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Forwards Plant Restart Action Plan,For Review & Approval. Restart Action Plan Status Will Be Updated on an as-required Basis.Minor Revs Will Be Made by Panel W/O Seeking Addl Formal Approval
Person / Time
Site: Zion  File:ZionSolutions icon.png
Issue date: 09/11/1997
From: Grant G
To: Beach A
Shared Package
ML20211B122 List:
NUDOCS 9709250066
Download: ML20211B116 (5)


. .

l [K p- !M

    1. UNITED STATES 4,f


'= o REGION 111 801 WARRENVILLE ROAD usLE. ILUNOls 60532-4351 Septeuber 11l,1997 1 MEMORANDUM TO: A. B. Beach, Regional Administrator, Region 111 j L q

! FROM: G. E. Grant, Director, Division of R o egion 111 Ne 4




u The Plant Performance Review Panel for Zion Station is using NRC Inspection Manual


l Chapter (MC) 0350, " Staff Guidelines for Restart Approval," as guidance for oversight activities for Zion Station. The Panel has initiated the implementation of the MC and, as a ,

result, has developed the attached Restart Action Plan and submits it for your review and approval. Several targeted dates for NRC verifications described in the Plan are given as "to be determined." These dates are dependent upon the licensee's restart schedule and wil' oa updated as the licensee is able to provide more accurate startup scheduling 1 information. The Restart Action Plan status will be updated on an as-required basis. .

E Minor revisions will be made by the Panel, as appropriate, without seeking additional formal approval from you, h 1

a 3

i The Restart Action Plan consists of three sections. The first section, " General," provides i  !

_ the purpose of the Plan and background information. The second section, " Case-Specific ,

Checklist - Part 1," includes the MC 0350 checklist of items to consider during the overall


review process for coordination of tha NRC acceptance for restart of Zion Station. The .

third section, " Casa-Specific Checklist - Part 11," includes the MC 0350 checklist for ,,

j assessment of the issues that the Panel considers integral to the shutdown and which ' f require NRC assessment prior to restart. A " Restart Plan Case-Specific Chocklist Matrix" 1 j

is also included in the Plan to provide an abbreviated quick reference to Parts I and ll in a i tabular format.


j Your concurrenca is considered approval for implemeritation and distribution.


.! = L2d EPT W @ ,9'f --

. A. B' Beach Date ,

Regional Administrator, Region lli Docket Nos: 50-29 60-304 ,




Zion Station Restart Action Plan g{

, )

e 9709250066 970911 PDR ADOCK 05000295 h a -

p PDR 1~ttenc-$$


W 1

- 3 SCPtanber 11, 1997-I MEMORANDUM TO: A. B. Beach, Regional Administrator, Region 111 FROM: G. EiGrant, Director, Division of Reactor Projects, Region lli


- ZION STATION RESTART ACTION PLAN The Plant Performance Review Panel for Zion Station is using NRC Inspection Manual Chapter (MC) 0350, " Staff Guidelines for Restart Approval," as guidance for oversight activities for Zion Station. The Panel has initiated the implementation of the MC and, as a result, has developed the attached Restart Action Plan and submits it for your review and approval. Several targeted dates for NRC verifications described in the Plan are given as "to be determined." These dates are dependent upon the licensee's restsrt sch:dule and will be updated as the licensee is able to provide more accurate startup scheduling information. The Restart Action Plan status will be updated on an as-roquired basis.

Minor revisions will be made by the Pd: el, as appropriate, without seeking additional formal approval from you, he Restart Action Plan consists of three sections. The first section, " General," provides the purpose of the Plan and background information. The second section, " Case-Specific Checklist - Part 1," includes the MC 0350 checklist of items to consider during the overall review process for coordination of the NRC acceptance for re:, tart of Zion Station. The third section, Case Specific Checklist - Part II," includes the MC 0350 checklist for assessment of the issues that the Panel considers integral to the shutdown and which require NP.C assessment prior to restart. A " Restart Plan Case-Specific Checklist Matrix" is also included in the Plan to provide an abbreviated quick reference to Parts I and 11 in a tabular format.

Your concurrence is considered approval for imrtamentation and distribution.

l t

A. B. Beach Date Regional Administrator, Region Ill Docket Nos: 50-2 50-304


Zion Station Restart Action Plan See Attached Distribution SEE PREVIOUS CONCURRENCES DOCUMENT NAME:' G:\ ZION \ZIOO350.PLN To,enekse e sepy of tNs ab . bdonte bi the bon *C* = Copy w/o attach /enet "E" Copy w/ attach /enct *N* = No copy l OFFICE Rlli l Rlll l Rill l Rlli l NAME Galloway:nh MLeach MRing DHills DATE

, OFFICE NRR-Telcon s. Rlli  ; f, NAME Zimmerman eac_ GrantQOy s DATE c) Ig M 1

  • 8ec ()(%M


  • Caucue wiew cown.fra mtscusic.s torm G.6nwT + h. Omend.  ;

r s MEMORANDUM TO: A. B. Beach, Regional Administrator, Region 111 FROM: G. E. Grant, Director, Division of Reactor Projects, Region lil


ZION STATION RESTART ACTION PLAN The Plant Performance Review Panel for Zion Station is using NhC Inspection Manual Chapter (MC) 0350, " Staff Guidelines for Restart Approval," as guidance for oversight activities for Zion Station. The Panel has initiated the implementation of the MC and, as a result, has developed the attached Restart Action Plan and submits it for your review and approval. Several targeted dates for NRC verifications described in the Plan are given as "to be determined." These dates are dependant upon the licensee's restart schedule and will be updated as the licensee is able to provide more aNurate startup scheduling information. The Restart Action Plan rtatus will be updated on an as-required basis.

