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Corporate Ref Manual - Nuclear NU-102, Fitness for Duty
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 04/02/1990
From: Edelman M
Shared Package
ML20217C290 List:
NU-102, NUDOCS 9107150256
Download: ML20217C400 (26)


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o HR-604 Page 3 of 4 i


Implementation of Policy - Illegal Drugs and Alcohol It is required that all employees who report for verk be fit for duty.

If fitness for duty is thought to be compromised by drugs or alcoholic beverages, a fitness for duty examination vill be determined by individual situations and vill range from urine-or blood samples for screening for illegal drugs to complete physical examinations.

Failure or refusal to submit to this examination constitutes grounds for disciplinary action up to and including discharge.

Pay During Fitness for Duty Examination Vhile the employee 1.

undergoing the fitness for duty examination, that individual vill normally continue to receive his/her regular pay unless they are under disciplinary suspension.

Types of Testing Urine testing is the most common method used to detect illegal drug use.

A chain of custody procedure vill be used to guarantee authenticity of thn specimen.

The most common test for alcohol is the breath analyzer.

This test vill be conducted by qualified technicians.

If a breath analyzer is not available, a Blood Alcohol Content _(BAC) vill be done.

Test Results If the test results are negative, employees vill normally be considered fit for duty.

However, even though the tests are negative, employees should not be allowed to continum working if for any reason they do not seem capable of performing their job in a safe manner.

Such situations should be dealt with on an individual basis by the immediate Supervisor with the assistance of company medical personnel to determine if other factors are impacting on the employee's behavior.

I" the test results are positive for an illegal drug or alcohol the employee vill be subject to disciplinary action as determined by supervision following consultation with company medical personnel.

The employee may be reprimanded, referred to the Employee Assistance Program, suspended f rom work without pay, or_ discharged.

Candidates for employment vno test positive vill not be hired.

Employee Assistance The Employee Assistance Program is outlined in topic HR-602 of the Corpcrate Reference Manual.

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HR-604 Page 4 of 4 j


Volunteering to participate in the Employee Assistance Program vill neither cause nor prevent disciplinary action for a prior violation of any company policy or a subsequent violation that occurs after the employee complctes the program or returns to vork.

APPROVALS Revision of this topic is the responsibility of the Director. Human Resources.

Issue Date:

August 1, 1989 Review:

Annually l

Approved: X k2 E NA-

, Vice President, Administration l



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NU-102 Page 1 of 1 CORPORATE REFERENCE MANUAL - NUCLEAR FITNESS FOR DUTY POLICY This policy outlines the Corporate position on the Nuclear Group's Fitness for Duty responsibilities.

DESCRIPTION Centerior Energy recognizes its tesponsibility to provide a reliable source of electric energy to our customers and to protect public and employee health and safety while so doing.

Each individual employed at the Company's Nuclear facilities must be physically, emotionally, and psychologically capable of performing required job functions, in order to meet our public service responsibility as well as comply with Nuclekr Regulatory Commission Regulations and the Corporate Drug and Alcohol Policy.

CUIDELINE1 The drug-and alcohol-free work force aspect of this policy vill be monitored by chemical anslysis, including random testing.

Personnel screening and psychological testing of all new prospective employees and contractors vill be the basis for access control of individuals working at our Nuclear facilities.

Behavior observation and job performance assessment vill be used to monitor individual employees.

Supervisors vill document performance and behavior and interpret them in light of the individual employee, his/her past and current work attitude and capability. Appropriate corrective measures vill be taken when an individual is not physically, emotionally or psychologically capable of performing his/her assigned duties, which may include disciplinary ac'.lon up to and including discharge.

It is ths responsibility of each employee, contractor, and visitor to the Nuclear facilities and job sites, to comply with this policy.

APPROVALS Revision of this topic is the responsibility of the Director, Human Resources.

Issue Datet April 2 1990 Review: Annually Approved:

M /b Chairman. Nuc' ear Strategic Policy Committee r


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rNFORMATlON ONW TOLEDO EDISON COMPANY POLICY ON TIII USE OF DRUGS AND ALC0!!OL POLICY It is the Corporation's policy to maintain a safe, customer-oriented work environment that is free from the effects of drug and alcohol abuse as outlined below Employees shall not use, possess, manufacture, dispense, or sell illegal drugs or alcohol during working hours.

