3F0413-03, Attachment C, Off-Site Dose Calculation Manual, Revision 34

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Attachment C, Off-Site Dose Calculation Manual, Revision 34
Person / Time
Site: Crystal River Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/12/2012
Duke Energy Florida, Florida Power Corp
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML13128A063 (181)



CRYSTAL RIVER UNIT #3 OFF-SITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL IPNSC &. PGM :approval documented in PN C Meeti"g 012-15 on 09/12/2012

,APPROVED BY: Lee Hughes (si~gnature on file)

  • Superintendent Environmental & Chemistry DATE: 09/12/2012 I i

REVISION: 34 APPROVED BY;: Interpretation Contact

.Rudy Pinner (signature on file)

Sr. Nuclear Plant Chemi:stry Specialist

INTRODUCTION The *Off-site Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) is provided to support implementati.on of the Crystal River Unit .3 radiological effluent controls..

The ODCM is divided into two ,parts. Part I contains the specifications for liquid and gaseous*radiological effluents and the radiological. environmental monitoring program which were relocated from the Technical Specifications i;n accordance with the provisions of Generic Letter 89-01 issued by the NRC in January:, .1989.. Part II :6f the ODCM contains the calculational. methods to *be used in determining the dose to members.of the public resulting from routine radioactive effl:uents released* from Crystal River Unit 3. Part II also contains the methodology used to determine effluent monitor alarm/trip

.setpoints. which assure that r.eleases o.f radioactive materials remain within

-specified :concentratioons.

Thle ODCM shall become:eiffective after acceptance by the :Plant Nuclear Safety, Committee and approval by: the: Plant General Manager in accordance with:

Technical .Speci fi:cati~on Sec.tion 5 .6.22: Changes to the ODCM shall1be docum-ented and. records of reviews, performed shall be retained. This documentation shall contain suffi.cient information to support the change (incl:uding analyses or. evaluations), and a determination that the, change will.

maintain the leve'l of.radioactive effluent.control requiired by the regulation" listed in Technical Specification-and not adversely impact the accuracyo .r .rel i abi I ilty of effluent,* dose, .orsetpoint cal*cul'at.i ons.

Changess,.hall be submitted to the.NRC in: the form of a complete and legible copy. "of thee.,,entire 0DCM'as: part ,of, or- concurrent with, the Radioactive.

Effluent:-Release Rep6rt fo r the. qeriod of the report in which any change to the ODCM-,iwas made. Each change..shall be identified by markings in the margin

  • of the.affected p-ages, clearly, indi:cating the.area of the page that was changed,:and shal:li:,i ndicate, the date. (e. g.. month/year.) the.. change. was imipl ementded .

TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I.- SPECIFICATIONS Section Page 1.0 DEFINITIONS 1 1.1 Channel Calibration 1 1i... Channel Check 1 1.3 Channel Functional Test 1 1,..4 Degassi ng.

1.5 Frequency 2 1.6 Liquid Radwa"ste Treatment System 2 1.7 Member of the Pubic 2' 1.8 Mode. 2 1.,9 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual 3 1.10 Ope ra;*ble -.. Operability 3 I.11 Site .BoundAy 3 1.12 Sourceý, echk 3.

1.1 3: Unplanned Release 3:.

1i.1i$.Unrest ricted* Area 3, 1;.15 VentilatiPon Exhaust Treatment System 4' 1.16 Waste, Gaso System 4

1.7 Purge

- Purgi ng. 4'

.0 -SPECIFICATIONS' 2.1, Radioactive EffluentMonitoring Instrumentation '5,

'.2.:2 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation 10, 2,.3' Liquid Radwaste Treatment System '17

.2 W4 Was~te' Gas System 18.

2.5 Liquid Effluents Concentration 19, 2.:6 Liquid Effluents -. Dose. 23 Page. i


Section Page 2.0 SPECIFICATIONS (Con't) 2.7 Gaseous Effluents Dose Rate. .24 2.8 :Dose Noble Gases 28 2.9 Dose 1-131, 1-133, Tritium, and Radioactive Particuul ates 29 2.10 Total Dose 30

.2.11 Radi ol ogi cal Envi ronmental. Monitoring, 31 2.12 Land Use Census 38:

2.13 Interlaborato.ry Comparison Program 39, 2.14 Special Reports 40

.2.15 Meteorological Inst rumentation: 41.

2.16 Waste Gas Decay Tank. - Explosive. Gas, Monitorinhg .44 Instrumentation 2.17 Waste Gas. Decay Tanks, 4'6 2.18 Waste Gas Decay Tank . Explosive Gas Mixt*ure 47 3'i.0 SPECIFICATION BASES:,

3.1 Radioactive- Effluent Moni tori ng- Instrumentati:ont, .Bais: 48 3.12 Radi6active Gaseous 'Effluent: Monitoring Iin1strumentation. Bas~i~s 48..

.31.3 Liquid Radwaste Treatment ,System Basis 48 394. Waste Gas System Basis 49 3..5 Liquid Effl uents Cocincentration Basis. *49.

3:.6 Liquid Effluents, Dose Basis 50 3.- 7 Gaseous Effluents Dose Rate Basis 50, 3.8 Gaseous Effluents Dose Noble UGses, Basis 5i 3.,,9 Gaseous Effluents Dose: 1-*31, I-133,, Tritiutm,., and Radi-oactive Particul ates Basis 51 Page ii


Section. Page 3.0 SPECIFICATION BASES ,,(Con't) 3.10 Total. Dose Basis. 52 3,11 Radiol ogical Environmental. Monitoring Program Basis 53 3.12 Radiological Environmenta  ::Monitori ng. Program Land Use.: Census Basis 53 3.13 Radi olog.i cali Environmental Monitoring Interlaboratory Comparison Program Basi~s 53 3.14 Explosive Gas" Mi'xtu re; 54 3..1.5 Waste Gas Decay :Tanksl.

5.4 3.16 Waste: Gas Decay. Tank - Explosive Gas Monit!ori:ng

.54, 3.17 Meteorol.ogi cal: Inst!rumentation PARTII -. METHODOLOGIES



1 1 Effluent',Moni tor Setpoi nt Speci ficativons 5:8 1i2' Nucl i de Anal.ysies$ 61' 1.3 Pre-Release Calcu*ations, 966',

1.4. Setpoint.. ca*culations: 72.



'2' 1., Waste Reducti on:,Specifiatiiohs.

.2. 2' Dose. Projection Methodology 23, Total .Dose "Speci.fica*ion ..93


. fEFFLUENTS SAMPLING SPECIFICATIONS 96 3.0 3.1.1 "Liquid Rel edses (Batch).

98 3.1-2 Liquid Releases: (Continuous)-

998 3.1-3 Gaseous Releases :(Waste Gas Decay Tanks)

3;".1.4 Gaseous Rel eases (RB  :& AB) 98 Page i ii

PART II -:METHODOLOGIES (Con't) 3.1-5 Reactor Bldg. with Personnel and Equipment Hatches Open. 99

.3.1-6. Reactor Bldg. During Integrated. Leak Rate Test 99 4.0 RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENTS DOSE CALCULATION SPECIFICATIONS 100 4.1 Dose Specifications 102 4.2 Nuclide Analyses 105

.4.3 .Dose Calculationsý, 110

  • 4.4 Dose Factors 113 4-. 5 Carbon-14 Methodol.ogy 141
5. 'ENVIRONMENTAL. MONITORING 147 6.0',' ADMINIST RATIVE"CONTROLS. 156 6.6,1 iorigin and Purpose of the ODCM 157

'6.2 Changes 157 6-.3 Review 157

."6:i4.4 Unplanned Releases (moved: to secti6n. 1), 157 6.5 Radioactive Effluent. Release Report 157 6.6 Annua:l Radiological Envi..ro0nmental Ope.ratinhg. Report 159 6.7 Voluntary Reporting as a Result of Groundwater ;,Cont. 160 68athway Exemptions from Appendix I .Calculatons 167

,6.9 Power RX- Eff. &.Direct Rad, Limits iný Un rest.riictet "as'.

Ar'ea 1169:.

Page ,iv

PART I LIST OF TABLES Table Page 2-1 Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation 6 2-2 Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation Survei llance Requirements 8 2-3 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation 11 2-4. Radioactive Gaseous.Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation Sur'veillance Requi rements 15..

2-51 Radioactive- Liquid Waste Saming and Analysis Program 20 2-,6 Radioactive Gaseous Waste .SampTingand Analysis Prrogram; 25 2-7 Operational Radi ol ogical Environmental Moni toring. Program 32

.2-8 /Reporting Level's for ,Radioativ:lty Concentrati ons in':

Envi ronmental Samples 34 2-9 ,,Makimum .Val ues for*r the Lower, Li'mits-,of Detection 35; 2-1.0 ::Meteorological Monitori:ng Instruumentatio In 42

ý2-11. .,Meteorological. Monitorirng, Instrumentation Surveillance

'Requi rements 43.

2-12 Waste Gas System *Explosive Gas. Monit oring Instrumentation 45.:

Page V:



,Cloud of, N6bole 'Gases 1i3 Inhalation DoSe Factors - Infant 115:.

Inhal'ation Dose Factors - Child 116 Inhalation" Dose ,,Factors - Teen 117 4,,,4-2.l Ilnhalation Doseý Factors -Ad ul t. 118:

4.4-4 IngestionDose ,Factor.s., Grass-,Cow-Milk-Infant 4..4-7

.Inggesti on Do'6se, Factors, Grass-Cow-Mi 1k-Child 122 4.4-8,

'Ingestion: Dose, Factors, Grass-Cow-Milk-Teen 123.

4.4-6 Inge sii on Dose' Factors, Grass-Cow-Meat-Adult :12.4

  • 4 4-,10: In'g~st-i~on' .D o se. Factors, Grass-Cow-Meat-Chilid 127 4.4-11 Ingest'io'n .Dose Factors, Grass-Cow-Meat-Teen 128 4...4-,T2 .Ingestion Dose' Factors,, Grass.-Cow-Meat-Adult 129..


4.. :4t3* Ingestion Dose. .Factors, Vegetation-Child 132

.4..4.-.14 SIngestion.'D0ose, Factors, Vegetation-Teen, 133 4..4- 15'.

.Inges ion Dose Factors', Vegetation-Adult 134 Page vi

LIST OF TABLES (Continued)

Table Page 4.4-1.6 Dose Factors Ground Plane 136 4.4-17 Liquid Effluent Adult Ingestion Dose Factors 138 5.1-1 Environmental Monitoring Station Locati'on,: 148 5.1-2i. Environmental Moni.toring Station's Locations, Grbundwater Monitoring Wells 149 5.1-3 Ring TLDs (Inner Ring) 150 5.,.1-4: R.i n g TLDs :(5 Mile Ring) 151 Page vii



1.0 DEFINITIONS 1.1 CHANNEL CALIBRATION Refer to Technical Specifications...

1.2 CHANNEL CHECK Refer to. Technical Specifications.

1.3 CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST Refer to Technical Specific"at.iohns.

1.4 DECASSING DEGASSING', for purposes:.of, hydrogen and oxygen control,.means Ventin:bg.f the make-up or reactor coolant systems..to the.WASTE.GAS SYSTEMm,.

DEGASSING,, fobr:purposes of control.lingthe inVent6ry of radioactIye materiali meansyenting of the pressurizer.to t.heWASTE GAS: SYSTEMý.

DEGASSING does not include sampling.


1.5 FREQUENCY NOTATION FREQUENCY S At least once per 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />sý.

D At least once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, w At least once per 7. days..

M At least once per 31 days.:

Q. At least once, per 92 days.

SA At least:once per 6 monthsi.

Y At least once per 12 months.

R, At: least once per 18 months.

S/U Prior to each .hreactor startup.

P Completedprior. to each releas..*

N.A. Not applicabl e'.

NOTE : Surveillance frequencies are, met if ,the ,surveillance is.

performed within 1625t*times the interVal specified, as measured from the, previous performance or as measured-from is met.

the timea, specifiedcondition of the frequency This i~s consistent with the convention ofIT 3.0.2.


.The LIQUID.RADWASTE. TR'EATMENT SYSTEM.shall be any available equipment (e.gý, filters, evapborators) .capable of reducing the:

quantity of radi:oactivematberial, in li'quid effluents,v prior to.


1.7 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC' MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC'means an individual in a.controlled or

'unrpesotricted area. Howe'ver, an' indiVidual, is not a:.member of the

-pub*icduring' anyperiod:in which the individual receives an occupational dose.

1.:8 MODE Refer to Technical Specifications...



The OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION: MANUAL. contains the methodology and

.parameters used in the calculation of offsite :doses resulting from radioactive gaseous and.liquid effluents, in the calculation of gaseous and: liquid effluent monitoring Alarm Trip Setpoints, and in the conduct of the Environmental Radiological Monitoring Program.

The ODCM also contains the Radioactive Effluent Controls and Radiologi cal Environmental Monitoring Program and descriptions of the information that shouldl, be included i.n the Annual. Radiological Environmental Operating and. Radioactive. Effluent Rel:ease Reports.

1.10 OPERABLE - OPERABILITY Refer to Technical SpecificAtions.

1.11 SITE, BOUNDARY The"SITE BOUNDARY'shall be that Titne beyond which the land is not own ed',. leased', or otherwise..controlled by the licensee.


  • A SOURCE. CHECK shal'l be.. the., qualitative assessment of channel' responsdewhen Che"hann...sensor is exposed:to a rad.ioactive



An "uNPLANNED aELEAS is, an. unintended discharge of ifuiAor d

.airbqrne radioactivity to the envirohment. The Auxi:liary Building Vefntilatio'n sstem is..designed to handleleakagefrom.various plant components. Leakage' of this .not considered, unplanned t 'is" unless -,the magnitude- of the leak. is significant (i.e., reportable).

M:nor equipment fail.ures which cause an increase in plant releases

.:are no.t .unpl"an.ned.:.as:. it i s. expected that- mi nor, fai~l urýes wi 1l occur "from time-to-time., Human e,r .ro.r ich :esults in a release of radioacti.Vity to".'tihe envi:ronmmeisn consi dered unplanned.


Releasi.ng: the wrong waste tank.

Plant l eakage which exceeds :reporting limits such as those. of 10 CFR 50.72 and, 10 CFR. 50.73.,



.An UNRESTRICTED AREA shall be any area at or beyond the site

.boundary, access to which is not controlled by the licensee for purposes of protection of individuals from exposure to radiation and radioactive, materials, or any area within the site boundary used for residential quarters or industrial, commercial, institutional, and/or recreational purposes.

1.15 VENTILATION EXHAUST TREATMENT SYSTEM A VENTILATION EXHAUST TREATMENT SYSTEM is any system ..designed and installed to reduce gaseous radioiodine or radioactive material inh particulate form in effluents by passing ventilation oýr Vent exhaust :gases through charcoal adsorbers, and/or HEPA filters for the purpose of removing iodines or particulates from the gaseous

..exhaust stream prior to rel e-ase. tothe environment (suchd, a syste~m is not considered to have any effect on noble gas effluents).

Engineered Safety Featu~re (ESF) atmospheric cleanup systems are not considered to.be. VENTILATION: EXHAUST TREATMENT SYSTEM c6mponents.

.1 16 WASTE GAS, SYSTEM A.WASTE. GAS :SYSTEM -i's ahy equipment (e.g.., tanks,, vessels,, piping) capable of collecting pri.mary coolant system offgases from the

.primary* system and pr.oviding for delay or holdup for. the purpose of irducqihg the total. radioacti.vity prior to release to the:

envi ronment ..


PURGE. or PURGING is 'the controlled process .of discharging..air or

<gas from. a. confinement to maintain temperature,. pressure,: humidity,,

concentration or . oIt".her operating. condition, in such. a: manner":that repolaceiment. aiir 'or': gas. is required to purify:the conffinement.


2.0 SPECIFICATIONS RADIOACTIVE LIQUID EFFLUENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION 2.1 The radioactive liquid effluent monitoring instrumentati.on channels shown in Table 2-1 shall be OPERABLE with their alarm/trip setpoints set to ensure that the limits.of specification 2.5 are

.not exceeded.

APPLICABILITY: As shown on Tabl~e 2-1


a:.. .With a radioactive liquid effluent monitoring instrumentation channel alarm/trip setpoint less; conservative than'.*equired above, =without delay suspend the, release of radi.oactive liqui-d

effluents monitored by the affected",channel, or change the

.setpoint so that it: is acceptably conservative,ý or declare. the.

channel. inoperable.

  • b. With one or more radioactivi l:iquid effluent monitor*irng instrumentation channels. inoperable, take. the.. ACTIN shown in' Table 2-1. For the instrumentation covered by items .1 and 2 of the table,, exert best efforts to return*the inoperable in.strument(s), to OPERABLE status, withini30:, days.,_ If*ý:the affected instrument(s).cannot be returned toaOPERABLEsstatds, within, 30 days, provide 'informati.on on. ,the reaSons' for' inoperability and lack of timely corrective. :acti on inr the 'next, Radi:oactive Effluent Release Report.

"SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 2.1,. 1 Each radioactive liqUid effluent moniftoring inst rumentation, channel, shall be demonstrated OPERABLE. by p:erformance, of 'theCHANNELCHECK, SOURCE CHECK,, :CHANNEL, CALIBRATION and CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST.

operations at. the frequencies shown.ih Table. 2-2..




..Effl.uent Li'ne (RM-L2): I1 ,ALL> MODES: 21

b. ,Seciondar)Y Doa"lanhk iLi'quid

,Effl uent Line ?(RM.L7) .1 ALL, MODES. .22

2. RATE MEASUREMENTDEVICES iFLOW 4*,. Auwiliary Bui:Idi Og. Liquid.. Radwaste

.ff Iient Lie .ALL MODES 23.

b. SecRndary 6 Drain Tank :Liquti:d
  • E*fflue*t i ne ALL M6DES
a. NUclear Seryi~ces. Cl osed.Cooing 24 Water-Monior (RM L3) 1*.
b. Decay Heat Closed Cooling, water 'Monitors.:-(RMEL5: and. RM-L6):
  • 24
  • During system operation

TABLE 2-1 (Continued)

TABLE NOTATION ACTION 21 With less than the required number of OPERABLE channels, effluent releases vi"a this pathway may continue, provided.that prior to initiating: a release:

a. At least two. independent samples are: analyzed in accordance, with Specification 2.5.1, and b6. Tw6 qualified persons independently, verify the r'elease ,rate

'cal~culati ons, .and

c. Two.. qualified. persons independently verify the di'scharge valve lineup.*

Otherwise., suspend. releases of radioactive. materi*as via., this pathway.

ACTION.22 With less than the required number of OPERABLE channels, .efflu6ent releases. Via this pathway may continue,. -provided that grab samples,,

.are coll.ected.c.and %anal yzed for gross radioacti~vity, ,at least ohce

'per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.*

ACTION.23 With Iliess 'than, the required number of OPERABLE, chahnels, 6effluent rel'easeds via this pathway may continue, provided that the flow rate..is estimated at, least: .once: per 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> during. actual, releasies.,

ACTION 24 With no: channel.s OPERABLE.. plant operation mnay conti'nue.;provided grabsamlesare col lecbtd:. and analyzed at I ea*s.t. once er. 24 OFF-SITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL Page":7


b. Secondary Dr'ai'n Tank Liquid, IQ:

Eff, ueIt6.k;Li 6e-.(RM-L7). P R,,: .N.A.

S2 FLOW RATE MEASUREMENT DEVICES a.. - Auxil'i ary- Building§ Liquid" dwaste Effl uent Line "

o (2), N.ýA .R. N.A. N.AA.

b. Secondary, fflue,:. ain T
e. Tank a kLquid

.. .N.A:,

3. PROCESS MONITORS a.. Nuclear Services Closed ,.CooliJ.ng 'D N.,A... :R ALL MODES Wat.er Monitor(WRM-*L.
b. Decay. Heat.C.Os:eLd:*Cose "ol'ing .R Water:. Monitors:, (RM.-L5 acnd RM-L6) 0:: NAi, Q ,ALL MODES OFF-SITE DOSE. CALCULATION MANUAL Page 8

TABLE 2-2 (Continued)


  • ,During periods of release.

(1) CHANNEL CALIBRATION'shall be performed using:

a. One or more standards traceable to the National Bureau of Standards, or b., Standards obtained from suppliers that participate in measurement assurance activities. with the National Bureau of Standards,. or c, Standards: related:to previous calibrations performed usilng.

(a) or (b) above,.,

(2) CHANNEL CHECK shall consi st of verifying indication of flow during periods of relea.sei. A..CHANNEL CHECK shall be performed at least.

o.nce:.per day on any .day that continuous, periodic or batch rel'eases. are.made.


RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS EFFLUENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION 2.2, The radioactive gaseous effluent monitoring instrumentation.

  • channels shown in Table 2-3. shall be OPERABLE with the effluent release isolation alarm/trip setpoints set to ensure that the.

,limits of Specification 2.7 are not exceeded.,

APPLICABILITY: As shown in Table 2-3 ACTION::

a. With. a radioactive .gaseous. effluent monitoring instrumentation channel alarm/trip .setpoiht less conservative than required above, without delay suspend the release of 'radioactive gaseous

,effl uentsmonitored. by the affected: channel whe.re.appl]icable, or change"the setpoint so that it is acceptably conservative,

.or declare the, channel inoperable..

ýb. With one or more radioactive gaseous effluent moni:toringi insntrumentation ch annel s. inoperable, take the ACTION 'sh6wn' inh Table 2-3.. For, the- instruments: covered by items 1, 2, and:, 3 of:

  • the. table, .,exert. best...efforts to return: t"he inoperable "

instrument(s) to OPERABLE status within: 30 days. *If the.

.affected instruments cannot be returned to OPERABLE status within 3.0.days, provide information on reasons :for

-inoperability and lack of timely corrective aiction in. the next Rafdioactive Effluent Release Report.

SURVEILLANCE :REOUIREMENTS 2.2.i1 Eac*h radioactive gaseous. effluent monitori:ng instrumentati..on channel shall :be demonstrated OPERABLE by performance.,of the:

CHANNEL.CHECK, SOURCE CHECKj,. CHANNEL CALIBRATION:...and. CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST operations during the MODES and frequencies showi.n in: Table.. 2-4..



.. ... . % ,. ,. *... . .. ... ,. ..... . . .. ::- '...... . .I I . :.. I.



OPERABLE !MODES .ACTION 1.. Waste Gas: Decay Tank .Monitor. '(RM-All),

.a,. Noble Gas Ac1i'v*i.y Mobnitor*' 1i ALL MODES 24.

b... Effluent.System Flow Rate.Monit6or 1 .AL'L MODES 2'. Reactor BuAilding Purge Exhaust.;Duct`

Moni'tor (RM-Al)

a. Nobleý Gas Actiivity. Monitor i., Normal Range*. 1 27 ii. Accident Range# 1 29
b. Iodine Sampler i 25 c.. Particulate Sampler 1. 25 d%: Effluent Sysstem; FRow Rate' Monitor 26, e,. Sampler -Flow'R;ae'.Moni.*r.. .11


3. -Auxil. i ary BuilAdihng and::Fuel Handli*ng Area Exhaust:,tDuct Moni'to#'.(RM A2):

1a. Noble: Gas Activity .Moit*Or

i. Normal Range' * 'ALL.MODES, 28 i i:. Accident Range # 1f, 2, 3: &.4 29:
b. ,Iodine, Sampler :1 2-5


c. Particulate SampTer, .1 ALL. MODES. 25S d'. Effluent sYstem Flow Rate Monto.r ALL:.,MOES 26
e. Sampler Floow Rate.4Moitor .ALL:MODES 26
4. Condenser: Vacu.oum:. Pump. Exhaust - Gaseous 1 1.,2', 3, 4. 30 Acti+jlty.' Monitor (RM-A12).

Provides.t'ontrbli room;'alarma.a aui 'm*.

t'.nation of; eelease" During Pe roddsi of reactor' building purg',* except.,dur'ing`,fuel, Movement. During fuel movement surveill ante

  • requirements for RM-Al (normal range), are. specified by ITS 1.3.15.. Automati.c i~solation, function i s nd't. required if moving,, fuel:, that hasn..ot' be'en. recetly. irradiated. .. (See ITS'. B*3'3A.:.5 and B, 3 9*6r di-Cussgin). Fuel movement" includes prepar.ati'on for*,a nd demob'iji*zation .from ,AI504, Shutdown. Condition 3. Automatic isolation ,functi*oh is also not requi red.. i n '.no mode' planttitus:t  : 4.
  1. The're is no. isolatinsetpoint orveIease. terminati~on,funet~i: for this:

monitor.. 'A:l.arln se.tpoints, are determi.ned by* the-'app `pr:i~a Kystem. pr*credulesmf.


TABLE 2-3 CContinued)

TABLE NOTATION ACTION 24 With less than the required number of OPERABLE channels, the contents of the Waste Gas Decay Tank may be released to the environment,, provided that prior to initiating a release:

1. The Auxiliary Building & Fuel Handling Area Exhaust Duct Monitor (RM4A2) is OPERABLE with its setpoints set to ensure.

that the limits of Specification 2Z.7 are not exceeded. The setpoi'nt shall be detiermined .in, accordance with the '.OFFSITE DOSE. CALCULATION MANUA-L, :or

2. a. At least two independent -samples of the tank'ýs, contents' are*

analyzed in accordance wi th, Table,'2,,,26.-.and

b. Two qualified persons independently:: verify' the releas'e rate.calculations, and
c. Two qualified persons i ndepen dently verify the discharge valve: lineup.0:.

Otherwise, suspend :releases of :radioactiVe effluents Yia, this, pathway.,

ACTION'. 125" RM-A1 With:.the affected sampler °i.noperable, operation: of the, RB purge may ýcontinue for 1 'hour with no auxi.liary sampling, pr -oidedthat, RBaji borne levels are steady'state pr decl ining.n If..i ndi cators$.

of RB atmospheric aýctiviy, 'such as .RM-A6, RCS 'leakage, or general area air samples, tsh6w an increase in RB.activity whi le the.

ýsampler is inoperabl"e, then immediately restore the.affected, Sampler, or i'mpl emeht' auxi'l.i ary sampling, or shut down the pu.rge.q...

With the- affected sampl er inopelrable6,,...operation of the.RB: purge

may.continue for more' tan 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> pr"ovi de4d: t:hat sampl-ess (reference Tabl.es, '2-.6)ý are- conitinuously taken.: (except for fil ter ,changes):.
  • with auxili.ary samp.i..qijpmipmentý.

Auxilary§sampli0ng equpment includes general' area RB: ai r :sampl es.

or RMA-15.. Other :s'ampling: regi..imes are acceptabl6e, proviided results are.:representative .of plant 'eff*uents.

Note: Coordination of sampli.ngoduring core alterations:orý fu~l:

..movement is requir ed in'order :tdo-bmply wiith Technical Speci fi cati .ns:.


TABLE 2-3 (Continued)


With the affected channel inoperable, effluent releases may continue. for 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> with no auxiliary sampling, provided that. AB; airborne levels are:steady State or, declining., IfJ'hndi cators of AB atmospheric activity,such as RM-A3 RM-A4.,:and RM-A8 show an, Increase in activity then restore the affected sampler.,, or implement auxil~i~ary samplli:ng,, or shut down the releasse .

With the affected, sampler inoperable, ..effluent "releases'. may:

continue for' more than 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> provided.that samples (reference,

,Table 2!-6), are continuously taken '(except for filter changes)*. with au6xi liary samp'.ing equi pmeint.:

Auxiliary.,:sampling equipment includes 1). RM-A.4 and:RM-A8&used:

together, 2), general, area AB air samples, obe 3)1 RMA-15. Other sampling regimes are, aclceptable: provided results are"

.representative of plant effluents."

ACIION :26ý With the: number of OPERABLE: channels: less than: required,. e.ffluent releases vi.a. this pathway ,may continue,. .provi ded. flow rate is estimated at. least once per .4. hours.

ACTION .27 WitK the n0.obl:e.gas mohitor (operating, r.ange)- i noper able;,..,..o peratio.n

,of the. RB:pu'rge may continue for I hour, provided" thatRB airbo.rnfie, levels aresteady state Or dec ining. -If ilndicatorsoof.RB

,atmospheric activýity: such :as: RM-A6, RCS leakage,. 'or,genera. area ai"r samples show -an increase: in RBacti.vit ,hil.e the monitor i S no'perble,, then i .mmediately restore :the noble gas ::monit*or or-shut down ..the: purge.. "

N6te: 'CoOrdi nati!:on of samplinhg- during cbre alterations or fuel6

-:movement is requi'red.in order to comply-withl.Techni*cal SpecifI.cati ons.

ACTION '28 If, the, auxiliary building v enti l ation system is, secured' -such that thepre, is no effluent, releas.e path-, then -there are. no compensator:y sampling. requi rementsý.* ';

With the. number of OPERABLE channelsi less than rreu red, releasesý,

vi~a. thi.:'is pathway may continue, provided RMA4,.and:: RM-A8&are :

op~erabl e, ,and auxiliary building., airborne lVeels are .steady state.

or declining asindi cated. by trend data from these monito rs. If usi ng., RM-A4. and, RM*-A8 as. compensatory monitors* for RM-A2., then evaluate the trend zdata- of these 'monitors -every 12, ho*rs and.

notate .,the.evaluati on in the pl:ant: og until RM-A2. is re'turned ;to service. orthe release is secured.: Re.view::of monitor.trends using

'the plant computer system (such as OSI-PI o6 equivalent) :is:an approved&method 'to satisfy: this requirement:.,


TABLE 2-3 (Continued)

TABLE NOTATION Note: An increasing trend for RM-A4 and/or RM-A8, is defined as RM-A4 or RM-A8 count rate inccreases by a factor of 2 above baseline: counts or if either'%monitor's warning alarm setpoinrt atuates., exclusi veý .of mOmentary spikes or

.spurious alarms.

If an increasing., trend is noted on"RM-A4 or RM-A8, then collect grab samples at the appropriate monitors (or plant areas) t6 evaluate the condition.

IF RM-A4 and RM-A8 :are not operab.le6, then collect. gas, grab samples, at leastonce per, 12. hours ,.and analyze within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> from RM-A2, if its pump. is running with, acceptable flow rates.S Ifi RM-A4 or RM-A8, 'is,"not available, then other local grab sampling regimes at-a. frequency of once per 12"hbour'scan, .be. utilized as long as' it is representative of plant effluehts.

,Additionally either the: requi rements 'of ACTION .24 Part. 2 are met

  • or RM-A11 iS OPERABLE prior, to.releasing the o*ntents of the Waste

.Gas Decay: Tanks..

AION 29 Wi:th the number of OPERABLE. channel ess than required by the

.Mi nimnum Channfel:s PERABLE requiremet.its,

.) Either restore 'the inoperable: Channel (s) to.OPERABLE status, wi thi-n, :7 days of the event, or,

.2) Prepare and submit, a Sp1ci1al"0Repot. t the Commlissionpursuant to Speci ication 2.14 withi.n: the nex 30t days outlini ng the action- taken , the. cause 6of the. i nopeirabili ty.Eand:..the'

.status . plans. and:

s.chedulc for .restoringf .theý .system .to.OPERABL NOTE: Action Statement 2.2a nota'pplicable.

.ATION 30 With no channel's OPERABLE, planf. peratin.may continue t provided grab samp.les ar.,e collected and analyzed. for n6ble. gases at least once, per 24, hours.

NOTE: The ýabsence of acconversi'on factor to relatec,:.pm to gpd.

primary to secondary leakage does not make.RM-A12 inoperable:; RM-A2can:sti I l: be used as 'an indicator of changes..in noble gas :concent rations in the.condenser .off gas. CP-15.2, Primary to:: Secondary Leakage. Operating

,Guideliine, specifies;%the.actions to. take..when a leak rate conversio. factor is .not available for use with. RM-A12,.






a. Noble Gas: Activity 'Mohitor" P R. * .p.A. .Q;


.a. NobbleGas Activity. Monitor 'N..A..

P,/Q I., 'Normal Range: .y Y Q, ii.,1 A~cident Range Q b., I0odine Sampler N.A.. N.A.,, :N.. A. N.A.

.c.. ;Par.fticulate .Sample6r. N..A. .N,A.,

N.A. N.A.

d..: Effl'uent System Flow Rate Monitor .D " Q N.lwA. .Q1!

  • e. .SAimpTer Flqow Rathe Mo6nitor: N.A.,
  • D: *y DucT MONITOR* *(RM-A2),
a. Noble Gas: ,Actviity 'Monitor, I. N6rmal. Rnge Q; ALL. MODES, i i. Accident Rangie 1, 2, 3, 4
b. Iodine Samp ler N.:A. }

N.A. N.A. N,. A. ALL MODES c.. :Par:ticul:ate. Sampler .D N.A. ALL MODES.

d. :Effluent System Flow Rate:M6nit&r N.A. Y. ALL MODES e.,.. Sampler Flow Rate Monitor D. N,.A. Y, ALL MODES D N. A.
4. Condenser Vacup.m Pump Exhaust -Gaseous R 1, 2, ..3, 4 Activity Moni.tor (RM-A12),

'Monitor has insftal*led source for c6ntnu reus.,.esponse evalua.ion.


TABLE 2-4 (Continued)

  1. During periods, of Reactor Building Purge, except during fuel movement.

.During fuel movement surveillance requirements for .RM-A1 (normal range) are specified by ITS 3.3.15. Automatic isolation function is not required:if moving fuel, that has not been recently irradiated. (See ITS B 3.3A15 and. B 3.':9.3 for discussion). Fuel movement includes preparation for and demobilization from AI-504, Shutdown Condition 3..

(1) CHANNEL CALIBRATION-shal] be performed using:

a. *one or more.standards traceable to the National Bureau of Standards, or b.. Standards obtained from suppliers that participate in measurement assurance activities with the National Bureau of'Standards, or
c. Standards. related to previous.calibrations using..(a): or ,(b) above:;.

LIOUID RADWASTE TREATMENT SYSTEM 2.3 The LIQUID RADWASTE TREATMENT SYSTEM shall :be used, as required, to reduce radioactive materials i.n liquid wastes prior to their discharge, when projected monthly doses: due to liquid effluents discharged to UNRESTRICTED AREAS would exceed the following values:

a. 0.06 mrem whole body;
b. 0.2 mrem to any organ APPLICABILITY:. At all times.

