Information Notice 1989-56, Questionable Certification of Material Supplied to the Defense Dept. By Nuclear Suppliers

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Questionable Certification of Material Supplied to the Defense Dept. By Nuclear Suppliers
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley, Millstone, Hatch, Monticello, Calvert Cliffs, Dresden, Davis Besse, Peach Bottom, Browns Ferry, Salem, Oconee, Mcguire, Nine Mile Point, Palisades, Palo Verde, Perry, Indian Point, Fermi, Kewaunee, Catawba, Harris, Wolf Creek, Saint Lucie, Point Beach, Oyster Creek, Watts Bar, Hope Creek, Grand Gulf, Cooper, Sequoyah, Byron, Pilgrim, Arkansas Nuclear, Three Mile Island, Braidwood, Susquehanna, Summer, Prairie Island, Columbia, Seabrook, Brunswick, Surry, Limerick, North Anna, Turkey Point, River Bend, Vermont Yankee, Crystal River, Haddam Neck, Ginna, Diablo Canyon, Callaway, Vogtle, Waterford, Duane Arnold, Farley, Robinson, Clinton, South Texas, San Onofre, Cook, Comanche Peak, Yankee Rowe, Maine Yankee, Quad Cities, Humboldt Bay, La Crosse, Big Rock Point, Rancho Seco, Zion, Midland, Bellefonte, Fort Calhoun, FitzPatrick, McGuire, LaSalle, 05000000, Zimmer, Fort Saint Vrain, Shoreham, Satsop, Trojan, Atlantic Nuclear Power Plant
Issue date: 11/22/1989
Revision: 0
From: Rossi C E
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
IN-89-056, Suppl 1, NUDOCS 8911160058
Download: ML031190123 (10)



All holders of operating licenses or construction permits for nuclear powerreactors.


This information notice supplement is alert addressees of additionalinformation concerning a problem with the certification of material furnished byMeredith Corporation, Pressure Vessel Nuclear (PYN), of Hillside, New Jersey,which was discussed previously in NRC Information Notice No. 89-56. It is ex-pected that recipients will review the information for applicability to theirfacilities and consider actions, as appropriate, to avoid similar problems.However, suggestions contained in this information notice do not constituteNRC requirements; therefore, no specific action or written response is required.

