IR 05000160/1997201
ML20199K873 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Neely Research Reactor |
Issue date: | 11/24/1997 |
From: | NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned) |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML20199K863 | List: |
References | |
50-160-97-201, NUDOCS 9712010223 | |
Download: ML20199K873 (17) | |
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Docket No: 50 160 License No: - R 97 ,
I Report No: 50 160/97 201 J
Licensee: . Georgia Institute of Techr Jogy
' Facility: Georgia Institute of Technology Research Reactor (GTRR)
I.ocation: 900 Atlantic Drive -
Atlanta, GA 30332 Dates: October 27 31, 1997 Inspector:- C. H. Bassett. Senior Radiation Speclafist Approved by: Seymour H. Weiss, Director ..
Non Power Reactors and Decommissioning Project Directorate
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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Georgia Institute of Technology Report No: 50 160/97 201 This routine, announced inspection included the leview of selected aspects of the ll:ensee's organi; ration, operations, and maintenanco activities; review and audit and design change functions; the operator requalification program; procedures; fuel movement; the surveillance program; experiments; radiation controls and environmental protection; transportation of radioactive materials; the safeguards and program; and the material control and accounting progra Organization, Operations, and Maintenance Activities
- The staffing level for the f acility was being maintained as required and the individuals filling the positions met the qualifications outlined in the Technical Specifications (TS).
- No reactor operations were being conducte * Maintenance was being performed in accordance with license and TS requirement Review and Audit and Desi0n Chan00d Functions
- The Nuclear Safeguard Committee (NSC) met as required by TS 6.2 and performed audits of the licenseo's overall progra * NSC audit findings were substantive and the licensee took corrective actions as neede * Design changes were made in accordance with licensee procedures and no unroviewed safety questions were identifie Regualification Pro 0 ram o Roqualification training was not being done because the reactor was shut down and no iurther operation was anticipate * If a roeised operator roqualification program is not approved by the NRC before the end of the current biennial requalification cycle December 1997), the licensed operators will need to complete the required trainin Procedures
- Facility procedures were acceptable and satisfied TS requirements for being revised, reviewed, ar.d approved by the NSC.
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Fuel Movement
- No fuel movement had occurred since the licensee had shipped all fuel off site in early 199 Surveillance Program o The hSC had approved discontinuing most of the surveillance tests since they are regulied only when the reactor is operate * Results of the surveillance test for contalt ent building integrity showed that the leak rate was within the limits specified in the 1 Experiments l
- Those reactor experiments reviewed by the inspector were conducted using 1 rev!cwed and approved procedures and were acceptably documente * Since the beginning of 1996, no experiments have been completed using the reacto Environmental Protection
- Ef fluent monitoring satisfied license and regulatory requirement Radiation Protection
- Surveys were completed and documented acceptably to permit evaluation of the radiation hazards that might exis * Postings satisfied regulatory requirament * Personnel dosimetry was being worn es required and doses were well within the licensee's specified procedural T..on levels and regulatory limit * Radiation monitoring equipment was being maintained and calibrated as require * The Radiation Protection Program and Respiratory Protection Program satisfied regulatory requirement Transportation
- No shipments of licensed material have been made from the f acility since February 1996. The review of that shipment was documented in inspection Report Number (No.) 50160/96-0 Safegpards and Security
- The NRC approved security program at the facility was acceptably implemented, i Ma:erial Control and Accountability l
- No deficiencies were identified in the licensee's Material Controi and Accounting program.
