The CDFM approachdescribedin EPRI 1019200[18], is utilizedto obtainthe component HCLPF values. The HCLPF capacitiesare statedin terms of a selectedgroundmotion PGA. The CDFM approachis consistentwith EPRI NP-6041-SL [4], updatedto accommodatethe parameterspresentedin Table 6-1. The screeninglevel HCLPF valuesprovided in EPRI 6041 [4] Table 2-4 arepresentedin terms of the 5 Hz spectralaccelerationat the foundation level. In accordancewith EPRI I 0 I 9200 [ I 8], thesevalues are usedto develop mounting level capacity assuminga median structure amplification factor of 1.5. The ISRS describedin Section 4.2 arecomparedwith this mounting level capacityto developHCLPF associatedwith the GMRS shape. Anchoragechecksare performedbasedon the spectralaccelerationsat the estimatedequipmentfrequencies. If the screeningtablesor GERS cannotbe applied,then the CDFM approachdescribedin EPRI 1019200[18], is utilized to obtainthe componentHCLPF values. The HCLPF capacities are statedin terms of a selectedground motion PGA. ABSGmsulting {}8t77o

2734296-R-010 Reaision0 3,20L4 Noaember Page43 of 52 TABLE 6-1


OF CONSERVATIVE DETBRMINISTIC FAILURE MARGIN APPROACH (EPRr 1019200, TABLE A.1) TncHNrcALIssun RncounaENDED Mnruon Load Combination Normal + SME Ground Response Anchor CDFM Capacity to defined responsespectrumshape Spectrum without considerationof spectralshapevariability Perform seismicdemandanalysisin accordancewith latest SeismicDemand version of American Societyof Civil Engineers(ASCE) 4 Dampins Conservativeestimateof mediandamping Best Estimate(Median) + UncertaintyVariation rn Structural Model Frequency Soil Structure Best Estimate(Median) + ParameterVariation Interaction Use frequency shifting rather than peak broadeningto In-Structure(Floor) account for uncertainty plus use conservativeestimateof SpectraGeneration median dampine Code specified minimum strengthor 95%oexceedanceactual Material Strength strensth if test dataare available Code ultimate strength(ACI), maximum strength(AISC), ServiceLevel D (ASME), or functional limits. If test data Static Strength are availableto demonstrateexcessiveconservatismof code Equations equationthen use 84oZexceedanceof test datafor strength equation For non-brittle failure modesand linear analysis,use InelasticEnergy appropriateinelastic energy absorption factor from Absorption ASCE/SEI 43-05 to accountfor ductility benefits,or perform nonlinear analysisand go to 95%oexceedanceductility levels 6.4.2 Component Structural Capacity In general,the CDFM approach:

1. Developsthe elasticseismicresponsefor the structuresand componentsfor the ground motion.
2. Developsstrengthmargin factor using componentcapacitiesas describedin Table 6-1.
3. Developsinelasticenergyabsorptionfactor basedon ASCE 43-05or at aboutthe 95 percentexceedanceprobability of ductility levels.

A3tGon$lting {}Rlzz9

2734296-R-010 Reaision0 Noaember3,20L4 Page44 of 52

4. Calculatesthe CDFM capacityas HCLPF1DFM = Fs' Frr'PGA (Equation 6-1)
where, Fs - Strengthmargin factor, Ft,= Inelastic energy absorption factor The strengthmargin factor is defined as:


              &-                                                           (Equation 6-2)


where, S = Strengthof the structural element Dn, = Non-seismicdemand(normal operatingloads)

Ds : Seismicdemand 6,4.3 ComponentFunctionalCapacify The HCLPF capacitiesfor functionality are basedonthe comparisonof the demand(ISRS) with EPRI 6041 [4] screeninglevel HCLPFs, existing analysis,GERS, or test responsespectra. The screeninglevel HCLPF valuesprovided in EPRI 6041 [4] Table 2-4 arepresentedin terms of the 5Hz spectralaccelerationatthe foundationlevel. In accordance with EPRI 1019200[18], thesevalues are usedto develop mounting level capacity assuminga median structure amplification factor of I .5. The ISRS described in Section 4.2 are comparedwith this mounting level capacityto developHCLPF associatedwith the GMRS shape. Anchoragechecksare performedbasedon the spectralaccelerationsat the estimatedequipmentfrequencies. Available plant specific seismicqualificationstestsare biaxial and all of the publishedGERS are constructedon the basisof the resultsof previous biaxial testsof similar types of equipment. Thesetestsapply table input motion in one-horizontaldirection and in the vertical direction. For lFGqrsulting {}F}:zz9

2734296-R-01.0 Reaision0 Noaember 3,201.4 most equipmentfor which GERS are available,the vertical test responsespectrum(TRS) arc at leastequalto the horizontal TRS. The publishedGERS define the horizontal componentof the table motion, which is, therefore,taken to representthe capacitystatedeither in terms of the vertical or horizontal input. The seismicdemandon equipment,on the other hand, is typically defined by ISRS in three orthogonaldirections,two horizontal, and one vertical. The procedureusedto developthe functional capacitycomparesthe resultant horizontal and the vertical ISRS separatelywith the GERS or TRS. The minimum seismicmargin is taken to obtain the functional HCLPF capacity. 6.5 FuNcrtoNAL EvN,u,q,TIoNS oF RELAYS There are no relays associatedwith the FLEX PhaseI response,included in the DBNPS ESEL. 6.6 Tlnuur,TED ESEL HCLPF Valuns (IxcluurNc KEy FllluRB Monns) Attachment B tabulatesthe HCLPF valuesfor all componentson the ESEL. All HCLPF values exceedthe RLGM. The Table in Attachment B also identifiesthe methodusedto developthe HCLPF valuesand the controlling failure mode. Most of the controlling failure modesare either anchoragefailure or loss of functionality and do not involve structuralintegrity. For a limited numberof components,the controlling failure mode is the failure of a nearbymasonryblock wall. Thesecasesare also identified in the Table. lSSGsrsulting {}Rt4zg

2734296-R-010 Reaision0 Noaember3,20'14 Pagea6 of 52 7.0 INACCESSIBLECOMPONENTS 7.1 IunNrtpICATIoN oF ESEL ITEMSTNACCESSTBLE FoR wALKDowNS A total of 14 items in the ESEL were inaccessibleduring walkdowns, mainly due to their location in confined spacesand high-radiationareas. Table 7-1 providesthe descriptionof the 14 inaccessiblecomponents,the reasonfor their inaccessibility,and the criteria implementedto confirm the installed condition and, therefore,evaluatetheir seismicfragility. The criteria implementedto confirm the installedcondition follows EPRI NP 6041 [7], where a number of ways of confirming the installed condition of equipment,including follow up walkdowns, photographicor other confirmatory evidenceis provided. TABLE 7.1


OF INACCESSIBLBITBMS IN DBNPSESEL CoMroNaNr Rnason noR THntn DnscRrpTIoN Rnsor,urroN ID INNCCNSSIBILITY Reviewof IPEEE SEWSconfirmed supportsimilaritywith HV-5301A. Ctrm Toilet Exh Fan Locatedbehinda HV53O1G Mounting configurationfrom HV-PneuOp lockeddoor 5301Ais usedto assess this component Reviewof IPEEE SEWSconfirmed supportsimilaritywith HV-5301A.. Ctrm Kitchen Exh Locatedin a HV53O 1H Mounting configurationfrom HV-Fan PneuOp confinedspace 53014 is usedto assessthis component Plant drawings(Chempump Division CraneCompany,"Outline Mod GA-IK," Revision3, Drawing No. 7749 -M-74 A-l-4 September Edg FuelOil Locatedunderground 1976)and seismicqualification P195-l TransferPump l-1 in Yard area report(ChempumpDivision Crane Company,"SeismicShockAnalysis for Model GA-1K," Revision0, October1976)are usedto assess this pump Locatedin high- Use of photosfrom flooding MU3 AOV MU3 radiationarea walkdowns Locatedin Use of photosfrom flooding MU38 AOV MU38 contaminated area walkdowns nESGonsulting (}nvzg.

2734296-R-01.0 Reaision0 Noaember3,20'1-4 Page47 of 52 TABLE 7-1


OF INACCESSIBLEITEMS IN DBNPSESBL (coNTINUED) CoupoNnNr REasoN FORTHEIR DuscnrprroN Rnsor,urron ID InnccnSSIBILITY Review of P&IDs and manufacturer drawing indicatesthat this valve has the sameactuatorweight and Locatedin a similar line diameterand actuator DHl I MOVDH II confinedspace eccentricityas MOVs CFIA and CF1B,which wereaccessible and walkeddown. Evaluationis based on similaritvto CF1A andCF1B Review of P&IDs and manufacturer drawing indicatesthat this valve has the sameactuatorweight and Locatedin a similar line diameterand actuator DH12 MOV DH 12 confinedspace eccentricityas MOVs CF1A and CFIB, which wereaccessible and walkeddown. Evaluationis based on similaritvto CFIA andCFIB BWST Level Located in a Use of photosfrom flooding LTI525A Transmitter1525A confined sDace walkdowns Confirmedto be a wall-mounted Inaccessible dueto SG 1-1Level instrumentwith typical mounting temporarystorage LTSPgB3 Transmitter configuration. Mounting relatedto plant LTSP983 configurationfrom LTSP9A6is outage usedto assessthis component Inaccessible dueto Review of drawing 13299-8-11399 SteamGeneratorl-on-goingwork demonstrates this is a smalland TESPIlBI I ShellTemperature relatedto plant lightweight temperatureelement Element1 outage connectedto the SteamGenerator This componentis screened-out CTMT CoolerFan 1 Inaccessible sinceits from further evaluationsincethe TEl356 SuctionTemp locatedinsidea pipe HCLPF capacityis judgedto be Element controlledby the piping response Installationconfigurationwas confirmedthroughIPEEESEWS IncoreOutlet M7 Locatedinsidethe TEIMOTM (C-CSS-TE-IM07M)andseismic Temp Element incoretank evaluation(Doc.No. 32-1170626-00) This componentis screened-out RC Loop I Hlg Wr Inaccessible sinceits from further evaluationsincethe TE,RC3B5 Temp Element locatedinsidea pipe HCLPF capacityis judged to be controlledbv the pipine response This componentis screened-out RCP 1-l DischClg Inaccessible sinceits from further evaluationsincethe TERC4B2 Wr Temp Element locatedinsidea pipe HCLPF capacityis judgedto be controlledbv the pipine response ABSGonsuEing {}Flzzl

2734296-R-0L0 Reaision0 Noaember 3,2014 Page48 of 52 8.0 ESEPCONCLUSIONSAND RESULTS The conclusionsand resultsof the ESEP evaluationare presentedin this Section,including the identification of any requiredplant modificationsand schedulesfor any follow up actions. S.L SupponrrNc INroRuATroN DBNPS has performedthe ESEP as an interim action in responseto the NRC's 50.54(f) letter []. The ESEP demonstratesthat DBNPS has additional seismicmargin plant equipmentthat can be relied upon to protectthe reactorcore following a beyond designbasis seismicevent. It was performedusing the methodologiesin the NRC endorsedguidancein EPRr3002000704 l2l. The ESEP provides an important demonstrationof seismicmargin and expeditesplant safety enhancementsthrough evaluationsand potential near-termmodifications of plant equipmentthat can be relied upon to protect the reactorcore following beyond designbasisseismicevents. The ESEPis part of the overall DBNPS responseto theNRC's 50.54(0 letter []. On March12, 2014,NEI submittedto the NRC resultsof a study l7l of seismiccore damagerisk estimates basedon updatedseismichazardinformation as it appliesto operatingnuclearreactorsin the Central and EasternUnited States(CEUS). The study concludedthat "site-specificseismic hazardsshow that therehas not beenan overall increasein seismicrisk for the fleet of U.S. plants" basedon the reevaluatedseismichazards. As such,the "current seismicdesignof operating reactorscontinuesto provide a safety margin to withstand potential earthquakes exceedingthe seismicdesignbasis." The NRC's May 9,2014 NTTF 2.1 Screeningand Prioritizationletter [9] concludedthat the "fleetwide seismicrisk estimatesare consistentwith the approachand resultsusedin the Gl-l99 safety/risk assessment."The letter also statedthat "as a result, the staff has confirmed that the conclusionsreachedin Gl-l99 safety/riskassessment remain valid and that the plants can continueto operatewhile additional evaluationsare conducted." ABSConeulting {}R}.27o;