ACTION: a.ý When radioactive liquid waste, in excess, of the above% limits, is discharged without :prior treatment, prepare and submit to the Commission within 30. days,, a Special. Report pursuant to Speci fi:cati:onh 2J14, which includes the- folowing:information:

1. Identification of inoperable equipment randthereasfns for inoperabi 1 ity.
2. Actlonsý takenh, tob restore the inoperable equipment to OPERABLE status.
3. Actirns taken to. prevent' recurrdnce..:

SURVEILLANCE REOUIREMENTS 2.3.1 :Doses due to liquid releases shall :be pr6je~ted'at least6nce per 31 days.. .


WASTE GAS SYSTEM 2.4 The: WASTE GAS SYSTEM shall be used, as requiredý, to reduce the radioactivity of materials in gaseous waste prior to discharge, when proj'ected :monthly air doses due, to releases of gaseous effluents from the site to areas at. or beyond the SITE BOUNDARY

,would exceed:

1) 0.2 mrad' gamma;

.2) 0.4 mrad. beta;. and The VENTILATION EXHAUST TREATMENT SYSTEM shall be used,j as required, to reduce the.quantity of radioactive materials in gaseous waste prior to discharge., when projected monthly air doses due. to release -of g'aseous effluentsý from the- site to areas: at or

..beyond the SITE BOUNDARY would ekceed:

1) 0 3: mre to-'any .o:rgan APPLICABILITY":. -At all, imes.



'SYSTEM are., not, used: and gaseous ,waste in excess .of the above, aimits 'is discharged withouti:prio, treatment, prepare and

'submi=t to the Commission.,. wi.thin 30: days a Special Report, pursuant, to* Specification 2.*14, which includes:

1) Identification of tei5operable equipment and the reason(s) for inoperabi"ity.

'2) Actions taken to. resitore the' inoperabl e equi.pment, .to

-.OPERABLE status.,

3) Actions taken tO.. prevejnt riecur rence.


2. 4.1 Doses due to gaseobus rel:eases: from the- site shall be projlected at least,: once per 31 days.i ..

LIQUID EFFLUENTS CONCENTRATION 2.5 The. concentration of radioactive material. released to UNRESTRICTED AREAS. shal.l be less than or equalý to 10 times the coflcentrations specified in 10 CFR. Part 20, Appendix B,. Table II, Column,2 for radi onucliTdes other than dissolved or. entrained. noble gasesý. ,.For.

Xe-133, the concentration ,shall be <1.x 10-3: microcuries/cc. For

.all other dissolved or entrained noble gases, the concentration shall be less than or equal to 2x10-,4 mi.crocuries/cc total activity.

APPLICABILIT*: At..:all times.


a. With the concentration Of. radioa.,ctive materials released' to, UNRESTRICTED"AREAS exceeding the above limits., without delay'

.restore the concentration of radioactiIve materialss bei'ng

  • reieased :to UNRESTRICTED AREAS to vithin the:"above limits. If the. .cOncentration of radioactive materials being released, in excess of the above limit is related, to a plahnt-operatin characteri sti c', appropriate correcti ve measures-(e6g., power

,reductioh, plant shutdown) shall be taken to restore the concentration of radioactive materials !being, rel eased::tol'.

UNRESTRICTED AREAS to wi.thin the above:iTi mits.

SURVEILLANCE: REQUIREMENTS 2.:5.1 Radioacii.ve liquid wastes shall *be..sampled and analyzed.in

.. *ac6rdance, wit t.he sampl i ng and analysis program of Table 2-5 2.5.2* The results.of t",he radioactivity anal~yses shall be used toassure the .conncentrations, of radioactive material ýreileased from the site.

are maintained within the limits of Seci fi.cation' 25.


TABLE 2-5 DAnTAArTT-II* I TAIJTn, WACTC. :CAMI T-lr. AhIn: APUAI V.CTC DDVDDAM Minimum Lower Limit of Liquid Release Sampling Analysis, Type of Activity Detection Type Frequency Frequency Analysis (LLD)

___(pCi/ml)a A. Batch Waste P P Release Each Batch -Each Batch Principal Gamma 5x10-7 Tanksd Emittersf

1. Evapora*to.r 1-131 .x.10-6 lCondensate.

st~orage, Tanks (2).

2. Laundry & P :M Dissolved and; x10- 5 Shower .Sump, One, Batch/M Entrained ,Gses Tanks '(2). ,(Gamma Emi*tt.ers
3. Sec6ndary P M H-3 1xl-S Drain Tank Each Batch Composi t ___

Gross Aloha, .... ..... .. x10- 7

.. Q Sr89, Sr-90 5x10-8 Each :Batch 'Compos. teb "_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Fe55 lx10-6 B.iCcntinuous Principal Gamma

,Re:leasese Cbnt-i.ruousc .Cmpsi tec et Emite"rsf 5x10O7

'Cbiondensate System i-i.Yj 6 lx10,

.M M Dissolved -and lxiO.-5

  • Grab ,,Saniple Entrained Gases

______________ Gamma* Emi tters) _______

M H3 1x10 5 Cnti-inuousC iComp0site * .. ...

Gross Alpha  !x1O-7 Q Sr-89, SR-90 5x10-8

ContinuousC: Compositec Fe7,55 1x017 6 OFF-SITE:'DOSE-CALCULATION MANUAL Page 20
  • TABLE 2-5 (Continued)


a. The LLD* is the smallest concentration of radioactive material in a.

sample that. will be detected with 95% probability with 5% probability of fal.seily concluding that a blank observation represents a "real" signal.

For a particular measurement system (whi:ch may include radiochemical Sepa.ration):0 LLD = 4.66sb/.(2.22x.16EVYe-*t)


LLD is .tie 'lower limi* of, Odetecti~on as defined above (as microcurie per unit mass 6r Volume),

s is the standard deviiatiion of the.background counting rate or .of the counting r.ate of a blank.sample as appropriate (as counts per 'minute),

E i s. the coun*t*i ng.,effi=ci"ency (as counts per disintegration),,

V' iis the sample size. (i n uhits of mass, or Vol Ume),

2.22x104 is :the, number of disiintegratilons per :minute ;peLr microcurie, Y: i-s the fracttional. radiochemi.cal 'yield..(when applicable),

Sis t*he rad.ioactive.decay. constat for the particular radionuclide, and At .is the 'elapsed ,time between mifdpoint of sample collection and time of counting-.4(for plan't effluents1 not environmental samples).

-TypicalT v.alueso*6f "E., V,. Y, and-At shal *be, used in the calculation.

T*he LL is defiin ed as. an., a, ioi (before the fact) li mi t repres~enting: the

  • capability. of a measurement Sy.sSem and not as. an a.Posteriori (after the fact) limit for a* tparticul a r measurement..


TABLE 2-5 (Continued)

TABLE NOTATION bý. A composite sample is one in which the quantity of liquid sampledis proportional to the quantity of liquid waste discharged and in which the method of sampling employed results. in a specimen which. is representative of the liquids released.

c. To be representative of the quantities and concentrations of radioactive materials in. liquid: effluents, samples shall be collected continuously isn proportion to the rate of flow of the effluent stream. Prior'.,to analyses, al.l; samples taken for the composite shall be thoroughly. mixed in oarder for the composite sample tobe representative of. the effluent d.. A batch release is the discharge of li quiid -.Wastes of a:discrete volume.

Prior. to.sampling for analyses, each batch shall be. isolated', and then thoroughly mixed to assure representati-ve, sampl:ing.

e. A, otinuous relIease is the di scharge of liquid wasteýs o0-f a nondi screte volume; eg., f roma volume or system that has an inpu t. flow .durng-the

.continuou-s release..

f. The princi.pal gamma emitters for Which the LLD specilfication applies.

exclu.isively- are the following radlionuclides: Mn-54,. Fe-59, Co-58,i C6:601,.

Zn-65,: Mo-99, Cs-134, Cs-137, Ce,141., and'Ce-144. This liSt does not,

.mean that only these nuclides are. to be-4.etected and .reported. Other-peaks, which.are measurable and identifiable, together with-the above, nuclides, shall: also be identi.fied and reported. Nuclides. whi**h aree blwthe LLD-for the analyses. shall1 be reported as. "less than,",the.

nucli.de's LLD, and shall not be reported. as being present:at the: LLD:

level forthat huclide. The. "less than" val:ues L-shallnQt be Udsedinte

'requi ed dos'e calul ation s,.


LIQUID EFFLUENTS - DOSE 2.6 The dose or dose commitment to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from radioactive materials in liquid effluents. released to UNRESTRICTED.

AREAS shall be limited, as follows-:

a. During any calendar quarter to less than or equal to 1.5 m.rem to the total body and less than or equal to,:5:.mrem to any organ.
b. During any calendar year to less than:, orequal.to 3".mrem to the'.

total body, and to less than or equal. to 10 mrem to any organ.,

APPLICABILITY: At all times..


a. With the calculated dose from the release of rad..ioactive material:s i:n liquid effluents exceeding any of the above limits, prepare and submit to the C6mmdission, within, 30 days, a Speci al Reprt pursuant to, Specification 2.14,,w..Whi inclJ,udes:
1. Identification of tbhe cause for exceeding., the :l.imit.(s);

2.*. t rrective e6r action takenh1to 'reduce the release of radi*oactive matehria"* :i's:'n *i*dYquid .effluents during the

,ýremainder of the Currenrt. calehdar quar(ter .an, durihng the:

  • remai nde.r of .the current cafal endar year so that the dose or dose, c6mmit.menit to a 'MEMBER..OF -THE, PUBLIC from. this_ source.

is less:. thanh o equal to 3:mrem total body add less than- or equal: to1.:0 mreito' any, organpduri ng -the cal endar year.

SURVEILLANCE ,REQUIREMENTS, 2.6.1 ..DOSE CALCULATIONS.,: Cumative."dose" contributions from Iiquid.

effluents shall be determined .at least once.: per 31...days,.,


GASEOUS EFFLUENTS - DOSE RATE 2.7 The dose rate at or beyond the SITE BOUNDARY,. due to radioactive materials. released in gas~eous effluents, shall be.: limited as fol l.ows:.

a.. Noble gases: less tan, or equal to 500 mrem/year total body and less than or equal to. 300.0 mrem/year to the skin.

b. I-131, I-133, Tritiumr, and radioactive particulates With half-to 1500 lives of greater than, ;8 days.:. less. than or equal

.mrer/year" to any organ.gn APPLICABILITY: At all .times, ACTION:

a. With dose rate Cs) exceeding. the above limiots, Without delay decrease the dose rate.to wthin the above ,limit(s).. if the, dose rate at or. beyon'd&the SITE. BOUNDARY' due to r.,adioactive materials in gaseous effluents in* excess! of the above. limits. is relAted to a plan*-*operating characteristi*, approprri ate "

correctivemeasures (e..g:., power reduction, pl ant.shutdown)

shallbe taken to decrease the dose rate to within the:above:

SURVEILLANCE REouREENTS"A 2.7.1 Thee do-se: rate, .due:,to noble gases in. gaseous effluents shall be,

.determined: to: be. within the above limits.

2.7.:2. The dose ratedue, to. radioactive materials, specified a-b6ve.,Ve ,.6other

'than. noble gases,.in, gaseous:, effluents shall be determined.to be within the abovey'"li.mit*s by obtai'ning representative samples, and:,

performing analyses in: accordance:with. Table. "2-6.


TABLE, 2-.6&


  • ~ ~Mirn'fmum Lower . Limit e':'.. .. of M  :, *'Detection Gaseous Rele*ae ...
  • A"ria.lys"..is

. .ig Type Samipng .AnalysiS. i: . .. (L.L.D).

  • requeR°cy'. Frequency Type of Activi.ty Analysi a(pci/mla XA. Waste-,Gasi Decay. Tank, P P, Each Tank Grab ' Each Tank P n -paAl .am. ...... ". 1x1QA

$Samp, ef B. Rea.toý. JBuil d ing . P fPi*.rci ncp.* Gamma .Emi ttief.sb ,f -4 SPuirge"Exhaust Duct, EaECh Pug. Each ruge.

AMo nri t o r . ý . G4 r a b ..og .o

,.(RM AI):

  • SampI

". .. . e.- ' ...... :H" :.3.:... . ....

..... ............ .... . .; x l r 6

_________*Hv- ' 1x 0-C. Auxil~iary Bulilding' r0.indpal c .104:

  • and Fuel .Handling A04 fuGlm-Wnniii .Grab r'g'?

Area" Exhaust:.Duct- *Sample Mon itor (RM-A2. _.___.. ........ ......... ..

W .. . ... .

H:-3 .

.I. ... . . .. .. .....

.D. All 'Release. Types as ".,ntiinouse wd'-131 Listed .in. .B, 'Charcoal .X10*z 2 above**.. .. .. ..... Sample... _ __..

-Cont-nuqouse .P.rinc"pal d .. mma'rinttefs:


... .. .. ....... .s amnp Particulate le .131,

'_ Others) '1x10-1 "Continuouse . i.,oss, Alpha Compst I,(o-11 Particutlate.'.

i$anple____ .ot . ...

l'Q C~tnu ue Q r-89, Sr-9Q Compositiie: 1x1O Parti c'ul ate:

_____ _____Sample'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

..C..'* -. ,. Nuble Gae Noble GaSes

.:' UNiobrlBe Mo Moni~tor e.Bet-a.ta..r or Gam..m Gaiftimla. Ix-10-6:


TABLE 2-6 (Continued).

TABLE NOTATION a., The LLD* is the smailest concentratio6n: of :radioactive material in a sample that. wl be .detected with. 95% probabi ity with 5% probability of fal~sely concluding that a blank observation represents a "real" signal.

For a particular measurement.system :(whi~ch may-include radiochemical.


LLD = 4.66s /(2,...22xl0*EVYe-*-At)


LLD i's the, lower liit f detection as defined above (as mi crocurie per o'M unit mass or vo1ume):,.

s is .the standard devi:at-ion ,of the: background::counting rate or of "the counting rate of..,. ablank 'sample as', appr6priate (as counts per mi nute),

E is, the counting efficiency u(as.counts per,disintegration),

V is the sample .s5i,z~e (i n unitspof mass. or volume),.

2.22x10":i:s the number o6f disi-nteg.rations per. minute per. microcurie,..

Y is the, fractional. radi ochemical yIld (when. applicable),

Sis, the- radi:oactive" decay constantf.:for the,.partiicular radioonucliide, and.

At :is :the elapsed:, time 'between mi dpoint of sample colection and time.of

,counting (for' plahnt effl:uentsi not:*n*Vironmental samples).

Typitca val.ues:.of,E. ý,Y, ann at- shal .besed'i the .caculti on:.

The 'LLD 'is defiined as.an a : .rio (before the fact) litmit representing.the

,capabi.:ity: of a measurkment system :and,* notý as 4an:a:posteriori ..(after the fact) .. imit for a pafrticular measurement.,


TABLE 2-6 (Continued)


b. Analyses shall be performed when there is a sustained increase in the noble gas monitor count rate. As sustained increase is one in which the.

count rate stays above the-monitor Warning setpoint for at least one hour. Sam0pli:ng shall, :be done withiln 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> of warning alarm actuation.:

,If the associated noble gas monitor (RM-Ai or RM-A2) is out of service, during a release, ,then analyses shall be performed between 2 and 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> following shutdown, startup, or a change in power level exceeding 15%

ratedthermal power::within one hourr.

c;.. T'rit.ium grab samples shall be taken between 12 and 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> after' flooding' 'the ref uelig=.ng:. canal. and at. least. once per 7 days thereafter,

  • while t,he',refuei, ng§ i:can`al is flooded.

d..: 6samp es,,shall: lbe changed at:leastý. once per 7 days and' analyses shall' be,.

  • compl.eted wi:thin. 48 .hours after changing (or after removal. from sampl~er).

S~mplling"an.d anal.yses ..shallT be performed at l eastt once .per 24. hours f6r:

.at least ..7days."following. each shutdown, startup, or change in power

,evel exceedi ng, 15% of RATED THERMAL POWER within. a one hour peri od and..

anal yse should; be completed within 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> of changing.. when sampl~es.

  • collected for 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> are'.analyzed, the corresponding LLDs may be i.ncr:eased by a factor of 10. Thi's, once per 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> sampling ,requirement does not appiy'. f: .() analYsi s..shows.' that the", DOSE EQUIVALENT 1-131 concentration iTn the, reactor coolant has. not increased":more than a factor.

of 3: and(2) thie noble' gas monitor shows. that.the. effl~uent activit,y ,has.

..not, i~ncreased .m6re. than, a :.factor of 3. This sampling regime d6es not

apply to "WGDTs unl~ess a WGDT release..was in, progress and the corresponding effluent monitor activity increased. as descri bed above.
e. The ratio of *the §sample flow rate to the.' -sampl ed *stream .fl1oW rate' shal I

.b kown. for..,the Vtime peri'od covered byeach, dose or dose rate c*alac'tion ,made i accordance with the -Speci'fi.cations 2-.7 2-8,4 and 2'9.

f.. Th"e principal gam~ma emitters for whisch. the LLD specification applies'.

iexclusively are the following radio nuclides: Kr-87., Kr-88, Xe-133, Xe-133mi, Xe*135., a.ndXe-138 for gaseous emissions -and. Mn-54, Fe-59,. Co-58, :.Co--60, Zn-65, Mo-99. Cs-s1,34, 'Cs-137. Ce;,141 and Ce-144 'for

,particuTlate emissi'ons. This list does not: mean that only these. nuclijdes, aretdo be 'detected .and reporited. Other peaks, which are measurable and i'denti ifiiabe, teoi.::*get*h*er with th'e above nuclide's, shall also ,be identi~fied and reported. Nuclides which are below the LLD for the analyses-shall be rýeported 'as; "less than" the. n'uclidde's LLD and shall not be reported! as being presient at the LLDIe.v~el :for that',nuclide. The "leSs. than" valu6es:

shall not be :used.in ,the required dose calculationS.


DOSE-NOBLE GASES 2...8 The air dose at or beyond the SITE BOUNDARY, due to radioactive noble gases released in gaseous effluents shal'l be li.mited to.:..

a. During any calendar quarter: less than: or equal to 5 mrad I gamma and less than or equal to. 10 mrad beta radiation, and
b. During any calendar year.: less. than~or equal to 10:mrad; gamma and less than or equal to 20 mrad beta radiation.

APPLICABILITY:: At all times.


a. With the calculated air dose from radioactive, noble- gases,,in gaseous effluents exceeding any of the above limits, prepare,,

and submit to th'e Commission, within 30 days, a"Specia*l Report,

'pursuant to Specification 2.14, 'which i~ncludes:

1) Identification. of the cause.for exceeding the limi*t(s),.
2) Corrective action taken.to reducethe release of radioactive noble gases in gases effluents,:during*the

,remainder of the current calendar"quarter and duringl.,.the remainder of the current calendar.yearsbo that the average dose during the calendar year is less than ore.equail to, 10:

mrad gamma and 2.0. mrad beta radiation.'

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 28.8w1 DOSE CALCULATIONS: Cumulativedose contributions for the current..

calendar quarter. and current calendar year shall' :be determifned at..

leasteonce per 31 days.


DOSE 131, 1-133. TRITIUM, AND RADIOACTIVE PARTICULATES 2.9 The dose to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC. from 1.-131, 1-133, Tritium,, and radioactive particulates with half-lives greater than 8 days in gaseous effluents r.eleased: from the site to areas at or :beyOnd the SITE BOUNDARY shall be limited as. follows:ý

a. Duri-ng any calendar quarter: less than or equal to 7.5 mrem to, any :organ,., and
b. During any calendar year.:, less: than or equal, to. 15 ,mrem to, any organ.

APPLICABILITY:.. At al.l times.


a. With the calculated dose from ,t'he release.:of 1'-131, i-i33, Tritium, and radioactive particu ates with, greater than 8"day half-lives, in gaseous effluents, exce.edinghany of the above limi prepare and submit to he Comission,'within 30tdays-, *a Special .RePrt, :Pusuant t.to: Spcificati.on 2.14, Which includes:

1): Identification lof the causefor exceeding. the Ili:mits(s) ;

2) CorrectieVe action t reduce those releases during, the, remainder of"the current alendar .qarter and the: remainder df the current calendar year so- that.,the average dose. to.


  • anyh.organ is less than or:equal" to15 mrem.

SURVEILLANCE REoUTREMENTS 2.9.1 DOSE ,CALCULATIONS: Cumulative dose c.alcul"ati ons f6r th.e current.

cal'endar quarter And. current calendar* yearshall be, determined At least once per 31 daysi..


TOTAL DOSE 2.10 The calendar year dose. or. dose commitment to any MEMBER.OF THE PUBLIC.,. due to .releases of radioactivity and radiation, from urani~um fuel cycle sources shall be: limited to less than or equal to 25 mrems to the total body or any organ (except the thyroid,

.which shall be.limited to less than or equal to 75 mrems).


a,. With thecalcul'ated doses from: the. release of radioactive.

.materi al~sý in liquid or' gaseous, effluents exceedihg twice the.

limits of Specificati on 2"6a,. 2,..6b1,."2.'8a-, .2.8b, 2..9az, or 2. 9b, calcul ati onrs, should. be madej which: include. di rect radiatio:

contributions from the reactor:, to determine whethger the. aboveý limi-ts of Specification 2.10 have been ;exceeded. If such is

.the case, prepare and submit to,"the.Commi ssion withinh-360daaysi, pursuant. to Specification 2.14, a SpeciaT.Report that defines the correcti've'acti'6n io,`be taken to. reduce subsequent. rel*ases to!prevent recurrence of exceeding the above. imis and..

includes the sc:thedul6 .,for achieving confo"rmance with the. :.above.

limits.., This.SpOeci~al. R.eport, as defined ."in 10 "CFR Part 20.2203,,shal:l include gn analysis that es-tmates the radiation exposure ,(dose) to "a MEMBER.OF."THE PUBLIC from* uranium fue" cycle sources, including all- ef..fl uent pathways and direct.

r.adiation, for the calendar year that includes the: release(s) covered.by this report. It shall also describe levels "of' radiation.and. concentratio0ns of ýýradi oactiive, mate ria.l involed,

.and'the cause ;.of the,.exposure levels or: concentratiions. If the

.estimated dose(s) exceeds the above. limits, and.if*the release condition r*,esulting in violation of 40 CFR. Part 190 has .no6t..

  • already been: corrected,. the .Special Report s*hall include a..,.

'requIest for a. variance iin.:ac.cordance with the* p.*r.y.isions ::of 40::CFR Part. 190.ý. Submittal:.bf the-irepo.rt is considered a tim'e*ly request, and a variiance, is granted..unti* staff acti-on: on the equest, is complete.,

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 2.10.1 DOSE CALCULATIONS -. Cumulative: dose :.contributions from ihi qui d,.: and gaseous, effluents. shall be:determined -in accordance with:

Specifica.taions 2;,6,.L, 2.81,- and 2,9'*1.


RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING 2".11 The radiological environmental monitoring program shall .be

.conducted as specified i~n Table 2-.7, APPLICABILITy: At all times.


a. With the radiological environmental, monitoring program not being conducted as specified in Table: 2-7,, prepare and submit to the Commission:,. in the.Annual Radiologi:cal: En`vi.ronhme'ntal Operating Report:, a description of the. reasons, .fo.r,,nnot.

conducting', the program as.requyired and the plansi for preventing a recurrence..

4b.,, With th'e level of radioactivity, resulti'n'g from plant effluents, in an environmental sampplingmedium exceeding the

.reporting levels of"Yable 2-8 when averaged over any calendar quarte r,. p .repare...and submit to the. Commissibn., within ,30 days Of obtaining analyti*cal results from.'the affected'samping.

period, a Specia*l Report pursuant to Specificýaztion 2,14j which identifies the cause(s) for exceeding the limit(s) and defines corrective. actions to be taken to r'educe radi.oactiVe effluents

.so that the poienhtial annual..,dose to a; :MEMBER .ýOF.THE"'PUBLIC. is less -than the calendar yea'r 'l i*m*ts of,"Specificatio ns2.7, 2.8, and, 2:;9ý. When more than one: of, the; radionuclides.in Table 2-8&

'are detected 'in the.. radiofiuclides. in, Tabe 2-8. ,aredected in the sampling .ediuimy,, th i~s report s.0all1 6e.s~ubmi:tted; "if:

concentration ..(I) 6once6trati6n: 2)

,limit level (1) Tlimit, level t(2). + ... 5, o1

,When dradib onuclides other.than. those in Table 2-8 are detected

.and :are the result of ,plant effluents, this"report. shall be

ý.,submitted. if, the potenti al: annual do!se, to a MEMBER OF THE "PUBLIC;is greater thanor equal to.the calendar year limits of Specifications 2..7, 2"8:, ahd 2.9. This report is not required

.i.f. the measured Alevel of. radioactivity IWas not: the result of

.,plant effluent's; .,however; iIn suc.ch. an event the:: condi tioan shall:,

be 'reported and described i.n! tihe,.. Annual.Radiolog1cal '

Envilronmental Operating Report-..

c..With milk, or ffresh leafy vegetati:oh samp!,es, -unavailable: f rom o.r more of the s~amnple locations- requry ed by Table"2-7,

  • on.e::o.

Identify the cause of 'the unavailability of samples and identify locations for obtaining re5placement samples in the

  • next Annual ol1 1Radi ogica Envi ronmehtal: Operati ng Report. The locat.ions from which samples. were..unavaiable. may-.then be deleted *from. those required by .TabTeý 2:-7., provided. the locations: from. which the, repl-acement dsampl es, were obtained are

.added to ,the. envir66mentallii:onitorng program: ..asreplacement locations.

SUR*ELILANC.EREQUIIREI4ENTS 2.il. The ,radiological environmental monitoring ,samples shall be collecied pu:r'suant .to Table 2-7 'from, the locations given in:.,the

.table Aand Figures 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3 'and shall .be *analyzed pursuant

to the requirements of Tabl~es 2-7 and :29.


TABLE 2-.7 OPERATIONAL.RADIOLOGICAL.ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM Exposure Pathway Number of.Samples. Sampling/ Type/Frequency of and/or Sample and Locations Collection Frequency Analysis 1.AIRBORNE ..One sample each:' Continuous sampler/ Radioiodine canister:

Radioiodine and C07, C18, C40,.. C41, Weekly collection particulates C46 and: .Control a) 1-131 analysis Location C47 weekly

Particulate: sampler:

a) Gross 0 at >.24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />s/following weekly filter.


b) Composite. gamma special analysisz (by location)/

.quarterly. (Gamma Spectral Analysis shall also be performed on individual samples if gross"beta activity-of any sample is', greateer than 1...0 p.Ci/mi

.and which is also

..gre.ater than ten:

times: the control, s.saample activity.

21,.DIRECT RADIATION 1)..Site Boundary; .Continuous. Gamma, exposure

.C60, C61,?: .C621, pplaement/Quarterly rate/quarterly' C63 C614+,;C65, .,collection C66, C67,. C68-..

C69j:.. .C41, C7Q..'i C27, C7.1 C72,;.


2) Five C18:, C03, C04,

.(74:,, C75:, C76,.

C08, .. C;.G, C09, 9C78

.C79 3), Control, Location:. C47 OFF-SITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL Page 32

TABLE 2-7 (Continued)

OPERATIONAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM EXposure Pathway Number of Samples Sampling/ Type/Frequency of and/or Sample and Locations Collection Frequency, Analysis

3. WATERBORNE .One sample each; Grab sample/Monthly :Gamma spectral Seawater Cl4H=, C14G.Control. anal ysi s/monthly Location C13 Tritium analysis on each sample :or on a.

quarterly composite of, monthly samples.,

Ground water, One.- sampl.,e:, Grab Gamma Spectra.l 'and:

C40 (Control sampl e/semi annual Tritium analysis/each Location). sampl e One: sample each:,- Grab Gamma spectral and:

'Water CR3-2', CR3-4, CR3,-5,. sampl.e/quarterly Tniti um. anal ysi s/iealch CR3-6S,. 'CR3-6D,, CR3W7 sampl:e CR3-8, CR3-9, .CR3-!O One sampl e each :'

b i.rinking water C0, CIO, C18 :(AlI Grab.. Gamma, spectrA!:and.,.

.Cbntrol Locations) sample/quarterly Tritiurn anal ysiss/e.ach, sample

' ,sampie ,leach:,

.Shore.linfe". C4HW, CA4M, C14G Semiannual sampl:e: -Gamma spectral Sediment Co.n.troI Locati on C09 anal ysi s/each, sampile Gamnmas..sepectral'

.4. INGESTION Fish & One: sample'each. .. Quarterly:,

Invertebrates. ,C29'. Control. Oysters and. analysis on-edifble Lo'cati.*n. C30 carnivorous, fish ,porti.6n'sieac.h.s..ampl e Fd PproductS .One samp Ie ea6:' Monthly, (when Gamma spectral- and C48a*, C48b*., av.ai.lable).;: Sample 1-131. analysis/each "tontrol. Location, C47 compreslsed of three sample,"

(3) types of broad:

leaf Vegetation from each.- lcati on Oeý ýample : ,C19

-Annual during .Gamma spectral harvest: Citrus ,anal ysi s/each. sampl e

.One. samplie: .C04 Annual during Gamma .spectral harvest:. Watermelon anrial'ysi s/each sample S,.Stations C48a, and C48b are. located. nhear the. site boundary foregaseous effluents in the

.two sectors.whichi ,..yield",the highest historical annual, average D/Q values..


TABLE 2-8 REPORTING LEVELS FOR RADIOACTIVITY CONCENTRATIONS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLES Water Airborne Particulate Fish Milk Food Products Analysis (pCi/l) or Gases (pCi/m') (pCi/Kg:,,wet) (pCi/l). (pci/Kg, wet)

.H-3: 20,0001'"

Mnr- 54 1,000 30,000 Fe-59 4.00 10,000

,Co-58 .1,:000 30 j000 Co-6,01 300 10! 000

.Zý-65ý 300 20:,.000 Zr-Nb-95(b1 400

  • I131 2(c) 0.9 3 100:'

Cs-134 30 10 1,000 :601 1,000 Cs-137. 50 20 2,000 o70o: 2,00 Ba-La7140(b) :200 300 (a) For.,drinking. water.. samples. This is, 40 CFR Part 141 value.. If no drinking

  • .water "pathwayexists, .a Value of 30:, 000, pCi/l may be used.,

(b)An equilibrilum:: mixiitur.e.i of the parent and daughter isotope whi::ch cohtainst.he reporti ng

  • v.alue of t*he* parent isotope.

(c), For .d'ri:nki:ng Water samples only,..


TABLE 2-9 MAXIMUM VALUES FOR THE LOWER LIMITS OF DETECTION (LLD) a.,d Airborne Particulate Water or Gases Fish Milk Food Products Sediment Analysis (pCi/i) (pCi/mr3) (pCi/Kg, wet) (pCi/i) (pCi/Kg, wet) (pCi/Kg, dry) gross beta 0:.01 3

H 2600b 54Mn 1513 5 9 Fe 30 260 5 8 Co, 15: 130 60 Co 15 130ý

'6 5 Zn 30 260 95 Zr-Nb 15C 131i 1f 0 7 g 1 .60 i34Cs. 15ý 0 eo, 130 15 60 150 13 7 e. '150 80, I80so.

CS 8 0 :0 6 18


TABLE 2-9 (Continued)


a. The LLD* is the smallest concentration of radioactiVe material., in a.

sample that. will be detected with 95% :probabili.ty with 5% ..- probability, of falsely concluding that a blank observation represents a ""real" signal.

For a particular measurement system .(which: may include radiochemical separation):

'LLD = 4 . 6 6 sb/( 2 .22EVYe-t)


LLD is the lower limii t of detection as defined -above (as pic.curie per Unit..mass or"volume),

S is the. itandard deviation of the background countingi rate: or of the:

counting rate bofa. blank,.sample as, appropriate (as counts. per"minute),

E is the, co6unhting effjiciency (as Counts per disihtegrati-on)

V is thbe :sample sjze: (in units of mass or:: volume),o 2.22 iT: the:. numberof disintegrations. per ,mint e:,per pico: .:curu.,rl Y i:s, the' fract'fional: radi ochemical*:' yi*eld-U(when appl icabl*e),

Sis, the-radi oacive decay" constant for the particu**r radi onucl i de6*.. and At is the ela'psed time. between environmental. collection,. or end of the sample collection period,,and time, of counting...

Typal vues fE, V, ,. and At shall be used in.the: calculation:.

  • The LLD, isf defined as'an a priori (before the fact) limit representing the, capab i ityof the :measurement: ,:system and not. as an.a osteriori (after'the:

fact) limit fo6r a particular measurement.o Analys'es .s*hall be ,performed in such a manner that thee stated LLD!'s will be achieved unde'r ro-utine conditions. Occasionally., bckground fluctuationsý,. unavoiodable: small sample sizes, the presence of interfering nuclides, or other uncontrol1abl:e.

circumstanees may render these LLD's unachievable. In such casetsI :the.

contributing fact6rs!:shall be", identified and described in the-Annual

.Radiol ogi cal Envi ronmental:, Opering Report.


TABLE 2-9 (Continued)

TABLE NOTATION b'. LLD for drinking water. if no drinking water pathway exists, a value of 3000 pCi/1 may. be used.

c. The specified LLD is for an equili.brium mixture. of parent and daughter huclides which c.ontain 15 pCi/l of the parent nuclide.
d. Other peaks which are measurable and identifiab.le,, together with the, rad".onucl ides i n Tabl e 2,..9,J. shall be identified and. reported.-

e4. Cs-.134, and Cs-137 LLD's apply only to th'equarterly composite gamma spectral analysils., not to analyses. of si:ngjie parti.ulate,.filters.

f. LLD for drinking water. I.f no drinki~ng water pathway exists, the LLD .of g.amma isotopic analysis may be .used".
g. LLD for 1-1.31 applies:, .to a :single:. Weekly filter.



