ML20203J814 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | LaSalle |
Issue date: | 04/23/1986 |
References | |
0134H, 134H, NUDOCS 8604300255 | |
Download: ML20203J814 (30) | |
l 3.A, Commonwealth Edison
LaSalls County Nuctrar Station y
Rural Route #1, Box 220 Marseilles, Illinois 61341 s
Telephone 815/357-6761 April 23, 1986, Mr. James G. Keppler Regional Administrator Region III U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 799 Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
EPP Annual Operating Report Appendix B to Facility License No. NPF-11 and No. NPF-18
Dear Mr. Keppler:
Attached is the Annual Operating Report for the year of 1985 for the Environmental Protection Plan as required by Section 5.4 of Appendix B to' Facility License No. NPF-ll and No. NPF-18.
This report is contained in the following subsections:
3.1 Plant Design and Operation.
4.2.1 Vegetative Integrity on Cooling Pond Dike.
4.2.2 Monitoring of Fog and Ice Due to the Cooling Pond.
5.4.1 EPP Non-Compliance and Corrective Action Taken to Remedy Them.
5.4.2-Non-Routine Reports.
Secticn 3.2 of Appendix B requires submittal to the NRC of NPDES noncompliance reports which are required by the State of Illinois. These reports were previously submitted to the NRC at the time submittal was made to the state.
Included as Attachment 6 of this Annual Operating Report is a summary of the NPDES noncompliances for 1985.
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h DOCuMsNT Io ol34h I
i In accordance with Regulatory Guide 10.1, one copy of this report is provided for your use and 18 copies are being submitted directly to the Document Control Desk, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C., 20555.
Sincerely yours, w
G J. Diederich tation Manager LaSalle County Station GJD/LRA/jdp i
C.h. Allen, W/ettach.
NRC Resident Inspector, w/ attach.
Environmental Affairs, w/ attach.
Document Control Desk (18 copies) t i
f 1
6 B
7 k'
3.1 Plant Design and Operation No changes in station design or operation, tests and experiments were made in accordance with subsection 3.1 which involve a potentially significant unreviewed environmental issue.
A modification to the condenser cooling water discharge canal to correct an on-site fog and ice problem was evaluated for potential environmental impacts in accordance with subsection 3.1.
This evaluation delineated that no significant environmental impact would occur based on the following conclusions:
The fog and ice problem that the modification is intended to correct occurred entirely on-site in the Lamediate vicinity of the condenser cooling water discharge.
The modification will not enhance any off-site fogging and icing (this based on past winters experience of the fog and ice forming on the easterly side of the discharge area).
There will be no discernable impact on the water quality of 1
the cooling pond due to temperature increase.
The construction of the modification will not result in an increase in suspended solids in the cooling pond.
The modification and excavation spoiling areas are within the area previously disturbed by site preparation.
t 8
1 4.2.1 Vegetative Integrity on Cooline Pond Dike The vegetative integrity of the cooling pond dike was inspected in accordance with LaSalle county Station procedure LTS-1000-5 on the following dates: March 9, 1985; April 30, 1985; May 31, 1985; June 29, 1985; July 31, 1985; August 30, 1985; September 30, 1985; and October 17, 1985. The above inspections resulted in the following concerns:
One area at station marker 301 was noted in the March inspection as not doing well and reseeding in May was recommended. However, during the April inspection, this area had recovered and was no longer of concern.
In July, work was contracted out to apply the herbicide Round-up to the outer dike face in order to control the Canadian Thistle growth. This killed a majority of the Canadian Thistle and plans are to reapply the herbicide in j
The crown vetch along the east side of the outer dike was noted as being dried out and not doing well during the July inspection. After some rain, this area recovered and was no longer of concern.
No other items of concern were noted during the 1985 cooling pond dike inspections.
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t 4.2.2.
Monitoring of Foq and Ice Due to the coolina Pond i
The following is a summary of the data for 1985 of the operational fog and rime ice observations in the vicinity of the cooling pond including an analysis of the data and comparison to the 1984, 1983 and 1982 operating experience, and 1981 and 1980 baseline. This is in accordance with the Environmental Protection Plan Appendix B Section 4.2.2 which is part of the operating license for LaSalle County Station Units 1 and 2.
