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Proposed Tech Specs Re Neutron Monitoring Functions
Person / Time
Site: Clinton Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 08/31/1990
Shared Package
ML20059G552 List:
NUDOCS 9009130202
Download: ML20059G841 (23)


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4 y , fAttachm3nt 2-Lto-U-601730.

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' Attachment-2 The following~ package' comprises ~ Attachment 2'.1

LS-87-039 i






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f. - iU-6017301 M 1.S.87-039 o "

' Page 1Lof:22. U 1i bscriotion ofMoosed Channes '


. In accordance-with.10CFR50.90t the'following proposed. changes 1to Clinton

)j Power Station;' CPS) Technical Specifications.3/4.3.1',;" Reactor '

s Protection System Instrumentation";43/4.'3.6; "ControliRod Block'

  • LInstrumentation"L and3/4.3;7.6',." Source Range Monitors,"_are being- '

proposed 1)' Illinois' Power'(IP)-proposes;to add a new Surveillance' Requirement, 4.3.1'.4,Dto:the Reactor. Protection System l'(RPS) ,

instrumentation Technical Specifications. 0The' proposed z 1 Lrequirementlwould state that the provisions.-of. Technical' Vi


Specification 4iO;4_are not applicable to the Intermediate: Range! j!

.  : Monitor;(IRM). surveillance requirements for entry?intojoperationaln M Condition 2 or 3- fro:n Operational' Condition (li provided_ the . 4 surveillances are performed"within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.after.enteringi 1

j Operational Condition 2 or 3. This provision'is'necessary'sinceJ the:IRM detectors lare' withdrawn from the' core and the IRM Channel j Functional' Test.cannot be_ performed while;in Operational Condition"


1 because the IRMLtrip, functions'are bypassed with-th % reactor

- mode: switch in' the._ Run position.11(The IRM functions f are not ,,

required to-be operable in Operational Condition 1.) . .

Consequently; extended plant' operation:in-Operational Condition 1i results'in the.IRM Channel Functional Test surveillance not-being; maintained current as;the plant' enters Operational Condition 2'or 13- (the Operational Conditions for which the :IRM'surveillances' are required) during a' plant shutdown or-due tola: reactor 1 scram. As a-result, these-IRM' functions would technically have to be declared inoperable and the appropriate Action Statements (or. Technical' l Specification'3.0.3) entered. This proposed. change will; allow  ;(

adequate tbne to perform these surveillances after the. applicable l

Operational Condition has.been entered without resulting in a i' technical violation of Technical Specification'4.0.4 or.

unnecessarily having to perform these surveillancer under the >

provisions of an Action Statement during aLplanned shutdown or reactor scram recovery.

2) IP proposes to: delete note (c) of Technical'SpecificationsTable- ', " Reactor Protection System Instrumentation Surveillance I

Requirements." This note is associated'with the IRM and Average 4 Power Range Monitor (APRM) Channel Functional Test requirements.

The note currently states that the'Channe1' Functional Test must be performed within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> prior to startup, if not. performed' <

within the days. This proposed change (to-delete f i

the note) is similar to the change to note (b) of Technical l Specification Table 4.3.6-1, " Control Rod Block Instrumentation Surveillance Requirements," proposed in IP's amendment request dated October 30,1987 (reference Package Number 23 -of IP letter U-601048). As stated it that request, IP feels that the existing wording is potentially confusing and requires anticipating the exact time of startup, which is not always possible. The current Channel Functional Test recuirements (with a frequency of at least once per seven' days) are adequate to ensure operability of the E associated RPS function.


As a result of the proposed deletion of note (c), the associated "S/U" Channel Functional Test surveillance frequency is no longer

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requiredsinceithe'surv'eillance,must'hAve%een. performed 1within lA # .seven days prior to: plant 7startup:due to the:specified' frequency. j h of at least onceiper sevenidays ("W")'.and Technica 1 l7 4.0.'4.:ThereforeDIPalso' proposes.todelete"S/U{cypecification- ":from'the; j M: * 'IRM Neu' tron Flux-High; Average Power Range Monitor;(APRL)-Neutron- ' '

L'y i ' '


Flux-High',:Setdown;;APRM Flowa Biased Simulated Thermal 1 Pow -High; ,


and APRM Neutron Flux-High Channel' Functional:TestLsurveillance: '

frequency;requir;ments Jofl Technical- Specification' Table 14.'3.1'.1-l'. - . ,j a e l3); .IPproposestoadd'snewfootnote1(footnotek"*")zassociat'ed witk -

note (d) of-Technical-Specificationfrable'4'.3.1.'l-1.1 . Note (d) i

applies?to the"once-per-seven-days'Channelt Calibration requirement- i for the RPS' APRM Flow-Biased.Simulatied Thermal Power Hip,h?and

' Neutron' Flux-High RPS: functions'. This note requires : adjustment' of' lthe=APRM channel; gains'such that the APRMs conform to the reactor-power; values. calculated by'a heat balance ~ during Operational j L Condition 1 when THERMAL POWER 2 25% of RATED THERMAL ~ POWER, 'if.. 11

-the absolute difference ~is gre'ater than 2%'of RATED THERMAL POWER.

iThese APRM functionstare. required to'be: operable in-Operational

'] '

Condition 1. The proposed' footnote "*" will provide ~an exception:

to the' provisions'of Technical. Specification.4.0.4 to allow entry , a into Operational-Condition 1.and allow
12 hours to' perform this j
surveillance after. exceeding 25%'of, RATED' THERMAL POWER. 4 This:

proposed. change will.thus. clarify that1it is; acceptable to enter 1

Operational Condition l'and further,;to: establish the plant. y ccnditions necessary to provide accurate results from:a heat J balance calculation prior to performing this-surveillance - #

. ;l

4) Note (e) to Tech < .a1 Specification Table! aLspecial I calibration requirement that. currently r e ires the'RPSiAPRM Flow-
Bicsed Simulated Thermal Power-High,and .. Neutron 1 Flux'-Hight J setpoints to be;veritied at least once ;.sr sevenl days. IP )

proposes to delete the applicability oc this note to the APRM


H Neutron Flux-High function. 'Instead this setpoint' verification would be performed at least once per si. months during the routine Channel Calibration as already required,for this!APRM function.

