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NRC Operator Licensing Exam Rept 50-271/97-09 for Tests Administered on 970902-04.Two of Four Applicants Passed.One SRO Upgrade Applicant Failed Written & Operating Portion of Exam & One SRO Failed Operating Portion of Exam
Person / Time
Site: Vermont Yankee File:NorthStar Vermont Yankee icon.png
Issue date: 11/22/1997
Shared Package
ML20199J392 List:
50-271-97-09, 50-271-97-9, NUDOCS 9711280138
Download: ML20199J402 (92)

See also: IR 05000271/1997009


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Docket No. 50 271


License No. . DPR 28



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Peport No.



Licensee:' Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corporation ~



Facility: Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station



Loc 6 tion: Vernon, Vermont &

Exerninkticat %ri6d:. September 2 4,1997

Examiners: D. Florek, Senior Operations Engineer ,


' S. Dennis, Examiner in Training ,


-Approved by: G. Meyer, Chief, Operations and Human i

Performance Branch

Division of Reactor Safety








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Examination Report 50 271/97 009 (OL)

initial exams were administered to three senior reactor operator (SRO) upgrade applicants

and one SRO instant applicant during the period of September 2-4,1997, at the Vermont

Yankea Nuclear Power Station.


Two of four applicants passed the exam. One SRO upgrade applicant failed the written

and operating portion of the eram and one SRO upgrade applicant failed the operating

portion of the exam. Some weak areas of understanding were identified during the written

exam. Directing shift operations related to execution and use of emergency procedures

was a significant item of weakness noted in the operatita examination.







Reoort Details

05.1 Operator initial Exams

a. Scope

The examiners administered initial exams tn three upgrade SRO applicants and one

SRO instant applicant in accordance with NUREG 1021, " Examiner Standards,"

Interim Revision 8.

b. Observations and Findinas

The results of the initial examinations are summarized below:


PASS / Fall

Written 3/1

Operating 2/2


Overall 2/2

The Vermont Yankee (VY) staff reviewed the written exam and assisted in the

validation of the operating exam during the week of August 18,1997. The VY

staff provided comments on the examination that significantly improved the

examination. The VY staff, who were involved with the examination review, signed

security agreements to ensure that the initial examinations were not compromised.

In a letter, dated September 10,1997 (see Attachment 2), VY provided four

comments on the written examination. The NRC partially accepted one of the four

comments. As a result, one question was deleted from the examination. The NRC

resolution of facility comments is summarized in Attachment 3.

The following summarizes the written examination questions that were missed by at

least three applicants, indicating a weakness in the understanding of the subject.

Ques 8 Knowledge of IRM response to a loss of 24vde power.

Ques 21 Knowledge of the ECCS pump and ADS logic response to a

variable line break.

Ques 50 Ability to determine individuals required to receive a whole

body count based on actual or predicted exposures.

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2  !


Ques 66 Knowledge of the purpose of the heat capacity temperature ,

limit curve ,

Ques 83 Knowledge of the impact on RCIC and EDG LNP start logic due ,

to energization of the alternate / local control panels.

During the operating test, at least two applicants performed poorly in each of the

following areas:

Refueling operations.  :

Providing effective simulator crew briefings to include plans and future




SRO leadership and command in directing the crew when executing the

emergency operating procedures.

The above test items represent areas of weak understanding or performance and are



provided to enable improvement of the training program.

During the development and administration of the examination, the examiners noted

several human f actors items that may have influenced the weak performance in the

simulator The work table for the EOP flowcharts was located at the thigh lovel

rather than at the waist level requiring considerable bending. The EOP flowcharts

were stored flat on a pile which required sorting through a pile of flowcharts to

select the correct flowchart. There was insufficient laydown space for the applicant

to concurrently execute the flowcharts, and some applicants had to stand a >

flowchart on the floor. Several flowcharts were labeled as "OE 3102 Alternate

Level Control Page #/Pages" which required another sort once the correct

flowchart number was identified. Operations management acknowledged the

observations and indicated that an assessment of the control room layout was

planned along with the current in-progress revision of the EOPs and that the above

observations would be considered and evaluated,

c. Conclusions

Two of the applicants passed the examination. Two SRO upgrade applicants failed

the examination. Some weak areas of understanding were identified during the

written exam. Directing shift operations related to execution and use of emergency

procedures was a weakness noted in the simulator scenarios.



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E8 Review of UFSAR Commitments

A recent discovery of a licensee operating their facility in a manner contrary to the

updated final safety analysis report (UFSAR) description highlighted the need for a

special focused review that compares plant practices, procedures, and/or

parameters to the UFSAR descriptions. While performing the examination activities

discussed in this report, the examiners reviewed portions of the UFSAR that related

to the selected examination activities, questions or topic areas.

The examiners identified a difference between the technical specification and

UFSAR regarding the reason for the main steam isolation valve closure

VY UFSAR Rev 12 Section indicated that the MSIV scram

" anticipates a reactor vessellow water level scram."

VY Technical Specification Bases 2,1.G indicated that the MSIV scram

" anticipates the pressure and flux transients which occur during normal or

inadvertent isolation valve closure."

Whereas the differences noted above do not affect plant practices, procedures or

parameters, the differences warrant assessment and clarification in future revisions.

V. Manaaemtat Meetinas

X1 Exit Meeting Summary

At the conclusion of the examination, the examiners discussed their observations of the

examination proceas with members of VY management. VY acknowledged the

observations. The VY personnel present at the exit included the following:

Vermont Yankan

M. Baldm., Assistant Operations Manager

K. Bronson, Operations Manager

S. Brown, Operations Training Supervisor

D. Dalgler, Operations Instructor

L. Doan, Assistant Operations Manager

B. Finn, Training Manager

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. . T






S. Dennis, Operations Engineer ,

D. Florek, Sr. Operations Engineer; .

. . . l

- . G. Meyer, Chief Operator Licensing and Human Performance Branch '


1.. SRO Examination and Answer Key

2.- . Facility Comments on Written Examinations i

3. NRC Resolution of Facility Comments i


4. Simulation Facility Report -
















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SRO Examination and Answer Key


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FACILITY: Vermont Yankee




DATE ADMINISTERED: September 2.1997




Use the answer sheets provided to document your answers. Staple this cover sheet on top of

the answer sheets. Points for each question are indicated in parentheses after the question.

The passing grade requires a final grade of at least 80.00%. Examination papers will be picked

up four (4) hours after the examination starts.




All work done on this examination is my own. I have neither given nor received aid.

Applicant's Signature



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Multiple Choice - (Circle or X your choice). If you change your answer, write your selection in  !

the blank,


MULTIPLE CHOICE. 023 a b c d  ;

' 001 a b c - d _ 024 'a b c d

002 a b c d 025 a b c d

026 a b c d


003 a b c d I


004 a b c l d ___, 027 a b c d  :

.005 a b c d 028 a b c d

003 a b c d __., 029 a b c d

007 a b c d 030 a b c d _ __ f

' 008 ; a b c d ,___ 031 abcd  ;


009 a b c d __ - 032 a b c d ,

010 ' a b c d ___ 033 a b c d


011 a b c d 034 a b c d

012 a b c d - 035 a b c d

013 a - b c d 036 a b c d


014 a - b c - d 037 a b c d ,

015 a b c d ___ 038 a - b c d

016 a b c - d ___ 039 a b c d

017 a b c d 040 a b c d

018 a b c- d 041 abcd

019 a b c d 042 - a b c d

020 a b c d 043 a b c d

. 021 a b - c d 044 a b c d

022 a b . c d 045 a b c d - ,

. _2. .- _. __- _ __ --

._ ._. . _ _ _ _ . _ _ - . _ _ _ _ _ - _ . _ . . _ _ _ _ - . - .

- .. . . ~ . . . .. -_ - - - - .- . .-- -- -

  • - '

. . .


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' A N S W E R- S H li E T


- Multiple Choice (Circle or X your choice)/ if you change your answer, write your selection in


the blank. J



046 a - b c :: d _ . 069 a b c.'. d


047f a - b c d - 070 a b c - d j


071 a bi c d



048 a b : c L d - *

049 a b c ' d 072'.a b' c d-  :

050 a b c : d- 073 a b c - d -

. t

051 afb c.d' 074 a b c d .a


052 a b ; c = d . 075 a b) c d ,.

053 a b c d 076 a b c d

054 : a b c d 077 a b c d _

055 a b c d 078 a b c d

056 a - b - c d 079 a b c d


057 :a b c d 080 a b c d

058 a b c d 081 a b c d

[ 059=a b c d. 082 a b c - d

060 : a b c d 083 - a b c d

061 & b c d- 084 a b c d

062 ~ a b c d 085 a b c d

. 063 a : b - c d 086 a b c d

- 064 a b . c ~ d 087 a b . c d

065 :a b c d 088 a b c d


066 - a - b c d - 089 a b c d

067 a ' b c' d 09^ a b c d

068 a b ' c d


091 abcd



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Page 4



. Multiple Choice : (Circle or X your choice).- if you change your answer, write your selection in the -  :

. blank.-

- 092 a - b c d '-

093 ~ a .- b c d - ,

094. a b c d


095 a b c d '

096 a b' c d

- 097 a - b c d -

098 a; b c d


099 a b c d

100 a b c d . ,

(*"*"**" END OF EXAMINATION """"")




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Page 5


During the administration of this examination the following rules apply:

1. Cheating on the examination means an automatic denial of your application and could

result in more severe penalties.

2. After the examination has been completed, you must sign the statement on the cover

Sheet indicating that the work is your own and you have not received or given assistance

in completing the examination. This must be done after you complete the examination.

3. Restroom trips are to be limited and only one applicant at a time may leave. You must

avoid all contacts with anyone outside the examination room to avoid even the

appearance or possibility of cheating.

4. Use black ink or dark pencil ONLY to facilitate legible reproductions.

5. Print your name in the blank provided in the upper right-hand corner of the examination

cover sheet and each answer sheet.

6. Mark your answers on the answer sheet provided. USE ONLY THE PAPER PROVIDED


7. The point value for each question is indicated in parentheses after the question.

8. If the intent of a question is unclear, ask questions of the examiner only.

9. When turning in your examination, assemble the completed examinction with

examination questions, examination aids and answer sheets. In addition, turn in all scrap


10. Ensure all information you wish to have evaluated as part of your answer is on your

answer sheet. Scrap paper will be disposed of immediately following the examination.

11. To pass the examination, you must achieve a grade of 80.00% or greater.

12. There is a time limit of four (4) hours for completion of the examination.


13. When you are done and have turned in your examination, leave the examination area

(EXAMINER WILL DEFINE THE AREA). If you are found in this area while the

examination is still in progress, your license may be denied or revoked.




QUESTION: 001 (1.00)

The reactor is at 100% power when alarm " PUMP A INMER SEAL LKG

HI/LO" annunciates. Concurrently, it is noted that the "A"

Reactor Recirculation pump No. 2 seal pressure is decreasing

toward zero and both seal cavity temperatures are increasing.

WHICH ONE of the following characterize the indications on the

"A" Reactor Recirculation pump shaft seal assembly?

a. Plugging of the No.1 internal orifice

b. Plugging of the No.2 internal orifice

c. Failure of the No.1 seal

d. Failure of the No.2 seal

GUESTION: 002 (1.00)

The reactor automatically scrams due to low reactor vessel


WHICH ONE of the following describe how the scram pilot solenoids

and back-up scram valves initially respond to the scram? -

a. The scram pilot solenoids deenergize.

The backup scram valves deenergize.

b. The scram pilot solenoids energize.

The backup scram valves energize,

c. The scram pilot solenoids energize.

The backup scram valves deenergize.

d. The scram pilot solenoids deenergize.

The backup scram valves energize.

_-s 4




OUESTION: 003-(1.00)

WHICH ONE of-the following describe the problem that could occur

if no flow exists through this reactor water cleanup filter demins

with the RWCU system in service?

a. Drywell/ Torus differential pressure could decrease due

to decreased RBCCW heat load,

b. A vacuum in the system could be drawn ultimately

resulting in resin entering the vessel on the next

system startup,

c. Non-regenerative heat exchanger outlet temperature will

increase to the isolation setpoint.

d. Water hammer would occur when the RWCU filter demins

are placed in service.

