Information Notice 1989-27, Limitations on the Use of Waste Forms and High Integrity Containers for the Disposal of Low-Level Radioactive Waste

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Limitations on the Use of Waste Forms and High Integrity Containers for the Disposal of Low-Level Radioactive Waste
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley, Millstone, Hatch, Monticello, Calvert Cliffs, Dresden, Davis Besse, Peach Bottom, Browns Ferry, Salem, Oconee, Mcguire, Nine Mile Point, Palisades, Palo Verde, Perry, Indian Point, Fermi, Kewaunee, Catawba, Harris, Wolf Creek, Saint Lucie, Point Beach, Oyster Creek, Watts Bar, Hope Creek, Grand Gulf, Cooper, Sequoyah, Byron, Pilgrim, Arkansas Nuclear, Three Mile Island, Braidwood, Susquehanna, Summer, Prairie Island, Columbia, Seabrook, Brunswick, Surry, Limerick, North Anna, Turkey Point, River Bend, Vermont Yankee, Crystal River, Haddam Neck, Ginna, Diablo Canyon, Callaway, Vogtle, Waterford, Duane Arnold, Farley, Robinson, Clinton, South Texas, San Onofre, Cook, Comanche Peak, Yankee Rowe, Maine Yankee, Quad Cities, Humboldt Bay, La Crosse, Big Rock Point, Rancho Seco, Zion, Midland, Bellefonte, Fort Calhoun, FitzPatrick, McGuire, LaSalle, 05000000, Zimmer, Fort Saint Vrain, Shoreham, Satsop, Trojan, Atlantic Nuclear Power Plant
Issue date: 03/08/1989
From: Greeves J
FOIA/PA-2009-0209 IN-89-027, NUDOCS 8903020165
Download: ML031180600 (19)









All holders of operating licenses or construction permits for nuclear power

reactors, fuel cycle licenses and certain by-product materials licenses.


This information notice is being provided to inform addressees of recent actions

taken by the NRC concerning the stability of waste forms (WFs) that contain

Class B and/or Class C low-level waste. The actions pertain to completion by

the NRC Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (NMSS) of reviews of

vendor topical reports (TRs) on waste forms containing stabilized low level

wastes or on high integrity containers (HICs) for burial at low-level waste

disposal sites.

It is expected that addressees will review the actions listed in the attached

status summary for applicability to their activities and consider actions, as

appropriate, to avoid problems in disposing of certain waste streams.


are also expected to distribute the notice to responsible radiological staff and

waste handling personnel. However, suggestions contained in this information

notice do not constitute any new NRC requirements; therefore, no specific action

or written response is required.

Description of Circumstances

This information notice applies to TRs that characterize solidified waste forms

or high integrity containers that contain Class B and Class C low-level waste

from reactor waste streams, from fuel cycle facilities or from certain by-product

materials waste streams. The solidification media for the waste forms typically

have consisted of cement, cement/gypsum, polymer or bitumen. The HIC materials

are typically iron-chromium-nickel alloys (i.e.; ferralium or austenitic stainless

steels), polyethylene-impregnated concrete, polyethylene, fiberglass/polyethylene

or coated carbon steel (please refer to the status summary in Attachment 1).

NRC reviews of vendor topical reports on solidified low-level waste forms and

on high integrity containers are issued as Technical Evaluation Reports (TERs).

A copy of each TER and the letter of transmittal to the vendor applicant is sent

to the Agreement States in which the current LLW disposal sites are located.

(7803020165 V4

IN 89-27 March 8, 1989 Approvals of stabilization media and HICs are limited to certain waste concen- trations or to certain waste streams which are stated in the TER and the letter

of transmittal. Thus, not all waste concentrations or waste streams in the

original TRs have been approved. These restrictions or limitations could affect

the ability of licensees to dispose of certain wastes. An example of an approved

stabilization medium (i.e., waste form) is presented in Attachment 2.

The TER and the TR it covers are not legal requirements. However, a user risks

rejection of waste shipments by buridl site operators if waste forms or HICs

are generated outside the limitations of topical reports approved by the NRC.