Employees are required to report 'to work in a condition to properly perform their duties.


Job involvement with dt".*gs or alcohol may have an impact on the Company work environment, therefore, such invnivement is a concern of the Company.

Employees who violate this policy vill be subject to disciplinary action up to and including discharge.

In deciding what action to take, management will take into, consideration the employee's present job assignment, past record with the Company and other pertinent factors.

Tne Corporation vill continue to make available a program for employees who voluntarily request assistance in dealing with a personal drug and/or alcohol problem.

Although this Policy applies to all employees, individuals assigned to nuclear sites and certain drivers of trucks may be subject to more stringent standards due to specific federal requirements and licensing commitments unique to the nuclear power industry and Department of Transportation rules.

DESCRIPTION This policy outlines the Corporation's guidelines, expectations, and requirements concerning the use of illegal drugs and alcohol by employees.

The objective of this policy is to ensure the highest standard of health and safety for all employees, customers, vendors, contractors and the general public and to provide for the efficient and effective operation of the Corporation.

M-37 January 1990

This policy applies to all employees and to any person who has access to any Corporate facility or equipment, or who performs work in conjunction with Corporate operations.

This policy 'is discussed in greater detail in the Management and Supervision Guide to the Drug and Alcohol policy.

GUIDELINES Illegal Drugs Illegal drugs are controlled substances, drugs, or drug.

like substances whose manufacture, distribution, dispensation possession or use is prohibited by law.

Any employee who engages in such conduct vill be in violation of this policy and appropriate action vill be taken up to and including discharge.

Some of the drugs which are considered illegal under federal, state or local lave are hallucinogens, depressants and stimulants such as, but not limited to, marijuana, heroin, hashish and cocaine.

Employees who are arrested or otherwise involved with illegal drugs off' Company property vill be subject to appropriate acticn by the Company.

This action vill be simila-to that which would apply to violations on Company property.

By lav, the employee is required to notify the Company of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace, no later than five days after such conviction.

The Company is required to notify any government contracting agency of such conviction within 10 days after receiving notice from the employee.

Prescription Drugs The use of the drugs prescribed by an accredited physician for specific medical problems may produce significant side effects that might make an employee unfit for duty.

Therefore, the employee should notify company medical personnel so that the drug may be evaluated as to its potential to cause the employee to be unfit for duty.

If that is the case, company medical personnel vill notify the immediate supervisor on a need to know basis.

l M-38 January 1990

Alcoholic Beverages The actions of employees in the use of alcoholic beverages will have a direct impact on the Corporation's public image, customer relations and safe working conditions.

Employees are expected to exercise good judgment in the use of alcoholic beverages.

No alcoholic beverages are to be brought on Corporate property at any time without the prior approval of the Group Head.

No employee or agent shall report to work under the influence of alcohol.

Alcoholic beverages are not to be consumed by employees between the beginning and the end of the workday.

Employees in violation of this policy will be subject to appropriate action up to and including discharge.

If off-the-job use of alcohol leads to unsatisfactory job performance, excessive absenteeism, a poor safety record, or misconduct, the Company is directly impacted and vill take action.

Innlementation of Policy - Illegal Drugs and Alcohol It in required that all employees who report for vork be fit for duty.

If fitness for duty is thought to be compromised by drugs or alcoholic beverages, a fitness for duty examination vill be determined by individual situations and vill range from urine or blood samples for screening for illegal drugs to complete physical examinations.

Failure or refusal to submit to this examination constitutes grounds for disciplinary action up to and including discharge.

Pay During Fitness for Duty F.xamination Vhile the employee is undergoing the fitness for duty examination, that individual vill normally continue to receive his/her regular pay unless they are under disciplinary suspension.

Types of Testing Urine testing is the most common method used to detect illegal drug use.

A chain of custody procedure vill be used to guarantee authenticity of the specimen.

M-39 January 199'

The most commun test for alcohol is the breath analyzer.

This test vill be conducted by qualified technicians.

If a breath analyzer is not available, a Blood Alcohol content (BAC) vill Le done.

Test Results If the test results are negative, employees vil? normally be considered fit for duty.

However, evun though the tests are negative, employees should not be allowed to continue working if for any reason they do not seem capable of performing their job in a safe manner.

Such situations should be dealt with on an individual basis by the immediate Supervisor with the assistance of Company medical personnel to determine if other factors are impacting on the employee's behavior.