Description of Circumstances

NRC Information Notice No. 89-56 discussed a 27-count indictment rendered onMay 4, 1989, by a Newark Federal Grand Jury charging PVN and Alloy & CarbonSteel Company Incorporated (Alloy) corporate officers with substitutingcommercial-grade steel for military-grade steel and fraudulently documentingthe substitutions as meeting military specifications. The notice indicatedthat NRC was interested in obtaining information relevant to material suppliedto nuclear utilities or vendors by PYN or Alloy in which discrepancies havebeen found or discrepancies have been discovered as a result of independentverification testing of chemical and mechanical properties, and informationon recent procurements. The NRC is aware that a number of organizations arecontinuing to perform independent testing of PVN material. The followingdiscussion details the results of testing performed to date that has beenmade available to the NRC.Discussion:As of mid-September 1989, the NRC had received the results of tests conductedby a laboratory performing tests for the Virginia Power Company on PYN materialsupplied to the Surry nuclear power station. The results indicated that 17 of89.111058 IN 89-56, Supplement 1November 22, 1989 4 items tested did not meet specification. Heat No. PV00199 of ASTM A570-79Grade 40 steel sheet exhibited a tensile strength of 45,993 pounds per squareinch (psi) and a yield strength of 26,282 psi, which are lower than the 55,000psi tensile strength and 40,000 psi yield strength required by specification.Ten items of ASTM A36-81A steel exhibited tensile strengths that were as highas 86,109 psi which exceeded the specified range of 58,000 to 80,000 psi. Otherdeviations were found, including yield strength, manganese content, elongation,and hardness, which were all lower than material specifications. Virginia PowerCompany initiated corrective actions to review the location and application ofthe nonconforming material to assure that safety and operability concerns areaddressed.On September 20, 1989-, the NRC received the results of tests conducted by alaboratory performing tests for General Public Utilities Nuclear Corporation(GPUN) on PYN material supplied to the Oyster Creek nuclear power station.The results indicated that a 2 1/2-inch diameter round forged bar of ASMESA-350, LF2, normalized and tempered steel failed to meet the minimum speci-fied Charpy impact test requirement of 20 foot-pounds. ASME SA-350, LF2,imposes ASME SA-370, which specifies that not more than one specimen mayexhibit a value below the specified minimum average, and in no case shallan individual value be below either two thirds of the specified minimumaverage or 5 foot-pounds, whichever is greater. GPUN Charpy impact testingof three initial specimens resulted in values of 19, 13, and 32 foot-poundswhich failed to meet the ASME SA-370 requirement. Section 22.2.1 of ASMESA-370-regulres-d retest of-three-addftiona4---tpeecmens,- each of wh-ch-shailhave a value equal to or exceeding the specified minimum. GPUN Charpy impactretesting of three additional specimens resulted in values of 20, 11, and 14foot-pounds which did not meet the retest requirement of Section 22.2.1. PYNcertified Charpy impact values for three specimens of this material were 26,24, and 24 foot-pounds. GPUN initiated corrective actions by requiring thatan engineering evaluation be made of the location and application of the non-conforming material to address safety and operability concerns.The NRC also received the results of tests conducted by a laboratory performingtests for Anchor Darling Enterprises, Incorporated (AD), on PVN material to beused by AD for nuclear applications. Five of the 16 items tested exhibitedchemical analysis values that were different from the values listed on the PYNcertified material test report, and two of the five items exhibited chemicalproperties that did not meet the ASTM specification. Heat No. 412L1181 ofASTM A-588 Grade B steel plate exhibited a chromium content of 0.17 percent,a copper content of 0.06 percent, and a vanadium content of less than 0.01percent, which were lower than the ASTM specified values of 0.4 to 0.7 percent,0.2 to 0.4 percent, and 0.01 to 0.1 percent, respectively. Heat No. 402N5561of ASTM A-588 Grade B steel plate exhibited a chromium content of 0.17 percent,a copper content of 0.02 percent, and a vanadium content of less than 0.01percent, which were also lower than the ASTM specified values listed above.AD is notifying their customers of the nonconforming material and performingevaluations in accordance with 10 CFR Part 2 IN -56, Supplement 1November 22, 1989 A PYN letter dated July 17, 1989, to Dubose Steel Incorporated in Roseboro,North Carolina, advised of a potential defect in two p~eces of 1 3/4-Inchdiameter round bar of ASME SA-193 Grade B7 quenched, tempered, and stress-relieved steel (Heat 58783, Trace Heat Code HJK, Stress Charge #85-737)manufactured by the Copperweld Steel Company and supplied to Dubose Steelby PVN on November 18, 1981. Louisiana Power and Light Company (LP&L) found5/8 inch deep quench cracks on one end face of material from the same heatthat had been supplied to Dubose Steel. Dubose advised the NRC in a letterdated October 25, 1989, that Dubose records do not indicate who receivedthe PYN material. This information is provided to encourage addressees tolocate the missing material.


may wish to consider the results of the recent testing performedfor Virginia Power, GPUN and AD in planning their activities to assess thecertification of materials supplied by PYN. The NRC remains particularlyinterested in receiving additional results from independent verificationtesting of material supplied by PYN.This information notice requires no specific action or written response. Ifyou have any questions about the information in this notice, please contactone of the technical contacts listed below or the appropriate NRR projectmanager.harOsDivision of Operational Events AssessmentOffice of Nuclear Reactor RegulationTechnical Contacts: Ramon Cilimberg, NRR(301) 492-3220E. William Brach, NRR(301) 492-0961