Waste generating licensees who desire to -transfer low-level radioactive waste

to a land disposal facility or to a licensed collector and any licensed waste

processor who treats or repackages wastes are reminded that they must comply

with the requirements of paragraphs (d) and (f), respectively, of 10 CFR 20.311.

URC regulation 10 CFR 20.311 requires the waste generator and/or processor, as

pertinent, to certify, through the preparation of shipping manifests, that the

transported materials are properly classified, described, packaged, and labeled

and are in proper condition for transportation. For the purposes of this infor- mation notice, particular attention should be paid to paragraphs (d)(1) and (f)(3),

respectively, of 10 CFR 20.311, where it is indicated that a licensee shall

prepare all wastes so that the waste is classified according to 10 CFR 61.55 and meets waste characteristics requirements in 10 CFR 61.56. One way for a

waste generator or processor to ensure compliance with the Class B and Class C

waste stability requirements of 10 CFR 61.56(b) is to process the waste in ac- cordance with the provisions and limitations of the NRC-approved topical reports

on waste form stability.


Background -

The Agreement States* have the licensing authority for the disposal sites with

respect to whether specific HICs or WFs would be acceptable for disposal at their

sites. An agreement, however, was reached in 1983 between NRC and the States

that NRC would provide a "central" review of TRs that would be applicable for

all the disposal sites. Before the 1983 agreement the State of South Carolina

had issued ten Certificates of Compliance (Cs of c5 and had under review two

additional requests for approval of HICs. The State of Washington had two

requests for approval. It was decided that South Carolina (Nevada and

Washington had not yet issued any HIC approvals) would continue to accept

the use of HICs that had already been issued a C of C.

For such HICs, revocation of a C of C would take place only if a problem were

identified or if new information indicated that the HICs would not meet the

  • "1Agreement State" means any state with which the NRC has entered into an

effective agreement under subsection 274b of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954.

IN 89-27 March 8, 1989 acceptance criteria. For new HICs that were described in TRs submitted to the

NRC, the States would not issue Cs of C until the review had been completed by

the NRC; it should be noted, however, that periodic temporary approvals or

"variances" for limited quantities of certain types of HICs have been granted

by the State of Washington. For solidification processes, those processors

who submitted information to NRC in TRs submitted before June 30, 1984 would

be acceptable under a grandfathering arrangement pending completion of the NRC

review. A list of HICs and solidification media that are currently accepted at

Barnwell, Hanford, and Beatty can be found in Attachments 3, 4, and 5, respec- tively. Solidification media and high integrity containers shown in Attachment 1 as "discontinued", "not approved" or "withdrawn" are not acceptable for disposal

unless special provisions have been arranged with the disposal site(s).

A case where the NRC staff has concluded that a stabilization product is not

capable of meeting 10 CFR Part 61 requirements for waste form stability, unless

special provisions are provided at the disposal site, involves the use of high

density polyethylene (HDPE) high integrity containers. As indicated in Attach- ment 1, such containers, as described in topical reports submitted by three

vendors (Docket Nos. W14-18, WM-76, & WM-80), were not approved by the NRC. In

the list (Attachment 4) of stabilization media and containers approved by the

State of South Carolina, however, it is shown that (beginning in 1981) several

HDPE containers have been issued Certificates of Compliance. Those containers

continue to be accepted for disposal at the Barnwell site "on an interim basis"

while South Carolina implements special provisions for disposal beginning

April 1, 1989. NRC-licensed waste generators who wish to use polyethylene

containers for the disposal of Class B and Class C wastes and who must comply

with the provisions of 10 CFR 20.311(d) should either (1) place and ship the

polyethylene container in an approved high integrity container (see Attachment 1 for a list of NRC-approved HICs) or (2) obtain assurance and documentation from

the disposal site operator that structural stability consistent with Part 61 requirements will be provided at the site. For example, stability requirements

,ay be met by placing the waste in an approved concrete container or structure

that provides stability after disposal. The State of South Carolina has author- ized the Barnwell Disposal Site Operator to receive class B & C waste in HDPE/HICS

for disposal in concrete overpacks. Waste generators desiring to pursue any of

these options should contact the facility operator for procedural details.