If the test reaults are positive for an illegal drug or i

alcohol the employee vill be subject to disciplinary I

action as determined by supervision following consultation I

with Company medical personnel.

The employee may be l

reprimanded, referred to the Employee Assistance Program, suspended from work without pay, or discharged.

Candidates for employment who test positive vill not be hired.

Employee Assistance The Employee Assistance Program is outlined in topic HR-602 of the Corporate Reference Manual, Volunteering to participate in the Employee Assistance Program vill neither cause nor prevent disciplinary action for a prior violation of any Company policy or a i

subsequent violation that occurs after the employee completes the program or ruturns to verk.

l Administration of the Drug and Alcohol Policy l

The following is an excerpt from the Management and l

Supervision Guide to the Drug and Alcohol policy.

l l

Thera are eight (a) vays in which persons may routinely l_

receive a fitness for duty examination for controlled substances.

These are i

l 1.

New job applicants:

M-40 January 1990


Annual physical examination for Nuclear Security officaro and Nuclear Operators:


Any Employee absent from work for thirty (30) continuous days or more and/or any Employee who is

'off due to sickness' for thirty (30) days, continuous or not, in a calendar year.

Employees who are off due to major surgery or clearly identified physical ailments may not be subject to receiving this exam:


Employees arrested for 'off-vork' drug activity 5.

Employees who have completed the Employee Assistance Program for drug abuse, and have returned to the work place vill be subject to unannounced fitness for duty examinations during the next twenty-four consecutive J

months 1


Employees who are transferring to Davis Besse and require plant accer.s 7.

Employees who are covered by the Ohio Department of j

Transportation. OSHA. or Nuclear Regulatory Commissiot Regulations:


As mandated by regulatory agencies or governmental legislation.

There are two ways in which an Employee may be referred by a supervisor for a ' fitness for duty' examination for controlled substances.

These ares 1.

Behavioral observation - If an Employee is observed to potentially be under the influence of controlled substances:

1 If an Employee has an industrial 2.

Post accident accident and the reasons for its cause are unclear and the supervisor and/or the Safety Manager believes it should not have occurred i

All testing for the presence of alcohol, for the parpose i

of either removing the Employee from the work place or l

taking disciplinary action vill be performed under four l

(4) conditions via a supervisor referral.

These conditions are:

l l

M-41 January 1990


Behavioral observation - If an Employee is observed to potentially be unoer the influence of alcohol 2.

Confirmation of Fitness for Duty - The supervisor has legitimate reason to question the Employee (s) freedom from the effects of alcoholic bevorages.

Such reasont may include the following examples of having observed the Employee drinking alcoholic beverages i

during vorking hours (including meal breaks) or the odor of alcohol on the Employeet If an Employee has sn industrial 3.

Post accident accident and the reasons for its cause are unclear and the supervisor and/or the Safety Manager believes it should not have occurred:


As mandated by regulatory agencies or governmental legislation.

Test Recults 1.

HeRative - Controlled Substances and Alechol If the results of the test are negative, then the Employee vill normally be considered fit for duty.

However, even though such tests are negative, no Employee should be allowed to continue working, for any reason, if they do not appear capable of performing their job in a safe manner.

Such Employees should be dealt with on a case-by-case basis as discussed between the supervisor and Union Relations if the Employee ~is a union member, otherwise Employee Benefits and Health Services and, if at.propriate, the Company's Employee Assistanco Coordinator.

Employees with drug or alcohol related problems are encouraged to refer themselves to the Employee Assistance Program.

Such Employees, if they have not othervise violated the policy, vill not be discharged or subject to discipline.

However, such Employees who have voluntarily raceived rehabilitation may have this prior treatment considered as part of their entire employment record if they subsequently violate the policy.

H-42 January 1990


Positive - Controlled Substance Any Employee found to have a positive test result to a controlled substance, v&.1 have their work record reviewed to determine what action may be appropriate.

7,t is the Company intent that affected Employees vill normally be allowed one opportunity to utilize the Employee Assistance Program for the purpose of rehabilitation.

Additional, specific guidelines are as follows:


The Employee must cooperate in the rehabilitation effort and if they are deemed unable to successfully rehabilitate, based upon professional advice, they may be subject to discharge.