2.12 A land use census shall be conducted and: shall identify the luocatiohn. Of the nearest milk animal, the nearest residence and the

.nearest garden* of greater than 500 square feet producing fresh

.leafy vegetables in ,each of the land based meteorological sectors wi'thin: a. distance of. five miles.


a. ,With Aa land, use. census identifying a. location(s) that yields, a

.calc.ulated. dose'r,p..dose commitment greater than the values currentiy, bei:ng calcul:ated by SpecifictAiion 2.9...1, identify the

.new.. location in the 'next Annual Radiolo6gi'cal Environmental Operating,Repo~rt:.,

b. with 'a- land .use ,cen.sus iderntifying, a locati:On(s) which yields a cal culated dose.,ord 'dosecommitment (via the' same exposure pathway), whichis.,atleast 210%5 greater than at.'at l'ocation from*

,which. samples are cu'rrently being :.obtained in accordance with Specifiation ;2.11, this, location' shall be added to the

.or.aidi:6dogical:en'vironmental, monitoring program: within 3Q days..

The"Wnewisamplin.gh locati on shall replace the present .sampli~ng ocati on, which'has: th.e I ower' calculated dose or dose:


  • .commitment. (via the same-exposure pathway), after"June 30 followiing this 'land.use census.. Identification of the new 1ocatj6on and revisions of 'the appropriate figures shall be submi.tt ed.with fhe next Radioactive" Effluent. Relhase Report.

.Broad.16earf vlegetation, sampling may beperformed at' the site, boundary in,,the&

  • directionif sector with thehi ghes.t D/Q in li eu of the garden^ census..


2.12.1: T land "he: use census shall be. coinducted at least once per 12".months.

.. .during. thegowingseasonby a,"door-to-door -survey', .aerial survey,

o,r ::by 'consUlting local agri*culture authorities, using that i.hf0 rmation which "wil proyvidedquate results.


INTERLABORATORY COMPARISON PROGRAM 2.13 Analyses shall be performed on radioactive materials supplied ,as part of an Interlaboratory Comparison Program which has been-approved by the Commission. A summary of the results obtained from this program shal.l be, included in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report.

APPLICABILITY: At all times.


a.Wi:th analyses not being performed as required above, report the corrective aictions taken to prevent a recurrence to the Commission in the: .Annual Radiological Environmental Operating.


2.13..1 No: surveil.lance requirements other than those requi.red' by the, Inte.rlaboratorly Comparison Program.


ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS 2.14 SPECIAL REPORTS Special reports shall be submitted to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission within the time period specified for each report. These reports shal.l be submitted covering the activities identified below. A separate Licensee Event Report, when required by 10 CFR 50.73 (a), heed not be submitted if the Special Report meets the requirements of 10 CFR 50.73 (b) in additibn to the requirements of the applicable referenced Specification.

A., Dose due to radioactive, materials in liquid effluents in excess of specified limits, Specificat6n, 2.6.

B. Dose due: to noble gas in gaseous effluents in e'xcess' 'of" specified limits,, Speci'fication 2.8.

C.. Total: ,.calculated dose due to, release. of radi6active.effluenits:

exceeding twice the imitS of Speci fi cations 2.6a 2.6b., 2.8 2.8b, 2.9a, or 2.9b :(requi red by, Specification, 2.10),..

.D. Dose due to 1-131, 1-133, Tritium., andý radioactive parti:culaites-with greater than eight .day half-live.s, i:ngaseous ef fl uents i'n excess of specified lim1itls Specification, 2..,9.

E. Failure to process liquid radwaste,,,'in-excess of li'mits.. prior to. release,. Specification 2.3..

F. Failure to process gaseous radwaste', in..excess of limits,. prior' torelease, Specification 2.4.4.

'G Measured Ievels of radi oacti.vity in, environmental sampling medi um in exces s of the' reporti ng level oi.f- Ta.le. 2..-8ý,' whenh averaged 'over ,any. quarterly sampling period', 'Specification


H., noperable Accident Range Noble 'GasEffluent.

Montoring Instrumentation,. Specificoation: 2*.2 I. Meteorol0ogical monitoring.channel inoperable for more.than 7 days,. Specification 2.15.,

J. WGDT expl~osi.ve gas: moniitoring 'instrumentattioh:ni'noperable':for more than 30 days,. Specification 2.16.


METEOROLOGICAL INSTRUMENTATION 2.15 The. meteorological monitoring instrumentation channel's shown in Table 2-10..shall be OPERABLE...

APPLICABILITY: At all times.


a. With one or more required meteorological monitoring channels inoperable for more than.7 days, prepare andsubmit a Special Report to the Commi:ssi on pursuant. to? Specik fi ca.ti on 2. 14 wi thi n.

the next. 10.days outlining .the cause o.f.the malfunctionh and, the, plans for restoring the:channel(s).toOPERABLE status.


.2.15.1 Each of the :above meteorologi-cal monitoring. instrumentati on-channels.shall be demonstrated OPERABLE by'.'the porformance of the CHANNEL CHECK:and CHANNEL CALIBRATION opera.tions atthe frequencies:

shown' in -Table' 2-11.:




.Nominal Elev. .33' 1

2. WIND DIRECTION, "Nominal Ele*v.. '313 1

Nominal Ele*v.,

  • 1

. 33' -for ,s.igma-theta. 175,_..3.3 . .for.'delta-T.

NOTE:: 'Back up" metero"ogi~cal tower 'instruments may be' used to.meet the' mi~nimum:.operability requi-rement of *ODCM. speci fi cation: 2.15.




Nominal Elev. 331' D .SA 2.. WIND DIRECTION Nomi na:l:. El ev. 33 ' D SA


Nomi:nal :,Elev..

  • SD* SA, i,33:' for sigma-theta. 175" - 33' for .delta,! -- T OFF-SITE .DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL Page :43

WASTE GAS DECAY TANK - EXPLOSIVE GAS MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION 2.16.1 The Waste Gas De.cay. Tanks shall have one hydrogen and one oxygen.

mohnitoring channel OPERABLE.



a. With. the number of.OPERABLE channels less than required above, operati.on of this..ý.system may continue, provided, grab samples are coll ected and analyz'ed:

(1) at le.ast :once per.,.4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />'. duri~ng DEGASSING. operations (2) at least.once. per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> during other operations,

b. If the,:affeected. channel(s) cahnot ,be returned to, OPERABLE status..w'iI thin 30.days, submit- a special report to, the Commrission: 4pursuant to Speci fi cati on 2.14 within 30 days desc.ribisng the reasons for inoperability and a schedule for correctiv -v action. .

'SURVEILLANCE REQUTREMENTS 216.-1 .Th-e =Waste Gas*sDecay Tank..explostive. =gas monitoring instrumentation shal! be demns~trated operable by, performi:ng the CHANNEL CHECK,

.,CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST, and CHANNEL CALIBRATION at the frequencies, sho'wnin. Table 212.



1. Hydrogen Monitors D M 2.. Oxygen ýMon'it~ors D Q* M,

.*The CHANNEL C'ALIBRATION shall include the use of standard:"gas*sampes

ý.containing a nomina.l::

Hydrogen Monitors

a. i volume percent, hydrogen, balance nitrogen.

.*9. 4vlume percent hydrogen., balance. nitrogen.



J, volum.e. percent oxygen.. -balance nitrogen.

,4volume percent oxygen, balance. nitrogen.



2. 17 The quantity of radioactivity contained in each Waste Gas Decay Tank shall be limited to less than:or equal to 39000,curiesý

.(considered as Xe 133)..

APPLICABILITY: At all times.


a. With the quantity of radioactivity :.ijn"anyWast.e. A.s Decay Tank exceeding the above limit, immedi'ately suspend all ýadditions of radioactive material to .that tank, and .:within. 48' hours reduce the tank contents to. within.i tsl:: imit.


2. 17i:.1. The quantity of. radioactive material: co*taihed in each Wa~ste Gas Decay Tank shall be determined* t:.tobe within:. th6e limi t at Ieast.

6nce per 7 days. whenever radioactive,6 materials 'are being; added to.,

the. tank,... and at least onh.ce per ;24:hours 'dur'i hg.,primary coolant system DEGASSING operations.

SDeteriini:ng that. each waste gas. decay is in compl ancewith the limini t may, be .done by a -method other than di rect* .sampling of the tank provid ed. it..,is in accordance with..an approved' procedurei-'


WASTE GAS DECAY TANK - EXPLOSIVE GAS MIXTURE 2.18 The concentration of oxygen in any Waste Gas Decay Tank shallbe limited to less. than' or equal to,2% by 'vumewhenever the concentration. of hydrogen in.. that Waste Gas Decay Tank is greater than. or :equal to 4% by.volume.O, NOTE: Whenever the concentration of hydrogen in the bulk of the

.waste gas header, including the: cover 'gas of the reactor coolant.

bleed tanks, is greater than 4%, or the oxygen concentration is

.greater than 2%, then consideration, should be given to purging the waste, gas header with nitrogen.-.%

APPLICABILITY:. At all. times.


Whenever the concentration of'hyd..oge in* any Waste iGas: Decay ank is grieate than or equal: to: 4%:.!by volume, and:

a., The cohcentrationof oxygen inthat WaseGas.Decay Tank is greater ,than 2% by vol`ume,. but less than 4%: by volume, without

.delay begin to reduce..he oxygen concentration to within its limitt.,i b*... The-concentr.atio'n of o xygen in' that Waste Gas :Decay Tank is, grea~ter .than or qual-t!4%.byp :volume, immediately suspend

.additi6ns of waste .gas, to that.Waste Gas, Decay Tank and without:

delay begin to.re duce the oxygen concentrati6n ?to withi n its Si mit.

SURVEILLANCE REQuIEET 2.18.1 The concentrations of hydrogen and oxygen.. in.'the:.in-service.Waste::

Gas Decay Tank. shall !be".continuously Monitored wi.th,. the..:hydrogen and oxygen: monitors re quired '.OPERABLE ,by ,-Speci-fi cati6':n' 2:.160or by sampling. in accordance': th Specification 2J.16 acti6n, a..


3.0 SPECIFICATION BASES 3.1 RADIOACTIVE LIQUID EFFLUENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION BASIS The -radioactive liquid effluent instrumentation is providedto' monitor and control, as applicable, the releases of radioactive materials in liquid effluents during actual.or potential releases of liquid effluents. The alarm/trip setpoints for-these instruments shall ,be callculated in accordance with-the procedures

,alarm/trip .will occu r prior to exceeding the 10. times limits of 10; CFR PartN20. The.'OPERABILITY and: use of this instrumentation is consistent with the requilrements of General Design"Crite*ria 60, 631 and 64 ofAppendix A to 10 CFR, Parit 50.

3.2 RADIOACTIVE GASEOUS/EFFLUENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION BASIS The. .radioactive gaseous effluent instrumentaton. is prov'ided t o',

monitor and ontrol, asd a'plicable, thereleases. :of.radioacti;Ve materials in gaseous effluents during actual of- potenti rele:ases of gaseous effluents. The ,alarm/trip setpoihts for: these instruments are cal cul ated in accordance, wi th the procedures in the

.OFFSITE. DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL (0DCM) to enýsure that the':

al arm/tri:p0 wJil I *,0ccur p rior to exceeding a.:-Sitie, Bouhdary: dosýe rate, of 500: rkm/year to the total, body. The OPERABILITY:n:'d*, use of this instrumentation is-consistent with the; requirements ofGeneral, Desi gn Ceiteria 60, 63, and 64'of Appendix A 10 .to CFR Part: 50.

3.3 LIQUID RADWASTE TR*EATMENT SYSTEM- BASIS The requi~rement that,, these: systemsDbe used when: specified provide0',

assurance th'at -the releases of radio:activenmate-rialsý in ,liq-i*

,effluents.wil be0 kept "as low as rleasonably, achevable (ALARA).

This. speci fi-actli.on impl ements the requi rements: of 10, CFR Part' 50.136aý, Gener ! Design Criterion 60:bof,,Appendixlý A to 10 CFR Pari 50.

and *the design objective gi venb in Section 11.;D of *Appenndix" I toO10 CFR PRart of portions 50. the: speci fied. limits governingg the.use "of appropriate Theliquid radwaste:,treatment system were specified as

a. suitablei fractioniof the dose design objectives :>sek forth i n section .I k :of Appendi x I, 10 CFR Part 50, for liquid. effluents,.:


3.4 WASTE GAS SYSTEM BASIS The requirement that, these systems be usedwhen specified provides reasonable assurance that the releases of radioactive materials in gaseous effluents wi.ll be kept "as.low as is reasonable achievable" (ALARA). This specification implements the requirements of, 10 CFR Part 50.36a, General Design Criterion 60 of Appendix, A to 10 CFR Part 50', and the design objectives given. ih Se:cti.on II.D of Appendix I to 10. CFR Part 50. The specified limits governing the:

use of appropriate portionsof the systems were specified. as a suitable fractio. ,.Of the dose design objectives set. forth in

.Sections II:.B: and..-, I.Cof Appendix I, 10 CFR Part 50, forgaseous effluen*ts ..

3.15 LIOUID EFFLUENTS CONCENTRATION BASIS This.speci fica'ti6n lis. provided to ensuie that-,the' concentration of radioactive mate'ials. released in: ,li'qUi..d`:waste effluents to

  • UNRESTRICTED AREAS will .be less than 10 times" the effluent concentration limits, (ECLs) specirfied: in 10 CFR ;Part,20. This lim*i*tatfon provides additional assu rance tat the 'levels of rad:ioa tive materials in bodies ofwater iln, UNRESTRICTED AREAS will

.resultAfin exposures.,within the Section II.A: design objecti'ves of, Appendig I, 10 CFR 50, to,a MEMBEROF THE PUBIC. The concentration

.limit for Xe-.:l33" was Aetermined* by ca~i*culating thatamount of the isotope, whi.chf present in .water,Wouldgive a.. dose :rate of 500 mrem/yr at the surfacie. Typically.1,over *90% of-:the noble gas

,rel..eased in liquid effl uentsat: CR-3: is Xe"133.,"The concentration-limit.for all other dissol'ved: or entraired* noble -gases i:s based

,upon the. assumption that Xe-.135 is the contr6ollilng radioisotope and i.ts MPCin ai r (submersion) was.converted to an equivalent con cent ration, in water lusing§ ýh:e. methods; des*cri bed in International Commission on:. Radi*ological *Protection. (ICRP) .Publitaii on 2.


3.6 LIQUID EFFLUENTS DOSE BASIS This specification is provided to implement, the requirements of

.Sections II.A.. Ill-A and IV.A of Appendix I, 10 CFR Part 50. The Limiting Condition for Operation implements, the guides set forth in Section II.A'of Appendix I.- The ACTION statement provides the required operating flexib'lity and at that same time implements the guides Set forth inf Section .IV.A of Appendix. I to assure that the:

releasesý. of r.adioactive materi~al in liquid effluents will be. kept

.as low as is reasonably: achievable" (ALARA). The dose cal~culatiorns in the OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL (ODCM) i:mpleiment.. ithe requi.rements in Section III.A.of Appendix I. that c.n formance with the "guids of Appendix I be shown by calculational procedu~res basedon models and data, such that the actual expoSUre

.of a, MEMBER:OF THE. PUBLIC through appropriate pathways is..unli'kely

.to be .substantiallyunderestimated.iThe equati ons specified in the OFFSITE.DOSE."ALCULAT.ONAL MANUAL (ODCM) for calculating the doses due. to. the: actual. rel ease rates of radioactive materials in liquid effluents areconsistent. ,with the methodology provided, in:

Regulatory Guid;e .109, 'Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from RoutineReleases. of React.or Effluents for, the ;Purpose of Evaluating.

,.Compli*ace wiit 1CkF-RPart 50,. Appendix I," Revision 1, October I977 and. ReguIa'tory: -Guide 1.113, "Estimating.tAquati.c Dispersion of Effluents from Accidental' and Routine Reactor Releases for .the Purpose.4 of Impl.e6mienting Appendix.I," April 1977.


This specification is provided to ensure that the dose at any time, at and-beyond the SITE BOUNDARY .from gaseous. effluents will be within the annual. ýdose 'l:imiits.,.of 10 CFR. Part. 20, '§§20...M.1 - 2.602:y, The antnual dose:. imits i are "the: doses associated with the concentrtionsL of. 10 ,CFR: Part 20, §§ 20.1 - 2,0:.602, Appendix B:,

TaibeIi, Col tu1h I. These."I i mits provi~de., reasonable as~surance that radi oat i.ve6. material discha'rged in. gaseous ,,effluents ,will. not resul.t. i*n -the exposure of a, MEMBER .,OFT-HE PUBLIC , either w*ithin,"or outsi:de.the SITE BOUNDARY to. annual a vera'ge concentrations

%exceedi'ng4 the limi tspetifi ed i n Appendix 'B,Tabl e I . of CFR Part 20 (10 ICFR Part 20.106(b)(1))..'- For a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC who may. at time bel withi.n the SITEBOUNDARY, the occupancy of the MEMBER. OF THE PUBLIC wil 'be sufficiently low to compensate for any

`incr.ease: in the atmospheric di.iffusion factor.above that for the SITE "BOUNDARY." The specified release rate limits restrict, at all

,times, the.corresponding gamma andbibeta dose rates above to a MEMBER OF*.:"THE PUBLIC at or beyonad. the SITE BOUNDARY to less thanor

.equal to -500. mrem/year 'to the total body or' to, less* than or equal

,to 3000. .mrem/year to the. skin. These rilease rate limits also.

res'trict,:. at all times, :thei corresponding. thyrdid dose rate above,

ý.background to a child :vi,?a the ionhalation pathway to, less than or equal. tb'.1500; mrem/year;.


3.8 3GASEOUS EFFLUENTS DOSE NOBLE CASES BASIS This Specification is provided to implement the requirements-of Sections: II.B, III.A and IV.A of Appendix 1, 10 CFR Part 50.; Theý

  • Limi~ti*ng Condition for Operation implements the guides..set forth in Section II.B of Appendix I. The ACTION statements provide the required-operating flexibility and at the same time implement the
  • gu .ides'set forth in Section IV.A of Appendix I to assure that the releases of radioactive material in gaseous effluents will be kept "as. low as reasonably achievable' (ALARA). The Surveillance, Requirements implement the requirements in Section III.*Aof

.Appendix I that.conformance with the. guides of Appendix I..b.e shown by calculational procedures based on models and data s.uchKthat the actual' exposure of a.MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC through appropriate pathways is unlikely to be substantially underestimated. :The dose

calTculations establ-ishedafor calculating thedoses due to,the actual release rates of radioactive. noble gases in gaseous.

effluents are.:consistent with the methodology provided in Regulatory Guide 1i109, "Calculational of Annual .Doses. to:,.Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the .Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix. I," Revision 1, October

.1977.and.Regulatory Guide 1.111, "Methods for Estimating Atmospheric. Transport and Dispersion of Gasepus..Effluents in,

,Routine Releases from Light-Water Coled React or s, Revision 1, Jul y. 1977. The equatloh.s.. provided for determining the air doses. at

  • 'and.*beyond the SITE BOUNDARY are based:upohn. the.hiýstorical average atmospheric conditions:,.



'Thi specificati on is provided to implement. the requir.menIts of Sections II.C, IiI.A, and IV.A of Appehdix.:.-I, 10 CFIR.. Part: 50... The Limititng. Conditions .for Operation are the guides set`forth in

,.Secti.on: 'II.C.. of A:ppendix I.. The ACTION statements. pr6vide the,

'requiredoperating"fl exibi I Tty and at the same ti me impl ement the gusidsset oforth in Section IV.A of Appendix: I toassure"that the releases of: radioac'tiVe materials. i:n.gase!oUs effl uentwill be kept "as low.,as is 'reasonably achhievable" (ALARA),. The calculat"na"

methods spec'ified' i n ,the Surveillance Requirement s' i~mplem4ýent the requirements in Section III.'A .of Appendix, I that :conformance 'with threguides of Appendix, I be. shown by. cAlculaitional procedures based

,.on m6dels and data,, such that the actualexposure. of a MEMBER ..OF THEIPUBLIC throughappropriate pathways is unlikely to: be subs*tantially underestimated* The methods for cAlculating§:,the. dose:

,due to the actual. release rates of the:subject materials are consistent"'with the methodology provided in Regulatory Guide 1.109, "Calculation. of:Annual Doses to Man from Routine. Releases of Reactor:Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluati~ngCpompliance-wi'th 10, CCFR Part 50, Appendix. I," Revision 1, October 1977 and Regulatory Guide 1.111, "Methods for Estimating Atmospheric Transport. and

.Dispersion of Gaseous Effluents in Routine Releases from: Light-Water-Cooled Reactors.," Revision 1, J.uly 1977. These equations

.-also provide for determining ,the actual doses based upon the


historical average atmospheric conditions. The release rate specifications for 1-131, 1-133,. Tritium, and radioactive particulates with half-life greater thaneight days are dependent on the existing radionuclide.pathways to man, in areas at and beyond the SITE BOUNDARY.: The pathways which were examined in the development of these calculations were: 1)"Indi.vidual. inhalation of airborne radionuclides,, 2) deposition of radionucl:ides onto green leaf vegetation with"subsequent consumptioh. by man,

3) deposition onto grassy areas where milk: animals and meat
  • producing animals graze with. consumpti'on of the milk and meat by man, and 4) deposition on the.ground with.,,*Ubsequent exposure of man.

3.10 TOTAL DOSE BASIS This speci fi cati on iS.: provided to meet: the dose, limi tations of 40 CFR Part 190 that have now :been. incorporated i':.'ntoýý 10 CFR Part 20:

y 46 FR1...8525. The specificatjonm. reqyires: the. peparation and, submittal of a Special. Report whenever,, the calculated doses: from:

plant radioactive effluents exceed twice. thedesi gfn objective doses of Appendix..I. For sites contain'ing"upto 4.react*rs, it is highly unlikely that the resultant dose.to a MEMBER OF"HE PUBLIC will.

exceed the doseý limits of 40 CFR. Part. 190 if t"he. indvidual reactors remain Withi'n, .the" reporting requi rement, leveli. :The

Special Report. wi:l. 4desc r.ibe a. course of'action that.should resuli in the lmimtation of the annual dose to a. MEMBER, OF THE PUBLIC to

,withi'n the 40 CFR Part 190 limits.. For, thebpurposes o.f the. Special

,Report,, it may be assumed that the dosee commitment to the MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from other urani um fuel cycle sources s "negligibe, with theexception that dose contributions from other.nuclear fuel cycle. facilities at the samei site- or withi~n:*,a: 'radiusof 8 km must eb considered. If the dose to..any MEMBER, OF.THE PUBLIC. is

  • estimated, to exceed the requirements of 40 CFR.Part 190,, the' Special Report** ,wih a request for a. var-iance..(proVided the releas.e6 condi ti ons resul.ting i:n, Vi6l ation of -40 CR Part. 1901 have not already.been* corrected),;, in accordance with the. rovisions, of' 40.

.CFR part 190:.11 and "CFR 10 '*Part 20.405c, is considered"to be a timely request ,and fulfillls the requirements of 40:ýCFR Part:190

  • unti NRC staff action is completed. -The variance only.relates to theý limits of 40 CFR Part 190 and doesý not apply in .any'.way'to the other requirements! for dose li.mitation. of 10 CFR,. Part 20,,* as.-

addressed in Specifications 2.5 thru,, 2.,9.,' An individual .:is not

.considered a MEMBER. OF THE PUBLIC.durfing *any period., in which he/she is engaged in carrying out. any.:operati.on that. is part, of the

nuclear fuel cycle.


3.11 RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM BASIS The radiol:ogical monitoring.,program required by this specification provides measurements of radiation and of radioactive materials -in those exposure pathways and for those. radionuclides. which. 'lead: to the highest potential radiation exposures of MEMBER.OF THE PUBLIC resulting from the station operation, This monitoring program thereby supplements the radiological effluent monitoring program by verifying.that. the measurable. concentrations of radioactive.

materials and levels,.of radiation are not higher than expected on:

.the basis of. the effluen. measurements and modeling: of. the environmental exposure pathways..Program changes may be initiated

based on, ope rati.onal., exper.ience..

The LLDs.ý requiired by Tabl e6 2.-..91 are. considered optimum for routi ne.

envir*onmental ~measurements In industrial laboratories,.. The. LLD's:

for dri nki ng .water :meet. the. requifrements of 40 C.FR .14.


This specificatlion,,ios,.provided..to ensure that changes in, the use. of

..areas, at or beyond.the, SITE, BOUNDARY ,are identifi~ed and that, modification's" to' the, monitorngprogram aret made i.f required. by the.

results oif this census. AdeqUate information gained from door-to-door :o aer*ial surveys or tbrough. .cons ul tation with local agric*iltural authorities shall be ,used:. This :census satisfies*,the requirements of. Section -.IV. B:. 3: of Appendi:x I to, .10 CFR "Part 5.

Restricting the census to'gardens:-;bf-,,gr;eater. than :5.001v"sqtia~re feet.

provides.assurance that .significanht:, ;exposýu*re pathways"via 'leafy.

vegetables will be identified and' monitor-ed, since a gardenr.of this.

size, isthe minimum ,required to.produce the::quantity (26 kg/year)e of leafy Vegetables :*assum6ed in R'egul atory Gui db" 1,..109 flo*r "

consumption,- by a, chil"d. To determiine this: mi~ni mum garden size, the following:as.sumption were us;sed::: 1::i). that. 20% .of:'the: ' garden:, was:.

used for.growing broad. eafv: egetation (i.e., similar to-lettuce.

and -,,cabbage),,, and 2),, a ,vegetation yjield of 2 kg/squareý meter.


The..requirement for part*icipati on: in an Interlaborator, Comparison

,Pr6gram is provi:ded to ensure that independent checks*.o6 othe

prec.ision 'and accuracy. :of the, measurements of radioactive material inenevironmental sample :,.:matrices are performed.as part of the qualily assurance program for environmental monitoring.in order to demonstrate that thfe, results.are reasonably valid..



This specification is provided to ensure that the concentration .of pot~entiall~y explosive gas mixtures contained in the 'Waste Gas Decay Tanks is maintained below the flammability limits of hydrogen and:

oxygen:; Maintaining the concentration of hydrogen and. oxygen below their flammability, limits provides assurance that the -releases of' radioactive materials will b .controlled in conformance wifth the,.

.requi:rements of :General Design Criterion .60: of Appendix A to -W0 CFR Part SO.

3.15 -WASTE GAS DECAY TANKS Restricting the quantity of: radioactivity. contained .itn each waste:!

-gas decaytank provides assurance that in thfe event-of a simultaneous uncontrolle'd release:-:of all thel tanks,' contents,, the:

resulti~ng total 'body exposure to.an.-ihdivi dual. at thee nearest exc.lusion area -boundary. will- not exceed 0..5< rem. This iTs consiis*tent wi.th. 8ranch Technical Position .ETSB 11-.5.


.... ..": . .~~~~~~~

.  :... . ~. .:*


  • "L "== ':":" . :'.......=" r . . ...

The OPERABILITY of -the:Waste Gas Decay.Tank explo'sjive gas:

..monitoringinstrumentation, or the sampli ng and analysis'program requi~redi,.by this speci*fricati*ohn pro~vides for the monitorei:ng: (and:

,controlTli ng). ..of potentially eXpl osivgas mi Xtu res- in -theWaste-Gas DecaY:Tanks..


  • .. . .. ...* :[ . . . . ..... . . . ... ....... . .. . ... . . . ....

The*OPERABILITY of the` meteor:ogi cal i"strumientation. ensures. ithe sufficient meteorr.61 ogi cal data is:availablefr Iestimatng potentia: radiation doses to ýthe ýpubli:c as a- result-f* routine-or accide,ntal rel ease of radi oacti ve- Materials.to the atmospher'e"..,.

This capabil: ty is reui reed.tb evaluate the needs ,fr initiating..

p0ro'tecti-ve'-me'asures to protect the' heal th a~nd;,safety-. of the-, publ ic.





.MONITORý BATCH.' ,CONT. TY* F *  :;FR.Fn RM-Al X P 1.3-1 1.4-1 C(Noble Gas)'

RM-AI x L 1.-I w (Noblel Gas)

"RM-A2. 1.I-1~ w/P (Noble Gas).

1.2.-13. 1.3-72 RM-All X. pl, 1.1-i 1.4-4 (Noble Gat) 1.-25 x:

RM-L2 1.1-2 .i1.2-4 P 1.4-5 (Gamma)

RM-0L7 x 1.1-2 1.2:-,5 w .1.3.-2 1.+4-6 & 1.4-7 (Gamrm)

For ceomposilted samples .he ressl)ts from the lmo s- recently. completedianah:*isiýs ar're used.



The dose rate at or beyond the SITE BOUNDARY, due to radioactive, materials released in gaseous effluents, is limited as follows:

Noble Gases - 500 mrem/year (total body),

3000 mrem/year (skin) 1-131, 1-133, Tritium and Radioactive 1500 mrem/year"(any organ via particulates with% the inhalation pathway.)

greater than 8 day half-lives The radioactive gaseous effluent monitors. (RM-A1; RM-A2 and '.RM-A11) shall.

have their alarm/trip setpoints set to ensure that the aboove total. body,:

noble gas dose rate limit is.notexceeded.



The concentration of radioactive materials in li'quid' effluents, released to.

UNRESTRICTED AREAS'., is limited to 10 times the effluent concentrations specified by 10 CFR 20,. for radionuclides other than noble gases. For all dissolved or entrained noble .gases., except Xe-133, the concentration limit is.

2E-4 pCi/ml. For Xe-133 the concentration limit is IE-3 .pCi/mi°.

The radioactive liquid effluent monitors (RM-L2 and RM-L7). shalI have their:

aliarm/trip setpoints set to ensure that the.above gamma. emitting concentration limits :are not exceededz.ý OFF-SITE DOSE CALCULATION.MANUAL -Page.59

Page left Blank in rev 34.



A. Principal Gamma Emitters (a)

Mn-54 Fe-59 Co-58 :Pre-release grab sample for Batch

.Co-60 Type ::release*. Weekly Particulate Zn-65 Filter Analysi's, for continuous(c) jx10-4 /1x10- 1 1 Mo-99 :type release.

Cs-134 cs-137 Ce-141 Ce-144 Kr-87 Pre- rease .grab sample for Batch Kr-'88 type rel ease.d Nobl*,e Gas monitor Xe-1333 during batth ..and cot*inuous releases 1.x.0ý4 Xe-13 3m Grab sample "wiith~in 2.6 hr. followijng Xe_135* startup, 'shut1dow or. 15% RTP Xe-13 8 ýchange in 1 hr.,

iB. Iodine 131 *Pre,-.re'lease grab sample. for Batch NA/1x.10 1 type irelease,. Weekly ch4rc6alfi.ter an.d., once per, 24 hrfo.r7 days follotwing startup :shutdown or:" 15% RTP change

.in 1 h'r .if 1-131i concentratio6n at.

slite boundary >10 CFR 20 limit.

Z.C. Tritiu:r Pre.- rel ease Griab Sample, and- within

  • .12,-24hr f6llowing, flooding of, refueling canal: 'and once per' 7 days while canal:iTs. flooded "..
  • D. :Gross Alpha: Monthly- Partc*ulate 'F.Iter :Composi te

-11I E.. .Sr-89q Quarterly ParticUlate. Filter Composite, 1x10 1 1 F. Sr-90 .Quarterly Pa rticu6.lat e, Filter Composiite (a) Other identified Gamma Emitt.er;s not. .ilisted in this, table shall, be included i:n.dose and setpoint:calculations..

(b): The first.,,value reefers to the, LLD': for pre-release grab sample; the second-val:ue refers to the LLD for: weekly Particulate Filter Analysis.,

(c) Reactor Building:, purge is considered: continuous after: a. minimum of one Reactor: Buildi;ng volume has been released on a continuous basis (i.e.,

first volume i:s a batch, type).



A. Principal Gamma Emitters (a)

Mn-54 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Zn-65 Weekly Particulate Filter Analysis 1x10-4 /ixi071 1 Mo'-99 Cs-134 Cs-137 Ce 141 Ce-144:

'Kr.-887 fMonthly Grab Sample ,and.

,Continuous Noble Gas monitor.

LXe-133 Grab sample within 2-6 hr: following 1x107 4

'Xe-133m startup, shutdown or Ž,15% RTP

,Xe-135 change, in 1 hr.

Xe-138 B. Iodine .131. Welek.ly Charcoal Filter ana~lysis, and once 1 1x10rZ

p er ,24 hr for 7 days%following startup Sshudtdown or >'ý,15% RTP change in.

1 hr if".-131 concentration At si.te.bodndary > 10 CFR 20 limit.

C-- Triti.um. ,Monthly G'rab Sample and. wit*hin 1x 10Z 12- 24, hr fol lowing flooding, of refueling canal :and:onceper 7 -days while canal is flooded.

,D:. Gross Alpha: AMbnthly Particulate ,"ilter Composite 1.Xc-11, E. Slr-89. Quarterly Parti~culate Filter Composite lXIOlO

,F. Sr--90: Quarterly Pdrti cul ate Filter Composite (a) Other identified:: Gamma Emitters not 'listed in?,this table shall be includedo in.dose and setpoi nt, cal culrations.

(b) The' first Value refers. to ,,the 'LLD for pre-rel ease grab sample; the second value refers to the .LLD for weekly Particulate Filter Analysis.



Pre-release Grab sample and Weekly A. Principal Gamma Emitters (a)

M.5...4 Fe-59

  • Co-58 Co -60 Zn-65 .Pre-release Grab Sampl:e and. Weekly 1x10Q 4 /1x10 111 M6-99: Particulate. Filter Sample from RM-A2.

Cs-,137 Ce-141

,Ce-144, Kr-87 Kr-88ý Xe -133 Pre-releasei Grab sample.,

-Xe-133m Xe 135

'Xe6-138 B. Iodin6e 131 'Weekly Charcoal Filter from RM-A2'. *1 12:

(aC). -.Other i dentified Gamma Emitters .not li~sted Ji n .this table shall' be included, in"dose and setpoint calculatiions.. ... . . .......

(b) The first: value refers, to the: LLD for pre-release grab sample; the secd.value refers to: the LLD for weekly 'Particulate Filter Analysis.