Accepted Stabilization Procedures -

Licensees carn ensure that Class Band/or Class C low-level wastes will be

accepted for burial at a disposal site by doing one of the following:

a. solidifying the waste into a form that is shown in the table in

Attachment 1 as "approved" or "under review" by the NRC and which

is accepted for disposal on an interim or final basis by the sited


IN 89-27 March 8, 1989 b. placing the waste in a high integrity container (HIC) that

irn the table in Attachment 1 as "approved" by the NRC and is shown

a Certificate of Compliance or other State Approval document, for which

appropriate, has been issued; as

c. solidifying the waste into a form (i.e., using a Stabilization

that has been approved by the States of Nevada, South Medium)

Carolina, or

Washington for burial at the Beatty, Barnwell, or Hanford

appropriate (see Attachments 3, 4 and 5); sites, as

d. placing the waste in a HIC that has been approved by the

Nevada or for which a Certificate of Compliance has been State of

the States of South Carolina or Washington for burial at the issued by

Barnwell, and Hanford sites, as appropriate (see Attachments Beatty, and 5). 3, 4 The following paragraphs discuss specific issues related

waste forms and process control procedures. to the stability of

Process Control Programs -

Maty reactor licensees are required to process wastes only

the plant-specific process control program (PCP). Generic in accordance with

process control procedures or programs are addressed in TRs (not plant-specific)

reviewed by NRC's Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR),that are also

in Attachment 6. A summary of topical reports for radwaste except as noted

systems that NRR has approved or has under review is presented volume reduction

in Attachment 6.

Variances in Processing Parameters -

Some mixtures of wastes and solidification agents may react

another. These reactions may not be noticeable during the adversely with one

formed before the actual solidification occurs; therefore, specimen tests per- be alert to variances in solidification parameters specifiedit is important to

increasing temperature of the mixture and reduced amount by PCPs, such as

of solidification agent

required to fill the liner or other container. An example

a licensee either operated outside the bounds of the technical of a situation where

(TER) or mixed waste streams of questionable or unknown compatibilityevaluation report

in Information Notice No. 88-08, "Chemical Reactions with is described

Solidification Agents", March 14, 1988. Radioactive Waste

Cement-Solidified Waste Problems -

The problem identified in Information Notice No. 88-08 is

symptomatic of a number

of mishaps that have been observed in the field and in laboratory

testing of

IN 89-27 March 8, 1989 cement-solidified low-level waste. Such mishaps include but are not limited

to waste forms that failed to solidify completely and that swelled and/or

disintegrated over relatively short times after solidification. Waste streams

that have caused the most concern involve bead resin, decontamination solutions, borates, sulfates, and oils. As illustrated in the example discussed in Infor- mation Notice No. 88-08, small amounts of secondary ingredients that were not

anticipated to be a problem, and which may not have been known to be present

in the waste at the time of processing, were later identified to be the cause

of the difficulties encountered. This is a maJor reason why waste generators.

and processors should endeavor to store, handle, and process-Class B and C

low-level radioactive wastes within the boundary conditions, established in

the qualification test programs, that are addressed in-the vendor topical


It will be noted (see Attachment 1) that NMSS has not yet approved any topical

reports dealing with 10 CFR Part 61 stability qualification testing of cement- solidified Class B or Class C wastes. This is a result of the complexity of

the issues involving cement-solidified wastes. The NMSS staff plans to host

in 1989 a Workshop on Cement-Stabilization of Low-Level Waste. Cement stabi- lization medium vendors, waste generators, laboratory researchers and industry

consultants are expected to participate in the workshop, which is intended to

provide an improved understanding of the technical concerns and which would

lead to both short-term and long-term regulatory resolution. Interested persons

and potential participants may contact Dr. Michael Tokar at (301) 492-0590 for

further information. Suggestions regarding the workshop agenda and format are


Status of Reviews -

As may be seen from Attachment 1, the status of topical report reviews is

subject to change as reviews are completed and as new TRs or revisions to

existing TRs are submitted for review. Thus, the lists of solidification

media or HICs that have been reviewed and approved by NRC and those that

are acceptable at Agreement State sites may change. Waste generators

should remain aware of the status of TRs reviewed by NRC so as to be

informed of any limitations or change in limitations on use of solidified

media and HICs. To assist the waste generators and others in this regard, updates of the statusof NRC TR reviews will be issued at least annually.