QUESTION: 004 (1.00)

vermont Yankee is at 85% power when a loss of air occurs to the

"A" feedwater reg valve.

WHICH ONE of-the following describe the affect on t al feedwater

flow and level control? Assume reactor power is not changed and

no operator action is taken.

a. Total feedwater flow will remain the same.

Neither feedwater reg valve will respond to feedwater

level control signals,

b. Total feedwater flow will remain the same.

Only the "B" feedwater reg valve will respond to

feedwater level control signals.

c. Total feedwater flow will increase.

Neither feedwater reg valve will respond to feedwater

level control signals.

d. Total feedwater flow will decrease.

Neither feedwater reg valve will respond to feedwater

level control signals.




QUESTION: 005 (1.00)

.The reactor is at 100% power. The "A" Residual Heat Removal

(RHR) pump is in suppression pool cooling when a small break LOCA

causes a high drywell pressure reactor scram.

WHICH ONE of the following describes the response _of the "A" RHR


a. The "A" pump trips and does not automatically restart,

b. The "A" pump trips and restarts 5 seconds later

operating on minimum flow only.

c. The "A" pump continues to run on minimum flow only.

/. . The "A" pump continues to run in the suppression pool

cooling mode.

QUESTION. 006 (1.00)

WHICH ONE of the following correctly describes the normal

alignment of the 125VDC distribution system?

a. DC-1 supplies diesel 1B normal control power.

DC-2 supplies bus DC-3.

b. DC-1 supplies diesel 1B alternate control power.

DC-2 supplies bus DC-3.

c. DC-1 supplies bus DC-3.

DC-2 supplies diesel 1B normal control power.

d. DC-1 supplies bus DC-3.

DC-2 supplies diesel 1B alternate control power.




OUESTIOth 007 (1.00)

Operator logs indicate that the fire pump diesel engine fuel

storage tank contains 140 gallons of fuel.

WHICH ONE of the following actions are required?

.a. Establish a backup fire suppression water system within

24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> and submit a special report as specified in-

T.S. 6.7.C.2.

b. Restore the component to_ operable status within 7 days

or submit a report within the next 30 days to the

Commission as specified in T.S. 6.7.C.2.

c. Ensure the fuel. oil storage tank contains at least 150

gallons of fuel within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. No further action is


d. Establish a continuous fire watch within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> and

ensure the fuel oil storage tank contains at least 150

gallons of fuel within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

QUESTIOth 008 (1.00)

Vermont Yankee is performing a plant startup. Intermediate Range

Monitors (IRMs) are all reading on range 5 or 6.

NHICH ONE of the following describe how a loss of the -24VDC

supply to the +/- 24 VDC system would affect the operation of the


a. IRM indicated reactor power would be higher than actual


b. IRM indicated reactor power would be lower than actual


c. IRMs would continue to indicate properly as power is


d. -IRM indicators would remain as is, no change would be

observed as power is increased.




QUESTION: 009 (1.00)

WHICH ONE of the following conditions will generate an insert

block in the Rod Worth Minimizer system?

a. When a withdraw block occurs due to a withdraw error on

the selected control rod and total steam and feed flow

are below 20%.

b. When the third insert error occurs and total steam and

feed flow indicate 28%.

c. When the low power setpoint is reached while inserting

control rods in the currently latched sequence,

d. When a withdraw block occurs due to a withdraw error

and any control rod other than the withdraw error rod

is selected.

QUESTION: 010 (1.00)

Given the following conditions:


Reactor power increase is in progress from 30%


Control rod 42-19 is selected for withdrawal


An LPRM string next to the selected control rod is


WHICH CNE of the following describes the response of the Rod

Block Monitor?

a. A rod block will be initiated due to a down scale trip.

b. The " push to setup" light will be illuminated.

c. A rod block will initiated due to an inop trip.

d. The rod block monitor will be bypassed.






QUESTION: 011 (1.00)

A plant transient occurs resulting in a successful reactor scram-

and appropriate PCIS isolations. The following conditions exist:


Torus sprays are in service

- Torus venting using CAD is in progress


Drywell oressure is 15 psig and steady


Drywell temperature is 250 degrees F. and increasing


Torus pressure is 14 psig and steady

- Torus-level is 11 feet

- Drywell and Torus H2 are both at 0.4%

WHICH ONE of the following actions is correct?

- - -

- "


, - - ~

a. Initiate d _-_.rywell' sprays ___


b. Execute section RPV-ED

c. Restart drywell cooling

d. Secure venting the torus via. CAD





The "A" diesel. generator is paralleled to the grid for-the

monthly readiness demonstration and has been at full load,

2700KW, for 15 minutes.

WHICH ONE of the following would be correct if a loss of offsite

powered occurred at this time.

a. The diesel output breaker opens and recloses after

breaker 3T1 trips open. The-diesel remains running,

b. The diesel output breaker remains closed and breaker

3T1 trips open. The diesel remains running.

_ _ _ . _

c. The diEserontydt~ breaker openo and the diesel trips.

After breaker 3T1 trips open, the diesel auto starts,

d. The diesel output breaker opens and the diesel remains

running. After breaker 3T1 trips open, the diesel

output breaker must be manually closed.

QUESTION: 013 (1.00)

WHICH ONE of the following will cause the full core display red

DRIFT ligr.c to illuminate?

a. A control rod closing both an odd and even numbered

reed switch simultaneously with a rod motion signal


b. A control rod closing both an odd and even numbered

reed switch simultaneously with no rod motion signal


c. A control rod closing only an odd numbered reed switch

with no rod motion signal present.

d. A control rod closing only an odd numbered reed switch

with a rod motion signal present.




QUESTION: 014 (1.00)

Prior to placing RHR in shutdown cooling, a flush from the


condensate transfer system to-the reactor vessel is performed.

WHICH ONE of the following describe the purpose of the flush?


a. To preheat the shutdown cooling system piping and

prevent injection of suppression pool water into the


b. To displace / collapse-the steam / vapor voids in the

piping highpoints.

_ _.. ._ _ _ _ _ _


c. To obtain.a representative analyze for RHR

service water system leakage into the RHR system.

d. To preheat the shutdown cooling piping downstream of

the RHR pump discharge valve.

QUESTION: 015 (1.00)

The refueling platform is over the fuel pool.

WHICH ONE of the following, by itself, will prevent the refueling

platform moving over the vessel,

a. Mode switch in startup

b. Mode switch in refuel

c. One control rod not full in

d, Any refueling hoist loaded



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. QUESTIONi 016 71.00)-


- WHICH ONE:of thetfollowing describesTh_ow a fully? inserted-TIP I

will withdraw from--theicore'when a GroupJII-primary! containment-


- isolation _ signalL occurs?- ,

a.- 1 Probe withdraws at-slow speed-until within:2 feet-.of-

the~ shield'then shifts to-fast.. speed until completely-.  ;


' b ~. Probe. withdraws at slow speed until completely




c. Probe withdraws at. fast speed?until within 2 feet of~

_ _ _thenshield then shifts to slow speid until completelyf_


withdrawn. 7i


.d. Probe' withdraws at fast speed until completely


QUESTIONi 017. (1.00)

. A reactor scram occurs and.the scram-inlet valve for one control'

rod fails'to open.

WHICH ONE of-the following describe the effeet of this-fallure?-

a. The control rod fails to scram and its white scram

light on the full core display does not illuminate.


b. ' The control rod fails to-scram and its white scram

. light on the: full core display illuminates.



c. The control $Cocrams


and its white scram light on-the

full core display-does'not_ illuminate.

d. The control' rod scrams and cits . white scram light.- on. the

full' core display. illuminates.





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QUESTION: 018 (1,00)

WHICH ONE of the following describe how a displaced jet pump

-riser will affect core plate delta p and recirculation flow in

the loop containing the displaced jet pump riser?

a. Sudden decrease in core plate delta p.

Sudden increase in recirc drive flow,

b. Sudden decrease in-core plate delta p.

Sudden decrease in recire drive flow,

c. Sudden increase in core plate delta p.

Sudden increase in recire drive flow.

~ - --

dnStidden~ increase in ~cbrd~ plate delt~a~ p.

Sudden decrease in recire drive flow.

QUESTION: 019 (1,00)

The plant is at 100% power. While test closing an inboard MSIV, a

loss of vital AC power occurs.

WHICH ONE of the following describe the response of the MSIVs?

a. The selected MSIV will continue to test close. All

other inboard MSIVs remain open.

b. The selected MSIV will continue to test close. All

other inboard MSIVs will close.

c. The selected MSIV will reopen. All other inboard tiSIVs

remain open.

d. All inboard MSIVs fast close.






QUESTION: 020 (1.00)

The following plant conditions exist:

- Reactor power at~90%

- Power increase in progress with recirc pumps

WHICH ONE of the following describe how the loss of 120 Volts AC

to the r? circ mg set voltage regulator will affect recirc pump ~

speed, if at all, and why?

a. speed decreases due to a decrease in exciter field




b. speed _ decreases.due_to_a. decrease _in_ exciter output


c. speed decreases due to a decrease in generator output


d. no affect because 120 Volts AC is only used during mg

set startup sequence.

QUESTION: 021 (1.00)

The plant is at 100% reactor pouer. A variable leg break occurs-

on ECCS reactor vessel level instruments LT-2-3-72A and


WHICH ONE of the following describe how the ECCS pumps and ADS

low-low vessel level logic relays will respond? Assume no

operator action is taken.

a. All ECCS pumps start.

ADS low-low vessel level logic relays energize,

b. All ECCS pumps start.

ADS is not affected.

c. No ECCS pumps start.

ADS low-low vessel level logic relays energize.

d. No ECCS pumps start.

ADS is not affected.




- QUESTION:- 022 (1.00)-

RCIC auto initiated and was injecting at rated flow into the

reactor vessel. Subsequently, the RCIC minimum flow valve, RCIC-

27, inadvertently opened and went full open.

WHICH ONE_of.the following describe the change in RCIC speed and

flow after the transient has stabilized?

a. Speed increases to attempt to maintain the 400 gpm

flow setpoint.

h. Speed decreases to attempt to maintain the 400 apm

flow setpoint.


-_ -

c. Speed remains the same and flow decreases.

d. Speed remnins the same and flow increases.

QUESTION: 023 (1.00)

A reactor starcup is in progress. The following data for SRM A

was obtained with no control rod motion.

TIME SRM A (counts per second)

10:10 750

10:11 960

10:12 1350

10:13 1920

10:14 2700

10:15 3840

The reactor was declared critical at 10:11.

WHICH ONE of the following time period bands contain the

calculated reactor period?

a. 85-90 seconds

b. 170-175 seconds

c. 260-265 seconds

d. 345-350 seconds




OUESTION: 024 (1.00)

When initiating SLC, the control switch on CRP 9-5 was taken to

"SYS 1" and the 'A" SLC pump started as expected. The control

switch was then taken to "SYS 2" but the "B" pump failed to start

due to a motor thermal overload failure.

WHICH ONE of the following describes the response of the squib

valves and RWCU-system isolation valves?

a. Only the "A' squib valve fired.

The inboard and outboard RWCU isolation valves closed,

b. Only the "A' squib valv( fired.

_ . _ _ _

Gnly the inboard RMCU isolation valve closed,

c. Both squib valves fired.

Only the inboard RWCU isolation valve closed,

d. Both squib valves fired.

The inboard and outboard RWCU isolation valves closed.

QUESTION: 025 (1.00)

Due to degraded plant conditions HPCI initiated and was injecting

to the-reactor vessel. While injecting, HPCI isolated on low

steam supply pressure due to a spurious trip signal from the

steam supply pressure transmitter. I&C was immediately notified

to reset the trip.

