05000285/LER-1988-001, :on 880125,discovered Locked But Improperly Latched Door to Waste Disposal Filtering Room (Very High Radiation Area).Caused by Inadequate Security Check.Changes Made to Radiation Protection Manual

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:on 880125,discovered Locked But Improperly Latched Door to Waste Disposal Filtering Room (Very High Radiation Area).Caused by Inadequate Security Check.Changes Made to Radiation Protection Manual
Person / Time
Site: Fort Calhoun Omaha Public Power District icon.png
Issue date: 02/22/1988
From: Andrews R, Phillips W
LER-88-001, LER-88-1, LIC-88-081, LIC-88-81, NUDOCS 8802290295
Download: ML20149M937 (4)

LER-1988-001, on 880125,discovered Locked But Improperly Latched Door to Waste Disposal Filtering Room (Very High Radiation Area).Caused by Inadequate Security Check.Changes Made to Radiation Protection Manual
Event date:
Report date:
2851988001R00 - NRC Website


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On January 25, 1988, a locked but improperly latched door to the waste disposal filtering room (a Very High Radiation Area) was discovered by the licensee at 1620 (CST). The plant was in Mode 1, at approximately 100 percent power at the time of i

the event.

Radicactive waste technicians entered the waste disposal filtering room, Poom 11, at 1400 (CST) to check for the presence of expended filters.

The spent filters j

were then transferred to another room to be prepared for off-site shipping.

It is i

believed that no unauthorized personnel entered Room 11 prior to the licensee discovering the locked but unlatched door approximately 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> after the room was accessed.

It was further concluded that the door was not properly secured upon completion of the aforementioned work in Room 11 at 1420 (CST).

To prevent future occurrences, changes have been made to the Radiation Protection Manual requiring the shift health physics technician to perform a documented security check ensuring doors to very high radiation areas are properly locked.

Dual verification is required to ensure the door is properly secured after entries.

Padlocks have been added to doors which presently allow entrance into a very high radiation areas.

New latch bolt monitors will be added to the doors to these areas outside containment by September 1, 1988 with alarm annunciation at the security panel available upon completion of modifications to the security computer on December 31, 1988.

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s-Fort Calhoun Station, Unit No, 1 olsloIeIo 121815 81 8 01011 0 10 0l2 0Fl 013 On January 25, 1988, a locked but improperly latched door to the waste disposal filtering room (a Very High Radiation Area) was discovered by the licensee at 1620 (CST).

The plant was in Mode 1, at approximately 100 percent power at the time of the event.

Technical Specification 5.11.2 requires that radiation areas in which the intensity of radiation is greater than 1000 mrem /hr (a very high radiation area) shall meet all requirements of a radiation area as described in Technical Specification 5.11.1.

In addition, locked doors shall be provided to prevent unauthorized entry into these areas and the key maintained under the administrative control of the Shift Supcrvisor on duty and/or the Plant llealth Physicist where lockable enclosures exist.

Radioactive waste technicians entered the waste disposal filter room, Room 11, at 1400 (CST) to check for the presence of expended filters.

Upon finding spent filters, a radiological survey was performed using a teletector from the door entrance.

Radioactive waste technicians at Fort Calhoun meet ANSI 18.1 qualifications for health physics technicians. Upon completing the radiation survey, the technicians exited the room and allowed the door to close.

Assisting Radioactive Waste Technicians then donned face masks and removed the spent filters from Room 11 through an alternate door which connects to Room 11A, the Waste Disposal Deminerializer Room.

The spent filters were bagged and placed in Room llA.

The alternate door used to transfer the spent filters to Room 11A was then properly locked and all radioactive waste personnel left the area at 1420 (CST).

Radioactive waste technicians returned to the area at 1500 (CST) after preparing Room 67, the Hot Shop, for transfer of the spent filters from Rcom llA. After the filter transfer was completed, Room 67 was secured.

A visual inspection by two Radioactive waste technicians was made as they passed Room 11 and the door appeared tc be secured.

At 1620 (CST), a station operator while performing his first round routine checks found the uniatched door.

Immediate notification was made to the Shift Supervisor.

Mmediate actions were taken by the Supervisor of Chemical and Radiation Protection and the Plant Health Physicist directing the shift health physics technician to physically verify all doors to very high radiation areas outside containment were properly secured.

Red H.P. padlocks utilized at Fort Calhoun for which the Plant Health Physicist and the Shift supervisor on duty have complete accountability of the keys, were installed on the Room 11 and several other doors that allow entry into very high radiation areas.

Further investigation revealed the door had been checked locked and secure by the shift health physics technician at 0800 (CST) the same day.

No keys to open the Room 11 door had been signed out prior to the door being opened at 1400 (CST).

When the door was opened at 1400 (CST) the key was required to gain entrance into the room.



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General Employee Training instructs individuals that continuous H.P. coverage is required upon entering a very high radiation area and to obey all signs posted. Based on OPPD's review of this incident, it is believed that no one entered this room during the time period the door was not properly secured.

To prevent future c.ccurrences, changes have been made to the Radiation Protection Manual requiring the shift health physics technician to perform a documented physical check every four hours to ensure all doors to very hich radiation areas are properly locked. After any entry into a very high radiation area has been completed, a qualified health physics technician will check the very high radiation area door and ensure that it is closed, latched, locked and performing its intended barrier function.

Entry into a very high radiation area, with the exception of emergency operator entry, requires continuous coverage by a qualified health physics technician. The second individual may or may not cro.ss the Very High Radiation Area boundary, consistent with the ALARA program, but must maintain communication while ;ne or both remain in the area.

One of the individuals accompanying the health physics technician into the very high radiation area wil.1 also check the very high radiation area door and ensure that it is closed, latched, locked and performing its intended barrier function.

Hasps or equivalent equipment and red H.P. padlocks have been at' ached to present doors which allow entrance into a very high radiation area.

New signs will be posted that "H.P. Technician Must Be Present for Entry," 'Two Persor.ael Required for Entry," and "FC-647 Form Must Be Completed Upon Exit' on doors of i

this nature.

A modification to inttail new latch bolt monitors on entrance dours to very high radiation areas outside.of containment will be completed no later than September 1, 1988. The latch bolt monitor will serve as supervisory circuitry and will provide positive indication of the latching of doors to very high


radiation areas.

This capability will be available by December 31, 1988 upon completion of modifications to the security comnuter. Until the new bolt latch monitors are installed, both the hetith physics technician and the second individual will verify the locked status of the door to a Very High Radiation Area on a Very High Radiation Area Verification Check Form, FC-647.

These changes are in addition to the corrective actions previously provided in LER 87-026.

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Omaha Public Power District 1623 Harney Omaha, Nebraska 68102 402/536 4000 February 22, 1988 LIC-88-0Cl U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 Reference: Docket No. 50-285 Gentlemen:


Licensee Event Report for the Fort Calhoun Station Please find attached Licensee Event Report 88-001 dated February 22, 1988.

This report is being submitted per requirements of 10 CFR 50.73.

Sincerely, A

R. L. Andrews Divisien Manager Nuclear Production RLA/me Attachment c:

R. D. Hartin, NRC Regional Administrator A. Bournia, NRC Project Manager P. H. Harrell, NRC Senior Resident Inspector INP0 Records Center American Nuclear Insurers 45$124 r mploymeN w ith (Qual Opportumty Male Female