4 Included are: Attachment 1, which includes all reported incidences of fog which restricted visibility to 1/4 miles or less and rime ice observations in 1985; Attachment 2, which consists of copies of the four quarterly summaries of fog and rime ice observations for 1985; Attachment 3, which j
includes the annual summaries of observations for the years 1980 through 1984; Attachment 4, which is the correlation of time ice observations on vegetation for the winter of 1984-1985; and Attachment 5, the report of the
" Inspection for Environmental Impact of Rime Icing", which was conducted by i
a consulting plant pathologist in May, 1985, to assess the effects of the time ice that formed on vegetation during the winter of 1984-1985.
In summary, there were six days out of the 238 observation days during 1985, where visibility was restricted to less than 1/4 mile. There was one observation of time ice build-up occurring off the station propet.y. There was a period of continuous observation of on-site rime ice reported during a period of extremely cold weather in January.
Analysis of the six off-site 1985 occurrences of reduced visibility shows i
that there was one observation of reduced visibility that may have been i
enhanced by the pond.
It occucted on the morning of February 8th and was limited to two downwind observation points.
On-site, during the cold weather, dense steam fog occurred in the area of the condensing cooling water discharge, reducing the visibility along the driveway to the main gate and over part of the parking lot. This is a localized effect, entirely on-site, not involving any of the observation points on the public roads around the perimeter of the site, and has not been consistently reported in the monitoring program.
There was one off-site observation of rime ice in 1985; it was reported on the morning of February 8th, at two downwind observation points..The ice build-up was light, reported as 1/16 inch, and was not reported during the afternoon inspection.
All of the on-site rime ice observations were in the same localized area near the circulating water discharge. Rime ice was observed on vegetation and on vertical surfaces. Rime ice formed on the vegetation, guard rails, fences and automobiles in the parking lot and during the extremely cold weather the ice persisted. As with the steam fog in the same area, this effect has occurred entirely on-site, not involving any of the observation points on the public roads around the perimeter of the site and, therefore,
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. has not been reported on a regular basis in the monitoring program. An
" Inspection for Environmental Impact of Rime Icing" will be made during the 1986 spring growing season of the areas which were subject to the time ice occurrences during the 1985-1986 winter season.
Analysis shows that the 1985 data had one less observation of fog causing reduced visibilities than in 1984 and one more than in 1983, but fewer than in the years 1982, 1981, and 1980. As shown below, there were six observations in 1985, seven in 1984, five in 1983, twelve in 1982, eleven in 1981, and ten in 1980.
Total Observations, visibility Less visibility Less Than 1/4 Mile Year Than 1/4 Mile Downwind only 1985 6
1 1984 7
0 1983 5
1 1982 12 0
1981 11 1
1980 10 0
It is apparent that there was little or no enhancement of off-site fog conditions that could be attributed to the heat rejected to the cooling pond.
There have been only three times in the six years of observations that a visibility reduction under a 1/4 mile occurred downwind of the pond without any similar upwind or cross wind fog observations.
In 1985, there was one off-site observation of time ice, downwind of the cooling pond. It was light (1/16 inch) and did not persist. There was a period of continuous on-site rime ice build-up in the area of the cooling water discharge, where the entrance road crosses the discharge. All the rime ice observations in 1984, 1983 and 1982 were also localized to the same area where the entrance road crosses the cooling water discharge canal.
In the pre-operational period there were two observations which occurred during a period of extremely cold weather in January, 1982, which was before fuel loading. There was one observation in 1981 in late December under conditions which combined very cold air temperatures and an area wide light fog which resulted in a natural rime ice formation off site but was apparently not influenced by the cooling pond.
There were four incidences of time ice reported in 1983, and more were j
expected in 1984 with both units operating. This has proved to be true in 1984 and 1985 and during the prolonged periods of cold weather, the ice has persisted and built up.
An inspection for " Environmental Impact of Rime Icing" was conducted by a consulting plant pathologist, Dr. Barry J. Jacobsen on May 15, 1985. The i
vegetation in the affected area was inspected and found not to have suffered l
. any observable effects from the rime icing that occurred during the winter of 1984-1985. Attachment 5 is a copy of the report of the inspection.