A. Principal Gamma Emitters (a)


.Fe-59 Co-;;58 (C0-60 Zn-65 Pre-releas e Grab Sample6 5x1O0 Mo-99 Cs-134 Cs- 137 Ce-141 Ce-.144 B. Iodine. 131 Pre-Relea!se Grab Sample Skxi-5

'C. Dissolved and

Entrained- Noble Gases Monthly, Girab Sample:

0D. Tri tium Monthly. C4ofllosi, te: 1x1'0 E. Gross Alpha Morthly "Comp'osite S'r-89

.F ,Quarterly Composite' 1X10-6 Sr-90 Quarterly. Composite:

.H. Fe-55' Quarterly Composite.

(a). *Other identifi-ed Gamnia Emitters' not listed: in- this table shall be included in dose, and.setpoint calculations.



A. Principal Gamma Emittels (a)

Mn-54 Fe-59 Co-58 Co-60 Zn-,65 Weekly Composite 5x10ý7 Mo-99 Cs-134.

Cs-137 Ce-141

'Ce.-144' B-. Iodi.ne 131 Weekly, Composit e

  • C. Dissol ved.:,-and' Entrain.edl Nobl.e Gases Monthly' Grab Sample D. Tri ti um Monthly Composite ix 10~

E; GroSS Alpha* Mofithly :Composi te x1XO: 8 Qua erl

  • Composi te

ýy G. Sr-9

  • Quir erli;y Composi te H, Fe-55. *.Quarterly Composite (a) Other' idenified Gamma Emitters no.t listed-i n: this tabl e shall be includedi i n: dose, and. setpoinrt calcUl'ations.


PRE-RELEASE CALCULATION 1.3-1 GASEOUS RADWASTE RELEASE INTRODUCTION Prior to initiating a release of; gaseous.radwaste, it must be determined that the concentration of radionuclides to be released, and the flow rates at which they are released will not cause the dose rate limitations of Specification 1.1-i to be. exceeded.,

Ii. INFORMATION REQUIRED Results of appropriate Nuclide .Anal.ysis from Section 1.2 IIt. CALCULATIONS.

Noble Gas Gamma Emilssions XDose Rate (Total' Body), = Z (X/Q)KiQi mremi/yr.  %(1.1)

Nobl-e Gas Beta Emissions.

Dose Rate. (Skin). = (X4Q)Q (L+1.l

... Mi) mrem/yr. (1.2)

Iodi'ne, 31,. ýIodine 133. Tritium, RadioactilVe: Parti.Ulates

,Dose' Rate (I.,TP) = (X/Q)Pj* mrem"yr. (1,3)


,K`".= The, total: body dose: factor due. to:.gammaý emissions for each: identified noble. gas; radionuc eii"je in mrem/yr, .per pfi/r 3. (See Table 4.4-1)

Lý = Theý skiin dose factodue tto! beta :emrssions for each identifiFed noble g.as r~adionucl.i de,i n mrem/yr per pCi /m3.

(See 'Table 4.4ý- 1)

Mi = The air dose factor Adue to gamma emissions for each i'dentified nobl'e -gas radionuclide, An* mrad/yr ,per pCi/m.

,(unit conversio.n .constant of:".1 mrem/mrad: converts: ai r dose to.-skin:,,d6se)., ('See Table 4.*4_1).,

ýP~i = The dose parameter .for radionuclideis other than noble, gases: f6, .the inhal~atio0n*: pathway, in c.mremy r 3 peiri .

(See Table. 4.473).

. The relea'se rat.eof radionuclAdes,. i, in gaseous.

effluent from individual rel ease,. sources, in p.C/sec (pe.r unit, unless :.otherwise specified).. Qi = Effluent

,stream nuclide concentration. x flow rate.:


Flow Rates (Variable - based on setpoint needs, nominal or maximum values listed below.)

1) Reactor Building Purge Exhaust Duct = 50,000 cfm =

2.4 x 10' cc/sec

2) Auxiliary Building and Fuel Handling Area Exhaust Duct=

156,000 cfm. = 7.4 x 107 cc/sec

3) Waste Gas Decay Tank Release Line = 50 cfm max. =

2.4 x 10' cc/sec (X/Q) = 2.5 x 10) sec/mr.: For all vent releases.ý The highest calculated ,annual average relative ,concentration for any area at or beyond the unrestri~cted..area, boundary.

In order for aJgaseous release to bewithin the limits of specification 1 l 1 the Projectead Dose Rate:,Ratio (PDRR) must not exceed 1,. The PDRR for each limit is calculated as follows:

PDRRh =.PDR~./ 500 (1.4),

PDRRs3 , PDR '-3000 (1u.5)

PDRRoR PDR, / 1500 (1.6)w PDRT3 = Projec.ted Dose Rate"to.the.TOTAL BODY due to noble gas: emissions.

PDRS = Projected Dose Rate to,,the SKIN", due.to noblpe gas emissions.

PDR Prjecte Ratet anyogan :d.ue to inhalati on of iodine, tritiium ,Aand partitculates.With, ha~lf-lives. greater than 8 days=,

500 = The allowable total body dose rate due to: noble. gas gamma emissions in mrem/yr.

3000.= The. allowable: skin dose rate due to noble: gas beta emissions in mrem/yr.

15006 The :allowable .organ: 'dose,rate in'** mr.,.em/yr..

Equatio6ns. .1.,2; and:,I. 3 are s.olved for each.: release type andrelease point currently.reliasiig. oroaaiting release. *If relationships 1.4, 1.5,.aid.6 are,,

satisfied'j, the: rel:ease can be. made nd 'e:r .assumed flow rates.. If' one or "more of the. relationships. 1 and 1.ý'6 are: not .satisfied, action must be taken to 1*,1.5 r*educe 'the the ..radionuclide relea`se raite.., pr1.or tO ini tiating a: release .(br to reduce: the .radýionucli~doe release rate :,already in progress).


The following' actions are available to reduce the release rates at the three release points.

1) Waste.Gas. Decay Tanks a) Release Valve may be throttled b): Tank contents may be diluted c) Release may be delayed for longer decay time.
2) Reactor Building Purge Exhaust Duct a) Dilution flow may be opened to reduce purge rate While maintaini~ng

.the same flow rate.

3) Auxiliary Building and Fuel Handling Area, Exhaust a) Reduce inlet air supply to areas in Auxiliary Building to reduce radioactivity, source .rate to vent..

b) Identify and isolate the sources: of 'radioactive releases into the

,Auxil.i ary, Buil di ng;.

Efflxuen.t Monitor LLD.Determirnation The. relati:onshqip.givený bel.ow .may be. used to calculate a monitor :.LL.

.L.LD. = (4.66V .*I/Slope B. .= Average monitor background count rate in cpm.

Slope Slope of monitor calibration curve in cpm/pCi/ml...


PRE-RELEASE CALCULATION 1.3-2 LIQUID RADWASTE RELEASE I. INTRODUCTION Prior to initiating a release of liquid radwaste, it must be determined that the concentration of radionuclides to be released and .the flow rates at which they will be released will not lead to. arelease concentration greater than the limits of specification 1.1-2,at the point of discharge.

II. INFORMATION REOUIRED Results ofappropriate Nuclide. Analysis. from Section 1.2 IIl. CALCULATIONS Di scharge

___ cc, ____ -ý CT Cs .Cte ir D+E 1

,Concentration= 0.1 Y--+'+....+ .... ÷--+ -

L ECLý 2E-5 IE-4' EC.U ECLT E CL,.

EL where:.

,CY' The concentration of: isotope i, in the, gamma. spectrum:.

,excluding dissolved or entrained noble gases.

Co = Total dissolved or entrainjed hoble.,gas concentration.,,

excluding Xe-133.."

0,-. a XE-.133 concentration..

CT Tritium Concentration from,.most recent analysjis.

'Ca ,Gross alpha concentration from most recent0 ahnalysi Cs = 'Sr'-89, 90 concentration from:most recent analys15.

.CiF. = Fe-55 concentration: from most recent an alysis.$:

E = Effluent Stream Flow Rate D = DilUtion Stream Fl6w RAte (Nuclear Servi'ces, and DecaY Heat seawater flow o.nly)

ECL = IOCFR20 Appendix B, effluent concentration limit.

If Discharge Concentration is less than or equal, to.1, the discharge may be initiated. IflDischarge Concentration is greater than 1, then release..parameters must. be :changed. to assure that Discharge Concentration is.not greater than 1.

.Changes include reducing. tank concentratioh by decay or dilution, reducing the.waste stream release rate,,. or increasing, dilution water flow, rate.


PRE-RELEASE CALCULATION For IODINE EVALUATION I I. INTRODUCTION In order to determinet...the iodine loading on the sample cartridges:,

the following assumptions are used..

A. The release rate through. the Auxiliary Building. and Fuel Handling.Area exhaust ducit is 7.4 x 10' :cc/sec. (156,000 cfm).

B:. The release rate through the Reactor Building. Purge Exhaust Duct is 2.4 x 10' cc/sec (50,000 cfm).

C. A limitless supply of uniformly concentrated 1-131 is avaiqlable to supply the Exhaust Ducts..

D. The iodine filter has. been installed'-for 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> and operating

.at a constant flow rate. f -944 cc/sec.(2 cfm). Thereforei total flow through the filter has been 2.72 x: 10' cc.

II. CALCULATIONS The. limiting concentration of. IOdifne:h i the. vent. which would result,

  • in, a .concentration equal to the 10 CFR 20 'limit at:the site.

boundary: is calculated as follows;-,

... [. . k] (1.7)


CV = The Concentratin ofn Radi~ofodine in the 'vent lin-pCi/cc.

Ci = The 10.,CFRK20: efflTuent conientrati:on iiTmitý for Iodine 131, 2' 10* .pCi/cc.

F *~T:The duct flow rate: 2.4 xL410'c/sec.for the Reactor

.Buildiýng.. Purge Exhaust :Duct and 7.4 .x 10' cc/sec for the, "Auxil.iar.y Bui lding and Fuel. Handling:..Area Exhaust%Duct.

K = Unitconver'sion constant;,.1 x 1i;.m'/cc XiQ = The highest calculated annual average concentration for any

area at-or.,bey.ond theun test*ri cted .aread boundary, 2.5 x 10-6 sec/.rn*

Solviing eqn:. 1..7 .fd the Reactor Building. :Purge1 exhaust vent yield-s.:'

CV,(RB) = 1.3.33 x 106 pCi/c, Sol vi ng. eqn.. 17 for the* Auxi~l". ary Buil ding & Fuel Handl.ing..Area Exhaust vent yAields:

.,n =. 1. 1 X 10-" pci/cc OFF-SITE'DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL Page.,70

In order to determine the total quantity of Iodine 131 collected on the filter, the values of C. above *are multiplied by. the volume assumed. to have passed. through theyfilter Q, = fkC (1.8) where:

QI - The total quantity of Iodine 131 collected on the, filter.,

in i"Ci C The concentration of Iodine 131 in the Vent, i.n pCi/cc.


  • .f .. The assumed total.Volume of vent .atmonsphere. that has.,passed

.through tihe filter, 2.72. x 10' cc (2 CFM for"8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />);,.

k = The Iodine :removal effici:ency of the filters: i'90%

Solving .oeqn. 1.8 for thed.Reactor Building vent:.yi-elds.:

0 1RB).=8. ~~

'Sol:vi:ng eqn., '1 8.for the Auxiliary, Building: and F.uel Hand.lin.g.Area, vent


.Q 27.0. pCi I...C AB)


Setpoint Calculation 1.4-1 Reactor Building Purge Exhaust Duct Monitor (RM-AI)

(Batch Type Releases)

INTRODUCTION Following :completion :of the analyses required' by Section 1.2-1 and determination of release rates and concentration limits in accordance with Section 1.3-1, the monitor setpoint requires adjustment to ensure that alarm and pathway isolation: occur if nuclide concentration limits are exceeded.

METHODOLOGY Reactor Building atmosphere is circulated through radiation monitor RM-A6 (containment atmosphere noble gas monitor) and the! count rate is observed.

The--containment atmosphere monitor or local grab samples< from inside the contai4nmentbuilding are usedfor source term evaluati.on to generate a rel'ease, permit. Reactor Building atmosphere passes through radiiation monitor RM-Alduring a batch type release.. A .-fi.xed setpoi nt m'ethod is utili zed: to insure, that the most restrict iVe annual dose limit of 500 mrem/y total body is

.each not exceeded:. This setpoi:nt Value limit

  • s adjlustled to 250-'mrem/y for Iof the 2 gaseous. rel ease pathways "AB"& RB) :..using the.vent fraction term. Xe-135 dose factor was ,chosen based.on!-years.of .actual sample data from the station and also because-this: nuclide has the most conservative: dose factor of nuclides identified in the gaseous source term of the facility.."

The obtained value establishes the maximum allowable: s.etpoint", The RM-A1 normal' range Hi alarm/trip setpoint 1is: ad"justed to this or a:amore

,conservative value.during the batch*, .rel'ease.

CALCULATION Hi Setpoint (UCi/cc) = (V.Fx.28317 cC/`t3.k x/Q x K, x V.F) .5onre,/y

.R.M 4 IAl.

Whi.c'h- reduc.es to:

L(7!.4E:7cc/se)(2".5E -620em3"8E e-/ -'-7 5 4 Ci/cc

ý14t71pdic (,5 -.6sec/r3)V(J8 1E3 rnrern. rn3/,uCi - Y) S Where:,

pCi/cc = RM-Al n.rmal range f'ixe'd I:setpoihnt': ,as, Vollumetric

-activi.ty*concentration. Thei actual calculated' value =u 7.5Et-4 pCi/cc. The,. setpoint iss;conservativelly, set at a lower, value.iif de'sired.: An". alternate setpo.it 'may be used, if needed, utilizing .the actual RB flow and Substitutinfig2.4E7 cc/sec in the above equation. This will.. yield an alternate setpoint, of 2.3E*-* pci/cc.

VFF The Vent fraction; that poirion of the total plant gaseous release associ.ated-"With thi's: vent and .discharge type. Value can, be set to,, a. numbe'r between O ,and 1.

The summati on. of the,: vent fractions , of RM-Al'and RM-A2 cannot exceed 1. 'Typically theAB Vent = 0.5 and the RB. vent. = 0.5.

VFR Ventilation flow rate for Auxi liary .Bui I di ng = .15.6,000 cfm or 7.4E7 cc/sec. This fl.ow rate is being used OFF-SiTE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL Page 12.

conservatively for the RB vent and to standardize the setpoint for a human performance factor. If needed, the actual RB vent flow Can be utilized, which is 50,000 cfm :or 2.4E7 cc/sec.

X/Q 2.56E-6 sec/m3 for all vent releases. The highest.

calculated annual average relative concentration for any area at or beyond the unrestricted area boundary.

Ki - Dose Factor from Table 4.4-1 for Xe-135 gamma total body as 1.81E3 mrem-m3 iCi -y OFF-SITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL Page 73

Setpoint Calculation 1.4-1A Reactor Building Purge Exhaust Duct Monitor (RM-A1)

(Special Release For Functional Testing of the Reactor Building Purge System)

INTRODUCTION FollOwing completion of the analyses required by Section 1.2-1 and determination of release rates and concentration limits in accordance with Section 1.3-1, the monitor setpoint requires adjustment to. ensure that alarm and pathway isolation occur if.nuclide concentration 1imits are exceeded.

METHODOLOGY Auxi.i4ary Buildi ng and Fuel Handling Area atmosphere is continuously passed through: adiation monitor RM-A2. The, auxiliary building atmosphere can be routed to the. reactor building purge system to test the functionality.qf the

.putrge equipment.. As s-uch, the auxiliary building. release criteria is. used for the RM-Al monitor set. up. .A. fixed setpoint method is utilized to insurethat the most restrictive annual dose limit of 500 mrem/y total body is not exceeded. Thi.s setpoinit Value l'imit is adjusted. to 250 mrem/y for each of the 2 gaseous release: pathways (AB,& RB)ý using the vent fraction term. Xe-135 dose factor ,was chosen based on years of actual sample *data from the station and:

al.so because this nucli.de has the most conservative dose. factor :of. nuclides identified in the gaseous source term of the facility. The:obtained Value establishes the:maximum allowable. setpoint. The RM-Al normal rangeH.i al:arm/tri p setpoiint is adj usted to this or a more conservaive vathe to support this functional surveillance.

CALCULAT1O0 RM -A Hi Setpoint(pCi/ce)=.(VFR xý283 i7cc/ft3x X/Qx Ki x mVF)5'00nrern/y Whic reduces to,:

L(,74E7:cl~c,):2 :re./y6sec/t63)1.8E3nmrem

.h250 -:ti3/"Pýýi -:y d ** i pCi/cc- R-Al7normal range: fixed setpoiht as volumetric_ activyity

.concentration. The actual calculated value 7..7'.5E-4 ptCii/cc. The setpoint is: conservatively set at a:lower, value if desired.

VF =. The vent fraction; that'portion of the total plant gaseousý.

release associated with this vent and discharge typeo...

NValue.:can be set to a number' between ý0 and 1. The summation of the vent fractions of RH-AI :and RM-A2 cannot exceed 1.. Typically the AB vent = 0:..5 &.:the:RB vent. = 0.5.

  • V.FR. Ventilation flow rate for Auxiliary Bu.ild ing - 156,000 c:fmo:'br 7.4E7 cc/sec.

X/Q - 2..56E-6. sec/m3*: for all vent releases.. The hi ghest calculated :annual average relative concentration for any area at or beyond* the unrestricted area boundary.

'K. Dose Factor from.Table 4.4-1 for Xe-135 gamma total body as, 1.81E3 mrem-m3 4Ci. -y OFF-SITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL Page 74.4,

Setpoint Calculation 1.4-1B Reactor Building Purge Exhaust Duct Monitor (RM-Al)

(Special Release Following ILRT of Reactor Building)

INTRODUCTION Following completion of the analyses: required by Section 1.2-1 and determi~nation of release rates and concentration limits in accordance with Section 1.3-1., the monitor setpoint requires adjustment to ensurefthat alarm and path.way isolation occur if nuclideýconcentration limits are exce~eded.

METHODOLOGY Reactor Buildi ng atmosphereis passing through radiation monitor MR-Al during a continuous type release. Afjixed setpoint method is utili4zed to insure:

that.the most: restrictive annual.dose l.imit.of 500 :mrem/y ,total body is not exceeded. This setpoint value limit is adjusted to 250 mrem/y for each :of the 2 gaseous, rel ease. pathways,.(AB: & RB) uýsing the vent fraction .term. Xe-

.135 dose factor was chosen based on years,.of .actual sample data from the..

station and also because thi's :nuclide has .. ,th.e Imos.t .cofiservative dos .efactor of nuclides identified in the gaseous source term of the facility. The~c.

obtained value establi shes the: maximum all1o:wable set'oint.*'The RMH-Al normal ran.geHi alarm/tripsetpointis. adjusted to this or a more conservative value during this ,releasle;.

CALCULATION RM. - Al Hi Setpoint (pci/6cc), (VFR x 28317. ccft3 x X/Q x xNF)-: 500mrern/y Which redUCes to:

[(E7 cc/see)-(5=1-6E25 4pci,/cc i  ;..l(.7 7cc.ssec)(2.5E-.6,lc).(1.8lE3-mrernmn-m3!/.Ci -y7)..

he re:

pC /icc RMH-Al normal range fixed seetpoint as volumetric activii.ty concentratig.n. The actual calculated value. =

7.5E-4 pCi/cc. The setpoint is conservatively set at a lower value if desired. 'An alternate setpoint may be used, if needed, utilizing the actual RB flow and%

substituting 2..4E7 cc/sec in the.above equation. This will yield an alternate setpoint of 2.3E-3 pCi/cc.

VF The vent fraction;,that portion of the total plant gaseous rele ase. -associated with thiis. vent. and discharge type. Value can be set to a number between"O and 1. '

The summation of the vent fractions of RM-Al and RM-A2 cannot exceed;1,:. Typically the AB Vent - 0.5 and the RB Vent = 0.5.

VFR = Ventilation flow :rate for Auxiliary,:Building. =: 156,.000 cfm or 7.4E7 c ec This flow rate is beihg used conservatively .for:the RB vent and to standardize the

  • setpoint for a.human performance factor. . If ne'eded, OFF-SITE. DOSE.,CALCULATION MANUAL 'Page 7.5

the actual RB vent flow can be utilized, which is 50,000 cfm or 2.4E7 cc/sec.

X/Q 2.56E-6 sec/m3:for all vent releases. The highest calculated annual average relative concentration for any area at or beyond the unrestricted area boundary.

K. Dose Factor from Table 4.4-1. for Xe-135 gamma total body as. 1.81E3 mrem-m pCi-y.


Setpoint Calculation 1.4-2 Reactor Building Purge Exhaust Duct Monitor (RM-A1)

(Continuous Type Releases)

INTRODUCTION Following completion of the analyses required by Section 1.2-1 and determination of release rates and concentration. limits in accordance ,with Section 1.3-1, the monitor setpoint req ui.res adjustment to: ensure, that alarm and pathway. isolation: occur if nuclide. concentration limits.are exceeded..

METHODOLOGY Reactor Buildi ng..atmosphere i's passing. through radiation. monitor RM.-A1.duing a.cpntilnuous type release. A fixed., setpoi.n't method, is:.uiilized to iinsure, that the most restrictive annual dose. limit of 500 mrein/y total body: is. not,

.exce.eded. Thi:.:sietpoint value limit. is adjusted to 250 mrem/y for each of the 2 gaseous rel:ease pathways. (AB & RB):.USj ng, the vent fraction term. Xe-135 dose factor.was chosen based on years. off.actual sample data. from the.

stati on. and also 'becauseý thiS nucli de: ýhas the. most conservative dosefactor

'of"uclides identified i.n the: gaseous source term of the faility., The'.

obtained value establishes the 'maximum allowable setpoint. The normal range Hi alarm/trip setpoi*t is adjusted to: this or a. more conser. rvative. value."

.weeklyOy duri.ng continuous: reeases.

CALCULATION RM !-:.Ai.Hi Setpoint(,uC6c)* = x,283..17 c/ft3X X/Qx R(VFR VF)* 5.00mren/y 0Kx Whitch reduces to:

k7.E7cc/ec (2SE-6250 mrern/y - uic

  • (1.4E~cc/ 5E-6sic/ (. E3nrem - m3/ui y).=.7E. " '.S"E:"



Ice RM`-Al bormal. rýange fixed setpoint .as. youmdtri.c

.activity conýcent~ration. The actual calculated'vailue=

7.5E'-4.,.pCi./cc. 'The setpoint. is.; conservatively set at a l ower value if desired.: An alterinate setpoint may be usedI, if needed, utilizing the actual RB flow and.

,subs.tituivng. .4-E7 cc/sec, in the above equation. This will ,,yie.l.d an. alternate setpoinit. of 23E-3 w:.iCi/cc.

VF The.-ventfr action; thAt portion of -the.total plant gaseous release, associated with thIis,.vent. and,.di'scharge type. "Value can bbe set to a numb .er .between'.0and61.

The summation.of the vent fractions:..of RM-.A..andl RM-A2 cannot exceed 1. Typically.theAB vent = 0.5 and the RB. vent = 0;:.5.':

VFR = Ventilation flow, ratefor.. Auxiii:ary Buil.ding = .156,000

,cfm or 7.4E7 cc/sec. This flow, rate i:s being used

,cpnservatively for the, RB. vent and to, standardize. the,

  • Setpoint for a human performance factor.r. If needed,.

the actual RB .vent flow can be utili.zed, which is 50.,000 cfm, or .2..4E7 cc/sec.


X/Q 2.56E-6 sec/m3 for all vent releases. The highest c.alculated annual average relative concentration for any area at or beyond the unrestricted area boundary.

K Dose Factor from Tabl'e.4.4-1 foýrXe-135.gamma total body as 1.81E3 mrem-m" pCi-y OFF-SITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL: .Page 78

Setpoint Calculation 1.4-3 Auxiliary Building & Fuel Handling Area Exhaust Monitor (RM-AZ)

(Continuous Type Releases)

INTRODUCTION Following ,completion of the analyses required by Section 1.2-2 and determination of release rates and concentration limits in accordancewith Section 1.3-1, the monitor setpoint requires adjustment to ensure that alarm and pathWay isolation occur if nucliide concentration limits are exceeded.

METHODOLOGY Auxliary Buildi.ng and Fuel Handling Area atmosphere is continuously passing through radi4tion monitor RM-A2. .Afixed' setpoint.method is utilized to insure that,"the. most restrictive annual,"dose: liimit.of 500 mrem/y total. body is. not exceeded.. This setpoint.value limit is. adjusted: to 250 mrem/y for

,eachi o6f the' '2 ,gaseeous release pathways (AB & RB). using the vent. fraction ter'm.ý 'Xe-135.dose. factor, was chosen based on years of actual sample data from th'e station 'and also because this nuclide has the most conservative. dose factor of nuclides identifif8ed' in the gaseous source term of the" facil ity.

The- obtained value establ'itshes the: maximum allowable setpoint. The RMA-A2 normal "ra'nge Hi alarm/tri:p setpoint is adjusted to this or a more, conservative value weekly during.,.qontinuous releases..


. A,2 Hi Setpoint ,*CiY.cc)=[VFRx 283.17.c/ft3 x XIQ xKi x VFI< 500 ernem/y Which: reduces to:


  • 250 mrem/y 1 = 75E -4 pCi/cc
  • (7.4E7cc/sec) (2.5E--6sec/`n3)(1.8:!E3rmirerm- m3/PCi - y,).


c d/cc = ,RM-A2 normal: .rage.fixedsetpointas volumetri c activity concentration. The actual calculated:value..-.-

7.5E-4,11iCi/cc. The setpoint i's conservatively: set at :a lower valuue:-if. desired..

VF = Th.e vent fraction; that portion of the total plant gas .eous release .associated 'With thi s vent and.. discharge.

type.. Value can...be set to a number.:betweenO, and 1.

The*summation :of the vent fractions of RM-Al and RM-A2 cannot exceed 1. Typically the: AB vent = 0.5 and the RB vent - 0.5 VFR = Ventilation flow rate for Auxiliary Bui.lding = 156,000 c.fm or 7.4E7 cc/sec..

X/Q 2.56E-6. sec/m3 for.all vent releases. The highest calculated, annual average relative concentration for any area at or beyond the unrestricted area boundary.


K - Dose Factor from Table 4.4-1 for Xe-135 gamma total body as 1.81E3 mrem-m' pCi -y OFF-SITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL ..Page 80,

Setpoint Calculation 1.4-4 Waste Gas Decay Tank Monitor (RM-A11)

(Batch Type Releases)

INTRODUCTION Following completion of the analyses required by Section 1.,2-3 and determinationof release rates and concentration limits in accordance :with, Section 1.3-1, the monitor setpoint requires adj*ustment. to: ensure, that alarm and pathway isolation occur if nuclide concentration limits are exceeded.

METHODOLOGY Prior to,. initiating a Waste Gas Decay Tank,ý release., it's :contents are drawni:

through radiation monitor RM-A11 and retu ned to the waste gas header..

Factors, are applied to the observed count rate to account for background radiation0h and vent fraction. The obtained:.value establishesthe max . mum allowable setpoint. The alarm/trip setpoint is adjusted to thiks. 6or a mo.re conservative value weekly during continuous releases. :If the, concentration of radionuclides to be released is less than the: effluent. monitor LLD "Net CPM" is obtained from the calibration curve by determining:the,..CPM:wh'i"ch,"

corresponds to 20 pCi/cc, and PDRR is set equal to I.

CALCULATION ..... .2....-. . . ..

... . k ~

RM -Al 1 Setpoint (CPM)~ = ["c "* 24.1Bkg whe re6::

NctCPM = The observed RM-All count ratee, in cpm, less' backg'round, or obtained from',. .the, alibration cUrve.

VF The vent.fraction; that,.ortioh of the total plant

%gaseous release associatedwith thisý:: vent and discharge

,type. Value is equal:tpto" 0.5.v.

PDRR = The nobe.gas: gamma..emission.. Projlected Dode Rate:'Ratio calculated..in.:accordance with 'Secýtion 1.3. Thitsý: ratio.

is the actual pro jected-dose rate divided by the allowable dose ats*.referencedk iin Sectioni:. 3-1,.

relationship 1.4.

24.7 The maximum pressure (psia): whi"c R.-A. detector chambershould be subjected to.,.ý "This- corresponds,. to:. a flow**of 15 CFM. from; the ,release i-n1e: 0tothe vent.

P = Pressure:,:(psi'a) in RM-All at time. ofobtaining net, CPMv.

Bkg = RM-Al::.background count rate. I K cpm.


Setpoint Calculation 1.4-5

.Plant Discharge Line Monitor (RM-L2)

(Batch Type Releases)

INTRODUCTION Following completion of the analyses required by Section 1.2-4 and determination *of release rates and:concentration limits in accordance with Section 1.3-2, the monitor setpoint requires adjustment to. ensure that alarm and pathway isolation occur if nuclide concentration limits are exceeded.

METHODOLOGY Evaporator Condensate Storage. Tank or Laundry and Shower S.ump Tank contents are circulated thro.ugh radiation monitor- RM-L2 and returned to: the auxiliary building sump to obtain the actual -count rate at"RM-.L2 for the concentration contained. in the tank for release. The,observedi co.unt rate is adjustedfor release. fl.o6w,. :background and statistical. counting variations, particular to

.this release flow path. The resul-ting Value is used as the alarm/trip .isetpointý and RM-L2"iýsadjusted to this or %,a more conservatlve value prifor to initiating the release. If the oncentration of radionuclides to be released is.less than.:.

the effluent monitor LLD use setpoint", .calciulation 1.;4-8.. "

CALCULATION RM- L2 Setpoint (CPM)= 1.. L ) +,:Bkg. +3.34 where-NetCPM = The observed RM-L2.count rate, in c.pm,'l ess back-ground, or

.obtained.from the calibration curve.

S= Administration: Factor. to account forerror ,*nsetpo int Adetermination:. ýAF = 0.8'.,

C./.OxECLi). Therati.oof .t~he..actual gamma.eitting .oncentrations (excludinJg dissol.Ved. andentrained gases) 6f the tank contents to be released to times': as. isted 'in 10 CFR 20 the.

Effluent Conc'entrition -Limits (ECL)...

E. The release flow rate of waste, to be:,.discharged, in gallIon's

.per minute. A maximum flow rate of 100 gpm. wil:l be used for t.*e Evaporator Condensate Storage Tanks,: andl.40 .gpm for the Laundry. and, ShewerSump Tanks..

D .= The dilution -flow, er'm,othe Nuclear Servi-ces .and.ý Delcay Hea't' Sea, Water: system- in gal lons per minutel..

ý.Bkg RM-L2 backgroundcounht rate in'cpm.

S. A statistia c s:pread on the'.background count rate which

  • represents a 99.,9.5% confi dence level on: monit or :counting.

This factor is iihluded. to prevent inadvertent high/trip.

alarms due to. random counts :on the monitor.


Setpoint Calculation 1.4-6 Turbine Building Basement Discharge Line Monitor (RM-L7)

(Continuous Type Releases):


The activity released through the Turbine Building Basement Discharge Line Monitor RM-L7 is analyzed, in accordance with Sectiobn. 17.2-5. The: setpoint is, a fixed conceni'ration based on worst case nuclide released at the. worst case rate as described in the..Methodology Section below. The monitor setpoi~nt i:s adjusted to ens;ure isolation of the release pathway if nuclide.concentration, l .imitsare exceeded..

METHODOLG The al:armi/trip setpoi nt determination i s based on the worst case assumption that 1-131 is the only nuclide being .dischar.ged.. This. assumption equates all counts on RM-L7 to 1-.131 with an ECL of 1E'-6' uci/ml.. -131 has the most:

conservative ECL of the nucl ides available to this releasepaith alnd. "vi!sible" to RM-L7. The, setpoint is based: on, iassuring 10. ECLs or lesst of 1-131 in: the, discharge canal and is .determined by deriving:the cpm f.rom the,"`RM'-L7 calibration curve which corresponds to a. concentration.of 'E -5: ucij/ml and ap pyihngthe fl oW.d.i'lution factor,. backg~rbund count s,* and sta tistic*c al counting :,variations. The resul*ing Value is used. .as; the: al.arm/'t ri. setpoi.nt and RM-L iis adjuste. to this o a, moe ns.e rvati.lve. vaue`to*:. maintain

  • control:on elease cbndiions.

CALCULATION RM-L7 Selpoint (CPM)+= .C. PMx(E I 1+8k

- Bkg,....

L :E J where"

CPM,.. The counts ,-per minute
.corresponding to, E-5. uc.imi ,(0:

'ECLs 1.131)1 from. the ,current-RM-L17. c"li:brai'on",cur've,.

E . ,The. maximum release- flow, rat"e bof water :able.' to. be djischarged in igalllons. per minute.,

,D~i = The diliution fllow. from: the:, Nuclear Services, and Dec ay' Heat.

ISea, Water ,system in: gallons,: per minute;.

Bkg, The, background -count, rate at. RM--L7 i n :cpm.

3.3 .- A -statistical spread on the background co.u.n ratewhich

.represents :a 99,.95%, confidence level on monitor counting'.

This, :factor is included to prevent inadVertent high/trip alarms due to random counts on the monitor.;,


Setpoint Calculation 1.4-7 Turbine Building Basement Discharge Line Monitor (RM-L7)

(Batch Type Releases)

INTRODUCTION Following completion of the analyses required.by Section 1.2-4 and determination of release rates and concentration limits in accordance with Section 1.3-2,, the monitor setpoint requires adjustment to ensure that alarm and pathway isolation occur 'if nuclide concentration limits are exceeded.

METHODOLOGY" Station Drain Tank (SOT-I) contents are.circulated through radiation monitor RM-L7 :and returned to the sump to obtain the.actual count rate at. .RM-L7 for the cohcentration c.ontained in the tank for r.elease. The observed count rate

,is, adjusted for: release flow, background and! s.tatistical.,"counti ng variations, particular to this release flow .path. The. resulting. value.s used as the alarm/trip. setpoint and RM-L7 is adjustedto rthis or a more conservative value prior to init4ating-the release. If"the".concentraion of radionuclides to be 'released:i s less than the,. effluent, monitor 'LLD use setpoint calcul ation, 1.4-8.


