05000285/LER-1987-001, :on 870108,error in Surveillance Test Occurred. Caused by Personnel Error.Responsibility for Inoperable Safeguards Equipment Review Transferred to Shift Supervisor. Operations Staff Made Aware & to Be Retrained
:on 870108,error in Surveillance Test Occurred. Caused by Personnel Error.Responsibility for Inoperable Safeguards Equipment Review Transferred to Shift Supervisor. Operations Staff Made Aware & to Be Retrained
05000285/LER-1999-002, :on 980910,inadvertent Ventilation Isolation Actuation Signal Occurred While Maint Was Being Performed. Caused by Switch Failure.Key Switch for RM-062 Has Been Replaced.With
05000285/LER-1999-002, :on 980910,inadvertent Ventilation Isolation Actuation Signal Occurred While Maint Was Being Performed. Caused by Switch Failure.Key Switch for RM-062 Has Been Replaced.With
LIC-99-0084, Monthly Operating Rept for Aug 1999 for Fort Calhoun Station.With
LIC-99-0096, Monthly Operating Rept for Sept 1999 for Fcs,Unit 1.With
Pass m PACILITY maast til Fort Calhoun Station. Unit #1 o is l o lo l o l2l815 1loFl012 TITLS tes Surveillance Test Performance Error tweeff DATE (St LSR esuesBER te RSPOIIT DATE 171 OTMER P ACILIT188 88 EVOLVED let ha0setM OAY YtAR viAR
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, H Surveillance tests ST-ESF-2, ST-ESF-4 and ST-ESF-13 are used to satisfy the testing requirements of Technical Specification Table 3-2, Items 3a, 5a and 20a. On January 8,1987, the operator in charge of performing ST-ESF-2 inadvertently signed off an " initial condition" step which had been designed to prohibit actual test performance if any inoperable engineered safeguards equipment existed on the 4160 volt safeguards bus opposite the 4160 volt safeguards bus affected by ST-ESF-2.
The test was subsequently performed even though one raw water pump was inoperable due to breaker maintenance.
ST-ESF-2 disabled two additional raw water pumps (inoperable as defined in Technical Specification 2.0.l(2), General Requirements) due to test switch alignment thus precluding emergency start of one diesel generator and actuation of one set of DC powered sequencers.
The surveillance test was concluded and switch alignment returned to normal within two hours, thus not violating the LC0 time limit placed on the unit by Technical Specification 2.0.1, General Requirements, for mandatory unit shutdown.
To prevent possible recurrence, responsibility for 1r. operable safeguards equipment review has been transferred to the Shift Supervisor.
In addition, the entire operations staff will be made aware of this event and retraining conducted where appropriate.
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Fort Calhoun' Station, Unit 1 nln n 19 0' n19 o 151010101218 15 A l7 cloll r.n c o -c, m onm Technical Specification Table 3-2 requires monthly testing of the safety injection actuation initiation circuits (Item 3a) along with n*nthly testing of the containment spray initiation circuits (Item Sa) and recirculation actuation circuitry (Item 20a). At Fort Calhoun Station, these requirements are met by performing surveillance tests ST-ESF-2 Section F.2, ST-ESF-4 Section F.2 and ST-ESF-13 Section F.2, respectively. These surveillance tests are performed together using an installed test system.
ST-ESF-2 involves disabling a set of DC powered sequencers (S2-1) and the diesel generator (02) associated with its 4160 volt safega rds bus (IA4).
This arrangement allows for testing of engineered safeguards initiation and actuation circuits, while preventing the actual loading of safeguards equipment onto the bus.
ST-ESF-2, ST-ESF-4 and ST-ESF-13 were scheduled to be performed on January 8, 1987, with the unit in Mode 1, approximately 100% power.
Prior to actually performing ST-ESF-2, a set of initial conditions must be met and signed off. One initial condition was designed to prevent test performance if any inoperable engineered safeguards components existed on the opposite 4160 volt safeguards bus (bus IA3).
The initial condition was inadvertently signed off due to the belief that one raw water pump was exempted from the "no inoperable safeguards" clause by Technical Specification 2.4(1). However, a raw water pump (AC-10A) associated with safeguards bus lA3 was inoperable due to breaker maintenance.
ST-ESF-2 was subsequently performed which disabled the two raw water pumps (AC-10B and AC-100) associated with 4160 volt bus IA4 and D2.
General Requirements, was applied in this case to determine pump inoperability based upon the fact that all redundant safeguards components were not operable when the emergency power source (D2) for that bus was disabled. Technical Specification 2.4(2) prohibits unit operation in Mode I with 3 (of 4) raw water pumps inoperable.