WHICH ONE of the following describe the action (s), if any, that

must be taken to allow HPCI to restart? Assume reactor pressure

is 900 psig, the trip is reset, and the initiation signal is

still present,

a. None,

b. Only depress the isolation reset pushbutton on CRP 9-3.

c. Only depress the auto initiation reset pushbutton on

CRP 9-3.

d. Depress the isolation reset followed by the auto

initiation reset pushbuttons on CRP 9-3.


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LOUESTlON:(026 (1.00) -

Given'thelfollowing~. conditions::


-Drywell-pressure 3,0 psig_.

- Reactor water level 80 inches

, 7

Both parameters have been at those values for 3.5 minutes. -You?

then place all the low pressure ECCS pumps in pullHto_-lock.


WHICH ONE of the-following describes ADS response?.-



a.- l ADS-blowdown' continues.

7 .~ AD57 blowdown-is terminated. ~

c. ' ADS-blowdown is terminated but will' resume when the 120

-second timer' times out.

d .~ / ADS blowdown-is terminated but-will resume when the 8

minute timer-times,out.


~ QUESTION: .'027 (1.00)-



The following: plant conditions exist:-

-- reactor--power is at 55%

- "A" and "B" reactor feedwater pumps are in service-

- "C" reactor feedwater pump is in-AUTO

WHICH ONE of the following describe the status of the reactor l

feedwater.9 umps if a loss of. power occurs to 4-KV Bus.#2? Assume _  !

no operator action-and_feedpump suction pressure is > 150 psig. _


a. "A" running, -

"B"'not running, "C"cnot running

b. "A":not_ running,="B" not running,'"C" running

c. "A" not running,

- "B" running, "C" running

.-d.-- "A" running,- "B" running, "C":not running






-.- . ., . . . - , . . . . ~ . . . .

- - -.- -

. n. - - . ,

b -' (h.'









'. a a I

w , :20'

'OUESTIONj . 028 (1' 00)






L Both . reactor; building railroarc doorsi are- open.

p WHICH ONE 'of the ;following would constitute- a violation of tecliL 5






La.- -Insequence' critical? testing.-.- -



b. ..


New fuelsbeing inspected and< channeled.- -


. ' _ . LPPM atring being--' replaced..

Reactor coolant temperature of:195/ degrees F. with the,


'd. i ,

' main-steam line bypasses and drains ~open'to the ,!



c o n d e n s e r . .. -






, 1 QUESTION .029 ,(1.00)-

WHICH10NE of'the following-describes the power supplies to the



- APRMs-immediately following.a station' blackout (no offsite AC,-no

. _

-EDGs available)?

-a. Channels "A", "

C", and "E" are'. battery powered-

Channels "B", "

D", and "F" lost all power

E b. Channels "A", "

C", and "E" lost all power

Channels "B", " D", and "F" are battery powered

c. Channels "A", "

C", and "E" are battery powered

Channels "B", " D",-and "F" are battery powered .



' d' .-

~ Channels "A", " C", and "E" lost-all power ,

Channels'"B", " D", and "F" lost all power-






.-e 4  % 9-- g ,c p s:r w t- 7 -W-- p ,-y1g---ggy gg-.-.s.e a:.ew-a p-w-g---int-+ y,, y -

y-w-v er1ee--v,- orm---sw w e 1--




QUESTION: .030 (1.00)


The reactor is at 90% power. . The BOP operator inadvertently

-takes the control switch for the bypass valve opening jack to

RAISE and holds it until the raise limit is reached.

WHICH ONE of the following describe the turbine control and

bypass-valve response?

a. Control valves throttle close to raise reactor

pressure, and bypass valves remain closed,

b. Control valves open to the Speed / Load changer setpoint

and then che bypass valves start to open.

c. Bypass valves open and-the control valves throttle

closed to maintain reactor pressure,

d. Control valves throttle open to lower reactor pressure,

and bypass valves remain closed.

QUESTION: 031 (1.00)

WHICH ONE cf the following describe the operational concern if a:

SRV bellows leakage alarm is received?

a. SRV may not automatically open at the proper setpoint

on high reactor pressure,

b. False indications of an SRV open on the acoustic


c. SRV will open if bellows pressure drops below

10 psig.

d. Leakage directly into the torus air space if the SRV



, ., .. . .- . . . ~ . - ~ - . . . . . - .. .- ..-.. - .

es -



< ,


.: .



< 22 -



- . QUESTIONiz 032 = (1.00):

-:following1 plant; conditions-exist . -



- .- ~ Reactor /startup-is in progrees




Reactor;' power-is 10% '



~ .


_.. .



" '


'"B" StandbyjGas: Treatment syetem,is;inop due'to n.

sfailed damper and the LCO wa9_ entered 16 hour1.851852e-4 days <br />0.00444 hours <br />2.645503e-5 weeks <br />6.088e-6 months <br />s-ago. -

Repair. time:-isTexpected in d-hours.

The;"A"iEDGl capability.-test was completed at the endlof;th's- d

previous!: shift. As you review the_ paperwork you determine that

theJEDG must be--deplared inoperable due to unsatisfactory


acceptance-criteria.- ,


WHICH'ONE of: the following actions-are required'per: technical

' '


i specificatiens?!

a. The-reactor'must be in Hot Shutdown within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

- b. -Startup may continue provided-the "A"'EDG is operable + -

within the following 7 days. >

c. :The reactor must'be:in cold Shutdown within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

d. :The reactor must be'in-cold Shutdown within 36 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br />..






.4,= w -_ _ . . ,e_. ,

6 :




QUESTION: 033 (1.00)

The following plant conditions exist at 1300 on 9/2/97


A LOCA and a_-loss of normal power (LNP) have occurred


"A" EDG failed to start


Drywell pressure is 3 psig and rising


Reactor pressure is 350 psig and decreasing

Two miwites later, BUS #4 is energized from the Vernon Tie.


Drywell pressure is 3.5 psig and rising


Reactor pressure is 250 psig and decreasing

WiiICH ONE of the following describe the "A" core _ spray pump and-

injection valve response when BUS #4 is reenergized?

a. pump starts immediately

injection valve opens immediately

b. pump starts immediately

injection valve opens in 10 seconds

c. pump starts in 10 seconds

injection valve opens immediately-

d. pump starts in 10 seconds

injection valve opens in 10 seconds






QUESTION: 034 (1.00)

WHICH ONE of the following conditions describes a' situation in

which drywell to suppression chamber delta p would exceed a

limiting condition for operation? Assume reactor power is/was

90% unless otherwise stated.

a. At 0200 on 9/2/97 delta p was reduced to < 1.7 psi

for operability testing of the HPCI

system pump.

At 0500 on 9/2/97 delta p was restored to > 1.7 pai.

b. At 1700 on 8/11/97 delta p was reduced to <1.7 psi in

anticipation of commencing a cold

shutdown at 0600 on 8/12/97. I

c. At 0700 on 8/27/97 operating temperature and pressure

were reached during a startup.

At 0500 on 8/28/97 delta p was >1.7 psi,

d. At 0300 on 8/5/97 delta p was reduced to < 1.7 psi

for testing of the inboard RCIC

steam isolation valve.

At 04GO.on 8/5/97 delta p was restored to > 1.7 psi.

QUESTION: 035 (1.00)

The plant is operating at 100% reactor power and all equipment is

in its normal alignment. A loss of voltage occurs on the

Instrument AC Bus.

WHICH ONE of the following actions will occur?

a. PCIS Group 1 inboard logic will be deenergized and the

MSIVs will close.

b. PCIS Group 2 outboard logic will be deenergized causing

valves LRW-83 and LRW-95 to close.

c. PCIS Group 3 inboard logic will be deenergized causing

the "B" SBGT train to start.

d. PCIS Group 4 outboard logic will be deenergized but no

actions will occur.

- - -. _. - . . _ . . . _ _ . _ _ . . _ _ . .



.c .

4e.L rJ

25'- =



x __

OUESTION: 036-(1,00)1



> Given;theifollowing conditions:. l ,

A: breaker on!4KV. Bus 311st-closed bntithe:Lred; supervisory ;. ~


1ight iscNOT illuminated.  ;


The' red ~ supervisory:lampjis,NOT.l burned out.-

. WHICH ONE of the following-describe:the effect on the breaker?


a.: The breaker.-:will only. trip under fault conditions,

b.' LThe-breaker-will not trip under fault-conditions.

-TherDC control' power was swappedito alternate.




-d. ?The trip _ circuit energized,xbut the breaker remained'

closed. . ,


OUESTION: 037 (1.00)

.A large. break LOCA has occurred at 1200. When attempting to

throttle.the LPCI injection flow through LPCI LOOP INJECTION

  • valve-.RHR-27A'immediately following the LPCI initiation signal,


the valve did not move.


-WHICH ONE of the-following-describes the earliest time and

additional conditions that must be satisfied to allow valve

movement in the closed direction?

a. At 1201 place the UPS FDR BLOCK keylock switch in


b. .

At 1205 place.the-UPS FDR BLOCK keylock switch in


" BLOCK" ' ,

.c.  :- At 1201Lverify the-UPS FDR~ BLOCK keylock switch is-in


2d. -At 1205~ verify the UPS FDR BLOCK.keylock switch is in






-- . - . _ _ . . _ -- - . _ . , . . _ . _

.. , , . ...

. . . . -.._ .. .._. ._ __ _ _ . _ _ _. _. __ . - . _ _.

, .3 , _




- '

.. .

. _

. >

. ..

, 26_

, c QUESTION: 1038 71.00).

, -

iIrradiatedi. fuel is;in-the" reactor vesseltand*the?reabtoriisiin


- ~

Lcold shutdown ~. ,

WHICH ONE of the following describes the-conditions,;rifJany, whenL  :


Lall' core-'and containment ec,oling' subsystems may-be1 inoperable?-

a. - There are no. conditions under'which al1~: core and

containment cooling systems may-be inoperable.

b. JAll= core and containment-cooling systems;may be .l '

'in' operable:as long as no work is permitted-which has_


the potential for draining the reactor; vessel. ,

=c.- LAll-core and containment cooling systems may.1be- '

inoperable as long as-all control-rods are fully

-inserted and electrically disabled.

d. All core and containment cooling systems

inoperable if the decay heat production is calculated ,

to be less than the conductive-heat-dissipation rate.


QUESTION:- 039 (1,00)

l: The:EDGrisioperating in parallel with another-source when an EDG* '

overspeed trip occurs.

4 . .

.WHICH:ONE.of the following correctly describes the relay that


will initially.cause the EDG output breaker to open?



a '. Bhutdown relay

.b. Reverse power relay

'c.- -Generator phase. differential

( .d . Loss of field; relay


c.- .2



, ,, - - 6 , y .c ,4s-... - - w-m w -

a r-', - - - -= - = * r*6---

, . . . .-. ., . . , . . . . . - , . .- -, . - - ~ - - . . . .

< .+






27 ~ _



- - QUESTION: 1040i(1.00):

-WHICH ONElof the following. describes an APRM GAF of-1.02-





-a. The - APRM channel .is indicating' a higher percent, power

than' core. thermal power. _

b.- The APRM' channel is-indicatingea higher percent power


'than;the= sum =of'itsKLPRM inputs..

c.; The APRM, channel is--indicating a lower percent ~ power :r

than core thermal power.  ;

d. The APRM channel is. indicating a lower percent power

than the sum of;its LPRM inputs.- ,


OUESTION: 041-(1.00)

While the reactor is at-power and the drywell is being vented:

through SBGT,-the operating reactor building exhaust fan trips- '

and the backup fails to start.

WHICH-ONE of the-following describes the response of reactor  :


building.-delta p and containment venting? -

a. reactor building delta p will. increase and
  1. drywell venting will isolate

b. reactor building delta p will increase and drywell

venting will-not isolate

c. reactor building delta p will decrease and drywell

venting will isolate

d. reactor building' delta p will decrease and drywell

venting will not isolate




_..l- _,_m .L,.. . . , , . - - . ,. , . - , , -




OUESTION: 042 (1.00)

A control room trend recorder for a parameter that is required to

be continuously monitored has become inoperable.