.RM.w:*..Selpoint: (lPM)- LNet

_.I "iZi(O*-

- ";"=. CE));.E CPMx.AF.x.(.E.) b.)I,:' kg.: +..0:3*.

+. .

[i /(e 1 0(Ix kbCýX. EJ where:

,Nc.CPM = The..obs erved RM,*L count. rate, in',cpmi less bAckgqround.

AF - Administrati6n F'ator to account for error in setpoint

'determi nation.: AF = 0.8.

(C(I0 x.ECL) The.,ratio of the.: act.al1emitingcncentrations gamma

.(excluding. diss~olvlved and entrainhed gases) of the, tank

.contents :to be released to 10 ti.mes the Effluent
Concentration Limits*t(CL) as.listed in 10 CFR 20.

-E The releasde flow rate of waste to be discharged in gallons per minute. A.maximum flow rate of 600 gpm will:

be used.

D: The ;dilution" flow. from th~e,. Nucl.ear Services and "Decay

'HeaSea Water syste ingao-. - s permi nute,.

Bkg . RM-L7 backgrund count rate i n. ,pm.,

.3.B=g A statifstical, spread obn the background, count rate, which represents a 99.95%,confidence level on mon'itor

.counting. This factor is included to prevent inadvertent high/trip alarms due,'to.random counts on., the monitor....


Setpoint Calculation 1.4-8 Alternate Setpoints Methodology for RM-L2 and RM-L7 The foliowing method may ýbe employed to establish an upper bound. fixed

,setpoint for RM-L7. Once established, the setpoint need ,not be changed uniloess the monitor rIesponse or background chaHges significantly, or there is a significant.,change in secondary plant: activity levels.

This method may also be used to establish setpoints for laundry tanks being rel eased through RM-L2', alnd fo:rr Ilowl activity (< monitor LLD) ECSTs.

Setpoint = [(cpm/1Ci0/ml) x (1E-5 uCi/ml) x DF x RF] + Bkg where:

cpm/piCi/ml = The monitor response. (slope) 1E-5 pCi/ml = Worst case effluenttconcentration limit, for major gamma emitting isotopes in waste stream,, multiplied by

.mm a~ ta'.nk DF = The minimum dilution: factor :.basedon, maximum tank discharge rate and.minimum RW-dilution; 100 for ECSTs.,,

240:..for LSSTs, 30 for SDT-i or: CD releases through RM-L7.

F Release fraction. RF is that fraction of site liquid

-releases all*cýted to a particular liquid :.e:ffluent monitor. TheWU!su of the ,:RFs for each liquid effluent monitor must be .,< = 21.during periods of simuitaneous:

releases fr*mliquid",effluent.discharge points. During periiods, when simultane6us discharges are not ,made, RF may be t1for `set :::each monitor.

Bkg= Monitor background.



Pi = K' (BR)DFAi mrcin / year per uCi / n-where:

K' - A constant unit of: conversion- 106,pci/uCi.

BR. The: Breathing Rate of the child age .group ;:3700 m3 /year*

DFAj = The maximum organ inhalation dose factor for the child age group for the ith radionuclide," in mrem/pCi. The total body i:s considered as an organ i n the selection .of DFA..

.NOTE: For the,-inhalation pathway P..,1 so al"ues of Pi .may be takeh from Table 4.4-3.


1,)' NUREG-0133, Section

2) Regulatory Guide 1.109, Table E-5, and Table E-9 OFF-SITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL Page 8.6




SY M '

'6AL IN PROJECTIONi.FREQUENCY FLOW DIAGRAM Waste 2.1-1 '2.2-1. 2.3::i.I Gas. 2.. 3:*I1 Treatment Venti-lation: Z.Ilý3-12.- M.* I 2..3-I2 Exhaust, Tieatminent Liquid.212:.- S'2.3-2 Radwasteý.


When a R`adwa.ste -keduCti oniSystiemý cis. not: Avai;iablje-for. use.,


WASTE REDUCTION SPECIFICATION NO. 2.1-1 The WASTE GAS SYSTEM shall be used, as required, to reduce the radioactivity of material~s i:n. gaseous: Waste prior to discha'rge, when projected monthly air dos*e.due to releases of gaseous effluents from. the site. to .areas,4at or' beyond the SITE BOUNDARY would exceed:

2) 0.2 mrad gamma/month.*

.2). *0.4 mrad beta/month.

.AND The VENTILATION' EXHAUST TREATMENT*SYSTEM: shall be."used, as required, to

.reduce. the quantity of radioactive mater'i~als in :gaseous waste prior to discharge, when projected monthly air doses:. due to release of gaseous:

e ffluents ýfrom the .s.i te to areas at .or beyond the SITE BOUNDARY would exceed:

1) 0.3. mremt.,o any organ/month k Doses. de to gaseous r.el eases from the site shall". beeprojected.at,. least :once per .31 days.

. The.. limits, of the 10CFR5O, Appendix I, paragraph Bi cdriteri a ,were roeduoce"d 'to:/4 of the monthly 'portion of the annual :.l1Jimit. as- explained inb correspondence among AIF, Utilities and the NRCdated-December 24,C Refer ences:

1) *Plant Procedures

.2). CorrespondenceC.A. Willis,(NRC) to S. Pandy (Frankli,.n Research Center)

,dated 11/20/81 and. AIF letter toAIF :subcommittee on RET5 dated,,



WASTE REDUCTION SPECIFICATION NO. 2.1-2 The LIQUID RADWASTE TREATMENT SYSTEM shall be used, as required, to reduce radioactive materials in liquid wastes prior to their discharge, when projected monthly doses due to liquid effl.uents discharged to UNRESTRICTED AREAS would exceed:the following values:

a.. 0.06 mrem whole..body/month I b:.: .0.2. mrem to any organ/month

  • Dosesdue to liquid releases shall- be' projected at% least. once per 31 days.

The*. li'mits of the: 10CFR5,0, Appendi:x .I paragraph A c.ri terii a we re r educed to 1/4 Of the monthly prin of the annual li**i t as. explained i n

  • correspondence -mob.gAIF,6Utdliities.. and :he NRC dated: 12/24/81.


Plant Procedures 2), Corr'espondence.,C.A. Willis': (NRC'): to S.. Pandy (Franklin Research Center) dated 11/20/81'and AIF letter to AIF"sub`committee on RETS dated 12/24/8L.




Crystal River Unit 3 operating practices require use of the WASTE GAS SYSTEM (Waste Gas Decay Tanks). The normal release paths for gaseous effluents are via the VENTILATION EXHAUST TREATMENT SYSTEM

.(HEPA and Charcoal 'Filters),. The operability of the VENTILATION EXHAUST TREATMENT SYSTEM: is controlled by Section 2.4 of Part I of the ODCM;

As.lTong as these practices and specifications are maintained, the

.radwaste reduction .requirements of Part I, :Section 2 are met,, :and.

there: is: no need to ,project doses prior to the: release of gA.seous radwa'ste.


.Dose projeJ:ction calculations will be, necessary, if either system. is.,

.not avail:oa,.for use.,

D = 31D /NDQ:

whe~re.:i D = Projected Dose (monthly)>.

p D - Current quarter cumulative dose,. including:: projection:

C for releaseuunder evaluation.

NDQ, :Number, of days into quarter, where thle. quarterlly

pe riods' a-re.

January 1 thr-ough March 31., April: 1 through June .30.,

July 1 through September 31., October 1: through.



1) .FISAR 5.5.1 5..5*.*2



I. INTRODUCTION Crystal. River-Unit 3 operating practices require liquid radwastes.

(except for Laundry and Shower Sump waste and Secondary Drain Tank waste) to be processed prior to releasing them to the environment.

As long.as these practices are maintainedthe radwaste reduction requirements of Section 2.3 of Part I of the ODCM are met, and there is no need to project .doses, pri.or to the release.of liquid radwaste.,.

JI1. CALCULATIONS Dose. projection calculations will.be necessary if there, i..:a mal..function of LIQUID"RADWASTE TREATEMENT SYSTEM equipment andliquid, radwaste must. be released without prior treatment.

wDe 310e/NDQ where:

D - Projected Dose (monthly).

DC. - Current quarter cumulative dose, including.. p*rj'ection.: for" Trel ease. under evaluation..,

NDQ - Number of days i~nto quarter,. where the quarterrly periods are:

Januaryu 1throuighMarch 31, April 1 through June .30:,

July 1.through September 31, October'l1 through"

.D-ecember 31.


1): ODCM Part I, Section 2.3 and"3.3j.



The calendar year dose ,or dose commitment to any member of the, public, due to releases of radioactivity and radiation from uranium fuel. cycle sources shall be limited to less t.han or equal to 25 mrems to the whole body or any or.gan, (except the thyroid which shall be limited to less. than or equal to. 75 .mrems).

This specification is satisfied by meeting specifications 4.-1,=,

4.1-2, and: 4.1-3.

If doses exceed twice the limits of: specifications 4.1-1, 4.1-22, and 4'.1-3 ithen an anal y.si:sh be performed, to confirm tontinued

".al compl i ance wi th. 40CFR190(b).


1) ODCM Part I, Section 2.10 2), Plant Procedures 3): 40 CFR 190.


EFFLUENT FLOW DIAGRAM - GASEOUS 2.3-1 Control Complex 1Nuc :Sx Rm Hoods Pri:m.:;* Lab Hoods FRW A4,,,









Evaporator X 3. 1-1 Condensate Storage Tanks Laundry and X 3.1-1 ShOwer .Sump Tanks

  • Secondary X X .3. 1-1,. 3.

3t12 Drain Tanks Pla nt Cohdensa t e 3.1-2

.Waste Gas X 3.1-.3

.Decay Tahks:

Reactor ldg,. :x x 3.1 -4

Purge Exhaust Auxiliay,, Bldg. X 3.1-4.

&, Fuel Hanidl~ing.

Area P,.urge


..Reactor Bldg'. X 3.15 wi th oth-'Pe'rso~nne;l and Equipment Hatchesi Open OFF-SITE'DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL Page, 97

Representative Sampling Method No. 3.1-1 (Evaporator Condensate Storage Tanks, Laundry & Shower Sump Tanks, Secondary Drain Tank)

To obtain representative samples from these tanks., the contents of the tank to be. sampled will be recirculated through two contained..volumes and a grab sample will be collected upon completion.. No add.tions of li~qUi~d waste-will be-made to this tank until completion of the release..

Representative Sampling Method No. 3.1-2 (Secondary Drain Tank and/or Plant Condensate) sample of the. Turbine A representative. sample may be o'bitained vi:a grab Building Sump or the Secondary Drain Tank, Plant Condensate, or-from the rel ease compositor.

Representative Sampling Method No;. 3.1-3 (Waste Gas Decay Tank)

RePresentative gas,. iodine, and particulate samples ,areedrawn from the waste gas.decay tank, *sample lines.

No additions.of wastegas i allowed into a tank, f6ollowi ng: sampling until* the.

releasce has been completed.

Representative Samp.ii 1ng. Meth'od No. 3;.1,-4 (Reactor ;Buil.ding :& Auxiliary Buil ding &,Fuel Handling. Area Exhaust)

Re~presentati.ve gasi iodine, particulate and tritiumr samples a re t.a ken from these ducts at. the location of the radiation monitors. The sample.for the React6,oBui.lding. Purge Duct is taken' form radiation moni'tor RM-A6.:?prior *to ai purge.and is drawn from radiation monitor RM-AZ during.a puge. The samplea for the Auxiliary Building and Fuel Handl.ing Area Exhaust Duct'i**s drawn 'from:

RM-A2 during venting since this is a continuous release pathway,,

If, samples cannot be obtained from the ducts of the, Reactor or Auxiliary 0Building, samples can :be obtained from areas of these. buildings..,thai are

  • con.sidered t6 be representative of the radionuclide concentrati ons..present throughout the respective buildings. Sampling times and volumes should be established to as!ure. the LLD Limits of Sections 1.2 and 4.2 for the radionuclides can be met.


Representative Sampling Method No. 3.1-5:

(Reactor Building With Personnel And Equipment Hatch Opened)

The following guidelines do not apply when the Personnel: Hatch or Equipment Hatch is closed, or when a structure, such as a wooden door, is used in lieu of either Hatch.. By having one of these hatches closed.,, sustained drafts through the RB are prevented.


The Reactor Building purge exhaust fans should. be: operational and. the supply fans shut down. if the purge: exhaust. must be:.shut down then eit.her the personnel hatch or equipment 'hat-chý o'penings. should be closed if oQperati~onall conditions allow.

Monitor the Reactor Building recirculation system by using.-RM-A6&or by t'akling general. area air samples.

Other Considerations:

Run the Main' 'purge long enou to assure clleanup of.lthe. RB atmosphere.

Degas and depressurize theReactor Coolant System.

Note: Refuel 16 outage- will. require an additional-opening in. the Reactor Bui lding wall. to.facilitate ,steam. generator repl.acement. The: above gui delines/consi derAtions,,.still, apply with the, steam "gepne rator" replacement opening: treated as al second equipment hatch.

Representative: Sampl.i.ng, Method No.. 3.1-6 (Rea tor Building During Integrated Leak Rate Test)

Due to .buildihng :overpressure, prepurge. samples!.".cann6* be. taken 'from' RM-A6 .

Repr'esentative,:ggodi . I samples may be ,obtai.ned..

na: particua te Iand,I t ritiIum from the, Intermediate Buiiding, contai*nment sampl-ing apparatu.s .or .th'e

.Post-Accident Sampling :Systemý.

Representative gas, iodi ne, particulate, and. tritium sampls may: also be:

obtained-from:.RM-A6, pri.or to pressurizing, the. RB.: or RM-.A samples, col lected from the .prior".RB purge permit may be used to generate the.ILRT..batch rel'ease permi't if nhochanges to: source termare observed.:


Teleco.n-FPC :(Dan Green, Dan Wilder) to NRC (CharlesWill~is). dated 03/15/85 at 0930; -


ý Personnel and Equi.pment..Hatch ,Openings.





TABLE~IV CUMULATIVE DOSE. CALCULATION T -- -- --." --- --- * - '7: ":*"7""-::---

- -*7* - - * .. ... - - ---- - .- -r.".

-"- - - -* ..---."-'..--7 =*"-


,.:'-a a.* ... a.::a -

.' = _'a'_. ..



- - -- -- - -- `


`---.: r~'*`:* - - -* * -*


- - .- - * -- -.. .a:-

FACTORS Nblee Gas-es :4. 1-1.: 4.2li, 4".2-2ý 4.3-1 4..4-1 4.21-3.

Radi oi od.i nes, Radýi oacti ve Particulates, 4.1-2 41.3'2 4.742 to 4.4-16 Radi onuci des. 4. 2-3*

other than Noble Gases

.iquid Eff* Qents ~4, 1-3 4'2.2--4, .- 4%.3-3 4..4:17 OFF-SITE DOSE CALCULATION.MANUAL .Page..10l


The air doseat or beyond the SITE BOUNDARY due to radioactive noble gases released in gaseous effluents shall be limited as follows:

1). During any calendar quarter, < 5 mrad gamma, and < 10 mrad beta radiation.

2).During any calendar, year,, "1O mrad gammarand < 20 mrad beta radiation.

Cumulative dose. contribution:s for th'e :current calendar quarter and current cealendar year shall be determined at...least once per 311 days..


1) ODCM :Part. I, Sec*i on 2.8 OFF-SITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL Page"102


The dose, to a MEMBER-OF THE. PUBLIC from 1-131, 1-133, Tritium and radioactive particU.'ates with half'lives of greater than :8 days in gaseous effluents.

releasedifrom the site to areas at or beyond the SITE BOUNDARY shall be limited as follows:"

1) u.ring any calendar.quarter, < 7..5 mrem to any organ.

,2). Duringany.calendaryear, ..15 mrem to, any organ.

Cumulative dose calculations for the current calendar quarter and current calendar ye-ar shall be determined at least once per 31. days..

Referen.nes' 1):. ODCM :Part I, Section 2.9, OFF-SITE:DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL .Page *103:.


The dose or dose commitment to a MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC from radioactive materials in liquid effluents released to.UNRESTRICTED AREAS shall be limited as follows:

During any calendar quarter, S 1.5 mrem, total body.4 2)

During any calendar quarter, -5, mrem .any' organ.

3),.During any calendar year, < 3 mrem total: body,

4) During any calendar year,, < 10. mrem any organ.,

Cumulative dose contributions from liquid effluents shall be determined at least once per 31 days.


1): ODCM PartI.,. Section 2.6 OFF-SITE'DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL Oage 1.04


A. Principal Gamma: Emitters. (a)

Mn-54 Fe-59 Co-58 Batch release particulate filter Co-60 for' Batch Relfeases.. 'Weekly

..Zn-65 Particulate Filter Analysis for 1X1O-4 1-X10.- 1 1 Mo-99 continuous(c) type.- release.

Cs.-134 Cs-137 Ce-141 Ce-144 Kr-87 Pre-release grab sample f6r. Batch Kr`88 type release. Weekly. :grab smpl e 1/x10.4 :

Xe-i33. for continuous type. rel~ease.,



  • NA/i x" 10l2 B.* Iodine 131 Batch release charcoal filter for

':Batch Releases; We*kly charcoal:

filter for, continuou:s. releases."

C., Triti;Um Pr,-reease Grab. SAmple.

'Monthly :Particulate 'Filter: :Composite E; Sr.-=89, Quarterl-y.P*arti:cul.ate Filter 'Composite:

.F. sr-90 :Quarterly Part-i-culat- 'Filte.r"Composi te ix10.

(a) Other identi.fied Gamma Em"iters hotl1.isted i:n .thi s: table shall be included i:h:,

dose calculationsý.

(b) The first value refers to the LLD for pre-release.gDrab sample;. thqeý second",value refers: to: the 'LLD f6 ',wee kly. Partilcul.ate Filter Analysis:.

(c) Reactor Building .Purge is considered continuousafter minimum of oneý. Reactor.

Building volumes. have been released on a.c:nti.nu6us basis (i.., . first'one

,volume is. a batch: :type).



Principal Gamma Emitters Mn-.54 Fe-S9 Co-58 Co-60 11 Zn-65 Weekly Par ticul'atie Filte-r' Analysis IX10-4/.1x10 Mo-99 Cs-137 Cee141.

Ce-144-Kr-.87 Kr-88 Xe-133' Monthl'yý Girab Sample :1x10- l Xe-131ml Xle-135.

Xe-i 3,8 Iodie 1.31 Weekly ýCha rcoal 'Filter Anailysis.:

-12 l~lX 10 6l Tritiuml l Monthly Cr abl SaTmpl:e.:

Gr~ossý Alp~ha M6nth0y1 S.Pa rti cullate Filter Composite: -jl011:

,Sr-.89. `Quarterly. Particulate Filter Composite: 11I


'Sr-90ý Qartqerl' Particul:ate, FPilterr Compos'i te. 1'ol (a) Other identifiý,ed: Gammat lllEmitters not li sted i n, this table shadl..l. be inciuded iln.

.dose: calculati6ons..

(b) The first value "refers to the LLD for pre-release, grab.' sample;*..the second value refers to the LLD for weekly Particulate Filter Analysis."



A. Principal Gamma Emitters '(a)

Mn-54 e*-.59*

Co-58 Co-60 Zn-65.- - Weekly Particulate Filtersample: (rom RM'A2) jx10-4 /jxj0-1 1

,Cs-134 Cs-1 37

Ce-141 "Ce-144 Kr-88, Xe-133, - Pre-rel~ease Grab sample 1x1.0- 4 Xe-.1358 Xe- 138 12

-x10 Iodine: 131 Weekly. Charcoal Fi lter .(from. RMA2),

I(a)Other identified Gamma Emi:tters not listed in this: table, shall be, included in do.doseand setpoint calcuiat*io6n s. . ....

(b) Thei filrst value referse to the LLD for pre-release grab sample; the second value Zrefers to: the LLD for weekly Particul]:ate Fil]ter Analysis,.



A. Principal Gamma Emititers (a)

Fe'-59 Co-S.8 Co-.60

.C.s-37 Ce-141I Ce-144 6

B. Iodi.ne:.131 .Pre-Rele as.,eGrab, Sample 1X10 s

C.Dssoliv ed ;and Ent.rai ned N6obl e..

Gas4egs Monthly* , Gr~ab .:Sample 10 5

  • Trilt~i urn ,Mothly Composite-1X107 E.,.

GrOss Alp:'hA M*onthl y Composi'te*


Sr,-.89 Qarterlye Compost SrF-90 ,Quarterly. Composite.

5x.10 6 H., Fe- 5

-Quartery Compos.ite (a):. Other identified Gamma Emitters not listed in this table shall be included in:




A. Prihcipal. Gamma Emitters (a)

.Mn-54 Fe-59:

Co-60 Zn-65 ,Weekly Composite Mo-.99..


Ce6-141 Ce-144 B. Iodi ne 131 Weekly Compos~ite 5ix10O-6 1,ix 7 C..Dissolved. and.

Entrainhed Noble.

Monthly Grab: Sample D.,  ;Tritium Monthly Composite -5 ixlO'7 E.;, Gros, Alphaz Monthly Composite, 5xiO 8 F.. 8.. 'Quarterl1 y Compos-i te

'., Sr-90. Quarterly. Composi te 5x o68 ixklO ý6 H..: J.Fet5 5 .Quarterly Composite (a Oqther i deht~if ied Gamma: Emitters. not listed in this. table shall. be included in.

dose c/a' lcuilatiolnls.



The air dose at or beyond the SITE BOUNDARY due to noble gases .released in gaseous effluents is calculated as: follows:

Dy = 3.17 x 10-1 Y_ M(X/Q)Qi mrad Do = 3.1.7 x 10-Y N1(X/Q)Q mrad whe:rOe:

Dy The air dose.:at or beyondl.the:SITE BOUNDARY due to gamma emissions from noble gases in gaseous..effluents in mrad/ti.me period.,

.DP The air dose at or beyond the. SITE BOUNDARY due'to beta emissions from noble gases( in g'aseo.us effluents i.n mrad/time period.

.3.17 x 10- = The number of years in:one secsond1 - yr/sec-M The air dose factor due to gamma.emissions for each identified noble .gas radi onuc1_eie, in:mrad/year per uCi/m3 .

N. The ai~r..dose facto'rdue. to ::beta. emissi-ons for each identified noble gas radionucli de., Ain mrad/year per uCi/m:.

X/Q = The. highest calculated. annual avera..ge relzative concentration" for areas: at or beyondd.the .:ýUNRESTRIC.ED AREA Boundary, 2.5 x.. 10-sec/m3 ..

ON Total pCi 'of"isotopei re"leased..during.,.the:. cal.endar quarte'r: or ica.lendar year, as: appropriate ..



The dose to, an indivi.dual at or beyond the. SITE BOUNDARY due. to I-131, 1-133.,

Tritium and radioactive particulates, with. half lives of greater than 8 days is calculated as follows.

D = 3.17 x 10-' X WRAQ mrem where::

D . .The. ...radi:ationh:do.eý ito .,an individuai at or beyond the.


- Thedose.factor f6rea"ch identified radibnuclide,, ii: in.

":mn*mrrem/year) per uCi/sec or mr.em/year :per uCi/m'.1 "

W -X/Q, for inhalation pathway, 2,.5 x 10-6 sec/mr the, si:te boundary and 7.5 x 1O7"F,,ec/ml' ati:.the critical. receptor.

w bD/Q for food :and ground, plane pathway, '1.99 x: 10'*m 2:the site boundary and: 5.7 .X 10- m at the critical ::recepor.

Total gCi o6f is.otope 6 release d during the calendar

.i quarter :.or cal enda.r:, yea r-, . as",ppropriate.,

3.17 X. A4 The"number of years,*i. onesecond, yr/sec.


NUREG 0133, Section S5J.3,1 FSAR,. Table 2-20 OFF-SITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL Pag.e ill


The dose or doseco'mmitment to a ,MEMBER OF. THE PUBLIC from radioactive materials: in: liquid effluents released to UNRESTRICTED AREAS. is calculated as follows:

D =. .A,Z.tkCikFkL iL. k I whe6re::

D = The cumulative dose commitment, to the. total: body,:oqr any organ, T, from the. iquid effl'u.ents$* for t t.ota time

  • peri6od 'ytk "f: mrem .

4k " The l"ehgth of the kth time: "perJiod overwihich C A

.is averaged, for' al ll *quid releases, .i in hours.i

  • The average concentrationh0*..of radionucl-i.de, i n undil1uted liquid effl uent during pgtime' perod tk: from any: liqu~i d reelease in .6pCi/ml.


  • The site related ingestion dse .,commitment factor.'to the total: body or any organ, for each identi fied .princ.ipal gamma.and"beta emitter as :shown in.Tabl*e. 4.4-1'7 bf this mahual, in.mrem-ml: per h6uir'-Ci.

Fk - Waste; flTow rate./ (waste fliow. rate: :+,'Dilutibon fl'ow rate)4*

Di.l utiion flow. rate is Ithe. sum o!6f available cir1ulating.

water and Nuclear Servi ces and :Decay Heat* Seawater 'flow.

Units 1 and :2 C2 culating water, flow may be I**cluded.

Refe rence.s,,:

1) NUREG 0133, Section 4.3..

.2)% *Telecon/Meeti:ng ýSummary with C. Will.i's .(USNRC) dated 01/16/85 regarding Fk OFF-SITE.DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL Page 112

TABLE 4.4-"


Kr-8 3m 2.88E+2 1.93E+i. 7.56E.-2 KR-85m 1.97E+3 :1.46E+3: 1.23E+3 1.17E+3 Kr-85 .1.95E+3, 1. 34E+3 1:..72E+1 1..61E+I Kr-87 1.03E+4 9:-.73E&3 .6ý.1i7E+3 S.92E+3 K~r-88:

2.93E+3 2.37E+3: 1.52 E+4 1.47E+4:

1.73"E+4 Kr-891 1.06E+4ýý 1..O1E+4 1.66E:4 KR-90 7.83E+3 7. 29E+31 1.63E+4 1.56E+4 9.1i5E÷1 Xe-.131m 1.11E+3 4,..76E+2 1.56E+2 Xe-133m 1.48E+3 *'9.:94E+2 3.27E+2 2.51E+2' 3.53E+2, 2.94E-+2 Xe-135m :7."39E.+2 li1E+-2' 3.36E+3 3.12E+3:

X~e.-1135, :2.4*6E+3" ;1.*86E+3: 1.92 E+3 1.81E+3 Xe-137 1.27E44, 1..22E+4 1.42E+3 Xe-"38, 4 75E+3 ,4.13E+3 9.21E+3, 8.83E+3 Ar-'41 3.,28E+3 '2.69E+3. 9. 30E+3 8'. 84E+3.

  • mrad-6 3 wci -yr


4 1*) NUREG 0133 2.) USNRC,:Regulatory:Gui.de 1,.109, Tabile:B-l OFF-SITE :DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL Page 113


R= K" (BR)DFAi mrcm /year per uCi / mi where:

6 K' = A constant unit of conversion - 10 pCi/uCi.

BR . The Breathing Rate of the represented age ,group:

1400 .ni63 /yr infant 3700 m3 /yr,- child:

8000 m3 /yr - teen

.8000 m 3/yr - adult...

,* . = .The maximum organ' inhalation dose factor for the represen.ted, age group for the ith: radio'nuclide, in mrem/pi.7V ReefE UR.Ed-0133.3., Section,:"

.2). *N Regulatory Guide 1.109, Table,, E-5:,. and Tables' E-7 through E-.1O.


TABLE 4.4-2 Inhalation Dose Factors (Ri) - Infant Nuclide Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid kidney Lung GI-LLI H-3, 6!.47E2 6,47E2 6.47E2 6.47E2 6.47E2 6.47E2 6.47E2 Cr-51 ND ND 8.95E1. 1.32E1 1.32E1 1.28E4 .3..57E2

.Mn-54 WND 2.53E4 4.98E3 4..98E3 4.98E3 9.95E5 7.06E3.

Fe-55 1.97E4 1.17E4 3.33E3 ND ND 8.69E4- 1.09E3 Fe.-59 1.36E4 2.35E4 .9..48E3 ND ND 1,02E6 2..48E4,

  • Co-58 ND .22 E3 1.82E3 ND ND , 77E5, i.1E4

.Co*- ND 8.02E31 1.18E4 ND ND 4C51E6 3-19E4.

Ni:-63' ..3,39E5: 2.04E4 1.16E4 NO ND 2:.09E5 2.42E3 Zn-65 1.93E4 .6.26E4 3.11E4 ND 3.25E4 6.47E5 S..14E4e Rb-86 :ND 1.90E5 8.82E4 ND ND NDU 3.0403 Sr-89 3.98E5: ND. .14E4 ND ND 2.03E6 6`40E4:

Sr-90 4.09E7 'ND. 2.59E6 ND ND, 1.12E7 1.31E5 Y-91. 5.,88E5 NDý .1.57E4 NO ND 2.45 E6, 7.07E4:

-Zr95 .,15E5 2,.79E4 2.03E4 ND *3..ilE4. 1.7,5E6 2.17E4 wNb95. iý,I57 E4: 6..43E3 3-.78E3 ND 4.72E3 4';.ý79E5, 1..2.7E4 Ru-103: l2.:02E3 ND 6.,79E2 ND 4.24E3 5.52E5 J1.. 61E4.

U-10'6 8.68E4' ND 1i09E4 ND i.*07E5 1.,16E7 :1.64E5, Ag- l0m 9.98E3 7.22E3. 5.5OOE3 ND 1,.09E. 3. 67E6 3,30E4

.Te-125m. '4.76E3 1.99E3 6.58E2' 1.62E:3 ND 4.47 E5". 1-29E4 Te 127m 1.,6T7E4- 6.90E3, 2.07E3 4.87E3 3.75E4 1.31E6. 23E4 Te-.129m "1 41E4: 6.09E3 " .2,23E3 5.47E3m 3.8E4 1.68.E6 6.90E4 1-3 3.79E4, 4.44E4 1.96E4 1.48E7 5.18E4 .N. 1.0..

Cs-134-,.: 3.,96E5 7.03E5 7.45E4 ,ND T M.9OE 7.97E4 . 33E3 J1.

Cs-13 l34 *.S4 1.3tS:s.9E

.. 3E .94N NO 5.i4E4, I;18E4, 1.43E3 Cs-.137ý 5;49E: 6.12E5 4i5514 ND: 1.72E5 713.E4 133E3 Ra-0 5,.60E4. 5,.60E1 :2 .90E3 ND 1.34EI 1.,!60E6 3.84E4 Ceý-141. 2.77E4

  • 1.67E4 1.99E3 ND 5.25E3 5.17E5 2 .16E4 ae-144 3..9E6 1.21E6 1.76E5 ND 5.38E5 9O84E6 i.48E5 Pr-1.43. 1.40.E4. 5.24E3 6.99E2 ND 1.97E3 4.:33E5 3J72E4 Nd-147. 7'.94E3 8,.13E3 5.,00E2 ND 3.15E3 3!22E5, 3.12E4 OFF-SITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL Page 115

TABLE 4.4-3 Inhalation Dose Factors (Ri) - Child Nuclide Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-LLI H-3 1.12E3 1.12E3 i.12E3 1.12E3, 1.12E3 1.12E3 1.12E3 Cr-51 ND ND 1.54E2 8,, 55EI 2*.:43E1 1.70E4 1.08E3 Mn-54 ND 4.29E4 9'..51E3 ND 1.OOE4 1-58E6 2.29E4 Fe-55 4.74E4 2.52E4 7.77E3 ND ND, 1.11ES 2.87E3 Fe.-59 2.07E4 3.34E4 1.67E4 ND ND 1.27E6 7.07E4 Co- 5.8 ND 17.77E3 3j16E3 ND ND. 1.11E6 31A,.44E4:

.Co-60 ND 1,31E4. 2 ,.26E4 ND NDO 7T. 07E6, 94 62E4 Ni-63 8.21E5 4..63E4 2M80E4 ND ND 2375E5 6.33E3 Zn-65 4.26E4 1.13E5 7.03E4: ND 1.714E4 9.9SE5 1,63E4 Rb-86 ND 1.98E5 1.14E5 ND. ND NND 7.99E3 Sr-89 5.99E5 ND 1.72Et4 ND ND 2.16E6 1.67E5

-Sr-90 1.01E8 ND 6.44E6 ND ND 1.48E7 3.43E5 Y-91, '9.14E5 ND 2.44E4 ND, ND 2.63E6 1.84E5 Zr-95 1.90E5 4.18E4 3.1.0E4 ND 5.96E4 2'.23E6 6-.11E4 Nb-95 2.35E4 9.18E3 6.55E3 ND 8.62E3 6.14E5 3. 70E4 2.79 E3 ND 1.07E3 ND 7.06E3 6.62E5 4.48E4 Ru-103 Rdu- 166 1.36E5 ND 1.69E4 ND i.84E5. 1.43E7 4A29E5, Ag-110m, 1,69E4 1.14E4 .9.14E3 ND- 2.12E" .5.48E6 1.iOOE5S.

Te-125pa 6.73E3 ,2.:33E3 9.14E2: 1,92E:3I ýND 4.77E5 3:38E4:::

Te-ý127m 2.49E4 8:.55E3, 3.02E3 :6.E3, 6 36E4 1.v48E6 7. 14E4.