Any Employee who withdraws from the rehabilitation effort, either initially or from the after-care trettment, vill be ordered to resume treatment and falltre to comply and complete rehabilitation vill result in discharge.

Employees, upon sucesssful rehabilitation, vill c.

normally be allowed to return to their current position unless regulatory / legal requirements or other valid concerns prohibit such action.

If an Employee is not returned to their current position, the Company will attempt to provide suitable work and, if appropriate, monitor the Employee's' status to determine if, and when, a return to the former position is permissible.

In either case, upon return to work, rehabilitated Employees will be subject to unannounced " Fitness f or Duty Examinations" during the next twenty-four consecutive months.


Employees may be entitled to receive ' sick leave benefits' and utilize Company benefits during the period of their rehabilitation.

However, each case vill be independently determined and any such time away from work shall be counted toward their total lost time record.

M-43 January 1990 i


l e.

After an Employee has been allowed to rehabilitate and has successfully completed the twenty-four consecutive month period where unannounced tests are received, if they again v'iolate the Drug and Alcohol Policy they will be subject to discharge.

't 3.

Positive - Alcohol a.

Blood Alcohol Content (BAC), belov.04 percent:

Individuals testing positive for the presenca,of alcohol with a level belo'v.04 percent could be subject to discipline as determined on a case-by-case basis, b.

Blood Alcohol Content (BAC),.04 percent or above:

The Employee vill be removed from the work place (Code 84) and receive a three (3) day unpaid disciplinary suspension.

The Employee should also be referred to the Employee Assistance Program.

Future V4olations 1.

Controlled Substances Any Employee who is not discharged for the first violation may be subject to discharge upon any second occurrence regardless of the tength of time between violations.


Alcohol Progressive discipline vill be utilized for any future violations on the following basis:

Occurrence BAC Action First

.04 or above 3-Day Unpaid Suspension Second

.04% or above 5-Day Unpaid Suspension Third

.04 or above Discharge M-44 January 1990

Combinations of previous disciplinary actions for varying blood alcohol levels may occur.

However, upon the third occurrence of any BAC, the action taken vill normally be discharge.

Other Policy Violations 1.

Sale or possession of controlled substances on Company property or during verk assignment.

Normally, any Employee who is found to either be conducting the sale of, or have controlled substances in their possession', for either their pe'rsonal use or for sale, shall be subject to immediate discharge.


Possession of alcoholic beverages on Company property or consumption during working hours.

Employees who bring, utilize, or maintain alcoholic beverages on the Company premises without the express


permission of their Director, or consume such beverages during working hours (including meal breaks), vill be subject to an unpaid disciplinary suspension or discharge.


Employees arrested for off-the-job activity invo cing controlled substances.

Due to the impact of publicity which may result from this type of activity and varying f actors which must be taken into consideration, it is impossible to state a general rule which vill be followed in the event of such an occurrence.

The supervisor should contact Union Relations if the, Employee is a union member, othervise, Employee Benefits and Health Services Industrial Security and Legal Services to discuss what is the appropriate response to such situe-ions.


Other violations of the policy which are not covered in this procedure.

The Corporate Drug and Alcohol Policy is a dynamic document.

As previously stated, its intent is to provide a safe work place for all Employees, the M-4t January 1990 l

l l

.w public, and our customers.

If you believe that other violations of the Policy have occurred end are not specifically referenced herein, please contact the Union Relations Department.

M-46 January 1990

CORPORATE TIIEFT POLICY Corporate Thef t Policy It is imperative that all employees understand the Company's policy and posture against theft of any kind.

All employees should be aware of the following policies.

Falsification of Records It is the policy of the Toledo Edison Company that any employee who falsifies records, reports, forms or who knowingly signs a document he/she knows to contain false material, shall be subject to immediate discharge.

In addition, under the provisions of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, intentional acts by subject co rporations,

individual wrongdoors or others who knew and condoned the act may be subject to criminal prosecution including a fine and/or imprisonment.

General Theft Employee theft of Company property or time and/or theft of personal property of fellow employees or customers vill result in discharge.

Beter Tampering and Theft of Energy It is the policy of our Company that all service is to be metered with the obvious exception for emergency situations and for approved flat rate customers.

Each meter is to be sealed by a device approved by the Company and no changes to such Company property are permitted, except by personnel who are directly and specifically authorized and normally perform this type of work.

