IR 05000498/1987063

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Insp Repts 50-498/87-63 & 50-499/87-63 on 871005-09 & 26-30. No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Electrical Sys,Components & Associated Items
Person / Time
Site: South Texas  STP Nuclear Operating Company icon.png
Issue date: 12/09/1987
From: Seidle W, Vickrey R
Shared Package
ML20237A917 List:
50-498-87-63, 50-499-87-63, NUDOCS 8712150368
Download: ML20237A964 (4)


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NRC Inspection Report: 50-498/87-63 Operating License: NPF-71 50-499/87-63 Construction Permit: CPPR-129 Dockets: 50-498 50-499 Licensee: Houston Lighting & Power Company (HL&P)

P.O. Box 1700 Houston, Texas 77001 Facility Name: South Texas Project (STP), Units 1 and 2 Inspection At: STP, Matagorda County, Texas Inspection Conducted: October 5-9 and October 26-30, 1987 Inspector: r ,Ih /z/a/#7 R. B. Vickray), Reactor Intpector, Operational Date Programs Section, Division of Reactor Safety


Approved: s ' 5/5 // r W.C.Seidle,@ief,OperationalPrograms Date j Section, Division of Reactor Safety l l

Inspection Summary Inspection Conducted October 5-9 and October 26-30, 1987 (Report 50-498/87-63; 50-499/87-63)

Areas Inspected: Routine, unannounced inspection of selected electrica systems, components, and associated items by direct observation and independent evaluations of both in-process and completed wor Results: Within the areas inspected, no violations or deviations were identifie i 8712150368 871210 O PDR ADOCK 0000



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DETAILS l Persons Contacted

~I Licensee

  • J. S. Phelps, Supervisory Engineer, Project Compliance
  • T. J. Jordan, Project Quality Assurance (QA) Manager l
  • D. C. King, Construction Manager
  • J. A. Slabinski, Unit 2 Operations, Quality Control (QC) ,
  • R. Abel, QC Site Supervisor i
  • W. G. Leska, Startup
  • D. A. Parker, Startup Engineer .,
  • R. H. Medina, Lead QA Engineer i
  • R. W. Miller Site Project.QA Engineer
  • D. D. White, Construction Manager
  • S. D. Phillips, Licensing Engineer
  • J. E. Geiger, General Manager, Nuclear Assurance
  • F. L. Wiens, Maintenance Supervisor, Nuclear Plant Operations Department (NP0D)
  • L. H. Clark, Supervisory Project Engineer A. M. Cutrona, Quality Program Site Manager S. Simmons, Electrical Technical Supervisor, NPOD L. Hernandez, Electrical Foreman, NP00 D. Nester, Lead Electrical Engineer, NP0D D. Horn, Senior Electrical Engineer, NPOD C. Wiseman, Lead Engineer, Plant Permanent Maintenance (PPM)
  • Denotes attendance at the exit interview The NRC inspector also contacted other licensee personnel including startup, operations, maintenance, quality assurance, and administrative employee . Safety-Related Electrical Systems and Components The purpose of this inspection was to determine whether work activities relative to safety-related electrical systems and components are being controlled and accomplished in accordance with NRC requirements, safety analysis report commitments, and licensee procedure Inspection Activities The NRC inspector examined the following areas, as appropriate for the stage of work, by observation and' evaluation of both in-process and completed work:

Receiving inspection Storage

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In-process installation Completed work As-built verification  ;

Construction testing l Items of Inspection I The NRC inspector examined the following items in the above areas as appropriate for their stage of completion:

125 VDC batteries 130 VDC battery chargers and supply breakers Diesel generator lube oil circulating pumps and heaters

Charging pumps and supply breakers Preop Test 2-DJ-P-03 for Battery E2B11 Cable pulling operations in switchgear rooms No violations or deviations were identifie . Class 1E Batteries - Unit 2 During the course of the inspection, it came to the attention of the NRC inspector, through a licezee-generated Nonconformance Report (NCR),

BE-0335, that Class 1E batteries had not received appropriate preventive maintenance within specified frequency while in starage during the l construction phase. The NRC inspector then requested to see the battery i maintenance records for the batteries after being turned over to startu l The licensee subsequently presented the NRC inspector a copy of Deficiency I Report (DR) S87-071 which identified 20 electrical and 6 mechanical l quality-related Preventive Maintenances (PMs) not performed on their scheduled due dates. These PMs included 14 battery-related items, 3 CCW ,

pump motors, 2 inverter / rectifiers, a voltage-regulated XFMR, 3 fire ,

protection strainers, and 3 ECW traveling water screens. The licensee identified, in DR 587-071, the root cause of this condition as appearing to be due to NPOD maintenance being over committed in its requirements to invoke all operational type PMs on all equipment in release for test (RFT) status. Also insufficient resources dedicated to develop, perform, ;

and track Unit 2 PMs during Unit 1 preparation for operation and Unit 2 startup testing appears to be the second root cause that contributed to this condition. At the interim exit meeting on October 9, 1987, the NRC inspector informed the licensee of the need to take corrective action within the completion dates identified in DR S87-071 and that a review of the licensee's response would be conducted by the NRC inspector prior to the completion of this' inspectio On October 27, 1987, the NRC inspector began a review of the licensee's corrective action implementation of DR S87-071. During this time, the NRC inspector spent considerable time observing Preop Test 2-DJ-P-03 for Battery E2B11. The NRC inspector found the results of the testing and the

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licensee's corrective action implementation of DR 587-071 to be satisfactory, in that the licensee took appropriate action in a timely manner to correct the prevertive maintenance deficiencies prior to the .

conclusion of the inspectio No violations or deviations were identifie . Root Cause Analysis 1


The NRC inspector expressed to the licensee his concern over the root causes addressed by the licensee, in paragraph 3, relating to over )

commitment and insufficient resources to the preventive maintenance 'l program. The NRC inspector expressed an apparent need for the licensee to be aware, through management control of sufficient resources, that problems of this nature car. be avoided in the future. This matter is j identified as an open item (499/8763-01) pending further review by the NRC i inspector during a subsequent inspectio l No violations or deviations were identifie , Site Tour The NRC inspector toured the reactor building, control room, and auxiliary ]

buildings to observe construction and work in progress and inspect '

housekeeping. This included particular attention to electrical work in control roam panels, switchgear room cabinets, the battery rooms, and .

battery charger rooms.- Other observations included charging pump oil J flush operations and lube oil sump work on a diesel generato No violations or deviations were identifie . Exit Interview ,

The NRC inspector met with licensee representatives, denoted in paragraph 1, on October 9 and 30,1987, and summarized the scope and findings of the inspection. An NRC resident inspector was present at both meeting t

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