Licensees may obtain copies of non-proprietary versions of the TERs and

non-proprietary versions of the applicable TRs from NRC Headquarters or

from the appropriate NRC regional'office.

IN 89-27 March 8, 1989 No specific action or written response is required by this information notice.

A summary of topical report reviews is presented in Attachment 1. If you have

any questions regarding this information notice, please contact the technical

contacts listed below or the Regional Administrator of the appropriate regional

office. A list of recent information notices is shown in Attachment 7 for

background information.

t'John T. Greeves, Acting Director

Division of Low-Level Waste Management

and Decommissioning, NMSS

Technical Contacts: Michael Tokar, NMSS

(301) 492-0590

Charles Nichols, NRR

(301) 492-0854 Attachments:

1. Topical Report Review Status Summary, Solidified Waste Form and

High Integrity Containers (HICs)

2. Example of Approved Stabilization Medium and Limitations on

Approved Waste Streams

3. List of HICs and Stabilization Media Currently Accepted at Beatty

4. List of HICs and Stabilization Media Currently Accepted at Barnwell

5. List of HICs and Stabilization Media Currently Accepted at Hanford

6. Topical Report Review Status Summary for Radwaste Volume Reduction


7. List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices

Attachment-1 IN 89-27 March 8, 1989 TOPICAL REPORT REVIEW STATUS SUMMARY


JANUARY 5, 1989 Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards

Vendor Docket No. Disposition

Waste Chem WM-90** So~lidification (bitumen) Approved.

General Electric WM-88 Solidification (polymer) Approved.

DOW WM-82** Solidification (polymer) Approved.

Chichibu 1*1-81 HIC (poly impreg/concrete) Approved.

Nuclear Packaging WM-45 HIC (ferraliuum/FL-50) Approved.

Nuclear Packaging WM-85** HIC (ferralium/family) Approved.

LN Technologies WM- 93** HIC (stainless/poly) Approved.

Chem-Nuclear W1- 18** HIC (polyethylene) Not Approved.

Hittman WM-80** HIC (polyethylene) qNot Approved.

TFC Nuclear WM-~76** HIC (polyethylene) Not Approved.

U.S. Gypsum WM-51** Solidification (gypsum)* Not Approved.

AlI (U.S.Ecology) WM-91** Solidification (bitumen) Discontinued.

VIKEM WM-13 Solidification/oil (cement) Discontinued.

Stock WM-92** Solidification (cement) Discontinued.

Nuclear Packaging WM- 71 Solid/Encap (cement/gypsum) Withdrawn.

Chem-Nuclear Wm- 19.** Solidification (cement Withdrawn.

Chem-Nuclear WM-96** Solidification (cement Withdrawn.

Hittman Solidification (SG-95) Withdrawn.

Nuclear Packaging WM-87** HIC (316-stainless/SDS) Withdrawn.

LN Technologies WM-57 HIC (polyethylene) Withdrawn.

Chem-Nuclear WM-47 HIC (fiberglass/poly) Withdrawn.

Chem-Nuclear WM-101 Solidification (cement #1) Under review.

Chem-Nuclear WM-97 Solidification (cement #2) Under review.

Chem-Nuclear WM-98 Solidification (cement #3) Under review.

LN Technologies WM-20 Solidification (cement) Under review.

LN Technologies WM-99 Solidification (cement/decon) Under review.

Hittman WM-46 -Solidification (cement) Under review.

ATI (U.S. Ecology) WM- 100- Solidification (bitumen) Under review.