Unauthorized use of service is not permitted under any circumstances.

In enforcing this policy, it should be understood that customers or employees are not permitted ts remove, replace, or change Company metering installations without proper authorization.

Failure to comply with this policy could result in loss of service, the charging of authorized inspection fees, legal action, and/or discipline up to and including discharge.

Unauthorized Estimating of Meters The Customer Relations Division has a policy prohibiting unauthorized estimating of meters or ' curbing".

When meters are estimated without authorization, it can result in upset customers due to incorrect billing, and additional cost to the Company due to the necessity of having to M-47 January 1990




MODULE 6: GOT o SECURITY PAGE 7 OF 11 05 Identifv olant callcles reaardino Fitness for Dutv and crohlblted items.

This program is required by 10CFR26 and implemented by NG IS 00004. Al-cohol consumption is prohibited during working hours and within 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> of reporting for scheduled work.

Report all medications being taken to the Health Center so that an evaluation on their effect can be performed.

A random testing program is conducted for the following:

Marijuana Amphetamines ONLY Cocaine Phencyclidine ( PCP )

Alcohol (0.04% blood alcohol concentration or greater at beginning of scheduled shift)

NOTE: Alcohol consumption is neither permitted during working hours nor within the five hour period prior to a scheduled shift. If blood alcohol concentration is.01% to.039%, an assessment must be made, if you are selected for random testing, your supervisor willinform you. Your su-pervisor will fill out a form which you will take to the Health Center. You will have two hours to provide a sample from the time your supervisor informs you, if you are called in to work unexpected ly, your supervisor must complete a ques-tionnaire to determine and document that you are fit for duty.

"For cause" testing is initiated if an irotvidual's supervisor, the Supervisor - Shift Security, and Medical Services Staff deem it necessary.

All personnel are tested before unescorted access is granted.


PAGE 8 OF MODULE 6: GOT SECURITY Fitness for Duty also includes (but is not limited to) conditions like:

Stress Fatigue Mentailliness Dietary Conditions (Supervisors, Visitor Escorts, and Security Officers receive special training in order to recognize these conditions.)


POSITIVE TEST RESULTS ON URINALYSIS first offense Access denial for 14 days and Employee Assistance Program referral.

second offense - Access denial for 3 years third offense - permanent access denial SALE, USE, OR POSSESSION WITHIN THE PROTECTED AREA first offense - Access denial for 5 years second offense - permanent access denial GENERAL EMPLOYEE TRAINING INFORMATION GENERAL ORIENTATION TRAINING

MODU' E 6: GOT - SECURITY PAGE 9 OF 11 BREATHALYZER 0.04% (or consumption during working hours or within 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> prior to scheduled work) first off ense - Access denial for 3 days f

second offense - Access denial for 5 days, EAP referral, and 6 months unar'nounced tollowup testing third et!anse - discharge Remember. all of these sanctions are minimums and the drug sanctions are industry-wide.

Prohibited items in the Owner Controlled Area Include:

Firearms Explosives and intendiary devices Knives with blades greater than 31/2 inches long

  • -M Alcoholic beverages I

.ntrolled substances anc related paraphenalia P

Radios, televisions, and cameras without permits h

1 l




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The clause *must be iamihar with rete,s to a genatal d) Generat Directive Supervision krtowledge of a partaular sub ett acquered througt eitner i

  • General dsteneve superveston" means that the education os exper. erne but not mdecatmg a workmg shall employee under direttive instre(teons performs

'*Mh (ould be used wathout f ut*.her trameng; dutses in his gob (lassafecation independent?y but within the hmitations of standard pranges or The clause *rr.ust have a working knowledge of-procedures. his perduction or peformance of indicates knowledge or skdl wheth can be utilized on operations f smshmg a ched on actevity or qual.ty entermg the sob to ? degree which adt trieet normal job of work requirements This degree also indecates that prof.oen(y is espected to be empsowed by further stuay and/or trainmg; For example: An employee such as a Journeyaan Meter Methanic C may be operstmg en the field or T he (lause *must have a thorough work eng k nowfedge uheduled assagnments but without personal of" mdKates a hsgh degree of profeoenty wh4h can be supervision during his absence from has headquaste s His woek would be done anordmg utdered immediately witt'out further study or tre.nmg to standaid practice, and production or Gener al Quahfic ateons perfuemarne would provide a che(k on his activity In addition to the duties and quahf4aticans for each and quality of work, in wtxh (ase he would be lob (14ssaf. cation as set fortn an the job specif4ations, each under " general directive supervision "

employee must meet the Company's rege,remen:s as to General Ouahfgations.whah mtlude:

