PNO-I-97-057, on 970912,outage Exceeding 72 H Planned,Due to Replacement of Seal in 11B Reactor Coolant Pump.Shutdown Scheduled for Seven Days.Nrc Resident Staff Is Following Outage & Monitoring Licensee Activities

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PNO-I-97-057:on 970912,outage Exceeding 72 H Planned,Due to Replacement of Seal in 11B Reactor Coolant Pump.Shutdown Scheduled for Seven Days.Nrc Resident Staff Is Following Outage & Monitoring Licensee Activities
Person / Time
Site: Calvert Cliffs Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 09/12/1997
From: Doerflein L, Stewart S
PNO-I-97-057, PNO-I-97-57, NUDOCS 9709120197
Download: ML20216G066 (1)

September 12, 1997


PRELIMI.MARLNQTJllC& TION OF EVENT OR UNilEALECilREKliCE PHO-I-97-057 Thio preliminary notification cobGtitutes EARLY notice of events'of POSSIBLE cofcty or public interest significance. The information is as initially rcacived without verification or ovaluation, and is basically all that is knowr. by Region I staff in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania on this date.

E291111Y. hinnnsee Emerannov classification Baltimore Gas & Elec Co. Notification of Unusual Event Calvert Cliffs 1 Alert Lunby, Maryland Site Area Emergency D:ckats: 50-317 General Emergency l X Not Applicable l

Subjcott PLANNED OUTAGE EXCEEDING 72 HOURS l On Scptember 12, 1997, BGE plans 20 shutdown Calvert Cliffs Unit 1 to rcplcce a seal in the 11B Reactor Coolant Pump. The seal consists of fcur pressure containing/ reducing stages in a sealed unit. Some minor d:grcdation was identified in 1996 after plant startup following a rofuoling outage. When the degradation continued, BGE initiated seal rcplccement planning. Overall seal leakage has not significantly increased above normal leakage. The shutdown is scheduled to last cpprcximately 7 days. A number of additional plant repairs are also plcnned.

Tha NRC re.11 dent staff is following the outage and monitoring licensee cotivities.

BSE does not intend to issue a press release.

Tho State of Maryland has been notified.

Tho Region I Office of Public Affairs is prepared to respond to media inquiries.

Thlo information is current as of 10:00 a.m., September 12, 1997.

Ccntcct: DOERPLEIN, LAWRENCE STEWART, SCOTT (610)337-5378 (410)586-2626 9709120197 970912 PDR 1&E 1 PNO-1-97-057 PDR ,9 b'N

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