BondIco WM-94 HIC (fiberglass/poly) Under review.

Babcock & Wilcox WM-95 HIC (coated carbon steel) Under review.

Had been approved for single waste stream for one year ending March 3, 1989.

Actions completed in Calendar Year 1988.






Waste Chem Corporation Solidification Media

(ASTM-D-312 Type III

oxidized bitumen)



Approved For:


Bead Resin Waste Forms must

Precoat Filter Cake with Powdered Resin be prepared in

Precoat Filter Cake with Diatomaceous Earth Accordance with

Evaporator Concentrates - Neutralization Waste Process Control

Evaporator Concentrates - Floor Drain Program (PCP)

Evaporator Concentrates

Decontamination Waste Waste Form in

Mixed Resin and Filter Cake Waste 55-Gallon Drum or

approved HIC


Maximum waste loadings are as stated in Section A-3.3 of the WasteChem Topical

Report, VRS-002, dated August 1987 or in Table I of Appendix A of the NRC


dated January 22, 1988.

-Attachment 3 IN 89-27 March 8, 1989 LIST OF HICs AND STABILIZATION MEDIA


HICs Package Identification

Manufacturer Number

Pacific Nuclear DSHS-HIC-TMI-01 Nuclear Packaging DSHS-HIC-EA-50

Chichibu Cement DSHS-HIC-SFPIC200L

Chichibu Cement DSHS-HIC-SfPIC400L

Stabilization Media

1. Aztech (General Electric)

2. Bitumen* (Waste Chem and ATI)

3. Chem-Nuclear Cement

4. Concrete**

5. Dow Media (Vinyl Ester Styrene)

6. Envirostone (U.S. Gypsum Cement)

7. Westinghouse-LN Technologies Cement

8. Stock Equipment Cement

9. Hittman Grout

10. Other solidification media and processes which have been approved by

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and/or the State as meeting

waste form stability criteria.

  • Note: Oxidized Bitumen Only
    • Note: Concrete when used as an encapsulation medium around a small volume

of radioactive material, e.g., a sealed source centered in a fifty-five

gallon drum containing concrete, shall have a formulated compressive

strength equal to or greater than 2500 psi.

Attachment 4 IN 89-27 March 8, 1989 LIST OF HICs AND STABILIZATION MEDIA


HIC Certificates of Compliance

Issued to Issued what Issued when

Adwin Equipment Company 55-gallon HIC 05/29/84 Chem-Nuclear HDPE HICs (x 14) 05/28/81 Chem-Nuclear FRP HIC 02/23/82 Chem-Nuclear Overpack HICs (x3) 04/08/83 Philadelphia Electric Comp. PECO-HIC-1 09/28/81 Hittman Radlok-55 HIC 06/17/82 Hittman Radlok-100 HIC 06/17/82 Hittuan Radlok-200 HIC 05/05/83 Hittman Radlok-500 HIC 09/31/85 LN Technologies Barrier-55 HIC 09/01/83 TFC NUHIC-120 HIC 11/01/83 NUPAC HDPE 142 HIC 08/20/84 NUPAC FL-50 HIC 09/26/85 Chichibu Concrete HICs (x2) 08/12/86 Vermont Yankee HDPE HIC 10/10/83 Approved Stabilization Media*

Vinyl Ester Styrene


    • Bitumen
  • Processes shall meet and have been evaluated in accordance with the NRC

"Technical Position on Waste Form" or other evaluation criteria specif- ically approved by the NRC. Other stabilization media shall be accept- able for which a topical Report has been prepared and approval received

from the NRC and the State.

    • Administrative controls at the Barnwell Site are necessary for the disposal

of this waste form.

