IR 05000286/1985006

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Operator Licensing Exam Rept 50-286/85-06 on 850423-26.Exam Results:Candidates Passed Operating Exam.One Senior Reactor Operator Candidate Failed Written Exam
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 06/11/1985
From: Dante Johnson, Keller R, Kister H
Shared Package
ML20127L679 List:
50-286-85-06, 50-286-85-6, NUDOCS 8506280099
Download: ML20127L702 (70)



 -FACILITY DOCKET NO. 50-286 FACILITY LICENSE NO. OPR-64 LICENSEE: Power Authority of the State of New York Indian Point 3 Nuclear Power Plant P. O. Box 215 Buchanan, New York 10511 FACILITY: Indian Point 3 EXAMINATION DATES: kpril23-26,1985 LEAD EXAMINER:    g/f3/fs'

Lead Reidtor En eer (Examiner) Date REVIEWED BY: k [ Chief, Project Section IC


Date APPROVED BY: h // [[ Chief, f ed'j@st43 ranch N Dat.e ( SUMMARY: Written and oral examinations were administered to six RO candidates and 5 SRO candidates. All candidates passed the operating examination, how-ever, one SRO candidate failed the written examinatio DR ADOCK 050 g 6

    - _ . . _ _ __ - ,_



1 R0 1 SRO I I Pass / Fail l Pass / Fail i I I I I . I I I-IWritten' Exam I 6/0 1 4/1- 1 I I I I I I I i 10ral Exam I 6/0 1 5/0 1 I I I I I I I I ISimulator Examl 6/0 ; 5/0 l I I I I I I I i 10verall I 6/0 1 4/1 I

 .I  I I I I  I I I
' CHIEF EXAMINER AT SITE: A. J. Vinnola, J . OTHER EXAMINERS: R. M. Keller, NRC, Region 1 P. T. Isaksen, EG&G, Idaho R. L. Sailor, EG&G, Idaho  I o


3. SUMMARY- 0F GENERIC DEFICIENCIES NOTED ON ORAL / SIMULATOR EXAMS: Reactor Operator (RO) candidates were not familiar with locations of reference data / procedures in the control roo RO candidates were slow to locate some of the supervisory switches and specific meter parameter . SUMMARY OF GENERIC DEFICIENCIES NOTED FROM GRADING OF WRITTEN EXAMS: R0 candidate knowledge of principles of nuclear power plant operation, thermodynamics, heat transfer and fluid flow is good, More than one-half of the candidates lacked some knowledge in the following areas: The effects of core burnup on the Moderator Temperature Coefficien The functions / purposes of the Emergency Diesel Generator Blowe The closing motive forces for Main Steam Isolation Valves when the plant is at powe The actions an operator is to immediately perform if the " Valve 730 or 731 not fully open" annunciator is receive The purpose of steam dump interlock The reason for the precaution of not adding hydrazine until the oxygen content in the volume control tank is less than 2%. The criteria for approval of temporary changes to plant procedure The people that are required to authorize the installation of a jumper that defeats a trip or nuclear safety circuit in a non-emergency situatio _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


5. WRITTEN EXAMINATION REVIEW At the conclusion of the written examination, the examiners met with the following facility personnel to review the master written examinations and answer keys to identify any inappropriate questions relative to plant specific design and to e.nsure that the questions elicited the answers in the key and that they reflect current plant conditions: B. Ray, Nuclear Training Coordinator C. Embry, Nuclear Training Specialist - C. Lambert, Nuclear Training Specialist E. Diamond, Nuclear Training Specialist R. Robenstein, Training Specialist Verbal comments were received from the reviewers. The plant specific references that supported these comments were verified by the examiners and the comments were appropriately incorporated into the answer key during the review. No other verbal nor written comments were received by the examiners. Significant changes are listed in Attachment . PERSONNEL PRESENT AT EXIT INTERVIEW: NRC Personnel P. Koltay, Resident Inspector D. Coe, Reactor Engineer (Examiner) NRC Contractor Personnel A. Vinnola, EG&G, Idaho P. Isaksen, EG&G, Idaho R. Sailor, EG&G, Idaho Facility Personnel J. Brons, Resident Manager J. Russell, Superintendent of Power R. Robenstein, Training Specialist R. Tansky, Training Superintendent E. Diamond, Nuclear Training Specialist C. Lambert, Nuclear Training Specialist - _ _ _ _ _

.. __ . _ - _ _ - - - _ _ - _ _ _ .
. .



Individuals who clearly passed the operating examination were identifie Significant knowledge and ability weaknesses noted during the operating examination were presente The following general comments were also presented by the examiners: isndidates had d;fficulty locating specific procedures within a inder because .he procedures had misplaced pages and were not indexed like the procedures located in the control roo The examiners expressed concern about the dissimilarities between the Indian Point 2 simulator used for examinations and the Indian Point 3 control room, because some of the candidates were slow to locate switches and meters that were either in dissimilar locations or were not identical between the two units. The examiners stated that the NRC Region I Office would follow up on this item.

' Attachments: Written Examination (s) and Answer Key (s) (SR0/RO) Changes Made to Written Examinations During Exam Review

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      - ==

EXAMINER: _1AILDRt_Aa______________ APPLIC ANT: _____[___________________


INSIRUCIIONS_ID. AEELIC ABIl Use separate paper f or the answers. Write answers on one side onl Staple question she et on top _of the answer sheets. . Points for eac question are indicated in parentheses af ter the question. The passin grade requires at le ast 70% in each category and a final grade of a loast 80%. Examination papers will be picked up six 16) hours afte the ex amination star t .



_Z1600_ _Z2t0Q ___________ ________ PLANT DESIGN INCLUDING SAFETY AND EMERGENCY SYSTEMS _ZhaQQ__ _ZlaQQ ___________ ________ INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS _Z1600__ _Z1tQQ ___________ ________ PROCEDURES - NORMALS ABNORMALS EMERGENCY AND RADIOLOGICAL CONTROL 100tDQ__ 1DQt0Q ___________ ________ TOTALS FINAL GRADE _________________% All work done on this examination is my own. I have neither given nor received ai APPLIC ANT'S SIGN ATURE _ _ _ - . __ _ _

      - ___
., t.'

16._ER IN CIE L E 5_Q E_N M ELE &E_ED MER_f LA BI _Q E EE&llQ Ng PAGE 2 IU EEdQQ XS &BLCit_ bE AI_IE& HSEER_&HQ _ELula_EL O W - . _ Q UE S TI ON 1.01 (3.00)


How will the following af fect the Moderator Temperature Coef ficient? 8RIEFLY EXPL AIN your answe . The BIT is inadvertantly injected into the RC The core ages f rom BOL to EO The RCS is cool ed down from 550 F to 450 (3.0)


Q UE STI ON 1 02 (2.50) State TWO r easo ns why equilibrium Xenon has significantly more negative worth than does . equilibrium Samarium in. an operating r eacto . (1.5)

     . S tate the appro ximate Xenon values (in pcm) for the present core cycl .

1) Steacy state equilibrium Xenon at 100% powe (0.5) 2) Peak Xe non ro llowing -a reactor trip from 100% powe (0.5)


Q UE S TI ON 1.03 (1.50) Is a pr imary neutro n source necess ary to provide suf ficient neutrons to start the in i ti a l chain reaction in a new core? BRIEFLY EXPLAIN your answe (1.5)


Q UE S TI ON 1.04 (2.50) ,_

   : o : ~e < Define S ube r iti ca l Multipl icat ion,( M).  -(1.0)

< Provide THREE e volutions f or which a 1/M plot is utilized in a Pressur ized W ater Reacto (1.5) 1 i l l _

. -- __ . - . - - . ..
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' ' ~'



QUE STI ON 1.05 (1.50) Which parameter below will have the MOST ef f ect on the shape o f a Di f f er enti al Rod Worth Curvet 1) Core radial flux profile 21 Core ax i e'l flux profile 3) Core axial temperature pro file 4) Time of cor e cycle (0.5)

! What ef f ect doe s having a bank over lap program have on the differential rod worth curve? (As compared to a dif ferential rod wor th curve for a rod program that does not use bank overlap.)  -

' Q UE S TION 1.06 (3.00) Coopare the CALCULATED Estimated Critical Posi tion (ECP) for a startup to be per formed 4 h ours af ter a tr ip from loot power., to the ACTUAL cr iti cal controi ~ ro d positi on if the following events / conditions occurre Consi de r e ach"i ndep endentl Indicate whether the ECP is HIGHER then, LOWER than, or the SAME as the act ua l critical control rod. position AND

8RIEFLY EXPL AIN the r eason f or you r ans we The FOURTH cool ant pump is started two mi nutes prior to c r i ti ca l i t (0.75) The star tup is delayed until 8 hours af ter the tri (0.75)

       . . The steam dump pr essure setpoint is increased to a value Just below the S team Generator Atmospher ic Duap (PORV) setpoin (0.75) All Steam Gener ator levels are rapidly being raised by 51 as criticality is reache (0.75)

i QUE S TI ON 1.07 (3.00) P ro vi de the THR EE condi tions necess ary for Brittle Fracture of a carbon steel pr ess ure vessel to occu (1.5) Define RT NDT ( Ni l-Ductili ty Ref erence Temperature). (0 5) . How does RT NDT change as the reactor vessel agest BRIEFLY EXPLAIN your answe (1 0)

     . _ ~ _ _ _ _ _-_-. -
' '

1.__ERINCIELE1_QE_ NUCLEAR _EDWEE_fL&EI_QEEE&IIQHe PAGE 4 IDEE 53QIM&BLCit_HEAI_IEANSEER_AHQ.ELUIQ_ELOW . QUE STION 1.08 (1.50) Tr ue or Falset 4 One of the pump l aws for centr if uga l pumps states that the volume f l ow rate is proportional to the speed of the pum (0.5) As VCT temperature decreasess volume flow rate from the

positive displacement (PD) p um p increase (0.5) Pump runout is the term used to describe the condition of a centri f ugal pump running with no volume flow rat (0.5) QUE STION 1.09 (2.00) List FOUR methods to INCREASE the NPSH to a CVCS charging pum (2.0)


QUE S TI ON 1.10 (3.00) H)t channel f actors are measurable and their Technical Specification su r ve i l l a n ce fr eque nc y requirements are relatively low provided fou I t ems are monitored and verified to be within their .Aloit Provide THREE of these f our items (conditions). . (3.0) Q UE S TI ON 1.11 (1.50) S t ate the r e l at i on s hi p between Reactor Power,'.RCS Delta T, and RCS De lta enthal py (h). Discuss the validi ty of this relationship if the RCS Hot Leg temperature rccches sa'turatio (1.5) i


Eno of category 1

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Q UE STI ON 2.01 (3 00) Provide THREE Component Cooling (CC W) sys tem alarms that could Indicate a RCS to CCW lea (1 5) D es cr i be, i n de tall, how the CCW system is protected against an overpr essur e co ndi tion if a RCS to CCW rupture occurred in the RCS Thermal Barrie (1 5) Q UE STI ON 2.02 (2.50) Indicate (by bo th loop number and COLD, HOT or INTERMEDIATE leg) where the f ollowing CVCS . piping lines connect to the RC . Normal Letdown Excess Letdown Normal Char ging Alternate C harging (1 5) Other than the Pr essurizer Saf ety Valves or PORVs, provide FIVE other valves that relieve to the PR (1.0) QUE S TION 2.03 (3.00) Name the chemicals used to control pH and OXYGEN for both the RCS and Ste em Generating Systems during. power operatio (2.0) True or False? The mixed bed domineralizers will remove fission products from the R; (0.5) True or False? Hydrazine is pr imarily used to control RCS pH when in cold shutdow (0.5) i l


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QUE STION 2 04' (3.50) Refer to the RiR Dr swing (Figure 2-1) to answer the following questions.; Where does this relief valve discharge tot 40 375) Provide THREE -inter locks associated wi th these valve (1.5) Discuss Me mkelods meho'inj nJyom h3 . What component does this piping line originate from? (0.375) What system does this piping line supply? (0.375)

        ' What systea doss this piping iine supp t yf     (0.375) Provlue the opening signal for these valve (0.5)

QUE STI ON 2.05 (2.50) Provide FDJR of the five signals that will automatically initiate Contai nment Ventilation Isolation. . (No setpoints r e q ui r e d . ) f o g ingd m /,l, . fi,,p e) gig,,gg aj qg/e sijs>sd} ( 2. 0 ) True or False? BOTH contai nment spray trains OR ALL (5) Containment FCUs OR DNE sprmy trsin and THREE FCOs are all possible. combinations that ulli asintain contai nment conditions -bel ow their design limits durin t he i n j ec ti on p ha se of a LOC A. Qaje a 3,g g cy,gafy yovi . (0.5) } rdsons/f G UE S TION 2.06 (2 50) What are the TWO purposes of the :!.!';d 5; th: Emergency D/G blowert 4},#/

        (1 0) What is the overail advantage of using a turbochar ger on tne D/GT        (0 5) What are the THREE adjustments that any be made with the     I adjustment knobs on the D/G Governor?      (1 0) .