List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices AttachementI1115-5t SupITeunt IPoagber 2,. 91Page I of ILIST OF RECENTLY ISMUEONaC IvOWAIa~ON NOTIaCz=lotie lle. Subtect28-70 Failure of Packing Nutsan Oew-Ind UraniumHexafluorlde CylinderValvesS877NI-Z6"S-'S8,-743-73n7289-71Dtbris ia ContaineatEawrgeaq Sumps andIncorrect ScreenCoatiguratimnsSlaofuling Agent: ZebramusselFalsificatioe of melderOuallflcatisas forcoetractor EmloyeesClarificatite of Trans.portation uirearntsApplcable to Retirn ofSpant Radiapharnt9 Dosagestrom Users to Supoi1Potantial Overpressurizationof Low Pressmre SystemsFailure of Licensed SaniorOperators to ClassifyEmrgency Events ProperlyDisee1si of the ResidualHeat Roval Pump SealCooling Water Flaw DOringRacirculatiom OperationFollowing a Loss-of-Coolant AccidetIssuan ce isued to11/22/l all ERC lican1sesauthorizoed to possesand use source raterialand/or special nuclearr terial for the heating.ey~ yng .filling. orIIppa ot orsuand 41-inch disinteralindnrs.11/21t/ All holders of OLsor CPS for P1tn.11/21/8 All holders of .Lsor CPs for nuclearpower reactors.11/20/89 All holders of OLsor CPS for nuclearpowr reactors.11/2/81 All monufacturersand distributors ofredih cluticalsfor r cal usenuclear phoruraeand mdical licesees.I/1/89 All holdars of OL.or CPs for nuclearpot reactors.10/24/8 All holders of Lsor CPs for nuclearpower reactors.10/19/88 All holders of OLsor CPs for nuclearpowr reactors.0L. Oprst Liense aCt

  • Coestructoe PermitUNITED STATESNUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSIONWASHINGTON, D.C. 2055OFFICIAL BUSINESSPENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE, $300FIRST CLASS MAILPOSTAGE & FEES PAIDUSNRCPERMIT No. G-t7 IN 89-56, Supplement INovember 22, 1989 A PYN letter dated July 17, 1989, to Dubose Steel Incorporated in Roseboro,North Carolina, advised of a potential defect in two pieces of 1 3/4-Inchdiameter round bar of ASME SA-193 Grade B7 quenched, tempered, and stress-relieved steel (Heat 58783, Trace Heat Code HJK, Stress Charge #85-737)manufactured by the Copperweld Steel Company and supplied to Dubose Steelby PYN on November 18, 1981. Louisiana Power and Light Company (LP&L) found5/8 inch deep quench cracks on one end face of material from the same heatthat had been supplied to Dubose Steel. Dubose advised the NRC in a letterdated October 25, 1989, that Dubose records do not indicate who receivedthe PVN material. This information is provided to encourage addressees tolocate the missing material.


may wish to consider the results of the recent testing performedfor Virginia Power, GPUN and AD in planning their activities to assess thecertification of materials supplied by PVN. The NRC remains particularlyinterested in receiving additional results from independent verificationtesting of material supplied by PYN.This information notice requires no specific action or written response. Ifyou have any questions about the information in this notice, please contactone of the technical contacts listed below or the appropriate NRR projectmanager.Charles E. Rossi, DirectorDivision of Operational Events AssessmentOffice of Nuclear Reactor RegulationTechnical Contacts: Ramon Cilimberg, NRR(301) 492-3220E. William Brach, NRR(301) 492-0961


List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices*Previously concurredDocument Name: IN 8956, SUPPLEMENT 1OFC :RIS-1:VIB* :C:RIS-l:VlB* :C:VIB:DRIS* :TECH ED* :D:DRIS:NRR* :C:GCB:DOEA* :NAME :RCilimberg:nrp :ETBaker :EWBrach :BKGrimes :CBerlingerDATE :10/20/89 :10/20/89 :10/24/89 :10/23/89 :10/25/89 :11/15/89Document Name: IN 8956, SUPPLEMENT 1OFC :01* :SC:EMCB:DET* :D:DOEA:NRR :OGC* : :__--- :--- ----- ----- __ _ _ _ _ _ _ -------------NAME :BLetts :RAHermann :C :SHLewisDATE :11/08/89 :11/07/89 :11//X/89 :11/14/89 : :OFFICIAL RECORD COPY V _ IN 89-56November 09, 1989 A PYN letter dated July 17, 1989, to Dubose Steel Incorporated in Roseboro,North Carolina, advised of a potential defect in two pieces of 1 3/4-inchdiameter round bar of ASME SA-193 Grade B7 quenched, tempered, and stress-relieved steel (Heat 58783, Trace Heat Code HJK, Stress Charge #85-737)manufactured by the Copperweld Steel Company and supplied to Dubose Steel byPYN on November 18, 1981. Louisiana Power and Light Company (LP&L) found 5/8inch deep quench cracks on one end face of material from the same heat thathad been supplied to Dubose Steel. Dubose advised the NRC in a letter datedOctober 25, 1989, that Dubose records do not indicate who received the PVNmaterial. This information is provided to encourage addressees to locate themissing material.