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REPORT DETAILS Summary of Plant Status The five-megawatt (SMW) thermal, heavy water moderated and cooled research reactor was shut down on November 17,1995, in preparation for removing the fuel before '.he Olympic Games began in the summer of 1996. Fuel was removed during the first two months of 1996 and no new fuel was shipped to the facility. The coactor has remained shut down and i has not been operated since November 1995. The licensee applied for a Possession Only License (POL) on Auge ' 7,1997, following a decision to decommission the reacto . Organization, Operation, and Maintenance Activities (39745)
a. Inspection Scope To verify compliance with Technical Specifications (TS) 6.1 and approved procedures, the inspector reviewed:
- the current staffing level at the f acility, e operations log books, and
- maintenance records, b. Observation and Findings The inspector noted that Dr. Ratib Karam had retired from the position of Director of the Neely Nuclear Research Center (NNRC) effective June 30,1997. Dr. Nolan Hortel had been appointed by the President of the Georgia Institute of Technology to replace him on July 1,1997. Before his ruirement, Dr. Karam had also been functioning as 'he Reactor Engineer for the facility. The licensee had subsequently appointed a Senior Reactor Operator (SRO) to fill that position. It was determined that the newly appointed individuals had been given the responsibilities and met the requirements detailed in the TS. The individual who was functioning as the Reactor Supervisor remained in that position though only on a part time basi A review of the facility operations log book showed that the reactor had been shut down and operations stopped on November 11,1995. This was done in preparation to remove the fuel from the reactor before the Olympic Games began in the summer of 1996. No reactor operations had been conducted since then. All the reactor fuel was subsequently shipped off site during January and February of 1996. Because of this, the licensee had ceased keeping a log boof for the reactor on March 15,199 A review of the maintenance records for the facility showed that no maintenance was being done for most of the equipment related to the reactor because none was required with the reactor shutdown. Maintenance was being done for radiation and airborne radicactivity monitoring equipment, c. Conclusions The licensee was maintaining the staffing level as required and the individuals filling the positions met the 4ualifications outlined in the TS. No reactor operations were being conducted. Maintenance was being performed in accordance with license and TS requirement .r- . . . _ . . _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _. __ _ _._ _ _
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2. - Review and Audit and Design Change Functions (40745) Ins 9ection Scope To verify compliance with the requirements detailed in TS 6.2,10 CFR 50.59, and licensee procedures, the inspector reviewed:
+ the' minutes of recent Nuclear Safeguards Committee (NSC) meetings,
+ the results of recent NSC audits, e the responses of the licensee to the NSC audits, and e design changes considered anti /or completed by the license Observations and Findings Minutes of the NSC meetings for 1995,1996, and 1997 to date were reviewe ,
- The inspector also attended the NSC meeting held on October 28,1997, it was determined that the NSC met at least quarterly as required by TS and that a quorum was present during the meetings. The issues reviewed were consistent with the topics required to be reviewed as outlined in TS 6.2 and procedure changes were discussed and approved as required. It was noted that the NSC completed audits of the overall program as stipulated by the TS and that the findings were substantive. The licensee responded to each finding and took corrective actions as
neede It was also noted that, during the NSC meeting on April 11,1996, a listing of the various surveillances typically completed at the f acility was reviewed and discusse A proposal to discontinue m of the surveillances associated with reactor operation was made and * wing discussion and recommendations, the proposal '
was approved. The NSC sed that most of de surveillances outlined in the TS could be discontinued since the reactor was shut down and there were no ongoing s operations activities that required the surveillance A review of the changes made since 1995 showed that the change packages had been reviewed and approved by the NSC. None of the changes were determined to involve an unreviewed safety question as outlined in 10 CFR 50,59 and, therefore, did not require NRC approval before being made, in 1995, the changes included replacement of the fire alarm transmission unit and replacement of the reactor primary coolant flow indicating and recording device.-In 1996, a modification had been made to the security alarm system. No changes have been made during 1997 as of the date of the inspectio .
The inspactor determined that the licensee had followed the applicable pr7cedures and that the changes did not appear to involve an unreviewed safety questio Conclusions The NSC met as required by-TS 6.2 and performed audits of the licensee's overall '
program. Audit findings were substantive and the licensee took corrective actions as needed. Design changes were made in accordance with licensee procedures and no unreviewed safety questions were identified, c
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3-3. Operator Requalification Program (41745) Inspection Scope To verify compliance with the requiraments in 10 CFR 55.59 and the NRC approved requalification program, the inspector reviewed the licensee's roqualification training program and record Observations and Findings The inspector noted that two SROs were employed at the facility. Each licensed operator had a current licenso and physical examinatio in reviewing the requalification program, the inspector noted that the last biennial training cycle had been completed in December 1995. Since then, requalification training had been initiated during March 1997 and training in reactor theory and principles of reactor operation had been completed. However,in April, a decision was made to postpone further training pending the outcome of deliberations by the university's administration on whether or not to resume reactor operation and obtain new fuel. Licensee management decided that the training could be resumed and completed by December 1997 if it were needed. Another reason for not continuing the requalification training was that it involved reactor control manipulations and that was impossible without an operating reactor. Since the licensee had applied for a POL, there was no impetus to continue the trainin The licensee was aware that,if a revised operator requalification program is not approved before December 1997, the operators will need to complete the biennial requalification program, Conclusions
No requalification training was being done because the reector was shut down and no further operation was anticipated. if a revised operator requalification program is not approved by the NRC before the end of the present biennial requalification cycle (December 1997), the licensed operators will need to complete the required trainin . Procedures (42745) Inspection Scope To verify compliance with the requirements in TS 6.4, the inspector reviewed:
a selected operating procedure * selected safety procedures, and
- the process used by the licensee to revise, review, and approve all facility procedures, Observations and Findings
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The inspector discussed the various categories of procedures used at the facility with licensee representatives, it was noted that many of the procedures were no longer in use bec.euse the reactor was not operatin De inspector reviewed the following procedures that were being used at the facility, I Some of which had been recently revised, reviewed, and approved by the NSC:
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. Procedure 3500, Heavy Water Inventory, Revision (Rev.) 2, dated December 8, 199 ,
. Procedure 3600, Special Nuclear Materials inventory, Rev. 3, dated June 13, .