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Q UE S TION 2.07 (3.50) What TWO sets of conditions will result in Containment Spray i ni ti a t i on? (No setpoints required.) (1.0) BRIEFLY DESCRIB E the sequence of events that occur to provide Containment Spr ay flow (wi th additi ve) to the containment after an ini ti ati on s ignal is receive (1.5) What is the additive to the Containment Spray? (0 5) What is the ove rall purpose for using a spray additive? (0.5) Q UE S TI ON 2.08 (2 50) Complete the at tached sheet (Figure 2 2) to show how steam is supplied to the Auxiliary Feed Pump Turbine (AFPT) from the Main S team syste (Include all in-line valves.that might isolate fiow, r elief valves, and Indicate how all non-manual val ves are actu ated.) .

         . What TWO si gnals will automatically start the AFPTT     (1.0)
 (No se tpoin ts r equired. )       .

Q UE STI ON 2 09 (2 00) What f or ces ar e used for Main Steam Isolation Valve (MSIV)... (1 5) 1) Opening? 2) Closing (at power)? i What protection signal is gene ra ted f r om MSIV posi tion i nd ic a t i on? (0.5) End of category 2 _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ . - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .




QUE S TION 3.01 (3.50) Provide FIVE of the six conditions that are required in order for No. 33 D/G output breaker to close and supply power to Bus S (2 0) P r o vi de FOUR ESF loads that are (or may be) started on Bus 5A by the Bus SA S equence Signal, assuming a blackout with SI has occurre (1.5)


Q UE STION 3.02 (3.00) In what positions of the Rod Cluster Control System (RCCS) B ank S el ect or S wi tch is ' Bank Overl ap" in service? (0.5)

      - At what BANK C POSITION should Bank f( C 'rod begin to withdraw? (0 5)

rffWrf)/NK4L GAAae- _ BRIEFLY EXPLAIN why the RCCS Startup Pushbutton is not used when recovering from a dropped control rod at powe (0.5) Indicate the di rection of rod motion (IN, OUT OR NONE) If the following instr ument f ailures occur with RCCS in AUTOMATIC c on tr o l at 50% powe ) Loop 3 Tcol d input to Tave f alls LO ) Turbine imp ul se pressure f alls LO ) Power r ange channel N43 falls HIG (1.5) QUE STI ON 3.03 (1 50) The plant is operating at 50% power with all systems in automati HDu does a HIGH fallure of Power Range channel N-44 LOWER detector af fec t the f ollowin g indications? (Limit your answer to INCREASE, DE C RE AS E, MORE NEG A TIVE, LE SS NEGATIVE, or NO CHANGE.) Lower Quadr ant Power Tilt Ratio (0PTR) , Delta Flux ( Axi al Flux) i n d i ca ti o n (Channel 4) Overpower Delta T trip Setpoint (Channel 4) (1.5) Q UE STI ON 3.04 (3.50) Provide the FIVE automatic Engineered Safeguards initiation signal (Include all applic able setpoints and logic / coincidence.) . (3.5) *




QUE STI ON 3.05 (3.00) In order for Automatic Makeup to occur to the VCT, what positions must the following CVCS component control switches be placed in ~ ' 1) Mode Select or Switc Makeup Control Switch 3) :iat:-5;;;;" S a ' t e ) BA Transf ar Pump Switches (Speed) 5) 8A Transfer Pump Control Switches 6) <PW Pump Control Switches (1 8) A t what WCT level should Automatic Makeup...


1) Start? 2) Stopf (0.7) True or False? I f the e l ec tri c al (control) si gna l from the CR charging pump controll er to t he charging P um p is loste the pump speed will fall to MAXIMU .


Q UE STI ON 3.06 (3.00) What is the adv antage of using the Feed Pump Speed Control (FPSC) S ys te m? . . . (0.5)

       . Which FOUR parameters are used as inputs to the FPSC system?  (2.0)
.. How does the FPSC provide cavitation protection for the boiler feedwater pumps? (0.5)

Q UE STI ON 3.07 (3.00)


Br iefly describe any AUTOMATIC actions that occur when the following Pr oce ss Radi a ti on M on itor in g Syste s .channe l s r each the i r al ar e se tpoint Condenser Air E jector Gas Moni tor (R-15) Component Cooli ng Water Moni tor (R-17A) Steam Gener ator Blowdown Monitor (R-19) (3.0)




Q UE S TI ON 3.08 (1 50) Indicate which of the Excore Nuclear Instrumentation Ranges (SOURCE, INTERMEDI ATE, o r PO WER), will correctly match with the following - . s t a te ment s . (May be all, none or any combination of the ranges.) P r o vi de s a direct input to the Rod Control Syste (Not Rx Trips)

               .. Has a reactor trip function that is blocked at some time between startup and full power operation.: Operates in the "lon Chamber" region of the " Gas Fliled Detec tor Ch arac ter istic Curve".            (1.5)

Q UE STI ON 3.09 ( 3.00 ) The IP-3 Reactor 'Pr otection System (RPS) is designed so a turbine tr ip will. cause a Reactor Trip abo ve 10% powe r . - Why i s the systes designed to do this? (1.0) _ State TWO RPS trips that would act to give backup protection in the event th at the Reactor Trip did not operate on a turbine tri p f r on f u l l powe (1.0) How does tne RPS sense that a turbine trip has occurred? (0.5)

                . How does the RPS circuitry p re ve nt (inhibit) this trip from occur r ing a t po we r levels less than lott           (0.5)

End of chtegory 3

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he__ERDCEQuRE1_:_NDEBALa_ARNDEBALt_E5EEGENL1_&NQ PAGE 11 R&QIDLOGICAL_CQ11RDL - . QUE S TION 4.01 (2.50) Answer the f ollowing by in accordance with Inf ormation found 'In DN O P-RC S-6 (Natural Circulation / Natural Circulation Cooldown). Whicn temperature instruments are to be used during Natural C i r cu l a t i on (NC) conditions? (0 6)

     ' BRIEFLY EXPLAIN why these instruments are preferred during N (0.4) Provide THREE conditions that you would observe to confirm the e f f ectiveness o f the NC heat removal proces (1.5)

QUESTION 4.02 (3.00) List SIX of the seven actions that you are directed to take to inser t rods i f an automatic reactor tr i p is required by RPS but does not occur ( ATWS). (3.0) GUE S TION 4 03 (2.50) Answer the f ollowing in accordance with information found in PE P-E S-1 ( ECCS Actu at ion) . . Under whicn TWO situations would pressurizer water level NOT be a valic indication of primary system inventory? (1.0) What is t he Rea ctor Coo lant Pump stoppage criteria during a L OC A (1.5) Q UE S TI ON 4.04 (3.00) Answer the f ollowin g in accordance with information found in PE P-C VC S-3 ( E me r gen cy Boration). . Provide -THREE o f the four conditions that require emergency bor ation to be initiate (1 5) What are the THREE steps you must normally perform to initiate emergency boration flo (1 5)


h u_EE DCEQ uR E1_:_HD E f!A L s._&BSDEfl ALL.E5EEEEtiOY.& B D PAGE 12 R&Q10LQEICAL_CQ11EQL - Q UE S TI ON 4.05 (3.00) An swer the f o ll owi n g concer ni ng information found in PDP- (Roac tor Startup). . What are the MIN'J MUM requirements f or Source and Intermediate r ange operabili ty (# re qui r ed) prior to startupt What is the MINIMUM temperature for criticality? What is the M AX IMUM startup rate permitted under normal conditionst What is the MINIMUM source range count rate required for a s tartup 'utilizi ng control rods t (3.0) Q UE STI ON 4.06 (3.00) The RCS is in a solid condition wi th temper ature and pressure at 100 F. and 300 psig.: The Rl!R systes .ls oper ating with one pump and is letting down to the CVC One-charging pump is operatin Tho " VALVE . 730 OR. 731 NOT FULLY OPEN" annunci ator is receive What insedi ate operator actions are required? (2.4) Approximately how long af ter the al ara receipt will the valves be fully cl osed . . (0.6) , Q UE STI ON 4 07 (3 00) P r o vi d e FIVE conditions or indications that require immediate shutdown of a Reactor Coolant Pum (Non-LOCA conditions.) (2.5) Why are limitations placed on the operation of the el Seal


Bypass Valvet (0.5)

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ic__EEDCEQUEEi_ HQE5&La ABNDEBAlt_EEEEEENC1_&BD PAGE 13 B&QIDLDGICAL_COMIEDL - . QUE S TI ON 4.08 (3.00) An s we r th e f o ll owi n g in accordance with information located in the IP-3 Technical Specification . - Define HOT SHUTDOW (1.0)

        . Which THREE par ameters must you observe in order to verify that Reactor Core Safety Limits are being adhered tof
       . (1.5) Provide the f ol lowing temperature limitation value ,

1) Pr ess uri zer heatup rat ) Pressurizer cooldown rat (0.5)


Q UE STI ON 4 09 (2.00) A leak has developed in a CVCS Letdown piping component located cutside the containment building that may be manually isolated by. na intenance per s onne l . The general area r'adiation level in


tho area where the leak is to be Isolated is 600 millirem per hou ' The one available person to perfore the work informs you that his - pr esent quar ter ly a xposure and lif etime exposure levels are 2.90 Ret

! and 54.75 Res r espe ctivel . .

' Using only 10 C FR 20 whole body exposure limits as a guide, how~long may th is man work in the area bef ore he exceeds his , quarter l y e xpos ur e limit? (SHOW YOUR WORK). (1.5) l . ' Wh at i s the minimus age that this man say be to perform the work? (SHOW YOUR WORK) (0.5) l l End of category 4 i


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g + v

-   ,,
    '4  EQUATI0ti SHEET

f = ma x Cycle efficiency y (Net work p = 15/ii 1 cut)/(Energy in) s , ,, i = V 3( + 1/2 a t'


w = me - n ,;

 = mc2 '  ,s  N'   .

a = (V - V,)/t A = LN - A=Aeg Nt KE = 1/2 mv


PE = mgn Ia Vf = V, + at . In2/[1/2 = 0.593/t 1/2 w = p/t. 2 t 1/2 eff = [(t3f.,)(t)]3 g,y 3p


g3 A= 4 [(g l/2) * U'*5)3

         -gx 1 .

t.E = 931 sm m = V,yAo I=Ieg

 . .

