GO2-83-952, Final Deficiency Rept,Condition 277,re Dc Motor Starting Resistors on Class IE Dc Motors Used in Valve Operators & Pump Drives.Initially Reported on 830805.Complete Review of Dc Current Motor Performed Using Appropriate Vendor Info

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Final Deficiency Rept,Condition 277,re Dc Motor Starting Resistors on Class IE Dc Motors Used in Valve Operators & Pump Drives.Initially Reported on 830805.Complete Review of Dc Current Motor Performed Using Appropriate Vendor Info
Person / Time
Site: Columbia Energy Northwest icon.png
Issue date: 10/21/1983
From: Carlisle C
To: Martin J
10CFR-050.55E, 10CFR-50.55E, 277, GO2-83-952, NUDOCS 8311070296
Download: ML20081H068 (3)



O Washington Public Power Supply System P.O. Box 968 3000GeorgeWashingtonWay Richland,Washir.gton 99352 (509)372-5000 Docket No. 50-397 October 21, 1983 G02-83-952 Mr. J. B. Martin .;

Regional Administrator e, u

Region V, N.R.C. -


"',1 1450 Maria Lane, Suite 210 Walnut Creek, California 94596


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(1) Telecon dated August 5,1983, L.C. Floyd to D. Haist, same subject.

(2) Letter G02-83-795 dated September 2, 1983, C.S. Carlisle to J.B. Martin In accordance with the provisions of 10CFR50.55(e), your office was informed, by the references, of the above subject condition. The attachment provides the Project's final report on Condition #277.

If there are any questions concerning this matter, please contact Roger Johnson, WNP-2 Project QA Manager, (509) 377-F 'l, extension 2712.


Program Director, WNP-2 RTJ/jdb


As stated cc: W.S. Chin, BPA N.D. Lewis, EFSEC A. Toth, Resident Inspector Document Control Desk, NRC 8311070296 831021 PDR ADOCK 05000397 f S PDR

\ Et-21

WASHINGTON PUBLIC POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM NUCLEAR PROJECT NO. 2 DOCKET NO. 50-397 LICENSE N0. CPPR-93 10CFR50.55(e) CONDITION #277 DC MOTOR STARTING RESISTORS FINAL REPORT Description of Deficiency A potential problem related to direct current motor starting resistors on Class 1E DC motors used in valve operators and as pump drives was identified to the Architect Engineer (AE). The AE reviewed the plant DC equipment instal-led and determined the required resistor setting for the motors on the equip-i.ieis t . A f; eld inspection was then conducted <hich established that tiie calcu-lated resistance values could not be confirmed in the field. It was concluded by the AE that under these uncertain conditions, safety-related equipment might not have started at fully loaded conditions if the resistors had been left at the values set by the manufacturer.

Safety Implications Safety considerations vary with the specific piece of equipment and the parti-cular function of the system in which it is to operate. The result of improper resistor setting could be either excessive starting current causing indeterminate damage to the motor, or insufficient starting current to meet the starting torque requirements of the driven equipment.

Either condition could result in the equipment being unable to perform its safety-related function. The condition is considered to be reportable under 10CFR50.55(e) criteria.

Cause for Deficiency Starting resistor problems have occurred on other nuclear plants due to motor control center (MCC) vendors sizing starting resistors based on assumed or initial motor size, and feeder cable size and length information. These as-sumpticn de not reasin Ocncistent .;ith the evolution of plcnt design in all cases. A failure to correlate final vendor data composing the as-constructed conditions in the plant is considered to be the probable cause for the defici-ency.

Corrective Action The AE has conducted a review of all the electrical DC equipment where the DC motors require a starting resistor. Calculations have been performed for both safety and non-safety-related equipment establishing the correct ohmic setting for the starting resistors. Project Engineering Directive (PED) 218-E-8782 has been issued to Supply System Startup to set the ohmic value and to confirm the setting is correct by verification of the actual starting cur-rents and valve operating times on the attached list of components. Startup has initiated SDR's 11291 through 11296 to track implementation of the work.

The work is in progress and will be completed on a system need basis.

Final Report #277 Page 2 of 2 Action to Prevent Recurrence A complete review of the direct current motors in the plant has been perforraed correlating appropriate vendor information. This type of effort is ongoing in other areas as an integral part of "as-builting" efforts. Ito other action to prevent recurrence is considered necessary.