It should be noted that:
The two raw water pumps (AC-10B and AC-100) were capable of being sequenced onto safeguards bus lA4 in the event of a loss of coolant accident or uncontrolled heat extraction via the AC sequencers.
No challenges to the engineered safeguards system occurred during the surveillance test duration.
The normal power source (161 KV offsite power) for AC-10B and AC-100 remained operable throughout the surveillance test duration.
The total test duration was approximately one hour and 50 minutes, thus the LC0 time limit applied to Technical Specification 2.0.1, General Requirements, was not violated.
To prevent possible recurrence, Fort Calhoun Station has changed the initial condition sign off of ST-ESF-2 to ensure that the Shift Supervisor has responsibility for review.
In addition, the entire operations staff will be made aware of this event and retraining conducted where appropriate, go..
Omaha Public Power District 1623 Hamey Omaha. Nebraska 68102 2247 402/536 4000 February 8, 1987 LIC-87-078 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk Washington, D. C. 20555 Reference: Docket No. 50-285
Licensee Event Report for the Fort Calhoun Station Gentlemen:
Please find attached Licensee Event Report 87-001 dated February 7,1987.
This report is being submitted per requirements of 10 CFR 50.73.
Sincerely, R. L. Andrews Division Manager Nuclear Production RLA/me Attachment cc:
J. E. Gagliardo, Chief, Reactcr Projects Branch, NRC W. A. Paulson, NRC Project Manager P. H. Harrell, NRC Senior Resident Inspector INP0 Records Center American Nuclear Insurers SARC Chairman PRC Chairman, % R. G. Ellis Fort Calhoun File (2)
Licensee Contact Fort Calhoun Station Training, % F. Swihel Y
on 870108,error in Surveillance Test Occurred. Caused by Personnel Error.Responsibility for Inoperable Safeguards Equipment Review Transferred to Shift Supervisor. Operations Staff Made Aware & to Be Retrained
on 870309,during Hot Shutdown,Engineered Safeguards Sys Received High Radiation Signal Causing Automatic Isolation of Ventilation Sys.Cause Undetermined
on 870307,while Performing Main Steam Safety Valve Test,Three Safety Valves Failed to Lift within Plus/ Minus 1% of Nameplate Setpoint.Caused by Normal Drift.Valves Recalibr & Tested
on 870228,discovered That Fire Barrier Penetration Seal Installed W/O Being Assigned Number on Fire Barrier Logs.Cause Not Stated.Seal Loaded & Given Identification Number for Future Insps
on 870303,unplanned Actuation of Ventilation Isolation Actuation Sys Occurred During Calibr of Monitor RM-061.Caused by Loss of Connection Between Alarm & Monitor. Loss of Connection Found & Repaired
on 870327,unplanned Actuation of Channel B Containment Pressure High Signal (Cphs) Occurred.Caused When Instrument Tees Left Capped & Cphs Setpoints Exceeded by Technician.Technicians Instructed
on 870326,incorrect Wiring of Containment post-accident Water Level Transmitter Failed to Give Correct Indication During Surveillance Test.Caused by Technician Error.Procedures Revised
on 870321,unplanned Loss of All Ac Power Occurred.Caused by Personnel Error.Caution Signs Hung on Transmitters & Info Sent to Operations & Electrical Maint Personnel Re Precautions
on 870404,during Refueling Shutdown Condition, All Offsite Ac Power Was Lost.Caused by Worker Inadvertently Pulling Wrong Potential Transformer (PT) Fuses.Pt Fuses Associated W/Transformer Reinstalled
on 870408,discovered Surveillance Tests Not Containing Steps to Verify Stroke Test Requirements of ASME Section Xi,Subsection IWV-3522.b for Valves FW-173 & FW-174. Revs Made to Operating Instructions
on 870428,ventilation Isolation Actuation Sys (Vias) Actuated During Clutch Power Supply Swap.Cause Under Investigation.Pressurizer Pressure Low Signal Relocked & Safety Injection Actuation Signal & Vias Reset
on 870413,partial Actuation of Engineered Safeguards Sys Occurred.Caused by Loss of Power to Instrument Bus A.Power Restored to Instrument Bus a & Components Actuated Returned to Alignment
on 870506,deficiencies in Control Room Ventilation Sys,Including Unfiltered Air Inleakage, Discovered During NRC Insp Re Control Room Habitability Analysis.Repairs Made to Reduce Leakage