(The requirement as it: applies to the:APRM Flow-Biased Simulated

'Iherma.1 Power-High function would . remain unchanged.), .This ,

l proposed change is consistent;with the Standard: Technical j Specifications and-the Technical Specifications'of the'other BWR/6 plants.

5) 'IP proposes to renumber the current Control Rod Block
Instrumentation Surveillance
Requirement 4.3.6 as and add. 7 a new Surveillance Requirement Similar to proposed change 1 of this submittal, Surveillance Requirement will state that the provisions of Technical Specification-4.0;4 are not appliceble to the.IRM and Source RanSe Monitor (SRM) surveillance.

requirenents for entry into Operational Condition,2 from Operational Condition 1, provided the surveillances are performed "

l'l within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> after entering Operational Condition 2. This i- provision is also necessary for the. reasons stated-in proposed change 1 above; specifically, it addresses IRM and:SRM surveillances that become applicable doring plant shutdowns following extended operation in Operational Condition 1.


r, U.601*,30 LS.87 039 Page 3 of 22 >

6) IP proposer to. add a nov ?.ootnote (footnote "#").to be associated with Applicable Operational Condition 2 for the SRM functions specified on Technical Specification Table 3.3.6 1, ' Control Rod Block Instrumentation." The proposed footnote, "Operctional Conditiot, 2 with IRMs on Range 2 or below." modifies the Applicability of.the' operability requirements for the SP,Ms in this Technical be con #istent with that of Technical Specification, " Source Eange Monitors." Additi^nally, this proposed change provides adoitional time during shutdowns to perform SRM surveillances which cannot be maintained current '

duri1g extended operation in Operational Condition 1. Similarly, IP p*oposes to' add a second footnote with identical wording (footnote "**") to modify the Operational Condition 2 Applicability specified for ths SRM surveillance' requirements on Technical-Specification Table 4.3.6 1, " Control Rod Block Instrumentation Surveillence Requirements."'


. 7) As stated:in item 2 above, IP previously proposed to revise. note (b) of Technical Specification Table 4.3.6-1 in its amendment request dated October 30, 1987. Similar to item 2 above, IP croposes to delete the'"S/U" Channel Functional Test. frequency associated with note (b) for thos- SRM and IRM control rod block Channel Functional Test requirements which are required to be perfarmed at least once per. seven days. As stated above, these surveillances are already required to be, performed within seven lays prior to startup due to the specified frequency of at least


Therefore, the "S/U " frequency is no longer required to be stated on Technical Specification Table 4.3.6 1,'and is proposed to be deleted.

4 h-

6) IP proposes to change the Channel Calibration frequency for the SRM and IRM control rod block functions specified on Technical Specification Table 4.3.6 1 from at least once per 184 days'("SA")  ?

to at least once per 19 months ("R"). . These proposed changes are consistent with Technical Specification 3/4.3.1 for the RPS Instru;entation end Technical Specification 3/ for the SRM Instrumentation. There is no specific. design hasis which requires these control rod block functions to be calibrate 1 more often than the corresponding RPS or SRM functions. Notwithotanding, the Channel Functional Test procedures at CPS (perfotmed at least once per seven days) include verification of proper setroints for these functions. It should be noted that this proposed change has previously been approved for the IRM control rod block functions on the Perry plant docket.

9) IP proposes to revise Technical Specification Surveillance Requirements and b) by inserting the word

" OPERATIONAL" in front of the word " CONDITION". This proposed' change is editorial only and is consistett with the defined term "0PERATIONAL CONDITION" as provided in Definition 1.28 of the CPS Technical Spec!.fications, a



7 .

.U-601730 1.S087-039 Page 4 of 22 10)- IP proposes to simplify Surveillance Requirement in a similar manner as proposed for note (c) of Tocht.ical Specification

, Table discussed in item 2 above. This surveillance 1

currently requires that the SRMs be~ demonstrated operable by the performance of a Channel Functional Test within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> prior to moving the reactor mode switch from'the Shutdown position; if not performed within the previous seven days. The proposed frequency states "within seven days prior to moving the reactor mode switch from the Shutdown position." As described in' item 2 above, the current wording is potentially confusing and requires anticipating the exact time of moving the reactor mode switch from the Shastdown position, which is not always possible. The proposed change vill L still provide adequate assurance that the SRM is operable.

11) IP proposes to incorporate additional. wording into Surveillance Requirements for SRM Channel Checks and Channel Calibrations and for SRM Channel Functional Tests. The proposed wording states that the provisions of Technical Specification 4.0.4 are not applicable for entry _into Operational condition 2* or.3 fron Operational Condition 1, provided the surveillances are performed within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> after entering Operational Condition 2* nr 3. ' These proposed changes are siir*1ar to items 1 and 5 above and are also necessary to address SRM surveillances which become applicable during plant shutdowns following extended operation in Operational Condition 1.

Justification for Pronosed Channes These proposed changes can be grouped into one of six general' categories: (1) incorporate statements of exception to Technical Specification 4.0.4 (items 1, 3, 5, and 11), (2)' clarify startup surveillance requicements (items 2, 7, and 10), (3) delete APRM Neutron Flux-High RPS setp int verification (item 4), (4) revise SRM control rod block Applicabilfty (item 6), (5) revise IRM and-SRM control _ rod block Channel Calibration frequency (item 8), and (6) incorporate an editorial change (item 9). ".b-ae general categories are discussed separately below.

Incorporate Statements of Excention to Technical Soecification 4.0.4 (items 1. 3. 5. and 11)

As identified above, IP proposes to incorporate statements of exception j to the provistors of Technical Specification 4.0.4 for the IRM functions-of the RPS (Technical Specification 3/4.3.1), the 2RM and SRM functions of the Control Rod Block Instrisentation (Technical Specification  !

