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Notifies NRC of Licensee Identified Surveillance non-compliance Iaw/Pulstar Facility TS 6.7.2(c)
Person / Time
Site: North Carolina State University
Issue date: 08/20/1996
From: Perez P
North Carolina State University, RALEIGH, NC
NUDOCS 9609180054
Download: ML20117M746 (2)



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4 North Carolina State University 3 Nuclear Reactor Prograrn

. Departrnent of Nuclear Engineering Box 7909 Haleigh, NC 27095-7909 (919) 515-2321 20 August 1996 FAX (919) 515-5115 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Conunission Region II Administrator 101 Marietta Street, N.W.

Atlanta, GA 30323


Notification of a licensee identified surveillance non-compliance in accordance with the PULSTAR Facility Technical Specification 6.7.2 (c)

Docket No.: 50-297 License No.: R-120

Dear Sir:

The PULSTAR reactor staff routinely conducts self assessments of reactor facility operations and results of surveillance tests and inspections. A recent review of surveillance records discovered the surveillance frequency specified in the Technical Specification Section 4.4 was not met on three separate occasions in 1994. This information was reported to Region II on 15 August 1996 by telephone.

A self assessment effort performed during the week of 7 August 1996 showed the weekly surveillance of the radiation monitoring system setpoints was not performed on 23 January, 6 March, and 3 April 1994. The interval between setpoint verifications were, at the most, 15 days. This interval exceeds the weekly (a time period not to exceed 10 days) requirement as specified in Technical Specifications Section 4.4. The reason for this non-compliance was management oversight.

The setpoints where verified to be correct on the subsequent surveillance interval for all three reported time periods. In fact, the setpoints on the new radiation monitoring system (instal:ed in 1993) have never drifted to date. As a result, the radiation monitoring system reas operational during the three dates referenced.

The Reactor Health Physicists instituted in July 1994 a tracking system for health physics related surveillances. The tracking system was implemented following an NRC inspection (No. 50-297/94-01). In addition, the health physics related surveillances will be added to the PULSTAR surveillance tracking system.

9609180054 960820 PDR ADOCK 05000297- \


North Carolina State University is a land-grant univer:ity and a constituent institution of The University of North Carolina.

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  • U S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (2) 20 August 1996 Administrator, Region II Should you or your staff have any questions or comments, please do not h:sitate to contact me at (919) 515-4602.

Sincerely yours, dw b.

Pedro B. Perez Associate Director, Nuclear Reactor Program cc: USNRC Document Control Desk Mr. Al Adams, Jr., USNRC Mr. Craig Bassett, USNRC, Region II Dr. Charles W. Mayo, Chairman, Reactor Safety and Audit Committee Dr. David DeMaster, Chairman, Radiation Protection Committee Mr. Gerald D. Wicks, CHP, Reactor Health Physicist j f