Attachment 5 IN 89-27 March 8, 1989 LIST OF HICs AND STABILIZATION MEDIA


HIC Certificates Of Compliance (C of C)



C of C Number Manufacturer Number

WN-HIC-01 Pacific- Nuclear DSHS-HIC-TMI-O1 WN-HIC-02 Nuclear Packaging DSHS-HIC-EA-50

WN-HIC-03 Chichibu Cement DSHS-HIC-SFPIC 200L

WN-HIC-04 Chichibu Cement DSHS-HIC-SFPIC 400L

WN-HIC-05 Nuclear Packaging DSHS-HIC-EA 142A

WN-HIC-06 Nuclear Packaging DSHS-HIC-EA 50A

WN-HIC-07 Nuclear Packaging DSHS-HIC-EA 140A

WN-HIC-08 Nuclear Packaging DSHS-HIC-EA 190A

WN-HIC-09 Nuclear Packaging DSHS-HIC-EA 210A

WN-HIC-10 Nuclear Packaging DSHS-HIC-EA 50C

WN-HIC-11 Nuclear Packaging DSHS-HIC-EA 140C

WN-HIC-12 Nuclear Packaging DSHS-HIC-EA 142C

WN-HIC-13 Nuclear Packaging DSHS-HIC-EA 190C

WN-HIC-14 Nuclear Packaging DSHS-HIC-EA 210C

Other High Integrity Containers which have been approved by the State

Attachment 5 IN 89-27 March 8, 1989 LIST OF HICs AND STABILIZATION MEDIA


Approved Stabilization Media *

Aztech (General Electric)

Bitumen** (ATI and Waste Chem)

Chem-Nuclear Cement

Dow Media (Vinyl Ester Styrene)

Envirostone (U.S. Gypsum Cement)

Westinghouse-LN Technologles Cement

Stock Equipment Cement

Hittman Cement


  • Only those stabilization media which have been evaluated or are in the

process of being evaluated and are used with the stability guidance

requirements of the NRC "Technical Position on Waste Form" or are

specifically approved by the State are considered acceptable

stabilization media. Other stabilization media and processes may be

approved which have been reviewed and approved by the NRC and/or the

State as meeting waste form stability criteria.

    • Oxidized Bitumen only.
  • Concrete, when used as an encapsulation medium around a small volume of

radioactive material, e.g., a sealed source centered in a fifty-five

gallon drum containing concrete, shall have a formulated compressive

strength equal to or greater than 2500 psi.

Attachment 6 IN 89-27 March 8, 1989 TOPICAL REPORT REVIEW STATUS SUMMARY


Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, January 1989 Acceptance

Vendor Report No. Title Date

  • Aerojet Energy AECC-1 Fluid Bed Dryer

Conversion Co. December, 1975 Hittman Nuclear & HN-R1109-A, Radwaste Solidification

Development Corp. April, 1978 Revision 4 System (Cement)

Werner & Pflelderer WPC-VRS-001, Radwaste Volume Reduction

Corporation April, 1978 Revision I & Solidification System

Dow Chemical Company DNS-RSS-001 The Dow System for Solid- June, 1980

ification of Low-Level

Radioactive Waste from

Nuclear Power Plants

ATCOR Engineered ATC- 132A Radwaste Solidification

Systems, Inc. September, 1981 System

  • Newport News EI/NNI-77-7 RWR-1 Radwaste Volume

Industrial Corp. October, 1982 Reduction System

Chem-Nuclear CNSI-2 Mobile Cement Solidifi- Systems, Inc. March, 1983

(4313-01354-01) cation System

  • JGC Corporation JGC-TR-001 The Drum Mixer Process July, 1983 for Volume Reduction

& Solidification

  • Aerojet Energy AECC-4 Mobile Volume Reduction

Conversion Company October, 1984 System

  • Aerojet Energy AECC-2' Radioactive Waste Volume

Conversion Company November, 1984 Reduction System

Associated Technologies ATI-VR-O 01 ATI Volume Reduction

Incorporated April, 1985 and Bitumen

Solidification System

NUS Process Services PS-53-0378 Radwaste Solidification

Corporation May, 1985 System

Attachment 6 IN 89-27 March 8, 1989 TOPICAL REPORT REVIEW STATUS SUMMARY


Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulations, January 1989 Acceptance