WHICH_ONE of the following describes operator actions in response

to the inoperable trend recorder?

a. Attach a yellow sticker to the recorder.

Log the parameter every 15 minutes,

b. Attach a yellow sticker to the reccrder.

Log the parameter every 60 minutes,

cg. Attach a caution tag to the recorder.

Log the parameter every 15 minutes.

Af. Allaen a caution tag to the recorder.


LGQ the perua.0Las 6V4sy 60 F.inutc;.

QUESTION: 043 (1.00)

When taking actions in the EOP's, WHICH ONE of the following,. at

all times, requires reference to operating procedures before,

during, or after its performance?

a. resetting an EDG lockout

b. placing torus cooling in service

c. resetting main generator lockouts

d. operating the main turbine bypass jack




OUESTION: 044 (1.00)

A valve lineup verification requires access to an area with dose

ratas of 100 mrem /hr.

WHAT is the_ maximum time permitted by AP0155 * Current System

Valve and Breaker Lineup and Identification," to perform the

verification without reliance on transferring data from the

previous lineup in the current system lineup book?

a. 6 minutes

L. 12 niiiiutes

c. 20 minutes


d. 30 minutes

QUESTION: 045 (1 00)

WHICH ONE of the following individuals is responsible for

determining that pump operability requirements are met when the

determination is based on test data obtained to satisfy IST -


a. Operations Engineering Analyst

b. Operations / Maintenance personnel performing the test

c. Senior Operations Engineer

d. -shift Engineer

._ . _ _ - . .._.._.-._.s. , . . _ . _ _ . - . . _- - . _ . ._ . .- _ . _

_ ,.- * 4 P


- .



.-- .


- .

. ,

A  ;-30; ,-i


. QUESTION:- v46 ;(1.00);



[Given[the;follbwing" conditions::

-Stacknflowlis'5000Tscfm.. =-

-- The reactor.~scrammedi10_ hours ago.-

. .;

- Stack high-range isireading:20,0001mr/hr;;  ;

-. . The windi direction is ' fron. -190 degrees. <

- 1- -The wind; speed-is 5: mph'.--






WHICH ONE-of'the following bands contains the: predicted dosi rate

'et::theEsite boutidery?




_ _

a, 5-to110"mr/hr ,


-#-* b. }10(to 50 mr/hr I

r- c. Si,0-to i:0 r.r/hr  ?

-d. >100 to'500 mr/hr-





~ QUESTION: 047 (1.00)


- '

- A1 job?to1be = performed while the plant is shutdown requires a Hot . -


Work-Control Permit.t _-The job is expected to be complete over two



.WHICH'ONE of the following describes the maximum time limit tht

a=.. Hot Work Control ~ Permit can--be. issued and active for this job?


a. for-duration of the job

b. -24 hours '

E c. .'two--operating shifts-

d. one-operating = shift






-_. , - _. . . , , . _ _ _ . . _ , ,_- ,

- ._. ._. . _ __ __ _ _ _ _ . _ _ - . . ._ ._




QUESTION: 048 (1.00)

A White Tag from a valve has been cleared and its present

position is closed. The governing procedure appendix requires

the valve to be open.

WHICH ONE of the follcwing conditions, if any, permit the valve

to be in the closed position?

a. None,

b. If its current position agrees with a tagging order to

be hung on the r. xt shif t.


c. If the current position is documented in the control

room log.

d. If the current condition is documented in the lineup

deviation book.

QUESTION: 049 (1.00)

WHICH ONE of the following approaches to performing a job should

be used based on ALARA considerations?

a. One individual performing the job in a 60 Mrem /hr field

for 60 minutes.

b. One individual installing temporary shielding in a

60 Mrem /hr field for 30 minutes and then performing the

job in a 6 Mrem /hr field for 60 mirutes.

c. Two individuals performi.g the job in a 60 Mrem /hr

field for 35 minutes. ,

-d. Two individuals installing temporary shielding in a

60 Mrem /hr field for 15 minutes and then these

indiv33uals performing the job in a 6 Mram/hr field for

35 minuces.

. .-. .

-. .- . ._ -. ._ .

._. . _ . - _-



OUESTICRh 050 (1.00)

WHICH ONE of the following individuals is required to recalve a

whole body count based on the VY Internal Exposure Monitoring


a. A rad worker receives 4 mrem / day CEDE for 4 consecutive


5. A rad worker receives 1 mrem / day CEDE for 30

consecutive days.

c. A declared pregnant woman is predicted to receive 50

mrem TEDE for the duration of her pregnancy.

d. A rad worker is predicted to receive an intake of 3 DAC

hours during a refueling outage.

QUESTICRh 051 (1.00)

An individual performing a continuous fire watch due to hot work

in the area requires a 15 minute break.

WHICH ONE of the following describes fire watch coverage during

the break?

a. Notify the roving fire watch patrol to pass by the area

at least once during the 15 minutes.

b. A formal relisf with another qualified fire watch must

be performed prior to the break,

c. Any individual performing work in the area can support

the fire watch requirements during the 15 minutes,

d. The fire watch can be suspended for up to 15 minutes if

hot work in the area is also suspended.


-_ . .. .-




QUESTION: 052 (1.00)-

As the refuel floor eperator, you are removing a fuel channel.

The channel fastener has been removed and you are d.n the process

of removing the channel. While lowering the prep machine, the

channel holder tool indicator is indicating a red color.

WilICH ONE of the following describes the significance of the red

color on the indicator?

a. Excessive breakaway load has been reached,

b. Excessive peak load is being approached.

c. The channel is moving freely and easily,

d. Separation of the channel and fuel assembly has


QUESTION: 053 (1.00)

WHICH ONE of the following describen the maximum amount of

radioactive material that may be stored in an outside undiked

tank and when a representative sample of the tank's contents must

be analyzed after the material is added?

a. 1-0 curies and i day

b. 1.0 curies and 1 week

c. 10 curies and 1 day

d. 10 curies and 1 week

___ , . _ - - --

. _

- _



OUESTIC N: 054 (1.00)


WHICH ONE of the following is correct regarding the Minimum Zero-

Injection RPV Water Level?


a. Precludes clad temperature in the uncovered portion of

the core from exceeding 1800 degrees F. without


b. Precludes clad temperature in the uncovered portion of

the core from exceeding 1500 degrees F. without


c. Precludes clad temperature in the uncovered portion of

the core from exceeding 1800 degrees F. with injection.

d. Precludes clad temperature in the uncovered portion of

the core from exceeding 1500 degrees F. with injection.

QUESTIC N: 055 (1.00)

An Unusual Event (UE) has been declared which was not immediately


When the UE conditions no longer exist, WHICH ONE.of the

following is the lowest level emergency plan position-that can

authorize termination of the UE?

a. Shift Supervisor / Plant Emergency Director

b. TSC Coordinator

c. OSC Coordinator

d. Site Recovery Manager

, -

- --

- _ _ . . _ __ _






OUESTION: 056 (1.00)

A minor change to a previously approved minor modificati mn (MM)

is required.

WHICH ONE of the following describe approvals required and the '

, need for a safety evaluation?

a. Safety evaluation is not required.

Requires the approval of only the shift supervisor.

b. Perform a safety evaluation. [

Requires the approval of only the shift supervisor.

c. Safety evaluation is not required.  :

Requires the approval of the shift supervisor and

implementing department head.

d. Perform a safety evaluation.

= Requires the approval of the shift supervisor and

implementing department head.

QUESTION: 057 (1.00)

During refueling, primary containment is to be purged through the


WHICH ONE of the following describe the tech spec sampling


a. No grab sample is required.

b. A grab sample is required prior to purging.

c. A grab sample is required during purging,

d. A grab sample is required prior to and during purging,


.-s, ,. - -.. .

- - - . - - _ _




OUESTION: 058 (1.00)

.The plant is at 65% power when a loss of stator water cooling


WHICH ONE of the following describes the automatic response of

reactor power and the turbine bypass valves? Assume no operator

actions are taken.

a. Reactor power increases.

Bypass valves open.

b h. Reactor power increases.

Bypass valves remain closed.

ch. Reactor power remains constant.

Bypass valves remain closed.

Jh. Reactor power remains constant.

Bypass valves open.

QUESTION: 059 (1.00)


The plant is operating at 100% reactor power when the "A" reactor

recire pump trips. The operator closes the "4" recirc pump

discharge valve.

Ilow is core flow determined?

a. Directly from Loop "B" flow indication on CRP 9-4.

b. By subtracting Loop "A" flow on CRP 9-4 from Total Core

flow on CRP 9-5.

c. By adding Loop "A" flow on CRP 9-4 and Total Core flow

on CRP 9-5.

d. Directly from Total Core Flow recorder on CRP 9-5.

- .- - - _ . - ,- _





OVESTION: 060 (1,00)

The plant is operating at 28% reactor power, all systems

operable, when a loss of voltage occurs on 4KV buses #1,2,3 and

4. The reactor scrams.

WH10H ONE of the following caused the reactor scram?

a. High reactor pressure

b. Turbine control valve fast closure

Low RPV water level

d. Loss of power to RPS

QUESTION: 061 (1.00)

Given the following conditions:


Reactor power is 100%


Plant has been operating continually for 125 days


All systems are operable


No LCOs are in effect

WHICH ONE of the following describes the effects on the MSIVs and

SBGT of a continuing decrease in instrument air header pressure?

Assume reactor water level during the transient is maintained at

greater than 140 inches,

a. Outboard MSIVs close

SBGT valves line up for initiation

b, Inboard MSIVs close

SBGT valves line up for initiation

c. Outboard MSIVs close

SBGT initiates

d. Inboard MSIVs close

SBGT initiates

- - . - - - .



OUESTION: 062 (1.00)

WHICH ONE of the following conditions requires RPV-ED?

Assume a primary system is discharging into the areas listed. ,

a. NE corner room - 232' area temperature is 195 deg.F.

NE corner room - 213' area temperature is 195 deg.F.

b. TIP room radiation level is 1_ rem /hr.

Torus catwalk radiation level is 100 mr/hr.

c. Torus room SW area temperature is 280 degrees F.

Torus room NW area temperature is 270 degrees F.

d. SE corner room - 213' area temperature is 190 deg.F.

NE corner room - 232' area temperature is 192 deg.F.

QUESTION: 063 (1.00)

A loss of all RPV level indication due to high drywell

temperature has occurred. The reactor was successfully scrammed

at 1020. The following conditions have existed since 1120.

- 3 SRVs manually opened

- RPV pressure - steady at 120 psig


Torus water level - 12.7 feet


Torus pressure - 10 psig and stable


DW pressure - 2 psig and stable


DW temperature - 195 degrees f. and stable


Core spray pump "B" injecting


RPV water level instrumentation is available

It is now 1150. WHICH ONE of the following actions should be


a. Continue to inject to establish RPV pressure above the

minimum alternate RPV flooding pressure,

b. Immediately terminate RPV injection for a maximum of 5

minutes or until RPV level indication is restored.

c. Continue to inject but at 1200 terminate RPV injection

for a maximum of 5 minutes or until RPV level

indication is restored.

d.- Continue to-inject until RPV indication is restored.

.- . . . .

_ _ -_.



39 .

QUESTION: 064 (1.00)

Given the fellowing plant conditions:


A failure to scram occurred

- Reactor power is 20%

- Torus water temperature is 112 degrees F.

- MSIVs are closed

- 2 SRVs are cycling to control reactor pressure

- Drywell pressure is 2.2 PSIG

- RPV level is 50" and slowly lowering

- Bus #1 and #2 are deenergized

WilICil ONE of the following actions is required?

a. Terminate and prevent all injection to the RPV except

from CRD and boron.

b. Maintain RPV water level between -31" and 177".

c. Maintain RPV water level between TAF and 177".

d. Reopen the MSIVs to reestablish the condenser as a heat






QUESTION: 065 (1.00)

The plant is operating at 70% reactor power when the "A" outboard

MS7V fails closed.

WHICH ONE of the following describes the response of the reactor?