Job Ouahl. cations 1hes Section lists those mirumum quahtications which 1 The possession of normal health, the use of the the endavidual 85 espected to possess when first entermg a scb Speofically mcluded are such str ~ as: degree of sksil.

senses, and the strength, endurance. and other extent of emperience.speoal knowlet,a and other required physical c.haractersstus neces.ary to f all the partaular gob.

l personal qualifications i

l 2 The withngness to follow instructions and coop-l Each person who has had anore than seit (6) months' erate with other employees, contmuous servue m the employ of the Company on the date of adoption of this plan wdl be considered to have satisfied 3 The weihngness to respond to (alls outside of the speofac quahfications hsted for the job m whgh he is then wheduled hours when tbe need enses; classified but must at all times meet the General Qualafnations listed below whenever an employee is being 4 The wdhrigness to help. w+ hen the need anses en consauered for a vacancy m any other gob (laissiscation he wdl any Department or phase of the Company's oper.

be espected to have the additional detailed quahfgations attons m wh (h he is quahf ed to help, required for the job under consideration in estess of those detailed quahfications hsted for the sob he then 5 The wdimgness to work a shift whedule and irre-gular hours when the nature of the work requeres Certam general ter ns are used with the queenations st; to deursbe the degree of k nowledge, skdl or expe..*nce as follows:

6 The wilbngness to derett and mstruct or trae employees assssteng on the same wosk.

I l

103 102

6 7 The abslity when being considered for promotion IV WAGE SCHEDULES to the nert higher classification or for transfer, to pass satisfactorily reasonable written and/or osal Wege schedules for each department or section and/or practecal tests as prescrebed by the endscate the mmimum and maaemum rates for each sob Company.

classif6 cation and in t.nost mstances a series of progressson steps wrthm the f ate ranges increase from one (1) step to 6 af required by assagnment to drive automobdes or the next will be made un the bases of mevrt at mtervais wNch truck s. must ce able to pass driving tests prescribed are ar*dscated en Append x 8 Wage Schedules, so recognition by the Company and hold a vahd State of Chao t'f mcreased k nowledge of the work anddemonstrated Bureau of Motor Vehecies Operator's tscense; abstery to perform the cuties of the sob satssfactorily

9. Comphance with the general pnhc es and practacts An employee well be ehgsbie for revsew at the of the Company, with the specatic rules of the endgated mtervals from the d:te he entered the gob iteview Section an whah he es emplo;ed. or those of other of the ernployee's development and progress in the job
  • d Sect:ons with whach his work must be (ocrdmated, be msde by the supervesor an advance of the date scheduled and regular attendance at:.afety meetings; if his progress, measured by demonstrated abelsty and performarne has t>een satisfactnry, aa increase to the nest 10 Thorough famibarity with and st:ict observance of progression step will be made e.tective on the first day of the the Company's safety pohcies and practices payroll per60d withm which the reveew day O(curs untd has appbcablie to his job, and rate equals the mammum for the partkular sob 11 Have the charactersstscs of dependabshty, trust-If the Company can estabbsh that the employee has worth. ness aad carefulness, and have a satisfactory not made satisfactory progress m the job. by derrtonstrated preveous record m these respects.

abihty and performarne so as to quahfy h+m for an sturease to the nest progre-9 step and. for that reason, an moease lit.

PitOMOT10NAL CH ARIS sn pay is not warranted, he es to be so anformed m a personal interv+ew by his supervisor in advance of the date of the A prornotional chart for eath department or section scheduled progressson step and thereupon may be demoted provides one (1) or more lines of promotson whsch will to has former pos&ri or transferred to some other position.

ordirnrily be followed when the management of the of has seniorsty wrmits, wh ch he as quaisfied to perform in Company determmes that a vacancy esists and as to be filled exceptional cases however, when the partscular Vacancbs m a particular job classsfgation witt orrimarily be circumstatues sustsfy it. he.tsay be geven a period of ssa (6) filled from the nest lower job classif. cation m the line of I

months, withou. 4 stease m pay, en which to mak e promotion, af trie employee meets the quahfecations for the satisfactory smprovement. If the affected employee hegher job si an employee desires to be transferred to a conseders he has been unjustly treated he may have access to startmg job m another ime of promotion, he may apply for the grieverne pro <edure under the Agreement.