Vendor Report No. Title Date

Chem-Nuclear CNSI-DW-11118-01 CNSI Dewatering Control June, 1985 Systems, Inc. Process Containers

ATCOR Engineered ATC-8019-1 ATCOR AVRS-80 Volume July, 1985 Systems, Inc. Reduction Process

Nuclear Packaging, TP-02 Nuclear Packaging, Inc. September, 1985 Inc. Dewatering System

General Electric NEDE-30878 Transportable Modular December, 1985 AZTECH Plant

  • Koch Process KPS-1 VR-System 350 Low-Level March, 1986 Systems, Inc. Radwaste Volume Reduction


Associated Tech., ATI-VR-OO1 ATI Transportable Vol. April, 1986 Incorporated Supplement 1 Reduction & Bitumen Solid- ification System (.TVR-111)

UNC Nuclear UNC-S 8000 UNC Portland Cem./Sodium August, 1986 Industries Silicate Radwaste Solid- ification Systems

  • Aerojet Energy AECC-3 Radioactive Waste Volume August, 1986 Conversion Company Reduction System

Westinghouse STD-R-05-01 1 Hittman Mobile October, 1986 Hittman Nuclear, In-Container Dewatering &

Incorporated Solidification System (MDSS)

Bartlett Nuclear, BN- 1 Modified Portland November, 1986 Incorporated Cement (MPC-1) and

Portable Mixing Station


Stock Equipment SRS-003 Quick Dry Process for March, 1988 Company Dewatering of Bead Resin

and Filter Sludge

Attachment 6 IN 89-27 March 8, 1989 TOPICAL REPORT REVIEW STATUS SUMMARY


Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, January 1989 Acceptance

Vendor Report No. Title Date

Duratek Corporation D-EVR/HED-1 Enhanced Volume Reduction! August, 1988 Heat Enhanced Dewatering

System for Treatment of

Nuclear Power Reactor

Waste Liquids

Chem-Nuclear RDS-25506-01 RDS-1000 Radioactive Waste October, 1988 Systems, Inc. Dewatering System

Nuclear Packaging, TP-03 Oil Solidification System Under Review


Pacific Nuclear TP-04 Portable Solidification Under Review

Systems, Inc. System

Pacific Nuclear TP-05 Radwaste Solidification Under Review

Systems, Inc. System

Nuclear Packaging, TP-06 "Environstone" Cement Under Review

Inc. Encapsulation of Solid

Radioactive Materials

  • Note: All reports except those identified with an asterisk provide

generic (not plant-specific) process control procedures or programs.

reh 8, 198S

__rago I of I





Informaton Date of

Notice no. SubJect Issuae t Issued to


7-49 Infstrument Air Supply to 3/7/89 All holders of OLs

Safety-Related Equipment or CPs for nuclear

power reactors.

89-25 Unauthorized Transfer of 3/7/89 All U.S. NRCsource.

Ownership or Control of byproduct, and special

Licensed Activities nuclear material


89-24 Nuclear Criticality Safety 3/6/89 All fuel cycle

licensees and other

licensees possessing

more than critical

mess quantities of

special nuclear


89-23 Environmental Qualification 3/3/89 All holders of OLs

of Litton-Yean CIR Series or CPs for nuclear

Electricsl Connectors power reactors.

89-22 Questionable Certification 3/3/89 All holders of OLs

of Fasteners or CPs for nuclear

power reactors.

89-21 Changes in Performance 2/27/89 All holders of OLs

Characteristics of Molded- or CPs for nuclear

Case Circuit Breakers power reactors.

88-73, Direction-Dependent Leek 2/27/89 All holders of OLs

Supplement 1 Characteristics of Contain- or CPs for nuclear

ment Purge Valves power reactors.

89-20 Weld Failures In a Pump 2/24/89 All holders of OLs

of Byron-Jackson Design or CPs for nuclear

power reactors.

OL Operating License

CP- Construct1on Perrmt







IN 89-27 March 8, 1989 No specific action or written response is required by this information notice.