3/4.3.6), and the Source Range Monitors (Technical Specification 3/ These proposed exceptions to Tochnical_ Specification 4.0.4 will only be applicable during plant shutdowns following extended operation in Operational Condition 1. Additionally, IP' proposes to add an exception to the provisions of Technical Specification 4.0.4 for the j APRM Flow Biased Simulated-Thermal Powet High and Neutron Flux-High functions of the RPS [ Technical Specification Table, note  ;

(d)]. This proposed exception will be applicable to the APRM rain  !

adjustment only during plant'startups, n -



" LS 87 039 Page 5 of 22

[ Per Technical' Specification 3/4.3.1,Jeha APRM Flow Biased Simulated Thermal Power High and Neutron Flux High RPS functions are only required to be, operable in Operational Condition 1. One of the surveillances required to demorstrate operability of these APRM functions is the adjustment of the APRM gains such that the APRMs conform to the' reactor power values calculated by a heat balance during Operations.1 Condition 1-when reactor power is 2 25% of RATED THERMAL POWER; At Ica reactor power levcis, heat balance calculations are susceptible t; inaccuracies due to low values of feedwate" flow and various feedwater heater configurations. 'As a result, the-current Technice!. G nifications provide an allowance . to delay the APRM gain-adju.;Wnts until reactor power is 2 25% of RATED. THERMAL POWER. However, since Technical Specification 4.0.4 prohibits mode changes unless all surveillance requirements have been performed within the applicable surveillance intervals, IP believes :that- this surveillance should clearly _ state .that Operational Condition 1 may be. entered prior to performing this surveillance. Therefore, IP proposes to incorporate a statement of h ohnical Specification 4'0.4 to formally. provide the allowance to enter Operational Conditien 1, provided the APRM gains are adjusted within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> after exceeding 256 of RATED THERMAL POWER.

As stated'in CPS Updated Safety Analysis Report (USAR)'Section ., the IRM system consists of eight detectors, two in each of' the'four RPS channels. The IRM is a five-decade ten-range instrument, and the trip setpoint of 120 divisions'of scalv is active in each of the~ i ten ranges. Thus, as the " ranged up" to accommodate increases in '

reactor power, the trip setpoint is also. ranged up.

The IRMs also provide neutron monitoring overlap with both the APRM and SRM systems. After the IRMs have been verified to overlap _the APRMs'by #

at least one decade during reactor startups, the IRMs are withdrawn from the reactor core in order to prolong their life. When the reactor mode. ,

switch has been placed in the Run position (Operational Condition 1), '

the IRM scram and control rod block functions are automatically bypassed since adequate protection and monitoring is provided by the APRM ,

functions. .,

i Per Technical Specification 3/4.3.1, the~IRM Neutron Flux-High and ,

Inoperative RPS functions are required to be operable in Operational  ;

Conditions 2, 3, 4, and 5. Per Technical Specification 3/4.3.6,'the IRM Detector-not full-in, Upscale, Inoperative, and Downscale control rod block functions are currently required to be operable in Operational-  !

Conditions 2 and 5. During plant operation in Operational Condition l'  ;

(with the reactor mode switch in the Run position), a Channel Check does not provide meaningful results since the detectors are fully withdrawn-from the core. Additionally, a Channel Functional Tes t cannot be performed since the IRM trips arn automatically bytessed with the ,

reactor mode switch in the Run position. Further, a Channel Calibration requires the performance of a Channel Functional Test. As a result,- the IRM surveillance.s cannot be maintained :urrent during extended operation '

in Operational Condition 1. 7 i

L s


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. U.601730  !

LS 87 039 j Page 6 of 22  ;

Technical Speelfication 4.0.4 prohibits. entry into an Operational  ?!

Condition unless the surveillance requirement (s) associated with the ,

Technical. Specification has been performed within the applicable ,

surveillance interval. As a result, the reactor mode switch cannot be placed in the Startup/Het Standby (Operational Condition 2) or Shutdown' (Operational Condition 3) position after extended operation in-Operational Condition 1 until the IRM surveillances have been performed.

As.previously stated however these surveillances cannot be performed. 2 until after the reactor mode switch is taken out of the Run position'. .


Therefore, IP proposes that an exception to the provisions of Technical  ;

Specification 4.D.4 be added for the IRMs to allow entry into the plant l conditions. required to complete this testing.. Additionally, IP. proposes i that a limit be placed on this' exception to require these'surveillances to be performed within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> after entering the applicable ~


Operational Condition-(2 or 3).  ;

This proposed change'is justified on the basis that, since the reactor will already be in a shutdown condition (as a result'of,a scram) or be .

in the process of a controlled shutdown, and since' d..r APRM scram i functions would be operable, adequate' scram protectiou is I available during the short neriod of time needed to perform the IRM surveillances. Additionally, the IRMs provide no direct input to the Rod Pattern Control system'for control rod block initiation below ths low power setpoint. The IRM control rod block func* ions are providet only to ensure that adequate neutron monitoring ir available during i control rod movements. Again, the APRMs are a&.t. sate to perform this '

monitoring function during the short period of Time needed to perform the IRM surveillances in Operational Condition .9.. During Operational ,

Condition 3, the control rods would already be inssrted and the Reactor

  • Mode Switch Shutdown Mode function provides a contr 1 rod block to .

prevent control rod withdrawal. ,

As described in USAR Section, the SRM system consists of four  :

detectors, one in each quadrant of the reactor core. The SRMs provide l neutron flux monitoring capability during' reactor startup and low flux }

j level operations. Per Technical Specification 3/, the SBMs are [

required to be operable in Operational Conditions 3 and 4 and in Oparational Condition 2 with the IRMs on range 2 or belou. . Per -

Technical Specification 3/4.3.6, the SRM Detector-not-full-in, Upscale,

Inoperative and Downscale control ro<' block functions are currently
  • required to ba operable in Operational Condition 2, 1

As identified by note (a) of Technical Specification Table 3.3.6-1, the i SRM Detector-not-full-in control rod block function is automatically ,

bypar ed if the detector count rate is greater than 100 counts per .j sect. (cps) or the IRM channels are on range 3 or higher. As >

ident >1s a by note (b) of Table 3.3.6-1, the SRM Upscale and Inoperative '

control u d block functions are automatically bypassed when the IRM channels are on range 8 or higher. As identified by note (c) of Table  !

