Information Notice 1989-34, Disposal of Americium Well-Logging Sources

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Disposal of Americium Well-Logging Sources
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley, Millstone, Hatch, Monticello, Calvert Cliffs, Dresden, Davis Besse, Peach Bottom, Browns Ferry, Salem, Oconee, Mcguire, Nine Mile Point, Palisades, Palo Verde, Perry, Indian Point, Fermi, Kewaunee, Catawba, Harris, Wolf Creek, Saint Lucie, Point Beach, Oyster Creek, Watts Bar, Hope Creek, Grand Gulf, Cooper, Sequoyah, Byron, Pilgrim, Arkansas Nuclear, Three Mile Island, Braidwood, Susquehanna, Summer, Prairie Island, Columbia, Seabrook, Brunswick, Surry, Limerick, North Anna, Turkey Point, River Bend, Vermont Yankee, Crystal River, Haddam Neck, Ginna, Diablo Canyon, Callaway, Vogtle, Waterford, Duane Arnold, Farley, Robinson, Clinton, South Texas, San Onofre, Cook, Comanche Peak, Yankee Rowe, Maine Yankee, Quad Cities, Humboldt Bay, La Crosse, Big Rock Point, Rancho Seco, Zion, Midland, Bellefonte, Fort Calhoun, FitzPatrick, McGuire, LaSalle, 05000000, Zimmer, Fort Saint Vrain, Shoreham, Satsop, Trojan, Atlantic Nuclear Power Plant
Issue date: 03/30/1989
From: Cunningham R
IN-89-034, NUDOCS 8903240063
Download: ML031180766 (7)







All holders of a U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) specific license

authorizing well-logging activities.


This information notice is provided to inform well-logging licensees of the

potential problems and costs that may be incurred in disposing of americium

sources, when they are no longer needed. Such disposal costs may be an unan- ticipated financial hardship for some well-logging companies. It is expected

that licensees will review this information for applicability to their programs, distribute the notice to responsible licensee management, and radiation safety

staff; and consider plans to ensure that special attention is paid to this area.

However, suggestions contained in this notice do not constitute any new NRC

requirements, and no written response is required.

Description of Circumstances

Numerous licensees who provide well-logging services using americium sources are

experiencing financial problems because of the depressed oil and gas industry.

Many of these licensees have terminated licensed activities, and some have under- gone bankruptcy proceedings. In addition, after July 14, 1989, certain sources

will no longer be permitted to be used in well-logging, unless the sources con- form to new performance criteria outlined in 10 CFR Section 39.41 (see 52 FR 8225, March 17, 1987). These factors may increase the number of non-usable sources, and, consequently, may increase source storage and disposal problems.

With respect to disposal, most americium well-logging sources contain americium

in sufficient concentrations that they are not generally acceptable for disposal

as waste at low-level waste disposal facilities. The U.S. Department of Energy

(DOE) is responsible for disposal of such waste but a DOE disposal facility will

not be available for several years. Thus, there are few choices available to a

licensee who has no further need for americium sources.


Licensees are responsible for ensuring the health and safety of the public and

workers with respect to nuclear materials in their possession, in accordance

with NRC regulations and requirements of their licenses. Unsafe storage,

,?/ 8903240063

IN 89-34 March 30, 1989 abandonment, or unauthorized disposal of a radioactive source or

any licensed

material will result in enforcement action by NRC, and may constitute

activity prosecutable by the U.S. Department of Justice. a criminal

The following summarizes the choices that may be available to licensees

surplus radioactive sources: with

(1) Transfer the source to another licensee (NRC or Agreement


that is willing and authorized to take the source.

(2) Return the source to the manufacturer. The licensee should deter- mine if the manufacturer has provisions for accepting returned

sources, and is willing to accept returns.

(3) Transfer the source to a private contractor which is licensed


permanently store or reprocess the source. NRC staff is currently

aware of only one contractor in this type of business, and under- stands that the fees for the service can be up to tens of thousands

of dollars per source.

(4) Continue licensee storage of the source.