A summary of topical report reviews is presented in Attachment 1. If you have

any questions regarding this information notice, please contact the technical

contacts listed below or the Regional Administrator of the appropriate regional

office. A list of recent information notices is shown in Attachment 7 for

background information.

John T. Greeves, Acting Director

Division of Low-Level Waste Management

and Decommissioning, NMSS

Technical Contacts: Michael Tokar, NMSS

(301) 492-0590

Charles Nichols, NRR

(301) 492-0854 Attachments:

1. Topical Report Review Status Summary, Solidified Waste Form and

High Integrity Containers (HICs)

2. Example of Approved Stabilization Medium and Limitations on

Approved Waste Streams

3. List of HICs and Stabilization Media Currently Accepted at Beatty

4. List of HICs and Stabilization Media Currently Accepted at Barnwell

5. List of HICs and Stabilization Media Currently Accepted at Hanford

6. Topical Report Review Status Summary for Radwaste Volume Reduction


7. List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices

Distribution: Central File 202.2 NMSS rf LLTB rf EWick,LLTB MTokar,LLTB

JSurneier,LLTB JGreeves,LLWM RCunningham,NMSS VY4iller,GA/SLITP


RBernero, NMSS

PDR/NUDOCS Yes Z7 D /12y




_- _________________- _- _______- ________-__-


NAME:Ek'ick/lj :MTokar :JSurmieier:JCraig :JGreeves:RBernero :


DATE:02/24/89 :02/24/89 :02/24/89 :02/24/89 :02/24/89:03/01/89 :


IN 89- March 3, 1989 No specific action or written response is required by this information notice.

A summary of topical report reviews is presented in Attachment 1. If you have

any questions regarding this information notice, please contact the technical

contacts listed below or the Regional Administrator of the appropriate regional

office. A list of recent information notices is shown in Attachment 7 for

background information.


John T./Greeves, Acting Director

Divis)6n of Low-Level Waste Management

a7 Decommissioning, NMSS

Technical Contacts: Michael Tokar, NMSS Charles Nichols, NRR

(301) 492-0590 (301) 492-0854 Attachments: 1. Topical Rep t Review Status Summary, Solidified aste Form and High

Integrity Containers (HICs)

2. Example f Approved Stabilization Medium and

Limita, ons on Approved Waste Streams

3. List 9f HICs and Stabilization Media Currently

Accepted at Beatty

4. Lis of HICs and Stabilization Media Currently

Ac epted at Barnwell

5. Lst of HICs and Stabilization Media Currently

ccepted at Hanford

6. opical Report Review Status Sunmary for Radwaste

Volume Reduction Systems

7. List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices


NMi rf- LLTB rf EWick,LLTB MTokar,LLTB

JSurmeier,LLTB JGreeves,LLWM RCunningham,NMSS YMiller,GA/SLITP


CRossi,NRR/DOEA MRP1 ., _ PLohaus-LLOR

, ___

.. __




NAME:EWick/lj :MTokar :JSurmeier:JCraig _: s:  : t'gi s o

- ---------

DATE:02/24/89 :02/24/89 :02/24/89 :02/24/89 : Z?'/89: / /89 : 3 / 1 /89 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY

IN 89- March 3, 1989 Attachments: 1. Topical Report Review Status Summary, Solidified Waste Form and High

Integrity Containers (HICs)

2. Example of Approved Stabilization Medium and

Limitations on Approved Waste Streams

3. List of HICs and Stabilization Media Currently

Accepted at Beatty

4\ List of HICs and Stabilization Media Currently

Accepted at Barnwell

5.\List of HICs and Stabilization Media Currently

Accepted at Hanford

6. Tical Report Review Status Summary for Radwa! ste

Vo me Reduction Systems

7. List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notice!5 Distribution:


JSurmeier,LLTB JGreeves,LLWM RCunningham,NMSS VMiller,GA/SLITP


1-11 t(\



NAME:EWick/lj :MTokar :JSu7ier:JCr JGreeves: \

DATE:Az/;Z~/s9  :.212-989 :&/lZ#89 a j\19 : / /89: / /89 :/ /89 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY