IR 05000295/1980012

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Forwards IE Insp Repts 50-295/80-12,50-304/80-12, 50-295/80-14 & 50-304/80-14 Documenting Insp of Portion of Licensee Actions Per NRC 800229 Confirmatory Orders.No Open Items Remain
Person / Time
Site: Zion  File:ZionSolutions icon.png
Issue date: 08/28/1980
From: Bryan S
To: Novak T
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
REF-SSINS-6530 NUDOCS 8011060487
Download: ML20151A798 (1)



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.      AUG 2 81980'

SSIf;S 6530 l yy.> l l l ICiORAr'Duti FOR: Thomas M. f!ovak, Assistant Director for Operating Reactors, l

 . Division of Licensing, NRR      I FROM:   Samuel E. Bryan, Assistant Director for Field Coordination,


- --

NOS. 1 AND 2-. l

  . . .
 ~ En~iil6 sed are. copies _nfinspection reports .doctmenting-in$pection of a portion

- of~ licensee actions pursuant to the February 29, 1980 Confirmatory Orders


issued to Zion Station Units 1 and 2. Note that the lice ~nsee's proprietary review has not yet been completed. These are transmitted pursuant to IT. P. Gammill's memo (same subject) of April 7, 198 . ItEs-relating to the-Confirmatory Orders are found in the f allowing"p'aragraph's -


of__the-IE Reports: - -


Report N Applicable paracraphs . . 80-12 10 80-14 2, 10, 12, 22 This completes IE's inspection of Zion items requested by Mr. Gamill. tb

- - - -

noncompliances were identified and no open items remai Region III has also reported several items where the licensee appears in need-of -4RR-support. -Your attention 1s tfirected~to paragraphs ~4~,~~5, -6,' 7.and 8 0.f-- .

 - report 80-1 _  .--- -  - - - - - - - -  - '
    . . . _ .
   - - - -  -

__ ._ Samuel E. Bryan

  - - - - - -

Assistant Director

    . . _ . _ .. for Field Coordinatio Division of Reactor   _ _


 --- -

Operations Inspection,'IE l


n NReports. .50-295, .- 50-304/80-12 THIS DGCUMENT CONTAINS - - 50-295, 50-304/80-14 POOR _ QUAL.lTY PAGE . CONTACT: R. H. Wessman i 49]28019 9 # ~~ ____.. _ . _- 8 0 n M 0 / P f m % p n m_ 9 _r Yb - j

- _ _ _

IE:ROI .IE:RO . ernet> , < sumauch RHWessman:J SEBryan carc /28/80 . 8/23/80 4 .

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Thomas M. Novak -2- MG 2 8 580

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cc:w/eoclosures l, E. Reeves,!!RR S. Varga, i:RR ,  ;


cc:w/o. enclosures i R. Heishman, IE:III j t I


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         *  6 NRC FORM $tt (9 74) NRCM C*40   D W.$. GOV C r.N'.'E.*JT #R IN Tl?iG OF FICE t 1979 289 369
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_ _ w & Cao QM, y.q'f3 8 6 UNITE D ST ATES

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'; o GLEN ELLYN,ILLINots 60137 g * .%... # Docket No. 50-295 3 0 '/3- JUL 9 G301 Docket No. 50-304 gg fy Commonwealth Edison Company ATTN: Mr. Cordell Reed Vice President Post Office Box 767 Chicago, IL 60690 Gentlemen: This refers to the inspection conducted by Messrs. J. E. Kohler and D. E. Miller of this office on March 29 through June 1, 1980, of activities at the Z,i_on, Nuclear Power Station, Units 1 and 2 authorined by NRC Operating Licenses No. DPR-39 and No. DPR-48 and to the discussion of our findings with Mr. L. Soth at the conclusion of the inspectio The enclosed copy of our inspection report identifies areas examined during the inspection. Within these areas, the inspection consisted of a selective examination of procedures and representative records, observations, and in-terviews with personne During this inspection, certain of your activities appeared to be in non-compliance with NRC requirements, as described in the enclosed Appendix The inspection showed that action had been taken to ccrrect the deficiency identified as Item 2 of Appendix A and to prevent recurrenc Consequently, no reply to this noncompliance is required and we have no further questions regarding this matter at this tim This notice is sent to you pursuant to the provisions of Section 2.201 of the h7C's " Rules of Practice," Part 2, Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations. Section 2.201 requires you to submit to this office within


twenty days of your receipt of this notice a written statement or expla-nation in reply, including for each item of noncompliance: (1) corrective action taken and the results achieved; (2) corrective action to be taken to avoid further noncompliance; and (3) the date vben full compliance will be achieve 'In accordance with Section 2.790 of the NRC's " Rules of Practice," Part 2, Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, a ecpy of this letter, the enclo-sures, and your response to this letter will be placed in the NRC's Public Document Room, except as follows. If the enclosures contain information that you or your contractors believe to be proprietary, you must apply in writing to this office, within twenty days of your receipt of this letter, to withhold such information from public disclosure. The application must include a full statement of the reasons for which the information is con-sidered proprietary, and should be prepared so that proprietary informa-tion ideni.ified in the application is contained in an enclosure to the applicatio ,


U . y () ') ) {{ ) h 0 G ;L Q , n f, 4

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JUL 9 GD . .

' Conunonwealth Edison Company  -2-

We vill gladly discuss any questions you have concerning this > inspectio : i


       '   ?

Robert F. Heishman, Chief i


Reactor Operations and Nuclear Support Branch




      .  .

1. '. Appendix A, Notice' .:  ;

        . .

of Violation - 2..;lE Jnspection Reports ..

       . : -
 . No. 50-295/80-12 an {

No. 50-304/80-12 i ec w/encls: , Mr. D. L. Peoples ,. Director .

        . . -  !

of Nuclear Licensing


Mr. N. Wandke, Plant

 '       - -


   - -

l Cetitral Files Reproduction Unit NRC 20b l PDR

 . Local PDR  - . l

NSIC TIC f Mr. Dean Ranse11, Office of Assistant Attorney General l

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       -  .  ;

I l



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RIII) RII RII1 RI h RII R111 11 I Miller l3 Spee,sard Fisher b 8 Ne hman Davis >< ann chler/np ,

 /27/80   g  7/p i
. .

i' . Appendix A , . i NOTICE OF VIOLATION Commonwealth Edison Company License No. DPR-39; DPR-48


Based on the inspection conducted on March 29 through June 1, 1980, it appears that certain of your activities were in noncompliance with NRC requirements, as noted belo . Technical Specification 3.12.1.C.4.2 states that radioactive gaseous wastes collected in the gas decay tanks shall be held up to a mini-mum of 45 days before being released except during purge and fill operations associated with refueling and reactor startu Contrary to the above, on May 6,1980, a portion of the contents of ' gas decay tank 1B was released without being held for 45 day . 10 CFR 50.72(a)(8) requires nuclear power plant licensees to notify the NRC Operations Center within one hour of any a

REGION III l l l Report No. 50-295/80-12; 50-304/80-12 l l Docket No. 50-295; 50-304 License No. DPR-39; DPR-48 Licenser- Commonwealth Edison Company l Post Office Box 767  ! Chicago, IL 60690 Facility Name: Zion Nuclear Power Station, Units 1 and 2

        . . I Inspection At: Zion. Site, Units 1 and 2 Inspection. Conducted:. March.29 through June 1, 1980 .
           . .

7 d Inspectors:p ..- - ~ r .,

       . E. $ iller
        -   . ')l3lO ,
           . -

J. R. Waters (Training) Approved.By: . ief 7' '

           [d )

Reacto rojects Section 1-2 Inspection Sur:" nary Inspection on March 29 through June 1, 1980 (Report No. 50-295/80-12; & 50-304/80-12) Areas Inspected: Routine resident inspection of plant operational safety, naintenance, surveillance, licensee event. reports, Inspection and Enforce-ment Bulletins, plant trips, calibration, preparation for refueling, re- , fueling activities, containment purging, turbine cracking, independent inspection, and radiation protection. The inspection involved 361 inspec-  ! tor bours on site by two NRC inspector Results: Of *.he areas inspected, two items of noncompliance were identi-fied (infraction-failure to hold-up radioactive gas for 45 days prior to release, Section II.5.a.; deficiency failure to report an unplanned, acci-

        ' - - ~ ~

dent DUPLICATE DOCUMENT Entire document previously , entered into system under: ANO &0f f , . No. of pages: /b i gfyN f, 8 ' -


- _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - _ _ _ _ - _ - _ - _ - - _ _ _ _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ _ _

4s.1 M c , Q j,*/< c . jo, , Uf lTED STATES

,; 9 :   REGION li .
, ' i, [  * 7es moosEVELT MoAo
%, ,#  oLEN ELLYN, ?LUNots tou?
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   %UG 1 9 9801,-    .

Docket No. 50-295 /

* Docket No. 50-304 TrD ' I 4 [D4  $0 'd
      .p#g Commonwealth Edison Company ATTN: Mr. Cordell Reed Vice President Post Office Box 767 Chicago, IL 60690  .'
   .  .