2734296-R-01.0 Reaision0 Noaember 3,2014 Pagea9 of 52 An assessment of the changein seismicrisk for DBNPS was included in the fleet risk evaluation submittedin the March 12, 2014, NEI letter [7]; therefore,the conclusionsin the NRC's May 9 letter [9] also apply to DBNPS. In addition, the March 12,2014, NEI letter [7] provided an attached"Perspectivesonthe Seismic Capacityof OperatingPlants,"which (l) assesseda number of qualitative reasonswhy the designof SSCsinherently contain margin beyondtheir designlevel, (2) discussedindustrial seismicexperiencedatabasesof performanceof industry facility componentssimilar to nuclear SSCs,and (3) discussedearthquakeexperienceat operatingplants. The fleet of currently operatingnuclearpower plants was designedusing conservativepractices, such that the plants have significant margin to withstand large ground motions safely. This has beenborne out for thoseplants that have actually experiencedsignificant earthquakes.The seismicdesignprocesshas inherent(and intentional)conservatisms,which result in significant seismicmarginswithin SSCs. Theseconservatismsare reflectedin severalkey aspectsof the seismicdesignprocess,including: Safetyfactorsapplied in designcalculations Damping valuesused in dynamic analysisof SSCs Bounding synthetictime historiesfor ISRS calculations Broadeningcriteria for ISRS Responsespectraenvelopingcriteria typically usedin SSCsanalysisand testing applications Responsespectrabasedfrequencydomain analysisratherthan explicit time history basedtime domain analysis Bounding requirementsin codesand standards Use of minimum strengthrequirementsof structural components(concrete and steel) Bounding testing requirements Ductile behaviorof the primary materials(that is, not crediting the additional capacityof materials,such as steeland reinforced concretebeyondthe essentiallyelasticrange,etc.) lBSGonsulting

                                                                                 ,*r:h::::3 Nwember3, 20'14 l

l their functionsat groundmotionswell abovethe SSE. I I The intent ofthe ESEPis to perform an interim action in responseto the NRC's I 50.54(0 letter [1] to demonstratseismicmarginthrougha review of a subsetofthe plant I equipmentthat canbe relied uponto protectthe reactorcore following beyonddesignbasis I seismicevents. In orderto completethe ESEPin an expeditedamountof time, the RLGM used I for the ESEPevaluationis a scaledversionof the plant's SSE,ratherthan the actualGMRS. To I more frrlly characterizethe risk impactsof the seismicgroundmotion represented by the GMRS I on a plant specificbasis,a more detailedseismicrisk assessment (SPRA or risk-basedSMA) is I to be performedin accordancewith EPRI 1025287[10]. As identified in the DBNPS Seismic I Hazardand GMRS submittal[3], DBNPSscreensin for a risk evaluation. The completerisk I evaluationwill more completelycharacterizethe probabilisticseismicgtoundmotion input into I the plant, the plant responseto that probabilisticseismicgroundmotion input, andthe resulting I plant risk characterization.DBNPSwill completethat evaluationin accordancewith the I scheduleidentifiedin NEI's letterdatedApril9,2013 [8] andendorsed by theNRC in their I May7,20r3,letter [1]. I 8.2 IDENrrFrcArroNoF PLANNED MoDrFtcArroNs I As discussedin ,Seclioz6.6 andpresented in Afrachmen!.8, all componentson the ESELhave

                                                                                            " I HCLPF greaterthanthe RLGM (0.209). Therefore,no modificationsrelakd to the ESEPare I

planned. I 8.3 Moorrrclrror IMrLEMENTATToN ScHEDULE I As no modificationsareplanned,this Sectionis not applicable. I 8.4


oF REGULAToRY CoMMrrMENrs I None ABsGons'tting I

                                                                                $Ftz?9 l

2734296-R-0L0 Reaision0 Noaember 3,20L4 Page5L of 52 9.0 REFERBNCES

l. NRC (E. Leedsand M. Johnson)Letter to All Power ReactorLicenseeset al., "Request for Information Pursuantto Title l0 of the Code of FederalRegulations50.54(0 RegardingRecommendations 2.1,2.3 and 9.3 of the Near-TermTask ForceReview of Insightsfrom the FukushimaDai-Ichi Accident," March 12,2012.
2. EPRI, SeismicEvaluationGuidance: AugmentedApproach for the Resolutionof FukushimaNear-TermTask ForceRecommendation 2.1 - Seismic"Palo Alto, CA:

May 2013. 3002000704.

3. ABS Consultingand Paul C. Rizzo Associates,Inc., "Probabilistic SeismicHazard Analysis and Ground Motion ResponseSpectra,Davis-BesseNPP, SeismicPRA Project,"2734296-R-003(RIZZO R3 l2-4737), Revision 1,2014.
4. Electric Power ResearchInstitute,"A Methodology for Assessmentof Nuclear Power Plant SeismicMargin," EPRI NP-6041-SL,Revision 1, Palo Alto, CA, August 1991.
5. Electric Power ResearchInstitute,"Methodology for Developing SeismicFragilities,"

EPRI TR-l03959,June1994.

6. ABS Consultingand Paul C.Rizzo Associates,Inc., "DBNPS SeismicFragility of ESEP Components,"Calculation2734296-C-500/I 2-4737-C-500,Revision l, 2014.
7. Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI), A. Pietrangelo,Letter to D. Skeenof the USNRC, "seismic Core DamageRisk EstimatesUsing the UpdatedSeismicHazardsfor the OperatingNuclear Plantsin the Central and EasternUnited States,"March 12,2014.
8. Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI), A. Pietrangelo,Letter to D. Skeenof the USNRC, "ProposedPath Forward for NTTF RecommendationZ.l: SeismicReevaluations,"

April 9,2013.

9. NRC (E. Leeds)Letter to All Power ReactorLicenseeset a1.,"Screeningand Prioritization ResultsRegardingInformation Pursuantto Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations50.54(F) RegardingSeismic Hazard Re-Evaluationsfor Recommendation2.1 of the Near-Term Task Force Review of Insights From the FukushimaDai-Ichi Accident," May 9,2014.
10. EPRI, "seismic EvaluationGuidance:Screening,Prioritization and Implementation Details (SPID) for the Resolutionof FukushimaNear-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1: Seismic,"Palo Alto, CA: February2013, rc25287.

ll. NRC (E Leeds)Letter to NEI (J Pollock), "Electric Power ResearchInstitute Final Draft Report Xxxxxx, "seismic EvaluationGuidance: AugmentedApproach for the lSGonsulting {}F}zzp

2734296-R-010 Reaision0 Noaember3,2014 Page52 of 52 Resolutionof FukushimaNear-TermTask Force Recommendation2.1: Seismic,"as an AcceptableAlternative to the March 12,2012, Information Requestfor Seismic Reevaluations,"May 7,2013. t2. Newmark,N.M and W. J Hall 1969,"SeismicDesignCriteria forNuclear Reactor Facilities,"Proc.World Conf. EarthquakeEng., 4th,Santiago,Chile, 1969.

13. Nuclear RegulatoryCommission,RegulatoryGuide l.92, "Combining Modal Responses and SpatialComponentsin SeismicResponseAnalysis," July 2006.

t4. Stokoe,K. H., W. K. Choi, and F-Y Menq, 2003, "Summary Report: Dynamic LaboratoryTests:Unweatheredand WeatheredShaleProposedSite of Building 9720-82Y-12 National Security Complex, Oak Ridge, Tennessee,"Department of Civil Engineering,The University of Texasat Austin, Austin, Texas,2003.

15. ABS Consultingand Paul C.Rizzo Associates,Inc., Davis-BesseNuclearPowerStation, Near-TermTask ForceRecommendation 2.3, SeismicWalkdown Report,"2012.
16. ABS Consultingand Paul C. Rizzo Associates,Inc., "SeismicWalkdown of Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station,SeismicPRA Project," 2734296-R-004(RIZZO R6 12-4737),


17. DBNPS Overall IntegratedPlan (OIP) in Responseto the March 12,2012, Commission OrderEA-12-049,First EnergyCotp., LetterNo. L-14-25, "FirstEnergyNuclear OperatingCompany's Third Six-Month StatusReport in Responseto Marchl 2,2012 Commission Order Modifying Licenseswith Regardto Requirementsfor Mitigation Strategiesfor Beyond-Design-BasisExternal Events (Order Number EA-12-049) (TAC Nos. MF084l, MF0842,MF0961,and MF0962),datedAugust 28,2014.
18. Electric Power ResearchInstitute,"seismic Fragility Applications Guide Update," EPRI Report 1019200,Palo Alto, CA, December2009.

lBSGqrsulting {}Ft77ol

2734296-R-01,0 Reaision0 3,2014 Noaember PageA1 of A2A ATTACHMENTA EXPEDITED SEISMIC EQUIPMENT LIST lSGqpulting {}Rl,z7o

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 <z           \o                   C-l
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                                                                                                                                                                                ;)           F-)                        F-)

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o \JJ U) a

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rtdr.,.F vtFl!'i< FrH<r


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            &l)aY F    \J Ou) trr  F

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  <z                                                                            ra)

(\ tal rn lal 0\ c- oo c\ C.l $ \o ca zo 6t 6l (--l c- c- \o \o c-l C\.l c\t C-l 6t N c-l N F tal la, rn lfl l.- t\ ts trl F tr< 9U (J I I I F J J F I I F I I I I I I zo I I I I I I I

 -Dl Fr r :$h in           \o                oo       o\                                (\.1       cr}           s                  la)     \o rA rA>             F-r-

oo c-o\ t- oo oo c! oo ao

                                                                                      =f oo oo              oo F-oo       oo       oo       o\                        o\        o\            o\                o\

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  • I s I aa I

ra, I s I s I t I

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            \o rat         rn lal
                                    \o rat
                                            \o oo &

r.l ra, lar N

                                                                  \o oo lar lal c-l
                                                                                                             \o lrl
                                                                                                                         \o (n
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                                                                                                                                                                                     \o     \o                       \o         \o \o F           F                                                                                    F            F      F z

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                                                                                              \o     c*                                 U U                                                  $

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                \o             tr-       c.-

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                                                        .<r tn t



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2734296-R-010 Reaision0 Noaember 3 20L4 PageA20 of A20 z

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2734296-R-0L0 Reaision0 Noaember 3,20'14 Page85 of 812 x oo Xx m rrl m rrr rc Xx X; CArrl X Sci X

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                                                                        .(t)2 a   Cn E        r r ' t -E rr)

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n s .<l. :f, $ n R n \r $ n n :f, $ s v s n .f, s $ I rn rn rrt rn rfl ctl c! c-t o\ o\ Or o\ o\ o\ o\ o\ o\ Or o\ o\ o\ F] Q 1 - i 1 - cf) c.) cr) n O n R O n =q n n n n n n =q n +r I ,^ F \o \o c.I \o ca .f, t ctt zri C-l $ c.l \o c-l o\ t) c-'l c\l \o \o oo oo $ rn rn t ca crl 2 n fr) frl rrl rrl rI] fYl rrl I r'l f r'l f r'l frl r r'l o ri fBgGonsulting Rrzzo i ; i - . : r  : : :

2734296-R-01,0 Reuision0 Noaember 3,2014 Page86 of 81.2 v) a Cg d X o.: X X X o X X o to X o X X X o X X o_: e cg Xcj O

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gr) E-: go gu Or o r{$ 6 (D*

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          =f,     s    st -f, $ $ t .(l s $ $ $ $ s s s $ $ s $ $ s $ $ s $ $ s .d. $ s $ $ s                                                                                                               s ol      cl   oJ cl o.l cJ ol c! ol cl o! o! ot oJ ol .l c! ol o! cJ c.l o! cl ol cl c'l cl cl cJ e! o! cJ o! ct o!

