B16219, Requests Withdrawal of Addl Proposed License Amendments & Relief Requests Submitted for Review & Approval.List of Amendments & Relief Requests,Encl

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Requests Withdrawal of Addl Proposed License Amendments & Relief Requests Submitted for Review & Approval.List of Amendments & Relief Requests,Encl
Person / Time
Site: Haddam Neck File:Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co icon.png
Issue date: 02/18/1997
From: Feigenbaum T
B16219, NUDOCS 9702270010
Download: ML20135A113 (7)


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HADDAM NECK PLANT l 362 INJUN HOLLOW ROAD e EAST HAMPTON CT 06424-3099 February 18,1997 1

Docket No. 50-213 i B16219 t Re: 10CFR50.90 10CFR50.55 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission i

Attention: Document Control Desk i Washington, DC 20555 l Haddam Neck Plant Status of Prooosed License Amendments and Relief Reauests 1 i

The purpose of this letter is for Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Company (CYAPCO) to withdraw additional proposed license amendments and relief requests for the Haddam Neck Plant (HNP) which have been submitted to the Nuclear Regulatory ,

Commission (NRC) for review and approval. In Attachment 1 to a letter transmitted on '

December 23, 1996,W CYAPCO withdrew several proposed license amendments based on a decision by the CYAPCO joint owners to perrnanently cease power operations at the HNP. As a result of that decision, the status of other proposed license j amendments and relief requests has also changed. I l

Attachment 1 to this letter provides a listing of additional proposed license amendments which address operational issues and are not required for the permanently defueled condition and are being withdrawn. These amendments addressed a Plant Specific Best Estimate LOCA Analysis, a change in the Manipulator Crane Technical Specification (TS) to permit an increase in the weight of fuel assemblies being moved in the containment, and a change in the HNP TS to allow the temperature in the ultimate heat sink to exceed 90 F for a brief period to allow continued operations. Requests for additional information (RAl) associated with these proposed amendments should be closed also, in addition, CYAPCO has identified several relief requests which were submitted to address code repair, inspection and periodic testing concerns and are no longer j required to support the defueled status. These requests, included in Attachment 1, are also being withdrawn.

1 (1) T. C. Feigenbaum to U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, " Withdrawal of

( Proposed License Amendments," dated December 23,1996.

1028-3 REV 2-91 9702270o10 970218 PDR ADOCK 0500o213-P PDR

l U.S. Nucirr Regul tory Commission B16219/Paga 2 l CYAPCO made several commitments associated with the relief request transmitted in the letter, dated September 25,1996,<2)which was approved by the NRC for temporary use of Residual Heat Removal (RHR) valve, RH-V-791A to permit defueling. The commitments were to perform inspections and code repair of RH-V-791A before i returning the valve to a fully operable condition. Due to the change in plant status, the RHR System is no longer required and these commitments will not be completed.

These commitments are identified as B15882-1, B15882-2, and 815882-3.  ;

B15882-1: A further evaluation of the valve will be performed following defueling of !

the vessel and removal of the RHR system from service to determine the corrective action. i B15882-2: A code repair or replacement of RH-V-791A will be performed while the HNP is defueled.

B15882-3: A visual inspection of the valve leakage region will be performed by ,

operation's personnel each shift as part of their walk-down activities. I The RHR valve relief request RAI letter dated September 30, 1996,(3) contained additional commitments identified as B15924-1 and B15924-2 and are shown below. 4 Commitment B15924-1 added a video camera to allow more frequent monitorMg than I was initially provided in commitment B15882-3. These commitments were maintained during defueling and were closed following the defueling process when the RHR System was removed from service.  !

B15924-1: A video camera has been mounted in the vicinity of the RHR valve, which  !

permits the Control Room to view the valve remotely and monitor the valve leakage.

B15924-2: Should the RHR valve begin to leak a significant amount, the valve will be closed. Then, according to Technical Specification, ACTION a.,

the vessel water level will be raised to greater than or equal to 23 feet above the vessel flange as soon as possible.

i (2) T. C. Feigenbaum to U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, " Relief R3 quest l From ASME Code Section XI Requirements" dated September 25,1996.