199 i
. Procedure 3800, I-.iquid Waste D:sposal, P.avision (Rev.) 2, dated July 20,1995.
. ' Procedure 4000, Containment Building Pressure Test, Rev. 2, dated August 22, 199 . Procedure 4001, Containment Building Vacaum Breaker and Isolation Valve Tests, Rev. O, dated March 22,199 i
. Procedure 4002, Reference Vessel Pressure Test, Rev. O, dated March 22,1990, e Procedure 4200, Changes in GTRR Design, Rev. O, dated April 28,1989,
. Procedure 9037 Tritium Determination in Urine, Rev. 3, dated April 11,199 . Procedure 9250, Facilities Contamination Surveys, Rev 7, dated August 22,199 * Piccedure 9290, Radioactive Waste Management / Disposal, Rev. O, dated June 13, 199 . Procedure 9300, Respiratory Protection, Rev. 3, dated January 13,199 . Procedure 9304, Routine Facility Radiation Surveys, Rev. 5, dated August 22, 199 .= Procedure 9308, Airborne Radioactivity Surveys, Rev. 2, dated February 10,199 . Procedure 9510, Radioactive Material Shipment, Rev. 4, dated August 22,199 The procedures p'ovided acceptable guidance in the areas they covered and procedural changes had been reviewed, and approved by the NSC following the guidance in TS 6.4 and the licensee's administrative procedures. A review of the records that the licensee had to generate by complying with the procedures showed that implementation of and adherence to the procedures were acceptable.
4 Conclusions Facility procodures were acceptabie and satisfied TS requirements for being revised, reviewed, and approved by the NS . _ - .
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. . Fuel Movement (60745)
a inspection Scope To verify compliance with TS 3.8, the inspector reviewed:
e selected fuel handling procedures, and
+ records of fuel movement The inspector also interviewed licensee personnel to determine the current status of fuel hand!!ng at the facilit b. Observations and Findings As stated previously and as detailed in NRC Inspection Report No. 50 160/96 01, the licensee had shipped all fuel off site during January and February 1996. The inspector verified that no new fuel had been received at the f acility in th6 interim and no fuel was stored or used on sit c. Conclusions No fuel movement had occurred since the licensee had shipped all fuel of f site in early 19M. No fuel was used or stored at the facility and no new fuel had been receive . Surveillance (61745)
a. Inspection Scope To verify compliance with TS 3.0 and TS 4.0, the inspector reviewed:
e selected surveillance recordJ, e various data sheets, and e applicable check lists, b. Observations and Findings TS 4.0 outlines various surveillances required to be completed to ensure that the reactor is operating within specified limits and to ensure that other safety parameters are met. As noted previously, because the reactor had been shut down since 1995, the licensee made the pruposal to the NSC to discontinue most of the surveillances
- that were no longer required since the reactor is no longer operational. The NSC approved this proposalin April 1996. The or.e TS required surveillance that remained in ef fect was the one to verify containment building integrity and to determine and record the building leakage rate under test conditions (as specified in TS 4.3). The inspector reviewed the results of the pressure tests done during the last three years. The test results of each test showed that the building leak rate was within the limit stated in the TS. The inspector noted that, on July io,1997, the licensee conducted the latest containment building pressure test. The results showed that the building leak rate was 0.615% This was within the specified limit of less than 1.0% of the air volume in a 24-hour period, w
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6-c. Conclusions i
The NSC had approved discontinuing most of the surveillance tests, since they are not required for a non operational reactor. The results on the surveillance test for the containment building integrity showed that the leak rete was withia the limit specified in the T . Experiments (69745)