3.3.6-1, the SRM Downscale control rod block function is automatically bypassed when the IRM channels are on range 3 or higher.


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... l Similar. to the IRM. control rod block fuwtions discussed ~ above,_ these ~ l autc,matic SRM bypasses (and'the fact that the detectors are fully -l Lwithdrawn to prolong their life) prevent,the surveillances for the SRMs

_ l from being maintained current'during extended operation in Operational. 3 Condition 1. Therefore, IP also proposes to add a statement of 'j exception to the pr ovisions of' Technical. Specification 4.0.4 for the' i SRMs to formally a: low the reactor mode switch to be placed-in the j

'Startup/ Hot Standby (Operational Condition 2) or. Shutdown.(Operational- ~

Condition 3) position without,the applicable SRM surveillances being j current due to extent.4d- operation in Operational Condition 1. ..

Additionally, IP propors that a, limit be placed on this exception to-  ;

require these surveillances to be performed within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> after i entering the applicable Operational Condition (2 or.3). 1

-The proposed exception to Specification 4.0.4, together'_with the, ,

proposed time limit, will provide adequate' time for reactor power to be  ;

reduced sufficient 1y'to allow the SRMs to be fully inserted and the surveillances completed.. Similar-to the I,RM control rod block functions ,

discussed above, the _ SRM control rod block funct3ns are provided only'  !

to ensure that adequate neutron monitoring capability exists during1 l control rod movements. The APRMu and IRMs:are adequate to perform this '

monitoring function in Operational Condition 2. During Operational ,

Condition 3, the control rods would already be fully inserted and the ,

Reactor Mode Switch Shutdown Mode function provides a control rod block to prevent control rod withdrawal. ,

glarification of Startuo Surveillance Recuirements (items 2. 7. and 10)

The current CPS Technical Specifications 3/4.3.1 and 3/4.3.6 require a  !

Channel Functional Test of the APRM Neutron Flux-High, Setdown; APRM Flow-Biased Simulated Thermal Power-High; APRM Neutron Flux-High;'IRM

Neutron Flux.High; IRM and SRM Detector not-full in; IRM rnd SRM -

Upscale; IRM and SRM Inoperative; and 1RM and SRM Downscale functions to ,

be performed within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> prior to startup, if not performed within the previous seven days. Additionally, Technical Specification; i 3/4.s.7.6 requires a Channel Functional Test of the SRMs to be performed  !

within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> prior to moving the reactor mode switch from.the -

Shutdown position, if not performed within the previous seven days.  ;

By letter dated October 30, 1987, IP requested a proposed change to note (b) of Technical Specification Table 4.3.6-1 to delete the. requirement '

l-to perform the control rod block Channel Functional Tests within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> prior to startup. The requirement to perform these_ tests within  ;

seven days prior to startup would be recained. That request stated that-  ;

the current wording is potentially confusing and that the proposed '

changes were provided for clarification. The existing _ wording of these notes requires anticipating the exact time of a startup (or mode switch position change) so as to implement the first part of the current note.

This is not always possible. That is, plant startup (or the change in mode switch position) could be delayed for more than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> after test completion. As long as the delay after test completion is less than ,

seven days, %e surveillance frequency has still been satisfied even though the lutent of the first part of the current note (within 24 l hours) is not fulfilled. Incorporation of the changes proposed now to the applicable notes would prevent confusion and provide greater '



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operational' flexibility while~providing the same' degree of confidence j that the associated instrumentation is operable. ,

Additionally, the_"S/U" annotation associated with thtse Sotes'for those surveillances that are performed at least once per seven daysLis not needed and should be deleted. Since Technical Specification 4.0.4 e prohibits entry into an Operational Condition unless the Surveillance Requirement (s) associated with the Technical Specification has been i performed within the applicable surveillance interval, the "S/U" .

i annotation is redundant to the "W" requirement to perform the Channel-Functional Test at least once per seven days. Therefore, IP proposes:to

' delete the "S/U" annotation for the above:IRM and SRM Channel Functional ,

Tests. IP believes that these proposed ' changes are. justified since they 1 will make the Technical Specifications easier to implement with no.-.

significant reduction in the effectiveness'of ensuring the operability .

of these functions.  !

I Deletion of APRM N3utron Flux-Hinh RPS Seenoint Verification (item 4) i i

Nots (e) of Technical Specification Table l'currentlyjproscribes  ;

a weekly calibration of the RPS APRM Flow-Biased Simulated TLernal 4 Power-High and Neutron Flux-High functions;that consists of verifying I the setpoints for these APRM functions. IP proposes,to-delete the ,

setpoint verification requirement for the APRM Neutron Flux-High ]

function. It was noted previously that the.setpoint verification. i requirement for the APRM Flow-Biased Simulated Thermal. Power High l l

function would be retained.and that the setpoint of the APRM Neutron '

Flux-High function will continue to-be verified during the required once-per-184 days Channel Calibration.

Tho weekly setpoint verification was originally intended a be applied

  • only to the APRM Flow-Biased Simulated Thermal Power-High function.-
  • Since the trip setpoint of this RPS function continuously changes as a function of reactor recirculation flow additional assurance that this setpoint continues to properly follow; recirculation flow is required. l In contrast, the APRM Neutron Flux-High trip setpoint is;a' fixed value.

In this respect, the APRM Neutron Flux-High function isino different-than the APRM Neutron Flux-High, Setdown function which does'not require a setpoint verification at least once per seven days. Therefore, IP proposes to delete the once per-seven days setpoint verification of the-  ;

APRM Neutron Flux High RPS function. This proposed change is consister.:

with the Sta 4ard Technical Specifications and'the Technical  !

l Specifications of the other BWR/6 plants. ,

Revision of SRM Control Rod Block Aeolicability (item 6)

Technical Specification 3/4.3.6 currently requires the SRM Detector-not- ,

l full-in, Upscale, Inoperative and Downscale control rod block functions -l to be operable in Operational Conditions 2 and 5. However, Technical.