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                                                                                                                                                        $               $    \r (n

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Enclosure D L-14-401 Expedited Seismic Evaluation Process (ESEP) Report Perry Nuclear Power Plant (81 pages follow)

2734298-R-010 AB$Gon$ultlng Revision0 Rlzzo Cu. {,- i: i* i :. i ci:i'

                             'i l: il:;

ExpeditedSeismicEvaluation Process(ESEP)Report PerryNuclearPowerPlant November3, 2014 Preparedfor: FirstEnergyNuclearOperatingGompany ABSG ConsultingInc. . 300 CommerceDrive,Suite 200 . lrvine,California 92602

2734298-R-0L0 Reuision0 3,201-4 Nouember Page2 of 42 EXPEDITED SEISMIC EVALUATION PROCESS (ESEP)REPORT PERRY NUCLEAR POWER PLANT ABSG CoxsuLrINGINC.Rnponr No. 2734298-R-010 RnvrsroN0 R'IZZ,ORnponr No. Rll 12-4734 NovnnnBER 312014 ABSG CoNsuLrrNGINC. RIZZO ASSOCIATES ABSGonsulting {}R\zzo

27342W-R-Ala Reul'riol0 Nmem}rr03,2014 APPROVATS ReporfName: $$dited ScismicEvaluation (fiSEF)RFort Prucess FerryNuclearPonerPlant Ilate: November 03,2014 RevisionNo,: Rcvirion0 Preparedby: I UO34U[*,,,,,,,,,,.,,

            &ldic M. Guena(RIZZOAesociates)    Dnte ll- {o- ltf Reviewedbyl 7fr-T                           11-6-20L4 FarzinBeigi(ABSConsulting)         Date
            +(r"rhlA'U-ft     ttfu     -"          ll*l!
  • t+

A*rley SullivdnFENOC) trnte (/.(r,,.q.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, DanielRoniger(FENOC) l\..-6..* zott MohammedAlvi (FENOC) Approvedhy: (l'ffi &. 1:,,,,t,,,,-. Robest Cotd(FENOC) llsComulEttg fintF#,fl'

2734298-R-01.0 Reaision0 Noaember3,20L4 Table of Revisions Revision No. Date Description of Revision 0 November3, 2014 Originalissue. fESConsulting {}Fl.zzo

2734298-R-010 Reuision0 Noaember 3,2014 Page5 of 42 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE LISTOF TABLES ................7 LISTOF FIGURES ...............8 LISTOF ACRONYMS ......9 I.O PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVE ....12 2.0 BRIEF


OF THE FLEX SEISMICIMPLEMENTATION STRATEGIES..... ............14 3.0 EQUIPMENTSELECTTON PROCESS AND ESEL ...............16 3.1 Eeutptr,tpNT SELECTToN PnocnssANDESEL .........16 3.2 JusnrrcATroN FoRUsEoFEeurpMENT Tsnr rsNor THpIRIMARY Me,nNsFoRFLEXIvple,MENrArroN........ .......19 4.0 GROUNDMOTIONRESPONSE SPECTRUM ..........20 4.1 Plor op GMRSSueN4rrrED By rHELrcpNsnE ........... ...20 4.2 CovpRnrsoN ro SSE.. ................22 5.0 REVIEWLEVELGROLIND MOTION..... ................23 5.1 DescntprloN or RLGMSpr-pcrED ....... ...........24 5.2 MEruonro EsrrMnre ISRS..... .........24 6.0 SEISMICMARGIN EVALUATIONAPPROACH ...26 6.1 SuvuenyoFMprHoooI-ocrEs UsEo..... ...............26 6.2 HCLPFScnppNINc PnocESS........ ..........27 6.3 Sptstr,lc WalrnowN AppnoACH ........27 6.4 HCLPF cALCULATToN pRocESS ............30 6.5 FrrNcrroxalEvaluATroNS or Rpuys......... ................33 6.6 Tneur.arpoESELHCLPFVnlups (INcr-uDrNG Kpv FRnuRp Mooes) ........35 7.0 INACCESSIBLE ITEMS ...............36 7.l InENrrprcArroN onESELrrEMSTNACCESSTBLE FoRwALKDowNS ............36 8.0 ESEPCONCLUSIONS AND RESULTS........... ...........38 8.1 Supponrmc INroRMArroN .........38 lSSGonsulting {}B\zz9

                                                       .::#;i!, I (CONTII\IUED)

I I PAGE I 8.2 IDENTTFTcATToN oF PLANNED MoDrFrcATIoNs...... ...........40 l 8.3 Moolncerror IMILEMENTATToN ScuEour.B ..................40 l e0il,";ffi*":*::::l::l"l]T" ll il I










2734298-R-0L0 Reuision0 Noaember3,20L4 PageL2 of 42 EXPEDITED SEISMIC EVALUATION PROCESSREPORT PERRY NUCLEAR POWER PLANT 1.0 PURPOSEAND OBJECTIVE Following the accidentat the FukushimaDai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant resulting from the March ll,20l l, Great Tohoku Earthquakeand subsequenttsunami,the Nuclear Regulatory Commission(NRC) establisheda Near-Term Task Force (NTTF) to conducta systematicreview of NRC processesand regulationsand to determineif the agencyshould make additional improvementsto its regulatorysystem. The NTTF developeda set of recommendationsintended to clarify and strengthenthe regulatory framework for protection against natural phenomena. Subsequently,the NRC issueda 50.54(f) letter on March 12,2012 [1], requestinginformation to assurethat theserecommendationsare addressedby all United Statesnuclearpower plants. The 50.54(0 letter requeststhat licenseesand holdersof constructionpermits under 10 CFR Part 50 reevaluatethe seismichazardsat their sitesagainstpresent-dayNRC requirementsand guidance. Dependingon the comparisonbetweenthe reevaluatedseismichazardand the currentdesign basis,further risk assessment may be required. Assessmentapproachesacceptableto the staff include a SeismicProbabilisticRisk Assessment(SPRA), or a SeismicMargin Assessment (SMA). Basedupon the assessment results,the NRC staff will determinewhetheradditional regulatoryactionsare necessary. This Report describesthe ExpeditedSeismicEvaluationProcess(ESEP)undertakenfor Perry Nuclear Power Plant (PNPP). The intent of the ESEP is to perform an interim action in response to the NRC's 50.5a(fl letter [1] to demonstrateseismicmargin through a review of a subsetof the plant equipmentthat can be relied upon to protect the reactorcore following beyonddesign basisseismicevents. The ESEP is implementedusing the methodologiesin the NRC endorsedguidancein Electric Power ResearchInstitute (EPRD 3002000704 l2l. lSGonsultittg {}B\zzo

273429$-R-U.A Reaision0 Noaember3,2014 Page13 of 42 The objective of this Report is to provide summaryinformation describingthe ESEP evaluations and results. The level of detail provided in the Report is intendedto enableNRC to understand the inputs used,the evaluationsperformed,and the decisionsmade as a result of the interim evaluations. dlFlz

2734298-R-010 Reaision0 Noaember 3,201.4 Page1.4of 42 2.0 BRIEF


OF THE FLEX SEISMIC IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGIES The PNPP FLEX responsestrategiesfor ReactorCore Cooling and Decay Heat Removal, Reactor Inventory Control, and Containment Function are summarizedbelow. This summary is derived from the PNPP Overall IntegratedPlan ([OIP], Revision l) in Responseto the March 12, 2A12,CommissionOrderEA- 12-049l71. During Plant Modes l -4, ReactorCore Cooling and Heat Removal is achievedvia steam-driven high pressureinjection from the ReactorCore Isolation Cooling (RCIC) System. Decay heat from the reactorcore is transferredto the SuppressionPool from (1) SafetyRelief Valve (SRV) operationand (2) exhaustdischargefrom the RCIC Turbine. During FLEX Phase1, the RCIC pump suction is alignedto the SuppressionPool. The SuppressionPool is the only credited PhaseI suction sourcefor the RCIC Systempump. The Phase2 strategyincludescontinuationof the PhaseI strategy,with the exceptionof the RCIC pump suctionsource. During Phase2, alternatesuction source(s)will be alignedto provide reducedtemperaturecoolant and isolate pump suction from the elevatedtemperatureof the SuppressionPool. The new RCIC alternatesuction line will be connectedvia temporary hosesto one of severalprioriti zed water supplies,with the creditedsourcebeing the Emergency ServiceWater (ESW) System. The ESW Systemwill provide raw water from Lake Erie from the fully robust normal lake intake structure. Additionally, the PNPP lake accessdesignalso includesa fully robust dischargestructurethat can act as an intake structure,if necessary.FLEX pumps locatedin the EmergencyServiceWater Pumphouse(ESWPH) provide the motive force for the alternatewater supply to the RCIC pump suction. During Mode 5, the RCIC Systemis not availabledue to the inability of the vesselto retain pressureand systempiping disassembly.However, in Mode 5 the reactorvesselis flooded up to the reactorheadflange prior to any disassembly(for radiation shieldingpurposes).Analysis has shown that the bulk inventory of this configuration is sufficient to subdueboiling during the entirety of Phase1.. During Phase2, upon restorationof Alternating Current (AC) power, pumping capacityis availableto flood the vesselcavity and upper ContainmentPools. This can AB$Gmsulting

2734298-R-010 Reaision0 Noaember3,20'l-4 Page15 of 42 be achievedthrough multiple meansincluding FLEX pumps and installedplant components. Either Lake Erie (as describedabove)or the SuppressionPool is the creditedinventory sources. There are no PhaseI FLEX actions necessaryto maintain containment integrity. The primary Phase2 FLEX strategyfor containmentintegrity entailsrepoweringone train of hydrogen igniters (preventingthe accumulationof explosiveconcentrationsof hydrogengas) and providing SuppressionPool heat removal via the employmentof SuppressionPool ClosedLoop Cooling (SPCLC). SPCLC essentiallyconsistsof a modified versionof ResidualHeat Removal (RHR) operatingin SuppressionPool Cooling Mode; this operationalmode is modified in that the motive force for processfluid is provided by smaller capacity480 Voltage Alternating Current (VAC) pumps (in lieu of the larger 4,160 VAC RHR Pumps)and cooling water is provided by FLEX pumps (in lieu of the larger ESW Pumps). Necessaryelectricalcomponentsis outlined in the PNPP FLEX OIP submittal (Revision l) [17], and primarily include establishmentof 4,160 VAC FLEX power, which is usedto supply FLEX cooling water and installed step-downtransformersto restorenecessary480 VAC equipment. Critical 480 VAC loads include battery chargers,480 VAC pumps (usedfor SPCLC low pressurevesselinjection) and electricaldistribution equipmentto re-powermonitoring instrumentationrequiredfor core cooling, reactorcoolant inventory, andcontainmentintegrity. During Phase3, the mitigation strategytransitionsto the use of the ShutdownCooling mode of the RHR System. FLEX cooling water pumps continue operationfrom Phase2. Electrical power is provided by a combinationof Phase2 andRRC 4,160 VAC generatorsconnectedto vital 4,160 VAC busses.Reactorcore cooling and Containmentintegrity are preservedvia this strategy. f3SGottsttlting {}F\2,9.

2734298-R-010 Reaision0 Noaember 3,2014 Page16 of 42 3.0 EQUIPMENT SELECTIONPROCESSAND ESEL The selectionof equipmentfor the ExpeditedSeismicEquipmentList (ESEL) followed the guidelinesof EPRI 3002000704[2]. The ESEL for Unit I is presentedinAttachmentA. Note that PNPP was originally designedas a two unit plant, with Unit 2 neverbeing completed. However, a significant portion of Unit 2 was completedwith a portion of the original plant designconsistingof common systems,structures,and components(SSCs). The PNPP FLEX strategyhas utilized a number of componentsdesignatedas either common to both units, or Unit 2 equipment. As such,the PNPP ESEL containsequipmentdesignationas either common or Unit 2. 3.L EeurprunNr SELECTIoNPnocnss ANDESEL The selectionof equipmentto be included on the ESEL was basedon installedplant equipment creditedin the FLEX strategiesduring Phase1,2, and3 mitigation of a Beyond Design Basis External Event (BDBEE), as outlined in the PNPP OIP in Responseto the March 12,2012, CommissionOrder EA- 12-049Il7). The OIP providesthe PNPPFLEX mitigation strategyand servesas the basisfor equipmentselectedfor the ESEP. The scopeof "installed plant equipment" includesequipmentrelied upon for the FLEX strategies to sustainthe critical functions of core cooling and containment integrity consistentwith the PNPPOIP [17]. FLEXrecovery actionsare excludedfromthe ESEPscopeperEPRI 3002000704,SeismicEvaluationGuidance:AugmentedApproach for the Resolutionof FukushimaNear-TermTask Force Recommendation2.1 - Seismic [2]. The overall list of plannedFLEX modifications,and the scopefor considerationherein,is limited to thoserequired to supportcore cooling, reactorcoolant inventory and subcriticality,and containmentintegrity functions. Portableand pre-stagedFLEX equipment(not permanentlyinstalled)are excluded from the ESEL per EPRI 3002000704[2]. The ESEL componentselectionfollowed the EPRI guidanceoutlined in Section3.2 of EPRr3002000704. fBSGmulting {}Rtz?g-,

2734298-R-010 ReaisionA Noaember3,2014 PageL7 of 42

l. The scopeof componentsis limited to that requiredto accomplishthe core cooling and containmentsafetyfunctions identified in Table 3-1 of EPRI 3002000704. The instrumentationmonitoring requirementsfor core cooling/containmentsafety functions are limited to thoseoutlined in the EPRI 3002000704guidanceand are a subsetof those outlinedin the PNPPOIP [17].
2. The scopeof componentsis limited to installedplant equipment,and FLEX connections necessaryto implement the PNPP OIP I I 7] as described in Section 2.0.
3. The scopeof componentsassumesthe creditedFLEX connectionmodifications are implemented,and are generallylimited to thoserequiredto supporta single FLEX successpath; i.e., either 'oPrimary"or "Back-up/Alternate".
4. The "Primary" FLEX successpath is to be specified. Selectionof the "Back-up/Alternate"FLEX successpath must be justified.
5. Phase3 coping strategiesare included in the ESEP scope,whereasrecovery strategiesare excluded.
6. SSCsexcludedper the EPRI 3002000704[2] guidanceare:
       . Structures(e.g.,Containment,ReactorBuilding [RB], Control Building, Auxiliary Building [AUX], etc.)
       . Piping, cabling, conduit, heating,ventilation, and air-conditioning(HVAC),

and their supports.