If a well-logging licensee plans to remain in business, but will

no longer use

licensed material and cannot find an authorized recipient for licensed

the licensee may request that NRC amend the license to authorize sources, of sealed sources. The license status will result in reduced program"storage only"

bilities and associated NRC licensing and inspection fees. Licensees responsi- informationr about-the-storage of sources, or-who are expe-riencing thatneed

maintaining safe storage of any radioactive source should immediately difficulty in

their NRC Regional Office by telephone. contact

No written response is required by this information notice. If

you have any

questions about this matter, please call a technical contact listed

the appropriate NRC Regional Office. below or

Richard E. Cunningham, Director

Division of Industrial and

Medical Nuclear Safety, NMSS

Technical Contacts: Jack R. Metzger, NMSS

(301) 492-3424 Dale A. Powers,- Region IV

(817) 860-8195 Attachments:

1. List of Recently Issued NMSS Information Notices

2. List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices

Attachment I Attachment 2 IN 89-34 IN 89-34 March 30, 1989 March 30, 1989 Page I of I Page I of I



Information Date Of Information Date of

Notice No. Subject Issuance Issued to Notice No. Subject Issuance __

Issued to

89-25 Unauthorized Transfer of 03/07/89 All NRCsource, 89-33 Potential Failure of 3/23/89 All holders of OLs

Ownership or Control of byproduct, and Westinghouse Steam or CPs for PHRs.

Licensed Activities special nuclear Generator Tube

material licensees. Mechanical Plugs

89-24 Nuclear Criticality Safety 03/06/89 All fuel cycle 89-32 Surveillance Testing 3/23/89 All holders of OLs

licensees and other of Low-Temperature or CPs for PllRs.

licensees possessing Overpressure-Protection

more than critical mass Systems

quantities of special

nuclear material. 89-31 Swelling and Cracking 3/22/89 All holders of OLs

of Hafnium Control Rods or CPs for PWRswith

89-13 Alternative Waste Management 02/08/89 All holders of NRC Hafnium control rods.

Procedures In Case of Denial specific licenses.

of Access to Low-Level Waste 89-30 High Temperature 3/15/89 All holders of OLs

Disposal Sites Environments at or CPs for nuclear

Nuclear Power Plants power reactors.

89-12 Dose Calibrator Quality 02/09/89 All NRCmedical

Control licensees. 89-29 Potential Failure of 3/15/89 All holders of OLs

ASEA Brown Boveri or CPs for nuclear

89-03 Potential Electrical 01/11/89 All fuel cycle and Circuit Breakers power reactors.

Equipment Problems major nuclear materials During Seismic Event


89-28 Weight and Center of 3/14/89 All holders of OLs

89-02 Criminal Prosecution of 01/09/89 All holders of NRC Gravity Discrepancies or CPs for nuclear

Licensee's Former President specific license. for Copes-Vulcan power reactors.



ional Safety Air-Operated Valves


89-27 Limitations on the Use 3/8/89 All holders of OLs88-100 Memorandum of Understanding 12/23/88 All major nuclear of Waste Formsand High or CPs for nuclear

Between NRCand OSHA Relating materials licensees Integrity Containers for power reactors, fuel

to NRC-Licensed Facilities and utilities holding the Disposal of Low-Level cycle licenses and

(53 FR 43950, October 31 1988) CPs and OLs. Radioactive Waste certain by-product

materials licenses.

88-93 Teletherapy Events 12/2/88 All NRCmedical

licensees. 89-26 Instrument Air Supply to 3/7/89 All holders of OLs

Safety-Related Equipment or CPs for nuclear

power reactors.

OL * Operating License 89-25 Unauthorized Transfer of 3/7/89 All U.S. HlC source, CP * Construction Permit Ownership or Control of byproduct, and special

Licensed Activities nuclear material



  • Operating License


  • Construction Permit


IN 89-34 March 30, 1989 abandonment, or unauthorized disposal of a radioactive source or any licensed

material will result in enforcement action by NRC, and may constitute a criminal

activity prosecutable by the U.S. Department of Justice.