Specification 3/ requires the SRMs to be operable in Operational- ,

Conditions 3 and 4 and in Operational Condition 2 when the IRMs are on  ;

range 2 or below.

i - _. __ - . _ . .


, U. 6017'>0 LS 87 039

-Page 9 of 22 The Bases for Technical Specification 3/ state that the SRMs  ;

provide reactor operators with information regarding the status of the -l neutron level in the . core ac very low power levels during reactor.

'i startup and shutdown. When the IRMs are on scale,' adequate neutron  ;

c , level information is available without the SRMs so that:the SRMs can be  ?

withdrawn. In addition, the SRMs provide input to the Rod Concrol and

~Information System (RC&IS) which generates control rod blocks to prevent control rod withdrawal under certain conditions.

At the very low reactor power levels corresponding to the range.of the  ;

SRMs, control-rod movements are. controlled by the Rod Pattern Control  !

System of the RC&IS. As described in USAR Section, the Rod }

Patteer Control Syst a reduces the consequences of a postulated control rod drop accident to an acceptable level by restricting the patterns.of  ;

control. rods that can be ' established to predetermined sets. '


not. provide reacter power level input to the Rod Pattern Control System ' -;

since the purpose of the SRM control rod block functions is to ensure '[

that adequate neutron level monitoring is available during control rod ~ t



3 When the IRMs are on range 3 or higher, adequate neutron level is available-to the operators via'the=IRMs so that the SRMs (and the associated control rod block functions) are no longer. required. ,The proposed change is therefore consistent with the requirements for neutron level monitoring capability.- In addition,'the proposed change  :

provides additional time during. shutdowns to perform SRM.surveillances '

which cannot be maintained current during extended. operation in- ,

Operational Condition 1 since the reactor mode switch is typically placed in the;Startup position at power levels n'oove those corresponding .  ;

to IRM range 3.

l i

Revision of IRM and SRM Control Rod Block Channel Calibration Freauenev  !

(item 8)

Technical Specification 3/4.3.1 currently-requires the IRM Neutron Flux-High RPS function to be calibrated at least once per'18 months ("R").

However, Technical Specification 3/4.3.6 currently requires lthe IRM Upscale and Downscale control rod block functions to be calibrated at least once per 184 days ("SA"). Similarly. Technical Specification 3/ currently requires the SRMs to be calibrated at least once per 18 months. However, Technical Specification 3/4.3.6 currently requires the SRM Upscale and Downscale control rod block functions to be calibrated at least.once per 184 days ("SA"). This proposed change seeks


to make the calibration requirements for the IRMs and SRMs consistent throughout these Technical Specifications.

l I

O Uo601710 l LS 87 039' l

-Page 10 of'22 j There is no significant difference between the instrumentation used for .! '

the IRM RPS trips and that used for the control rod block trips-since,'

.at tha channel level, the instrumentation is the same'. Accordingly, '

there specific design basis that requires these trip channels to l

be calibrated more often for the control ro( block function than for the

i. RPS function. (From a drift allowance point of view, the difference, i between the trip setpoint and the' allowable value is the same (2/125).

for both functions.) Notwithstanding, the CPS procedures used to perform the channel functional testing of:these IRN and SRM functions ,

require verification of proper channel operation and include .

l verification of-the control rod block setpoints.for these functions.- As .

a result, there is adequate assurance that performing Channel .}

Calihations on an 18 month frequency is adequate to ensure that control ,

rod blocks will be initiated when intended.

Additionally,'the IRM/SRM Channel Calibrations cannot be maintained .  !

current during extended operation in Operational- Condition 1 ~ sinc = ' the .;

definition of CHANNEL CALIBRATION requires the performance. of a;Cliannel i Functional Test. As previously stated,-Channel Functional Testing of. f the IRMs and SRMs cannot be performed while in Operational Condition 1  !

because the trips from these instruments are bypassed with the reactor .  !

mode switch in the Run position. The proposed changes will-resolve this conflict by changing this calibration frequency to 18 months. This-frequency is consistent with the current operating cycles of CPS, and ,

therefore, this proposed frequency will allow the Channel-Calibration ,

surveillances to remain current throughout an operating cycle. f Editorial Char.res (item 9)

The proposed :banges to Surveillance Requirement are purely.- [

editorial. Tlese changes are being inade to make these specified conditions cocsistent with Definition 1.28 of the CPS Technical Specifications. Therefore, this proposed change does not result in.any change to the technical requirements of these surveillances.

Basis for No Sinnificant Hazards Consideration In accordance with 10CFRSO.92, a proposed change to the operating license (Technical Specifications) involves no significant hazards considerations if operation of the facility in accordance with the ,

proposed change would not: (1) involve a significant increase in the probability or consequences of any accident previously evaluated, or (2) '

create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated, or (3) involve a significant reduction in.

a margin of safety. These proposed changes are evaluated against each L

of these criteria below. -

l L

(1) These proposed changes do not result in any change to the plant design or its operating modes. Therefore, these proposed changes  !

cannot increase the probability of any accident previously ,



~ , _ . _ _ _ _ , .

, $2 ,

7 .,'


-U 601730 j LS-87 039  !

Pagt 11 of 22 l The proposed addition of Surveillance Requirements 4 1 1.4 and, together with the incorporation of the prepostC.

additional text for Surveillance Requirements',. j and, provide the flexibility required to perform the associated IRM and SRM surveillances during plant shutdowns -

following extended operation in Operational Condition 1. ~These' .!

surveillances cannot be performed with the unit in Operational Cendition 1. .The proposed changes merely provide the formal means to avoid violation of Technical Specification 4.0.4 and provide  :

adequate time to perform these surveillances without causing unnecessary stress on plant personnel to' complete these:

survcillances under the provisions of Action Statements'(or. '

7 Technical Specification 3.0.3). Adequate scram protection and. .i neutron monitoring capability are provided by the APRMs.durin8 the ,

short time period needed to perform these surveillances.