Q = mCp at ,s


h = UA A T $ I I = I ge "* I LI n 10~ */U' Pwr = Wysh

    -    TVL = 1.3/u

P=FId"" ,, - HVL=-02693/u .- Oo . P = P e" y o

  ,y  ,

SUR = 26.06/T ' 3'" ~ SCR = S/(1 - Kgf) '


Gx= 5/(1 - K,ffx) SUR = 26a/t* + (s - o)T CR)(1 - K ,ff)) = CR 2 II ~ "eff2I


T = (1*/c ) + [(8 - o V Io] y ' M = 1/(t - Kdf) = CR)/CR 3 7 = 1/(s - t) s M = (? - Kdfo)/II ~ Keffl) K,f7)/Kgf

    's   SOM = (

T = (d - o)/$o) s t' = s10 seconos o = (K,ff-1) A,7f = ~ Weff /Keff I=0j' seconds" o = [(L*/(T Kgf)3.+[Ifff(b+II)]

        =1d I;d) 2 ,2 7d 2 2 '

P = (I4V)/(3 x 1010) [ I d) 22 2 -

 : = cN

R/hr = 6 CE/d2 (feet) +' Water Parmeters s ,. Miscellaneous Conversions


n \ l gal. = 8.345 le curie = 3.7 x 10I0cas


1 ga 1 kg = 2.21 lom



  = 7.48 ga liters     1 np = 1.52 x 10 5t"!nr 1 mw = 3.41 x 106 5tu/Mr N:,+c Density = 62.4 lorj/ft Density = 1 gm/cM i 3   ,

lin = 2.52. cm Heat of vaporit dion = 970 Stu/1om *F = 9/5*C + 32

~.'.       '
       'C = 5/9 (*F-32)

hPi* Heat of fusion = 144 Stu/lem 1 Atm = 14.7 psi = 29.9 in. Hg. 1 BTU = 778 ft-lbf $%' 1 ft. H 2O = 0.4335 luf/f ,



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AUXILIARY FEED PUMP TURBINE k 11S LINE 33 d ( Please include this sheet with your ANSWER sheets.) * "


e e e

~ ~



gEINEIELES_2E_8dELEAE_EQWER_fLAHl.QEEELIlQHz PAGE 14 g3 ISEE5021NABLElt Bell IE&HIEER_iH2.ELUIQ.ELQW . - . AN S WE RS -- INDI AN POINT 3-85/04/23-SAILOR, A NS WER 1 01 (3 00) L ESS NEG ATIVE t o.25] More boron to leave core area per degree temper ature cnange. (Or equivalent answer ) . (1.0) MORE NEG ATIVE C O.25] Less boron for opposite result as abov (1 0) less - L ESS NEG ATIVE (0.253 Water densi ty changes are TT::tEY as ~ ~ ~ ~


t emper ature is reduce (1.0) REFERENCE 3P-3 ECI Rx Theory) Chapter 5, Pages 21 through 27 A NS WER 1.02 (2.50)

,, - The amount of Xe produced from fission / decay is greate (0 75)
 - The absorption cross section f or Xe i s such highe (0.75) -

2.700 1100 - - - 1) 44*+ pc m ) t4+0 pcs (*4ee total pcs) (CAF) [0.5 each) (1.0) 2000!l00 470ot200 RE F ER ENCE


IP-3 Gr aph Book, Section 1, Pages 3 and 4 f/ IP-3 ECI Rx The or y


.c; CS WER

1.03 (1.50) th0 [0.5) EITHER: Only nececessary for source range indication

  (or verification of instrument-operation).while performing a reac tor - startup. II.03

O Many other sources of neutrons available for this purpose (cosmic, intrinsic, decay, etc.) -[1 0) - (1.5)

- REFERENCE 1.IP-3 ECI Rx T he o r y ; Chapter 4, Pages 44 through 48


[N i<

4- _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ - -

  . ..  . . . . . . . . . .. . .



A NS WER 1.04 (2.50) M The ratio o f the total number of fission and source neutrons to the total number of neutrons which would


exist due to the source onl .

       . ) Fuel lo adi n g/ Ref uel ing 2) Rod W i t hdr a wl Startup 3) Boron Dilut ions (Startup) [ 0. 5 e a c h),3rquired )  (1 5)

4) ECP Discrepancy REFERENCE IP-3 ECI Rx Theory, Chapter 4, Pages 53 and 67 i P-S PCP l.'2. , pega B A NS WER 1.05 (1.50) (2) Core ax ial flux profil (0.5)

       . The curve i s m or e linear (due to the additive effect of the rod wor ths at their l o w v a l ue s.;)    (1.0)

REFERENCE IP-3 ECI Rx Theory) Chapter 7, Pages 21, 22, and 27 A NS WER 1.06 (3.00) S AME [0 25] Stean dumps will compensate f or any additional heat added by the f o ur th RC RCS temperature / reactivity unchange [ 0. 53 . (0.75) ECP LOWER t han AC P [0.253 Xenon wil l increase to near peak at 8 hours af ter tr i p. Rods mus t be higher to compensate. [0.53 . (0.75)


' ECP LOWER than ACP [0.25] The corresponding temperature increase mus t be cospens ated by a higher cri tical rod position. [0 53 . (0.75) ECP. HIGHER than ACP [0.253 The reduction in temper ature must be c om pe ns a t ed by a lower rod position. [0.53 .

(Higb/ lacer answer Ny wry w4h proper s9porfirg explanaMon ,le,Mger %nECP~. )  -

REFERENCE IP-3 Graphs Book, S ec ti on 1, Pages 4 and 8



L s_ _Ed 1H CI E LE1_D E_M u CL E& E_ED W ER_E LA NI_Q EEE &IlQ H a PAGE 16


Id EE50 D IN A51 Cli_ HE AI_IE&HS EER_A HQ.ELUIQ _EL DM - . ANSWERS -- INDI AN POINT '3 -85/04/23-SAILOR, . A NS WER 1 07 (3.00) Low temperature


Vessel stress

 - Pre-existing material flaw [0 5'ench)  (1 5)
      - (RT NDT) is the temperature at which non-ductile ~f ailure will no longer occu (Or equivalent answer)  (0.5)
      ' Increases [0 5] because of metal - changes due to (f ast) neutron I rr adi ation [0. 5 .
      (1 0)

REFERENCE IP-3 TS, P ages 3 1-4 through 7 WNTC Thermodynamics 13-58 through 13-68


ANS WER 1.08 (1.50) True False Felse [0.5 each3 (1.5)


REFERENCE 1 IP-3 Thermodynamics, Chapter 6, Pages 27 and 29 A NS WER 1 09 (2.00) Decrease pump flow rate (speed) Increase V; T l e ve l Increase V;T pr essure Decrease V;T outlet temperature (letdown HX outlet) [0.5 each3 (2.0)


RE FER ENCE , IP-3 SD, CVCS, Page 16 IP-3 Ther modynamics, Chapter 6, Pa ges 39 and 40

. .. . -  . ..
. . . ..?. ... . . . . . . . .. ._ -.__. . ._ _ . . . ._ .





l A NS WER 1 10 (3.00) Rod groups sequenced and overlappe Rod inser ti on iloits adhered to.- Axial flux dif f erence .Iloits adhered t Rod group allignment maintained. [1.0 each; 3 required) (3.0) REFERENCE IP-3 TS s . p a ges 3.10-10 and 11


A NS WER 1.11 (1.50) Q o a c Delta T = a Delta h (or equivalent) [0.53 If the hot l es reaches saturation, the latent heat of vaporization could not be accounted for and reactor power could increase with no co r re s p ond i n g i ncre ase in core Del ta T.. [1 03 . - (1 5) REFERENCE ECI Thermodynamics, Chapter is pages 29 and 30 Chapter 2, pages 29 through 33 Chap ter 9, page 29





t u _EL AHI.QE1165_lH E LU DlH E_1 AEEII_A HQ_E BERE E HC X_1151E51 PAGE 18

      .. .


A NS WER 2.01 (3.00) Ther mal Barri er CCW Header lo Flow

- RCP Thermal Barrier Cooling Return Hi Temp
- Process Monitor Hi Radiation (and respective indicating light)
- Component Coo ling Sur ge Tank No. 31/32 Level   - ..
(CAF)  tany 3 3 0.5 each)  .   (1.5)

FCV- - - Return high f low closes return isolation valve (4et-1615

- Check val ve ( 774) Isolates on reverse flow
- Reller valve (783) protects isolated piping [0.5 each]   (1.5)
(2485) (to con N4.s u p)    _  _ ,

REFERENCE IP-3 SD CC W, Pa ges 3, 4 and 20 PI D 9321-F-27203-13 e ANS WER 2.02 (2.50) ) 31 INTERMEDIATE 2) 31 'C OLD 3) 31 C OLD


4) 32 HDT [0.375 EACH3 [0.1hr W j0. Q (1.5)

       . RCP seal r et u r n(2'S)
- CVCS l e td o wn (a c D
- S I t e s t l i ne (S5d
- RHR injec tion header injection header 2)D 11 3gog)
- R HR hot leg suction I any 5 3 0.2 each)   (1.0)

g,g [ odd %%f incorre:t @ o.: eacb] . REFERENCE-IP-3 SD RCSI Pa ge 7 IP-3 SD Pzr / PRT J Pa ge 19 Du s. 9321-F-273 5 3-14 ,

    .- - - - , . .

E __EL&BI kE1165 1HELUD1hG_1AEEII_&BQ.EBEEEESC1_111IE55 PAGE 19 . . - ANSWERS -- INDI AN P OINT 3 -85/04/23-SAILOR, . A NS WER 2.03 (3.00) RCS Dxygens Hy dr ogen pH4 Lithium Hydroxide S/G 0xygent Hy dr azi ne PH Aa moni us Hydroxide [0.5 each) (2.0)

       ' ' TRUE      (0.5) F ALSE      (0.Si'

REFERENCE IP-3 SD Pl ant Chemi stryJ Pages 3, 4, and 23


A NS WER 2 04 (3.50) PRT (0.375) Won't open if pressure above 450 psig [0 53

- Closes if pressure above 550 psig [0.51  -
- Cont. susp suctions (885AEB) and High Head Si supply valves (8SAEB) cannot be opened if 730 and 731 are open [0.53  . (1.5)
(If prowded WYi 8BS AiB will be counkdas 2, responses)  .  . Containment sump      (0.375) HHHi- ( HHSI pump s) Sofe4/ 2 /ech   (0.375) CVCS (l etdown)      (0.375) Manual      (0.5)

REFERENCE IP-3 50 RHR; Cnapter 4 2, Page 3 and Diagram l A NS W ER 2.05 (2.50) Containment High Radioactivi ty JR-11 or R-12)

- High-high Con ta inment Pressure (CSAS)


- Manual Contai nment Spray
- Manual  [0 5 eachs 4 requi red)   (2.0)
- V 9por Centdnment 4i3h fodme.[R-29 orth.1) TRUE      (0.5)
 . _ _ . ._ _  _ -. __ .- ._. . . - . . . - -


 . .   .  . .   .

ANSWERS -- INDI AN P OINT 3 -85/04/23-SAILOR, . RE F ER ENCE-IP-3 SD Cont. Isol.'s P a g e 13 a2 IP-3 SD Cont. Spray, Pages 3 and 4 IP.3 \/lenfillaEon and Con 4ainnatnt Lagic pro A NS WER 2.06 (2.50) Removes e xhaust gases /suppli es intake air (0.53

 - Incr eases. the density of the 1.ntake air to.53      (1 0) Increases output capacity of diesel / generato (0.5)

_ speed setting (descripfion of swikk funchhns are accepinWe)

 - speed droop
 - load li mi t (0 33 each3       (1.0)

REFERENCE IP-3 SD Emer. D/G; Pa ges 15, 16 and 18


A NS WER 2.07 (3.50) High-high con ta inment pressure (0.4)

 - Both manJ ai p us hbu ttons s i mul taneousl y depressed to.63     (1.0) S pr my p um p di sc her ge valves (866A-8) open (0.43
 - Both S pray pumps -s tar t (0.41  .
 ~ Addi ti ve tank discharge valves (876A-8)' open [0.43 af ter a 2 minute time delay 10.33 (if cancei button.not depressed)     . (1 5) i NaOH         (0.5) l de Minimize Iodine release (by maintaining it in solution)      (0.5)

REFERENCE l IP-3 SD Cont. Spray, Pages 6, 13 and 14 .


- . - - - -  - - _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ . - _ _ . - _ _ _ _ -_ _ _ _ - _ - . _ - _ _ - - _ , _ _ _ .

_ . . . - . __ . . .. __. . . r,.... .. .