As a result of the occurrences of steam fog and rime ice along the on-site access road, corrective action has been taken. The channel carrying the condenser cooling water discharge was rerouted and it is planned to cover it for part of the way to increase the distance between the point where the steam fog is formed and the access road. The rerouting of the channel is across an on-site area which was previously disturbed by construction. This action was evaluated and recorded as specified in Section 3.1 of the EPP.
The experience through 1984 of pre-operational, one unit operation and, in 1984 and 1985, of two unit operation, has demonstrated that operation of the station and the cooling pond has not been a major contributor to the frequency, extent or density of fog in the observation areas along the public roads surrounding the station nor has operation caused any persistant off-site incidences of time ice formation. Section 6.2.1 of the LSCNPP 1
Final Environmental Statement requires the monitoring program to continue through at least one 12 month period of reasonably complete two unit operation. This requirement has been fulfilled and the applicant has requested termination of the off-site fog and rime ice monitoring program.
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4286E 7
BBB:dd l
Page 1 of 2 Fog and Rime Ice Monitoring Program Summary LaSalle County Generating Station i
1 l
Incidence of Fog / Rise Ice Formation s
1985 238 Days of Observations 1
l Frs/Ribne Ice Visibility in Feet (less than i
cheer rat toms Utad 1/4 mile) at Observation Points l
Date Time Direction 1
2 3
4 5
6 7
8 9
Remarks Fog & Rime Ice (3") or i
1/21 7:30a 270*
site in area of con-densing cooling water 1/21 4:00p 270*
discharge. Fog con-j tinues through morn-i 1/22 7:30a 300*
inq of 1/22/85. Rime ice persisted for ex-j tended period through j
1 1
Fog & Rime Ice on 1/24 7:30a 250*
site in area of cool-ing water discharge.
l Rime Ice on i
1/31 7:00a 332*
s in area of cool-1 ing water discharge.
i I
Fog & Rime Ice ( V16 * ]
j 2/08 7:00a 359*
- 1000
- 1000 observed on trees at i
points 7 & u.
i i
I i
General fog and 2/22 7:00a 210*
1300 1300 1300 1300
- 1300
- 1300
- 1300 1300 1300 drizzle.
General fog and 2/22 4:30o 170*
740 700 700 700
- 700 700 700 700 700 drizzle.
3 l
0 Deestes,Fes Foresties Downwind of Cooling Pond Obs.Pt.
Dir. Spea Obe.Pt. *Dir. Span Obs.Pt.
Dir. St.ane 8
8 I
1 3058-828 4
- 90P*161 7
197 -3390 l
278 -351*
8 8
8 2
278-838 5
90 -240 8
's 658-112' 6~
9 286 - 67*
.=- ---..-
j Page 2 of 2 Fog and Rime Ice Monitoring Program Summary l
l LaSalle County Generatina Station l
l Incidence of Fog / Rime Ice Formation 1985 t
238 Days of Observations l
i j
l Fog / Rime Ice Visibility in Feet (less than hgggggg Wind 1/4 mile) at Observ,ition Pointe Date Time Direction 1
2 3
4 5
6 7
8 9
Reserks General fog over 7/03 7:30a 50"
- 1200
- 1200 1200 1200 1200 800 800 1200 1200 entire area.
General fog over 8/26 7:00a 319*
- 500 500 500 500 500 500
- 500
- 500
- 500 entire area.
i l
9/27 7:30a 30*
1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 General fog.
i l
l i
j j.
i I
l i
t t
O Doestes Fog Forestion Dewavind of Cooling Pond I
Dir. Spea Obs.Pt.
- Dir. Span Obs.Pt.
Dir. Spans 1
j 1
3058-828 4
- 90A 161*
7 197*-3398 278 -351*
8 8
90 -2408 8
2 278-858 5
j 3
658-112' 6
9 286 - 67*
i Page 1 of 4 Fog and Rise ice Monitertag Program Summary LaSalle County Generattaa Station Incidence of Fog / Rise Ice Formation 1st Snarter,198j
& Days of Observattene i
i yog/sthe Ice Visiblitty la Feet (less than 2 1eam Wied 1/4 mile) at Observation Points
'e T'--
aireestaa 1
~2 3
4 5
6 7
8 9
Reasrks j
Fog & Rime Ice (38) c n
{1-21 7:30e 270*
alta in aram af ennd= nsing Cooling water dischar go j)-21 4nOOo 270*
For continuous t:wous ti i
morning of 1-22-<55.