(3) T. C. Feigenbaum to U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, " Request for Additional Information, Relief Request From ASME Code Section XI Requirements," dated September 30,1996.


l- - U.S. Nucle:r Regulatory Commission '

B16219/Pags 3 The C APCO letter dated August 27, 1996,W transmitted relief request . P-10 concerning vibration acceptance criteria for the HPSI pump. This letter also contained the commitments listed below. These commitments will not be completed.

B15391-1: Vibration data will be reviewed to determine the resonant frequency of the motor structure.

B15391-2: CYAPCO will perform motor current analyses on the HPSI pump motors. I 1.

! B15391-3: A detailed inspection plan will be developed and implemented which

includes motor air gap verification.

B15391-4: Based on the results of the testing and data analysis performed during RFO 1

19, corrective actions will be developed to minimize the HPSI pump motor

{ vibration.

l The relief request associated with 10CFR50 Appendix J, Option B testing is being withdrawn in accordance with 10CFR50.54(o), since CYAPCO has submitted the required ceitifications such that Appendix J is no longer applicable to the HNP. Should

! additional relief requests be identified which are no longer required to support the  ;

i defueled status, withdrawal notifications will be submitted. l l

i i i i

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i (4) T. C. Feigenbaum to U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, " Requests for Relief from Performing Testing in Accordance with ASME Code Section XI," dated August 27,1996.

U.S. Nucle:r Regul tory C:mmission B16219/Paga 4 If'you should have any questions on the information contained herein, please contact  !

Mr. G. P. van Noordennen at (860) 267-3938.


  1. W -


T. C. Feigenpa(fm Executive Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer Subscribed and swom to before me this /8 day of /NAuzt/ ,1997


Date' Commission Expires: Ahd /999 j

i cc: H. J. Miller, Region i Administrator M. B. Fairtile, NRC Project Manager, Haddam Neck Plant W. J. Raymond, Senior Resident inspector, Haddam Neck Plant ,

Mr. K. T. A. McCarthy, Director, CT DEP Monitoring and Radiation Division I l

. l Docket No. 50-213 B16219 Attachment 1 i

Haddam Neck Plant Revision of Status of Pronosed License Amendments


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I i

February 1997

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission .

B16219/ Attachment 1/Pcg31


CYAPCO Date Subject Description of Proposed Change .

Letter No:

B15447 November 30,1995 Plant Specific Best Estimate Best Estimate large break LOCA using methods LOCA Analysis pursuant to 10CFR50.46 to support the 24 month fuel cycle.

B15590 April 22,1996 Manipulator Crane This proposed change revises the overload cutoff limit to accommodate the heavier fuel to be used in Cycle 20 and beyond.

B15613 April 16,1996 Ultimate Heat Sink This submittal supersedes the CYAPCO letter dated January 12,1996 and provides the basis for changing the Technical Specifications to permit an increase in the temperature of the Ultimate Heat Sink to greater than 90 F to allow continued plant operation.

B15739 June 11,1996 Ultimate Heat Sink This letter provides a revision to an attachment originally submitted in a CYAPCO letter dated March 21,1996. The March 21,1996 letter provided additionalinformation in support of the proposed change R. the Ultimate Heat Sink.

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U.S. Nuclerr Regulatory Commission B16219/ Attachment 1/Page 2 RELIEF REQUESTS TO BE WITHDRAWN CYAPCO ,

I Letter No: Date Subject Description of Proposed Change B15120 December 15,1995 Replacement Activities in This submittal transmitted relief requests 3-27,3-28 '

Accordance with ASME Code and 3-29. In addition Code Case Revision N-389-1 ,

Section XI and a Request to approval was requested. This Code Case allows the Use a Code Case Revision licensee to use later Editions and Addenda of the ASME Code Section XI for Repair or Replacement activities.

B15391 August 27,1996 Performing Testing in This submittal transmitted relief request P-10 which Accordance with ASME Code related to vibration acceptance criteria for the HPSI Section XI. pump.

B15778 July 12,1996 IST Program Appendix J, This request was to allow use of performance based  ;

Option B containment leakage testing requirements.  !


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