a. Inspection Scope To verify compliance with the requirements in TS 3.4 and 6.3 and related procedures, the inspector reviewed the licensee's program to control and conduct experiments in the reacto b. Observations and Findings The inspector reviewed the experiments conducted in 1995 and noted that all had boon previously reviewed and approved by the NSC. During 1996 and to date in 1997, no experiments were conducted that required the use of the reactu c. Conclusions Those torctor experiments reviewed by the inspector were conducted using reviewed and approved procedutos and were acceptcbly documented. Since the beginning of 1996, no experiments have boon conducted using the reacto . Effluent and Environmental Monitoring (80745)
a. Inspection Scope (83743)
To verify complianco with the requirements of 10 CFR 20 and TS 3.5 and 6.0, the inspector reviewed:
e the licensee's environmentcl monitoring program, ,
e annual report . release records, and
- counting and analysis records, b. ' Observation and Findings Sint:0 the last inspection in thir area, the licensea had ceased reactor cperation. This resulted in no gaseous rdeases during 1996 and to dato in 1997. Liquid releases have continued. The inspector reviewed the liquid release records and determined that they were properly documented, it was also noted that the results were within the annuallimits and concentration constraints stipulated in TS 3.5 and la 10 CFR 20.2003 and Appendix B of Part 2 c. Conclusion Elfluent monitoring satisfied license and regulatory requirements, f
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i s}e 9. Radiation Protection (83743) !
a. Inspection Scope To verify compliance with 10 CFR 20 and the applicable licensee procedures, the inspector reviewed: ,
+ health physics (HP) and reactor surveillance / survey records,
+ trediological signs and posting,
+ dosimetry records,
+ calibration records and periodic check records for radiation monitorine ,
instruments, e the Radiation Protection Program, and
+ the Respiratory Protection Progra The inspector also observed the use of dosimetry and radiation monitoring equipment during tours of the f acility and interviewed licensee personnel as well, b. Observations and Findings Weekly, monthly,'and other periodic * sntamination and radiation surveys were completed by the HP staff as required by TS and licensee procedures. Results were evaluated and corrective actions taken when readings or results excceded set action ;
level Postings at the entrances to the Radiatior Control Zone (RCZ) and the Reactor ,
Containment Building (RCB) were acceptable for the hazards present. The facility's radioactive material storage areas were properly posted. No unmarket' radioactive material was noted. Copies of NRC Form 3 were posted in acceptable areas in the facility as were currnnt notices to workers required by 10 CFR Part 1 ,
it was noted that the licensee used a National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) accredited vendor to process personnel thermoluminescent dosimetry. An examination of the records for the past three years through the date of the inspection showed that all exposures were well within NRC limits and licensee i
action levels. Most of the records indicated no exposure above background. -
Radiation monitoring equipment was maintained and all equipment checked had the acceptable up to-date calibration sticker attached. The calibration of portable survey meters was pe formed in house by licensee personnel. Calibration frequency met procedural requirements and records were maintained as require The licensee's Rediation Protection Program was established in the " Radiation Safety Manual, Georgia Institute of Technology," dated March 17,1994, it had been reviewed and approved by the current Presloent of the (1stitute. The NSC i completed an annual audit of the program. The Rcapiratory Protection Program was established and outlined in licenseo Procedure 9300. The program prov3tho o guidance for use of respiratory protection equipment consistent with the guidance in Regulatory Guide 8.15, NUREG-0041,10 CFR 20.1701 1703, and Appendix A to 10 -
CFR 2 !