Te 129m '1i92E4 6.85E3 3L04E3 6'3i3E3 5,.03E41 1.76E6 1.82E5 1431 4.81E4 4.81E4 2.73E4 1..62E7ý 7.88E4* ND' 2 84E3 C§S-134 6.51E5 1.,01EE6: 2.25E5 ý.ND: 3. 30E5, 1..21E5 31.!85E3 Cs 136 6.51E, 1.71E5  !.16E5 ND: 9.35E4* 1.45E4 4 18E3 Cs137 9-.07E5 8.25E5 1.28E5 ND. 2.82E5 1.04E5 362E3 Ba-140 , 7,,.40E4 6.48Ei 4.33E3 ND .2.1lE1 1.74E6,, 1.:02E5 Ce-141 3.,92E4 1.95E4 .2.90E3 ND- 89i55E3 5.4,4E5 5:;66E4 Ce-144 6.77E6 ,2.12E6 3-,61E5 ND H17E6, 1.20E7 3.89E5, Pr-143 1.85E4 5.55E3, 9.14E2 ND, 3.00E3I 4.33E5 ,9.73E4 Nd-147 1.08E4 8.73E3 6..81E2 ND 4.81E31 3.28E5 8.21E4 OFF-SITE. DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL Page 1i6

TABLE 4.4-4 Inhalation Dose Factors (Ri) - Teen::

Nuclide Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-LLI H-3 1.27E3 1.27E3 1.27E3: i.27E3 1.27E3 1.27E3 1.27E3 Cr-51 ND, ND 1.35E2 7".49E1 3..07E1 2.09E4: .030; OE31 Mn-54 ND 1..70EO 8.40E3 ND 1.27E4, 1.98E6 6.68E4 Fe-55 3.34E4 2.38E4 5.54E3 ND ND: 124E5, 6.39E3 Fe-59 1..59E4 3.70E4 1..43E4 ND ND 1.53E6: I...78E5' Co-58 ND 2.07E3 2 .78E3 ND ND 1.34E6 9.52 E4 Co-60 ND 1 51E4 1.98E4 ND ND 832E6 2.59E5, Ni-63 5. 80E5 4.34E4 I .98E4 NDp ND 3.07E5 11.42E4 Zn-65 3.86E4 1.34E5 .6.24E4: ND.. 8.64E4 1.i24E6 4..66E4 Rb-86 ND 1.90E5 8.40E4 ND ND ND 1.77E4 Sr-89 4v3.4E5 ND 1.25E4 ND ND 2.42E6 3.71E5 Sr-90 1. O8E8: NDO 6.68E6 ND ND) 1.65E7 7.651E5:

Y-91 6.61E.5 ND. .1.77E4:ý ND, ND 2.94E6 .4.09E5 Zr-95* 1..48E,5

  • 4. 58E4 '3,.:15E4 ND, 6.74E4' 2.69E6 1.49E5 Nb-95 1.86E4 1:. 03 E4. ?5:.66E3, ND: 1.OOE4,, 7.51E5 9..68E4,:,

Ru-103 2. 1OE33 ND ND 7.43E3 7.83E5 l.09E5.

Ru-106' 9.84E4* .ND '1.24E4 ND. 1.90E5 .61E7 9.60E5.

Ag-110m .38E4 1.,31E4 7.799E3 ND 2."50E4. 6.75E6 :2.73E5

.Te- 125m 4.488E3 .2.2'4E,3, 6.67E2: 1.40E,3: ND 5..36E5 7,*.50E4*

Te-127m. i1.80E4' 18-. 6E31: 2.18E3 4.38E3, 6.5.4E4 1.66E6 1.59E5 Te-129m 1.39E4 6.58E3 2.25E3 4.58E3 '.5.19E4 1..9,8E6H 4.?.--05 E5 I.131 3.54E4 4.'9E44 2.64E4 J1... 46E7 8. 40E4. ND... 6 . 4.9E3 Cs-134 5.02E5'" 1.13E6 5.49E"5, ND. 3..75E5 1,.4.6E5ý 9.6E3

.Cs-13& 5. 15E4*. .9'4E5 1.37ES ND, 1.:1OE5 1.78E4 .1.09E4 Cs-137 .6.,70E5  :,8.48E5 3-h.;1E5. ND,.. .3.04E5: 1.21E5. '8.48E3 Ba-140 :5,.47E4 6.7OE1 3;.152E3;. NDty 2.28E1 2.03E6 2.29E5 Ce-141 '2.,84E4 1.,90E4 2.17E3 ND 8.88E3 6.14E5 1..26E5 Ce-144 4.89E6 .2.02E6 2 ,.62"E5 ND: l.'21E6 1.34E7  % 8.64E55.

Pr-143. 1.34E4 5,031E3ý 6.62E2 ND 3.b9E3. :40:83E5 .2.14HE Nd-147 7.86E3 8..56E3 5.3E2 ND 5.02E3 3.72E51 1.82E5 OFF-SITE DOSE.CALCULATION MANUAL Page:. 117.

TABLE 4.4-5 Inhalation Dose Factors (Ri) - Adult Nuclide Bone Liverr T. Body, Thyroid Kidney- fLug . GI-LLI H-3 1.26E3 1.26E3 1.26E3 1.26E3 1 26E3 1.26E3 1.26E3 Cr-51 ,ND ND 1.OOE2 5..95E1 2ý.28E1 1.44E4 3.32E3 Mn-54 ND 3.96E4 6.30E3 ND 9.84E3 1.' 40E6 7.74E4 Fe-55, 2.46E4 1I7OE4 3.94E3 ND NDA 7.21E4 6.03E3 Fe-59 1.1I8E4; 2.78E4 6E4.

6. ND:

ND' 1.02E6 1.88E5

  • Coa58 9.28E5 ND 1. .5.8.E.3 2.07E3 ND 1.O6E5 IND ND

,Co-60 1.15E4, 1...4.8E4 ND 5,,97E6: 2.85E5

4,.,32:E5 ND
  • Ni-63 3.14E4 1.45 E4 .ND ,...78E5 1.34E4 ND Zn-'65 .3.24*w'2,E4 .03E5 4.66E4 .'6. 90E4 8:. 64E,5 5.34E4 5.90E4 ND.

Rb"86 ND 1.35E5 'ND ND 1.66E4

18. 72E,3 ND sr-89' 3,. 04E51 zND ND. ND' 1.4E6 3.5E5 Sr-90 0992E,7 'ND 6.. 10E6 ND? ND 9.60E6 7.22E5 Y-91. 4.62E5' 'ND' 1.24E4 1.70E6 31,85E5,

~ND ND 2Z--95: 1I.07E5 3 44E4, ...33E4 1.50E5 N.D' '.36E4? 1.77E6

,N~b.-95* 1.41EE4 ... 76E3 4.21E3 ND; 7:.74E3 5. OSES: 1.04E5 5.0:O5.E5 Ru-103 *1'.53E3 6.658E2, 5.583E3 '1;1OE5:

J. " . .Ej rND ND 5 OS E.

.. 5 ND 9.36E6, Rku-106 .6'.91E4ý .8.72E3 *.34E5 9.12E5 ND

  • 08.E4*
1. 5.5;94,E3*:

Ag-l!0mr '1.OOE4 .4.63E6 3.02E51 Te-125m: 3.:42E3 ,1.58E3, .4.67E2 J...05E3:

,1;2.24E4 3.14E5. 7.;06E4:

Te-127m 1,l.26E4: .5."77.E3 . 57 E3 .4:: 58E4ý 9.60E5, .1...5.0E6

9. 76E3. ,3*.83E 5 Te-4129. F.67E3 1..58E3 3.66E4" I.16E6 1-131 2.,-52E4:.

. ý3.58E4 I ,19E.:17 6.13E4. ND 6.28E3 ND.

.Cs-134' 3.ý73E5- i8.48E5. .2.:87E5 9.76E4 1.04E4:


I.10-E5 3.90E4, .46E5' NDI ý.56E4 1. 20E4, 1.17E4 C4-37 ;t6. 2IE5 4..2 8E5 ND 2,.22E5 7.: 52Eý4 8.40E3 1..9,.9E.4 ND, 8a -140 3, .0E.436 :4...90El. 67 El. .1.2.7E6 '2;18E5.

I..35E4 '.1.53E3 1..20E5 6.26E3 3 ;62E5:

1. 4.3E6 ND 144'

'e- :3 ..4.3E6. :1. 84Ei5: .8.4.8E5 7.78E6 8.i 16E5 NDý "2.!16E3*

Pr-N143 3'75E3I 4.64E2 2.81E5 2..OOES ND~ "3..56E3.

.Ndý-147 5.27E3, :6:.1OE3 3,.65E2 2.21E5 1.73E5 OFF-.SITE.'DOSE.CALCULATION MANUAL Page 118

Calculation of Ingestion Dose Factor Grass-Cow-Milk. Pathway

,R- [D/Q].- K' . +f (1-ff{e'a"l e(r)DFLi{

where:. Uni't - m2imrem/yr per pCi/sec Reference Table R.G. 1.109 K' = A constant ofuhint conversion, 106 pCi/Ci.

QF -= The cow's consumption rate.: . 50 kg/day (wet weight) E-3 S=0 The receptor's milk consumption rateg.for age (a), E-5 in liteirs, yr

'Infant. & Child.-. 330 Teen - 400 Adult -. '310

,, The agrcultUral ,poductiVity by unit area of pasture E-15 feed, gass 0.7: :kg/r Y The agricultural pr6dbctivilty of unit areaof. E-15 stored: feed 2.0 kg/n .

Fm. = The :stable.element trainsfer coeefficients, :i h..days/kg. E-1

= Fraction of deposited,*Actiity retai ned _on wE15 feedgrass 1t.0 radio* Odine 0"2.2 particulates

= Transprt time from pasture to: receptor, in sec.. E-15

.1.73x101 sec (2 days).


=' 0,-time from ýcrop fielda ra nsport receptor, in sec.. E-15 7.7Ux1011 sec. (90 d'a'y's)

(D T~i)a-maximum organ inges Jo h-idose The . fact6r -forý =the ith E-11 to, adionuclide for the receptor in age g~oup.`a), E-14 i n: mrem/p:i

= Th~edecaay constant fo:rý he ith radi:onuclide6,. in sec-

= The dec"ay. cnstant for.,removal, of activi.ty on. leaf and E-15 plant,-surfacesby weathering. 5.73 x 10- sec-(co rrespondiing.to::a 14 day hal f-life)..

fp = Fraction -f* the year that the, cow ýi's on pasture..

(di Me'nsi onl~ess) =1ý.

= Fracti6n of th:e:."%cow.feed that.is pasture, gr*ass whilte the cow is. on pasture (dimensionless)= 1*.

  • Mi lk cattle are: 0onsidered' to: be fed fr6m two potential sources, pasture grasss and stored feeds'.


Note:. The. above equation does not apply to the concentration of tritium in meat; A.separate equation is provided in NUREG 0133, section 5.3j.4 to determine Tritium value, A


The equation for R', (D/Q) was taken from NUREG-0133 Section 5..3..1.3 OFF-SITE:.DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL Page 120

TABLE 4.4-6 Ingestion Dose Factors (CR).

Grass-Cow-Milk Pathway (Infant)

Nuclide Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lund GT-LLI H-3. 2.38E3. .2..38E3 2.38E3 2.38E3 2:.38E3' .2.38E3 .2.38E3 Cr-51. ND ND 1.61E5 1.05E5 2.3OE4 24.05;E50 4- 71E6.

,Mn-54* ND 3.89E7 8.83E6 ND 8;,63E6, ND 1.43E,7

'Fe55 1.35E8 8.72E7 2;33E7 ND ND .26E7 1$,11E7 Fe-59 2.26E8 31.94E8, 1.55E8 ND ND 1.; 17E8 .1.88E8

  • Co-58 ND 2.43E7 6.06E7 ND ND ND' 6.05E7' Co-60 ND 8.81E7 2.08E8 ND NU ND 2.20E8.

Ni,-63. 3.49E10 2.16E9 1.21E9 ND ND. NDU 1.,07E8.:

2n"65 5.55E9, 1,9.0E10 8.78E9 NO .ý24E9. ND 1.61E10 Rb-46 AND 2.,23E10 1.1OE1O NDON ND '5.70E8.

Sr-89 ND 1.45E6: 9.98E5 ND ND ND 4.93E5

ýrSr90 1.,22E11 ND 3.10EO ND ND ND: 1.52E9 Y i 7.,33E4 ND 1.95E3 ND ND ND 5.26E6.

Zr-95, 6:484E3 1.67E3: .1..18E3 ND j,80E3. ND 830E5 Nb.-9,5 5:..93E5. 2.,44E5: 1.41E5 ND 1..75E5 ND 2.06E8 Ru-103 8.68E3 ,ND; 2.90E3 ND 1.,81E4 WND A..06E5 Ru-.w106 1290E 5 ND 2.38E4 ND 2.25E5' ND 'i;44E6.

Ag- 10m, 3.86E8 2.W82E8 '1.87E8 ND 4.03E8 ND  : ,1.46Et0b Te-,25m. .51E8 5ý.04E7 .2.04E7 5.07E7, ND ND 7.18E7 Te-127m 4.21E8. 40E8 5.10E7 1.22E8. ýi0E9 ND.. 70E8 Te-.129m: 5:.,60E8 .1.92E8 .8.62E7 2.LB5E8 .40E9 ND 3..34E8:

1-131: 2.7,2E0 13.21E90 1.41E9 1.05t12 3.75E9 ND 1.I5E8 Cs-134 3.65E10 6.:80E0 6.87E9 ND: 1.7SE1O 7.18E9§ IT85E8, Cs-1*36 2.03E9. 5i 96E. 2,22E9 NDO 2.W37E9, 4.:§".8 05E7

.Cs737 5.15E10 6.02E10, 4.27E9 ND, 1.62E10 6.355E9, 1.88E8.

B9444.6: 2,..41E8 2.41E5 1.24E7 ND 5.73E4 1.48E5 5.92E7 Ce-.141 4.*34E4 2.64E4 3.11E3 ND 8.16E3;. ND 1.37E7

  • Ce-.144 2.33E6 9.52E5 1.30E5 ND 3.85E5 ND 1.33E8 PPr-143: 1.49E3 5.56E2 7.37E1. ND 2.07E2 ND 7.05E5

.Nd-.147 8.86E2 9.10E2 5.57E1 ND 3,51E2 ND 5j77E5.


TABLE 4.4-7 Ingestion Dose Factors CR.)

Grass-Cow-Milk Pathway (Child)

Nuclide Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-LLi H-3 1.57E3 1.57E3 1.57E3 1.57E3 11.57E3 1.57E3 1.57E3 Cr-51 ND ND 1.02E5 5,66E4 1.L55E4 1.03E5 5.41E6, Mn-54 ND 2.09E7 5.58E6 NO 5.87E6 NO .1.76E7 Fe-55 1.12E8 5.93E7 1.84E7 ND N, 3535E7 1.10E7 Fe-59 1.21E8 1.96E8 9.75E7 ND, MND 5.67E7 2.,04E8 Co-58 ND 1.21E7 3.72E7 ND ND ND 7,"08E7.

Co-60 ND 4,32E7` 1.27E8 NO, -ND ND 2:39E8 Ni -63 2.96E10 1.,59E9 1.01E9 NDV ND.ND 1 .07E8 Zn-65 4A13E9 1.iOE1O 6.85E9 ND, ý6.9409 ;ND 1,93E9 Rb-86 INDY 8,.77E9' 5.39E9 ND ND ND 5,64E8 Sr-89 6.69E9 ND 1.91E8 ND NDO ND' 2.:,;59E8

,Sr* 90 1.12E11 ND 2.83E10 ND ND ND 1.50E9 Y-91. ,3.;91E4, ND 1.04E3 ND ND ND 5,.21E6, Zr-95 3.85E3 8.46E2 7.153E2 NDQ 1.21E3T- ND 8-.83E5

,Nb-95 3.18E5 1.24E5 8.84E4 ND 1.46EH ND 2.29E8 RU-103. 4.29E3 ND, 1.65E3 ND 1.0E4ý NMES Ru"-106' 9.24E4 ND 1A15E4 ND 1.25ES ND .1,44E6 Pg-O1., 2.09E8 1.41E8 *1.13E8 ND Zi.63E8. ND; 1.'.68E10.

Te-125m 7.38E7 2.00E7 :9.84E6 .2.07E7 ND ND 7.12E7 Te-127m 2.08E8 5.60E7 2.47E7 4,.97E7 5,.93E8' ND 1i:..668E8 Te-,129m:: 3.17E8 8, 85ET 4'.:92E7 1.02E8& 9q,31EM ND 3.87E8:

1-131: 1.30E9 1f."31E-9 T.:46E8. .4..34EI1 2-15E9 ND 117E8:

Cs-134 2: 26E10 3.,71iE10* 7 .84HE9 ND 1.15Ei, 4.-3E9 '2'.; OE8, Cs-136, i04E9 2r.85E9 ,1.84E9 NDO 1.520E9 2.26E8 1.OOE8 Cs-137 3.,22E10: 3.()9E10* 4.55E9, ND 1.01EIO 3.62E9 1.93E8 Ba-14.0 1.17E8 1.03E5 6.84E6 ND 3.34E4 6,12E4 5:.94E7 Ce-141 2.19E4 1.09E4 1.62E3 ND 4..78E3' ND 1.36E7

'Ce-144 1.62E6 5.09E5 8.66E4 ND 2.82E5 ND ,!i.33E8 Pr-143 7.19E2 2.16E2 3.57E1 ND .1. 17E2 ND 7.76E5 Nd7147: 4. 47E2 3;62E2 2,180E1 ND 11.99E2 ND 5..73E5, OFF-SITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL Page 122

TABLE 4.4-8 Ingestion Dose Factors (K)

Grass-Cow-Milk Pathway ( Teen)

Nuclide Bone Liver J. Body Thyroid Kidneyi_ L GI-LLI H-3 9.94E2 9..94E2 9.94E2 9.94E2 9.94E2 9!94E2 9.94E2 Cr-51 ND ND -5,00E4 2.178E4 1. 09E4 7:.13E4 8.40E6.

Mn-54 ND 1.40E7 2.78E6 ND 4.18E6 ND 2.,87E7 Fe-55 A.4:5E7 3:.16E7 7.36E6 ND. ND 2.60OE7 1.37E7 Fe-59 5.21E7 1.22E8 4.70E7 ND ND, 3.,87E7 2..88E8 Co-58 ýND" 7.95E6 J1.83E7U ND ND ND 110E8.

Co-60 ND 1.64E6 3.7OE6 ND ND. ND 3114E7`

Ni-63 1.82E10: 8..35E8 4.01E8 ND ND: ND 1,.:33E8:

Zn-65 2.11E9 7.32E9 .3.ý 41E9 ND 4.,68E9: ND 3.10E9 Rb-86 NDO 4.73E9 2L22E9 ND ND ND 6.,99E8 Sr-89 2.70E9 ND 773E7 ND ND ND 3 22E8 Sr-90 6.61E10- ND 1.63E10 ND ND' ND 1.-86E9 Y-91 1.58E4, ND".. 4,24E2 ND ND ND 6.48E6 Zr-95 1.66E3., 55.22E2 .3:.59E2: ND 7.68E2 ND i.21E6 Nb-95 i.

141E15 7'.8U44 4.29E4 ND 7,56E4 ND 3.34E8 Ru-103 1.81E3: ND 7.74E2 ND 6.39E3: ND 1.51E5 Ru-106% 3,. 75E4,; :ND, 4. 73E3. ND 7.:24E4 ND 1.80E65.

Ag- iOm, 9.6,4Etr "9.12E7 5.555E7 ND 1."74E8? :ND 2.56E10I Te-125m 3.OOE7 1.08E7 4.02E6 8 39E6 ND 'ND 8.86E7 Te-127m 8,44E7 ,2.99E7 1.00E7 :2.01E7 3.42E8I ND 2.10E8 i, lE8 1Te1291 4.11E7 ..1.75E7 13.5 7E7 4.63E8: ND 4-16E8H 1-131 5:.38E8. .53E8,, 4.05E8 2.20E11 1.30E9, :ND: 1.49E8-cS-304 9.$U9 2.31M10 NND 7.34E 2.80E9 .77E8' 8

Cs-136 4,59E8 1.80E9, 11E9 ND: 95i82E8. 1.55E8 1.45E8 Cs-137 1.34Ei10 '.78E10 6.20E9 ND 6.06E9:f 92.35E9 2.53E8 Ba-140 .4.87E7 5. 96E4 3.14E6 ND 2.012E4 4.01E4 7.S1E7 Ce-141 8.89E3' 5.93E3 6.81E2 ND 2.79E3 ND 1.70E7 Ce-144 6.58E5: 2.72HE5 354E ND 1.63E5 '.ND: 1.65E8, Pr-143, 2."89E2 1.15E2 1.44E1 ND 6.73E1 ND 9.'53E5 Nd-147 1i.82E2 1.98E2  !.19E1 ND 1.16E2 ND 7.15E5, OFF-SITE.DOSE. CALCULATION MANUAL Page 123

TABLE 4.4-9 Ingestioni-Dose Factors (K)

Grass-Cow-Milk Pathway (Adul t):

Nuclide Bone LiVer -T. Body Thyroid -Kidney Lung Gl-LLI H-3 2.63E2 7.63E2 7.H63E2* 7.63E2 7 63E2 7 .63E2 7.63E2 Cr-51 ND: ND. 2.86E4 1.71E4 fi,27E3 3.80E4 7.20E6:

Mn-54 ND 8.40E6.- 1.60E6 ND 2.:50E6 ND 2.57E7 Fe-55 2.!51E7 1.73E7 4.04E6:, ND6:: NDI. 9.67E6 9.95E6 Fe'59 2:97§9E7 7.02E7 2.69E7 ND. ND 1.96E7 2.34E8

.C6o-58 ND 74,72E6 ..1.06E7 ND ND ND 9.51E7 Co-60 :ND 1.64E7 :3.62E7 ND ND ND, 3.08E8

  • Ni -63 6.73E9 41.66E8 <2.27E8 ND N.ND ND 9.73E7 Zn-65 71-37E9.- 4. 37.E9 IAE VND. 2.92E9c ND 2,i, 7.5E9 Rb-86 ND 2.59E9 1.21E9 ND NO ND :5. 1118E:

Sr-89" 1.47E9 ND 4.21E7 NDND: 2.35"E8

,Sr-90 4.69E10 ND 1.15E10 ND'" ND D 1.35E9 Y-91 8:60E3 ND 2.29E2 NDý:" ND `ND 4.73E6 Zr-95 LO"6E30 3.04E2 2.06E2 ND 4.77E2 ND 9.63E5 Nb-95, 5.65E5 2,..44E5 9.59E3 :ND :2.43E5 ND 1.95E9 RU-103 1.02E3 ND ,4.39E2 :ND 3.89E3; 'ND 1.19E5

ýRu-106 I2.04E4 NO 2.:8E3 :ND' 3 ..94E4, ND 1.32E6 Ag-ll0m 5'>83E7:" 5.39E7 3.20E7' ND. 1.-O6E8 ND 2.20E10 Te-125sm 1.63E7 5.9OE6&: 2.18E6 4.901E6 6.63E7' ND÷ 6.5,0E7 Te*,i*27i; 4.58E7 1.64E7 5.58E6 ,, 1.1o7E7 1.86E8 ND 54E8 Te-129m >:6.o5E7 2.26E7 9 ,58E6H 2.08E7 < 2A53E8 NDO3.0E8 1-131 2,.97E8 4.24E8 2.43E8 1.39Ell 7.27E8 ND .12 E8.'

Cs-134, 5.65E9 4,,34E10. ,*1OE1O ND 4.33E9, 1:.44E9 . 235E8 Cs-,ý136 2:..69E8 1..006E9.. 7.>65E8;: ND 5.92E8: 8.11E7> i.21E8 Cs-137 7.38E 1.O1E1O 6.61E9., NO 3.43E9, . 14E90I 1.95E8:

Ba-140 2.70E7 3.3984 1.77E6 ND 1.1SE4 1.94E4,, 5.55E7 Ce-141 4.85E3 3.28E3 ."3".72E2 ND 1.52E3 ND 1.2SE7 Ce-,144.:, 3.58E5, .50E5 1.92E4 ND 8;87E4 ND 1.21E8 Pr-143 1.94E2 ,7ý. 79E1 9.62E0 ,ND 4.49E! NO 8.50E5 Nd-147: 9.49E1 AOE2 6.56E0 ND ,6.41E1 :ND, 5,26E5 OFF-SITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL Pge: 124

Cal]cu]ationmbf Ingestion. Dose Factor Grass-Cow-Meat Pathway R~ [D/Q] = fFD Pf~ (1- fp e-)


where: Unit = m'.ttirem/yr per pC:i/se. Reference Table R.G. 1.109 K": - A constant of unit conversion 106 :pCi/uCi.

QF " Th'e- cow's ,consumption *rate,'50 kg/day (wet weight), E-3

.u = The receptor's meat consumption' rate for age (a):, ..E-5 in kg/yr Infant - 0::::Teen - 65 Child - .41 :Adult -110 yp:. "= The agi.ricultural productivityby unit area of pasture E-15 feed g ras s 0: 7 kg/mr YS The. agriculturalpr.,'oductivity of .unit area of E715 stored feed 2.0 kg/m.i F: = The stable element transfer coefficient,s.,, in days/kg. E-1

= Fraction:,o~f deposited activity retained on cow%4S. .E-15i feed gra.ss 1.0 r"adioiod"ne":


tf .Transport :time ffom pasture to receptor, i:n :,sec. E-15 1.73*106 sec (20:days) th Transport time fromcrop field to receptor, in.::sec. E-15 7 .78x1.. sec (90 das..

(DFLi)a = The 'rmaximum.'organ ingestiondbse ,.factor for the ith E-ll to radionuclid~ie,'f6r, the receptor :.>in.:age group: (a), E*.14 in mrem//pCi"

2. = The:.decay, constant' fbo the ith radi'onuc-i de, in sec -

The..decay'conistant for remti'al 'of,,activity on E-15 leaf and plaint surfaces by: wathering, 5.73:;x.,10-7 sec - (:orresponding tma lday half-1 i fe)..

tp - Fraction "of the yeare thai:the cow is on ppasture (dimens ionTess) = 1.

fs .= Fraction of thoe. cow feed that is. pasture grass.-

while'.the cow -is on pasture (dimensi:onless) .1.1 OFF-SITE DOSE CALCULATION"MANUAL *Page .125'

"*Milk :cattle are considered' to be fed from two potential sources, pasture

,grass and stored feeds'. Following. the. development in Regulatory Guide. 1.109, the values of fp and fs wi.il be considered unity, in lieu of site specific information provided in the annual land census report by the licensee.

Note: The above equation does not apply to the concentration of tritium in meat., A separate equation is provided in NUREG 0133, section to determine Tritium value.


Theý, equat ion, derivi.ng. Rm

., :(D/Q); Was taken from NUREG 0133,.

Section 5n ,3S.1.4.

tf. in:'NUREG, 013ý33i..js ,equiValent 'to .t i n R.G. 1.109 Table-E-15.


TABLE 4.4-10 Ingestion Dose Factors (CR")

Grass-Cow-Meat Pathway (Child)

Nuclide Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney, Lung GI-LLI H-3 2. 34E2 2.34E2 2.34E2 2. 34E2 2.34E2 2,34E2 ,2:.34E2 Cr-51 ,ND ND 8.82E3 4.89E3 i.34E3, 8.93E3 4.68E5 Mn-54 ,ND 7.99E6 2.13E6 ND .2.24E6 ND 6.70E6 Fe-55 4. 57E8 2.42E8 7.50E7 ND ND ,1.37E8H ,4.49E7 Fe-59 -381E8 6.16E8 3.07E8 ND ND 1,.79E8: 6..42E8

'Co-58 ;ND 1.65E7 5.04E7 ND ND ND' 9.60E7

,ND Co-60 6.93E7 2.04E8 ND ND 3.84E8 ND-Ni-63 2.91E10 1.56E9 '9.91E8 ND NDb 1.05E8 ND Zn-65 3.76E8 .1.00E9 6.22E8 ND 6.30E8 1,76E8 ND: ND Rb -86, ND 5:.77E8 3.55E$ ND 3.71E7 NDP ND 4.92E8 NOD S r-89 ND 1.40E7 A1.90E7 Sr-90 S I.*04E10 ND ,ND NDP 2.64E9 ND 1.40E8:

'Y-91 ND 1.81E6 ND 4.83E4ý ND ND 2.41E8 zr-95, 2. 69E.6 5.91E5 5.26E5 ND 8.. 6,ES 6.16E8 3.69E6 ND' NDI' N4-95 1.20E6 8.61E5 ND" 1.13E6 2.23E9 NDý RU-103 e. 55E8 NDý 5..97E7 ND 3. 91E8; N* 4..02E9 RRu- 106 4;:44E9; 'ND 5.54E8 ND 5 99E9Y ND 6.90E0Q Ag-,i'0bm 941E.6.

8. 5.68E6 4.,54E6 ND 1::06E7 ,ND, 6.76E8 Te-125m 5.69E8' 1.54E8 7.59E7 1.60E8 ND ND* 5.49E8 Te-127m 1.77E9 4.,.78E8 .2.llE8 .4.;24E8. 5,06E9 ND 1.44E9.

Te-129rm ,4,.78E9 S.05E8 2.81E8 ,5.:83E8: 54,31E91 ND 2.21E90

.1*-1,31 1.66E7 9.:49E6 s.-52E9 2.74E7 ND 1.49E6 1.. 6.7E7 4.69E8: 1..68E87 Cs-134 9q.22E8 15E9 3. 19E8 ND 18.6E6 Cs-ý 316 .1.73E7 4.74E7 3.07E7 2. 53E87 -3.,77E6i 6*67E6 ND


Cs-.ý 137 1.33E9 1.28E9 1.88E8 ND 4.16E8: 7199E6 Ba-14o 4.,39E7 3..85E4 2.56E6 ND 1.25E4 2.,*29E4 2.22E7 Ce-141 2. 22E4 1.11E4ý. 1.64E3 ND 4:.86E3 ND' 1.38E7 Ce-1,44 2.32E6 '7,.26E5 I.24E5: 4.02 E5 ND: 1.89E8 ND Pr-143 3.35E4 ..01E4 1.66E3 s.45E3 ND 3561E7 Nd-147 ND iND:

I.18E4, 9.60E3 7.43E2 5.27E3, 1.52E7 OFF-SITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL Page 127

TABLE 4.4-11 Ingestion Dose-Factors (K.R Grass-Cow-Meat Pathway (Teen)

Nuclide Bone Liver T. Sode/ Thyroid Kidney Lung ,GI-.LLI H-3 1.94E2 1.94E2 1.94E2 1.94E2 1.94E2 1.94E2 .1.94E2 Cr-51 ND ND 5.65E3 3- 14E3 1.24E3" 8.07E3 9.49E5 Mn-54 ND 6.98E6 1.39E6 ND 2.08E6 ND 1.43E7 3.93=E,7*

Fe- 55 2.38E8 1.69E8. NDE ND 1.07E8 7.30E7 Fe-59 2..15E8 5.01E8 1.94E8 ND: ND. 1.58E8& 1.19E9, NO Co-58 ND 1.41E7 3.25E7 NDD ND. 1.94E8'

  • 1i.31E8. .ND Co-60 ND. 5.83E7 NOD .NO ND 7".60E8, Ni-63 .1.52E10 1.07E9 5.15E8 ND ND 1., 71E8 4.'06E8: 3.68E8 Zn-65 2..50E8 8.69E8 5.. 56E8 ND ND Rb, 86 ND 4,.06E8 1. 91E8 ND N*D ND 6. :01E7 Sr-89 2.60E8 7.44E6 ND 3.09E7i ND ND ND -2i. 26E8.

.Sr-90 8'.05E9, 1. 99E9 ND ND NDI Y--9,1 9.ý56E5 2..56E4 ND 3..92E8 ND .ND 1.51E6 4.78E5! 3.28E5 7.02 E5 1.10E9.

Nb-9.5. 1.79E6 9. 93E5 5.*47E5,, 'ND ND' 9.63E5 4.25E9.

8. 58E7 ND 3.67E7 ND ,3.03E8 ND* .7.17E9 Ru-106 2;.36E9 ,ND 2.97E8 ND ND.

4.55E9, 5.07E6 4'. 80E6; 2-.i92E6, ND:

.Te-125m 3.03E8 I1.09E8 4.05E7 &.,47E7, ND ND 8. 94E8


,2.;24E8 3.82E91 IND Te-127mn6, 9'.42E8 3..34E8 1.12E8, .2.35E9.

.Te-129m 9.61E8 3. 57E8 1.52E8 '3.10E81; ND: 3.361E9 ND 4.402 E9 1-131 8.97E6 1. 26E7 :6.75'E6 3.

ND66E9 2 36E7

.ND* 2, 48E6ý.

-CS-134 5.23E8" 1'.23E9 ND: 1:.49E8:

,5,,.1E8 15 3E7,

.2,.63E7 NDI 3.36E6:

Cs.-136 9,96.E6 3.:;92E7 2.11357 3... "E6*.

Cs-,137 3.: 36E8* ND '1.2 7E8 1.37E7 7.;24E8 9.63.E8, 3.28E8 Ba- 140 2.93E4 *9.9.4E3*

9,...9. ..,

1.97 E4

2.39E7 I.54E6.

ND 3.69E7 9..05E2

.9 ..

. 3.71E3 ND, -2.25E7 Ce-141 1.18E4 7.88E3 ND

    • e-144 1.23E6 5.08E5, 6.60E4 3.04E5 'ND 3 Z09E8 ND Pr-1143 1.76E4 7.03E3. 8.76E2 4.09E3 ND 5-. 79E7 ND
  • Nd- 147 6. 32E3, 61.87E3.j 4. 12E2 4'.04E3 ND 2.48E7 OFF-SITE.DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL Page 128

TABLE 4.4-12 Ingestion Dose Factors (K.')

Grass-Cow-Meat Pathway (Adult)

Nuclide: Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid:- Kidney Lung GI-LLI H-3 3.25E2 3,25E2 3.25E2 3.25E2 3-.25E2; 3.25E2 '3.25E2 Cr-51 ND ND 7.06E3 4.22E3 1.56E3 9.37E3 1.78E6 Mn-54 ND .9:.16E6 1.75E6. ND 2.72E6, ND 2.80E7 Fe-55 2.93E8 2 .,02E8. -4,72E7: ND ND` 1.13E8 1.16E8 Fe-59 2.69E8 6.32E8 2.42E8 ND ND. l.,-.76E8,, 2'.11E9; Co-58 ND *:83E7 4.10E7 'ND NDb ND 3.70HE Co-60 NO 71.52E7 . I66E8.* NDO ND ND .. 41E9 Ni -63 I. 89E10 .31E9 6.:33E8 ND ND ND 2.73E8 Zn-65 3,. 56E8 1.13E9 5.12E8 ND. :7.:58E8 ND 7..13E8 Rb-86 ND 4.86E8- 2127E8 ND ND. ND 9,59E7 Sr-89 3.08E8 ND 8.83E6 ND ND: .ND: 493E7 Sr-90 1..24E10: ND" 3:.05E9 ND ND ND 31.59E8 Y-91. 1-13E6 'NDb 31.03E4 ND ND ND 6 24E'8 7r-95 I.89E6 6.06E5 4..0E5 ND 9.51E5 :ND 1.92E9 Nb-95 2.29E6 1..28E6. 6.86E5S.