The proposed change to allow entry into operational Condition.1 ,

before the APRM gains have been adjusted to conform to the power i values calculated by a heat balence provides adequate time'for. ,

plant conditions to be achieved that will . result in an ' accurate . ,

heat balance calculation. . The APRM Flow-Biased Simulated Thermal'.

Power High function still provides adequate scram protection during the short. time period needed to achieve 25% of. RATED THERMAL POWER ar.d perform these APRM gain adjustments after . '

entering Operational Condition 1.-

The proposed deletion of the requirements'to perform Channel-Functional Tests within-24 hours prior to startup'or within 24  ;

hourc prior to moving the reactor mode switch from the. Shutdown position, unless performed within the previous seven. days, makes' these requirements easier to implement without reducing the effectiveness of these surveillances. The Technical  !

Specifications, when rc~ised as proposed, will still require that -(

these Channel Functiond Tests be performed within. seven days prior to entering the conditions for which these instruments are required.

Tb deletion of the setpoint verification of the'APRM Neutron ,

Flux High RPS function at least once per seven days still'provides adequate assurance that this trip function is properly calibrated.

This RPS setpoint is maintained at a constant value and is therefore similar to the APRM Neutron Flux-High, Setdown RPS function which does not currently require setpoint verification at least once per seven days. This proposed change is also consistent with the Standard Technical Specifications and the Technical Specifications of the other BWR/6 plants.

l. Regarding the proposed change to modify the Applicability of the SRM control-rod-block functions with respect to Operational Condition 2, the Technical Specifications, as revised, will still ensure that adequate monitoring of neutron flux levels are available to the operator during control rod movements. The IRMs on range 3 or higher provide' adequate neutron monitoring capability without the SRMs. The SRMs provide no other input to the RC&IS other than ensuring neutron monitoring is available i during control rod moveuents.

Y ,__ _ . . _ . . _ _ _. _ ._. _.


,c  ;

U.601730- r LS-87-039 ,

Page 12 of 22 .;

i The proposed change to the Channel. Calibration frequency for the IRM and SRM control tod block functions should not result in any ,

significant change in the availability of these functions with respret to ensuring that neutron monitoring capability is ,

l ave,ilable to the operators during control rod movements at low i pcwer conditions.' .

the' remaining changes art. editorial only and do t.ot affect any technical requirements of the current Tr.chnical Specifications.

i Based upon the above, these proposed changes cannot increase the. j probability or the consequences of any accident previously j evaluated..

1 (2) These proposed inanges do not result in any change to the-plant j design or. ope *.ation. . Asia result,'no new failure modes'are introduced. Therefore,.these proposed changes cannot create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident.from any accident previously evaluated.

(3) As discussed in (1) above, these proposed changes still ptovide:

adequate assurance that each of the applicable, safety functions.

are capable of being effected when required, including reactor -

scram protection,, control rod block, and neutron monitoring. '

Therefore, these proposed changes do not result in a significant reduction in the margin of safety. .

Based upon the foregoing, IP concludes that these proposed changes do not involve a significant hazards consideration, f

I i

4 i

i i

A y -

w w --ra



LS-87-039-Page 13 of 22'




4 The REACTOR-PROTECTION SYSTEM RESPONSE TIME of. each reactor trip functional unit shown in Table 3.3.1-2 shall .be demonstrated to be within limit at least once per 18 months. . Each test shall, include at least two logic its -

1 trains such that all logic' trains are tested at least once per' 36 months and- ,

one channel per trip function such'.that all channels.are. tested at least once. a I every N times;18 months where N is the total number of redundant channels lin a -

specific reactor trip function.


= = ~ _ -

_4.3.1,4 The praisions c5 specibHonMA4 are .not. l gppt;anote. % %e. Intermed: ate Rage Monifer Scoe%nce '

Tegoirernerds 4r en'fq into OMRATENAL coubmoN 2 or3i l femm Opent:enal ConAIHon 3 ;Provided 4he' Surucknees I d Me. pedormed wiEn \7 Murs oS+et entenn3 ,


coublTioM 2, er 3, - -

_ =

f a

f l

I r

CLINTON - UNIT 1 3/4 3-2 f . .

j .l.

n TABLE C --- '



1. Intermediate' Range Monitors:
a. Neutron Flux - High S/U,S,(b) -5/tfNW . ~R 2 S R 3, 4, S l
b. Inoperative NA W NA 2,3.4,5
2. Average Power Range Monitor:(I)
a. Neutron Flux - High, S/U.S,(b) N W' SA g Setdown S 2

.a SA 3, 4, 5 l.

w b. Flow" Biased Simulated E Thermal Power - High S W - W(d)(e) SA,R(I)

, I

c. Neutron Flux - High S W W(d , 'SA 1
d. Inoperative NA W NA -1,2,3,4,5
3. Reactor Vessel Steam Dome Pressure - High S M- . R(9) 1,2(3)
4. Reactor Vessel Water Level -

! Low, level 3 S H R(9) 1, 2

5. Reactor Vessel Water-level -

,. ' ,f High, Level 8 $ M f9)

-R 1



6. Ma'in Steam'Line Isolation Valve - Closure .e e. c NA M- R 1 y g", g .

, High S M '. R-


~ - 1 '2(I) - O 8; Drywell Pressure - High S M .R(9) 11,2(I)  !$

,g--- w ipe y - y gr  % T y .my-- J- y =t-ee e-N mm y 4 g'earg # een y' ,t=- g ,q g =y ..- p-v- -

l l ..

7 * [. ,

U-601N0' 1 LS-87-039 '!



1 1 (a) Neutron detectors may be excluded from CHANNEL CALIBRATION. j (b) The IRM and SRM channels shall be determined to overlap for at 1Nst 1/2 de- , I cade during each startup after. entering OPERATIONAL CONDITION 2 and the IRM .

and APRM channels shall be determined to overlap for at least 1 decade dur- )

ing each controlled shutdown, if not perfonned within the previous 7 days.-  ;

~ - -- -

(c) u: 9 4 p gg p _ g g t typ , u e t 77 g _,,4 m: + n t ,. 9 7 3,,qgg _

'_py f DEL.ETf $ _ < 1 (d). This calibration shall consist of the adjustment of LF . APRM channel to-conform to the power values calculated by a heat bal .1ce dtpi(ng OPERATIONAL  !