2 a__EL AMI_QE11ES _15' LU DitiG_1&EEll thD._E8EEEENt1.3111EB1 PAGE 21 ANSWERS -- INDI AN P OINT 3 -85/04/23-SAILOR, ANS WER 2.08 (2.50)

. [ MS LINE 32 3    A
 .I al *I  .l   ATM f
  . ><   OV
  . .1 . .1
 .I I      AFPT MS L M 33 b [,0i{crcddy, ,g,,,c,nec; C, ,p, ,n;$3  Q (1 5)
        . Low-Low L evel i n 2 S / Gs . [0. 51
- Loss of normal (3A or 64) 480 buses (0.51    (1.0)

RE FER E NCE IP-3 SD Main /Re heat S team F igure 18-11 IP-3 SD Feedwater, Page 34 A NS WER 2.09 (2.00) ) Air [0.53 2) Spring and Steas [1 03 (1 5)

        . Turbine trip       (0.5)

REFERENCE IP-3 SD Main an d Re he at S teams Pages 8 and 9

.- x -.    .- -. . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . . . . _ . , _ _ _ . - -
  ._  _ - _ __



3.__IN11EU5EMIS ANQ_CQHIRDLS PAGE 22 ANSWERS -- INDI AN P OINT 3 -85/04/23-SAILOR, A NS WER 3.01 (3.50) No D/G fault

- D/G vol ta ge s atisf actory
- No Bus 54 fault
- Loss of outsi de power confirmed (52/5A breaker open)
- Bus 5A vidervol tage conditlan
- Bus tie breaker (2AT5A) open Cany 5 3 0.4 each)  (2.0)
      . SI pump 31
- C on t . Spr ay pump 31
- Service Water pump 34     '
-Cont. Recirc fan 31
- Cont. Recirc f an 33
- CCW pump 31 tany 4 3 0 375 e s ch ) E lmd number @ .075 p+s) (1.5)
- Seesce hkder pump 31 RE FERENCE  -

IP-3 SD ESF, Pa ges 18 and 21 ANS WER 3.02 (3.00) AUTOMATI:

--MANUAL to.2 5 each)    (0 5)
      . steps     (0.5) The pushbutton will rezero all rods (only the affected group rods requ ire . reset). _ (0.5)
      . ) NONE 23 IN 3) IN ( C AF ) (0 25 each)   (1 5)
      - -

RE FER ENCE IP-3 SD RCCS, Pages 20 and 63 through 70 A NS WEP 3.03 (1.50) I NC RE ASE MORE NEGATIVE DECRE ASE (CAF) 10.5 each) (1 5)

. . . . . . . ... ......... ..  . . . . . . . . ... .. . . . .  ... . . ....  . .

l a._ _ H 1 1 R H E M I S H Q _ C Q ti1 E D L 1 PAGE 23

   .       .. .

ANSWERS -- INDI AN > P OINT 3 -85/04/23-SAILOR, . . REFERENCE IP-3 SD Excor e Inst r., Figure 13-17 IP-3 SD Unit Pr otec ti on, Page 10 .


ANSWER 3.04 (3.50)

- High Steamline Fl ow [0.43, ( V ar i ab l e ),  1/2 in 2/4 S/G [0.13
- L ou T a v e [0.13, 5 40F [0.13, 2/4 ~'[0 13 (541*F) .
.i - Low S/G Pre ssur e [0 13, 600 psig [0.13,'2/4 [0.13 (616 psis)
- Steaal ne Dif f erential Pr essure [0.43,150 psid [0.13, 2/3 in 1/3 SL
[0.13 125[sid }  _  . .  .  . . . .
- L ow Pressurirer Pressure [0.43, 1700 psig [0.13, 2/3 [0.13 fi"12Op'3)
- High Containment Pressure [0 43, 2.0 psig [0.13, 2/3 [0.13[3. orsi 3)

i h C on t a i n me n t23P r e s s u r ez%)

- H~i .ig hjs+g        [ 0. 4 3,-wo, < ouu RE F ER ENCE IP-3 SD ESF, Page 9 IP-3 50 Uni t Pr ot, Fi g. 28-14, Page 77, and TS attachment 19 3 PEP- ES -l , page 7 A NS WER 3 05 (3.00)

a. II Auto [.43 23 . - Neutral (After manual return f rom start.)[0A3 4h dSl[w[o.41 5) Auto Co U 6)l Auto [c M i0.3 :::h!- (1.8) ! b+o~onsu>er fecei%er for 3 tiitI begiven full cred.l for 1) ) 2 2 ) 29% [0.35 anch) (0.7)

          . FALSE         (0 5)

l l RE F ER ENCE IP-3 SD CWCS, P ages 19, 20 and 26 IP 3 Control Bood Otseden

      - ._ - . _ _. _ . _ , ._ _ - _,_, - - -  _

__ _ .._


lo_ _IN11R'J5EHI1_ AND_CDHIRDLS PAGE 24 ANSWERS -- INDI AN POINT 3 -85/04/23-SAILOR, . . A NS WER 3.06 (3.00) ~P rovi des s a D/P program- to obtain a linear feed flow response for FAV operating a t aid position (This prevents excessive FRV . - t hr ott l i ne. ) . . (0.5) _ FP suction (header) pressure

 - FP discharge (header) pressure

Nn. stese (he ader) pressure . S/G stene flou [0 5 each) (2.0) Runs back the p ump speed f or reduced suction pressures (315 psig to 280 psig) - . . . (0.5)

       - -

RE F ER ENCE , IP-3 SD SGWLC) Pages .2 and 12


! A NS WER 3.07 (3.00)

, A.E. exhaust is shif ted to containment
 - Steam to Cond . Pr iming E Jector s'.( PCV-1133) i s o l a t e d * U"#"')


 - Flash Evapora tor is shutdown E0.4 each]  .  (1.2) CCW surge tank went val ve (RCV-017A) i s ol a tes f6fsenlly 4 aged shtit)  (0.6) 'l ow do wn l ine s i so l at e ( PCV-12141 A -> P CV-1217/ A )

i - Sample lines isolate (PCV-1223/A -> PCV-1226/A)


i - Spraywater to blowdown tank (PCV 1227) isolates (0.4 each) (1.21


REFERENCE IP-3 SD R ed. No nito ri ng and Prot., Pages 31 and 32 ' ANS WER 3.08 (1.50) INTERNEDI ATE, P OWER SOURCE, INTERME DI ATE, POWER INTERMEDI AT E, P OWER [0.5 e ach) (1 5) , REFERENCE IP-3 SD Excore Instr., Figure 13-36

._- _ - .
  - _ - _ - _ - _ . _ __
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..   .. . ......... . . . - . ... . . . .. . --
        . - . _
          . . .s




         . .



A NS WER 3.09 (3.00) Minimizes the thermal (pressure) transient after a tri (1.0)

          - DT Delta T
--High Prassure   -- #b 46%Ahl (All frPS from 681 Par give e us: W)

b L* vel

 ^' :: lany',2 3 0.5 each)       (1.0)
          ' Autostop oil pr essure low (45 psis)       ( 0.5i The ' turbine tri p signal is needed in coincidence with P- (P-7 not present < lot)-     .   . . (0.5)

REFERENCE IP-3 SD Uni t Prot., Pages 21 and 22 IP-3 FS L .

  . - - , , - - - , - . - , , - - -
  .- .  - . _





AAQ1DLDEICAL_tDMIRDL .- .. ANSWERS -- INDI AN P OINT 3 -85/04/23-SAILOR, . A NS WER 4.01 (2.50)

. Pressur izer te mper atur e Co 0
- Loop (WR) temp er atu r es [0.33
- Core exit ther mocouples ::: r;;;;se; ; 0.2 ;;;h   (0.6)
  [0'L]  . . No manifold fiow exists for NR RTD (0.4)

o. - $/G' steam release with constant steam pressur Core exit TCs below saturation temperature.for existing RCS pressure.and constant er decreasing.< .

- Cold les temperatures near saturation for S/G pressur Ho t l e g temper atures constant or decreasing ( appr ox imate ly the same as TCs).    -
- Loop Delta T not more than full power Delta T. [any 3 3 0.5 ea) (1.5)
     . .

RE F ER ENCE ON O P- R C S-6, pages 2 and 4

A NS WER 4.02 (3.00)
- Depress the manua l tr ip pushbutton Depress test cabi ne t.pushbutton Open D: Di str ibut io n Pane l circu its ( P31-7 and P32-8).

1 - Open the r eac tor tr ip breakers l ocall Open the MG set generator breakers locall De-energize the MG sets locally (at the 480 volt switchgear).

- De-ener g i z e t he 4 80 volt busses 2A and 6A. [any 6 3 0.5 each3 (3.0)

    . -

I RE F ER ENCE P E P-R PC-1, page 2

ANS WER 4.03 (2.50) A leak /LOCA is in the pressurizer vapor spac A bubble exists in the reactor vessel [0.5 each) (1.0)

- Ad#rse centomment conditions pcesent a r e a [2 requino ) IF RCS pressure drops uncontrollably t o 1196 p s i g [0.75)
- Ver i f y SI pump operation [0.753
- (THEN stop all RCPs)     (1.5)

REFERENCE PE P-E S-le pages 1 and 6 and ES-1 C , Page j

          - -  .
      - - _

_ - . . _

.  ,.





S&QlDLDEICAL_COMIEDL - - - ANSWERS -- INDI AN POINT 3 -85/04/23-SAILOR, i ANS WER 4.04 (3.003 Two or more r ods f all to insert af ter reactor tri Uncontrol led cooldown below 540 F if one rod stuck out


foilowing a reactor tri Uncontrolled cooletun below 500 F following a reactor tri Control: bank position below below the insertion limi .

  [any 3 3 0.5 each)       -  (1.5) Open Emer genc y Boration Valve (MOV-333) [0.51
 - Place operati ng BAT pump in fast speed.'[0.53
 - Incr ease char gi ng pump speed to maximus. [0 53      (1.5)

REFERENCE , PE P-C VC S-3, pages 1 and 2


A NS WER 4.05 (3.00)  ! each range ( F dpa cps [0.7 5 each) (3.0) RE F ER ENCE PD P-1.2, p ag e s 1 an d 2 A NS WER 4.06 (3.00) 0.*-[-- Secure Adj ust LD Pre ssure Control (PC-135) fo. maintain 50 psig.

, cn ar gi ng pump.

l f- S ecur e RHR pu mp Place EXLD in servic f- Ensure P3RVs proper ly operat .2- Open 730/ 731 as soon as they close. [0.4 each, all required) (2 4)

           ' /2 minutes ( 3-4 acce p t e d) (2-5 $r hdf eradE)       (0.6)

REFERENCE PDP-3.4, page 3 l _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ - _ - _ . . . . - . - - . . - . , - - _ _ - - - - - . - - - . _ _ . _ . - . - _ . _-

     -.. _  __ . __  . _ _  . -_

, . - 3


4 is._ELDCE2 WEE 1_: bOEM&Lt_&&HORBAlt E5EEEEut1_&ND PAGE 28

- R&ElDLQGICAL.COMIECL     -      .. . - .

AN SWERS --- INDI AN P OINT 3 -85/04/23-SAILOR, !

-         .

< A NS WER 4.07 (3.00) Stator temper ature reaches 250 Upper / lower motor bearing temperature >200 High/ low oil level alarms in motor bearing reservoirs accompanied b y other abnorma l pump i n di c a tion seal r etur n flow 0.3 sps or less.. "

 - Indicated D/P accross the el seal <325 psi Seal injection water temperature reaches 170 Vibr ation at the. top of the motor stand 5. mils or mor Shaf t vibrati on 20 ells or mor R ap i d increase of seal return flow to ) 5 sp ATO [5 requ ir ed 3 0.5 each3          (2 5)
              . Prevents el seat (runner) free Jammin (0.5)



REFERENCE IP-3 SD RCP, pages 27 and 28 50P-RCS-1, (Not Pra vi ded) A NS WER 4.08 (3.00) , Rx subcri tica l with adequate SDM II AW F i gur e 3.10-1) (0.53

- Tavo >203 F but less than or equal to 555.F. [0.53         (1.0)

_ Rx (thermal) power

- RCS pressure
- RCS temperature    [0.5 each)        (1 5) ) 100 F /Hr 2) 200 F/Hr   [0 25 each)         (0.5)

REFERENCE IP-3 TS, Pages 1-1, 2 1-1 and 3.1-4


 . _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ . _ _ _ __ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ . . _ . _ . - _ . _ _ _ . _ _ .

. . . . . . . . . . ... ... ... ... . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._... . . . . . . ... . .





. mrem = 100 mrem dose remaining [0 53

600 mR/Hr X 1 H r/ 60 minutes = 10 mrem per minute [0.53 ' 100 mR/10 mR/mi nute = 10 minutes [0 53 (1.5) (N-18) = 5 4.75 + 0 10 [0.33 N - 18 = 54.85/ 5 N - 18 = 11 N = 11 + 18 = 29 [0.23 (0 5) RE FER ENCE ECI Hea lth Phys ics, Chapter 6, page 5

    . - .-.  -  ._ - - -  - - - -
,.   '        .4 rnichmeo f /
. ..  <
            .sec Et siin



FACILITY: _lHQ1&M_EQ1hl.1__________ REACTOR TYPE 8 _EME:WEti____' ___________


D A T E A DM I N I S T E R E D * _R1LailZ1________________ EXAMIMER: _1&lLQ E g _g a _________T__'_ __


APPLIC ANT: _________________________


IK11RUCIl0M1_IQ_&EELIt&BIA ' use separate paper f or the answer Write answers on one side only.

i Staple question sheet on top aof the answer sheet Points for each > ' question are indicat ed in parentheses after the question. The passin grade reqJires at least 70% in each category and a final grade of at i losst 805.. Examination papers will be picked up six (6) hours after.

i tho examination star t . .


1 0F

._E&LUE_ _IGI4L    ___1CQRE___

_M&LUE__ ______________t&IEGQEl___ _ ___

.      _



CONTROL 21cQQ._ _22s00 ___________ ________ ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES,


.100cQQ__ 102 00 ___________ ________ TOTALS

FINAL GRADE _________________t lAll acrk done on this examination is my own. I have neither jolven nor received ai d .

! -

            - =_


, . - . - - - _ . - - - - - - - - - - - . _ - , - . . _ -
      .~- ..-._... ----.-- - - -. . - - -
- - . . --.           - - --
. .

3,,,ggg0gt_DE_BJCLEAR 20hER_fL&BI.0EER&Il0Na_ELulDSa_AND PAGE 2 l INE85001NABICS . .


QUE S TI ON 5.01 (3.00) Indicate whether the value of the following reactivity parameters al l a become M04E -NE GATIVEs LESS NEGATIVE, or REMAIN THE SAME (no si gni ficant changel f or their respective condition changes belo BRIEFLY EXPL AIN your answe MTC (pcm/ degree F): 8eginning of cycle (80L) to end of cycle (EOL).


' Doppler only power coef ficient (pcm/t power):    11 to 1001 powe ~ T ot al p o w er defect (pce): 80L to EOL        (3.0)
:             .

, Q UE STI ON 5 02 (2 50) Define Subcritical Multiplication (M). (0.75) Briefly exp lain why M is not used to plot a criticality l p r e di c t i o (0.75)

            ~ ' If the count rate is 100 cps at a Kaff of 0.95, what will i

the count r ate be at a Keff~of 0.997 (1,0)




! QUE STI ON 5.03 (2.00) Which Par ameter below will have the MOST ef f ect on the shape of a Di f f er en tia l Rod Wor th Curve? SRIEFLY EKPLAIN your answe . 1) Core radial flux profile 2) Core axial flux profile 3) Core axial temperature profile 4) Time of cor e cycle (2.0)


QUE S TION 5.04 (2.00) Does Bets bar e ff ective INCREASE, DECREASES or REMAIN THE SAME from 80L to EOL1 EXPLAIN YOUR CHOIC (1 5) For two equivalent positive reactivity additions to a critical r eactor, wi ll t he SUR be the S AME, LARGER, or SMALLER at EOL as compared to 80L7 NO EX PL AN ATION IS NECES S AR (0 5) _ _ . _ - - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ , , _ _ _ _ . _ _

..      l
. .      :




     - -

l r QUESTION 5.05 (2.00)

 . A var i ab l e ~ spee d centr i fugal pump is operating at 1/4 rated speed in a CLOS ED system 'w ith'the f ollowing . parameters:

Power = 303 KW Pump Delta P = 50 psid Flow - 880 gym What are the new values f or -these parameters when the pump speed is f ull rated speed? (1.5)

      . Choose the answer that most correctly completes the sentenc "In a CLOSED systems two single stage centrifugal pumps

-> operating i n p a ra l l e l w il l hav e--(choo s e-f g@u-be low )- , as compared to the same system wi th one single -stage centri fugal PuBP operating with one pump Isolated."

. . a higher he ad and higher flow rate.: the same head and the same flow rat . the s ame he ad and a higher flow rat . a higher he ad and the same flow rat (0.5)


QUE STI ON 5 06 (3.00) Explain HOW and WHY the Doppler Power Coefficient is affected by the f ollowings . Buildup of fission gasses in the fuel to clad ga (1.0)

    ~ Fuel des i fi cati o (1.0) Clad cree (1.0)

_ . - - - - _

      . - .. .
        - _ _ - . _ _ . - . . - ..

1.__IWEORI_DE_bJCLE&1 EDMER_ELAMI_QEEt&IIDet_ELU1Dia_AND PAGE 4 IMER5001N&BIES - - - QUE STI ON 5 07 (2 50) Assume that compliance with a Technical Specification action statement has limited reactor power to 75t.. In-an

; ebtain the maalaus megawatts from the main generators steam to

i the high pressure f eed heaters is secured.' .

          ' Will this action provide a continuous increased generator
megawatt outputt .

, Briefly explain your answe (2.0) QUE STI ON 5.08 (2.00) What is the most significant type of heat transfer (conduction, convection or r adi ation) taking pl ace under each of the following I co ndi ti ons! Consider each condition separatel Nucleate bolling.

i Accident condition in which coolant is boiled and converted to steam in the re actor ~ core are Heat f rom fission through the fuel r e Decay heat reso val by natural circulatio (2.0)


Q UE STION 5.09 (3.00) H3t channel f actors are measurable and their Technical Specification , su r ve i l l an c e frequency requirements are relatively low provided FOU Itcas are monitored and verified to be within their limits. What ar , th ese F0JR ltees? - . (3.0)

:           ,


. _ _ _ . . _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ . . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . . , _ _ _ , _ _ , _ _ . _ . . _ _ _ _
. - .,      '





. PAGE 5 IdERdQQXNABICS - QUE STI ON 5.10 (3.00) Cocpare the C ALCULATED Estimated Critical Position (ECP) for a startup to be perf ormed 4 hours af ter a trip from 100% powers to the ACTUAL . cr itical control rod position if the following events / conditions occurre ~ Consi der each i ndep endentl Indicate whether the ECP is HIGHER than, LOWER thane or the SAME as the actual critical control rod position AND BRIEFLY EXPL AIN the reason for your answe . , The FOURTH cool ant pump is started two mi nutes prior to cr i ti c a l i t (0.75) , The startup is delayed until 8 hours af ter the tri (0.75) The steam dump pressure setpoint is increased to a value Just below the S tone Gene 6 stor Atmospher ic Dump (PORV) setpoin (0.75) All Steam Gener ator levels are rapidly being raised by 5% as c r i ti c a l i ty is reaght (0.75)


End of category 5

  -_  __ _ -. - _ _ . _ _ . . __ ____  __ --  _- - _ _ . _ _ _ _
, .


6 _tLANI_1111E51 DE11Gua._CONIt0La AHQ_INSItuuElil&IIDH PAGE 6


GUESTION 6.01 (2.00) l Indicate i f the following statements are TRUE or FALSE concerning use of Hydrogen in the RCS . . i ! Hydrogen becomes flammable when concentra tions exceed 43 in ai (0.4)

j Use of hydrogen will minimize the f ormation of oxygen in j the RC (0.4) ' The majority of oxygen scavenging by hydrogen occurs in the VC (0.4)

           ^ ~  '

i Hydrogen concentration is normally maintained 25 and 50 cc/Kg when at powe (0.4) ' A disadvantage of adding hydrogen is that it is a significant . contributor to the total tritium produced in the RC (0.4) I ,


QUE S TION 6.02 (3.00) l Provide foJr component cooling (CCS) system alarms that could


indicate a RCS to CCW lea (1.5) Describe, in de tails how the CCW system is protected against an overpressure condition if a RCS to CCW rupture occurred in the

;  RCS Thermal Bar ri e (1.5)

G UE STI ON 6 03 (2.50) Provide the five signals that will i nitiate Containment V en ti l1(a t io n Is ol a ti o (M. setpoi nts re qui re (2 0)

     }/Xu/S &loClJ &ni .A BOTH contai nmen t spray trains OR ALL (5) containment FCus
;  OR DNE spray' tr sin and THREE FCus are all, possible combinet tens that will maintain containment conditlens below their design limits duri ng the injection -phase of a LOC A. jt    g ggg A C/pofge   (0.5)
 ()Ah $/1(VN
. - - . - _ . _ . - -.  ,-,_,_w-,_.--.._____,_____   ,. , _ -. m ,__-_.,_.____.___..,,,_._,,,,__,_.,_,,m__,__-._-_-- _

_ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _






. h a_ _ tL &M I.1111 E51_R E11 E ht_ C0 kIE9ia_ &M D. INS It W H E RI&IIQ M PAGE 7 j -


, I

! Q UE S TION 6.04 (3.50) j ~ Provide FIVE of the six conditions that are required in order for No. 33 D/G output breaker to close and supply power to Bus 5 (2 0) Provide the SIX ESF loads that ~are (or 'say bel started on Bus SA by the Sus S A sequence Signale . assuming a ' Blackout wi th 51 has occurre (1 5)


Y d QUE STION 6.05 (3.00) Tho plant is operating at 50% power with all systems in automati Briefly explain how a HIGH f ailure of Power' Range channel N-44 LOWER detector af fects the following Indicationst  ; ) Lower Quadr ant PowerTiltRatio(bPTR) Del ta Flux ( Axi al Flux) Indication (Channel 4) Overpower Delta T trip setpoint (Channel 4) (3 0)

              . .

QUE STION 6 06 (3.50)

In unat positions of the Rod Cluster Control System (RCCS)

l S ank S el ector S wi tch is " Bank Overl ap" In service? (0.5)

              ' List the THREE reasons (bases) for Rod Insertion Limits (RIL).        (1.5) Indicate the di rection of rod motion (IN, DbTorNONE) If the         "
!  following instrument f ailures occur with RCCS in AUTOMATIC . control

a t 50% p o we . .


1) Loop 3 Teel d input to Teve f alls LO : 2) T u r b i ne lop ulse pressure f alls LOW j 3) Power r ange channel N43 falls HIGN (1.5)


I , i

. . - _ _ - . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ . . . _ _ , , _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _

6 ..ELAMI 1111E53_DE11ENa CDBIRDLa_&5a_IH11tuBENI&Il0K PAGE 8


Q UE S TI ON 6.07 (2.50)

, What is the design purpose of the Overpressure Protection System (OPS)?            . . (0.5)
              . Briefly describe the sequence of events that would occur during an uncontro lled plant cooldown to actuate the DP (Include applicable setPoints.)           (1 5)
              . A t what increasing temperature will DPS be automatically blockedt            (0 5)

. Q UE STI ON 6.08 (3 00) What is the purpose of the f ollowing steam dump interlockst 1) :ondenser V acuum 2) Loss of Load (1.0)

              . What signal par ameters input to the Condenser Vacuum interlock ?          -
             (1.0) Provide the TWO conditions required to ' Initiate Low Pressure B ypass Dump Sys tes oper ation. (No'.setpoints .or logic required.)        (1 0)
            . .