6 ND i, 26E6 ND 7.7.4E9

,Ru-103 1.05E8 ND 4.54E7 ND 4.02E4 NDb 1.23E10; Ru-106 2.80E9 N3.54E8

,ND ND 5.40E91- ND 1.81E11 Ag-IOnm 6, 16E6 ;6,.19E6 3-69E6 ND i.'22E7 ND 2.53E9 Te-125m: 3 .,59E8 J.30E81 4.81E7 1.08E8 1,.46E9; ND- l.143E9 Te-,12,n: i.i2 E9 3.99E8, 1l-36E8 2.85E8 5.53E9 :ND 3.74E9 Te-129m 1.15E9, 4.28E8, ,1.,82E8 3:.94E8 4.79E9, ND 5.78E9 1-131, 1.:08E7°- .1.'54E7! 8..8,5E6 5.06E9 2.65E7 ND :4.07E6 Cs-34 6. 86E9 1.29E9 ND 5.06E8& 1.:68E8 274E.

Cs-136 .i;28E7 5.0Q4E7 3.63E7 ND 2,.80E7T 3.84E68 5.73E6 CS-137 8.72E8 1.19E9 7.81E8- ND 4.05E8 1.35E8, 2:31E7 Ba-140 2 90E7 3. 64E4 90E6 9 ND 1.24E4 2.08E4 5:. 96E0 Ce7-14,1 1,41E4 9.51E3 1.08E3 ND 4.41E3 ND 3.63E7 1-46E6

  • e-144 6.09E5 7.82E4 ND 3.61E5 ND 4.93E8.

Pr-143. 2.109E4. 8.39E30 1,04E3 ND 4.85E3, ND; 917E7 Nd-147 7.17E3 8.29E3 4.96E2 ND 4.85E3 ND 3.99E7 OFF-SITE DOSE CALCULATIONMANUAL Page 129

Calculation of Ingestion Dose Factor Vegetation Pathway RY4D IQ] = K ') DFLOa[UL ft.e-111tjU foe -2th]

Where;: Units. m2-.meem/yr per uCi/sec., Reference Tablie,. R.G. 1.109 K' A constant of unit conversion , 10* pCi/uCi.

j The-consumption rate of fresh leafy vegetation 'by-,the E5ý receptor in age group (a), in kg/yr.

Infant' 0.

Child 26 Teeh** 42'

Adult! ,64.

ýUs = The consumption rate of store.d vegetati-on 1by the, E-5 receptor in age group (a), in kg/yr Infant 01;.,

Child 520::

Teen, -630:

Adul t' 520 (DFLi)a The maximum organ, ingesti:n g :,dosefac:,foaCrr r t he*, ith E-*i to E-14

  • radionuclide f*or. the recepotor- in ae oup.(a).

Sifn irem/pCi'.

= The :fraýtion of the annual i ntake of fresh lea1 y E-15 vegetAti on: grown: AOcall y. '(defaul t 1.0)

=. The. fraCtioof the annual intake of storeevegetation: E-1

_g rqwný lo0callTy..' (default 0,.:76)'

-he ve ge tm btween harvestý of leAfyV .iege4tation, u~

ad i-tS consumption,; 8.6 x 10 seconds (1 day).

t1p = T .hevearage§::timebetween. harvest :of storeed'vegetation E-15 andi*.ts. consumption, 5:.18 X: 10'seconds (60 day*s)>,

Yv The vegetatioon areal: dens t, 2.20 k E-.5

= Fraction of deposited activity- reii:ned. on, the: E-15 vegetation.

,L.. radiobiod in e 0.42 parti~culates,

= The decay constant for the ith radibnuclide, ihn:;sec' ---

= The dicay ,constant. f*or removal of actiVity.on leaf.and E-I5 plant, *surfaces by weath.ering., 5..73x'.*.. 107, 1 c*"*:

(cor*responding.. to a 14 day half.-l .Afe)..


Note: The above equation does not. apply, to the. concentrations of tritium in vegetation. A separate-equation is provided in NUREG 0133,, section 5;e.3..5:. .to. determin e!'triti.um. values.


.: The equation deriving: 'P. (D/Q) ýwasw ,taken from NUREG 0133.,



TABLE 4.4-13 Ingestion Dose Factors (KR)

Vegetation Pathway (Child)

Nuclide Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lung, GI-LLI H-3 4.01E3 4.OiE3 4.01E3 4.01E3 4.O1E3 4,01E3 4.01E3 Cr-51i ND ND I.18E5 6.54E4 i.179E4 1,19E5 6.25E6 Mn-54 ND 6.61E8 .i..76E8 ND 1.85E8 ND 5$5E8 Fe-55 8..0,0E8

  • 4.24E8 . .1.31E8 ND ND 2-4(00 7.86E,7 Fe-59 4.,07E8 6.58E8 3.28E8 ND ND "1.-9iE8: 6:.85E89 Co-58 ND 61.47E7 1.'98E8 ND ND ND. 3.7,7E8 C-60 ND 3..78E8 1.12 E9 ND ND ND 2. 10E9 Njiý-63. 3.95E10 2.11E9 1.34E9 ND ND ND 1.42E8.

Zn-65 .8. 13 E8: 2:.17E9. 1.35E9 ND 1.36E9 ND 3.80E8...

Rb-86 ND 4.5.2 E8: 2.7.8E& ND. ND ND 2,9lE7 07E9 ND ND, ND 1.45E9 Sr-89 3,.74E10 JND Sr-90 10.24E12 , ND, 3.15E11 ND ND ND- 1,67EI0 Y7-ý91- A.8E* ND  ::5.,01E5 ND ND" ND 2.49E9 Zre-95 3.,92E6 8.63E5 "7.68E5 ND 1.23E6 ND -9,.00E8

ýNb-95 4.,,iOE.5; 1.60E5 *1.14E5 ND 1.50E5 ND 2.95E8

'Ru-1.03: 1...54E7 ND 5:.92E6 ND 3..88E7 ND . 98E8 Ru.;-106 T745E8 ND 9.3OE7 ND. 1,.01E9: ,ND 16E1HE-

'Ag-r1.10tý. 3 ,*23E7 2.18E7 1.74E7 ND 4.06E7 AD. :2.59E9 Teý,i25m,-.:. 3. 51E8 9:.50E7 . 4.67E7 9.84E7 ND. ND .38E8 Te-7127m.... 1.i32E9: 3.56E8 1:.57E8 3. 16E8 1.94E9 ND. E E..,

Te--29m -8.58E8 2.40E8 .1.133E8 2.77E8& 2". 52.E9 ND 1.05E9 i-"13 1.43E8: .1.44E8 8-i8E7 4.76E10 2.36E8. iND' Li, .28E7 iS134 i.60Ei0; 2.63E10 '5.55E9 ND 8. 15E9, 2.:92E9 L.42E8,

,,Cs 136 4i44E8 .22E9 7.90E8 ND 6.50E8: 9.69E7 4 29EH7; Cs-137 2A39E'10  :.:29E .3.38E9 ND 7.46E9 2.68E9: 1.43E8.

,B,a,140 2.77E8 :2.43E5. 1.62E7 ND 7.91E4 1.45E5 1.40E8'

,Ce-141 6..56E5 31.27E5 4'86E4 ND 1.43E5 ND 4.08E8 Ce144 i.27E8. 3.98E7 . 6.78E6 ND: 2.21E7 ND 1.04Eio0.

.P0r.-143 1;.46E5: 4.39E4 ..7.26E3 NUD 2.38E4 4ND,: :1.58E8.

Nd-.,147; 7. 2.3E4 5;.86E4: 4.54E3, ND 5.47E1 ND, 9.28E7 OFF-SITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL P~age .13.2

TABLE 4.4-14 Ingestion Dose FactorsR (Rý)

Vegetation Pathway (Teen)

Nuclide Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-LLI H-3 4.lOE3 4.1OE3 4.lOE3 4.1OE3 4.10E3' 4.1OE3 4.1OE3 P-32 1.60E9 9.91E7 6.20E7 NDý ND NDQ 1.34E8 tCr-51 ND ND 6.19E4 3.44E4 1 36E4 , .8'.84E4 1.04E7 Mn-54 ND 4-.5.2E8 8.97E7 ND 1.35E8 ND 9:27E8 Fe-55 3.25E8 2.31E8 5.38E7 ND ND, 1;,46E8 9-98E7

  • Fe-59 1.83E8 4.28E8 1.65E8 ND ND6 1.35E8 1. o1E9 Co-58 No 4.38E7 1.01E8 ND ND. ND: 6.,04E8 Co-60 ND 2.49E8 5.60E8 ND ND ND: 3.24E9 NiJ63 1.61E106 I.13E9 5.44E8 ND ND ND 1.81E8 Zn-65 4.24E8 1.47E9 6.87E8 ND 9.43E8 ND .6.24E8 Rb-86 ND 2.73E8 1.28E8 ND ND ND 4.04E7 Sr-89 1.57E10, ND 4.50E8 ND ND ND 1.87E9 Sr-90 7-i 51E11 ND 1, 85E1l, ND ND ND 2.ilEiO Y-91 7.87E61 ND :2.11E5 ND ND.ND 3.23E9

'Zr-95 1-75E6 5,.52E5 3.80E5 ND 8.12E5. NO 1.27E9

Nb- 95
1 92E5, ,1.06E5 5.85E4 ND 1-.03E5' 2ND. 4'.54E8
Ru-103 6:.85E6 ND 2.93E6 ND 2.41E7 ND 5.72U Ru-106 3.09E8 ,'ND 3.90E7 ND 5.97E8 'ND," 1.48E10 Ag-11O0m 1.52E7 1.44E7 8.76E6 ND 2.75E7 ND 4.04E9 Te-,12.*Sm. 1.48E8 5.34E7 .1.98E7 4..14E7 ND ND., 4.137E8 Te-127m ;S5.52E8S L..96E8 6.56E7 1..31E8: 2.24E9 N.D 1.37E9 Te-.129rm 3.69E8 1137HE8 5.84E7 1.19E8 1 54t ND.: 1. 39E9 f-1131 7J7oE7 1.068E8 5.79E7 3.1E10 1.86E8 ND 2.;13E7 Cs-134 7.1OE9 1.67E!0 7.75E9 ND 531E9 2.'03E9 2.08E8 Cs-136' 4.65E7 1.83.E8 1.23E8 ND 9.96E7 1.57E7 1.47E7 Cs-i37 I. O1EiO: 1.35E10 4.69E9 ND 4.59E95 1.78E9 1.92E8 Ba -140 1.39E8 1.71E5 8.97E6 ND 5.78E4- 1.15ES 2.15E8 Ce-141. 2,.83E5:ý 1.89E5 2.17E4 ND 8.90E4' ND 5.41E8

'Ce-144 5.27E7 2 .18E7 .2.82E6 ND. i.30E7 ND 1.33E1O0 Pr-143. 6.'99E4 ;2.79E4 3.48E3 ND: *1.62 E4% ND 2.30E8:

Nd-147 3.66E4, 31.98E4 2.39E3 ND 2.34E4 ND 1.44E8 OFF-SITE :DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL Page 133

TABLE 4.4-15 Ingestion Dose Factors (Rý)

Vegetation: Pathway (Adult)

Nuclide Bone Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-LLI H-3 5.11E3 5. IE3. 5.11E3 5.:11E3 5.11E3 5.iiE3 5;1IE3

.Cr-51 ND ND 4..66E4 2.79E4 1.03.E4 6.18E4. 1.17E7 Mn-54 ND 3.11E8 5.94E7 NDO 9.27E7 ND 9.54E8 Fe-55 2.09E8 1.'.45E8 3.37E7 ND ND 8.,06E7. 8.29E7 Fe-59 1.29E8 3.02E8 1.16E8 ND.: ND 8;45E7 1.01E9 Co-58. ND 3..09E7 6.92E7 ND ND ND: 6'. 26E8, Co-60 ND 1..67E8 3.69E8 NO,: ND ND 3.14bE9.

Ni-63 1..04E10 7.21E8, 3.49E8 NDO ND ND 1.50E8:

Zn-65 3.18E8 1;.oE9: A4.57E8 ND, 6.76E8, ND 6.37"E8&

Rb-86 ND 2.19E8 L..i.02E8 ND ND ND 4.32E7 Sr-89 1.,.03E10 ND- 2.,96E8 ND ND ND: 1.65E9Y, Sr-90 6&05Ell ND 1.48El . ND ND ND 1.75E10 Y-.91 5.13E6 ND 1.37E5 ND. ND ND ".82E9 Zr-95 1.19E6 3.83E5 2..59 E5 NDO :6.00E5' ND  !,21E9 Nb-95 1.42E5 7.90E4 :424E4 ND) 7.81E4 ND 4.79E8 Ru-103 4.79E6 ND 2.06E6 ND 1.83E7 ND" 5. 5.9E8, Ru-106 1.93E8 :ND 2.44E7 ND' 3.72E8 ND 1. 25E106 Ag-hlOm 1..06E7 9.78E6 5.81E6 NO 1.92E7 " ND 3:.99E9-:

Te-125m 9.66E7 3.50E7 1..29E7. 2'.90E7 3.:93E8 ND 3.86E8 Te-127m 3.3.49E8 :1. 25E8 4-26E7 &8.93E7 1.42E9. ND 1.17E9 Te-.129m: 26E8596S5E7 4..05E7 8.794E7 1.07E9, -ND 1.,29E9-

-1131 8.09E7 1.16E8 6.63E7 3.79E10 1.98E8' ND 3.05E7 ICs-.134 4.66E9 J.11E1O 9.:07E9 ND 3.59E9. 1. 19E9 1. 94E8',
  • Cs.-136 4.47E7 1.77E8 i 2.7E8 ND. 9,82E7: 1.35E7, 2.01E7T

'CS137 6.36E9 8.70E9 5.70E9. ND 2-.95.E9 9.81E8 1.68E8.

,Ba-:140 1.29E8 1.62E5 8.47E6 ND 5.52E4 9.29E4 2 66E8 Ce-141  !,97E5, 1.33E5. 1,..51E4 ND 6.20E4 ND 5010E8 Ce-144 3.2.9E7 1.37E7 :1. 77E6 ND 8.15E6 ND 1.lIE1O Pr-143 '6.25E4 .2. 51E4 3'.*10E3 NDW 1.45E4 ND, 2.74E81 Nd-147 3 ý.36E4: 3.89E4 2. 33E:3END- 2.27E4, ND, 1.87E8 OFF-SITE DOSECALCULATION MANUAL .Pa~ge 134

Calculation of Dose Factors in. the Ground Plane. Pathway (R9 [D/Q])

?II/Q] i units = m~mrem/yr per uCi/sec where.: Reference Tfabl eR.G.1.109

=K" A constant unit of *convers'ion, 101 pCi*/pCi.

  • K!' = Ai:consta'ht unit of conversion, 8760.hr/yr SF The shielding factor, O.7(dimensionless).' -E-15
  • be; . decay nstant",for :the ith: radionuclide, sec-t The.

..... ý, . .. 4. .7.1 x. A* *  :

..... : :The* :expos period,, 4s73 x iOsec . (15.::years)

....FG i. =

D The.,ground

.. ,,*.. .. ..:pl*ane dose.. conversion


  • factor for the.

-ith radionucl*de (mrem/hr per pCi /m') E-6 R6ference:.. The equation derivin'g R9 [D/Q],,was taken 'from :NUREG O13311 Section 5 .3 .1 .2 :... .  : ,


Table 4-4-16 Dose Factors Ground Plane Pathway (Rý-tD/QJ)

Nuclide Skin Cr-51 4.65E6 5,5E6 Mn- S4: 1.39E9, 1.63E9 IFe-l55 Fe-:l59l 2.73E8 3.,21E8 3.,79E8. 4.44E.81 Co-s60 2.15E 106 2.53E10 Ni,-63, 0 0..

Zn-65 ,7,. 47E8 8.,57E8 Rb-86 8'J 98E6 1;.02E7 Sr-89 .2. 7E4 2.,52sE4 Y-91, 1.07E6,: 1..21E6..


1.:66E7' Nb-95.* *1. 41E7 10u-16 4.22 E8:: 5.07E8 Ag,-h1or 3.44E9 4. 02E9 1....55E6

'Te-,12.5m 2. 13E6:

Te-127mr :9. 17E4 1.08E5

  • Te- 129rn 1.98E7 2.31E7 1-131 *1. 72E7 2.088E7 Cs.-.134 ,6-.85E9 8.0E9, 51E8!
  • ..1:.

1.72E8 1..03E10 (Cs-7137 Ba-140 2.06E70 2.35E7.7.

.Ce-i 41 1. 37E7 .i 54E7 Ce- 144 6.95E7 8.05E7

.Pr-143ý 0 ?0

.Nd-147. 8'.40E6

'I. 0E7 Un its are mr2 mrfemi/yr perr:Ci/seec OFF-SITE DOSECALCULATION MANUAL Page 136


.AiT =*Composite dose .parameter for *the total body or critical orgafi of an adul t for nuclide i, for all appropriate pathways, %mrem/hr4 per pCi/ml

.1I4EU .uhits conversion: factor, 10'pci/pci x 10'mi./kg + 8760 hr/yr BFi = Bioaccumula~tion.factor nuclide i, in fish,. pC/kg.per S0CiL, from Table"A-i offorRegulatory,:Guide:

1.109: (Rev'. 1.)*.or Table A"-8 -of...Reguiatory Guyide... 1.109 (original draft).

BL = Bioaccumulation': factor fo r nuclide i, in invertebrates, pCi/ kg per pCi/L, from Table A-I of Regulatory Guide. 1.109 (Rev. 1) or Table A-8 :of Rleguia~tory Guide 1.1095(origi~nal Adraft):.

pFi = Dose conversion factor for nuclide i, 1fr; adults i n.,

'pre-sel:ected organ ", in mrem/p~i., from Tabl.e. E-11 .or

.Regul atory CGuide 1.09 (Rev.- 1) or Table A:3 of Regulatory Guide 1.109 (original. draft)..


. The equaio0n for, .Sa~l'twater si.tes from NUREG* 0133, Section 4.3, whiere uW/D =0 since no 'dri:nking water pathway exists.


Table 4.4-17 Liquid Effluent - Adult Ingestion Dose Factors (AiT)

Nuclideý Bone: Liver T. Body Thyroid Kidney IGI-LLI H- 2.82E-1 2..82E 1: 2.82E-1 2.82E-1 2.82E-1 I282E-K 2.88271i Na-24 4.57E-1 4.57E-1. 4.57E-1 4.57E-1 4.57E-1 4.57E-1 4.57E-:

Cr-51 No ND 5.58E0 .3.34E0 1.23E0 7.40E0 1.4003 Mn-54 ND 7.06E3 1.35E3* ND 21.10E3 ND 2.16E4:

Mn-56 ND'. 1.78E2 3.15El: ND 2.26E2 ND 5..67E3 Fe-55.,:. 5.i11E4 3.53E4 :8. 23E3 ND NDO 1.97E4 2-03E4

  • Fe-59 8.06E4: 1.90E5 .7 27E4 ND ND 5.30E4 ,6*.32E5 Co-58 ND. 6.03E2 1.35E3 fD* ND ND 1.22E4 Co-60,: ND 1.733 .3.82E3 ND: ND ND 3.2SE4 Ni-63 4.96E4: 3'44E3 1.67E3 ND. ND D 7.18E2 Ni-65 2.02E2 2.62E1:1 1.20E1 ND ND ND 6.65E21 Cu-64' ND. ' 2.14E2 1.01E:2 ND. 5.40E2 ND 1.83E4, Zn-o65 1.61E5 5.13E5 2.32E5 ND 3:.43E5 ND 3.23E5 Z3.43E2 6.56E2. 4.56E1 ND 4.26`2 ND 9.85E1 Br-,83. ND ND '7.25E-2 ND:: N N ND .1..04E6-Br-84 ND ND 9.39E-2 ND ND ND T7.37E-67 Br-85 NDD ND 3.86E-3 ND ND ND LE-K18 Rb-86 ND '.6.24E2 2.91E2 ND ND ND 1.i.3E2 Rb-88. ND 1.79E0 9:.49E. N ND ND ND. 2.47E-11

'Rbý-89 ND 1..19E0 8,34E-1 ND ND. NDO. .6.89E-14 Sr-89 499E3 ND 1.43E2 ND ,ND ND 8.,O0E2 Sr-90 1.23E5 ND . 13.01E4 ND ND ND 3.55E3E; Sr-91 9.18E1: ND 3.71E0: ND ND ND 4.37E2 Sr-92 '348E2I.

ND 1. 51E0 ND ND ND ý6.90E2 Y-e0 i6. 06EO 'ND 1.63E-1 ND ND ND 6.42E4 Y"91m 5..:73E-2 ND* 2.22E 3 ND NDO ND, 4.68E62 Y-91 8:...88EI ND .2.37E0 ND ND ND 4.,89E4::

Y-92 5'32E-1, ND 1.56E-2, ND ND ND 9.32E3 Y .9. 1.69E0 ND 4.66E-2 I*D ND ND 5.35E4' Zr-95 ,159E1 '5.11EO 3 4.6E0 ND., 8.02E0 ND 1.62"64.,

Zr-97 8.81E-1 1.78E-1 8.13E-2 ND 2.68E-1 ND 5.51E4


Table 4.4-17 Liquid Effluent - Adult Ingestion Dose Factors (AiT)

Nuclide Bone Liver T. Body. Thyroid- Kidney Lung GI-LLI Nb-95 4.47E2 2.49E2 i.34E2 ND 2.46E2, ND 1.51E6, Mo-99 ND 1.28E2 2.47E2. ND 2A8§E2 ND 2.96E2 Tc-99m 1.30E-2 3.66E-2 4.66E-1 ND 5.,56E-1 1.79E-2 2.17E1 Tc-10 1.33E-2  !.,92E-2 1.88E-1, ND 3.46E-1 9.81E-3 5.77E-14 RU-103 1.07E2 ND 4.60E1 ND 4.07E2 ND, 1.25E4 Ru-105 8.89E0 ND 3.5.1EO ND 1.15E2 ND 5.44E3

'Ru-106 ;1.5.9E3 ND 2.01E2 ND` 3.06E30 ND' 1.03E5

,Ag-10Mr 1.57E3 1.45E3 1.33E1 ND 2.:85E3. ND 5.91E5 Sb-124 2.77E2 5.23E0 1.09E2 6.71E-1 ND, 2.15E2 7.83E3

.Sb-125 1.77EZ 1.97E0 4.20EI 1.80E-1 ND1 .36E2 1.94E3 Sb-126, 1;13E2 2.31E0 4.09E1 6.:96E-1 ND 6.95E1 9.27E3 Te-lZ5n, 2ý17E2 7.86E1 2.91E1 6.52EH 8.,82E2 ND 8.66E2 Te14-27m 5.48E2 1.96E2 6.68El 1.40E2 2,23E3: ND 1.84E3 te-27 8.o90E 3 20Eo 1. 3Eo. 6 A oE0o 3.63E1 ND 7.03E2 Te.-129m 9.31E2 3.47E2 1.47E2 3,20E2 3.89E3:' ND 4..69E3 Te-129§* .2..54E0 9§.55E-1 6.19E-1 1.95.E0 1.07E1L ND. 1.92E0.

Te-131m 1.40E2 .6.85E1 5.71E1 1.08E2 6.94E2 ND 6.80E3.

Te-131 1.59E0 6.66E-1 5.:03E-1 1..3E0 6.99EQ ND 2.26E'.

Te.-132 2.O4E042 1.32E2 1.24E2 I.,46E2 1.27E30. ND 6.24E3.

1-30, 396E1 1.17E2 4.t6E1 9.91E3 i',82 E2- ND 1.01E2 3I .22. 8E2 1.42E2 .1.79E:2' 1;:02E5 35.ND, .. 8.23El.

Ii.32 1.06E1 2.85E. 9 9.96E 996E2" 454E1 ND 5E35E0 1:7133 T.7.54E1 1.30E2 3.95E1 1.90E4ý 2.26E2. ND. 1.16E2 T-134  ;.5. 56EO 1.51E1 5.40EO 2.62E2 2.40E1 , ND. 1-32E-2.

T-135. 2.32El 6.*08E1 2.24E1 01EE3.. 9,.75EI N 6.87E1

.CS-13 684HE3 1.63E4 1.33E4 ND 5,27.E3 1.75E3 2.85E2

Cs-36 7.16E2 2.83E3, 2.04E3 ND: 1.57E3, 2.16E2 3.21E2 Cs-137 9.78E3 1.20E4  :,85E3 ND 4.,0.7E3: 1,35E3 .2. 312E2 Cs-138 6.07E0 1.20E1 5.94E0 ND 8,81E0 8.70E1. 5,.12E-5 Ba-139 1. .85 E.E0 5.59E"3 2.30E-1 ND .53E3t 3.17E-3 1.39E1 Ba-140 1.64E3 2.06E0 1.08E2 NLD '702E-1 1.18EO 3.38E3 Ba-141' 3.81E0 2"i88E-3. 1.29E-1 ND 2.68E-3ý 1.63E-43 1.80E-9 Ba-142 1.72E0 1.77E-3 .1.08E-1 ND 1.:50E-3 1.O0E-3 .2.43E-i8 La-140 1.57E0 7.94E-1 .2.1OE-1 ND ND ND. 5.83E4 La-142 8.06E-2 3.67E-2. 9.13E-3 ND ND ND. 2.68E2 OFF-SITE DOSE CALCULATIONWMANUAL Page 139

Table.4.4-17 Liquid Effluent - Adult Ingestion.Dose. Factors (Air)

Nuclide Bone Liver T. BodyL. Thyroid Kidney Lung GI-LLI Ce-141 3.43E0. 2.32E0, 2.63E-1 ND 1.08E0 ND 8,.86E3 Ce-143 6.04E-1 4,46E2 4.94E-2. ND 1.!97E-1. ND 1.67E4 Ce-144 1.79E2 7.47E1 9.59E0 ND 4.43E1 ND 6.04E4 Pr-143 5.9E0 2.32E0 2.87E-1 ND 134E0 ND 2.54E4 Pr-i44 1.90E-2' 787E3 .9.64E-4 Nb 4.44E-3 NDO 2.73E-9:

Nd:-147 3.96E0 4. 5,8EO0 2.74.E-1 ND' 2'.68E0 ND 2.i 20E4 W-187 9.16E0 7.,66E0 2..68E0 NDb ND. ND' 2. .51E3:

Np-239 :3.53E'-2: 347E-3: .91E-3. ND 1.08E-2 N 7.11E2 OFF-S.ITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL Page .14,0

4.5 METHODOLOGY FOR CARBON-14 DOSE Carbon-14,may become a principal radionuclide for the gaseous effluent pathway. It is produced by several nuclear reactions. In :a nuclear reactor the most dominate mechanism is th,ereaction of 0-17 in the fuel or wate.r with, a neutron to produce C-14. and an alpha .particle,.

C ,.14 releases in PWRs occur primnarily..as a: mix of organiccarbon and fcarbon dioxide released from the:wa~ste gas system.. Because the dose contribution of C-14 from liquid radioactive waste is. much lessý than that: contributed by gaseous radioactive waste, evaluation of C-14 in liquid waste is not required', The dose.rate and,subsequent dose~to:an indiVidual from 0-14 intake depeends.upon the specific activity of thefood from each source andthe amount of the ingested.C-14 which is retained over the period under consideration.:

The quantity of C-i 4 discharged can be estimated.by ,sample measurements,,,or by use of a, normalized C-14 source termn, and scaling factto.rs bas'ed upon power generatidn, or by use. of the GALE code per NUREG-0017. Use.ofthe..GALE codeper.NUREG-0017 Rev. , Calculation.of Releases of Radioadfive Materials in Gaseodu..s and Liquid Effluents from P.ressurized. Reactors" providesaC-14 .source term based on samplei measurements made at 10;-operating power plants. The C-14 source term: recommended by NUREG-0017 Rev 1 is 7.3 curies/year for an 80% .capacity factoryor 292 Effective Full Power Days. Additionally, if estimating C014.in gaseous effluent releases is based on scaling factors and fission rates,,a.pre.se. and*detailed evaluation is: not nece Sary. Altso, it is not, necesary to'calcuI~aite uncertainties for c-I 4 or to

.include ,1*.4 uncertainty in any calculation of overalL.uncertaintyl.

Ih:the determina*tionof the limiing sector, aliage groups and.allof the exposure patihways are.

evaluated using the highest X/Q, D/Q values at the site boundary as.referencedd in the CR3

.FSAR table 2-20 .and in.the ODCM dose equations. These could include milk, meat and.

vegetable ingestion, and inhalation pathways. Atmospheri, Carbon Dioxide (C0).is incorporated in cellular material iby the photosynthe'etic actions o.f green plants. .Plants and grasses.,from whi otsit ood-stuffis deri-ved,,equilibrate with the.0C-14002 ofthe, air.. Due to Wate System.reducing,environment,,only 30% ofthe.0-14.isreleasedinthe,.

Priaryythe organic for~m.

CR3 oDCM Surveillance .Requirement2:.212 .1: requires thata: land-use census survey be conducted on an n nnual:'basis.. During. this survey, the nearest milkanimal, he nearst residence,` andthe: nearest.gardenof greater than.. 500 square* feet that produces fresh leafy vegetables§is determined.. Thus, depending on the results ofthe :suivey, a new.limirting location could result. Normally*CR-3 uses the site. boundar as theýnarest receptor, which ist more.

restrictive. than the nearest residence,.

Regulato* Guide 1..109: prvidesthe .detailed i.rimplementation.guidance tsho6w .. compliance..

with.Appendixl of 10CFR.50 limitsý.



4.51 Annual Dose from Inhalation of Carbon-14 in Air The annual average airbomre concentration of c-i4at thei ilocation with respect to the release point may be determined as:

X=, 3.7 .1X 104. Q*e (-*) (Equation 4.5-1)

Xc the annuailaverage.ground-level concentration of C-14 in.air, in pCi/m 3 Qc the release.rate qf:6-14 to the atmosphere;minCi/yr. this can be determined by:

(.) using actual sample data obtained during the reporting.period (2) estimation by co-*rcting.titheNNURE*0G'0*i7Rev 1 annual ,C14 .uries(EFPD) released for for actual capacity factor using"the number of effecive. full werdays the et-ting period Q 17.3"x EFPD '(Equaltion 4.5-2)ý 292' Xi/Q: :The highest calculated.annual average..dispersion concentration 3 for any:area at or beyond the: unrestricted.area b6undary, ;2.5: x .10..secrn 3:.17 X104 . the number of pCiic divided by.the6i0*ber of.sec/yr

'the annual dose associated with inhalatio* for C1 4,Atd organ (j)to an age ýribup (6), isthen:

a. .the annual dosefromihhalation :to anorgan U): of an'age griop.(a),fromtC-14 in mremilyr,

.X.:* the annual average groun-lev el.c"ncentrationwofC-14 inair, in pCi/m,3 aInhalation P groupl(a), TableA.453.- in m3-/yr rat fo6.


,DFA. - .=Doefactorfor anorgn from oinhalation pathway toan Ior`gan 0*of an*g` group (a), Table'4:&`*in rmrenm.pCi;.


4.5 METHODOLOGY FOR CARBON 14 DOSE (continued) 4.5.2 Concentration ofAirborne Carbon-14*in vegetation The concentration of Carbon,14 in vegetation at location with respect to the release point may be determinedas:

v 13.i7 x 10 ( 14\Q.O16 (Equation (qai 4.5-4).

4 )

CV1 Thietconcentration ofC(-14 ini vegetation in pCi/kg S

!p the fractional equilibrium:fraction, dimensionless,

= D for conrtinuous release*

annualirelease rate of C-14 from a PWR- assume 30% of-annual'C-14,release rate


Q14 in lieu.

of site specific data; inCi/yr, o030.: xOc

= Thehighest calculated annual;average dispersion, concentration for any area at:or beyond:

the unrestricted area boundary 2.5 1 lx se0/rni.

3 3.17,E7 *(1012pCi/ci)(10 gkj). ti(3.1 5E7 secfyr)

  • fractionof total plant mass that.is:natural carbon, dimensionless 0A1t 3 concentration of natural carbn n the atmsphere, in g/m 4.5.3 , Concentration of Airborne Carbon.-14:in Milk The.:: .c, .o.n oisý f:.Carbon*14 inmik dep endent on the amount of contamination:level of the.

feed cnsurn eby the animaL M4 = *e:Thn'c entirationrofC; 14ini IriilkpCi/L-Fm - average fractionof theanima's daily ihtak*6f C-14 thatappezrSmin each literfof, inkiii

= 0:012ý tV 1 4.

= T3"ieconcentra'tion 'ofC14lir :animal's feed, in pCi/kg

.. riam0ont of feedclonsumed by the anitaal per day, in kg/dayý Cow or cattle= 50ekggoat 6 kg OFF-SITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL Pa~e 14.3

4.5 METHODOLOGY FOR CARBON 14 DOSE (continued) 4.5.4 Concentration of Airborne Carbon14"in.Meat CV C14 = (FF) (C14) (Q1) (Equation 4.5-5)

=C4 = The concentration of C-14 in meat, pCi/kg.

