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NRC Slides for 95002 Presentation for Susquehanna & PPL Public Meeting
Person / Time
Site: Susquehanna  Talen Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/03/2014
From: Bower F L
Reactor Projects Region 1 Branch 4
Shared Package
ML 14247A237 List:
Download: ML14247A261 (21)


SusquehannaSteamElectricStationSusquehanna Steam Electric StationSupplementalInspectionPublicExitSupplemental Inspection Public Exit and Regulatory Performance MeetingfUit2for Unit 2Nuclear Regulatory Commission -Region IBerwick, PASeptember 3, 2014 AgendaOverviewofReactorOversightProcessOverview of Reactor Oversight ProcessSupplemental Inspection Objective and ScopeInspectionResultsandObservationsInspection Results and ObservationsPPL ResponseAction Matrix Next StepsctoatetStepsClosing RemarksQuestions from the PublicAdjourn Meeting Reactor Oversight ProcessSafetyCornerstonesStrategicPerformance AreasSafetyCornerstonesStrategicPerformance AreasCornerstonesBaseline Inspection ResultsPerformance IndicatorResultsCornerstonesBaseline Inspection ResultsPerformance IndicatorResultsResultsSignificance ThresholdSignificance ThresholdResultsSignificance ThresholdSignificance ThresholdThresholdAction MatrixThresholdAction MatrixRltRRltRRegulatory ResponseRegulatory Response Action Matrix ConceptLicensee ResponseRegulatory ResponseDegraded CornerstoneMultiple Repetitive Degraded CornerstoneUnacceptable PerformanceppgAll Inputs are Green; Cornerstone1 or 2 White Inputs (in different2 White or 1 Yellow Input; Cornerstone ObjectivesMetw/Multiple Yellow Inputs or 1 Red Input; CornerstoneObjectivesOverall Unacceptable Performance; Plants notpermittedto2 White Performance Indicators UnplannedScramsCornerstone Objectives Fully Metdifferent cornerstones); Cornerstone Objectives Fully MetObjectives Met w/ Moderate Degradation in Safety PerformanceCornerstone Objectives Met w/ Significant Degradation in Safety Performance not permitted to Operate w/in this Column; Unacceptable Margin to Safety-Unplanned Scrams with Complications >1-Unplanned Scrams per 7000 hours0.081 days <br />1.944 hours <br />0.0116 weeks <br />0.00266 months <br /> > 3Susquehanna Unit 2*Increasing safety significance*Increasing NRC inspection effortsIncreasingNRC/Licenseemanagementinvolvement*Increasing NRC/Licensee management involvement*Increasing regulatory actions Safety Significant Performance Indicator*UnplannedScramswithComplicationsIndicatorUnplanned Scrams with Complications-Exceed green/white threshold (more than 1)-TwoscramswithcomplicationsTwo scrams with complications*Nov 9, 2012 -Shutdown required in response to a malfunction of the feed water control system.*Dec 16, 2012 -Operator response to an automatic scram included reactor water level control challengesoutsidewhatisexpectedinanormalchallenges outside what is expected in a normal scram. -Performance Indicator returned to Green during the 4thquarter of 2013.

Unit 2 -95001 Supplemental InspectionResultsInspection Results*InspectioncompletedinSeptember2013Inspection completed in September 2013*All inspection objectives were met *Focus of the inspection was:-White Unplanned Scrams with Complications Performance IndicatorSithClitiNb92012*Scram with Complications -November 9, 2012*Scram with Complications -December 16, 2012 Safety Significant Performance Indicator*Unplanned Scrams per 7000 hour0.081 days <br />1.944 hours <br />0.0116 weeks <br />0.00266 months <br />sIndicatorpp-Exceeded green/white threshold (more than 3)-Four unplanned scramsp*November 9, 2012 (Integrated Control System Malfunction)*December 16, 2012 (Turbine Control Valve Testing)*December 19, 2012 (Loss of Feedwater)September142013(LeelTransientdring*September 14, 2013 (Level Transient during Planned Shutdown)-PerformanceIndicatorreturnedtoGreenPerformance Indicator returned to Green during the 4th quarter of 2013.

Unit 2 -95002 Supplemental InspectionObjectives*Provide assurance that the root and contributing fikiifitfiInspection -Objectivescauses of risk-significant performance issues are understood.*Independently assess the extent of condition and extent of cause.*Independently determine if safety culture components caused or significantly contributed to theperformanceissuesthe performance issues.*Provide assurance that the licensee's corrective actionsaresufficienttoaddresstherootandactions are sufficient to address the root and contributing causes and prevent recurrence.