Gentlemen: =


This refers to the inspection conducted by Messrs. J. E. Kohler; -

J.,R. Waters and W. G. Key of this office on June 1, 1980 thr*igh July 31, i 1980 of activities at the Zion Nuclear Power Station Unit- 5 Nd 2 author- i ized by NRC Operating License No. DPR-39 and DPR-48 and  ; 'M discussion

     '  '

of our findings with Mr. K. L. Graesser at the conclut u Jie inspectio The enclosed copy of our inspection report identifies areas examined i during the inspection. Vithin these areas, the inspection consisted of a selective examination of procedures and representative records, observa- , tiens, and interviews with personne Dur.1ng this inspection, certain of your activities appeared to be in  !


noncompliance with NRC requirements, as described in the enclosed Appendix , i This notice is sent to you pursuant to the provisions of Section 2.201 of the NRC's " Rules of Practice," Part 2, Title 10, Code of Federal Regulation Section 2.201 requires you to submit to this office within twenty days of , your receipt of this notice a written statement or explanation in reply, < including for each item of noncompliance: (1) corrective action taken and the results achieved; (2) corrective action to be taken to avoid further noncompliance; and (3) the date when full compliance will be achieve l i In accordance with Section 2.790 of the NRC's " Rules of Practice," Part )' 2, Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, a copy of this letter, the enclosures, and your response to this letter will be placed in the NRC's l Public Document Room, except as follow If the enclosures contain j


infomation that you or your contractors believe to be proprietary, you must apply in writing to this office, within twenty days of your receipt . of this letter, to withhold such information from public disclosur The ; application must include a full statement of the reasons for which the  ! information is considered proprietary, and should be prepared so that l i >  !



.     .
     ., ,
        . . . . .  ...

Commonwealth Edison Company ! -2-

. 7   NO. } 9. SS0)

proprietary information identified in the . application is contained in an - enclosure to the applicatio ,


We will gladly discuss any questions you have concerning this



Sincerely, . R. F'. Heishman, Chief ' Reactor Operations and Nuclear Support Branch _






Enclosures: '


T.' Appendix A, Notice ,


3 ~..


of Violation IE Inspection Report . No. 50-295/80-14 and 50-304/80-14

 .   .    .   .
 .. .

ce w/encls:.

 .Mr. J. S. Abel, Director of Nuclear Licensing Mr. K. L. Graesser, Plant Superintendent    , . .

Resident Inspector Central Files * Reproduction Unit NRC 20b . AEOD - s

       ' '

PDR . ._ . . .

 . Local PD . .
    -  -  -  -

NSIC TIC Mr. Dean Hansell, Office of

 .. Assistant Attorney. General    '
        .::  . . .. :- .
  . -.
   - -
  . -  -
       . .... .


 '\ Kohle /r1
   ./.rf Va(ero  y Sp\  H  man
   ~   (ssard 8/1h/80     l    v .
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.   ? Appendix A


  . r    -

Commonwealth Edison C m any License No. DPR-48 ,


Based on the inspection conducted on June 1 - July 31, 1980, it appears that certain of your activities were in noncompliance with NRC requirements as noted below. This item is an infractio i Technical Specification 3.11.3.A requires that, two service water pumps or j a circulating water pump be operational on the discharge ' path when releas-  ;


ing liquid radioactive vaste , r


Contrary to the above, on June 27, 1980, approximately 4000 gallons from .


th'e OA, Lake Discharge. Tank were rele,ased with only one service water pump in operation. This event was reported by the licensee in LER No. 50-304/ j 80-2 ..







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Report No. 50-295/80-14; 50-304/80-14


Docket No. 50-295; 50-304 License No. DPR-39; DPR-48 Licensee: Commonwealth Edison Company P. O. Box 767 . Chicago, IL 60690 Facility Name: Zion Nuclear Power Station, Units 1 & 2 '

  - -
    - . .. . .

1. . : Inspection Conducted: June 1 through July 31, 1980 . .


I l g Inspectors: J. E. Kohlerw7


I/l?/ ?b

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y_ . Ib 1. R. Y ers Q , W. J. E b, h/fb Approved By: SR. <! fW Chief L. Spessard, drt/ /7 7 o Reactor Projects Section 1


Inspection Sum =arv . Inspection on June 1 through July 31, 1980 (Report No. 50-295/80-14; 50-304/80-14) Areas Inspected: Routine, unannounced resident inspection of containment purging, regulatory guide 1.108, diesel generator testing, T!!I mods , licensing administration, containment integrated leak rate testing, aux-iliary feedwater pump requirements, violation of low pressure over pressure protection, event V check valves, steam renerator snubbers, damage to IA charging pump, steam generator tube ruptuz procedure, W-2 switches, inadvertent boron dilutior at cold shutdown, unresolved items, unit 2 return to service, violat. ton of dilution requirem:nts, operational safety, maintenance, surveillece, LER's, IE Bulletin followup, refueling activi-ties, maintenance during refueling, retests and procedure changes, refuel-4 ag plant operations, spent fuel storage racks, and onsite review coc::nitte ibe inspection involved a total of 442 ins' ctor hours onsite by 3 NRC inspectors i Results: O f- DUPLICATE DOCUMENT fractjen-violation of was identifie * Entire document previously (.ntered into system under: ,


ANO [h[

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No. of pages: _ f (a / -

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  '9 . @ Ml
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