       . Manual valves and rupture disks.

o Power operatedvalves not requiredto changestateas part of the FLEX mitigation strategies.

       . Nuclear steamsupply systemcomponents(e.g.reactorpressurevesseland internals,reactorcoolant pumps,and seals,etc.)
7. For casesin which neither train was specifiedas a primary or back-up strategy,then only one train componentmay be included in the ESEL.

3.1.1 ESEL Development The ESEL was developedby reviewing the PNPP OIP [17lto determinethe major equipment involved in the FLEX strategies.Further reviews of plant drawings(e.g.,Piping and InstrumentationDiagrams(P&ID) and Electrical One-Line Diagrams)were performedto identify the boundariesof the flowpaths to be used in the FLEX strategiesand to identify specific componentsin the flowpaths neededto supportimplementationof the FLEX strategies. ln$Gsrsulting {}Flzz9

2734298-R-010 Reuision0 Nouember 3,20L4 Page1.8of 42 Boundarieswere establishedat an electrical or mechanicalisolation device (e.g.,isolation amplifier, valve, etc.) in branchcircuits / branch lines off the defined strategyelectrical or fluid flowpath. P&IDs were the primary referencedocumentsusedto identiff mechanical componentsand instrumentation. The flow pathsusedfor FLEX strategieswere selectedand specific componentswere identified using detailedequipmentand instrumentdrawings,piping isometrics,electrical schematicsand one-line drawings,systemdescriptions,designbasis documents,etc., as necessary. 3.1.2 Power Operated Valves Page3-3 of EPRI 3002000704l2l notesthat power operatedvalves not requiredto changestate are excludedfrom the ESEL. Page3-2 also notesthat "functional failure modesof electricaland mechanicalportions of the installed PhaseI equipmentshouldbe considered (e.g.,RClC/Auxiliary Feedwater[AFW] trips)." To addressthis concem,the following guidanceis applied in the PNPP ESEL for functional failure modesassociatedwith power operatedvalves: Power operatedvalves that remain energrzedduring the Extended Loss of all Alternating Current Power (ELAP) events(suchas DC poweredvalves),were includedon the ESEL. Power operatedvalves not requiredto changestateas part of the FLEX mitigation strategieswere not included on the ESEL. The seismicevent also causesthe ELAP event;therefore,the valves are incapableof spurious operationas they would be de-energized. Power operatedvalves not requiredto changestateas part of the FLEX mitigation strategiesduring Phase1, and are re-energizedand operatedduring subsequentPhase2 and 3 strategies,were not evaluatedfor spurious valve operationas the seismiceventthat causedthe ELAP haspassedbefore the valves are re-powered. 3.1.3 Pull Boxes Pull boxeswere deemedunnecessaryto add to the ESELs as thesecomponentsprovide completelypassivelocationsfor pulling or installing cables. No breaksor connectionsin the cabling are included in pull boxes. Pull boxeswere consideredpart of conduit and cabling, which are excludedin accordancewith EPRI 3002000704I21. lreGonsulting {}FtzE'

2734298-R-010 Reaision0 Nouember 3,2014 Page1.9of 42 3.1.4 Termination Cabinets Termination cabinets,including cabinetsnecessaryfor FLEX Phase2 andPhase3 connections, provide consolidatedlocationsfor peffnanentlyconnectingmultiple cables. The termination cabinetsand the internal connectionsprovide a completely passivefunction; however, the cabinetsare included in the ESEL to ensureindustry knowledge on panel/anchoragefailure vulnerabilitiesis addressed. 3.1.5 Critical Instrumentation Indicators Critical indicatorsand recordersare typically physically locatedin panels/cabinetsand are included as separatecomponents;however, seismic evaluation of the instrument indication may be included in the panel/cabinetseismicevaluation(rule-of-the-box). 3.1.6 Phase2 and Phase3 Piping Connections Item 2 in Section 3,7 abovenotesthat the scopeof equipmentin the ESEL includes". . . FLEX connectionsnecessaryto implementthe PNPP OIP [17] as describedinSection 2.0" Item 3 in Section 3.1 also notesthat "the scopeof componentsassumesthe creditedFLEX connection modificationsare implemented,and are limited to thoserequiredto supporta single FLEX successpath (i.e., either 'Primary' or 'Back-up/Alternate')." Item 6 in Section 3.0 abovegoeson to explain that "piping, cabling, conduit, HVAC, and their supports,"areexcludedfrom the ESEL scopein accordance with EPRI 3002000704I2]. Therefore,piping and pipe supportsassociatedwith FLEX Phase2 andPhase3 connectionsare excludedfrom the scopeof the ESEP evaluation. However, any active valves in FLEX Phase2 and Phase3 connectionflow path are included in the ESEL. 3.2 JusrrnrcATroN FoR Usn oF EeurpMENTTH,q.rrs Nor THn rRIMARYMnnNs FoR FLEX IuplnuENTArroN This Sectionis not applicableas there is no equipmentusedthat is not the primary meansfor Flex implementation. The completeESEL is given inAttachment A. lBSGonsulting {}Rt"zzq

2734298-R-010 Reaision0 Noaember3,20'1-4 Page20 of42 4.0 GROUND MOTION RESPONSESPECTRUM 4.1 Plor oF GMRS SusvrrrrEDBy rHE LrcExsnn The PNPP major structuresare founded in the Chagrin Shalebedrock at foundation elevations varying between 561 feet (ft ) for the RB and the AUX to 564 ft for the Intermediate and Fuel Handling Buildings (IB and FHB) and the Control Complex (CC). The designbasisanalysis appliesthe safeshutdownearthquake(SSE) ground motion at the respectivebuilding foundations. Therefore,the SSE,and the ground motion responsespectra(GMRS), control point elevationis taken to be the deepestfoundationlevel, which is the baseof the RB foundation, elevation(EL) 561. The bedrock immediatelyunderlying the RB foundation(EL 561) is characterizedby shearwave velocities (Vs) of about 5,200 feet per second(ft/s). Figure 4-1 presentsthe GMRS at the control point EL 561 and comparesthis to the GMRS reportedin the PNPP March 2014 submittal t3l. The differenceis attributedto the material dampingusedfor the rock material over the upper 500 ft. While the GMRS reportedin the March 2014 submittal is basedon the low strain damping of approximately3.2 percentover a depth of 500 ft below the RB foundation,the GMRS usedin the ESEP limits this dampingvalue to the upper 100 ft where the rock is consideredas weatheredor fractured. Below this depth,a low strain dampingof 1.0 percentis usedbasedon the unweatheredshaledynamic properties from Stokoeet al., l41. Table 4-1 presentsthe spectralaccelerationsat selectedfrequenciesdefining the GMRS usedin the ESEP. The developmentof this GMRS is more fully describedin [3]. This GMRS is also being utilized as the basisto obtain fragilities in supportof the on-going SPRA. Becausethe GMRS defines the ground motion at the RB foundation, it is also called the RB foundation input responsespectrum(FIRS). ABSGonsulting {}Rlzzrs

2734298-R-010 Reuision0 Noaember 3,2014 Page21 of a2 1.0

              - - -2013 GMPE,SPIDMarch                          Damping= SYo Submittal 0.8
.A Y

o0 I s 0.6


o (D(De) h o t E 0.4 \

 -                                                                   \ \

lE L

 +,                                                                            hi I

o s 0.2 rt

                                                                               --T 0.0 0.10                     1.00                L0.00                    100.00 Frequency  [HzJ FIGURE 4-I COMPARISON BETWEEN GMRS AT CONTROL POINT REPORTED IN SPID MARCH 2014SUBMITTAL AND GMRS USEDIN PNPPSPRAPROJECT TABLE 4-I UHRS AND GMRS USEDIN PNPPSPRA,EL 561 HoTZoNTAL SpncrRAL AccnLERATIoN (g) AT rHE RB FnneuENCY FoUNDATIoN (Hz) 1X1O'4MAFE UHRS                     MAFE UHRS 1X1O-5                    GMRS 0.10                0.0027                       0.0060                0.0030 0.13                0.003   8                    0.0088                0.0045 0.16               0.0055                       0.0129                0.0065 0.20               0.0079                       0.0188                0.0095 0.26               0.01   l6                    0.0275                0.0139 0.33               0 . 0l 74                    0.0412                0.0208 0.42               0.027l                       0.063I                0.0322 0.50               0.0388                       0.0905                0.0458 0.53               0.0409                       0.0969                0.0489 0.67               0.0s03                       0.1252                0.0626 0.85               0.0607                       0.1583                0.0784 1.00               0.067   4                    0.I 820               0.0895 1.08               0.0733                       0.2023                0.0991 fB$Gffistlting

2734298-R-010 Reaision0 Nooember3,2014 Page22 of 42 TABLE 4.1 UHRS AND GMRS USEDIN PNPPSPRA,EL 56I (coNTINUED) HoruzoNrAL SpncrRnl, AccELERATIoN(g) .tr rHn RB FnneunNCy FounnlrroN (Hz) lXI.O-*MAFE UHRS 1X1.0-'MAFB UHRS GMRS t.37 0.0861 0.2542 0.t228 1.74 0.0845 0.2682 0.t277 2.21 0.0930 0.3173 0.1489 2.50 0.107r 0.3798 0.r769 2.81 0.1268 0 . 41 s8 0.2103 3.56 0.1628 0.s858 0.2721 4.52 0.1952 0.7090 0.3287 5.00 0.2137 0.7815 0.3618 5.74 0.2363 0.8695 0.4020 7.28 0.27t0 l . 0 l l 6 0.4664 9.24 0.3125 r.1789 0.5424 10.00 0.3253 1.2318 0.s663 11.72 0.3301 1 . 2 5 7 3 0.s773 14.81 0 . 3 3l 9 t.2767 0.s851 18.87 0.3367 1.3062 0.5976 23.95 0.3230 r.268r 0.5788 25.00 0 . 31 8 7 r.2544 0.5722 30.39 0.3017 1.1798 0.5389 38.57 0.21s3 1.0631 0.4868 48.94 0.2445 0.9195 0.4233 62.t0 0.2043 0.7428 0.3443 78.80 0.1637 0.5718 0.2672 r00.00 0.1484 0.5t94 0.2426 Note: MAFE: mean annual frequencyof exceedance. 4.2 ConnplnrsoNTo SSE Figure 4-2 comparesthe GMRS with the site SSE at the control point elevation. The SSE horizontal spectrumis characterizedbya peak ground acceleration(PGA) of 0.15 accelerationof nBSGonsulting {}B}.zzg

2734298-R-010 Reaision0 Noaember 3, 2014 Page of 42 23 gravity (g) and a shapederived from the five percent-dampedaverageresponsespectraof several accelerationrecords. This shapeis similar to that suggestedby Newmark, et al, [12]. The comparisonpresentedon Figure 4-2 illtstrates that the maximum ratio of spectralaccelerations (GMRS/SSE)is about 1.6 at about l0 Hertz (Hz). TABLE 4.2 SSEHORIZONTAL GROUNDMOTION RESPONSESPECTRUMFOR PNPP FnneuENcY SPNCTRALACCELERATION IHzl lgl 0.10 0.013 0.25 0.070 2.50 0.470 9.00 0.390 33.00 0 . 15 0 100.00 0 . 15 0 0.8 Y u0 c 06 l! b