- l-22 7mina 300*
Rinna Ice nersinted 'fc r j
extended period throt gh 1-31-85.
Fog & Rime Ice on Sit e in
- ln_oA 7 min.
mean of ennlina water dis _ ' i i
F Ei== Ice or sit e in n_u ar. nn.
i area of cooling water l
Fog, Rite' Ice (1/.16*]
>_n 7 ann.
- 1000
- 1000 ah=erved on tree brar ches at observation points 7 and 8.
l>_99 7.nn.
210e innn innn sinn 1300 e1300 *1300
- 1300 1300 1300 Ganaral for & drizzle
!>_99 da ww 170*
vnn' 700
'700 700
- 700 700 700 700 700 General fog & drizzla
l Fog reported, no visj jg_11 nonna 135*
bility restrictions j
Fog reported, no vis1
- s_ss s ;nn.,
bility restrictions l
i 0 Demetes, Fag passation Bouanied of Cee!!as Pond j
Dir. Seen
. Obs.Pt. Dir. Sosa Obs.Pt.
Dir.Spad*['l' 1-
- 3058-82*
4' -
- 90**141*
7 197*-3398 8
90 -2408 a
2 27*- 858
.5 l
3-658-112' 6'
9 286*- 67*
(See MsF en Reverse side)
Comm:nwrIth Edison Page 2 of 4 72 West Adams Street. Ch cago. Illinois Acc' ?ss Reply to. Post Office Sox 767 Chcago, Illinois 60690 - 0767 August 12. 1985 M. Jordan Senior Resident Inspector LaSalle county Station U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Ceaunission
LaSalle county Station Units 1 and 2 Operational Fog and Ice Observation Program (NRC Docket No's. 50-373 and 50-374)
Dear Mr. Jordan:
In accordance with the Environmental Protection Plan. Appendix B.-
section 4.2.2 which is part of the operating license for LaSalle County Station Units 1 and 2 the following is a summary of the data for the second-quarter of 1985 of the operational fog and rime ice observations in the
vicinity of the cooling pond.
During the second quarter of 1985, there were 63 observation days. During that period there were no occurrences where the visibility was restricted to less than 1/4 mile by fog and there were no occurrences of rime ice.
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please address them to this office.
G. J. Diederich Station Superintendent 52395 BBS:GJD:pp cc:
M. J. Oestmann - Region III l
l l
i Page 3 of 4 Fog and Rime Ice Monitoring Program Summary LaSalle County Generatina Station 4
j Incidence of Fog / Rime Ice Formation i
Third quarter, 198 5 58 Days of Observations Fog / Ribe Ice Visibility in Feet (less than obe rvatione Utad 1/4 mile) at Observation Pointe Date Time Direction 1
2 3
4 5
6 7
8 9
Remarke General fog over 7-3 7:30a 50*
1200 1200 1200 800 800 1200 1200 entire area.
Light fog, no visi-8-5 7:00a 240*
bility restrictions.
Light fog, no visi-8-6 7:00a 200*
bility restrictions.
General fog over 8-26 7:00a 319*
500 500 500 500 500 500*
entire area.
Light fog, no visi-8-29 7:00a 206*
bility restrictions.
Lignt rog, no vist-8-30 7:00a 324*
bility restrictions.
9-27 7:30a 30*
l000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 I
1 l
1 0 Deesteo Fog Forestion Downwind of Cooling Pond (he.Pt.
Dir. Spea Obs.Pt. " Dir. Span Obs.Ft.
Dir. Spas......t 90**1618 7
197*-3398 1
- 3058-828 4
8 8
8 90 -2408 8
278 -351 2
278-858 5
3-658-112' 6~
9 286*- 67*
l (8ee Map on Reverse Side) t
@ Chcago uno:s 6C690 0767 Commonwealth Edison 9*
72 Aest Acams S: est C ca;: u:s Ec ess -eciy : -es: C":e 35 767 January 16, 1986 M. Jordan.
- Senior Resident Inspector LaSalle County Station U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
LaSaile County Station Units 1 and 2 operational Fog and Ice Observation Program (HRC Docket No's. 50-373 and 50-374)
Dear Mr. Jordan:
This is a summary of the fourth quarter data for 1985 of the operational fog and rime ice observations in the vicinity of the cooling pond. This is in accordance with che Environmental Protection Plan, Appendix B. Section 4.2.2 which is part of the operating license for t.aSalle.