QUE S TI ON 6.09 (2.00) Which FOUR parameters are used as inputs to the FPSC systeef (1.5)

              . How does tne FPSC systes provide cavitation protection for the boiler f eedwate r pumpst           (0 5)

End of category 6 i I

._ _._-- _ .. . _, _ . _ . . , _ . _ _ _ _ , _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ - _ _ _ , , _ _ _ _ - _ _ . _ _ . - - _ - _ _ _ - - . _ _ - . _ - - - - _ _ _ . . _ - _ - - ._. - _ . -



Is..E80CEQUEE1_:_MQLB&La_&aHDEBALa E5EREENC1.tMQ PAGE 9 - R&DIDLOGIGAL_t0MIt0L - . Q UE S TION 7.01 (3.50) Answer the f oll owin g in accordance with information found in P E P-C VC S-3 ( Eme r gen cy Scration). Provide the FOUR conditions that require emergency horation to be i n i ti ated . . (2.0) What are the THREE steps that must be perf ormed to initiate Emergency Boration flo (1.5) GUEST 10N 7 02 (3.50) Answer the f ollowing in accordance with information found in PE P-ES-1 (ECCS Actu at ion). If during LOCA conditions, a Containment High-High Pressure Signal is gener ated, what additional automatic actions must be verifiedt - (1.5) be If after the ECCS actuation s RCS pressure drops in an uncontro l led ma nner to 1196 ps ig, what actions are required to be per formed t -

     (1 0)

c. Under which;TWO condi tions would pressurizer water level NOT be a valid Indication of primary systes inventory? (1 0)

   .  .

QUE S TI ON 7.03 (4.00) List the SEVEN actions that are required to be taken to insert the rods if an automatic reactor trip is ~ required by RPS but . does not occur (ATWS). (2 8) If a turbine trip is not verified, what THREE action steps are required to be takent (1.2)

... .. .... . .... . . .... . . . . = - - ::., : -
      . .: .- . ._.--- z.... . . . . .
.    . l



QUE STION 7.04 (3.00) ' Answe r' the f oll owin g in accordance pith information found in DNDP-RC S-6. (Nat ural C ircula ti on/Na tur al 'Ci r cul ation Coo (down).

_ Which t e mpe r atu re insthusents ar's to be used during Natural


C i r cul at i on ;(jtc.) conditionst . - . (0 6) BRIEFLY E,XPLAIN why thAse Instruments are preferred during N , ,


o. ~ Providt 'FOUR" conditions that you would observe to confire the ef f ectiveness> of the NC heat removal proces (2 0) i QUE STION 27.05 (2.50) Ac cor di ng to DNDP-RCS-2 (Malfunction of Pressurizer ~ Control System), What FDut actions 4( ver ifications) are directed to be taken if . . Prossurizer pressure is DECREA5ING 6e(ou the control 7alara setpoint

'cnd's. reactor' trip has not yet' occurred? Contingency actions   . .
(response not obtai ned) are NOT-required for these four action (2.5)
 .     .

GUE STION 7.06 (2.50) 8RkEFLY. EXPL AIN the reasons f or the following Precautions and Lioitations f oJnd i n PDP-1 1 (Pl ant Heatup from Cold Shutdown Coadi ti on) . The shutdown banks must be at the f ully withdrawn position whenever positi ve reactivity i s .being added .by bor on and xenon-changes, reactor coolant temperature change, or motion.of par length- rods or control banks oth,er then the shutdown tank (0.75)

 .       - . If the count" rate of either source range charnel increases by a f actor of two or more during any, step involving boren con-centration change, the operation must be stopped immediately and suspended until a satisf actory evefvation1has been_sede by the Shif t Super viso (0.75) Hydrazine should not be added unless the volyse control tank

gas blanket contains less than 2.Dy, oxyge (0.5)

     ' If hydrazine is added to scavenge oxygen during heatup, the    i deminer alizers- should be bypasse (0 5) ,
        - .



s . .


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_ _ __ _ . _ _ . - - - . _ . _ _


Z __tt0CEQuaL1_:_uGLa&La_ARNatBalt EEEEEENCI_&NQ PAGE 11


QUE STI ON 7.07- (3.00) Anbwerthe following concer ning information found in PDP- ( R oac to r . S ta r tu p) .. What are the MINUMUM requirements f or Source and Intermediate r ange operabili ty (8 required) prior to startupt - 40.5) What is the MINIMUM temperature for' criticality? (0.5) What is the MAXIMUM startup rate permitted under normal (0.5) conditions? - de What is the MINIMUM source range count rate required f or a startup uti l izi ng control rods ? - (0 51 BRIEFLY DESCRIBE the action required if It appears that ,


c ri ti cal i ty wil l be achieved greater than 100- steps below the ECP but less than the allowed rod insertion -limitt (1 0) GUE STION 7.08 ( 3.00) Tho RCS is in a solid condition with temperature and pressure at , 10 0 F . a nd 300 psi The RHR system -l;s operating with one pump cnd is letting down to the CVCS. One charging pump is operatin Tho " VALVE. 730 OR' 731 NOT FULLY OPEN" annunci ator is receive What immedi ate operator actions are required? (2.4) '

       - Approximately how long after'the alara receipt will the valves be fully cl osed .   -

End of category 7-

 . . . _ _ - . . -. -_ _ _ _ _ _

Es__AQB15111&&IIME_EBOCEDUEESt.CDH111LDUSt_&MQ.LIBII&IIDHS PAGE 12 . . . . QUE S TI ON 8.01 (1.00) What is the~ required Technical Specification action if the Ol osel Gener ator 'Su ll ding Water Sprinkler Sys tem is determined ineperablet (1.0)

.          . .

Q UE S TION 8.02 (2.50) Su ppl y numer ical values to complete the following flaltations concerning Refuelin g Fuel Handling and Storage conditions as set forth by IP-3 T echnical Specif icati on During r e ac tor vessel head removal and while loading and unloadi'ns fuel in the reactor, Teve shall be _< ____F and the minlaum boron concentration sufficient to maintain the reactor, s ubcr i ti c al by at least __E Delta k/ . (1.0)

         - . During periods of spent fuel cask or 'f uel storage building cask crane movenant over the spent fuel pite or during periods of spent fuel mo'vement i n 'the spent fuel pit, when the pit contains irradiated fuels the pit shall be filled with bor ated wat er a t a concent ratt en of

_)..___., pp (0 5) What lam e di ate action is required if refueling is in progress and conditions in "a" above are not sett (1 0) i i


QUE STION 8 03 (2.00) What action sus t be taken if the RCS Specific Activity exceeds 1.0 uCl /cc, Dose Equivalent I--131 a n d also exceeds the limi t of the Technical Specif ication activi ty Figure 3.1-37 (1 0)

         . -
         ' What is the TS basis for the ACTION required for a high RCS Specific Activity as described abovet      (1.0)
         . _
' - ~ '

m- - - - - __ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _



, .


.      . .

t QUE STI ON 8.04 (1 50) Ac cor di ng to Indian Point 3 Technical Specifications The RCS heatup rate averaged over one hour shall not exceed ______F p er ho u (0.5) The Pressurizer cooldown rate,' averaged over one hour shall not exceed ______F per hou (0.5)

      . . The maximus allowable temperature diff erence between the pressure Pressure and spray _ fluid shall not exceed ______ )

Q UE STION 8.05 (3.00) What are the FOUR "Minimus Conditions f or Cri ticality" imposed by.IP-3 Technical Spacifications? (3.0) QUE S TION 8.06 (3.00) Tecporary changes may be made to plant procedures governed by Tochn i c al S p eci f ica ti ons if three criteria are me Provide ' those THREE cri ter i a/ condi tion (3.0)

 .      -

l QUE STION 8.07 (3 50) Answer the f oll owing in accordance with information in the IP-3 Te c hn i c al S p eci f i ca ti on' Define "High Radi ation Area". (1 0) _ . Any i ndividual permitted-to enter a High Radiation Area shall be provided or accompanied by one of three methods of radiation monitoring.. De sc r i bes in detail, any ONE of these methods. . . (1.5) L ist the additi onal requirements for the physical control of an area in whi ch r~adi ation levels exceed those .of a "High . . Radia ti on Area". (1.0)

      . .

y -- - -- __ --,__m _ _ m - , - ,.

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   ....:. ... ... ......... . . .   - - . . - . - . . ...
.          l


.        .  .

i l I QUESTION 8.08 (3.50) ,


Answer the f ollowin g utilizing inf ormation found in AP-11, Radioactive Effluents Control Progra What is the slaisua circulator' flow required for all Ilquid r adleactive releasest (0.25)

        . . . Who (by title) may authorize a liquid release at less than the minimum cir culator flow?      (0.25)
        - What are almus conditions required of the following Par aseters to p ermit a continuous S/G Blowdown release?

If an option is permitted, either option i s acceptabl ) Radiation Monitoring 21 Flow Monitoring Equipment 3) Dilution Fl ow (1.5)

de Describe what additional requi rements are imposed if a liquid waste tank rele ase is to be performed with R-18 inoperabl (1.5)

QUESTION 8.09 (2.50) The f ollowing quest ions per tain to AP-13, Jumper Centrol Procedur , From the -conditions below, choose the ONE that would NOT be considered use of a jumpers by procedur (0.5)

         . Lifting an installed wire Use. of an i nstalled bypass switch Gagging'of a safety valve Remo ving 'f uses f rom 'a tr ip circuit Changing a se tpoint to a value where i t becomes i nef f ec tive . What type of tag is required to be attached to a jumpert    (0.5)

_ . . Who must authorize a jumper if it is to be instaIIed to defeat a tr ip or nuclear s af ety circuit in a non-emergency s i tu a ti o (1.0)

        . - Who 'must au thor ize a Jumper if it is specified in an approved pr ocedure?      (0 5)
        - - -
     -,,-.,wr-3 .- *--- - - - - - . -
  -- - - - . -
     ........--..-.s.-...: s
 -- '  -




. .     .

Q UE STION solo (2 50) The following pertain to 50P-CB-2, Containment Entry and Egress.

l ! Who (by title) must approve a containment entry inside l the crane wall while at power? (0.5)

      . Provide THREE situations that require a containment entry group  p to leave the containment prior to Job completio (1 5 J What is the MAXIMUM size of the group allowed at power?  (0.25f
      ' What is the MINIMUM size of the group allowed at powerf  (0.25)
      . .

End of category 8'


l l l l . -. - .. . _ _ _ _ _ . _ -. _ _ - - _ _ .

-   EQUAT10N SHEET f = ma  v = s/t  Cycle efficiency = (Net work out)/(Energy in)

w = mg s = V3 : + 1/2 at2 2 , E = mc KE = 1/2 mv A = AN A=Aeg a = (Vf - Vo )/t PE = mgn Vf = V, + at * = e/t 1= tn2/t1/2 = 0.693/t1/2 W = v nD 2 t 1/2 8 " b' A= 4 [(t1/2) + (t b)3 t.E = 931 sn - m = V,yAo ,

     -Ex Q = mCpat 6 = UA A T   I=Iec Pwr = Wfah   I = I ,10**/U L TVL = 1.3/u P = P 10sur(t)   HVL = -0.693/u P = Po e*/ .

SUR = 26.06/T SCR = S/(1 - K,ff) CR x = 2/(1 - K,ffx) SUR = 25a/t* + (s - o)T CR j (1 - K,ffj) = CR2 (1 - keff2) . T = ( t*/o ) + [(s - o y Io ] M = 1/(1 - K,ff) = CR /CRj 3 T = 1/(o - s) M = (1 - K,ffg)/(1 - K,ffj) T = (a - o)/(Io) SDM = (1 - K ,ff)/K ,ff a = (K ,ff-1)/K ,ff = AK ,ff/K,ff L' = 10 seconds I = 0.1 seconds o = ((t*/(T K,ff)] + [i,ff /(1 + U)] Idjj=Id P = (I4V)/(3 x 1010) I jd) 2 ,27d 2 22 2 I=N R/hr = (0.5 CE)/d (meters) R/hr = 6 CE/d2 (f,,g) , Water Parameters Miscellaneous Conversions 1 gal. = 8.345 le curie = 3.7 x 1010 ap3 1 ga]. = 3.78 liters I kg = 2.21 lem 1 ft4 = 7.48 ga np = 2.54 x 103 Stu/nr Density = 62.4 lbm/ft3 1 mw = 3.41 x 100 5tu/hr Density = 1 gm/e lin = 2.54 cm Heat of vaporization = 970 Stu/lem *F = 9/5'C + 32 Heat of fusion = 144 Stu/lbm 'C = 5/9 (*F-32) 1 Atm = 14.7 psi = 29.9 in. H BTU = 778 ft-lbf 1 ft. H 2O = 0.4335 lbf/i , . . . . .