     -o o

IJ IJ E 0.4




2734298-R-010 Reaision0 Noaember3,20L4 Page24 of 42 5.1 DnscruprroNoF RLGM SnlncrEn The ESEP is being completedas part of the AugmentedApproach becausethe GMRS exceeds the SSE in the lHz to l}Hzrange. The ESEPguidance(EPRI-3002000704)[2] allows the use of the GMRS as the review level groundmotion (RLGM) in lieu of using scaledSSEresponse spectrumto demonstrateacceptanceof the high-confidence-low-probability-of-failure(HCLPF) valuesfor the ESEL components. BecausePNPP is currently performing a SPRA, the fragilities developedin supportare being usedto the extent applicablealso to accomplishthe ESEP. The SPRA GMRS shown on Figure 4-1 representsthe ground motion input used to obtain new seismic demandon the componentson the ESEL, and to obtain HCLPF and fragilities for the ESEL components. Table 4-1 presentsthe spectralaccelerationsat specific frequenciesdefining the RLGM. 5.2 MnrHoD ro ESTTMATn ISRS A review of existing lumped massand stiffnessmodels of the PNPP structuresconcludedthat thesemodels were not sufficiently adequateto use as the basisto scalethe building seismic response.Therefore,the building seismicresponseusedin the ESEP (and in the SPRA) is obtainedusing new finite elementmodelsof the structures. The analyticalfinite elementmodels developedhere are basedon geometricinformation, such as configurationof floors and walls, dimensions,wall and slab thicknesses,locations,and size of openings,etc., taken from appropriatestructure layout drawings and details. The parametric information, such as the materialproperties,live loads,equipmentloads,and boundary conditionsare also obtainedfrom drawings,existing reports,and prevalentcodesand standards. The Best Estimate(BE) Vs of the supportingrock medium is approximately5,200 ft/s. Basedon the study presentedin EPRI 1025287,SeismicEvaluation Guidance:Screening,Prioritization and ImplementationDetails (SPID) for the Resolutionof FukushimaNear-Term Task Force Recommendation2.l: Seismic,AppendiX C, the rock supportedstructuresare analyzed assumingfixed-baseconditions,where the fixed-baseis taken to be the bottom of the building lSSGgnsultiilg {}F.z7o

2734298-R-0L0 Reaision0 Noaember3,2A1.4 Page25 of 42 foundationmats. The responsespectraat the respectivefoundation levels representthe foundation input ground motion. For example, the GMRS shown on Figare 4-l is taken to representthe FIRS for use in the fixed-baseseismicanalysisof the RB. The exceptionto this is the Diesel GeneratorBuilding, which is foundedon the top of filI atEL 615 and Amplification Factorsare assessedseparately. The seismicresponse,including the in-structureresponsespectra(ISRS) for the rock supported structuresare developedutilizing the time history modal synthesisin which the input time historiesrepresentthe horizontal and vertical FIRS at the respectivebuilding foundationlevels consistentwith the GMRS describedin Section 4.0. SubsequentequipmentHCLPF calculationsand fragility evaluationsare basedon the conservativedeterministicfailure margin (CDFM) approach. In accordancewith EPRI 1019200 "seismic Fragility Applications Guide Update" [18], the seismicanalysesare performedusing BE structurestiffness,massand dampingcharacteristics,and the BE subsurfaceVs profile compatiblewith the expectedseismicshearstrains. The resulting ISRS approximatelyrepresent the 84th percentileresponsesuitablefor use in the CDFM calculations. ISRS at selectedlocationsare obtainedseparately,due to three directionsof input motion (X, Y, andZ). The resultingresponsespectraare then combinedusing the square-root-of-the-sum-of-the-squares (SRSS)method [13]. For example,the three ISRS at a specific location in North-South(NS) direction resulting from ground motion input; respectively, in the NS, East-West(EW), and vertical directionsare combinedusing SRSS. Details of the developmentof the models,inputs, analysis,and resultsare presentedin ABSG ConsultingInc. (ABS Consulting)lRlZZOReport2734298-R-005,Revision 1,2014. lESGonsultittg {}R}.27 "o.

2734298-R-01.0 Reaision0 Noaember3,2014 Page26 of 42 6.0 SEISMIC MARGIN EVALUATION APPROACH 6.I SundM.q,ny oF METHoDoLocIESUsnn The seismicmarginsfor componentson the ESEL [6J are developedfollowing the EPRI guidelinesdescribedin EPRI 6041[4], EPRI TR-103959[5] (Methodologyfor Developing SeismicFragilities) and EPRI 1002988(SeismicFragility Application Guide). Additionally, EPRI 1019200(SeismicFragility ApplicationsGuide Update)[18] is usedto developmargins using the CDFM approach. The ESEL is first groupedto identify similar componentsrelative to equipmentclasses (e.g.,GenericImplementationProcedure[GIP]) and then sampledfor representativeitems based on type of equipment,manufacturer,location, and anchorage,etc. Representativesamplesin eachequipmentgroup are then evaluatedto obtain the seismicmarginsusing the EPRI guidelines. The overall strategyfor developingseismicmargins for the various SSCsis as follows:

1. Perform screeningverification Walkdown to documentthat caveatsassociatedto generic fragilities are met and perform anchoragecalculations.
2. Develop the HCLPF capacitiesbasedon availableexperiencedata,publishedgeneric ruggednessspectra,designcriteria documents,and designanalysis.
3. Rank the componentsbasedon preliminary results.
4. Perform improved analysisof selectedequipment.

This overall strategyis provided in detail throughoutthe HCLPF calculationof PNPP ESEL components[6]. Walkdown SeismicEvaluation Work Sheets(SEWS) for accessiblePNPP ESEL componentshave also beenincluded as an attachmentto this calculation. A number of componentson the ESEL arebreakersand switchesthat are housedin a "parent" component,suchas a motor control center(MCC) or switchgear. For the pu{posesof this f3SGotsnfting dln\77o

2734298-R-01.0 Reaision0 Nooember 3,201,4 Page27 of 42 evaluation,calculationsare not explicitly performedfor thesehousedcomponents.Instead,their HCLPF is assignedbasedon the parentcomponent. Seismicwalkdowns as describedin EPRI NP 6041 [4] are performedfor all "parent" componentson the ESEL [6]. SomeESEL componentswere walked down in March 2013, in supportof SPRA, and thesewalkdowns were creditedwhere applicable. The remaining componentswere walked down in April 2014, as part of a supplementalwalkdown. HCLPF calculationsare performedfor all "parent" components[6], as describedinSection 6.4, which describesthe CDFM approach,and the calculation of structural and functional capacities. 6.2 HCLPF ScnnrcNINGPROCESS No componentswere screenedout basedon ruggedness.Rather,the screeninglevel HCLPFs provided in Table 2-4 of EPRI 6041 [4] were utilized to developmounting level capacities. HCLPF valuesare then calculatedfor eachcomponenton the ESEL, as describedin ^Section6.4. 6.3 SntsurcWu,xrowN AppRo,tcn 6.3.1 SeismicWalkdown Approach The seismicwalkdowns of PNPPwere performed in accordancewith the criteria provided in Section5 of EPRI 3002000704I21,which refersto EPRI NP-6041 [7] for the SMA process.The proceduresusedfor different equipmentcategoriesare summarizedbelow. The SeismicReview Team (SRT) reviewed equipmenton the equipmentwalkdown list that were reasonablyaccessibleand in non-radioactiveor moderatelyradioactiveenvironments.For componentsin high radioactiveenvironments,a smallerteam, and more expeditedreviews were employed. For componentsthat were not accessible,the equipmentinspectionrelied on alternate means,such as photographsand plant qualification documents. In the event the walkdown team had a reasonablebasis for assumingthat a group of components were similar and similarly anchored,a single representativecomponentout of this group was selectedfor examination. The similarity of a group of items was establishedbasedon equipment construction,dimensions,locations,seismicqualification requirements,anchoragetype, and lBSGolpulting {}F\zzp::

2734298-R-01-0 Reaision0 Noaember 3,201-4 Page28 of 42 configurations. The "similarity basis" was confirmed during walk-bys, which would also record anomaliesin installationor presenceof seismic interaction,if any. The representativeitem was targetedfor a thorough review and documentation. All "representative" and "walk by" items were fully documentedin SEWS. The SRT performed the walkdowns in an ad hoc manner. For eachrepresentativecomponent, the SRT performed a thorough inspection and recorded information related to anchorage,load path configuration,and any potential seismicvulnerability associatedto the componentseismic capacity. Thesedetailsrecordedin SEWS were subsequentlyusedto verify as-built conditions and determineseismicfragilities. The 100 percent"walk by" was performedto look for outliers, lack of similarity, anchorage which is different from that shown on drawings or prescribedin criteria for that component, potential SI [SeismicInteractionl] problems,situationsthat were at oddswith the team members' past experience,and any other areasof seriousseismicconcern. Per EPRI NP-604l l7l, if any suchconcernssurface,then the limited samplesize of one componentof eachtype for thorough inspectionwill haveto be increased. Walk-bys also servedto provide the SRT with the sufficient degreeof confidencein relation to plant maintenanceand constructionpractices. This is especiallyusedto reinforcethe engineeringjudgment applied for the fragility assessment of inaccessiblecomponents. As a result of the walk-bys performedfor the selectedPNPP ESEL components,the SRT did not identify any significant seismicconcerns,which could lead to an increasein samplesize. Furthermore,the SRT observedthat, in general,the areascontainingESEL equipmentwere well maintainedand organized. This observationservedas a basisfor supportingsubsequent assessments of inaccessiblecomponents. EPRI 3002000704lzlPage 5-4limits the ESEP SI reviews to "nearby block walls" and "piping attachedto tanks," which are reviewed "to addressthe possibility of failures due to differential displacements."Other potential SI evaluationsare "deferred to the full seismicrisk evaluationsperformedin accordancewith EPRI1025287 u51." ASGonsulting

2734298-R-010 Reaision0 Noaember 3,2014 Page29 of 42 For eachitem on the equipmentwalkdown list, a specific SEWS was preparedcovering the different caveats.Each SEWS consistsof: Generaldescriptionof the equipment: EquipmentID, name,equipment category,and building/fl oor/room Equipment evaluation caveats Equipment anchorage Seismicinteractionissues A databaseof SEWS was developedin an electronicformat using iPad computersto facilitate entry of the information collectedduring the walkdowns. The databaseincludesthe record of equipmentqualifications,walkdown observations,and photographs. 6.3.2 Application of Previous Walkdown Information Previousseismicwalkdowns were usedto supportthe ESEP seismicevaluations. Someof the componentson the ESEL were included in the NTTF 2.3 seismicwalkdowns [15] and SPRA seismicwalkdowns[16]. Thosewalkdownswere recentenoughthattheydid not needto be repeatedfor the ESEP. 6.3.3 SignificantWalkdownFindings Consistentwith the guidancefrom NP-6041 Ul, no significantoutliers or anchorageconcerns were identified during the PNPP seismicwalkdowns. The following findings were noted during the walkdowns.

       . Severalvalves(1E12F0053A      , 1822F0012, 1E51F0019,  1E51F0076, 1E51F0077and 1P57F0015'{)whereidentifiednot to meetthe actuator weight-eccentricitycaveatsfor the use of the 1.5 x bounding spectrum capacity. In lieu of using a genericapproachfor the capacityof thesevalves, the fragility analystreferredto component-specificqualification reportsto scalethe designbasisdemandlevel up to the updatedreview level earthquake (RLE) demandlevel. Seismicfragilities for thesevalves havebeen evaluated in Reference[6] and results show they have capacitiesabovethe RLGM level at the PNPP Site.

fFGonsulting {}B\zz?_

2734298-R-010 ReaisionA Noaember 3,201.4 Page30 of 42 6.4 HCLPF cALCULATToN PRocESs ESEL items in the PNPP were evaluatedusing the criteria in EPRI NP-6041 [4]. Those evaluationsincludedthe following steps: Performing seismiccapability walkdowns for equipmentto verify the installed plant conditions Performing screeningevaluationsusing the screeningtablesin EPRI NP-6041 as describedin Section 6.2 Performing HCLPF calculationsconsideringvarious failure modesthat include both structuralfailure modes(e.g.,anchorage,load path, etc.) and functional failure modes All HCLPF calculationswere performedusing the CDFM methodologyand are documentedin a PNPP Reference[6]. 6.4.1 CDFM Approach HCLPF values for functionality and anchorageare calculatedfor eachrepresentativecomponent selectedfrom the ESEL. The functional HCLPF for equipmentis basedon experiencedata, GenericEquipmentRuggednessData (GERS), test responsedata,and designcriteria. The functional evaluation is supplementedwith the verification of the equipment anchorage following SeismicQualification Utility Group (SQUG)/GIP procedures.The seismicdemandon the equipment is basedon the floor responsespectranear the equipment support location, and the componentdampingvalues as recommendedin EPRI 6041 I4l. The CDFM approachdescribedin EPRI 1019200(SeismicFragility ApplicationsGuide Update)[18] is utilizedto obtainthe componentHCLPF values. The HCLPF capacitiesare statedin terms of a selectedground motion PGA. The CDFM approachis consistentwith EPRI NP-6041-SL [4], updatedto accommodatethe parameterspresente d in Table 6-1. The screeninglevel HCLPF valuesprovided in EPRI 6041 [4] Table 2-4 arepresentedin terms of the 5Hz spectralaccelerationat the foundation level. In accordancewith EPRI 1019200[18] thesevaluesare usedto develop mounting level capacityassuminga median structure amplification factor of 1.5. The ISRS describedin Section 4.2 arc comparedwith this mounting fBSGonsulting {}n}72?

