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Forwards Operator Licensing Exam Rept 50-255/99-301(OL) for Initial Operator Licensing Exams at Palisades NPP Completed on 990614.Two RO Applicants & Two SRO Applicants Failed One or More Portions of Respective Exams & Were Denied Licenses
Person / Time
Site: Palisades Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 10/04/1999
From: Grobe J
To: Thomas J. Palmisano
Shared Package
ML18066A671 List:
50-255-99-301, NUDOCS 9910120061
Download: ML18066A672 (3)

See also: IR 05000255/1999301


October 4, 1999

Mr. Thomas J. Palmisano

Site Vice President and General Manager

Palisades Nuclear Generating Plant

27780 Blue Star Memorial Highway

Covert, Ml 49043-9530



Dear Mr. Palmisano:

On June 14, 1999, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) completed initial operator

licensing examinations at your Palisades Nuclear Power Plant for seven license applicants.

The license examinations were prepared by members of your staff under the oversight of the *

NRC using the guidelines contained in NU REG 1021, "Operator Licensing Examination

Standards for Power Reactors," Interim Revision 8, January 1997. This was your staff's first



opportunity to develop an operator licensing examination under these guidelines.

The operating test was administered by a team of NRC examiners from June 7 through

June 11, 1999, and the written examination was administered by members of your staff on

  • June 14, 1999. The examinations were administered to three Reactor Operator (RO) license

applicants and to four Senior Reactor Operator (SRO) license applicants. One RO applicant

and two SRO applicants passed their respective examinations and we~e issued the appropriate

licenses to operate your Palisades Nuclear Power Plant. However, two RO applicants and two

SRO applicants failed one or more portions of their respective examinations and were denied

operating licenses.

The enclosed report presents the results of the license examination and a concurrent

operations inspection. Preliminary findings were discussed at an exit meeting on June 23,

1999, with .those members of your staff identified in the enclosed report. The individual

performance evaluations were finalized on August 19, 1999, and a telephone conference call

was conducted that day between Mr. D. Rogers and others of your staff, and Mr. D. Hills and

-* Mr.- R-;-Bailey of the Region Ill.staff. -The high rate of applicant failure, your root cause

evaluation, and the corrective actions you intend to implement to prevent recurrence of the high

failure rate were discussed.

Generic weaknesses exhibited by the applicants on the operating examinations included:

problems in verifying system response during normal and abnormal evolutions, failures to follow

. appropriate operating procedures, and failures to accurately determine the minimum protective

action requirements for an emergency implementation plan. In addition, nineteen questions on

the written examinations were answered incorrectly by more than one half of the applicants.

The high failure rate implied that the training program had not adequately prepared the

applicants for the examination nor to perform licensed duties at your facility.

9910120061 991006


ADOCK 05000255



T. Palmisano

-2- .

Your root cause evaluation indicated that the applicants had not been adequately prepared for

higher cognitive level questions on the examination, and that weaknesses existed in the

examination validation and management oversight processes. These weaknesses contributed

to difficulties with test item development and resolution. During the conference call on *

August 19, 1999, your staff stated they intended to perform a. root cause analysis and

subsequently propose a corrective action plan to eliminate the high failure rate on the operating


In accordance with 10 CFR 2. 790 of the Commission's regulations, a copy of this letter and the

enclosures to this letter will be placed in the NRC Public Document Room~

Docket No. 50-255

License No. DPR-20

  • Sincerely,

Oriniqal Siqned by John A. Grobe

John A. Grobe, Director

Division of Reactor Sat ety


1. Examination Report 50-255/99301 (OL)

2. Simulator Fidelity Report

3. Written Examination Comments and NRC Responses

. 4. Written Examinations & Answer Keys

cc w/encls 1, 2, & 3: R. Fenech, Senior Vice President, Nuclear

cc w/encls 1, 2, 3 &'4:*

Fossil and Hydro Operations

N. Haskell, Director, Licensing

R. Whale, Michigan Public Service Commission

Michigan Department of Environmental Quality

Department of Attorney General (Ml)

Emergency Management Division, Ml Department

ofState-R,olice . *~--.. . ..

E. Chatfield, Plant Training Manager


To receive a co


DH ills

~ ctA--




T. Palmisano


CAC (E-Mail)

RPC (E-Mail)

RGS (Project Mgr.) (E-Mail)

J. Caldwell, Riii w/encl 1

B. Clayton, Riii w/encl 1

SRI Palisades w/encl 1

DRP w/encl 1

DRS w/encl 1

Riii PRR w/encl 1

PUBLIC IE-42 w/encls 1, 2, 3 & 4

Docket File w/encl 1


IEO (E-Mail)


M. Bies, Riii w/encls 1, 2 & 3