Assume no operator action is taken,

a. Reactor power will decrease and stabilize at a lower


RPV water level will decr'sase and then return to a

normal level,

b. Reactor power will decrease and stabilize at a lower


RPV water level will increase and then return to a

normal level.

c. Reactor power will increase and stabilize at a higher


RPV water level will increase and then return to a

normal level,

d. Reactor power will increase and stabilize at a higher


RPV water level will decrease and then return to a

normal level.


w% 4 - , ,

. . - _ __ - - . - _ . _ . . . _ -



OUESTION: 060 (1.00)  ;

WHICH ONE the following is the purpose of the Heat Capacity

Temperature Limit curve?  :

a. To prevent dynamic pressure loads from exceeding the

structural limits of the suppression pool and submerged '

suppression chamber components during an emergency


b.- To prevent dynamic pressure loads from exceeding the

structural limits of the suppression pool and submerged

suppression chamber components during a design basis


c. To assure the blowdown energy from the RPV is within

the capacity of the primary containment vent before the

Primary Containment Pressure limit is exceeded. '

d. To= assure the Primary Containment Pressure limit is not

exceeded during a design basis LOCA after the blowdown

energy is transferred from the RPV to the containment.

QUESTION: 067 (1.00)

The plant is operating at 1001 reactor power when a "CRD HYD TEMP

HI" alarm is received.

WHICH ONE of the following could have caused this condition?

a. Eroded CRD cooling water orifice

b. Excessive drive piston leakage

c. CRD flow control valve fails open

d. Leaking scram inlet valve

.. - .-.

. -. . - . -. . . _ _ _ --_- _ _ _ _



OUESTION: 008 (1.00)

A fire protection header rupture has resulted in 13 inches of

water in the Torus area and RCIC room. All appropriate systems

have been isolated and all sump pumps are operating but level

remains at 13 inches.

W11IC11 ONE of the following actions is required?

a. A scram should be initiated.

b. Recirc should be run back to minimum. .

c. A normal shutdown should ue commenced. .

d. No action is required.  :

QUESTION: 069 (1.00)

Given the following plant conditions:

- Reactor pressure 500 psig


Reactor level 125 inches

- Torus water temperature 182 degrees F.

W111CH ONE of the following bands contain the actual 11 eat Capacity

Level Limit?

a. 7.0 to 7.4 feet

b. 7.5 to 7.9 feet

c. 8.0 to 8.4 feet

d. 8.5 to 8.9 feet


_ . _ _ ._ _ _ _, , . _ . . _ .



. -. - - . _ - . . -. .- .



QUESTION: 070 (1.00)

WHICH ONE of the following thermal limits are required to

mitigate power oscillations at high power / low flow conditions?







OUESTION: 071 (1.00)

A LOCA has. occurred and the following conditions exist.

- Reactor pressure is 400 psig


Reactor is ahutdcwn


Drywell pressure is 8.5 psig


Drywell temperature is 270 degrees F.


Torus temperature is 100 degrees F.

- Instrument reference leg temperatures are

<300 degrees P

WHICH ONE of the following instruments would be a reliable

reactor vessel level indication under the listed conditions?

a. LT-57A indicates 80 inches

b. LT-57B indicates 83 inches

c. LT-69A indicates 81 inches

d. LT-68B indicates 79 inches

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. . - --, . .

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OUESTION: 072 (1.00) ,

During a major transient Torus level is approaching 22.0 feet.

WHICH ONE of the following is the concern if 22.8 feet is


a. SRV tailpipes will be submerged.

b. Torus vent path will be uncovered,

c. Torus to drywell vacuum breaker inlets are submerged,

d. Vent header drain lines will be submerged.


QUESTION: 073 (1.00)

The Advanced Offgas System radiation monitor, RAN-OG-3127 trips

on a valid Hi-Hi trip signal. The dryer skid and adsorber bypass

valves (OU 14 5,00-146) are closed.

WHICH ONE of the following describes the stack isolation valve,

OG FCV-11, response to the radiation monitor trip?

a. The valve will remain open,

b. The valve will close concurrent with the trip signal.

c. The valve will close after the trip signal has been

present for 2 minutes.

d. The valve will close after the trip signal has been

present for 30 minutes.

. - ..

- _





OUESTION: 074 0.00)

Due to a transient an offsite release is in progress. A sample

analysia of the discharge as well as a projected offsite dose

calculation has been done with the following'results.

- Noble gas discharge at the site boundary will result in

a dose rate of 2 rem / year total body


The projected duration of the gaseous release at the

site boundary will result in a TEDE of 150 mrem -

- The projected duration of the gaseous release at the

site boundary will result in a thyroid CDE of 400 mrem

WHAT is the emergency plan classification of this event?


a. Unusual Event

b. Alert

c. Site Area Emergency

d. General Emergency

GUESTION: 075 0,00)

Due to an ATWS condition you are venting the control rod over

piston volume for control rod insertion.

HOW does venting the over piston volume aid in rod insertion?

a. A delta p is established across the drive piston equal

to reactor pressure,

b. A higher delta p is established to assist the CRD pump

drive pressure,

c. Pressure is equalized between the scram discharge

volume and the reactor,

d. A lower delta p is established between the drive piston

and the scram discharge volume.

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46 ,

OUESTICHh 076 (1.00) c

WHICH ONE of the following CRD mechanism components assists in

preventing drive damage during a reactor scram?

a. The collet finger to index tube notch asssembly

b. The velocity limiter

c. The piston tube buffer hole assembly

d. The guide cap

OUESTICHh 077 (1.00)

An unexpected increase in condenser backpressure occurs. Reactor

power is 90%.

WHICH ONE of the following is the required immediate operator

action for this event?

a. Reduca reactor power to maintain condenser vacuum below

4 inches HgA by inserting control rods.

b. Reduce reactor power to maintain condenser vacuum below

4 inches HgA by reducing recire flow,

c. Reduce reactor power to maintain condenser vacuum below

5 inches HgA by inserting control rods.

d. Reduce reactor power to maintain condenser vacuum below

5 inches HgA by reducing recire flow.

__ _



= l



OUESTION: 078 (1.00)


Given the following conditions:


Reactor power 100%


All systems operable

- All systems in normal alignment

A loss of DC-1 occurs. You notice that the 'A" Recirc MG Drive

Motor current meter is pegged high.


WilICll ONE of the following describes the actions you are

required to perform in the order listed?

a. De-energize and/or verify Bus #1 is de-energized.

Scram the reactor.

Manually trip the main turbine using MTS-2 pushbutton.

b. De-energize and/or verify Bus #1 is de-energized. ,

Scram the reactor.

Manually trip the main turbine using MTS-1/3


c. Scram the reactor.

Manually trip the main turbine using MTS-2 pushbutton.

De-energize and/or verify Bus #1 is de-energized.

d. Scram the reactor.

Manually trip the main turbine using MTS-1/3


De-energize and/or verify Bus #1 is de-energized.

.__ _





OUESTKUh 079 (1 00)

Given the following plaat conditions:

- Drywell temperature is 300 degrees F. and rising


Drywell pressure is 44 psig and rising


Torus level is 23 feet and stable


Torus pressure is 43 psig and rising

- CAD Torus vent path is operable


3 SRVs are open per RPV ED

- Reactor pressure is 60 psig and stable

- SBGT is jn service

- Reactor level is below TAF and stable

All attempts you have made per the EOPs to this point have been

unsuccessful in reducing the rise in containment pressure.

WHICH ONE of the following actions is now required to vent



a. Vent the drywell via the SBGT system

b. Vent the drywell via the CAD system

c. Vent the torus via the SBGT system

d. Vent the torus via the CAD system

QUESTKRh 080 (1.00)

The reactor is at 100% power. All systems are operable and in

their normal alignment.

WHICH ONE of the following would be the plant response to a down

scale failure of the steam flow summer to the feedwater level

control system? Assume no operator action is taken,

a. Vessel level control will automatically swap to single

element control and control level in the normal band,

b. Vessel level will increase until the main turbine


c. Vessel level will decrease until the reactor scrams,

d. Vessel level control will remain in 3 element control

and control level in the normal band.






OUESTION: 081 (1.00)

The plant is at 100% reactor power. The EPR is controlling

pressure. All systems are opera'aJ e.

WHICH ONE of the following immediate operator actions are

required if an unexplaine' increase in reactor pressure occurs

and the EPR fails to respond automatically?

a. manually lower the EPR set point as necessary

b. scram the reactor

c. verify the MPR takes control

d. use the bypass valve opening jack to control p) essure

OUESTION: 092 (1.00)

Refueling is in progress. The reactor head has been removed.

The reactor cavity has been flooded. RHR pamp "B" is operating

in shutdown cocling.

WHICH ONE of the following automatic responses will occur

if Fuel Pool Level falls to it's low low setpoint? (Consider only

actions triggered directly by fuel pool level)

a. NFPC isolation valves FPC-220 and FPC-221 close,

no other responses occur.

b. NFPC isolation valves FPC-220 and FPC-221 close

causing the NFPC pumps to trip on low suction pressure.

c. Only NFPC isolation valve FPC-221 closes causing the

NFPC pumps to trip on low suction pressure,

d. Only NFPC isolation valve FPC-220 closes causing the

NFPC pumps to trip on low suction pressure.

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OUESTl0th 083 (1.00)

The control room must be abandoned due to a fire in the cable

vault. The plant must be placed in cold shutdown. ,

WilICH ONE of the following deceribes how the "A" EDG LNP start

logic and RCIC trip systems are affected when control is taken at

their respective alternate / local control panels?

a. RCIC - all automatic trips are bypassed EXCEPT


"A" EDG - No effect on LNP start logic

b. RCIC - all automatic trips are bypassed EXCEPT


"A" EDG - LNP start logic is disabled c

c. RCIC - all automatic trips are bypassed INCLUDING


"A" EDG - No effect on LNP start logic

d. RCIC - all automatic trips are bypassed INCLUDING


"A" EDG - LNP start logic is disabled

QUESTK)th 084 (1.00)

It has been noted that drywell pressure and temperatures have


been slowly increasing over the past 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />. A primary

containment atmospheric sample indicates a hydrogen concentration

of 2.2%.

WHICH ONE of the following actions are required per the EOPs?

Assume all other reactor parameters are normal and all systems

are operable.

a. Vent the drywell and the torus

b. Vent the drywell and purge the torus

c. Vent the torus and purge the drywell

d. Purge the torus and the drywell

. _ _ _ _ _ , _ . . .

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QUESTION: 085 (1.00)

WHICH ONE of the following describe how reactor pressure will

respond when manually swapping from the EPR to the MPR? Assume

reactor power is 100%

a. Slightly decrease and remain at the lower value until

operator action is taken.

b. Slightly increase and remain at the higher value until

operator action is taken.

c. Slightly decrease and slowly return to its original

value with no operator action,

d. Slightly increase and slowly return to its original

value with no operator action.


QUESTION: 080 (1.00)

The plant was shutdown for refueling and has been in shutdown

cooling for the past 2 days. Reactor vessel level is currently

190 inches and reactor coo' ant temperature is 150 degrees. I&C

han performed tne cold calibratior, of vessel level instruments.

WHICH ONE of following instruments is preferred to determine

reactor vessel level under the above conditions?

a. Shroud level inoicators LI 2-3-91A/B

b. Wide range recorder LR 6-98

c. Transient recorder LR 2-0-68B

d Feedwater level indicators LI 6-94A/B


ur- -we--s ,~ -




OVESTK)N: 087 (1.00) ,

WHICH ONE of the following will cause a loss of shutdown cooling?

a. Reactor pressure at 150 psig

b. Drywell pressure at 2.25 psig

c. A TCIS Group VI isolation occurs

d. Reactor vessel level at 145 inches

OUESTK)N: 088 (1.00)

Due to loss of RBCCW, alternate cooling to the RHR pump coolers -

is being established.