County Station Units 1 and 2.
During the fourth quarter of 1985, there were no days out of 57 observation days where the visibility was restricted to less than 1/4 mile.
There were no occurrences of time ice during the period. Daily observations were not made on the dates of October 1, 2, 3 and 4 due to inspector illness.
If you have any questions concerning this matter, please address them to this office.
Sincerely, G. J. Diederich Station Manager 19938 l
BBB:pp cc:
M. J. Oestmann - Region III w/att.
i Page 1 of 8 5
t 1
Fog sad aime Ice Manitoring Frogram Summary 14Selle causty Generatina Staties Incidence of Fog / Rime Ice Fesmettaa j
1984 l
2,{LQ_ Seye of Observettene
i j
res/tias Ice Vielbility la Feet (lees thea j
h paticas Vlad
'l/4 alle) et abeerwettaa Feiste d
asse T'--
atracanes 1
.2 3
4 S
6 7
8 9
senerke 1/10 "T r 3na 360*
Rime Ice (tm) along shore. naer discherme i
Rise Ice (trace) alor g I
1/11 7:30a 60*
shore. near discherma i
Rime Ice (3/48) on bt shes -
1/17 6n55a 210*
and fence near discha rge Rime Ice (3/4*) on bo shes j
1/14 7 1na 230*
and fancam naar diact at go and on cars in parkir g I
R1ee Ice (3/fo ) on k shes r
1/20 7 OOm 294*
and fences near disch erge and on cars in parkir g j
j Rise Ice (t") on vege ta-1/M1 7 9n.
21ne tion & nuardrail near discharse.
Fog over general area,
9/1 7:10a 213*
1300 1000 1000 1000 1000* 1000*
1000 1000 Rise Ice (&*) on clar ts guardrails and fencea near dischermo.
1 Rise Ice (48) on bust es 2/6 7:15e 300*
anc fences near diactarge aru on cars in parkirg l
l o as te,.F Asm.ts.a no laa.e F a
Dir. Sees Obe.Fr.
'Dir. Spea obs.Ft.
Dir. Spea
, 948 141*
7 197 -3398
8 l
2 278-858
_5 8
8 8
90 -240*
a 274 -351 e -
li 3
9 284*- 67*
l (See May as Bewerse side) 1
Page 2 of 8 j
Peg med asse Ice tenettertog Progree Sesamery l
LaSalle Ceasety Generettaa Staties Incidence of reg / sine Ice Fossettes l
?Jd_ n y. es abe.evettene pegfgiano Ice Visibility A. Feet (lees thee aw-a '---
10 Bad lle elle) et abeerwetten Petese
' aste t' -- -
atracasee 1
't 3
4 5
6 7
8 9
2/7 7:15e 315*
Rise Ice (48) on bush se,
--drail - '
m ser discharge and on cors in markins lot.
Heavy fog over 9/in
&.nnn 29se onn son onn 9an onne onne pone son son n--
a1 aram.
Heavy fog over a /is
&anga 185*
250 250 250 250 250*
250 250 250 250
--aral area.
o 19a 6m h 110*
500 500 Foa General overcase, j
- r.nn.
1000 1000 1000s 1000s 1000*
1000 1000 1000 innn mist and fos l
General overcast,
10/10 7mnna 64*
700 700m 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 niet
==d fos i
i Rime Ice (1/16e) on
11/12 7mOOm 315' vanatatina in area free discharge to
===t maan mata.
19/sn 7.nna 111 5 *
-100m 100 100 100 100 200 200*
Foa. Eeneral aree-1 h
l 0 geesteg peg posenties geuewted of Coeling Poed abe.Pt.
Sir, Sees abe.Pt.
'Dir. Spee Obs.Pt.
