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Environ Assessment & Finding of No Significant Impact Re Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR50,App R,Section Iii.J, Emergency Lighting. Exemption Granted
Person / Time
Site: Calvert Cliffs  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 03/18/1999
From: Bajwa S
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
Shared Package
ML20204G400 List:
NUDOCS 9903260140
Download: ML20204G395 (4)


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j UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION BALTIMORE GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY DOCKET NOS. 50-317 AND 50-318 CALVERT CLIFFS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (the Commission) is considering issuance of an exemption from the requirements of 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix R, Section Ill.J, Emergency lighting, to Baltimore Gas and Electric Company (the licensee) for operation of the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, Unit Nos.1 and 2, located in Calvert County, Maryland.

ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Identification of the Proposed Action:

The proposed exemption would grant relief from the requirements of 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix R, Section Ill.J, Emergency lighting, as follows:

(1) security lighting, required by 10 CFR 73.55, powered by the diesel generator, would be used for exterior lighting in lieu of 8-hour battery powered emergency lighting units specified by Section Ill.J; (2) portable lights powered by an 8-hour battery supply, for actions in high radiation areas would be used in lieu of 8-hour battery powered emergency lighting units; and 9903260140 990318 PDR ADOCK 05000317 p


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(3) helmet lantems would be used inside of switchgear cabinets in lieu of 8-hour battery powered emergency lighting units.

l The proposed action is in accordance with the licensee's application for exemption i

dated October 6,1997, as supplemented by letter dated July 22,1998.

The Need for the Proposed Action:

I The exemption is needed to reduce the hardships or costs associated with complying with Appendix R, Section Ill.J.

EnvironmentalImpacts of the Proposed Action:

The Commission has completed its evaluation of the proposed action and concludes' that the proposed action will not adversely affect safety.

The proposed action will not increase the probability or consequences of accidents, no changes are being made in the types of any effluents that may be released off site, and there is no significant increase in occupational or public radiation exposure. Therefore, there are no significant radiological environmental impacts associated with the proposed action.

Wdh regard to potential non-radiological impacts, the proposed action does not involve

- any historic sites. It does not affect non-radiological plant effluents and has no other i

environmentalimpact. Therefore, there are no significant non-radiological environmental impacts associated with the proposed action.

Accordingly, the Commission concludes that there are no significant environmental impacts associated with the proposed action.


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'D 3-Altematives to the Proposed Action:

As an altemative to the proposed action, the staff considered denial of the proposed action (i.e., the r o-action" altemative). Denial of the application would result in no change in current environmentalimpacts. The environmentalimpacts of the proposed action and the altemative action are similar.

Altemative Use of Resourceg This action does not involve the use of any resources not previously considered in the Final Environmental Statement for the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, Unit Nos.1 and 2.

l Acencies and Persons Consulted:

In accordance with its stated policy, on February 10,1999, the staff consulted with the Maryland State official, Richard J. McLean of the Department of Natural Resources, regarding the environmentalimpact of the proposed action. The State official had no comments.

FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT On the basis of the environmental assessment, the Commission conc!udes that the proposed action will not have a significant effect on the quality of the human environment.

Accordingly, the Commission has determined not to prepare an environmental impact statement for the proposed action.

For further details with respect to the proposed action, see the licensee's letter i

dated October 6,1997, as supplemented by letter dated July 22,1998, which are available for public inspection at the Commission's Public Document Room, The Gelman Building,2120 L


Street, NW., Washington, DC, and at the local public document room located at the l

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' Commission's Public Document Room, The Gelman Building,2120 L Street, NW.,

Washington, DC, and at the local public document room located at the Calvert County Library, Prince Frederick, Maryland.

Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 18th day of ftrch 1999.


S. Singh Bajwa, Director Project Directorate I-1 Division of Licensing Project Management Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation l