2734298-R-0L0 Reaision0 Noaember3,2014 Page31,of 42 level capacityto develop HCLPF associatedwith the GMRS shape. Anchoragechecksare performedbasedon the spectralaccelerationsat the estimatedequipmentfrequencies. TABLE 6-1


OF CONSERVATIVE DETERMINISTIC FAILURE MARGIN APPROACH (EPRI 1019200, TABLE A.1) TncnNrcALIssun RsconIMENDED MnrHon Load Combinatron Normal + SME. Ground Response Anchor CDFM Capacityto definedresponsespectrumshape Spectrum without considerationof spectralshapevariability. Perform seismicdemandanalysisin accordancewith latest SeismicDemand version of American Societyof Civil Engineers(ASCE) 4. Damping Conservativeestimateof mediandamping. Best Estimate(Median) + UncertaintyVariation in StructuralModel Frequency. Soil Structure Best Estimate(Median)

  • ParameterVariation.

Interaction Use frequency shifting rather than peak broadeningto In-Structure (Floor) account for uncertainty plus use conservativeestimateof SpectraGeneration mediandamping. Code specifiedminimum strengthor 95o/oexceedanceactual Material Strength strengthif test data are available. Code ultimate strength(ACI), maximum strength(AISC), ServiceLevel D (ASME), or functional limits. If test data Static Strength are availableto demonstrateexcessiveconservatismof code Equations equationthen use 84%oexceedanceof test data for strength equation. For non-brittle failure modesand linear analysis,use appropriateinelastic energy absorptionfactor from InelasticEnergy ASCE/SEI 43-05 to accountfor ductility benefits,or perform Absorption nonlinearanalysisand go to 95Yoexceedanceductility levels. ABSGonsulting {}Ftzzq

2734298-R-010 Reoision0 Noaember 3,201.4 Page32 of a2 6.4.2 Component Structural Capacity In general,the CDFM approach:

l. Developsthe elastic seismicresponsefor the structuresand componentsfor the ground motion.
2. Developsstrengthmargin factor using componentcapacitiesas describedin Table 6-1.

a J. Developsinelasticenergy absorptionfactor basedon ASCE 43-05or at about the 95 percentexceedanceprobability of ductility levels.

4. Calculatesthe CDFM capacityas HCLPF1DFM = Fs' F,' PGA (Equation 6-1)
where, Fs - Strengthmargin factor, Fr,= Inelasticenergyabsorptionfactor PGA: PeakGroundAcceleration The strengthmargin factor is defined as:


              &-                                                       (Equation6-2)

Ds where,

$=     Strengthof the structural element Dn, = Non-seismicdemand(normal operatingloads)

Ds - Seismicdemand 6.4.3 FunctionalEvaluations The HCLPF capacitiesfor functionality are basedon the comparisonof the demand(ISRS) with EPRI 6041 [4] screeninglevel HCLPFs, existing analysis,GERS, or test responsespectra. lB$Coneulting {}Ft"zza

2734298-R-010 Reaision0 Noaember 3,201,4 Page33 of 42 The screeninglevel HCLPF valuesprovided in EPRI 6041 [4] Table 2-4 arepresentedin terms of the 5Hz spectralaccelerationat the foundationlevel. In accordancewith EPRI 1019200[8] thesevalues are usedto developmounting level capacityassuminga median structure amplificationfactor of 1.5. The ISRS describedinSection5.2 are comparedwiththis mounting level capacityto develop HCLPF associatedwith the GMRS shape. Anchoragechecksare performedbasedon the spectralaccelerationsat the estimatedequipmentfrequencies. Available plant specific seismicqualificationstestsare biaxial and all of the publishedGERS are constructedon the basisof the resultsof previousbiaxial testsof similar types of equipment. Thesetests apply table input motion in one-horizontal direction and in the vertical direction. For most equipmentfor which GERS are available,the vertical test responsespectrum(TRS) areat leastequal to the horizontal TRS. The publishedGERS define thehorizontal componentof the table motion, which is, therefore, taken to representthe capacitystatedeither in terms of the vertical or horizontal input. The seismicdemandon equipment,on the other hand,is typically defined by ISRS in three orthogonaldirections,two horizontal,and one vertical. The procedureusedto developthe functional capacity comparesthe resultant horizontal and the vertical ISRS separatelywith the GERS or TRS. The minimum seismicmargin is taken to obtain the functional HCLPF capacity. 6.5 FUNcTIoNAL Ev,q,LuA.TIoNSoF RELAyS Twenty relays in the ESEL associatedwith the FLEX Phase1 responserequiredfunctional evaluations.The relaysevaluatedarehousedwithin panels1H13P0628,1H13P0631, 1H13P0618. and lHl3P0621 locatedin the CC at EL 654. The seismicfragility for the relay chattermode is developedbasedon test reportsfor specific relay models. For the relay chatterevaluation,the CDFM methodologyis followed as described in EPRI 6041. All the fragilities are referencedto the PGA at the Containment(CTMT) foundationlevel. The fragilities are presentedinterms of A,n,HCLPF, and the logarithmic standarddeviationsassociatedwith randomnessand uncertaintyBp andBu. For eachrelay in the ESEL associatedwith the FLEX PhaseI responsecase,the capacityexceededthe demand. lBSGonsulting {}Rtzzo

2734298-R-010 Reaision0 Noaember 3,2014 Page34 of 42 The following Sectionprovides a summaryof the methodologyusedfor the relay chatter evaluationin the PNPP. The relay HCLPF capacityis calculatedas: HCLPF -TRSC. PGA RR56 For Cabinet-Basedtest data,the TRSc and RRSc are given as: TR.SC-TR.S.Cr-Cr RRS6= RR.S' Cc' Dn For Device-Basedtest data,the ZRS"and RRS"are given as: TR.SC-TR.S.Cr-Cr RRsc  : RRS 'cc'ff' o^

where, TR.S- EquipmentTRS capacity, RRS - RequiredTRS demand, TRS6 : Clipped equipmentTRS capacity, RRS6 = Clipped requiredTRS demand, Cr = Clipping factor for narrow-bandedTRS, Cc - Clipping factor for narrow RRS, FK - TRS knockdown factor, AF6 - Cabinetamplification factor, Fus : Multi-axis to single-axisconservatismfactor, PGA - ReferenceEarthquakePGA for developingthe RRS, TRS are all broad bandedand are not clipped, but RRS will be clipped as appropriate.

Therefore, Cr factor is I .0 with no uncertainty. Per EPRI 6041, when the TRS are for multi-axis lBSGsrsulting {}F\zzo

2734298-R-070 Reoision0 3,20-1-4 Noaember Page35 of 42 excitation, and the RRS is predominantlya single-axisexcitation,as is the casefor relays and contactorsmountedon panelsin cabinets,then the TRS should be increasedby a multi-axis to single-axiscorrectionfactor, Fys, to removethe unnecessaryconservatism.EPRI 6041 suggests Fus : 1.20. The ESEP relay functional evaluationsare documentedin PNPP ESEP calculation [6]. Tlsur,A.TEDESEL HCLPF Vlt uns (INcr,uurNGKEy Flu,unn Monns) Attachment B tabulatesthe HCLPF valuesfor all componentson the ESEL. All HCLPF values exceedthe RLGM. The Table inAttachment B also identifies the method usedto developthe HCLPF valuesandthe controlling failure mode. Most of the controlling failure modesare either anchoragefailure or loss of functionality and do not involve structural integrity. lSSGonsulting {}F},zry,

2734298-R-01,0 Reaision0 Nouember3,20L4 Page36 of 42 7.0 INACCESSIBLEITEMS 7,1 InENTITICATIoN oF BSEL ITEMs TNACCESSIBLE FoR wALKDowNS A total of 12 items in the ESEL were inaccessibleduring walkdowns mainly due to their location in confined spacesand high radiation areas. Table 7-1 provides the description of the 12 inaccessiblecomponents,the reasonfor their inaccessibility,and the criteria implementedto confirm the installed condition and, therefore,evaluatetheir seismicfragility. The criteria implementedto confirm the installedcondition follows EPRI NP 6041 [7] where a numberof ways of confirming the installedcondition of equipment,including follow up walkdowns, photographic,or other confirmatory evidenceis provided. TABLE 7.1


OF INACCESSIBLEITEMS IN PNPPESEL CompoNnNr Rnlsox non Rnsor,urIoN DnscnIpTION ID Ix.I,ccBSSIBLE Plant drawings are usedto assessdesignparameters SuppressionPool Below grating in 1G42C0001 and similarity with CleanupPump HPCS Pump Room representativepump 1E51C0001t-61. Plant drawings are used to assessdesignparameters RHR B to CNTMT High radiation area 1E12F00278 and simil arity with shutoff (RHR B EL 62A) representativevalve 1E12F0027 A16l. Plant drawings are usedto assessdesignparameters ShutdownCooling B High radiation area I E I 2F0053B and similafity with To FeedwaterShutoff (RHR B EL 620) representativevalve lEl2F00s3A l-6-l. Plant drawings are usedto LPCS Pump Min Flow High radiation area rE2lF0011 assessdesignparametersfor Valve (RHR A EL 59e) frasilitv evaluation16l. Plant drawings are usedto assessdesignparameters LPCS test valve to High radiation area lE2lF00l2 and simil arity with suppression (RHR A EL s9e) representativevalve 1E51F0068 l-6.l. lBSGonsulting {}Rt"Tzo:

2734298-R-01.0 Reaision0 Noaember 3,2014 Page37 of 42 TABLE 7-1


OF INACCESSIBLBITEMS IN PNPPESEL (coNTTNUED) CovrpoNnNr Rnnson FoR DnscnrprroN Rnsor,urIoN II) lnnccnssrBLE Plant drawings are used to High radiation area assessdesignparameters RCIC St SuppOtbd lEs lF0064 (SteamTunnel EL and simil arity with Isol 620) representativevalve lE21F000sl-6.l. Plant drawings are usedto assessdesignparameters RCICTurb & Exhaust High radiation area 1E51F0077 and similarity with To SupPool (RHR A EL s99) representativevalve l B s l F 0 0 1 9l - 6 1 . Plant drawings are usedto assessdesignparameters RCIC Exh Vac Brkr High radiation area 1E51F0078 and similafity with First Isol (RHR A EL 6ls) representativevalve lE51F001 r 96 l . Plant drawings are usedto assessdesignparameters Below grating in I G42F0010 SPCU Pmp Suction and simil arity with HPCS Pump Room representativevalve rE22F001l l-6-l. Plant drawings are usedto assessdesignparameters Below grating in 1G42F0020 SPCUPmpSuction and simil arity with HPCS Pump Room representativevalve r822F0011 l-6.l. Plant drawingsare usedto assessdesignparameters lEl2-8000lA Heat High radiation area and simil arity with I E1280001A Exchanger (RHRA EL sge) representativeheat exchangerlEl2800018 t.61. Plant drawings are usedto assessdesignparameters lEl2-B000lC Heat High radiation area and similarity with I E l2B000lc Exchanger (RHR A EL s99) representativeheat exchanger1E12800018 t.61. lBSGonsulting {}F\z.zc,

2734298-R-010 Reaision0 Nouember 3,20L4 Page38 of 42 8.0 BSEPCONCLUSIONSAND RESULTS The conclusionsand resultsof the ESEP evaluationare presentedin this Section,including the identification of any requiredplant modifications and schedulesfor any follow up actions. 8.1 SupponrrNc INFoRMATIoN PNPP hasperformedthe ESEP as an interim action in responseto the NRC's 50.54(f) letter [1]. The ESEP demonstratesthat PNPP has additional seismicmargin for plant equipmentthat can be relied upon to protectthe reactorcore following a beyond designbasisseismicevent. It was performedusing the methodologiesin the NRC endorsedguidancein EPRI 3002000704I21. The ESEP providesan important demonstrationof seismicmargin and expeditesplant safety enhancementsthrough evaluationsand potential near-term modifications of plant equipmentthat can be relied upon to protectthe reactorcore following beyond designbasisseismicevents. The ESEPis part of the overallPNPPresponseto the NRC's 50.54(f)letter [1]. On March 12, zll4,Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) submittedto the NRC resultsof a study [7] of seismiccore damagerisk estimatesbasedon updatedseismichazardinformation as it appliesto operating nuclearreactorsin the Central and EasternUnited States(CEUS). The study concludedthat "site-specificseismichazardsshow that there has not beenan overall increasein seismicrisk for the fleet of U.S. plants," basedon the reevaluatedseismichazards. As such,the "current seismic design of operating reactorscontinuesto provide a safety margin to withstand potential earthquakesexceedingthe seismicdesignbasis." The NRC's May 9,2014, NTTF 2.1 Screeningand Prioritizationletter [9] concludedthat the "fleetwide seismicrisk estimatesare consistentwith the approachand resultsusedin the Gl- 199 safety/risk assessment."The letter also statedthat "as a result, the staff has confirmed that the conclusionsreachedin G1-199safetylriskassessment remain valid and that the plants can continueto operatewhile additionalevaluationsare conducted." lSGonsulting [}nlzz:a