Bir. Spea 1
3858-828 4
- 948*l41' 7
8 197 -339*
2 278-858 5
4 27a*-351* ~"**#
9 286*- 67*
T (see assy en sewerse made) 1 1
Page 3 of 8 i
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Page 5 of 8 I
Fog and 8 time ice Mennla nt ing l*rsegram Suommary 14Salle Ca usey Crescrat isig Stat inea i
Incidencu ut Fug/istne Ice Formation 1982 249 pays of observatione yeg/sta. Ice Viellat!!ay in Feet (lees lleen
_haarretiene Wind 1/4 elle) et olenervation rotate a
2 3
4 5
6 7
a 9
samerke sete Time strecesae 8
Rise ica (1/16*) l
1-14 7:12e 257*
mina rd hnni m a *#
Elme ice (light) along 1-26 6:59a 279 rnaAway into narkins lotte 2-02 7:03a 125*
$0 50 75*
50 50 50 50 i
2-19 4:10s 261*
1000 3-12 7:15e 145*
a00 6-29 7:15a 282*
200 200 200 200 400 600*
i 8-23 7:25a 18*
200 200 250 250 250 500 500*
9-01 8:00a 171*
400 Fog rain
- i 9-02 7
- 30a 279*
300 200 100 150 150 500 300*
200 9-08 7:30a 90*
900 900 400e 400*
400 400 400 400 900 Light fos-mist i
9-09 7:10e 180*
1000 300 Heavy fog over 9-27 7:00m 59*
100 100 200 200 200 200*
10:08 7:0h 20*
Fog density 200-40) feet in all direct tons a.e
.e r r.r a.a or c ii... e.,a 1, sir, seen che.rt.
Otr. span on... r t.
in a r. span eeRime ice on station alte only:
see page 2 of Attachment 2 for 1
3038- 02*
4 90*-161*
7 197*-339*
...*.6 location.
2 278-858 90*-240'8 8
e 3
6 188*-262*
9 256*- 67*
(See Map on Reverse Side)
Page 6 of 8 Fog and klen Ice Hasit e nv ing I's s. gram Sesammary 1.aSa lle Causes y Ccsses at lang Statloss t
Incidence of Fog / Rime Ice Formation 1982 249 p ye of temervessons t
yegfagee Ice Vietbility la Feet (less than akaarvations Utad I/4 mile) at Observation rotate Bate 78 -
Direction 1 -
2 3
4 5
6 7
8 9
11:30 7:20s 135' 800 800 800 800*
800 000 000 Fog over entire area i
i d
I e sonotes Fog Formation Downwind of Cooling Foshi obe.rt.
Otr. Seen obe.rt.
Otr. Spain on.s. rs,
sah Span a
us*- s2*
4 vo -:c,t'*
7 19 ;*- us a
a e.**
2 278-ts' 5
90*-240" 8
2 f a'*-M a e -
u 3
6 1sm8-262*
9 288."- 67*
(See Map paa keverse StJo)
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Page 8 of 8 Fog and Rime Ice Manitoring Program Summary imSalle County Cenerating Station Incidence of Fog / Rime Ice Formation Ikarlag 1980
$ Days of Observatione yeg/ stas Ice Vielbtlity in Feet (less than 1/4 mile) et Observation Pointe cheerwatione Wlad
_Sete Time Direction 1
2 3
4 5
6 7
8 9
a merke 1-16 b 00F 171*
1500 1300 1300 Pond fresen 2-20 Es30&
500 500 200*
500 500 500 Pond 90W fresan 2-21 6330A 90*
500 1000 1000*
1000 1000 Pond 90% freseen 5-19 Fs004 31*
200 200 200 300 300 300 250*
Donae tog 5 mi. east i
8-11 F:20&
1400 1400 1400
'1000 1000*
1000 700*
800 800 et plant 8-18 FsOTA 332*
700 650 000 700 650 700*
750 700 Fog la entire eroe 8-28 Fs06&
600 800 000 800 600 600 600 800 000 9-05 Fs1SA i1*
1300 700 700 750 l
12-01 bs30F 72*
800 800 800 800 000 Paining 12-31 Fs004 315*
1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000*
i t
I Wind direction indicator not worklag o Denotes F4 Formatica Downwind of Cooling Pond Obe.Pt.
Dir. Spea Obs.Pt.
Dir. Ob s..* t.