on 870507,during Surveillance Test,One of Two Valves Failed to Lift within Setpoint Requirements of Tech Spec.Caused by Drift of Safety Valve Setting Over Operating Cycle.Valves Recalibr
on 870520,closing of Circuit Breaker Caused Voltage Loss on Instrument Bus Resulting in Unblocking Pressurizer Pressure Low Signal Actuation Circuitry.Cause Undetermined.No Corrective Actions Needed
on 870520,partial Actuation of ESF Occurred When Closing of Circuit Breaker Initiated Transient on Bus D Causing Inverter D to Automatically Transfer to Alternate Ac Source.Cause Unknown.Inverters Tested
on 870504 & 05,discovered That Surveillance Test ST-FP-10,scheduled for 861111 Not Performed.Caused by Inadequate Responsibility Assignment.Procedure Change Incorporated Into ST-FP-10
on 870506,Tech Spec 3.7(1d) Found Violated Due to Delay of 1986 Annual Insp of Emergency Diesel Generator D-2.Caused by Util Not Wanting to Restart Unit Concurrent W/ Diesel Overhaul.Generator Tested.Specs Amended
on 870506,Tech Spec 3.7(1d) Re Annual Insp of Diesel Generator Violated.Caused by Erroneous Interpretation of Tech Specs.Amend to Tech Spec 3.7 Revising Annual Insp Surveillance Interval Submitted
on 870527,diesel Driven Fire Pump Improperly Returned to Svc,Resulting in One Fire Pump Being Inoperable in Excess of 7 Days.Caused by Personnel Error.Addl Training Will Be Provided
on 870602,unplanned Actuation of Ventilation Isolation Actuation Signal Occurred.Caused by Monitors Having Lower Shutdown Setpoints than Appropriate for Heatup. Radiation Monitor Setpoints Checked
on 870602,during Reactor Startup Operations Personnel Discovered That Offsite Power Low Signal Still in Bypass at RCS Temp of 530 F.Caused by Inconsistency Between Procedure & Tech Specs
on 870625,inspector Noted That Radiation Monitor Out of Svc in Violation of Tech Specs 2.21.Cause Not Stated.Operating Instruction for RCS Startup Revised to Include Prerequisite That Tech Specs 2.21 Met
on 870813,unplanned Actuation of Ventilation Isolation Actuation Sys Occurred.Caused by Connecting Test Equipment to Radiation Monitor Before Equipment Reset.Addl Step Added to Listed Calibr Procedures
on 870923,diesel Generator 2 Shutdown Due to High Coolant Temp.Caused by Presence of Residue Causing Pilot Valve That Directs Air Flow to Stick.Pilot Valve Inspected & Cleaned & Accumulator Drained
on 870923,diesel Generator 2 Automatically Shutdown Due to High Coolant Temp.Caused by Failure of Radiator Exhaust Damper to Fully Open Due to Residue on Pilot Valve.Valve Inspected & Cleaned
Discusses 871015 Enforcement Conference W/Nrc Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-285/87-21.Violation Re Failure to Issue LER for Unlocked Door.Util Prepared & Submitted LER 87-026 Re Violation,Per 871015 Discussion
on 871008,unplanned Actuation of Containment Isolation Actuation Signal Occurred.Caused by Test Switch Inadvertently Turning to Test Position Prior to Isolation of Channel B.Sys Reset & Test ST-ESF-2 Revised
on 871008,unplanned Actuation of Containment Isolation Actuation Signal Occurred.Caused by Inadvertently Turning Channel Pressurizer Pressure Low Signal Test Switch to Test Position.Surveillance Test Revised
on 871008,discovered That Special Rept on Fire Barrier Operability Re Barrier Separating Fire Areas 41 & 42 Rendered Inoperable on 870319,not Submitted.Caused by Administrative Oversight
on 871101,discovered Containment Emergency Lighting Surveillance Test Not Conducted in 1986.Caused by Overlooking Surveillance Test.Importance of Conducting Tests Reiterated to Station Personnel
on 870706,clarified Water Entered Instrument Air Sys During Surveillance Test of Diesel Generator Room Dry Pipe Sprinkler Sys.Caused by Foreign Matl Preventing Interfacing Check Valves from Closing
on 871111,inadvertent Auxiliary Feedwater Actuation Occurred.Caused by Personnel Error Due to Similarity in Switch Labeling.Labeling Changes & Rev to Procedure ST-FW-3 Will Be Implemented
on 871111 & 25,discovered That Diesel Generator Surveillance Tests Not in Conformance W/Tech Specs.Caused by Procedural Inadequacy.Diesel Generator Surveillance Test Modified
on 871130,leak Rate in Excess of 18,000 Sccm Tech Spec Limit Found.Caused by Position of Valve Being Slightly Past Fully Closed Position.Adjustment of Mechanical Stops for Actuator Corrected