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i c. Cunclusions Surveys were completed and documented acceptably to permit evaluation of the radiation hazards that might exist. Postings satisfied regulatory requirement Personnel dosimetry was being worn as required and doses were well within specified licensee procedural action levels and regulatory limits. Radiation monitoring t equipment was being maintained and calibrated as required. The Radiation Protection Program and Respiratory Protection Program also satisfied regulatory l t
requirement . Transportation (86740) , Inspection Scope To verify compliance with the requirements of 10 CFR 71.5 for shipments of licensed material, the inspector interviewed licensee personnel and reviewed various record . Observations an. Findings ,
Through records reviews and discussions with licensee personnel, the inspectur determined that no shipments of licensed rnaterial had been made since the licens e shipped the fuel off site in 1996. The results of the inspection during that snipment were documented in Inspection Report No. 50 100/96 0 I
c. Conclusions No shipments of licensed material had been made from the f acility since February 199 . Physical Security (81401, 81402, 81431) inspection Scope To verify compliance with the licensee's NRC approved Phpical Security Ple'1 (PSP) and to assure that changes,if any, to the plan had not reduced its overall oflectiveness, the inspector reviewed:
+ logs, records, and reports,
+ the security organization, >
+ key and key card control,
+ intruder detection and physical barriers,
- access controls, and-
+ procedure ,
i Observations and Findings
The inspector noted that an improvement had been made to the security alarm l
system that would lengthen the time the system could operate without utility power and allow the operation of additional components of the system without utility power - .
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The inspector also determined that the licensee's physical protection program-conformed to NRC requirements and the licensee's PSP and implementing procedures.- ;
c. Conclusion The NRC approved sei:urity program at the f acility was acceptably implemente . Material Control and Accounting (85102)
- a. Inspection Scope ,
To verify compliance with 10 CFR 70, the inspector reviewed:
e storage areas, e procedures for tracking the quantity, identity, and location of Special Nuclect Material (SNM),-
+ assignment of responsibilities,
+- shipment records,
. annual inventory results, and
. associated records and report t b. Observations and Findings
The design of item control areas ensurad that physical and administrative control
! of SNM would be maintained. Licensee procedures for tracking SNM were acceptably implemented. Written statements of responsibility and authority were established for positions with responsibility for SNM. Records showed tha :
- physicslinventories were conducted at least annually as required by 10 CFR
- - 70.51(d).
Material Status neports (DOE /NRC Form 742) submitted by the licensee from '
- October 1,1995 through March 31,1997, satisfied requirements specified in 10 CFR 70.53. Exhibit 1 (attached to this report) summarizes the licensee's uranium
and plutonium material balances from October 1,1995 through March 31,1997.
c. Conclusions No deficiencies were identified in the licensee's Material Control and Accounting progra . Follow up on Inspector Follow up Items and items of Noncompliance (92701,92702)
a. Inspection Scope L . The inspector followed up on two violations, a deviation, and an Inspector Follow-up Items (IFI) identified in Inspection Report No. 50 160/96-02. The inspector
reviewed the lit.ensee's response, evaluation, and corrective actions, as needed, to the problems or issues note ,
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10-b. Observations and Findings 1) Violation 50-160/96-02-01 (Closed): Failure to complete the calibrations of the gra monitor ar." the Kanno ionization chamber within the required time fram The inspector v,rified that the corrective actions described in the licensee's July 18,1996-response ;er er had been completed. No other problems were identified, 2) Deviation 50160/96-02 02 (Closed): Failure to revise Procedure 3600 and submit it to the NSC by July 20,1995, as committed. The inspector verified that the corrective actions oescribou in the licensee's July 19,1996 response letter had been completed. The procedure had been revised and approved by the NSC. No similar problerns were identifie ) Violation 50160/96 02 03 (Closeo): Failure to provide training required by 49 CFR 172.704 for all employees involved in handling or preparing radioactive material for shipment. The inspector verified that the entrective actions described in the licensee's July 18,1996 response letter had been complete The training had been completed and no other problems were note ) Inspector Follow up item 50130/96 02 04 (Closed): Include soll sample results in the next inspection report. The inspector verified that the soil sample results referenced in the report had been reported in Inspection Report N /96 03 dated July 24,199 ) Inspector Follow-up Item 50160/96 05-01 (Open): Exercise Weakness -
Failure to declare the cenect emergency classification in a timely manner. The licensee's response to this issue, dated February 13,1997, was that training in timely emerg9ncy classification would be completed on or before December 1, 1997. However, this commitment was conti.) gent upon a decision by the
Frosident of the Institute to continue reactor operation. No training had been completed as of the date of the inspection.
l 6) Inspector Follow up Item 50160/96-05 02 (Open): Provide additional training including table-top drill for personnel designated as alternate Emergency Director. The licensee's response to this issue, dated February 13,1997, was that additional training would be completed on or before December 1,1997.