CONDITION 1 when THERMAL POWER > 25% of- RATED THERE ,L POWERW Adjust the j' +


APRM channel if the absolute diTference is greater than 2% of RATED THERMAL t


This calibration shall consist of a setpoint' verification of th(_"_tW (e)ObMS :t % Flow Biased Simulated Thermal Power-High trip fuFctiog me Flow Biased Simulated Thermal-High trip function is verified using a e i calibrated flow signal.

r[ (f) The LPRMs shall be calibrated at least once.per 1000 effective full powcr hours (EFPH) using the TIP system.

(g) Calibrate the analog trip module at least- once per 31 days.

(h) Ocleted.  :

(i) This calibration shall consist of verifying the 610.6 second simulated thermal power. time constant. >

(j) This function is not required to be OPERABLE when the reactor pressure vessel head is removed per Specification 3.10.1. ,

(k) With any control rod withdrawn. Not applicable to control rods removed per Specification or

(1) This function is not required to be OPERABLE when DRYWELL INTEGRITY is I not required to be OPERABLE per Special Test E:.ception 3.10.1. -


l turbine first stage pressure instruments. '

L _ _ _.

  • The.p<mvisens of SpecStatten 40.4 ue, not m.ppi; cable, provideA +he. survehnce B pe&rmed wMhin 12. hours Ster v_~ exceedin$ 25 % of ' RATED TusRMAL. w TewsR L_

i CLINTON - UNIT 1 3/4 3-10 ,

Amendment No. __ _ _ - ,. _ _ _ _ - . . _ . - . . - . - . _ , _ .

l l- .

b Uo601730 '

LS-87-039-Page 16 of 22 1



L1HITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION 3.3.6 The control rod' block ' instrumentation channels shown in Table.3.3.6-1! '

shall be OPERABLE, with their trip setpoints' set consistent with the values ,

shown in the Trip Setpoint column of Table 3.3.6-2.

,tr APPLICABILITY: As shown in Table 3.3.6-1.


a. With a control rod block instrumentation channel trip setpoint less conservative than the value shown in th ' Allowable Value column of Tab 3.3.6-2, declare the channel inoperable until the channel is restored to ,

OPERABLE status with its trip setpoint adjusted consistent with the Trip ; .

Setpoint value.

b. With the number of OPERABLE channels less than required by the Minimum-OPERABLE Channels per Trip Function requirement, take the ACTION required-by Table 3.3.6-1. . t SURVEILLANCEREQUIREMENTS


l Mach of the above required control rod block trip systems and instru-mentation channels shall be demonstrated OPERABLE by the performance of the CNANNEL CHECK, CHANNEL FUNCT10 tAL TEST and CHANNEL CALIBRATION operation -

the OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS and at the frequencies shown in Table 4.3.6-1. -


nd 4.34.'2. %e. provWsons c4 6pec%:ca+ ton 4 0.4 e "

+be. ~1ntermed cde Vange, Mon' tor and l

ag\'.c4b\e +t> -

Source'bn3e Mornh>c Surve'\tancePeetuirements  !

entry 'intt> CPER AT' ton AL coNbiTeo AJ 2. Prorn OPERATION AL.

l Com>iTioN 1, provided %e surveitiances cge. pedermed

@ bin l'2. hour 6 of+cf entefl% 09E.R ATioN AL CoMbiTsoM 2.,



CLINTON - UNIT 1 3/4 3-63

N. i w


'I ~

TAGLE 3.3.6-1 n





a. Low Power Setpoint 60 2 1
b. RWL liigh Power Setpoint
2. APRM 3 61
a. Flow Biased Neutron Flux - Upscale l' ~

i 3 1, 2. 5 ' 61.

b. -Inoperative -1 61 3
c. Downscale 2, 5 61-3
d. Neutron Flux - Upscale, Startup 3.


a. Detector not full in(a) 3 h '[



U ,cale(b) {~

b. 62 2**'

- E Inoperative (b) 3 -$" ~' 61 .. { -


d. Downscale(C) e 2**


5 62-


- 6. ' 2, 5 61-

a. Detector not full in 6 2, 5 611
b. Upscale' 2, 5 611 Inoperative 6
c. ^

6 2, 5 61'

d. Downscale(d) 4
  • SCRAM DISCllARGE VOLUME Water Level-liigh 2 1 ' 2, 5* 62 ,

! a. n, m ..

a m, o c. . .



- 62-3 - ~1

. a. Upscale' "

o O o.


7. REACTOR MODE SWITCil 2 3, 4 63 y
a. Shutdown Mode 5 G3 -u 2
h. Reinel Mode
  • J 9 W h . "__ ___ _' *__ _ ' _m__ __

4 *- #' -

V '""#4 C* ++Tp- -u O y% F '$ +4N- d 9V/" *- wb M 4 -@ wwnt e* W g- up '"ge.y_. N mF+a- vw t- y, aw .Wagg.


. i

, , :r <

, ~- - _ = - ,

'f WI4h "ERMS on ra

_ e 2. ce beiaw. u-60173o ,  !

LS-87-039 Page 18 of 22 l TABLE 3.3.6'1 (Continued)


I TARLE N0"TIONS. I With more than one control red withdrawn. Not applicable to control rods removed per, Specification or

OPERABLE channels must be associated with SRMs required OPERABLE per Specification 3.9.2. i 1

l (a) ' This. function shall be automatically bypassed if detector count rate is  ;

) 100 cps or the IRM channels are on range 3 or higher.

(b) This function shall be a*utr9atically bypassed when the associated IRM channels are on: range 8 or higher. I (c) This function shall be cutomitically. bypassed when the IRM channels.are-


on; range 3 or higher.


(d) This . unction shall be automatically bypassed when the IRM channels are on range 1. '

(e)' A channel may be placed in an inoperable status for~up to 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> for re-quired surveillance provided at least,one other OPERABLE channel in the .'

same trip function is monitoring that parameter.