Unit 2 -95002 Supplemental InspectionAreasCovered*ProblemIdentificationInspection -Areas CoveredProblem Identification*Root Cause EvaluationCorrectiveActions*Corrective Actions*Independently Assess Extent of Condition*Independently AssessExtent of Cause*Safety Culture AssessmentyInspection requirements that were common to the successfullycompleted95001inspectionwerenotresuccessfully completed 95001 inspection were not re-inspected Unit 2 -95002 Supplemental InspectionDatesandTeam*ConductedJuly14July312014Inspection -Dates and Team*Conducted July 14 -July 31, 2014SiRidtIt(Ld)*Senior Resident Inspector (Lead), *Senior Reactor Inspector, *2 Resident Inspectors,

  • 2ProjectEngineersand2 Project Engineers, and *Safety Culture Expert Unit 2 -95002 Supplemental InspectionConduct*DocumentReviewInspection -ConductDocument Review*Independent Safety Culture Review (FGiti)(Focus Group interviews)*Interviews,observations,andverificationInterviews, observations, and verification*Independent review of Root Cause EltiEvaluations*Relatedissuereview;ExtentofCauseRelated issue review; Extent of Cause and Extent of Condition Unit 2 -95002 Supplemental InspectionFocus*DegradedCornerstoneforInitiatingEventsInspection -FocusDegraded Cornerstone for Initiating Events*White Unplanned Scrams Per 7000 Critical Hours Performance Indicator*PreviouslyinspectedscramsonNovember*Previously inspected scrams on November 9, 2012 and December 16, 2012*Scrams on December 19, 2012 and September 14, 2013p, Common Cause Assessment for DegradedCornerstone*2RootCausesDegraded Cornerstone2 Root Causes-Less Than Adequate Decision-making RelatedtoIntegratedControlSystemDesignRelated to Integrated Control System Design Scope (Single Point Vulnerabilities) and OperatingExperienceReviewsOperating Experience Reviews-Less Than Adequate Management Reinforcement and Personal Accountability for Procedure Use and Adherence in OtidEiiDttOperations and Engineering Departments Common Cause Assessment KeyCorrectiveActions*AccountabilitywithRespectModelKey Corrective ActionsAccountability with Respect Model-Change Organizational BehaviorRiHPfTlIltti*Revise Human Performance Tools Implementation Guide (additional tools for Engineers and Workers)*Modify Integrated Control System to address Single Point Vulnerabilities*Revise "Design Guide for Failure Modes and Effects Analysis"-ProvidespecificguidanceonhowtoAnalysis Provide specific guidance on how to disposition Single Point Vulnerabilities Unit 2 -95002 Supplemental InspectionResults*GreenNon-citedViolationInspection -ResultsGreen Noncited Violation-TS 5.4.1 for improperly maintaining a required proceduresforoperationoftheIntegratedprocedures for operation of the Integrated Control SystemGlWk*General Weaknesses-Operator Performance-Accountability with Respect-Operating Experience Process-Design Control Process PPL Response and RemarksRobert FranssenGeneral Manager -OperationsgpPPLShLLCPPL Susquehanna, LLC Action Matrix Follow Up AssessmentAssessmentHo NiehDirectorDivisionofReactorDirector, Division of Reactor ProjectsUSNRC Region Ig Action Matrix Process and Next Steps*PerformOnsite95002InspectionStepsPerform Onsite 95002 Inspection-Complete and Objectives Met*Conduct Public Performance Assessment Meetingg-Completed Tonight*Assess Colors of Current Performance Indicators and Inspection Findings-Currently All Green*Issue95002InspectionReportandFollowup*Issue 95002 Inspection Report and Follow-up Assessment Letter -within 45 daysy Open to the Public*TheNRCplacesahighpriorityonkeepingThe NRC places a high priority on keeping the public and stakeholders informed of its activities.activities.*At WWW.NRC.GOV, you can:-Find public meeting dates and transcripts;-Read NRC testimony, speeches, press releases, and policydecisions;andpolicy decisions; and -Access the agency's Electronic Reading Room to find NRC publications and documents.

Contacting the NRC*ReportanemergencyReport an emergency-(301) 816-5100 (call collect)Reportasafetyconcern*Report a safety concern -(800) 695-7403*General information or "What We Do" for Public Affairs Reference Sources*Reactor Oversight Processg-*Public Electronic Reading Room-*Public Document Room-1-800-397-4209 (Toll Free)