However, this commitment was contingent upon a decision by the President of
! the Institute to continuo reactor operation, in a supplementalletter dated March 14.1997, the Lcensee committed to this training oefore receiving new fuel for the reactor. No additional training had been completed as of the date of the inspectio . Exit Meeting Summary The inspection scope and results were summarized on October 31,1997, with licensee representatives. The inspector discussed the findings for each area reviewe The licensee identified the Physical Security Plan as proprietary informatio . . . - - . - __, ,
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D. Blaylock, Senior Reactor Operator N. Hertel. Director, NNRC R._ Ice, Manager, Office of Radiation Safety E. Jewdeh, Health Physicist P. Newby, Reactor Engineer B. Statham, Reactor Supervisor ,
J. Strydom, Senior Safety Engineering Assistant t
INSPECTION PROCEDURES USED IP 39745 Non Power Reactor Organization and Operations and Maintenance Activities IP 40745 Non-Power Reactor Review and Audit and Design Change Functions IP 41745 Non Power Reactor Operator Licenses, Requalification, and Medical Activitics IP 42745 Non Power Reactor Procedures l IP 60745 Non Power Reactor Fuel Movement IP 61745 Non Power Reacter Surveillance IP 69745 Non Power Reactor Experiments IP 80745 Class l Non Power Reactor Effluent and Environmental Monitoring .
IP 81401 Plans, Procedures, and Reviews IP 81402 Reports of Safeguards Events IP 81431 Fixed Site Physical Protection of Special Nuclear Material of Low Strategic i
Significance IP 83743 Class i Non Power Ree; tors Radiation Protection IP 85102 Material Control and Accounting - Reactors IP 86740 Inspection of Transportation Activities ITEMS OPENED, CLOSED, AND DISCUSSED Opened None Closed 50-160/96-02-01 VIO Failure to complete the calibrations of the gas monitor and the ,
Kanne ionization chamber within the required time frame, i 50 160/96 02-02 DEV Failure to revise Procedure 3600 and submit it to the NSC by .
July 20,1995, as committe /96-02 03 VIO Failure to provide training required by 49 CFR 172.704 for all employees involved in handling or preparing radioactive material for shipmen .
50 160/96 02 04 IFl include soil sample results in the next inspection repor .
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Discussed 50 160/96 05-01 IFl _
Exercise Weakness Failure to declare the correct emergency i
classification in a timely manne :
50 160/96 05 02- IFl Provide additional tralning including table top drill for personnel - '!
- designated as alternate Emergency Directo LIST OF ACRONYMS USED ;
CFR Code of Federal Regulations ,
=DEV Deviation .
'G1RR Georgia Institute of Technology Research Reactor - i IF Inspector Follow up Item -
MW megawett ._ _
NNRC_ Neely Nuclear Research Center Number
- N NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission NVLAP National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Progrart:
PDR Public Document Room -'
PSP f hysical Security Plan RCB lteactor Containment Building ,
. 'RCZ_- F adiation Control Zone l Rcs;efon i Rev, SNM Special iluclear Material i SRO- Senior Reactor Operato TS Technical Cpecifications-VIO Violations
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+14 j
Material Balance for Period: October 1,1995 March 31,,1997 l
Reporting Identification Symbol: ZGY_ Report Units: Grams Plutonit m l
_H_iR h Enriched Uranium Element isotope Element isotope I
Beginning Inventory: 5013 4543 93 87 :
(October 1,1995) ,;
- Receipts: 0 0 0 0 t i
Material to Account for:- 5013 4543 9) 62 ;
Removals- ;
Shipments: (to SRS) 4472 4037 0 0 '
(to Y 12) 507 472 0 0
Fission and ,
- Transmutation: 7 8 0 0 '
- Inventory Difference: 0 0 0 0 Decay: 0 0 0 0 Total Removals: -4986 4b17 0 i
Ending inventory:
(March 31,1997) Rf' jti _ _9P __SZ
- -~
'-Uranium guckets and tission chambers . Rournied to the nearest gram -!
"* Rounded to the nearest gram ,
"*-2 foils and i 1%lle wurce i
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