   - - '
    ~. .
     ... ... .. . _ . . . . . . . . . . . , , , ,





ANSWERS -- INDI AN POINT 3 -85/04/23-SAILDR, . A NS W ER 5.01 (3.00) MORE NEGATIVE [0 253 There is less boron to leave the core ares Per degr ee change of coolant temper ature (or. equivalent). [0.733. (1.0)

       .. LESS NEG ATIVE [ 0.25] The changes in resonant absorption by U238 become less as temperature increases (or~ equivalent). [0 753   (1 0)
    . I MORE NEGATIVE [0 253 Boron concentration decreases, resulting in f::: :;;eet * ti e; ;f r.::tra : f e r J2 3 a et;;;...i .L.; pt";;

M er 0 ; ; ! ; ;" ;..0 ) . [0 753 a rnere negaHve (1 0)


RE FER ENCE IP-3 ECI Rx Theory; Chapter 5s Pages 27, 54, 56 and 67


A NS WER 5 02 (2.50) Ma The ratio of the total number of fission and source neutrons to the total number of neutrons which would exist due to the source onl (0.75)

       . . As Kef f approaches is M approaches infinity and cannot be used to predict criticality graphicall (0 75) C R = 100 (1-0.95 / 1-0 99) = 100(5) = 500 cps    (1.0)

REFERENCE IP-3 ECI Rx Theory - Chapter 4, Pa ge s 53, 63p ' 74, 82 and 83


A NS WER 5.03 (2.00) (2) Cor e axial flux profile [0.53 Rod worth is proportional to

 'the neutron fl ux present. Less flux is present -at the top an bottom areas o f the core resulting in less. rod worth in these
areas. [1.5J (2.01 RE FER ENCE IP-3 ECI Rx Theory; C hapter 7, Pages 21> 22 and 27 i


.       l



^ l 1._ _Id EQ Rt _DE_bJ CLE A R.20kER_ ELABI_D EER &IIDu t E L ulDit_ A H Q PAGE 17 ;




ANSWERS -- INDI AN POINT 3 -85/04/23-SAILOR, A NS WER 5.04 (2.00) DECRE ASES [0.53 Pu 239 concentration increases (while U 235 concentration decreases) [1.0 (1.5)

      ' LARGER SUR    (0 5)
     . .

REFERENCE Cocpr ehensi ve Nucle ar Tr aining Operations, Fundamentals of Nuclear Re act or Phys i cs, Ch ap ter 7, Pages 33 to 38 . IP-3 ECI Rx Theory, Chapter 4, Pages 15 and 32


A NS WER 5 05 (2.00)

.  .

3 3 Power (2) = Power (1) * (N2/N1) = 300 * (4) = 19.2 NW (0.5) 2 2 Delta P(2) = Delta P(1) * (N2/ N1) = 50 * (4). = 800 psid (0.5) F low (2) = F4 cw(1) * (N2/N1) = 880 * 4 = 3520 spa (0.5) Answers el (0.55


REFERENCE Thoraal .iydr aulic Pri nciples and Applications to the PWR, Chapter los P a g'es .10-3 2 to 4 .. IP-3 Thermodynamics, Chapter 6s Pa ges 27-30, 35-36, and 41 _ _ _ _ _ -

_ _. .



 . IWEBdQQItiatilti       ..

ANSWERS -- INDI AN P OINT 3 -85/04/23-SAILOR, ANS WER 5.06 ( 3.00 ) Fission gasses pollute the Helium gas causing a reduction in gap thermal c on duc t i v i ty [0.5 T hi s ..r esa i ts in increased fuel temp-erature change for a gi ven power change, causing an. increase in . the magnitude o f the coef ficient [0.5 . . (1 0) Fuel densification causes a decrease in the fuel pellet dimension resulting in an increase in the . fuel to clad gap dimension.and- .. higher fuel temperature [0.53. .This causes an increase in the magni tude o f the coef ficient [0.5 (1.0)

        . . Clad creep effectively shrinks the clad into closer contact with

the fuel, i ncre as ing the gap thermal conductivity [0.5 This. . r esul ts in a fuel temperature decrease and a lower value for the c oe f f i ci ent [0.5 . . (1.0)

        . .

REFERENCE Re actor' Control for L ar ge PWR8 s, Chapter 2, Pages 2-40 to 4 IP-3 ECI Rx Theory, Chapter 5, Pages 56 through 59


A NS WER 5.07 ( 2.5 0 ) NO (0.5)

         - Plant ef ficiency decreases because HP feed heaters are no l onge'r 'p r ov idin g an increase in feedwater temper.sture. [0.753 Reactor powerioust .inc~r ease to make up for the lower feedwater enthalpy. [0.75 3 When steam fl ow is reduced to maintain reactor Power Iess than 75%, actual gener ator ' megawatt output will tHe

' less than er equal to the original value.'[0.53 (2 0)

        . ,

l REFERENCE IP-3 Ther modynamics, Chapter 2, pages 32 through 35 i


ANS WER 5.08 (2.00) C on ve c ti on f g Radi a ti onKonve ct ion (I ar ge De It a T ) (ehr ord/or ; Conduction Convection (nat ur all [0.5 each3 (2.0)

- - - -. _- . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .  -- - - . . _ _ ,

ta__IHEQRY_DE HJCLE&R.EQMER_EL&MI DEEE& LIQ 1t_ELUlQSt_&MQ PAGE 19 ISER50DXM&BIC1 . . . ANSWERS -- INDI AN POINT 3 -85/04/23-SAILOR, . REFERENCE IP-3 Ther modynaalcs s Chapter 8s pages 2, 28 and 30 through 34


A NS WER 5.09 (3.00) Rod gr oups sequenced and overl appe Rod laserti on limits adhered t c. . Axial lFl ux Dif f er ence llatts adhered to.~ Rod to group al li gnment mainta ined. [0 75 each3 _


REFERENCE IP-3 TSs : p ages 3.10-10 and 11


ANS WER 5 10 (3 00) SANE [0 253. Steam dumps will compensate f or any additional heat added'by the f o ur th RC RCS temperature /reactivi ty unchange (0 75) ECP 10WER than ACP [0.253 Xenon will increase to near peak at 8 hours af ter tri Rods must be higher to compensat . .(0.75)

 -   - .   . ECP! LOWER- than ACP [0 253 The corresponding temperature increase i

aust be compens ated by a higher-critical rod positio . -(0.75) I ECP:41GHER than ACP [0.253 The reduction in temperature must be , compensated ~by a lower rod positio . .(0.75) l - . . .


l RE FER ENCE IP-3 Gr aphs Boo ks --S ec tion is Pages 4 and 8



. .... _....... , ... _ . . . . . . . . ....... .. ... _ ..._ .



.        . . .

ANSWERS -- INDI AN POINT 3 -85/04/23-SAILOR, . . A NS WER 6.01 (2.00) TRUE b . .. TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE [0.4 e ach] (2.0)

       - _

RE FER ENCE IP-3 SD Pl ant Chemi stry) Pages 13, 16 and 21


ANSWER ~ 6.02 (3.00) '- Thermal Barri er CCW Header Lo Flow-1 RCP Thermal'8arrier Cooling Return Hi Temp

- Pr'ocess. Moni t or Hi Radiation (and respective indicating-light)
-- Component Coo il ng Sur ge Tank No. '31/32 ' Level   .

C ".T ; W l4MownTep any 43 ach3 (1.53 Return high f low closes return is ol ati o n val ve i ?01:(KV-425),


4) Isolates on reverse flow Check

- Reli val ve(

ef valve ( 7[783) protects isolated piping [0.5 each] (1.5)

       . _

RE FER ENCE IP-3 SD CC W, Pages 3, 4 and 20 PI D 9321-F-2 720 3-13 ANS WER 6.03 (2.50) (R-ll or R-12)

- CHigh-hi
- on t a i gh nmeConn ta t Hinment i g h R Pressure ad i oact i vi ty (CStG)

ESF (SI) .

- Manual Contai nment Spray
- Manual 'Co.4 each)     (2.0)
       . - TRUE Vap.Gn todin (cusE accsplaf wiv Ac4Mg /cene desjpn assump/ ion-)(R-29 or Ch.2.) [  (0.5i
       . _ .

RE FER ENCE IP-3 SD Cont. Isol.s Page 13 +22 IP-3 SD Cont. Spray, Pages 3 and 4




ANSWERS -- INDI AN P OINT 3 -85/04/23-5AILOR, l ANS WER 6.04 (3.50) '

 - No D/G fault
 - D/G voltage satisf actory
 - No Bus 5A rault
 - Los s - o f outsi de pow'er confirmed' ( 52/5 A breaker'open)
 - Bus 5A undervoltage condition  .
 - Bus tie breaker'(2AT5A)~-open-[any 5 3 0.4 each3  (2.0)
    . _ _ SI pump 31
 - C on Spr ay p ump 31
 - Service water pump 34 1  . Cont. Recirc fan 31
 - Cont. Recirc fan.33 CCW pump 31 [0.25 each, 444 required)  (1.5)
  . Serwh Wahr pmp si  6 .
       . .

RE FERENCE IP-3 SD ESF, Pages 18 and 21 ANS WER 6.05 (3.00) INCREASE [0.253 Current in aff ected quadr ant increases with r espect to aver age currents [0.753 . . MDRE~ NE'GATIVE [0.253 Di f f erence between (top-botton) flux increases [0.753 . D ECRE AS E [3.25 3. M4H [ 0.75] AI pnath en4ers OPET caMdon (3,03 REFERENCE IP-3 SD Excore Instr., Figure 13-17 IP-3 SD Uni t Pr otec ti on, Page 10 A NS WER 6.06 (3.50) AUTOMATIC

 - MANUAL [ 0. ~25 each) -
       . . Assure adequa te trip reactivity (SDM).  [0.53
 - Minialze ef f rod ejection acci den [0.53
 - Assure power di stribution.fimLts maintaine [0.5 each) (1.5)
   . . . . . _ ) NONE 2) IN ( NONE 04f OM 6 M"1h IS SM-)

3) IN 4 C AT ; [0.25 each] (1.5)

-wr---*---.-,--yvy i.- - ,, _      -

_. . . - . . .


, h a.__EL AMI.S X11E51-QE11ENa._CQ UIEDLa._ AN Q_lhilE U5 EMI&llQ h PAGE 22

.     .   ..  .

ANSWERS -- INDI AN POINT 3 -85/04/23-SAILOR, REFERENCE IP-3 SD RCCS, Pages 20 and 63 through 70 IP-3 TSs . P a ge 3 10-15


ANS WER 6.07 (2.50) Precludes brittle f ailure of RC (0.5) SZ6 - - At M F [0.11 the block valves are opened [0.41 and the PORV trip relays are armed [0 53 at a pressure differ.ence o psig [0 5J between the[looplpressure 'O.22 and the pressure p ro gr am, the DRVs will open to reduce pressure [0.23 (1.5) The fellows assephbs me+ be M e @ bb ocar . . F (326) 0'Swes'Tmks are msintled (0.5)

  :) Block val *S are awnlable,     . .
  ( 5) F08tt/s om in ou+oMc .

IP-3 SD Pr essur izer and PRTs pages 33 and 34 19,3 POP 3 3, pageg A NS WER 6.08 (3.00)

    (0 5] ) Prevent condenser overpressure [0.33] and condenser tube lapingement 0.2 $/63  _ .

