05000285/LER-1990-024, :on 901026,discovered Failure to Conduct Hourly Firewatch

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:on 901026,discovered Failure to Conduct Hourly Firewatch
Person / Time
Site: Fort Calhoun Omaha Public Power District icon.png
Issue date: 10/26/1990
From: Gates W, Woerner W
LER-90-024, LER-90-24, LIC-90-0808, LIC-90-808, NUDOCS 9011070038
Download: ML20058E129 (4)

LER-1990-024, on 901026,discovered Failure to Conduct Hourly Firewatch
Event date:
Report date:
Reporting criterion: 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(1)
2851990024R00 - NRC Website




Omaha Public Power District 444 South 16th Street Mall Omaha, Nebraska 68102-2247 402/636-2000 October 26, 1990 1.10-90 0808 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Mail Station P1-137 Washington, DC 20555


Docket No. 50-285 Gentlemen:



Licensee Event Report 90-24 for the Fort Calhoun Station Please find attached Licensee Event Report 90 24 dated October 26, 1990. This report is being submitted pursuant to 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(1)(B).

l If you should have any questions, please contact me.

Sincerely i

W. G. Gates Division Ma ager Nuclear Operations WGG/sel c:

R. D. Martin, NRC Regional Administrator, Region IV A. Bournia, NRC Project Manager R, P. Mullikin, NRC Senior Resident Inspector INP0 Records Center l

American Nuclear Insurers 9011070038 901026 DR ADOCK 050 S

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n.i On September 27, 1990 at 2358 hours0.0273 days <br />0.655 hours <br />0.0039 weeks <br />8.97219e-4 months <br /> with Fort Calhoun Station Unit 1 operating at 100% power, the Shift Security Supervisor determined that the required hourly firewatch patrol at door 989-8 was not being performed. This door was

. erroneously copied as door 989-4 onto the Hourly Firewatch Log on Se)tember 16 8 1990 by a different Shift Security Supervisor.

Failure to perform t1e firewatch patrol from September 16 to Soptember 27 was a violation of Technical Specification 2.19(7).

Upon discovery that the required hourly firewatch patrol was not being performed, door 989-8 was immediately restored to the Hourly Firewatch Log.

This event resulted from personnel error. Appropriate disciplinary action has been administered.

Plant staff will implement a computer driven data base to generate the Hourly Firewatch Log. This computerized system should preclude manual transcription errors.

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=c,.,, m..nm The fire barrier penetration seal 13-W-4 located between Fire Areas 6.7 and 13 was declared inoperable on September 7, 1990 following the Fire Barrier Design Basis Walkdown.

This walkdown, conducted in accordance with special fire protection procedures, resulted in a substantial number of fire barriers declared nonfunctional; compensatory measures, including hourly firewatch patrolsofaffectedareas,wererequiredbyTechnicalSpecification2.19(7).

The Fire Protection System Engineer initiated a Fire Protection Impairment Permit (FormFC-1142)forFireArea13requiringanhourlyfirewatchondoor 989-8 as a compensatory measure for inoperable penetration 13-W-4, and door 989-8wasaddedtotheHourlyFirewatchLog(FormFC-1006)atapproximately 1526 hours0.0177 days <br />0.424 hours <br />0.00252 weeks <br />5.80643e-4 months <br /> by the Shift Security Supervisor.

As required by Security Operating Procedure 26, " Security Firewatch Patrols and Fire Door Alarms", a new Hourly Firewatch Log was created at the start of each 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> period by manually transferring the information from the previous day's log.

On September 15, 1990, the listing for door 989-8 was transferred incorrectly as door 989-4 to the Hourly Firewatch Log by the on duty Shift Security Supervisor. An hourly firewatch had already been listed on the log for door 989-4 from September 7, 1990, due to degraded penetration seals located in Room 7 and based on a different Impairment Permit number.

On September 17, 1990, the same Shift Security Supervisor noted that door 989-4 was then listed twice on the Hourly Firewatch Log. He initiated a new log at 0000 hours0 days <br />0 hours <br />0 weeks <br />0 months <br /> on September 18 and deleted the separate listing of door 989-4.

On the night of September 27, 1990,'durin) preparation of the Hourly Firewatch Log for September 28, 1990, a different S11ft Security Supervisor on duty noticed a discrepancy in the listing of Fire Protection Impairment Permit numbers compared to door numbers. After a review of previous logs, he determined at 2358 hours0.0273 days <br />0.655 hours <br />0.0039 weeks <br />8.97219e-4 months <br /> that the hourly firewatch patrol for door 989-8 had been inactive from approximately 2300 hours0.0266 days <br />0.639 hours <br />0.0038 weeks <br />8.7515e-4 months <br /> on September 15, 1990. The Shift Security Supervisor immediately reestablished the hourly firewatch patrol and added the door to the Hourly Firewatch Log. Fort Calhoun Station Unit I was operating at 100% power during this period.

The inadvertent suspension of the hourly firewatch for door 989-8 constituted a violationofTechnicalSpecification2.19(7)andthusisreportablepursuantto 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(1)(B).

The cause of this event was personnel error in transcribing door numbers by the on duty Shift Security Supervisor on September 15.


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ecwmu.nm Door 989-8 opens into Area 13 and is located in Corridor-4, which was listed on the Hourly Firewatch Log and checked every hour during the time of this event.

A check of Corridor-4 is conducted every two hours by plant operators and every four hours by radiation protection personnel. The fire areas affected by this eventwereArea6.7(LetdownHeatExchangerRoom)andArea13(Mechanical PenetrationRoom). The fire detectors in both areas were o)erable for the period of time the firewatch patrol was inactive. Fire com)ustible loading in both areas is minimal and any indications of a fire would likely have been detected in a timely manner.

It can be concluded that the safety significance of this event was minimal.

Immediate corrective actior. taken to 3revent this problem from recurring was implementation of a requirement for $11ft Security Supervisors to conduct a daily validation and review of the Fire Protection Impairment Permits to ensure that the Hourly Firewatch Log is correctly annotated.

In addition, appropriate disciplinary action has been administered to the Shift Security Supervisor who made the error.

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As further corrective action to be taken, System Engineering in conjunction with Security Services will implement a computer driven data base to generate the Hourly Firewatch Log. This computerized system should preclude manual transcription errors, and will be implemented by November 1, 1990.

and 89-18 documented previous failures to perform hourly LERs 88-30, 89-11,due primarily to procedural inadequacies.

firewatch patrols It is concluded that the corrective actions for those LERs were adequate and could not have prevented occurrence of this event.


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