2734298-R-01.0 Reaision0 Noaember3,201.4 Page39 of 42 An assessment of the changein seismicrisk for PNPP was included in the fleet risk evaluation submittedin the March 12,2014, NEI letter [7], therefore,the conclusionsin the NRC's May 9 letter [9] also apply to PNPP. In addition, the March 12,2014, NEI letter [7] provided an attached"Perspectiveson the Seismic Capacityof OperatingPlants,"which (l) assesseda number of qualitativereasonswhy the designof SSCsinherentlycontain margin beyond their designlevel, (2) discussedindustrial seismicexperiencedatabasesof performanceof industry facility componentssimilar to nuclear SSCs,and (3) discussedearthquakeexperienceat operatingplants. The fleet of currently operatingnuclearpower plants was designedusing conservativepractices, such that the plants have significant margin to withstand large ground motions safely. This has been borne out for those plants that have actually experiencedsignificant earthquakes.The seismicdesignprocesshas inherent(and intentional) conservatismswhich result in signifi cant seismicmarginswithin SSCs. Theseconservatismsare reflectedin severalkey aspectsof the seismicdesignprocess,including: Safetyfactorsapplied in designcalculations Damping valuesusedin dynamic analysisof SSCs Bounding synthetictime historiesfor ISRS calculations Broadeningcriteria for ISRS

        . Responsespectraenvelopingcriteria typically usedin SSC analysisand testing applications
        . Responsespectrabasedfrequencydomain analysisratherthan explicit time history basedtime domain analysis Boundingrequirementsin codesand standards Use of minimum strengthrequirementsof structural components(concrete and steel)

Bounding testingrequirements Ductile behaviorof the primary materials(that is, not crediting the additional capacityof materials,such as steeland reinforced concretebeyondthe essentiallyelasticrange,etc.) lBSGottsttltittg {}Btzzg

2734298-R-0L0 Reaision0 Noaember 3,20L4 Page40 of 42 Thesedesignpracticescombine to result in margins suchthat the SSCswill continueto fulfill their functions at groundmotions well abovethe SSE. The intent of the ESEP is to perform an interim action in responseto the NRC's 50.54(0 letter [1] to demonstrateseismicmargin through a review of a subsetof the plant equipmentthat can be relied upon to protect the reactorcore following beyond designbasis seismicevents. Becausethe SPRA for PNPP is alreadyunder way, the GMRS usedin the SPRA is also usedas the RLGM for the ESEP evaluation. To more fully characterizethe risk impacts of the seismicground motion representedby the GMRS on a plant specificbasis,a more detailed seismicrisk assessment (SPRA or risk-basedSMA) is being performedin accordancewith EPRI 1025287[10]. As identified in the PNPP SeismicHazardand GMRS submittal [3], PNPP screensin for a risk evaluation. The completerisk evaluationwill more completelycharactenze the probabilistic seismicground motion input into the plant, the plant responseto that probabilistic seismic ground motion input, and the resulting plant risk characterization. PNPP will completethat evaluationin accordancewith the scheduleidentified in NEI's letter dated April 9,2013 t8l and endorsedby the NRC in their May 7,2013 letter [ 1]. The agreedupon date for completionof the risk evaluationis December3 l, 2020. IorNrmrcATroN oF PLANNEDMoorrrcATroNs As discussedinSection 6.6 and presentedinAttachment B,all componentsonthe ESEL have a HCLPF greaterthan the RLGM (0.2ag). Therefore,no modificationsrelatedto the E,SEPare planned. MourrrcATroNIvrplnmENTATrox ScHnuuln As no modificationsare planned,this Sectionis not applicable. 8.4 Suunnlnv oF REGULAToRvCounanMENTS None fFGonsulting {}R1"77p

2734298-R-010 Reaision0 Nouember 3,2014 Page41 of 42


l. NRC (E Leedsand M Johnson)Letter to All Power ReactorLicenseeset al., "Requestfor Information Pursuantto Title l0 of the Code of FederalRegulations50.54(0 Regarding Recommendation s 2 .l , 2 .3 and 9.3 of the Near-Term Task ForceReview of Insights from the FukushimaDai-Ichi Accident," March 12,2012.
2. EPRI, SeismicEvaluation Guidance: AugmentedApproach for the Resolutionof FukushimaNear-TermTask Force Recommendation2.1 - Seismic,Palo Alto, California:

May 2013,3002000704. a J. ABS Consultingand Paul C. Rizzo Associates,Inc., ProbabilisticSeismicHazard Analysis and Ground Motion ResponseSpectra,Perry NPP, SeismicPRA Project, 2734298-R-010 (Rizzo R3 12-4734),Revision1,2074.

4. "A Methodology for Assessmentof Nuclear Power Plant SeismicMargin,"

EPRI NP-6041-SL.Revision l, ElectricPowerResearchInstitute,Palo Alto, CA, August 1991.

5. Electric Power ResearchInstitute, "Methodology for Developing SeismicFragilities,"

EPRI TR-l03959, June 1994.

6. ABS Consultingand Paul C. Rizzo Associates,Inc., "PNPP SeismicFragility of ESEP Components, " Calculation 273 4298-C- 500/12-4734 -C-500, Revision l, 20 l 4 .
7. Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI), A. Pietrangelo,Letterto D. Skeenof the USNRC, "seismic Core DamageRisk EstimatesUsing the UpdatedSeismicHazardsfor the OperatingNuclear Plants in the Central and EasternUnited States,"March 12,2414.
8. Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI), A. Pietrangelo,Letter to D. Skeenof the USNRC, "ProposedPath Forward for NTTF Recommendation2.l: SeismicReevaluations,"

April 9,2013.

9. NRC (E Leeds)Letter to All Power ReactorLicenseeset al., "screening and Prioritization ResultsRegardingInformation Pursuantto Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations50.54(F) RegardingSeismic HazardRe-Evaluationsfor Recommendation2.1 ofthe Near-Term Task Force Review of Insights from the FukushimaDai-Ichi Accident," NuclearRegulatoryCommission,May 9,2014.
10. EPRI, "Seismic Evaluation Guidance:Screening,Prioritizationand Implementation Details (SPID) for the Resolutionof FukushimaNear-TermTask Force Recommendation 2.1: Seismic,"Palo Alto, CA: February2013. 1025287.

fSGonsulting {}R\zz?,

2734298-R-01.0 Reaision0 Noaember3,2074 Page42 of 42

11. Nuclear RegulatoryCommission,NRC (E. Leeds)Letter to NEI (J. Pollock), "Electric Power ResearchInstitute Final Draft Report XXXXXX, "seismic Evaluation Guidance:

AugmentedApproach for the Resolutionof FukushimaNear-Term Task Force Recommendation2.1: Seismic," as an AcceptableAlternative to the March 12,2012, InformationRequestfor SeismicReevaluations,"May 7,2013.

12. Newmark, N.M and W. J Hall 1969,"Seismic Design Criteria for Nuclear Reactor Facilities," Proc. World Conf. EarthquakeEng., 4th,Santiago,Chile, 1969.
13. RegulatoryGuide l.92, "Combining Modal Responsesand SpatialComponentsin SeismicResponseAnalysis," Nuclear RegulatoryCommission,July 2006.

t4. Stokoe,K. H., W. K. Choi, and F-Y Menq, "Summary Report: Dynamic Laboratory Tests:Unweatheredand WeatheredShaleProposedSite of Building 9720-82Y-I2 National Security Complex, Oak Ridge, Tennessee",Departmentof Civil Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas,2AB.

15. ABS Consulting and Paul C. Rizzo Associates,Inc., Perry Nuclear Power Plant,Near-Term Task Force Recommendation2.3, SeismicWalkdown Report, 2012.
16. ABS Consultingand Paul C. Rizzo Associates,Inc., SeismicWalkdown of PerryNuclear PowerPlant,SeismicPRA Project,2734298-R-004(RIZZOPt6 12-4734),Revision 1, 2014.
17. PNPP Overall IntegratedPlan (OIP) in Responseto the Marcht2,2012, Commission OrderEA-12-049,First EnergyCorp., LetterNo. L-14-25,"FirstEnergyNuclear OperatingCompany's Third Six-Month StatusReportin Responseto Marchl2,2012 Commission Order Modifuing Licenseswith Regardto Requirementsfor Mitigation Strategiesfor Beyond-Design-BasisExternal Events(OrderNumber EA-l2-049) (TAC Nos. MF084l, MF'0842,ll{F0961,and MF0962)," datedAugust 28,2014.
18. Electric Power ResearchInstitute,"seismic Fragility Applications Guide Update," EPRI Report 1019200,Palo Alto, CA, USA, December2409.

fBSfursulting tlBlzz9


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                                                                                                                             <> O n

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                                                     }r c)   (,)

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     .v    A4 J1 -\4 A1 .\1 & J4 .v J1 j1 j1 J1 & -!1 J1 }1 J1                                           J J         .!4   .v J1       }1        J1              .\1 J1 j1           O

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                                             \o co ca oq oq oq oq        oe oq       oq o9 oq        @     oq oo oq oq oo q oq oq oo oq oq oq oq                                 e   oo o                            cfl co c.r cn      c.t  to     c.l  rq    c.t  cfl   co c.) ca c.) c.) crl crl ca c.) ea ca ca co c.l co c\ c.l e.l c.t 6l c\.l C\l 6l c.l C\ c\l C\l c.l c\l c\ 6l c.l c.l c.l c.l c! 6l c\ 6l ol                                    C\.l c\ c\l c\l ol e.l N c\ C\ c! c\ e\

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      .(l $ .f, $ s $ $ s .t U                                 tu trr trr trr Irr 14 frr trr                            .

ir{ (a . (r , tr,r fa ra . tu trr c.t N ol c\l c\l 6l c\l N N N F C-l

                &            & &         &           c\l c!   c'l c\l c'l c{ c! c\ c.t c\l c! c! c.t c\ ol c\ c\ c\ o.l c.l c.l c\ c\ 6l c{

o f r'l FA e cae m e m mE E E rc ls$Gonsulting

2734298-R-070 Reaision0 Noaember 3,2074 Page86 of 81.5 X CB Cg

           +l           a a a a a a a a V)     a a G'                  Cg (tl (g

Gl rB GI CG Cl' EA 5q 5q oX c.r X cg

l (tr (t

t-? 6 Cg cl c! Gl GI Gt P Lr o) a a Cg 6t F F F F F F- F F o cl o(.) o C)X n tr F F () () Q o) () c.) O cS Cg Cg Cd Cg Cg c.) O


a () ()q) (l) (J Olrl orn O tal (l) O (D () (l)() c.) c,) O O o{ cs (g g l.r tr t< tr L< L< () c) q7 a a tr tr q) (D (,) o ) t J ] (l)l{ (D l{ (1. () F (,) () () o (J() () () () I (D c) (l) (D (n c) (l) P P (J (J (h ut a c) o) O () O (l) c) () l.l I Lr *r 0) (l) I C) c) c.) Lr = l< l-i (D () l.r t< c) (D c rI (D (D a I c 0 I o I o o (D q) (l) (l) 0) tr ij o (D o) o) a a cC Cg o c 0 g c cX F c X f Y'l I x t r'l f r'l a a a a q) a () rn o) q) U) v) a a a a a a a o (l) a q) U) (l) a o) a (l) a C) (h o ah X x g X t! I X frl I X rr) 5g EO EO 8E b E EO X Irl X f r'l X X X H f r'1 n IJ.] o o (t C) U) t C) C,) Fl C,)

           -v q) o     o            o (l)
                                                                                        )1 F F
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(t) p GI


crt a q) o v) q g a (D (t) q a a ql g (t) q o a ql o (t) 0, I(l) (D o a a) I v) c) cl


(' zzz ct cl GI o q

                                                                                                                   = =        ('

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                                                                                                                                            . d o

o C\5 o GI (g g

                                                                                                                                                                                                      *l     .t) al I

a 0) o g

                        & &                            &     g,   &                &                                              L) a)ts ()ts C)E E(J                                            bI   &     &