Declare the RPCS inoperable and take the ACTION required by Specification '


With the number of OPERABLE Channels:

a. One less than required by the Minimum OPERABLE Channels per Trip Function requirement. restore the. inoperable ch4nnel to OPERABLE status within 7 days or-place the >

inoperable channel in the tripped condition within the next hour.

b. Two or more less than required by the Minimum OPERABLE Channels per Trip Function requirement, place at least one inoperable channel in the tripped condition within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />. ,


With tha number of OPERABLE channels less than required by the Minimum OPERABLE Channels per Trip Function requirement, place the inoperable channel in the tripped condition within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />. '


With the number of OPERABLE channels less than required by the Minimum OPERABLE Channels per Trip Function requiremont, initiate a rod block.


CLINTON - UNIT 1 3/4 3-G5

y. . - - . . -.. . . -. -
3 ..


. . -~.

- d TABLE 4.3.6-1' .. . -


'i o e z






a. Low Power Setpoint NA n,_\

R({) 1. 2

b. RWL High Power Setpoint NA- S/U b) hfof,1 i

,M' ' R(g) 1 byggd pc LS-17 o(l~ .f.(pojcqg 'gqg .

a. Flow Biased Neutron Flux -

Upscale NA S/U ,M SA 1

b. Inoperative NA M NA- 1,2,5 S/U(b),N bb
c. Downscale NA I -  ;

! e,. d. Neutron Flux - Upscale, Startup NA S/U(b)'M S/U , SA - 2, 5  !



  • ? a. Detector not full in NA , W _NA_ _ 27 5,
$ b. Upscale NA L i



~ HA '

27 5

c. Inoperative NA -

2th c ,

d. Downscale NA
  • =


@% 2h5h



Detector not full in Upscale NA NA h ,W


2, 5 2, 5-

c. inoperative NA ,W _ __ 2, 5
d. b wnscale NA ,W 2, 5 4 5. SCRAM DISCilARGE VOLUME II)
a. Water Level-liigh S M~ R 1, 2, 5*
a. Upscale NA S/U(b) g-, 33 l
7. REACTOR MODE SWITCil o r c.. e j


a. Shutdown Mode .NA R NA 3, 4 *OO F b. Refuel Mode NA R NA -

5 ' o-E$[

M e

1 y , -r..p. .

,.m w -#3 y y  ; .g y -u., - .wy%,- -vw w we * = . ** A..%m,e _ wn- r . u.s.-. .e+e -u___ -m e.- i-

.l .o. ,



LS-87-039 Page 20 of 22 TABLE 4.3.6-1 (Continued)


= __

(b) Within 2' '^e-' rior to startup " et';: 'r---d h- ~ 'h: ; ::'rr:

gg ' dry >_

yr (e) w .u. ... .... .,x. .. .. . ,


.... .... . . . , . . . . . . . . - ~ ... ..

L6-B")+40 th: pr: 6 : 21 E::::, .-3 :: :::h ;r er :25515:lthiWin in:::  ;

g.g g _re+;^4a? 15 e-+- ed <^- the <* t t' e de 'n; :ny 21 her ;: ':d der'r; j gem.. 4u..... .. ,e.,....

ggg .

(d) 1.* 1:::t ente ;;r 21 dey: "le e;:ritf e . snt' re> (:'th' 2 ;be . pe -

r: ;: ster: the *PCS lee pt::r re' c'-* Crg!g1Y,b]

Q ) 3 :!st: r ::ter w

nes!' tentre! elt'plet:'t; ry:te 'nput MED3 q

(f) Calibrate the analog trip module at least once per 31 days.




=v Y ~

"W & A

.bli+h ERMs on rage 2 ' er %,

I l

I 4 i

4 t

i I i

a 1 i CLINTON - UNIT 1 3/4 3-63


j .

h -'y ,

11 ,

U-601730 LS-87-039 i

,Page 21'of 22 l INSTRUMENTATh0N '


1 LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION At least the following source range monitor channels shall be OPERABLE: I


. b. In OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS 3 and 4, two. ] '




a. In OPERATIONAL CONDITION 2* with one.of. the above required source range monitor channels inoperable,- restore at least three source range monitor  :

channels to OPERABLE status within 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> or be in at least HOT SHUTDOWN ,

within the next 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.=

b. In OPERATIONAL CONDITION 3 or 4 with one or more of' the above required source range monitor channels inoperable, verify all insertable control-rods te be fully inserted in the core and lock the reactor mode switch in the Shutdown position within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />. '


4. 3. *i. 'i Each of the above required source range monitor channels shall be demons. rated OPERABLE by:
a. Performance of a:
1. CHANNEL CHECX at leas _t once mer:

64RATMMAL l a) 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> i NDITION~2^ and-b) 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> i DlTION 3 or 4.  !

( PFdettosilT.

1 _ CHANNEL CALIBRATION"*'at Teast once per 18 months.

c C16th'U

b. Ffrrermance of a CHAN TIONAL TEST: l '


1. WithirCit:;r rior w movi_n ttb_e realctrr_ mode _svitch from the l

Shutdowrr pos 1Mn O '_ ri: ;-f_[:-M? 5?_(Py aj Qg and

2. .

At least once per 31 days.  ;

(M$ERO l

c. verTfying, prior to withdrawal of control rods, that the SRM count rate is i ht least 3 cps *** with the detector fully inserted. *
  • With IRMs on range 2 or below.
    • Neutron detectors may be excluded from CHANNEL CALIBRATION.
      • For the initial core loading, the count rate may be reduced to 0.7 cps I provided signal to noise ratio is > 20.

CLINTON - UNIT 1 3/4 3-90

. . = y-

g . . _

.)-* .'

U-601730 LS87-039 1 Page 22 of 22 l

INSERT for once 3/4 - 3_-SA The provisions of Specification 4.0.4 are' not applicable for- entry into OPERATIONAL CONDITION 2* or 3 from.0PERATIONAL CONDITION 1, j provided the surveillance is performed within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> after entering OPERATIONAL CONDITION 2* or 3.


,j i




e 4.

t I i

l' .

I I'

l .

i r ,