WHICH ONE of the following describes the operational concern when

the operator opens valves ^W-36A(B), SW Loop A(B) X-ties to

Alternate Cooling?

a. RHR SW pump runout may occur,

b. RBCCW piping may be overpressurized. ,

c. Cooler RHR SW water flowing through the fuel pool

cooling heat exchangers may decrease fuel pool

temperature below its lower limit,

d. RHR SW flow will not be available to CRD.

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.  !


OUESTICHO 089 (1.00)

WHICH ONE of the following describes the operaticn of the i

torus /drywell vacuum breakers?


a. Valves open at approximately 0.25 pold to relieve

pressure from the drywell to the torus

b. Valves open at approximately 0.25 paid to relieve

pressure from the torus to the drywell

c. Valves open at approximately 0.5 paid to relieve

pressure from the drywell to the torus

d. Valves open at approximately 0.5 psid to relieve

pressure from the torus to the drywell

OUESTIC4h 090 (1.00)

WHICH ONE of the following describes how RPS is designed to

protect against steam line isolation transients at full reactor


a. APRM neutron flux is the primary scram signal.

High reactor pressure is the backup scram signal,

b. MSIV closure is the primary scram signal.

High reactor pressure is the backup scram signal,

c. High reactor preacure is the primary scram signal.

APRM neutron flux is the backup scram signal.

d. High reactor pressure is the primary scram signal.

MSIV closure is the backup scram signal.


. - . .. _

_ _






OUESTION: 091 (1.00)

A loss of drywell cooling results in a drywell I cessure reaching

2.6 psig.

WHICH ONE of the following describes EDG, RCIC, and RWCU


a. EDGs - running and loaded

RCIC - running and injecting

RWCU - pumps tripped i

b. EDGs - running and NOT loaded

RCIC - not affected

RWCU - not affected

c. EDGs - running and loaded

RCIC - not affected

RWCU - pumps tripped

d. EDGs - running and NOT loaded

RCIC - running and injecting

RWCU - not affected ,

QUES 110N: 092 (1.00)

ARM #11, Reactor Building RWCU panel, has been alarmir.g downscale

intermittently over the last 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> which has resulted in its

being declared inoperable. All other ARMS are operable.

WHICH ONE of the following actions should be taken due to the

inoperable ARM?

a. An RWP should be written to cover the affected area.

b. The control switch for the ARM should be taken to and

left in the "OFF" position.

c. An RP technician should survey the area on a twice

weekly basis,

d. The control switch for the ARM should be periodically

taken to " OPERATE" to check indication.

, . _ _ - . , ._ _




GUESTION: 093 (1.00)

The MSIVs have closed and the reactor has scrammed due to a loss

of condenser vacuum. Current plant conditions are as follows:


All rods in


Mode switch in shutdown

- Reactor level is 145 inches

- Reactor pressure is 900 psig


Drywell pressure is 1.4 psig

- Torus water temperature is 115 degrees F.

WHICH ONE of the following is the Technical specification action

required at thia time?

a. Power operation shall not be resumed until the pool

temperature is reduced below 100 degrees F.

b. Reactor pressure shall be depressurized to less than

200 psig at normal cooldown rates.

c. The reactor shall be in a cold shutdown condition

within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />,

d. Maintain Primary Containment integrity until pool

temperature is redaced below 100 degrees F.

_- . .- _ _ . _ . . .




QUESTION: 094 11.00)

While reviewing control room logs prior to assuming the shift you

note that containment pressure has decreased over the previous 2

shifts. It is now 1.85 poig.

WHICH ONE of the changes in 3 variables will 1 REDUCE indicated

containment pressure?.

a. Decrease in torus water level

Decrease in barometric pressure

Decrease in RBCCW temperature

b. Decrease in torus water level

Increase in barometric pressure

Increase in RBCCW temperature

c. Decrease in torus water level

Increase in barometric pressure

Decrease in RBCCW temperature

d. Increase in torus water level

Increase in barometric pressure


Decrease in RBCCW temperature

OUESTION: 095 (1.00)

Given the following plant conditions:

- Reactor is shutdown, all rods in


RPV pressure is O psig


Torus level is 11.1 feet


Core Spray system "A" is injecting to the vessel


Cote Spray system "B" is injecting to the vessel


CRD is injecting to the vess_1


RPV level is -25" and decreasing

The operator is now at step J. of OE3102 page 1 of 3.

WHICH ONE of the following actions is required per EOPs?

a. Perform Primary containment flooding

b. Perform RPV-ED

c. Perform Steam Cooling

d. Line up alternate ir.jection systems

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.. .- . - . . - - ..



OUESTION: 096 (1.00)

OT 3118 "Recirc pump Trip", directs that the discharge va)ve of

the tripped pump be reopened several minutes after it is closed.

WHICH ONE of the following ir. the reason for taking this action?

a. It helps allow the pump shaft to settle properly on its

thrust bearing.

b.- It restores valid jot pump flow indication.

c. It restores valid core flow indication.

d. It helps maintain the idle loop's temperatures.

QUESTION: 097 (1.00)

The reactor was operating at 90% power when one of the two

operating feedwater pumps trips. The feedwater pump in auto

fails to start and the reactor water low water level scram fails.

WHICH ONE of the statements below describes the response of the

reactor recirc pumps assuming no operator action is taken?

a. Both reactor recirc pumps immediately trip,

b. Both reactor recire pumps will trip immediately upon

reactor vessel level decreasing to 82.5 inches.

c. Both reactor recire pumps will trip 10 seconds

after reactor vessel level decreases to 82.5 inches.

d. Both reactor recire pumps will runback to minimum in 10


___ _ _

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58 '



OUESTION: 098 (1.00) l

WHICH ONE of the following statements below is the basis for the

sizing of the main steam safety /reitef valves?

a. To ensure downcomer and torus dynamic loads will not

exceed design limits under niaximum pressure /flov safety

valve actuation. ,

b. To ensure containment pressuxe and temperature design

limits are not exceeded in the event of one safety

valve failure,

c. To ensure steam line piping will not exceed system

design pressure limits upon a load reject and turbine

trip at 100% reactor power. 6

d. To ensure reactor vessel dome pressure will ot exceed

design pressure limits if all the MSIVs isolated at


QUESTION: 099 (1.00)

The reactor was operating at 100% power when a reactor scram

occurred. Only one half of the control rods went full in due to

an undetected high level in the scram discharge volume. Reactor

power is currently 8%.

WHICH ONE of the following methods would be most effective in

inserting control rods at this time?

a. Manually initiate ARI

b. Manually insert control rods

c. De-energize the scram solenoid

d. Vent the scram air header

..- -- . . - - - _




QUESTION: 100 (1.00)

WHICH ONE of the following will occur due to an electrical fault

on Bus-97

a. Half scram

b. Start.of "A" EDG


c. Group II PCIS isolation

. d. Loss of vital AC



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1 .




1. A 26. B 51.~ B 76. C

2. D 27. D 52. A 77. D

3. - B 28. A 53. -- D g

78. D.


4. B 29. A 54.- A 79. B


5. C- 30. B 55. B 60. - C

6. A 31. A 56. C 81. C

7. B 32. C 57. A 82. B

8. B 33. C 58. A 83. A

9. D 34, D 59. D 84. C


10. D- 35. C 60. D 85. A

11. A 36. B 61, A 86. B

12. B 37. B 62. C 87. A

13. C 38. B 63. C 88. 8

it . 39. B 64. A 89. D

15. A 40. C 65. D LJL _ h)Ib

16. C 41. D 66. C 91. B

17. C 42. B 67, B 92. D

18. A 43. A 38. C 93. A

I 19. C 44. B 69. C 94. C

20. D 45. D 70. D 95. B

21. C 46. B 71. B 96. D

22. A 47. A 72. C 97. B

23. B 48. D 73. D 98. D

24. D 40. B 74. C 99. B l



25. A 50. A 75. A 100. A















  • !










Facility Comments on Written Examination








185 Old Ferry Road, Brattleboro, VT- 053017002

(802) 257 5271 September 10,1997


BVY 97-114

TDL 97-028

Regional Administrator, Region i

ATTN: Glenn Meyer

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

475 Allendale Road

King of Prussia, Pa. 19406-1415

References: (a)- License No. DPR-28 (Docket No. 50-271)

Subject: Comments on NRC SRO Written Examination

Attachments: (1) Question 59 Comments and References

(2) Question 69 Commen:s and References

(3) Question 74 Comments and References

(4) Question 90 Comments and References

In accordance with NUREG 1021, " Operator Licensing Examination Standards for Power

Reactors," ES 402, " Administering Initial Wntten Examinations," Vermont Yankee personnel

have reviewed the SRO initial Licensed Operator wiitten examination that was administered on

September 2,1997. Attached are four (4) questions with facility comments.

If you have any further questions, please contact Mr. Scott T. Brown, Operations Training

Supervisor, in our Brattleboro office at (802) 258-4163.



Gregory A, Marek

Plant Manager

c: USNRC Resident inspector - VYNPS

USNRC Project Manager - VYNPS

Document Control Desk

Mr. Don Florek, USNRC Lead Examiner

_ _ _ .







Exam Question 59

Comments: This question relates to core flow indications following a recire pump trip and -

closure of the isolation valve. i

There are two issues relative to this question:

(1) The wording in the question stem, "How is core flow determined?" can be

interpreted in two different ways. The question can either be interpreted:

a. "how does the circuitry determine core flow?"


b. "how does the operator determine core flow based upon available


(2)- The lesson plan taught to this class (previous revision) [REF: LOT-00-202

Rev.14 Section IV.B.4 (page 46 of 59)] incorrectly identified the loop

flow indicators and recorders on CRP 9-4 as indicating the sum of jet

pump flows associated with the individual recite loop. The lesson plan

was revised to provide correct information (Revision 15 06/03/97);

however, this was well after the class had received systems training on the

recirculation system (01/07/97).


Irrespective of the classroom training, if the question is interpreted as indicated in

(1)a. above, a conclusion could be drawn that "By subtracting Loop "A" flow on

CRP 9-4 from Total Core flow on CRP 9-5" [ Answer B] is the correct answer.

If the question is interpreted as indicated in (1)b. above, "Directly from Total Core

Flow recorder on CRP 9-5" [ Answer D) is the correct answer [REF: LOT-00-202

Rev 14. Sections IV.B.4 and 5 (pages 46-47 of 59)].


Recommendation: Accept both B and D as correct answers.

Attachntent 1 Page 1 of 4

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,r ,

..- -








QUE5710N:' 059 (1.00)


The-plant.i's operating at.100% reactor. power'when_the *A" reactor-

recire pump

recire pump trips. The' operator. closes.the "A"

-dischurge. valve.

HOW is core. flow. determined?

a. ..Directly from Loop *B" -

flow indication on CRPJ9-4.

b. By-subtracting Loop


"A" -

flow on CRP 9-4 from Total Core

flow on CRP 9-5.

c. By adding Loop "A" -

flow on CRP 9-4 and Total Core flow

on CRP-9-5.


d. Directly from Total' Core Flow recorder on CRP 9-5.





Attachment 1 Page 2 of 4

.-. , . . . _ . _. _ . - _ - _ . ,. _ . - .-_ - _ _

. .. _.