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] ) = = = = = I = 5 J r r . lri J

trr fr lrr 14 r1 tu ra . fr . rl trr trr rr t*

      \o \o f- o\ co c.l co ca cfl c.l tr.l rn                                rn in ol                      r- f- f- c-               f-         c-      C-      \o \o \o \o \o \o f- t w 9 \? - oo \ \ \ \ \ \ v? '4 v? v? v? 9 9                                                         n    o! c! ol c1               o!         o!      cl      q q q q q q q o! oj C\                                                                    O                       \o c\ c! ol 6t c\ c\ 6l c\ 6l c! c! c\ c\l ol c.t ol c\! c\                                              c{ ot ol c\               6l         C-l     c\l      e{ ot ol c'l ol c\ c\ c\ GI (r'l ct) c.'! crl co c.l c"l cl c.'! c"'l c"l c.) cr'! cr'! c.) (.) c.) (".! c.) c"l ..) ct)                                    c1         c.l     ctl      c.l c') c.l crl c.l c? co cr) (tl ao                                                                                       o                                                                             o                 O                  O    O o                                                                     O s s s $ $ $ $ t $ .f, $ $ $ !f, $ sf, s $ t $ s .f,                                                                            $          $       s        $    $ s s $                 t $ s .f, A   c\! cJ o'! cl o! cl o! c-.t c.l cJ ol oJ cJ oJ .! c'l o! c..l ol o! o! c.l                                                     c!         ol      ot       ot o! cl o! o! o! o! ol ol O           o         o                 O o                o                                         o       o        o                            o o                     O                                                                                          o           O L   $     .d.    $    n      $     n O

n .f, $. O

s. n $ n nn r+

n s $ $ $ n \f, s s s $ nn s n t n sO O O O O O o O tr r l.n (n \o rn o\ o\ o\ o\ o\ o\ c\ c! cJ cl .! ol \o 9 9 \o \o \q ,q q r) rn \n \n cfl c.t \n O o O ,.,? rrl .Q oo oo oo oo oo a lr) o\ c.l c.'! c.l c.l c.) a \ n o\ s. I \o \? n c.l (J ci Fi o o o O o -{ c! o FF T a \n .<l o\ \o f- o\ r- c\ \n c.l rn e.t $ (J m O c\ 6l C- r) c\l o\ c.l N ctl c.l c.l tr c-'l O o 6 o o O O c! o o O o z o O o c{ c! lal o O O O O o O O o O o U O () U 7-l a a a V) a a a a a a a a a a a a O () U U C) (-) U O c'l tr'{ lr

                                                                                               \o \o c.)                       ol (n rn c{          .t c-.1 c.l N c\l c..l c\ c.l c\
                     .t c.t      c.l   c.l    ca   cn     co   ea   6l c.l c.l c{

ol c.l h tal \n c.l ral lrr :f, s \n rrl rn rn tr) ral rl rn rn N GI rn p frl & & & & & & trl (, IJ] F] r Y'l $ s st t t rf, e.l c\ c{ & & frl rd fFSGoneulting (}Rtznq

2734298-R-0L0 Reaision0 Noaember 3,20L4 Page87 of 815 a a a a a (J (.) () a Cg (g Clt a a a a I cg (B ct cg

                                                                                                                                                       !a cl         Cs CB cC
                                                                                                                                                                                     +t cd (t Ci

{-l G'

      &                                      F
                                                                      &    (6   GI    cl   C(3      &    (E    cl       &      ci     a' 6              (g    (tr    Cg  RI      CB             cd GI (l           Ctr F    t- *F      F F         (l)        a          a             F                        F F                 F F                                             a

() (l) () o) GI (tr cg G' () a a o) a (l) q) () O (J o) O O O CB c) O (D () CB cl (!) O o) () C)(.) () () (J O () () () () o) O c) c) (t) (D {) () () () () O t< t-r ()= *r tr () g g () tr () () (l) c) c;) (l) () (u (I) F F] O I O O () () . r F O = O (D c) c.) () () (D O O (l) (l) (l) 4) o) C) q) c) o) 0) (D (l) (D o) (D l-r o) () () o c) o) Lr k t< 0 0 o 0 o ()Cg OCg Ocg o (l) q,) () l-< p o0 a0 o g a a q) c,) c) I t< (l) t< (l) k c.) c) (l) p o) (D G) G) 0) a o a a a o(J (D() O() a I p 0 I c I o I c I c 0 o o cX I o

g. tE o X X X X () () X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X t'r (l) o a v) o)

U) a (l) (D (t) A) .a. A'a (h 'a. u) I! fYl f Y'l rrf (rt (t) aYl f Y'l (D a (I)

                                                                                                                         .t) l'rl    frl  rr'l 14 f r'l t! trl f r'l                     IJ]      H      rr'l   r r'!

Fl {ad {5 (B {j CB q) c) (l) o) o (l) tr c) (D C) o q) (.) q) (l) (l) C) o (D (D (l) (l) o 0 o c o o o (l)r- (DA (l)A a ]< J4 ll ,v o o 0rt) &cl J( ((I p 0 J4 cl J4 (lt J1 E v j4 v, J(lt J1 }1 vcg -v ,y, GI GI

                                                                                                                                                                                                           }1 GI J

GI cl c3 CI d Cg Gl 6 v) ar) (t) v) = o- = = a 5 = = = (h (t) U) (h 3 3 c) c,) c) c) 0) a o o) o q q c) 0) o o c) 0) o o o o o o o g o o o tr & & g g q /. s & & a () a a a a u, 6 E t< cl o () a L d ct v) ti (,) r r l a (tl H F 65 tr tr cl I L< Gi k Cll Lr G' GI G' l'{ G' r< GI GI (l) o) (D q) c) c) c) H r! I! rI] rd F F I! r! F F f r'l frl rr) t r'l r r l fr) rY'l F F F F F O O F trl rrl rrl I! IJ] (B cg c' (g G Cg Cg cl CB (\l d Cg (g cl ct (g ctr cs ci cl ( ct cl G ( G' ftt ( g tr Cg tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr (r tr o o g o o o o o o o o o o o o ti () () () () () () () (.) () () () () () () () () O a


O H () (J () O L) (J O (J I O (J (J (J O (J D tr - al tr tr tr tr g g


Ff ) = = 2 = ) rY

                                                                                                                                                                          = =        (r . fr.      r1 .

f4 fr 14 Er t& trr lL (r rr lrr tr{ 14 trr fr fr s ca cq cfl crl \o \o \o \o O tr^l rn \o \o o\ o\ o\ o\ o\ o\ o! \ F- \ \ C-l ot ol ol - - - \ \ q q \? q \o 9 9 9 f- \ \ \ \ \ \ t- \ O o 6l c\.l c\.l C\l 6l c-.1 c-.1 c.l c.l c.l c{ C.l c.t c\ C-l c\ (\ c\ I a ol c! c\ c! c\l 6l c\ c.I c.I c\l c.l c.t c.l c! c.i ol c\l c.'! c.) c.) ..) crl c.) c"l c") e.) c.) c.l c.) cr) c.l crl ..) c.'! c.l (") ("'! c.) crl c.) cfl c1 c.) c..) c.) c.) crl crl c.t cr) crl O O o o O O o o O

      $ v s $ $                       $        $            $         .f,  $ s s $ :f, $ $ $ $ $ s $ t                                            .f,   s          $ $ $ $                 $ \o \o \o \o ol c! o! c.l o'!                o!       o!           c'!       ol o! c.l ol cl cJ cl ol ol c! oJ oJ cJ cJ ol o! oJ c! o! ol 6l c'! \? 9 q 9 O               o                                                            O          O O                          o .tr               O         \n rrl O                                                                    o      O   O    o L

R n t n t w n $ R n n On n n on n R R $ $ s =q =q $ O

f, t n n n n n On O

v O O O O tu A o\ o\ o\ o\ o\ t- f- F- r- \o \o \o \o \o \o oo oo \o \o \o \o \o \o f- f- C- c- t- \o \o \o \o j n c! ol cl o! oo oq co -q n n n n n s e.l c\l efl c.) q \? \? 9 9 9 9 q \o 9 9 9 \o 9 9 Q O o O o O O O llr

-l A
 !t                                                                                                 m          m                      mO                                              o              m rn              o\ oo          o\        f-          oo         \o             c.l O                                                             o\           O
                                                                                                                                                                                            \o s     sf,           o F    .i. c.l  c.l                           F-           F-        C- c\t c\      \o s oo @ c-             f-ca ca cn \o \o
                                                                                                                               $ $                 c.l  rn                            c.l O

z ral \n O O o s .f, c! c{ co o \n O <> O O o o o o r,n rn O o o O <> O o o o irr trr rr tl ra trr o o frr r r . fr ri trr trr trr tr trr ra (a rl frr o.l GI n rr trr f t tr.r tr.r c.t c.t rn rn rn rrl c\ C\l $ c.t c\ c\ c.l c.l

                                                                                                                                                                                      $ s trr F{

C-l c.l c\ N c\t rn 6l c! lr) l.n rn rl c\ c.l rn t c\ c\ N c.l tr) rl rI] r! f r'l rr'l f r'l H F] rf, s l'r'l f r ) H ril frl r r'1 f r'l r r'l 14 fr) I! rrl frI s] r! E] f r'l r! rJl f r'l t-1 fSSGonsgltilg (]Rrz7"9

2734298-R-010 Reaision0 Noaember 3,20L4 PageB8 of 81.5 CB (g (B Cg CS Cg (g Cg Cs cd c' (o (s (g Cg G' a a

f n

cs a cS (d ff GI G (g fa cl r-f GI GI GI o ct cE rs n ((l (tr P Gi O F r', (l) (D q) o () o (l) (.) (l) c) (!) () O () Q () q) O c.) O () () o) q) () (J () o) () c.) (J O c) I O o) O () O (J rt) O (.) (g a U) a (n (n a tr 0) () q)tr (n (t) a a F c) C) C) (1) () (l) (l) (l) o) 0.) (D (D tr o) 0) tr c) (l) a (r.) a a (n a (.;)o I () L< O (t) a ah a a a a (D C,) E Lr (l) 0) a) () o o) () Lr tr tr Lr C) C) C) C,) L l< c) (l) l-r (D (l) () () (D l.r (l) (B cg tr (l) O a a e CS d (s CB (B CO (g g X o o 0 o c o X X X X X X X g o X X X o c X rX o g o I o o X X X X X X tr tr I X g X

                                                                                                                                                                & & a(l) rv'l  f Y'l a

(D g r r l l'rl r'l fr) F trl f r ) H f r l f r'1 trl fYl fr'l H trl r! f r't trl F] tq a a Fl o () C) (D () C) q) (l) 0.) c) (D (l) (1) c.) C) (D o) (l) () B (D B '(,) F B O o) )1 J1 o F F B F B (l) () (D () a) t(.) c)F

                                                                                           .!1 & J1 ll (tr cl Cd J(g J1 q)

J4 .\4 JI j4

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6 j Cd



                                        )    F (tr   }4 GI    cl Cg Cq (g 6
                                                                 ) -                               =           )q ) =

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                                                                                                                                                            $-r                a q) u)

C,) rr) lrl ril fr) I! l'r'l frl I! trl f r'l frl f r'l fYl f r'l rtl I! trl r Y'l trl f Y'l F F tt (g (B Gl (g q) (D (l) o (.) CS cg Cg (g (D (D (D o) (l) o) (D G' CS cl Cg cg Cg Cg Cg co Cg (d CB cl bi OI bI OI bI CB Cg bJ bI b{ b{ bJ bI b( g a'! tr g Cd Gl Cg o o CS ($ (g CS C$ G' CB o o o o o o o .9 li o o L tr o o o o t< O o o l-i l.i (.) (J () :)O


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                                                                                                                                                            =                  = =

O O O O Fl H (r

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                        .                        fr    .

trr trt Irr tri fr (rl rrr

                                                 \o \o \o \o c\t                     f-     r- f- c- t- c- o\                                        c- o\ ca ca o\ o\ aa q q
      \ \ \                                      -             - -           oo      \ \ \ \ \ \ r-O g

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                                                                                                                                                                             .i   -i                o O                       o                         O                                       O               O O
       \o \o         $ $         $ $ tdl s $ s $ :its s t                                         $ s $             $ $ s \f, $ .f, s v s $ s $ s .il $ $ t                                              s $ $

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                                                                                                                                                                                                             $      n O


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                                                                                                                                                            \    n     s r- \           cJ  nn       R   n   o U O O                     O            O                                             o                 O            O                  O                                         o E

A f-t rn oo rn c.l s rn t C\.l ca $ c.l c.l eft \o \n t- o\ \o oo $ t-F \o \o ol

                                        \o oo      :t s          oo oo ca             f-    f-           c\l \o $             o                        oo C-                      O                                 c\

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2734298-R-010 Reaision0 Noaember 3,20L4 Page89 of 81.5 xx $< xx $< XM x< XO tsx < xx $< xX . < >i .- x < >i .- 5xx< X x< x$ x r .8ts Xr-f, ah xs Xr-x$ a ic)\

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                                                                                             -ij vc) aij vo)

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        *r=         5E           J =          .ob         +rX           rvX cgl 9X        -oti     .ob .oF              pb                           s
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                    .6       cJ UL)

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        .10     F   -ass . 9 F                 ou cj) . s F . 9 F F-     l-<

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