Dir. Span 1
'050- 82*
4 908-161*
7 197 -3398 8
8 0
0 8
2 278-858 5
90 -240 8
278 -351 3
658-112" 6
0 8
8 188 -262 9
2s6 - 67*
j 4
(See Map on Reverse Side)
La 1
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Page 1 of 4 i
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5-1 bT 1
Barry J. Jacobsen, PhD l
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Page 2 of 4 i
l 7egetation in the vicinity of the LaSalle County Generating l
Statica was surveyed for damage caused by time toe deposition during the winter of 1984-83 This survey was done in acoordance with section 4-2-2(d) of the IaSalle County Station Dtvironmental Protection Plan on the ljth of May, 1985 with the assistance of j
Mr. B.B. Barriekman of the Commonwealth Edison Company and is the i
second survey of this site done by Barry J. Jacobsen, Ph.D.
1 Summaries of the 4th quarter of 1984 and let quarter of 1985 L
l of the Fog and Rise Ice Monitoring Program for the IaSalle Station I
1 were utilised to identify areas of most likely damage. The survey area is shown in Figure 1 (attached). Also shown in this l
figure are specifie sites sentioned in this report.
The survey area was sufficiently large so that similar plants sould be observed in areas reported to be with and without rise lee.
1 Site #1 located around the cooling water diseharge was the site where rise toe was reported most frequently during January of 1945 Cottonwood, willow, autumn olive and sweet elover j
observed at this site did not show evidense of lee damage.
i Iowever, willows located north of the ecoling water discharge did,
show more winter injury and sanker disease (Venturia and Cytospera) than other willows in the survey area.
Winter injury was diag nosed based on tip diebeek and one sided oambium noorosis and bud l
death. This winter injury is thought to be due to the ware i
discharge water delaying the vernalisation process.
This delay in vernalization does not allow the plant tissues to harden off i
enough to prevent freesing injury when extreme cold oseurs.
winter injury noted was relatively staor in nature.
Willows i
growing 25-30 yards north of the cooling water diseharge also had l
wood borer damage.
Autumn olive plantings in this area aise displayed.some dieback.
1 However, the distribution and type of dieback is suggestive of' prob-l less relating to transplanting and plant establishment.
Sweet elever growing in this area showed no evidense of seethering such as would be expeeted from toe damage.
i Site #2 loested to the west of the cooling water diseharge had apple sad ask. trees.uhist showed winter damage.
This thought to re%ste.te the verr.alisation probles mentioned above and not les daange..-
Dogweed standings at this site showed evidence of transplant I
damage agnia in '1943, although most plants show evidense of recovery.
j l
Sweet elever and erown vecoh growing at this site showed no i
signs of ice smothering.
i 1L13.43 was characteristie of erewn veteh growing on the banks of the pond containment dike.
Growth was excellent and there was little sign of the Volute 11a canker disease seen in the 1984 survey.
I Site #4 was contiguous with observation site #7 used in the fog and rise ice monitoring reports.
Diebeek was noted only in
a row of old Osage orange trees growing adjasest to a pasture.
l I
-.,,.. ~ _. _ -
l Page 3 of 4 1985 Folear Survey Page 2 Diebeek was not characteristia of ice or winter damage.
Cieback was sharacteristie of root damage and/or canker or decay problems.
Sita M was loested between tog and rise ice observation sites M and M.
A new acme with new landscape tree plantings was located at this site.
These plantings osourred in 1984 and did not show ice or winter damage.
Site M was located at 0.7 miles west of fog and rise loe observation site M.
An old PAanting of hard amples showed evidense of diebeek relating to desay at this abandoned building 4
There was no evidence of ice damage.
Conclusion Rise teing was not a factor in vegatation injury is and around the Isaalle county Generating Station during the winter of 1984-85 J
Diehaak associated with delayed vernalisation near the ecoling water diseharge site een be assoeisted with plant operation.
However, this damage is einer and is limited only ts6 wbl1ews which often show e,
vinter injury.
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5.4.1 EPP nonc e liances and corrective action taken to remedy thee
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5.4.2 Nonroutine Reports NONE DOCUttENT ID 0134h
o ATTAQ9EDrf 6 4
-l Summary of NPDES noncompliances for 1985. These have been previously reported to the NRC at the time the report was submitted to the State of Ill.inois. These are not EPP noncompliances.
t e
t I
1-1-85-09 10 Jan 85 001 (a) Demineralizer Regenerant Discharge was discontinued following confirmation Wastes pH(1) of the 9.2 pH result.