FF average fraction of the animal's daily intake of G-14 that appears in each kilogram of flesh,

..in days/kg

= 0.031 V4 - econcen1ration of C-i4 in.animal's feed, in pCi/kg of: = :amount of feed consumed by the animal per day, in kg/day Cow or cattle -50kg-goat 6kg 4.5.5 Annuai Dose from Atmospherically Released Carbon-14 in Foodsb uV4 M 4a (Equation:4.5-6)

S annual dose;to dtgan (j).of an ihdividual in age group the ntake of atmospherically released.C rbonm 14, in.mrem/yr OFIja .the dose conversion factor for the.ingestion of Carbon-14, organ (j);,and:agegroup (a), in

'mremnlp*ýi Table 4.5-5 ingestion raje 6fp.rtoduce(non-leafy vegetabls, fruit, grainsj).in kglyr, Table 4.5-3

ý=ingestio rate.of niilk, in Ityr, Table 4.5-3:

ingestion S rate of..:meat and poultry.in ýkg/yr, Table 4.5-3:

LJ* *=;  ::ingestion rate of leafy vegetables in kg/yr, Table 4.5-3 "fg - f~cti.onof produce ngested grow in the ga.en of interest 0:76, inlieu of ýA&speific data fracion of leafy.Vegetables in the :gaden-6f interest


1.0 , in lieu of site specific data:

C1 4 - The concentration of CG-14in vegetation, in pCi/kg

.14 Tehe concentrationof'C.-14 in milk, pCi/kg Th=

= T1e4concentration of C-14 in meat,,pCi/kg OFF-SITEDOSE CALCULATION MANUAL Page 144:


Table 4.5-3 Recommended Values for U.*, to be Used for the Maximum Exposed Individual.

in Lieu of Site Specific Data (Table E&5 Regulatory Guide 1.109 Rev 1);

Pathway Infant Child Teen Adult Fruits, vegetables & grain 520 630 520 (kg/yr) __-_2__0_2 Leafy Vegetables (kg/yr) - 26' 42

  • 64 Milk.(L/yr) p330 330 400 .310Q..

Meat & poultry (kg/yr) - 41 65. 10 3

Inhalation (mi,3lyr), 1400, 3700 ..8000 8000 Note 1:- Consists of the following (on a mass basis): 22% fruit, 5ý4% vegetablesI s (including leafy vegetables), and-

.24% grain Table:4.5-4 Inhalation:Dose Fictors from Carbon-140for organ to an individual from, Tables .E 7 to E.l 0 RegulatoryGd!0d1' 109 Rev 1.

'(mrem/pCi nh~ale)

Individual Bone Liver T.Body Thyrid " Kidney Lung, GI-LLI cInfant 1.89E-05 3.79E-06 3.79E706, .. ... 3.,79E-06

..... . . .. . .... 3:79E-06

.3.79-06 E 0 .*7 . ... .. .. 9 E 0 3.79E-06 7...

Child 9.70E-06 1.82E-06 1 ,82E-06  :.822-06 1.82E-06 I.82E506 . 1.82-E06 Teen 3.25E2-06 6.092-07 6.092-07 6.09-07. 6.09E-07 . 609E-07 6.092-07 Adult, 227&E-06 4.26E-07 4,26E-07 4.26E-07 4.26"-*7 4.26E-07: 4.26&E07 Table 4.5-lIgestibo Dose Factors from Carbon-14 for. organ to an individual from, Tables E-i1 to E-14 Regulatory Guide 1.109 Rev I (empi ing~estd Indivi~dual: Bone Liver" *T.Body

, Thyroid .. ....

Kidney,... "

.. ... .. LUng,;  : GI.*LLI .

Infant 2.37-05: 5.06E-06 5.06E-06 5.06E-06 5.06E-06. 5.06E&06 *5.06E&06 Child 1.21E-05s ' 2.422-06 2.42E-06 2.42E-06 2.42E06, 2.422-06 , 2.42E-06 Teen 4.062-06 8.12E-07 8.12E-07 8.122-07 8.12E-07 8.12E2-07 8.12&-07 Adult: .2.84E-06 5.68E-07 5.68E-07 5.68E-07 :5.68E-07 5.68E-07 5.68E-07 OFF-SITE'DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL Page. 145,


Table 4.5-6 Carbon -14 Source Term from NUREG-0017. Rev 1 (GALE Code)

Section 2.2.25,2;, Page'2-90,: Tables 2-38 & 2 Section Capacity Factor = 80% (292 effective full power days/yr)

Release Points %of Total di Ci Released Containment Building 21.92% 1.6 Aux.:Bldg. &.Fuel.Handlinrg 61;.64% 4.5 Waste Decay Tanks 16:44% 1.2 Total 100.00% 7.3 Qi.c02 (EPRI estimation-of CO2 is 3.0., EPRI Technical.Repod 1021.i06, 2010, pages 3-26& 4-28).,



Table 5.1-1

-Environmental Radiological Monitoring-Station's Locations' DIRECTION APPROX. DISTANCE STATION LOCATION FROM PLANT FROM PLANT C04 State Park Old Dam on River ENE 10.6 near road intersecti~on' C07 Crystai River Public Water Plantv ESE .7.**

C09- Fort Island Gulf Beach S. 3.2 C10 Indian Waters Public Water Supply ESE .6.0 C13 Mouth of Intake ,Canal WSW 4.6 C14H Head of Di scharge Canal., N 0.1 C14M Midpoli.nt of Discharge Canal W 1.2 C14- Discharge :Canal at Guif o6fMexicoý., W ;2, 5 C18' Yankeetown'.City Wel l: N 5.3 C19 NW; Corner State Roads 488&.&495 ENE. 9.6 C29 Discharge Area.. W 2.0 C30' Intake :Area WSW: 3.4 C40 Near E. "Site, Boundary &.well pump., E 3.6.

s.Stati:on ,CR-South #5 C4i" Onsite meteorological towe SW. .0.4 C46, North Pump Station N 0.4 C47 Office of Radiation Control, Orlando ESE 78 C48A1 Near C46,North Pump Station. N 0.4 C48B. Onsite'NNE of.CRý 4 & 5 NNE 0.9 NOTE: Distlances areapproxi

.water) are obtained at"some mate.:- MoreFormulti-media stations. than ,one type of.sample media,.(e:..

stations there may be ai,r ..and minor

-di*fference in distance fo r each type of sample."

If vegetation. is not available, then select another suitable nearby locati6n., The ENE -Sector isý also an acceptable sector based :o9n. D/Q values..


Table 5.1-2 Environmental Radiological Monitoring Station's Locations-Groundwater Monitoring Wells DIRECTION .APPROX. DISTANCE 5.TATTON .f.CAtnlNm FRn'M PLANT FRQM P[ANT(mii CR3-2 CR-3 Site Perimeter, Just Outside E 0..1

.of Protected Area Fence.

CR3-4 CR-3 .Si.te. Perimeter,, JU.st Outside, SSE. 0.086 f :Protecited Area Fence:

  • C.R3-5. C.R-3 Site Perimeter, Just, Outside SSW 0.051 of Protected Area Fence CR3-6S. CR-35 ite Perimeter, Just Outside W 0..038 of Protected Area Fence C.3-6D CR-3,Site Perimeter, Just Outside W 0.038 oPf Protected:. Are~a. Fence

,CR3-7 CR-31 .Site Perimeter, Jus!tOutside WNW. .0.,060 o*f Protected Area, Fence cR3-8 CR-3" Site Perimeter, Just Outside WNW 0.073.

opf Protectee'Aea Fence CR3-.*9" CR-:.3 .Sil:te.'06 Perimeter, -Just Outside NW 0.1 Of "Protected: Area Fence R8 .CR73 Site ."Pei§imeter, Just Outside '0.1 NNE,

.of Pro-tected Ar`eaFence Theabove 45istedwels havebeen included in the REMP -as a result of Thforma.tion provided in the groundwater flow study completed: January 22.;

20Q0.7by' EnHy.'dOro,, LLC. .




C27 W 0.4 C60 N .0.9 C61 NNE 0.9 1.2:

C62 NE C63 ENE ,0.9.

E 0.8 C64 C65 ESE 0.3.

C66, SE 0.43 c67 -SSE 0.34 C68 'S 0.3 C69 SSW 0.3" C41, '0.*4 cdo, WSW C71ý WNW 0.6 C72 NW 0.3.




C74 ENE 5..1 C7s5 E *4.0' C76 ESE 5.6 CO8 SE 5.7 C77 SSE, co09 3.2

,C78 WSW 42%,65 c,14G W ,2:.58 CCO1 'NW C79/ 4.8..


FIGURE, 5.1 ES,v fonienta1iMoni ..toriong SampehStation. Locati~ons*


FIGURE 5.2, Environmental Monitoring: TLD Locations C60 C61.

... 6.:

  • i* t,3. C61 Oz ci2int .....- a,I s.:3 i .... ,/,:*',:i f- * *- ,, 665*
  • , *IL.* .68.
    • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O """* Of"":*' * .. ' * '..


FIGURE .5'.3

,Environme'ntal Monitoring

.TLW Location1, (5 wi.mle)'i OFF-SITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL .Tage, 154:

FIGURE 5.4 CR3 Groundwater Monitoring Well Locations Deep Wells Are Also Installed at #'s 1, 3, 6 Wells # I &3 are not routinely sampled by the REMP OFF-SITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL Page 155


6.1 ORIGIN AND PURPOSE OF THE OFFSITE DOSECALCULATIONAL MANUAL The Offsite Dose Calculation manual was developed to support the implementation of the Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications. required by .10 CFR 50,. Appendix *, and 10 CFR 50.36, The purpose of the manual is to provide the: NRC.with sufficient information relative to effluent monitor setpin't .calculations, effluent related dose calculations, and environmental monitoring to:

demonstrate. compliance with radiologi:cal. effluent controls.

6.2 CHANGES The ODCM shall be changed in accordance with JTechni cbal Specifications. (ref,. ITS' : In. addition, interdepartmental reviews shall be. performed as appropriate..

6.3 REVIEW The 'ODCM and i..ts 1implemenaionhal.:l be. reviewed every 24 months (ref. FSAR

Unplanned Releases.: This, secti on moved. to' section 1.

6..S. RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT Tis report is ubmi tted. as, requi red by Technia cal Speci fi catfon 5!.71.1..c to Crystal' River: Facility Operating, Lic.nseo. DPR-72.

,T.he. following information is ihnclnuded;

, Asum.mary of the quantities.of radia&ive:: liquid and: gaeous.

  • effluents and solid waste.r,.el'eased from the *pleantasoutlined i n, Regulatory Guide 1.22. (ReV. 1, -1974) with data, summarýized, on' a quarterly bas'is. fo61iowing the forat f r of AppendixBtereo.
  • An.annudl summary of hourly ,meteoroig cal'data 'collected',.over the .previous: yea rs.:

s (In lieu of":.submittal, this, data .is maintai ned :on site and is :available to the NRC.upon request.)

A list and des*crption of unplanned releases to unrestricted


, Change to, the ProcessControl Program (PCP):

  • Changes to the.Off-Site Dose Calculation Manual '(OCMý).

a Significant changes: to Radioactive "Waste 'Treatment Systems OFF-SITE"DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL S agei..15i7

" A list of new Environmental. Radiological.Monitoring Program dose calculation location changes identified by the land-use census.

" Information relating to effluent monitors being. inoperabl~e for 30 or, more. days.

" Asummary of dose e'stimates to demonstrate compliance with the dos~e specifications olf the ODCM.

NOTE: The.results of the effluent report may reflect different quantities, concentrations, and dose estimates than those of the year end summary from. the effluent management system.' This is, based on: a year-end data review and correction., of: rel ease,..data

,(e..,' removing-miss-identified i~sotopes) and accounti.ng for actual site .dilmuton for liquid releases which .are difficult to account

.for in. real. time.


6.6 ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT This report is submitted as required, by Technical Specification to Crystal: River Facility Operating License, No. DPR-7.2 ..

The following informati'on is included:


  • Interpretati~ons
  • .Unachievable LLDs 0: An analysis of trends of the results of the: radiological envi~ronmental studies and previous*anual: reports,.

" An: assoessmenti Of any observed impact of piant.operation oni ,.the environment..

NOTE: If harmful"effect's or evidence of irreversible damage are detected by the monitoring., the: Report shall: provide anu analysis-of the problem and a. planned co. urse of action to.

alleviate .the problem,.

  • Summarized and tabulated resultsý, in the,.forimat* o6fRegula'tory, Guide.,,C8 (December 1975).,,. -of al 1. radiological envi ronmental sampl*es tiaken* duri ng the report period...

NOTE*: If some results are not, available:. for inclusion, the

.report shall note and explain the reason for the missing results. Teh missipng results shall be, submitted .as soon, as, possible in a supppl.e1mentaryreport.

-A summary descri:ption 'of the REMP.

4. A.,map of al l sampling locationhs. keyed! to; a table giving distances and di.rections. from, the:*reactor  :.

. Unavai labi I i ty ,o.f m.il k' or f. reshlI eafy Yvegetable. .samplees.o required by .Tablie 2-7-., of Techical:cSpecifications.

. The' results of Iland-use, censuses.;

  • Resuil.ts of interlaboratory"mpar*ison Program.

Results of any unplanned release or s.pi I I.of radi'oa*ctive R

.material. that could have the potential to contaminate the.

groundwater as reported .to maintain compliance with the

  • groundwater: per6.otection'.i ni'iti.ati.ve.


6.7 Voluntary Reportinq as a Result of.Groundwater Radioactive Contamination OBJECTIVE 2.2 from NEI 07-07 NOTE Tho following communication protocol only applies to licensed radioactivc matorials thatare

.generated as a resdlt of piant operations.

NOTE Baseline radioactivity .levelsresulting frbm.normal plant effluent.releases should:be evaluated and.considered prior to initiating thiefollowing communication protocol:(e.g.j tritium in rain water or clean systems that.are: made up. from water sources that-receive

'licensed effluent releases)ý.

NOTE Communication .tine,requirements.forwater samples that exceed reporting criteda start fo6llowng noification of sample results.from a.n app licable vendor or corporate labtorto.to the=CR-3 Enviro.mental & Chemistry.Section.

.A. ,Unplanne'd.ounControlledrelease of radioactive material. from theprotectedarea-

.i. ... :iNVESTIGATE.and document

'. .. E .... .. a.

"es.. .... the: event.

"~npu os'

.2. INITIATE a Nuclear Condition Report for documentation purposes.

Industy ri groundwate*.*rrtioncVodlntaryv communication protocol for spills or leaks that reacphor could potentialiy reach ýthe groundwater

1. 'DOCUMENT any event meeting the, criteria in.this.section in.the plant 10 CFR 50.75 (g) .file.


ANNUAL RADIOLOGICAL. ENVIRONMENTAL OPERATING REPORT Cont'd OBJECTIVE 2.4 from NEIr07-07 Document all on-site ground water sample results and a description of any significant on-site:

Ieaks/spills into ground water for each calendar year in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report (AREOR) for REMP or the Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report (ARERR) for the RETS as contained in the appropriate reporting procedure, beginning with the report for calendar year 2006.

Acceptance Criteria:

a. The appropriate changes to the ODCM/ODAM or to the appropriate procedures were expected to be comp leted in a timeframe to support the 2007,report of 2006 performance for plants that were operating -ordecommissioning When the G PI was adopted. Fornew plants,. appropriate procedures

,tthat require inclusion of.significant on-site leaks/spills into ground water and all on-site ground water resuits shall be developed and implementedprior to: initial receipt of nuclear fuel..

b.*.Aeporting of on-siteground water sample results shall be as follows:

i Ground Water sample results thtat re taken in support of the GPI but are not part of the REMP; program (e~g. samples obtainedIduring Ithe investigatory phase of the Action;Plan circa year

.2006)are reported in the AREkRR required by 10 CFR 50.36b (a)(2).

ii On6e the long-term monitoting Sample points have been established per Objective`1.3, acceptancecriterion d, the resuItsar*e. reported: in the AREOR4for those sample-points thatare included'infthe REMPas desdnbed in the ODCM/ODAM. The sample resultslifor those longterm repofted in.the ARERR.

monitor*ig sample. intsthat are not included in R EMP ate

d. In addition to6 2.4. voluntary.communications..shall. be included in an annual report.as follows:

S.descriptihonofali spillsor leaks that werecommunicated per objective 2 acceptancecrterion a sd*hall be included in th~e ARE RR.I......".. ... '

,ii ,All on-site or off-site ground water sample resultsithat exceeded the REMP reporting thresholds:

as described in the ODCM/ODAM thatmwere comrmunicated per section 6.7 acceptance criterion b shall. be included in either, theARERR and/or in the AREOR.



NOTE The contact position for the State Official is:

Department of Health

.Bureau of Radiation Control Environmental"Administrator The contact position for the Local Officials are:

Citrus County Emergency Management Director AND

.Levy County Emergency: Management Director NOTE:

The groundwater beneath CR-3 is too saline and brackish to.be a"source of potable water and Will never be used as a source of drinking water.

Make infor:mal communication as soon as practicable to appropriate State;Local offcials, with*

follow-up notification to the NRC, as appropriate,, regarding, s ignificant*,,on-site- leaksispills into ground water and on-site or off-site water sample results exceeding the criteiain the'REMP as described in the ODCM/ODAM.

Aeetance Criteria:

This guidance provides a threshold for voluntary communication. Some: States may require.different commr-unication6tresholds; the licensee shall documentany agreements with StateiLocaiOfficials that differs from Industry guidance.

the deind',of the'nexti

a. CommUnication to the designated State/Local officials~shall bemade before

.businiess day if an inadvertent leak or spill tothe environment hias: or can6 potentially get into the gro,ud water':arid exceeds any of the following criteria: .  :

i. If a spill or leak exceeding 100 gallons from a source containing licensedý6imaterial;,.

ii. if the volume of a spill or leak cannot be quantified. but is likely to exceed '100gallonfrom a source containing licensed material, or iii; Any leak or spill, regardless of volume or activityr deemedby the licensee to warrantVVoluntar.


To determine whether a leak or spill would trigger voluntarycommunication, consider the clarification in the: follo.wing three text boxes in addition to2 2.;a i to iii, above:.

LEAK OR: SPILL: The "leak or spill' represents an inadvertent eent orpderturbation ia system or com0ponent's performance. This event threshold is'inetendedlto ensure.that:.State/Local officials are made aware that therehas been an.event of interest at the site and to: keep themfiapprised of the. licensee's action to contain and, as needed, remediate the event. "Leak orspill,,events thatmeet the criteriashall.be.

communicated regardless ofwhether or not the on-siteaground water is, or.could .be used as, a source of

drinking water.

The quantity:.of liquid resulting from leaks or spills of solid materials o.r waste or steam leaksshould be

.."evaluated with respect to 22.a. i to.iiiinclusive.

ssee glossary a .end:of section OFF-SITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL .Page 162

SOURCE CONTAINING LICENSED MATERIAL: A liquid, including steam, for which a statistically valid positive result is obtained when the sample is analyzed to the following a priori lower limits ofdetection (analytical sensitivity).

The analytical sensitivity for identifying a source containing licensed'material is, at arminimum, the licensee's lower limits of detectionthat arerequired fo(rradioactive liquid effluents for all isotopes.

POTENTIAL TO REACH GROUND WATER Spills or leaks:with the potential to reach ground water, Spill-or leak directly onto native soil or fill, Spill or leak onto an artificial surface (iLe. concretep or asphalt) if the surface is cracked0or the material is porous or unsealed,.

Spiil:l r leak that is directed into:unlined or non impervious..ponds or retention basins (i.e, water hydrologically connected to groundwater)..

A: spill or leak iriside abuilding ortconta!nmeni unit.is*generail* Unlikely to reach ground water,,particularly if the, building or containment un it hasa darain and sump' systerm. However, the siump and drain system should be evaluated'as part of'theSSC riskassessment.

A spill or leak to a semiýimpermeable or impermeable surfacethat is recaptured or: remediated~per Objective :14 Abefore the close:ofwthe next'business day does' not trigger,the voluntary communication protocol.


The licensee shall document any. agreement with State/Local officials that differs from.nthis Industry guidance: as. part of their record. For example, some states or local authorities have indicated that they do not wish leaks/spills to be included in the voluntary communication protocol Or.that.the voluntary communication should be completed in a shorte.r .timeframe.

b..Communication with the designated State/Local :officials shall be made before the.end of the next bUsiness ;day for a water sample, result il Of off-site ground water or surface water that exceeds any of.the'REMP reporting criteria for water as described .inthe 0DCM/aDAM ,:or.

ii :Of on-site surface water,:that is,hydrologically connected to ground water, or ground water that is obe could be used as a source of drinking water, that exceeds any of the REMP:reporting..criteria for water as'described in the ODCM/ODAM, Thie:license'e shalI document the basisf.or.concluding that .the on-sited.ground water is not.or would not bed

  • considereda..Source of drinking water.Examples of adefensible basisare documents from the:regulatory agency with jurisdiction over ground. water Use.

c&. Wheno3mmunicating to the State/L ocaloffcials,be .clear and precise in quantifying the actual release inforimat'ion as it.applies to the appropriate regulatory criteria (i.e. put ittperspective).

in The f*o!lwing informationshould be~provided as part of. the informal communication:

A statement thatthe communication"is being made as part of the:NEI Ground .WaterProtection "Initiativte, the: m.,, i b . . .. . ",  :

ii Thed6date and timeý of the.spill, leak, or sample result(s),

.ii W.Whether.or not..thespill .has, be.en.. ncontained orthe leak has beehn-stoP*ed, iv If khnwn, the location of the leako ... r spill or wateras',anmple(s);

v The source.of the leak or spill, if,known, vi, .A iist of the, ntaminant(s) andtheVerfied concentration(s),.

Vii Descrption of the action(s).*aready.taken and a'gerieral decription.of future".actions; viii',An.estimate,of the potential:or bounding -annual: dose.to; aý member of the public if available. at this time, and An ix *estimated:time/date to provide-additional informatiohn o folloW-up,.

d."Voluntar.co mmunhiciation toState and/or Local officials may.also require NRC notifidation under* .

10 CFR,50.72(b)(2)(xi).'Licensees should perform these notifications consistent wi their-existing


e...Contact'NEI by email"to GW N6ticenei.or as part of avoluntary communication event.as described


f. .Contaci Am*eian. Nucl'ea4.rinsure(. (ANI) as part of a voluntary.communication event:as described in OBJECTIVE 2.2 above.


THIRTY-DAY REPORTS OBJECTIVE 2.3 from NEI 07-07 Submit.a written 30-day report to the .NRC for any water sample result for on.site oround water that is or may be used as a source of drinking ywater that exceeds any of the criteria in the licensee's existing REMP as described in the ODCMIODAM for 30-day reporting of off-site water sample results. Copies of the written 30-day reports for both:on-site and off-site water samples shall'also, be provided to the approptiate State!Local!officials.

Acceptance Criteria:

'a. All ground water samples taken for the Industry Initiative shall be analyzed and compared to theý standards and limits contained in the station's REMP as described in the.ODCM/ODAM. Pre-2006 ODCM/ODAM requiremehts specify a written 30-day report to the NRC for REMP sample results that exceed any. of the REMP reporting criteria. Under the1nitiative, a written 30-dayNRC repdrttis alsorequiredfor allon-site sarple results that exceed any of.the REMP.reporting critera and could potentially' reach the ground water, that.is orcould be Used in the future as a source of

'drinkingmwater. If the.ground Water is not,.currently'used ifor drnking water but is.potable, each station should consider the .ground water. as.a potential;source of drnking water (see objective 2.22acceptancercriterion b for doctuimentation needed- to~establish: a defensille basis for determining the beneficial use!) of'.grond ware)..

The initial discovery of ground water contamination greaterthan the REMP reporting criteion is the .evntdocumented in a:written,30-dayVreport. It'is not expeted thatza *written 30-day report..

'will be generated each time.a subse-quent:sarmiple(s) suspected.to bb from the same,"ptume" identifies concentrations greater than anyof the.. REM*P tera .as.deSCribed"in.the:ODCM/ODAM.

'The licensee should evaluate the need fo[radditional reports or cmmunicatiohstbased on,

.unexpected changies.inconditionst..

b. The .30ýiayspecial reportshiould include:


  • A-statetmentithat. the. report is being Submittedin support of.the:GPI, ii. A listiof the: 6contaminant(s) and the verified. cncentration(s),



of the action(s) taken.

Wv An estimate of the potential or bounding;an*nual dose to a,member of the~public, -and v .V Coective action(s),.tnecessar.that will be taken to rduci the projected annual doseto a S.member of the:pub6lic toess.than: the limits in 10 CFR 50 Appendix I.

d; A.l.written 30-day NRC r.eportsg&nerated Under item .23a be.*oncurenty daredto fotwarded to the de*s!gnated State/Local officials.

GLOSSARY (secions 6.6 and.6.7)

AREORmeans the Annual ,Radiological Environmental Operatng, Report -summarizes the results of the REM P to the NRC.

ARERR meahs.the .Annual Radioactiye: Effluent .R'eleasýe Repo.rt'as. reqUired by 0 C..FR 50.36a(a)(2) -

summarizes the releases ofliquid,"airbome, and solidwastes from th*efacilityand provides.the calculated doses.attributable toathoSe.releases.

Groundwate.ras.used in.the G.PI, means.any subsurf.ace water,.whether in the unsaturated or vadose zone, or in the saturated.zone.of the earth.,

Informalh (.communication)means a communication, tYpically by telephone, between -licensee personnel.

,anrd the. State/Local'officials. Sub.sequent .notification of the NRC"Under 10 CFR 50.72 should be performed consistent with station: policy-OFF-SITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL Page;,16.5ý

Licensed material(from 10 CFR 20,1003) means source material, special nuclear material, or byproduct material received, possessed, used, transferred or:disposed of under a general or specific license issued by the Commission.

ODCM/ODAM mieans.the Offsite Dose Calculation. Manual or Ofrsite Dose Assessment Manual or equivalent document. The licensee's manual required byTechnical Specification.that contains the dose assessment methodology and radiological effluent technical specifications.

REMP means the Radiological Environmental M0nitoring-Program specified by the ODCM/ODAM that.

provides~measurIements of,radiationand of radioactive materials in those exposure pathways and for those radionuclides, which lead to the highest potential radiation exposures of individuals resulting from the station operation.

RETS merans theRadiologicalEffluenhtlTechnical Specifications required to control the release of radioactive. liquids and airborne materials from; the site. Standard radiological effluent technical specifications are found in, NUREG CR-i1301..

Significant.(leakodrspill) means an item or incident thatisof interest to the public orstakeholders. It does not imply or refer to regulatoryterminology nor is it, intended to indicate that the leak or spill has public healthand safetyror environmental pro0tection.consequences.

'Voluntary:asused in the GPI, means notirequired by statuteor iegulation.

Verbse mayý"hshal" , *should**, .wlrand "woul'r.have the meanings commonly:used in the nuclear power industry (seeANSi N42.14-1999). -Shall' denotes a requirement; "should",denotes a recommendation:

"may" denotes permission; OFF-SITE'DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL Page 16.6.

6.8 Pathwav Exemptions from Appendix I Calculations Crystal River Unit 3's (CR-3) effluents limitations are primarily based on 10 CFR 50, Appendix I,which is the standard for assessing whether a power reactor effluents program is ALARA. 10 CFR 50 Appendix I is Implemented-by CR-3's Improved Technical Specifications and the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM)J. Appendix I limits are significantly lower than the health and safety standards of 10CFR20, and lower than the: EPA fuel cycle standard of 40- CFR 190.

To aid licensees inmestablishing methods to demonstrate compliance with effluent technical specification or 0)CM specifications Which are basedon Appendix.], the NRC issued guidance documents in the form of NUREGs andlregulatory guides (e'.g. NUREG-0133 and R.G 1.109 being the primary documents). In establiShing anefflUentsprogram, licensees were required to determine the primary release pathways andl

.recept~rs andto include these in the routine eff!uents-program, Calculations which are-performed to demonstrate compliance with Appendix I derived limits usually use conservative-assumptions which mote, than compensate for leaving Out insignificant poathways.

Regulatory PostionGC of Reulatory Guide 1.109, provides guidance for determining Whether a questionable pathway is significant enough to include in the effluents program (i.e.Whether to apply aoll bf

the oDCMMand. Technical specification limitations and sampling and analysis requirements) for purposeis§of.

demonstrating0compiiancewitih Appendix I derived limits, Position C states that if the;dose contribution-is :10, P%or greater than the&combination of all other pathways then it should be added to. the program. This meansjftat pathways wich are <10% of ODCM path waysineed not be included in Append dixdse calculations. When a pathwy is suspected or will be created an evaluation should beAne6.: If the results.,

show a: significant c0rontribution t off-site exposure: (10% or greater) then this pathwayvshould be accounteid for in AppendixI! callculations.! Iftheýpathway is significant-and will exist for a pro onged pedodit should also be.identified in the ODCM. This does not mean that pathways which do not meetthis 6riteria' shold*be*

ignored or not otherwige evaluated.

If a4pathw6 is not included in Appendix I calculationslit may-still be subject to the 10 CFR,20.'Part 20 andd

'RG'1.109 *donot provideexplicit descriptions Or methods for performing nonm-DCM:pathwayaynaiysis;, But.

part 20 requires that-surveys (evalUations) be: dbne.,Surveys or evaluations need.not-be done-forevery release;*a nie-4ime bounding evaluation can be done to Prvidesreasonable assurance that the proces5 wtil

-not,rsult in more thanma negligible dose..

Releases to fthe Seftting Pondsi Rel ases of tritium ohtaminated waste water to the on-site settling ponds fits the scenado ofa Pathway that

-is-not significant enough to warrant including: in Appendx I dose calculations. CR-3 r6leases about 400 curies trit*umu*r*pyearof, which,< 1% is routed to the settlinig,ponds. The dose due to the *-400:Curies:

tritiumnreleased th*rugh normal pathways is generally a small fraction (on the order of 10%) of the total dose from all radionuclides.: This further diminishes the importance of the dose contribution from tritium released:

.,to the ponAs to a small fraction of 1% !of total dose, a lot less than the 1.0%,criteria of Ppsition-C. Releases" to the settling eponds have:been authorized by the NRC-.


Settling Ponds - History 1979- As a result of a violation FPC committed to making no releases to the ponds.

Reference Inspection Report 79-35.

1981- Installed oily water Separator to meet NPDES requirements.

1983 - Letter to NRC outlining.need to make pond releases-due toahaving t0otake oily water separator offline. Outlined controls including samplingand analysis 1984 -Letter to NRC outlining need to make pond releases;due to havingtotake oily waterseparator offline. Outlined controls including sampling and analysis. Planbw6asspecific about taking 2 liter samples. Not clear:why2 although it may' havebeen commoonpr'ac'te at-the time to take 2 liters, with one liter being a: backup sample.

1986: - Letter to NRC Scope expands scope of pond releases to includeany timerrelease could violate any, NPDES permit parameter. Use same controls as:outlined in 1984 letter. 'NC 0Ks this plan'..

1988, Dose assessment of pond releases shows that a group 'ofreleases result incdose on the: order of le-5 mrem, a very small fraction of the limit OFF-SITE DOSE:CALCULATION MANUAL Page 168.

Power Rx Effluent & Direct Radiation Limits in Unrestricted and Controlled Areas Unrestricted Area (Beyond Site Boundary):

From Appendix I Air Dose: 10 mrad/y gamma 20 mrad/y beta From Nureg-0472 Dose Rate: 500 mrern/y from. Noble-Gases 1500 mrem/y from 61.31., H-3,. and Particulates w/t 12 > 8 days From 10 CF.R.20 2 mrem EDEin. any 1 hr from external sources only Unrestricted Area (Real Receptor):

Doses apply to:a re6a 1r.ceptor location From:Appendix I LiqUid.s:. 3 mrem/y Gases: '1 mre/y. 1*1*31, H-3, and particulates: wi:tjrz> 8 days From 40 CFR 190,(EPA FuelVCycle Standard).

25. mrem to theTB or anyborganiexcept thyrbid 75 rmrem to thyroid These dose'sinijude direct-radiatio'n from, outside storage tanks.,radwastestorageetc:

From 10CFR 20 100 mremiyrTEDE.

Controlled Area:

Dose applies at.real, receptor location*

From 10 CFR.20 100 mrem/y. TEDE (From Effluents &,Outside s*orage/activities).


Summary of Changes Revision 34

1. This revision supports removal and replacement of radiation monitors RM-A1 and RM-A2 with new monitors manufactured by Mirion Technology. "Both the, normal ran ge and the post accident sample monitors are being replaced. Reference EC176363.

2., Page 2, added "A"frequency for annual to support yearly calibration of the new gaseous

effluent monitors pet manufacturer's recommendations.
3. Page 11, table-2-3 changed operating range to normal range. Changed mid range monitor to accident range monitor and removed, high range monitor for items number 2,


4. Page 15 table 2-4 same changes as table 2-3 plusdchanged frequentcy. Ofsurveillance:

'requirements to match manufacturer's recommendations and plant PM program's fo*

items.number.2. and 3.

5. Page: 16 item "#""changed RM-A1 ,operating range to 'nortbal" range..

6., :Page 27table 2-6table notation item "d' reWritten to agree with NUREG1301 verbiage, aswe, no, longer have-"live' iodine: chan nels forRM-AI and RM-A2.

7. Page 40, section2,.14 item "H" changed mid and high range to "accidertI i rang ge.

8, -Page57,Tabe T I, deleted RM-Ai and RM-A2 Io,dine Channel gsetpoint references: as

there ,are no ivie ioine channels with the neW monitors.
9. Page 60, Gaseous Effluent Monitors Setpoint Specification 1.1-:3 Iodine channels for RM-At and ,RM-A2,deleted:verbiage relating to iodine channel setpoints.
10. Pa'ge 70, Prei- Rease Calculation :1.33 for Gaseous Effluent Iodine Monitors, changed title to',Pre-release Calculation for Iodine Evaluationichanged. the introductio'n to discuss
iodine loading on the sample cartridge, item l.D. changed the flow rate from 1 to 2 cfm;

.and correspo'dig cc sec value to match the new monitor,design flow of 2.,sfm, also, changed thedcorresponding total flow through the cartridge.

1. Pa7ge171, sub item "f changed the flows as describedin item #9gabove, changed the calc ul*ted uiin,:the building vents based on the, new-fl*w irfomationr, and! deleted the:

last sentence as therpe is* nonger a live iodine channel on RM-AI and RM-A2.

12.. Pages 72 through,79 changes setpoint methodology: fr gaseous releasesjto a fixed method based onrconservative isotopic mixes and vendor information for the calibration

.slope response ofthe respective monitor.