Such a sob theough has supervisor en the event of a vacancy m such a sob and en the event that no other employees m that If durmg any such merat period, an employee has been line of promotion are avas'able and quableed he will if contmuously absent from work for any reason for a period of quahfied, be given prefererne over nonemployees one (1) month or longer, his scheduled progression step wett ba deferred one (1) month for each month of sah contmuous aosence A subsequent merst period will (ommence with su(h revesed date i







24 2 GE NE RAL QU AliflCATIONS An employee who ot(Lp es a positaon en a gob in additron to the ab.hties arid quahfgations which classe f station that requires eether pe r soda (

may be required for the specilet situat on, each requalification of firearm profeoency or annuet tert f -

i employee must meet the Company's requirements as

-(ation of phys:(al status well be permitted a se.4cnab.e to generalquahfgatsons, whnh anclude the followmg:

period of time to obtam the same Su(h tirnes will be scheduled by his emmed ate suoerwsor Such time for j

(a) the possession cf normal hesith, the use of requahfgateon or (ertsfuation may be uheduled at any the senses. and the strength, enduran(e. and time, nrufodmg durmg regularly tcheduled work time other physa(al chara(terestKs necessary to fell and overtsme Il such time for recua:af.(ation or the partgular job.

certifnation as scheduled for a time when an employee (b) the wdhngness to follow instructsons and would be workeng overteme unde thes Agreement, the cooperate wstb other employees, employee shall be compensated for such time under (c) the wdhngness to respond to (alls outside of the overtime provissons of this However.

scheduled hours when the need arsses, physgal fitness is his own responsab.hty All eneruse

( s) the walhngness to help. when the need areses.

workouts, fitness drills, running of fitness trammg or m any department or phase of the Company's obers; murses. and other fitness acteveties not l

operations en whxh he es quahteed tc help; requared by the Corepany whether conducted oe.

(e) the wdimgness to wor 6 a shift uhedule and Compar.y property or not and whether (cnducted stregular hou s when the nature of the work uurig Company equipment or not, shall not be com-requires et; penssted for under this Agreement Further, pra(tae (f) the wdimgness to direct and instruct or tram requi'ed for maintenarue of firearm prof.oency es the employees assestmg on the same work; emr#8cyee's responsibihty teme spent for practne.

(g) the abihty when beang considered for whether on Company property or not and whether promotion to the neat higher tlassifgation or using Company equipment or not, shall not be l

for transfer. to pass satisfactorsty reasonable Compensated for under this Agreement I

written and/or oral and/or pra(txal tests as presusbed by the Company; 24 4 JOi>8T LABOR - MANAGEMENT D15CU5560NS (h) if required by assignment to creve in the mierest of mamtainmg harmessous relat.ons automobiles or trucks. must be able tc pass and the am<able solution of any labor-maningement dnveng tests prescribed by the Company and problems that may arise. the Company agrees that hold a valid State of he Bureau of Motor goint U nio r.-Co m pa n y descussions of labor-Vehules Operator's t gense; management problems was normally be held durmg (i)

(omplaarne with the general poboes and regu'ar busmess hoers and whenever reasonably practges of the Company, with the sgecifst possible s.ach dsuuss.ons wdl be scheduled at times rules of the department en whnh he 4 whnh wdi be withm the regular work schedule-of the employed, or those of other depat tments Uneon representatives and the emptryees.* rectly with whah his work must be (oordinated.

se volved when it is necessary for a Union repsesen-and regular attendarxe et safety meetegs; tative to spend any time outside of has regular warb day (j) thorough f amiliarsty with and stas (t on labor-management matters an tr eetmgs set up by observance of the Company's safety p(ioes the Company, he shall be paid at the proper overtsme and prattaes apph(able to hes job; and rate of pay; otherwese, he shall re(eeve no pay for any (k) have the (harattersstas of dependabihty, time spent outside of hes regular workday on la' or-u trustworthmess and caref*siness and ". ave a management matters This Se(tson shall not apply to satisf actory pr evious record m these respects time scent in negotiateons. greevance meetmgs. or i

asbittetson i

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