LOT-00-202 ,


Page 46 of.59


3. - Four jet pumps, one in each quadrant are

individually instrumented (1,6,11, and 16)

a. The individual D/P instruments are

calibrated for flow prior to pump


b. Allows for calibration of all jet pump flow

indicators, using these as a reference

4. Total core flow is determined as follows with TRANSPARENCY 7

both recirc loops operating: TRANSPARENCY 7a


a. Sums the flow from the five jet pumps in

each quadrant

- b. Sums the flow from each quadrant


associated with one recirc loop, displays


this flow for each recirc loop on CRP 9-4

meters and CRP 9-4 recorder

c. Sums the flow signal from each recirc

loop recorder and displays this flow as

total core flow on the 9-5

5. Total core flow is determined as follows with



than two recirc loops operating:

a. If the recirc pump discharge valve comes Necessary since

off its open seat gr the MG se_t field reverse flow will

breaker is open, the idle loop's flow provide a d/p signal

signal is subtracted from the operating that appears to be

loop's flow signal forward flow

b. Subtracts core bypass flow to develop a Core flow indicator

total jet pump flow that represents "real" would be high

core flow

Attachment 1 Page 3 of 4

-- . . . - . - ,

' LOT-00 202


Page 47 of 59



c. - When the field breaker is closed apj;( the CWD 729

discharge valve is_ fully open, bcth loops -

are once again added-

d. With both loops out of service, they are

summed as if they were operating




-A. Flowpath (General) TRANSPARENCY 14

1. Recirc master controller receives a demand

signal for a change in pump speed from the


2. The demand signalis processed via the

speed controller and scoop tube positioner to

the fluid coupler

3. The fluid coupler varies the MG set slip

effecting a change in generator speed

4. Recirc pump speed changes, changing core

flow and hence reactor power

5. As MG set speed changes the MG set tach.

generator provides a feedback signal to the

speed control system. It also provides a

speed signal to the voltage regulator to


ensure 70 volts / cycle-

. B. Component Description

1. Computation Module

a. Computes the difference between actual TRANSPARENCY 16

reactor steaming rate and desired TRANSPARENCY 15

steaming rate based on speed load is a simpiiiied version

changer setting of 16

b. Input to master controller auto circuit

Attachment 1 Page 4 of 4


. . _ .. . .- - - ,

. .






- Exam Question 69

Comments: The question tests the use of the Heat Capacity Temperature Limit and Heat.

Capacity Level Limit curves by requiring the applicant to determine the actual

Heat Capacity Level Limit for a given set of degraded conditions.

As noted on the attached EOP charts (REF: OE 3104), a small change in the.



. values interpreted by: the applicant could result in a different and more

conservative Heat Capacity Level Limit, and therefore a different answer,


Recommendation: Accept both C and D as correct answers.




Attachment 2 Page 1 of 4

_ ,_, _ _

- - . _ . - -






QUESTION:' 069 (1.00) l

_ ,

Given theLfollowing plant conditions:


- ' Reactor pressure-500 psig;


-- Reactor-level 125 inches

- Torus water temperature.182 degrees F.

WHICH ONE of the following bands contain the actual Heat Capacity

Level Limit?

a.. 7.0 to 7.4 fact

b. 7.5 to 7.9 feet

c. 8.0 to:8.4 feet

d. - 8.5 to 8.9 fegt







Attachment 2 Page 2 of 4

. ,



- ,

, .

. ,

. ,. ,


d.. .

w .



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RCIC (Appendiz U) ,



. , ' _ j . . '[ h


.j .[.,,.

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with one or more of the


, . ,  : ,

  • RIIR (Appendix V) ,

= 10

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Exam Question 74

Comments:- This question tests the applicant's ability to classify an off-site radiation release _-

condition. The question intended that the Radiological Conditions section of the

Emergency Plan Classification and Action Level Scheme [REF: AP 3125 Rev.15

= Appendix A- (page l'of 2)] would be used to classify the event.


There are only two ways to get high radiation levels at the fence line a) an event

involving the movement of highly radioactive material outside of the reactor

building, or b) a transient (accident) within the reactor building. The stem of the

question eliminated the first possibility.

Section 14.6 of the FSAR " Analysis of Design Basis Accidents" provides tables

for exposures at the fence line for VY's Design Basis Accidents. The tables for

the DBA-LOCA (an elevated release) and the DBA-Refueling Accident (a ground

release) are attached. For the accidents the tables show the worst case dose

received at fence line to bc:


2hr exposure from the time of the accident = 0.04mR

24hr exposure from the time of the accident = 2mR

DBA-Refueling Accident

2hr exposure from the time of the accident = 4mR

24hr exposure from the time of the accident = 22mR


The ' worst case life-time thyroid exposure for either of these accidents is 34mR.

The stated site boundary TEDE in the question is 7 to 75 times higher than the

Design Basis Accidents. The stated thyroid CDE at the boundary is 11 to 1400


times higher than that analyzed for the Design Basis Accident.

Based upon the dose levels given in the question stem, the applicant could

interpret that an off-site release resulting in the general public receiving such

levels of both whole body exposure (due to noble gasses) and thyroid dose (due

to Iodine), as indicative of a fuel clad boundary failure, reactor coolant boundary i


failure, and primary containment barrier failure. - As such, the applicant could

conclude, based upon the " General" category of the Fission Product Barrier Matrix

[REF: AP 3125 Rev 15 App:ndix B (page 1 of 1)], that a General Emergency

declaration is appropriate.



-- Accept both C and D as correct answers.


l l

Attachment 3 Page 1'of 8 l


- - .


QUESTION:~ 074 (1.001-

Due to a ' transient an off site release is in progress. A sample

analysis of the' discharge as well as a projected offsite dose

calculation has been done with the following results.


Noble gas discharge at the-site boundary will result in

a dose rate of 2 rem / year total body


- The projected duration of the gasecus release at the

sits boundary will result in a TEDE of 150 mrem

- The projected duration of the gaseous release at the

site boundary will result in a thyroid CDE of 400 mrem

WHAT is the emergency plan' classification of this event?

a. Unusual Event

b. Alert

c. Site Area Emergency

d. General Emergency


Attachment 3 Page 2 of 8

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?? mti' 14.6.8A

Loss-of-Coolant Accident - Radiolocical Effects

2-Hour Dose

Meteoroloaical conditions

Distance N-5 U-1 U-5

VS-1 MS-1 W-1

(Miles) .

Passina Cloud Whole Body Dese (Rem)

3.0E-05 5.2E-06 3.6E-05 5.8E-06


1/11* 2.92-05 2.9E-05 4.5E-06

'2.3E-05 2.6E-05 3 .7 E-0 6 3.1E-05

1/2 2.3 E-05 1.6E-05 2.5E-06


1.6E-05 1.6E-05 2.0E-05 2.8E-06

1- 1.3E-06 3.0E-07

4.5E-06 4.9E-06 2.8E-06 6.9E-07


7.9E-07 2.7E-07 3.2E-07 1.0E-07

10 2.2E-06 2.3E-06

. Lifetime Thyroid Dose (Rem)


2.8E-13 8.7E-19 1.5E-06 9.9E-08

.1/11' O. 1.4E-14 1.0E-06

2.2E-10 8.9E-07 3 .7 E-08 5.3E-06

1/2 0. 2.3E-06 5.2E-07

7 . 4E-31 1.6E-08 2.5E-06 3.9E-07

1 1.8E-07 4.7E-08

6.2E-14 5.1E-07 4.4E-07 1.2E-07

5 6.3E-08 1.7E-08


1.7E-10 5. 0E-07 1.ft'"C7 4.5E-08





  • Site Boundary (283 insters)

Meteoroloav Wind Soeed (M/S)

VS-1 Very Stable' 1

MS-1 Moderately Stable i

Neutral 1


Neutral 5


Unstable 1


-Unstable 5


NOTE: 2.9E-05 = 2.9 x 10 5


Revision 13

Attachment 3 Page 5 of 8

. .

, -

- - . .=.-. . .. . . _ -


. ,


I&gLE 14.6.81

Loss-of-Coolant = Accident - Radioloaical Effects '

24-Hour Dese


Meteorolooical Conditions

Dictance .

N-5 U-1 U-5

(Miles) VS-1 MS-1 N-1

Passina Cloud Whole Body Ebse (Rem)

1.6E-03 2.9E-04 2.0E-03 3.2E-04

1/11* 1.6E-03 1.6E-03

1.4E-03 2.0E-04 1.7E-03 2.5E-04

1/2 1.3E-03 1.3E-03

8.8E-04 1.1E-03 1.5E-04 8.8E-04 1.4E-04

1 8.8E-04 1.6E-05

2.7E-04 1.6E-04 3.8E-05 7.0E-05

5 2.5E-04 5.7E-06

1.3E-04 4.3E-05 1.5E-05 1.8E-05

10 1.2E-04

Lifetime Thyroid Dose (Rem) .

1.5E-11 4.6E-17 7.8E-05 5.2E-06

1/11* 0. . 7.3E-13

4.7E-05 2.0E-06 2.8E-04 5.4E-05

1/2 0. 1.2E-08 *

1.3E-04 2.0E-05 1.2E-04 2.7E-05

1 3.9E-29 8.3E-07

2.3E-05 6.3E-06 9,5E-06 2.5E-06

5 3.2E-12 2.7 E-0 5

8.5E-06 2.4E-06 3.3E-06 8.7E-07

10 9.2E-09 2.6E-05


e site Boundary (283 meters)

Meteoroloav Wind Speed (M/S)

VS-1 Very Stable 1

MS-1 Moderately stable 1

N-1 Neutral 1

N-5 Neutral 5

Unstable 1




. U-5 Unstable

NOTE: 1.6E-03 = 1.6 x 10-8

Revision l'

Attachment 3 Page 6 of 8

- - . . - _.-




TABLE 14.6.11A

Refuelina Accident - Radiolooical Ef fects,

2-Hour Dose


Meteoro1ocical conditions

Distance U-1 U-5

(Miles) VS-1 MS.1 N-1 N-5

Passino Cloud Whole Body Dose (Rese)

3.1E-03 3.1T-03 5.5E-04 3.8E-03 6.1E-04

1/11* 3.1E-03

2.4E-03 2.4E-03 2.7E-03 3.9E-04 3.3E-03 4.7E-04

1/2 2.6E-04

1 1.7E-03 1.7E-03 2.1E-03 2.9E-04 1.7E-03 .

4.8E-04 5.2E-04 3.0E-04 7.2E-05 1.3E-04 3.1E-05


2.5E-04 8.3E-05 2.8E-05 3.4E-05 1.1E-05

10 2.3E-04

W etime 7avroid Dose (Rem)

1.3E-11 2.6E-10 8.1E-16 1.4E-03 9.2E-05

1/11* 0.

4.9E-03 9.7E-04

1/2 0, 2.1E-07 8.4E-04 3.5E-05

6.9E-28 1.5E-05 2.3E-03 3.6E-04 2.1E-03 4.8E-04


5.8E-11 4.7E-04 4.1E-04 1.1E-04 1.7 E-0 4 4.4E-05


4.7E-04 1.5E-04 4.2E-05 5.92-05 1.5E-05

10 1.6E-07


  • Site Boundary (283 meters)

Meteoroloav Wind Soeed (M/S)

VS-1 ,Very Stable 1

MS.1 Moderately Stable 1

N-1 Neutral 1

N-5 Neutral 5

U-1 Unstable 1

U-5 Unstable 5

NOTE: 3.1E-03 = 3.1 x 10.s

Revision 13

Attachment 3 Page 7 of 8


- - _ ._ . . _ _




Tymts 14,g,113


gggpolina Accident - Radioloaical Effects >

24-Huur Dese



~Metooroloaical conditions

Dictance. U-5

(Miles) VS-1 'MS-1 N-1 N-5 U-1

'Passino Cloud Whole Body Dose (Real

1.8E-02 1.8E-02 3.2E-03 2.2E-02 3.5E-01

1/11* 1.8E-02

1.4E-02 1.6E-02 2.2E-03 1.9E-02 2.7E-03



1/2 9.6E-03 1.5E-03


9.6E-03 9.6E-03 1.2E-02 1.7E-03

1 1.8E-04


2.7E-03 3.0E-03 ~1.7E-03 4.1E-04 7.6E-04


1.4E-03 4.8E-04 1.6E-04 1.9E-04 6.2E-05

10= 1.3E-03


feifetime Thyroid Dose (Rem)

4.9E-11 1.8E-09 5.6E-15 9.7E-03 6.4E-04

1/11* 0.

2.4E-04 3.4E-02 6.7E-03

1.5E-06 5.8E-03

1/2 0.