Minor revisions will be made by the Panel, as appropriate, without seeking additional formal approval from you.

The Restart Action Plan consists of three sections. The first section, " General," provides the purpose of the Plan and background information. The second section, " Case Specific Checklist - Part 1," includes the MC 0350 checklist of items to consider during the overall review process for coordinatio.1 of the NRC acceptance for restart of Zion Station. The third section, " Case Specific Checklist - Part II," includes the MC 0350 checklist for assessment of the issues that the Panel considers integral to the shutdown and which require NRC assessment prior to restart. A " Restart Plan Case-Specific Checklist Matrix" is also included in the Plan to provide an abbreviated quick reference to Parts I and 11 in a tabular format.

Your concurrence is considered approval for implementation and distribution.

A. B. Beach Date Regional Administrator, Region lli Docket Nos: 50-29 50-304


Zion Station Restart Action Plan See Attached Distribution SEE PREVIOUS CONCURRENCES DOCUMENT NAME: G:\ ZION \ZIOO350.PLN

v. . .ew.* . m .ae.6 c .cm r-cm .< ace v .s em OFFICE Rill l Rlli l Rlli l Rlli l NAME Ge%whymh MLeach MRing DHills DATE (f @ en

'6FFICE NRR-Te con E. Rlli _ _ _ l NAME Capra Roe.

  • Grant h DATE 09 ;iom 7 hT$d OFFICIAL' RECORD COPY 4 Coucoe to mi Corm ~tr omuuw w nu G.G ca.A 4 11. Dn cpJ s

.r y ME RANDUM TO: A. B. Beach, Regional Administrator, Region lli S. J. Collins, Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation-4- ,

- FROM: G. E. Grant, Director, Division of Reactor Projects, Region til  :

R. P. Zimmerman, Associate Director for Projects, Office of ,

. Nuclear Reactor Regulation


- ZION STATION RESTART ACTION PLAN The Plant Performa e Review Panel for Zion Station is using NRC Inspection Manual Chapter (MC) 0350, taff Guidelines for Restart Appruval," as guidance for oversight activities for Zion Stati . The Panel has initiated the implementation of the MC and, as a result, has developed th attached Restart Action Plan and submits it for your review and approval. ' Several targete dates for NRC verifications described in the Plan are given as "to be determined." These ates are dependent upon the licensee's restart schedule and will be updated as the licens is able to provide more accurate startup scheduling infortnation. The Rostart Actio Plan status will be updated on an as required basis.

' Minor revisions will be made by le Panel, as appropriate, without seeking additional formal approval from you. ,

The Restari Action Plan consists of ti ee sections. The first section. " General," provides the purpose of the Plan and backgroun information. The second section, " Case Specific

- Checklist - Part 1," includes the MC 035 checklist of items to consider during the overall review process for coordination of the NR acceptance for restart of Zion Station. The third section,' " Case Specific Checklist - Part I," includes the MC 0350 checklist for

assessment of the issues that the Panel consi rs integral to the shutdown and which

. require NRC assessment prinr to restart. A "Re art Plan Case Specific Checklist Matrix" is also included in the Plan to provide an abbrevia d quick reference to Parts I and 11in a tabular format.

l The Plan is considered approved for implementation an distribution upon receipt of the following signatures:

A. B. Beach Date

. Regional Administrator, Region lil i S. J. Collins Date Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation h

Docket Nos: 50-29# 50 304


Zion Station Restart Action Plan

. See Attached Distribution DOCUMENT NAME: G:\ZIONW. LOO 350.PLN

v. . .m oe u. u . mi. n .w c .cm r .cm v .seem OFFICE Rill l# Rlli lS Rlll ,,lC PM lg
0. slle Pet" NAME MParker:nh MLeach pjg MRingd i MO DATE ,Mi {> g ) T - g/7/97 A FV'i i n/24/N OFFICE NRR Telcon g NRR-Telcon d %Telcon Rill NAME Capra Ret @7 Roe- 8 ?;7f' Zimme7m4n Grant DATE ~7)z c!4 7  ::r/tr/97 ~


i i

! 's A. Beach 2-Distribution:

Docket File w/enci Project Manager, NRR w/encI PUBLIC IE 01 w/enci DRP w/ encl OC/LFDCB w/enci Rlli PRR w/enci SRI Zion w/enci G. liacy, OEDO w/ encl Deputy RA, w/enci J. Grobe, Rill w/enci RAC1 (E-Mail) D. Hills, Rill w/enci Rlli Enf. Coordinator, w/ertl DRS (2) w/ encl TSS w/enci Z. Falevits, Rlll w/enct S. Orth, Rill w/enct S. Collins, NRR F. Miraglia, NRR B. Sheron, NRR R. Zimmerman, NRR E. Adensam, NRR l

- - - - _ _ _ - _ - _ - - _ - _ _ - - ~