1-1-85-57 2~1 Feb 85 001 Cooling Pond Blowdown Total None taken.
Iron (1) 1 1-1-85-66 13 Mar 85 001 (b) Sewage Treatment Plant Efforts made to sample Sewage Treatment Plant Effluent Fecal Co11 form (2) effluent after more contact time with chlorine.
1-1-85-88 4 Apr 85 001 Cooling Pond Blowdown Total Requesting NPDES permit modification.
Iron (4) 1-1-85-97 26 Apr 85 001 Cooling Pond Blowdown Total Requesting NPDES permit modification.
Iron (2) 1-1-85-121 3 Jun 85 001 (c) Wastewater Treatment Facility Discharge was isolated. Clearwell pumped back pH (1) to equalization tank and neutralized.
1-1-85-122 4 Jun 85 001 (a) Regenerative Wastes Solution Discharge was isolated. Possible inadequate Discharge Tank pH and Total Suspended mixing due to low flow through transfer pumps Solids (2).
to be investigated.
1-1-85-143 01 Jul 85 001 (a) Regenerative Wastes Solution OWM03T and OWM12T Tanks were drained, inspected, Discharge Tank TSS (1) and cleaned since solids had accumulated in the tanks.
1 1-1-85-144 03 Jul 85 001 (c) Wastewater Treatment System 011 and Grease was pumped out of clarifiers, Effluent 011 and Grease (3) equalization tank, and oil separator pit. Oil absorbent booms in clearwell and effluent chamber were replac,ed.
1-1-85-160 29 Jul 85 001 (c) Wastewater Treatment Facility Discharge isolated. Media filter
'A' replaced.
Total Suspended solids and 011 and 011 pumped out of equalization tank clarifiers, Grease (4) clearwell, and effluent compartment. Oil absorbent booms replaced. Polymer was replaced.
Inspection of oil trough.
1985 DVR NUMBER DATE NON-COMPLIANCE CORRECTIVE ACTION 1-1-85-172 19 Sep 85 001(a) Demineralizer Regenerant Waste Composite sampler previously out of service has TSS (1) been repaired and put into use.
1-1-85-180 4 oct 85 001 (c) Wastewater Treatment System Replaced oil booms in clarifier and eq. tank.
Effluent oil and Grease (3)
Media filter
'A' changed out on 25 Sep 85.
2 daily, I monthly.
AIR's written to pump Sludge out of oil separator and increase polymer concentration to equal vendor's recommendations.
1-1-85-185 11 OCT 85 001 (a) Demineralizer Regenerant Discharge at low flow rate as not to dislodge Wastes TSS (1) accumulated solids in low point of piping. clean standstill acid sump and area around sump.
1-1-85-189 16 oct 85 001 (c) Wastewater Treatment Anthracite coal added to media filter
'B' to bring System TSS (1) it to correct level on 18 oct 85.
Anionic polymer skid put back into service on 17 oct 85.
Polymer manually mixed. Composite sampler has been reprogrammed to sample correct volume.
i 1-1-85-191 15 oct 85 001 (c) Westewater Treatment AIR written to identify source of oil and System Oil & Grease (1) correct problem. Effluent chamber boom removed and not replaced. AIR 373-200-85-18001 tracking new tube bundles for oil separator.
1-1-85-192 31 Oct 85 001 (a) Demineralizer Regenerant Discharge at low flowrate only. caution card Wastes TSS (30-day avg)(1) hung on crosstie valve OWM213. Clean standstill acid sump and areas around sump.
I l-1-85-193 31 Oct 85 001 (c) Wastewater Treatment Anthracite coal added to media filter
'B' to bring System TSS (30-day avg) (1) it to correct level on 18 oct 85.
Anionic polymer skid put back into service on 17 Oct 85.
Polymer manually mixed. Composite sampler i
has been reprogrammed to sample correct volume.
j 1-1-85-207 12 Nov 85 001 cooling Pond Blowdown None taken (heavy rainfall).
Total Iron (2)
I DOCUMENT 0309h y