The following summarizes the choices that may be available to licensees with

surplus radioactive sources:

(1) Transfer the source to another licensee (NRC or Agreement State)

that is willing and authorized to take the source.

(2) Return the source to the manufacturer. The licensee should deter- mine if the manufacturer has provisions for accepting returned

sources, and is willing to accept returns.

(3) Transfer the source to a private contractor which is licensed to

permanently store or reprocess the source. NRC staff is currently

aware of only one contractor in this type of business, and under- stands that the fees for the service can be up to tens of thousands

of dollars per source.

(4) Continue licensee storage of the source.

If a well-logging licensee plans to remain in business, but will no longer use

licensed material and cannot find an authorized recipient for licensed sources, the licensee may request that NRC amend the license to authorize "storage only"

of sealed sources. The license status will result in reduced program responsi- bilities and associated NRC licensing and inspection fees. Licensees that need

information about the storage of sources, or who are experiencing difficulty in

maintaining safe storage of any radioactive source should immediately contact

their NRC Regional Office by telephone.

No written response is required by this information notice. If you have any

questions about this matter, please call a technical contact listed below or

the appropriate NRC Regional Office.

Richard E. Cunningham, Director

Division of Industrial and

Medical Nuclear Safety, NMSS

Technical Contacts: Jack R. Metzger, NMSS

(301) 492-3424 Dale A. Powers, Region IV

(817) 860-8195 Attachments:

1. List of Recently Issued NMSS Information Notices

2. List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices

  • Editor/NMSS

EKraus *See previous concurrences

03/16/89 (by mail)



NAME:JMetzger/ll:DCool :DPowers :MBell :JHickey :RFonner :GSjoblom :RECunningham

DATE:03/20/89 :03/ /89 :03/289 :03/ /89 :03/ /89 :03/ /89 :03/ /89 :03/ /89 OFFICIAL REORD COPY

IN 89- March , 1989 abandonment, or unauthorized disposal of a radioactive source or any licensed

material will result in enforcement action by NRC, and may constitute a

crimUh activity prosecutable by the U.S. Department of Justice.

The following summarizes the choices that may be available to licensees with

surplus radioactive sources:

(1) Tr sfer the source to another licensee (NRC or Agreement State)

that\ is willing and authorized to take the source.

(2) Returh the source to the manufacturer. The licensee should

determine if the manufacturer has provisions for accepting returned

sources,\and is willing to accept returns.

(3) Transfer the source to a private contractor to permanently store or

reprocess the source. NRC staff is currently aware of only one

contractor ihk this type of business, and understands that the fees

for the service can be up to tens of thousands of dollars per source.

(4) Continue licensle storage of the source.

If a well-logging licensee pans to remain in business, but will no longer use

licensed material and cannot id an authorized recipient for licensed sources, the licensee may request that C amend the license to authorize "storage only"

of sealed sources. The license tatus will result in reduced program

responsibilities and associated C licensing and inspection fees. Licensees

that need information about the st rage of sources, or who are experiencing

difficulty in maintaining safe stor e of any radioactive source should

immediately contact their NRC Region M Office by telephone.

No written response is required by thi Information Notice. If you have any

questions about this matter, please cal a technical contact listed below or

the appropriate NRC Regional Office.

Rich d E. Cunningham, Director

Divisi n of Industrial and

Medic Nuclear Safety, NMSS

Technical Contacts: Jack R. Metzger, NMSS

(301) 492-3424 Dale A. Powers, Region IV

(817) 860-8195 Attachments:

1. List of Previously Issued

NMSS Information Notices

2. List of Previously Issued

NRC Information Notices






NAME:JMetzger/ll~<"' :DPowers .^%Bell :Ji&ckey :RFonner :GS blom :~iinrgham

DATE:03/20/89 :03 1,/89 :03/21/89 :03*1/89 :03P1/89 :03/xV89 :03 9 :031 89


IN 89- March , 1989 storage and disposal of unneeded well-logging sources. Unsafe storage, a andonment, or unauthorized disposal of a radioactive source or any licensed

material will result in enforcement action by NRC, and may constitute a

crimnal activity prosecutable by the U.S. Department of Justice.