may wish to consider the results of the recent testing performedfor Virginia Power, GPUN and AD in planning their activities to assess thecertification of materials supplied by PYN. The NRC remains particularlyinterested in receiving additional results from independent verificationtesting of material supplied by PYN.No specific action or written response is required by this information notice.If you have any questions about this matter, please contact one of thetechnical contacts listed below or the Regional Administrator of theappropriate regional office.Charles E. Rossi, DirectorDivision of Operational EventsAssessmentOffice of Nuclear Reactor RegulationTechnical Contacts: Ramon Cilimberg, NRR(301) 492-3220E. William Brach, NRR(301) 492-0961


List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices*Previously concurredDocument Name: INMERSPOFC :RIS-1:YIB* :C:RIS-1:VIB* :C:VIB:DRIS* :TECH ED* :D:DRIS:NRR* :,CG :pOEA :NAME :RCilimberg:nrp :ETBaker :EWBrach : :BKGrimes iR-e lingerDATE :10/20/89 :10/20/89 :10/24/89 :10/23/89 :10/25/89 :11/K189Document Name: INMERSPOFC :OI* :SC:EMCB:DET* :D:DOEA:NRR :OGC* :___-_a ________________ _- ----_______ ____- --------------- -------------NAME :BLetts :RAHermann :CERossi :SHLewis :DATE :11/08/89 :11/07/89 :11/ /89 :11/14/89 : :OFFICIAL RECORD COPY

-V IN 89-XXNovember XX, 1989 A PVN letter dated July 17, 1989, to Dubose Steel Incorporated in Roseboro,North Carolina advised of a potential defect in two pieces of 1 3/4-inch--diameter round bar of ASME SA-193 Grade B7 quenched, tempered, and stressrelieved steel (Heat 58783, Trace Heat Code HJK, Stress Charge #85-737)manufactured by the Copperweld Steel Company and supplied to Dubose Steel byPYN on November 18, 1981. Louisiana Power and Light Company (LP&L) found 5/8inch deep quench cracks on one end face of material from the same heat thathad been supplied to Dubose Steel. Dubose advised the NRC in a letter datedOctober 25, 1989, that Dubose records do not indicate who received the PVNmaterial. This information is provided to encourage addressees to locate themissing material.


may wish to consider the results of the recent testing performedfor Virginia Power, GPUN and AD in planning their activities to assess thecertification of materials supplied by PVN. The NRC remains particularlyinterested in receiving additional results from independent verificationtesting of material supplied by PVN.No specific action or written response is required by this information notice.If you have any questions about this matter, please contact one of thetechnical contacts listed below or the Regional Administrator of theappropriate regional office.Charles E. Rossi, DirectorDivision of Operational EventsAssessmentOffice of Nuclear Reactor RegulationTechnical Contacts: Ramon Cilimberg, NRR(301) 492-3220E. William Brach, NRR(301) 492-0961


List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices*Previously concurredDocument Name: INMERSPOFC :RIS-1:VIB* :C:RIS-1:VIB* :C:VIB:DRIS* :TECH ED* :D:DRIS:NRR* :C:GCB:DOEA :NAME :RCilimberg:nrp :ETBaker :EWBrach :BKGrimes :CBerlingerDATE :10/20/89 :10/20/89 :10/24/89 :10/23/89 :10/25/89 :11/ /89Document Name: INMERSPOFC :OI :SC:EMCB:DET :D:DOEA:NRR :OGC G 2 / :-- --- --- ------------ ---- -------------NAME :RAHermann :CERossi S u :DATE :11A/Lt/89 :11/7/89 :11/ /89 :11//Y/89 : :OFFICIAL RECORD COPY aA,; IN 89-XXOctober XX, 1989Page 3 ofAD is notifying their customers of the nonconforming material and performingevaluations in accordance with 10 CFR Part 21.


may wish to reassess activities concerning material supplied by PYNin light of the results of recent testing performed by Virginia Power, GPUN,and AD. The NRC is particularly interested in receiving the results ofindependent verification testing of material supplied by PVN.No specific action or written response is required by this information notice.If you have any questions about this matter, please contact one of thetechnical contacts listed below or the Regional Administrator of theappropriate regional office.Charles E. Rossi, DirectorDivision of Operational EventsAssessmentOffice of Nuclear Reactor RegulationTechnical Contacts: Ramon Cilimberg, NRR(301) 492-3220E. William Brach, NRR(301) 492-0961


List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices*Previously concurredDocument Name: MEREDITH INSP1OFC :RIS-1:VIB* :C:RIS-1:VIB* :C:VIB:DRIS* :TECH ED* :DD RR :C:GCB:DOEA-__-__ ________________ ______________ ______________ -------------- -------------NAME :RCilimberg:nrp :ETBaker :EWBrach :CBerlingerDATE :10/20/89 :10/20/89 :10/24/89 :10/23/89 10A%7r89 :10/ /89Document Name: MEREDITH INSPI ,i.v9)OFC :OI :SC:EMCB:DET :D:DOEA:NRR : : : -NAME : :RAHermann :CERossi : : :DATE :10/ /89 :10/ /89 :10/ /89 :OFFICIAL RECORD COPY

_ ..- IN 89-XXOctober XX, 1989Page 3 ofAD is notifying their customers of the nonconforming material and erformingevaluations in accordance with 10 CFR Part 21.Adressees may wish to reassess any activities they have ongo g concerningma erial supplied by PVN or Alloy in light of the results of recent testingperormed by Virginia Power, GPUN, and AD. The NRC is par icularly interestedin reiving the results of independent verification testng of materialsuppl i by PYN or Alloy.No speci c action or written response is required by this information notice.If you hav'e any questions about this matter, please ontact one of thetechnical contacts listed below or the Regional Ad ilstrator of theappropriate regional office.Charles .Rossi, DirectorDivisi of Operational EventsAss ssmentOffi e of Nuclear Reactor RegulationTechnical Contacts: Ramon C limber

  • NRR(301) 49 -32E. William ach, NRR(301) 492


List of Recently Issued NRC nformati Notices*Previously concurredDocument Name: MEREDIT INSP1OFC :RIS-1:VIB* :C:RIS-1 IB* RIS:NRR T'ECH ED : D:RIS:NRR :C:GCB:DOEA :NAME :RCilimberg:nrp :ETBak :Eirch : :BKGrimes :CBerlingerDATE :10/20/89 :10/ /89 :10/ /89 :10/ 89 :10/ /89 :10/ /89Document Name: M EDITH lNSP1O -C : IS:EMC-:DET D:DOEA:NRR : :NAME : RAHermann :CERossi : : : : :DATE__ _-------------- -------------- :-------------- ------- -_____________- _____________DATE :10/ /89 :10/ /89 :10/ /89OFFICIAL ORD COPYA, iI .in receiving the results of independent verification testing of materialsupplied by PYN or Alloy.No specific action or written response is required by this informat1o notice.If you have any questions about this matter, please contact one of etechnical contacts listed below or the Regional Administrator of eappropriate regional office.Charles E. Rossi, irectorDivision of Oper ional EventsAssessmentOffice of Nuc ear Reactor RegulationTechnical Contacts: Ramon Cilimberg, NRR(301) 492-3220E. William Brach, NRR(301) 492-0961


List of Recently Issued NRC Infrmati NoticesDocument: IN-1ERSPDFC :VIB:D : t :SC/YrB:DRIS :BC/VIB:DRIS:DIR:DRIS:C:OGCB:DOEA:TECH.ED.:NAME :RCIL Maker :EWBrach :BGrimes :CHBerlinger:DATE :10/ /89 :10;0i/89 :10/ /89 :10/ /89 :10/ /89 :10/ /89 :II