1.5E-02 3.4E-03

1 4,. 8 E-27 1.9E-04 1.6E-02 2.5E-03

3.3E-03 .2.9E-03 7.8E-04 1.2E-03 3.0E-04

5 4.0E-10

3.3E-03 1.1E-03 3.0E-04 4.1E-04 1.1E-04

10 1.1E ,06

  • Site poundary (283 meters)

Meteoroloav Wind speed (M/s)

-vs-1 Very stable 1

MS-1 Moderately stable 1

N-1 Neutral 1

N-5 Neutral 5

U-1 Unctable 1

U-5 Unstable 5


NOTE:- 1.8E-02 = 1.8 x 10

  • '

Revision 13

Attachment 3 Page 8 of 8





Exam Question 90


Commen+s: This question tests the applicant's knowledge of_ the bases for_ the reactor

protection signals that protect the reactor during-a Main Steam Line isc% tion

event. There are two issues relative to this question:

(1) Technical Specifications [REF: TS Bases 2.1.0 Amendment 84 (page 171)

states that the Main Steam Line Isolation Valve (MSIV) Closure Scran -

" anticipates the pressure and flux transients." in addition, the FSAR [REF: _

F5/." Section (page 14.5-4)) specifically refers to the high

neutron flux scram as a backup / indirect means of shutting down the


As an anticipatory signal, the MSIV Closure S: ram is thus the primary -

protection for this event. Answers A, C, and D are therefore incorrect.

(2) Technical Specifications [REF: TS Bases 1.2 and 2.2 Amendment 18

(page 19)] states that the indirect scram signal for r.n MSIV closure is -

APRM High Flux, with High Pressure as a backup to the APRM Hirh

Flux Scram. The High Pressure Scram is therefore one of the backup

rignals for an MSIV closure event.

Based upon the above listed items, Answer B is the only correct answer.

Recommendation: Change correct answer to B.

Attachment 4 Page 1 of 5 -

. . . . . - -. .. .-. . . .-._ . -


  • ,

- QUESTION: 090 (1.00).


WHICH CNE of the following describes how RPS is designed to r

protect against steam-line isolation transients at. full reactor


a. ' APRM neutron _ flux is the primary scram signal.

High reactor pressure is the backup scram signal.

b. MSIV closure is the primary scram signal.

High reactor pressure is the backup scram signal.

c. High reactor pressure is the primary scram signal.

APRM neutron flux is the backup scram signal.

d. High reactor pressure is the primary scram signal.

MSIV closure'is the backup scram signal.








Attachment 4 Page 2 of 5

.- . - . .- -

. _


.. e



ggfJ,i 2.1 -(Cont'd)

metal-water. reaction to less than it, to assure that core geomet:y

remains intact.

The design of'the ECCS components to meet the above criteria was

the maximum break

dependent on three previously set parameters:

size, the low water level scram setpoint, and the ECCS initiation

setpoint. To lower the ECCS initiation setpoint would nowToprevent raise the

the ECCS components from meeting their design criteria. it would

ECCS iniciation setpoint would be in a safe direction, but

reduce the margin established to prevent actuation of the ECCS during

normal operation or during normally expected transients.

E. Turbine Stoo Valve Closure Scram Trio Settina

The turbine stop valve closure scram trip anticipates the pressure,

neutron flux and heat flux increase that could result from rapid-

closure of the turbide stop valves. With a scram trip setting of

<10% of valve closure from full open, the resultant increase in

surface heat flux is limited such that MCPR remains above the fuel

cladding integrity safety limit even during the worst case transient

that assumes the turbine bypass is closed. This scram is bypassed

when turbine steam flow is belov 30% of rated, as measured by turbine

first stage pressure.

F. Turbine control Valve Fast Closure Scram _

The control fast closure screa is provided to limit the rapid

in valve


increase pressure and neutron flux resulting from fast closure of

the turbine control valves due to a load rejection coincident with

failure of the bypass system. This transient in less severe than the

( turbine stop valve closure with failure of the bypass valves and

therefore adequate margin exists.

C. Main Steam Line Isolation Valve closure Scram

The isolation valve closure scram anticipates the pressure and flux

transients which occur during normal or inadvertent isolation valve

closure. With the scram setpoint at 10% of valve closure, there is

no increase in neutron flux.

H. Reactor Coolant Low Pressure Initiation of Main Steam Isolation valve


Closure _


The low pressure isolation of the main steam lines at 800 psig is

.provided to give protection against rapid reactor- depressurization

and the resulting rapid cooldown of the vessel. Advantage is taken


of the scram

valves featurttowhich

are closed, occurs

provide when the

the reactor main steam

shutdown linehigh

so that isolation


operation at low reactor pressure does not occur. Operation of-the

' reaccor at pressures lower than 800 psig requires that the reactor

mode switch be in the startup position where protection of the fuel

cladding integrity safety limit is provided by the IRM high neutron

flux scram.

Thus, the combination of main steam line low pressure isolation and

isolation valve closure scram assures the available of neutron fuel scra:n

protection over the entire range of applicability of the

cladding integrity safety limit.



Amendment No. M , M , 84

Attachment 4 Page 3 of 5



. . .. .- ., . -. . .. . - - - . - .-- - .- . - - - . - - .

e a



.- 'i




' closure of All Main steam Line Isolation valves-

Se'AsME'Soiler and Pressure Vessel Code requires overpressure protection for ,

each vessel designed to meet' Code Section III. For the' plant, the transient-

I produced by the fast closure (3.0 seconds) of all main steam line isolation

valves represents the most severe abnormal operational' transient

a ruclear system pressure rise ~when direct scrams are-ignored. The code

overpressure protection analysis hypothetically assumes the failure of the '


-direct' isolation valve position scram. Se reactor is shutdown by the backup, -

' indirect, high neutron flux scram. This event can be' categorized as.a core

4 dynamic event-for analysis purposes.,,



-Analysis of the event demonstrates that the installed safety valve capacity of

L 28.35% of rated flow, L in conjunction with relief capacity of 49.7% of rated

flow, limits the peak Nuclear System pressure at vessel. invert to less than

4 l 1,375 psig. The margin to the ASME Code limit assures adequate protection

i cgninst excessive enterpressurization of the Nuclear system process barrier

even for,this~ hypothetical isolation event. Table 14.5.1 lists the peak-


. I values of1the key process variables for this transient. Figures 14.5-5 and.

.14.5-6 graphically show the results produced by this simulated analysis. (


14.5.2 jyenes Pesultina in a Reactor vessel water Temperature Decrease


Events that result directly in a reactor vessel water te'aperature decrease are

those that either increase the flow of cold water to the vessel or reduce the

temperature.of water being delivered to the vessel. The events that result in

the most severe transients in this category are the following: a

i 1. Loss of a Feedwater Beater

2. Shutdown Cooling (RERS) Malfunction - Decreasing Temperature


3. Inadvertent Pump Start

Loss of Stator cooling


l 4.


14.E42.1 Loss of a Feedwater Heater

I A feedwater heater can be lost in at least two ways: (1) if the steam

extraction line to the heater is shut, the heat supply to the heater is-


l-removed,(producing a. gradual cooling of the feedwater, and (2) a bypass line-

'in usually provided so that the feedwater flow can be passed around rather

than through-the-heater. In either case, the reactor vessel receives cooler

feedwater which produces an increase in core inlet subcooling. Due to the

negative void reactivity coefficient, an increase in' core power results. The

} ,

14.5-4 Revision 13

> Attachment 4 Page 4 of 5

.. _ _ - - __. _._ _ _ . . . _ - . _


- ___ _






.1.2--REAc*~JR Coot. ANT SYSTEM

The reactor coolant system is an important barrier in the prevention of

uncontrolled release of fission products. It is essential that cr.e

integrity of this system be protected by establishing a pressure 1 Lait to

be observed for all operating conditions and whenever there is irradiated'

fuel in the reactor vessel.

The pressure saf ety 1 Lait of :1335 psig as measured by the vessel steaa

space pressure indicator is equivalen to 1375 psig at the lowest

elevation of the reactor coolant system, The 1375 psig value is derived

from the design pressures of the reactor pressure vessel, and the coolant

system piping. The respective design pressures _are 1250 psig at 575'F

and 1143 psig at 560*F. The pressure safety limit was chosen as the

lower of the pressure transients permitted by the applicable design

codest ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section III-A for the

pressure vessel, ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section III-C for ,

the recirculation pump casing, and USASI B31.1 Code for the reactor

coolant system piping. The ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code permits

pressure transients up to los over design pressure

(110% x 1250 = 1375 psig), and the USASI code permits pressuru transient:

up to 20% over the design pressure (120% x 1148 = 1378 psig).

The safety valves are sized to prevent exceeding t"s pressure "essel code

limit for the worst-case isolation (prescurization) event (MSIV closure)

assuming indire:c (neutron flux) scram.



(. .The settings on the reactor high pressure scram, reactor coolant system

relief and safety valves, have been established to assure never reach:ng

the reactor coolant system pressure safety limit as well as assuring the

system prassure does not exceed the range of the fuel cladding integrity

safety limit. In addition to preventing power operation above 1055 psig,

the pressure scram backs up the APP.M neutron flux scram for steam line

isolation type transier.ts. (See FSAR Section 14.5 and Supplement 2 to

Proposed Change No. 14, Novamber 12, 1973.)



(- ...

Amendment 1ks. 18 19

_ Attachment 4 Pahe 5 of 5

_ _ _ _ .






NRC Resolution of Facility Comments

QUESTION 59 Disagree with VY comment. As stated iri LOT 00 202 Rev.14 page

46 step 5.a, "the idle loop's flow signal is subtracted from the

operating loop's flow signal." Answer "B" is incorrect in that

subtracting the LOOP "A" flow on CRP 9 4 from TOTAL CORE FLOW

on CRP 9 5 is not the same as idle loop's flow signal subtracted from

the operating loop's flow signal. LOT-00-216 Rev.13 page 19 step

4.c. states "When one recirculation loop is idle, the f!ow indication is

automatically _ subtracted from the running loop's jet pump flow."

Neither reference supports subtractir.g the idle loop flow from total

core flow as answer "B" states. Therefore, the only correct answer

is "D" There was no change to the answer key.

OucSTION 69 Disagree with VY comment. The value given for reactor pressure in

the question stem,500 psig, clearly places the associated value for

Torus Water Temperature at > 210 degrees on the HCTL curve. With

this value transposed to the HCLL curve, the only correct answer is

"C". A small change in the values interpreted sould still place you in

the HCLL band of 8.0 to 8.4 feet. There was no change to the

answer key.

QUESTION 74 Disagree with VY comment. The question stem gave no indication of

the status of the fuel clad, reactor coolant, or primary containment.

The answer is based only on the information stated in the question

stem. An SAE is the correct classification. Additionally, the

classification level of an SAE for site boundary radiological dose as

per AP3125 must have it's basis in an analysis other than the DBA

LOCA or Refueling Accident, otherwise, those boundary doses would

be listed under the GE column of AP3125. There was no change tn

the answer key.

QUESTION 90 Disagree with VY comment. A review of technical specifications and

the UFSAR showed statements tnat appear to conflict. VY UFSAR

Rev.12 Sect. "The scram initiated by main steam line

isolation closure anticipates a reactor vessel low water level scram."

VY T.S. Bases 2.1.G, page 17 "The isolation valve closure scram -

anticipates the pressure and flux transients which occur during normat

or inadvertent isolation valve closure."

Due to your comments and the conflicting statements listed above,


the question will be deleted from the exam. No correct answer can

be assuredly referenced. The answer key was changed to reflect the







Facility License: DPR 28

Facility Docket No: 50-271

Operating Test Administration: September 3-4,1997

This form is to 'oe used only to report observations. These observations do not constitute

audit or inspection findings and are not, without further verification and review, indicative

of a noncompliance with 10 CFR 55.45(b). These observations do not affect NRC

eertification or approval of the simulation facility other than to provide information that

..ey be used in future evaluations. No licent ee action is required in response to these

[' observations.


1. During a LOCA at atmospheric pressure, HPCIindicated that it was operating

even though there was insufficient pressure to operate HPCI and HPCl was


2. During a low power ATWS the MSlVs went closed for no apparent reason

when the simulator instructor inserted a malfunction to fail the standby liquid

control pump suction line.