The fo sowing summarizes the choices that may be available to licensees with

surplus Nadioactive sources:

(1) TVansfer the source to another licensee (NRC or Agreement State)

tha't is willing and authorized to take the source.

(2) Retuen the source to the manufacturer. The licensee should

determUne if the manufacturer has provisions for accepting returned

sourcesand is willing to accept returns.

(3) Transfer Wthe source to a private contractor to permanently store or

reprocess the source. NRC staff is currently aware of only one

contractor inWthis type of business, and understands that the fees

for the service can be up to tens of thousands of dollars per source.

(4) Continue licensee\storage of the source.

If a well-logging licensee planps to remain in business, but will no longer use

licensed material and cannot find an authorized recipient for licensed sources, the licensee may request that NRCxamend the license to authorize "storage only"

of sealed sources. The license status will result in reduced program

responsibilities and associated NRC licensing and inspection fees. Licensees

that need information about the storage of sources, or who are experiencing

difficulty in maintaining safe storage of any radioactive source should

immediately contact their NRC Regional Office by telephone.

No written response is required by this Info nation Notice. If you have any

questions about this matter, please call a technical contact listed below or

the appropriate NRC Regional Office.

Richard E. Cunningham, Director

Division of Industrial and

Medical Nuclear Safety, NMSS

Technical Contacts: Jack R. Metzger, NMSS

(301) 492-3424 Dale A. Powers, Region IV

(817) 860-8195 Attachments:

1. List of Previously Issued

NMSS Information Notices

2. List of Previously Issued

NRC Information Notices



(by f 1) IS


------ ___________



NAME:JMe- Er/ll:DCool :DPoliers :MBell :JHickey :RFo ner :GSjoblom :RECunningham

DATE:03/2 /89 :03/ /89 :03/ 1189 :031 /89 :03 /89 :03* 89 :03 89 :03 89 UVUA REU

IN 89- March , 1989 storage and disposal of unneeded well-logging sources. Unsafe storage, abandonment, or unauthorized disposal of a radioactive source or any licensed

material will-result In enforcement action by NRC, and may constitute a

criminal activity prosecutable by the U.S. Department of Justice.

The following summarizes the choices that may be available to licensees with

surplus radioactive sources:

(1) Transfer the source to another licensee (NRC or Agreement State)

that is willing and authorized to take the source.

(2) Return the source to the manufacturer. The licensee should

determine if the manufacturer has provisions for accepting returned

sources, and is willing to accept returns.

(3) Transfer the source to a private contractor to permanently store or

reprocess the source. NRC staff is currently aware of only one

contractor in this type of business, and understands that the fees

for the service can be up to tens of thousands of dollars per source.

(4) Continue licensee storage of the source.

If a well-logging licensee plans to remain in business, but will no longer use

licensed material and cannot find an authorized recipient for licensed sources, the licensee may request that NRC amend the license to authorize "storage onlys

of sealed sources. The license status will result in reduced program

responsibilities and associated NRC licensing and inspection fees. Licensees

that need information about the storage of sources, or who are experiencing

difficulty in maintaining safe storage of any radioactive source should

immediately contact their NRC Regional Office by telephone.

No written response is required by this Information Notice. If you have any

questions about this matter, please call a technical contact listed below or

the appropriate NRC Regional Office.

Richard E. Cunningham, Director

Division of Industrial and

Medical Nuclear Safety, NMSS

Technical Contacts: Jack R. Metzger, NMSS

(301) 492-3424 Dale A. Powers, Region IV

(817) 860-8195 Attachments:

1. List of Previously Issued

NMSS Information Notices

2. List of Previously Issued

NRC Information Notices


EKraus jK_


(by sAil)


NAME:J e.Xer/ll:DCool  :---- ers  :-BNl1 -- :Jf-ickey :RFonner :GSjob0om :RECunningham

DATE:O 20/89 :03/ /89 :03Z&89 :03114189 :03/ /89 :03/ /89 :03/ /89 :03/ /89 UttILIAL KELUKU COPY