2) Prevent operation in .Temperatuare Mode unless an actual'  ;

 "large" loa d rejection occurs [0.33 (1.0) ' (Con den s er r cu lating [ Water Pump Breaker Position f 0.52
 -- Condens er Ci v a c uu m 44,44 /.0)  - -   (1 0)
         . Turbine contr ol oil pressure low (45 psig) [0.53
 - Either 86 P o r 86 U lockout relays ener gized [0.53    (1 0)

_ _ REFERENCE IP-3 SD, Steam Dump and LP Bypass, Pages 4, 5, and 9


A NS W ER 6.09 (2.00) FP suction (header) pressure

- FP discharge (header) pressure
- Mn.s team (hea de r) pressure

S/G steae flow [0.375 each) (1.5) Runs back the pump speed for reduced suction pressures (315 psig to 280 psig) (0.5) l

     " "' -- - - - " ' " - - " ' ' ~ '-

ho__EL AHl.111IE51_QE SIGHa._rgBIgata _agg,IHgIgUBENI AIIDH PAGE 23


ANSWERS -- INDI AN POINT 3 -85/04/23-SAILOR, RE F ER ENCE ' IP-3 SD SGWLC) Pages 2 and 12

. _ _ _ _ _ - - . - . . _ . . _. _.__._..-. - _ - -.  - - - - - .. . . _ . . - _ _ _ , _ _ , . . . . . _. . .






        -- -

ANSWERS -- INDI AN POINT 3 -85/04/23-SAILOR, A NS WER 7 01 (3.50) Two or mor e r ods f all to insert after a reactor tri Uncontrolled cooldown below 540.F If one rod stuck out f ol l ow i ng a r eactor tr i Uncontrolled cooldown below 500 F following a reactor tri Control bank position below the bank insertion limi [ 0. 5 each, alI required) (2 0) Open Emer gency Boration Valve (MOV-333) [0.53

 - Place operati ng BAT pump in fast speed [0.53
 - Incr ease char ging pump speed to maximum [0.53    (1 5)

REFERENCE PE P-C VC S-3, pages 1 and 2


A NS WER 7.02 (3.50) Containment spr ay (pumps and discharge valves) actuatio Containment Phase B actuatio S team line is olation valve closur [0.5 each) (1.5) Ver i f y SI pump oper ation THEN

 - S top all RCP [0.5 each)   (1 0) A leak is from the pressurizer vapor spac A bubb le exi s ts in' the reactor Jessel are [0.5 each3 (1 0)
 - Adene containmed condRibns    Lany 2.] _ _ .

REFERENCE l P E P-E S-le pages 1, 5 and 6 , PE P - E S - f t , pqp 5 ANS UER 7.03 (4.00) a. - 4epr ess the manual tri p pushbuttons.(b4C N c p 4*

 -De pr es s test cabinet pushbutton Open DC Di stri bution P anel ci rcui ts ( P31-7 and P32-8).


 .Open the r eact or trip breakers locall Open the MG se t generator bre akers locally. N wr N f'*# [ 4 8 * )
 - Se-ener giz e the MG sets local ly (at the 480 volt switchgear).

De-en er giz e th e 480 volt busses 2A and 6A. [0.4 each) (2.8)

b. - 4epress the manual tri p pushbutto .Initi ate trip at turbine f ron t standar C l os e - the MSIV [0.4 each) (1.2)
. _ _ - . - . - . _ _ _ - _ . - - _ _ - - . - _ _ - _ _ _ . _ , _

Is__ELDCEQuRE1_ h215&Lt_ABBDEBALt_EBERGENC1_&NQ PAGE 25 EAQlDLOGICAL_CQHIROL -- - AN SWE RS -- INDI AN P OINT 3 -85/04/23-SAILOR, REFERENCE P E P-R P C-1, p a ge s 1, 2 and l A NS UER 7.04 (3.00) c. - Pr essur izar te mp er atur e[6L

- Loop (WR) temp er atur e s lo33
- Core exi t ther mocouples [e:: .;;u! ;d 2 0.2 ;;;h3  (0.6)
  [o.13 No manif old flo w exists f or NR RTDs   (0.4)

c. - 4/G s team rele as e with constant -steam pressur Core exit TCs below saturation temperature f or existing RCS 'pressJre and constant or decreasin Cold leg temperatures near saturatien for S/G-pressur Hot leg temper atures constant or decreasing (approximately the same as TCs). . -

. Loop Delta T not more than full power Delta [four r e qJ i r ed @ 0.5 each)    (2.0)

RE F ER ENCE O N O P-R C S-6, pages 2 and 4 A NS WER 7.05 (2.50)


Ens ur e b o th P ORVs are shut. [0.53


Ensure both spray valves are shut. [0.53


Ensure backup nea ters are energi zed ( i f p r e ssure <2185 ps i g ). [0.53

- Che ck auxiliary s pr ay v a l ve ( 212 ) . s h u t [ 0 5 3 and either normal or .

alternate cha rgin g isolation val ves (204 A/B) are ::;;;;.r[0.53 . (2.5) Cpen RE FER ENCE ON OP-RC S-Z e page 2c

 - ,

. . .





ANS WER 7.06 (2.50)

   ' E nsur e adequate shu't down mar' sin avallabis.! , ,
      (0.75) This indicates a possible excessi,ve reactivity insertidn (a'hich *

may r esult in an undesired criticality). ~

      . (0.75)

Expected hy dro g en pr oducti on ( associat ed withh'.y draen ;;;r us e) may r esul t is an ex pl osi ve mi-xtur ! . (0.5)

       . Hydrazine will expend the demineralizer resin'.
(CAF all)      (0.5)

RE F ER ENCE pages 3 through 5 ANSWER 7.07 (3.00) each r ang e (0.5) F (Orleriftof bss/Teq.Cwve-) (0.5) I dpa (0.5) cps (0.5) Borate a suf f icient amount [0 53

- Recalculate t he ECP [0.53     (1.0)

REFERENCE PDP-1.2, pages le 2 and 7 Qnd Conte RCS f A A NS WER 7.08 (3.00) a. 5- Adjust LO Pressure Control ( PC-13 5 ) to maintain 50 psi decure char gi ng pum .S ecur e Rd R pu mp .7 - Place EXLD in servic gEnsure PJRVs properly oper at I Open 730/ 731 as soon as they close. [0.4 each, all required) (2.4)

      ' /2 mi nut es ( 3-4 a c c e p t e d ) [.2.-5 {er hat { credit]  (0.6)
,- .

Z a_ _itR QC EQ U E E1_:_hQ L B& Ls._&RH DEB AL a_ E5 ERE EN;1_ A H Q PAGE 27 R&D10LQGICAL_C011RDL -

AN SWERS -- INDI AN P OINT 3 -85/04/23-SAILOR, RE FER ENCE PDP-3.4, page 3


O e

, . _ . .
      - . . .:: .
, ?

I . . . R 6__AQ51HLSIE AILEE_EEQ CEQUEESt_CQualllQHSt_&HQ _L1511&Il0HS PAGE 28 _ AN S WE RS -- I N DI AN P OI NT 3 -85/04/23-SAILOR, ANS WER 8.01 (1.00) Es tab l i sh a continuous fire watch within 1 hour.[053 (1.0)

  [0 57 RE F ER ENCE I P-3 TS , P a g e - 3.14-2 ANS WER 8 02 (2.50) F, 101 (0.5 each)     (1 0) ppe      (0.5) All refueling o per ation must ceas (1.0)

REFERENCE IP-3 TS, Pages 3.8-2 and 3


A NS WER 8.03 (2.00) Immedi a t ely br i ng the plant to Hot Shutdown with RCS Tavo <500 (1 0)

   . Prevents atmospheric release via S/G If a S/G tube ruptur e wer e to occur (because the corresponding S/G At relief setpoint is above S/G saturation pressure).    (1.0)

REFERENCE IP-3 TS, Page 3 1-14 and 15 A NS WER 8.04 (1.50) F F F- [0.5 each] (1.5) RE FER ENCE IP-3 TS, P a ge 3 1-4 _ . _ . - _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _

     - - - - -- __ __
   ._ . -  -- - ..


. *, ,
;  .

s a__ &251Hlil E AIL EE_E RO CED UEESa_COH11110H S t_482_ LIBIIALIDH1 PAGE 29

- ANSWERS -- INDI AN P OINT 3   -85/04/23-SAILOR, B.

l ! A NS W ER 8.05 (3 00) Negatiwe MTC [0.753 . ' P ressur e-tamper atur e limits curve adhered to (to the right of)

 [ 0. 753 T ave greater than (or equal to ) 450 F  [0.75J

, Bubble in the pressurizer [0.753 (3.0) l REFERENCE IP-3 TS, P a g e 3.1-12 ANS WER 8.06 (3.00)

- The i ntent of the original procedures is not altered. [1.03
- The change is approved by two members of the plant staff, at least one of whom holdsia Senior Reactor Operator's license on the uni t aff ected. [1 03

' to.s] '

- The change is doi   ented, reviewed by the PORC and approved by the Resident Manager within 14 days of implementation. [D.53   (3.0)

_ RE F ER ENCE IP-3 TS, Pa ge 6-13 a ! i

-m-- m . - - , , , , - - , _ - - - -

a . t


ta__A2518111RA11EE_ERQCEDURESa_CDB21110 Hit _&HQ_L1511&ILQHS PAGE 30


ANSWERS -- INDI AN POINT 3 -85/04/23-SAILOR, ANS WER 8.07 (3.50) Area with l evel s between 100 and 1000 mres/h (1.0) A radiation monitoring device which continuously indicates the radiation dose rate in the are A radiation monitoring device which continuously integrates the radiation dose rate in the ar ea and alarms when a preset integrated dose is received. Entry into such areas with this moni to r in g de vi ce may be made after the dose rate level in the area has been established and personnel have been made k no w l e d ge a bl e of the An Indivi dual qualified in radiation protection procedures who is equipped with a radiation dose rate monitoring device. This i nd i v i d ua l shall be responsible f or providing positive contro over the activities within the area and shall perform period.ic r adi ation sur veill ance at the f requency specified by the f acili ty Heal th Physi cist in the Radi ation Work Permi [One of the above answers required.) (1.5) , Doors must be locked [0.53 and the keys must he maintained under administr ative control [0.53 (of the SS or Env. Supr.) (1.0)


REFERENCE IP-3 TS, P age 6-20 A NS WER 8.08 (3.50) ,000 gpa (0.25) Operations Sup (0.25) ) - R-19 GPer a bl e [0.5 3

- S/G sampled daily (Once/ watch if activity high) [0.53 2) - Fl ow Meter s in Ser vice [0.53
- Estima ted flow based on valve position every 4 hours [0.53 3) - 10,003 spe [0.53
- Ops. S upt. and Rac. E Env Serv. Supt concurrence [0.53 (El ther answer accep table f or 1-3)   (1.5) indepen dent s amp les [0.53
- 2 independent r elease calculati on ver if i cation [0.5 3
- 2 independent valve lineup verifications. [0.53  (1.5)
. *
., -



A s_ _ &Q BIH L S IE AILEE_ERQ EEQUEESt_CQH11Il0 HSt_& HQ.LlulI&llQHS PAGE 31 ANSWERS -- INDI AN P OINT 3 -85/04/23-SAILOR, l REFERENCE A P-11 s Pages 1-5 I A NS WER 8.09 (2.50)

-. (2)      (0.5) DO NOT OPERATE TAG     (0.5) ) Oper a ti ons Superintendent, Supt. of Powers PORC C0.33 each) (1.0)

2) Shif t Super visor (0.5) REFERENCE ' l l AP-13, Pages 1-3


, ANS WER 8.10 (2.50) { Operations Sup (0.5)

       ' Dosi meter at 3/4 scale
' Unpl anned evacuation alarm
- Communications f ailure
- ESF actuation
- (C AF o the rs) [0.5*eachs any 33   (1 5) (6)     (0.25)

l (2) (0.25) REFERENCE IP-3 SOP-CB-2, Pages 1-4 l l l t . _. -_.-

   . _ . _ _
    . . - . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . .
.o O
: c'     AttecaisuT 1

!:_ CHANGES MADE TO WRITTEN EXAM DURING EXAMINATION REVIEW: R0 EXAM Answer N Change 1.04b Added additional plausible answer per IP3 POPl.2, page .05a Added additional plausible answer per IP-3 Ventilation and Containment logic Drawing .09b Added additional plausible answers per IP-3 FSA .03a Added additional plausible answers per IP-3 ES-1C, page .SRO EXAM 6.03a Added additional plausible answer per IP-3 SD Containment Isolation, page 2 .07 Added three assumptions per'IP-3 POP 3.3, page .02c Same as 4.03a abov . }}