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Proposed Tech Specs Surveillance Requirement Re AFW Pump Performance Testing
Person / Time
Site: South Texas  STP Nuclear Operating Company icon.png
Issue date: 01/20/1999
Shared Package
ML20199K550 List:
NUDOCS 9901260448
Download: ML20199K568 (11)


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NOC-AE-000264 Attachment 4 Page 1 of 7 I

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  • " Attachment 4 Page 2 of 7 PROPOSED CHANGES TO TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS The below listed Technical Specification pages are marked-up to identify the proposed changes associated with this submittal and are enclosed in this attachment Listed page numbers with "(No changes)" following the page number indicate that those pages contain no proposed changes, but are included for continuity of review.


3/4 7-4 (No changes) 3/47-5 B 3/4 7-2



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LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION At least four independent steam generator auxiliary feedwater pumps and associated flow paths shall be OPERABLE with:

l a. Three motor-driven auxiliary feedwater pumps, each capable of being L powered from separate emergency busses, and

b. One steam turbine-driven auxiliary feedwater pump capable of being powered from an OPERABLE steam supply system.



j ACTION: ,.

I a. With the Train A motor-driven auxiliary feedwater pump inoperable, initiate corrective actions to restore the pump to OPERABLE status 1 l as soon as possible. The provisions of Specification 4.0.4 are not l

! applicable. 1

b. With any of the following combinations of auxiliary feedwater pumps


1) Train B or Train C motor-driven pump, l
2) Train D turbine-driven pump and any one motor-driven pump, ,
3) Train A and either Train B or Train C motor-driven pump, or '
4) Train D turbine-driven pump Restore the affected auxiliary feedwater pump (s) to OPERABLE status within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> or be in at least HOT STANDBY within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and in HOT SHUTDOWN within the following 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />. The provisiens of Specification 3.0.4 are not applicable for entry into Mode 3 for the turbine driven pump.
c. With Train B and Train C motor driven pumps, or any three auxiliary feedwater pumps inoperable, be in at least HOT STANDBY within 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and in HOT SHUTOOWN within the folicwing 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />.
d. With four auxiliary feedwater pumps inoperable, immediately initiate l

corrective action to restore at least one auxiliary feedwater pump to OPERABLE status as soon as possible.

1 SOUTH TEXAS - UNITS 1 & 2 3/4 7-4 Unit 1 - Amendment No. 68,67,87 Unit 2 - Amendment No. 66,74 i


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! PLANT SYSTEMS SURVEILLANCE REOUIREMENTS Each auxiliary feedwater pump shall be demonstrated OPERABLE: I

a. At least once per 31 days on a STAGGERED TEST BASIS by:

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1) [prgyi th e h ss e of gr er or- riv . pu ha or d elo ual o1 4 p ig a is a e a 1 o

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2) f n th t e s eam urb e-d ve pu 1 eat th or eq a at trRT2) se a 1

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, ( lo o o a r t an ea 1 50 on.fwhen tested at a~-

. secondary steam supply pressure greater than 1000 psig within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> after entry into MODE 3; -


3) Verifying that each non-automatic valve in the flow path that ,

is not locked, sealed, or otherwise secured in position is in its correct position; and l 4) Verifying that each automatic valve in the flow path is in the i correct position whenever the Auxiliary Feedwater System is l placed in automatic control or when above 10% RATED THERMAL i POWER.

b. At least once per 18 months during shutdown by:

l 1) Verifying that each automatic valve in the flow path actuates

! to its correct position upon receipt of an Auxiliary Feedwater Actuation test signal, and l 2) Verifying that each auxiliary feedwater pump starts as designed l

automatically upon receipt of an Auxiliary Feedwater Actuation l test signal.

l 3) Verifying that each auxiliary feedwater flow regulating valve l limits the flow to ea:h steam generator between 550 gpm and 675 l gpm. An auxiliary feedwater flow path to each steam generator shall be demonstrated OPERABLE following each COLD SHUTDOWN of greater that 30 days prior to entering MODE 2 by verifying normal flow to each steam generator.

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j SOUTH TEXAS - UNITS 1 & 2 3/4 7-5 Unit 1 - Amendment No. 68,64.87 Unit 2 - Amendment No. 60,74


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l ProposedInsert 1 to Page 3M 7-5 i Verifying that the developed head of each motor-driven pump at the flow test point is greater than or equal to the required developed head; i

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ProposedInsert 2 to Page 3M 7-5 i l Verifying that the developed head of the steam turbine-driven pump at the flow test point l is greater than or equal to the required developed head l.

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PLANT SYSTEMS BASES 3/ AUXILIARY FEEDWATER SYSTEM The OPERABILITY of the Auxiliary Feedwater System ensures that the Reactor Coolant System can be cooled oown to less than 350*F from normal operating conditions in the_ event of a totalloss-of-offsite power.

,;d (ficich Each auxiliary feedwater pump is capable of delivering.a.4 etat eedwater 5:e Of 500 ;;;m c:

c ;::: r : cf 1??? ; ';; to the entrance of the steam generator apacity !c re"90 " to i ggp3 ensure that adequate feedwater flow is available to remove decay eat ^and reduce the Reactor


Coolant System temperature to less than 350'F when the Residual Heat Removal System may be placed into operation The AFW pumps are tested using the test line back to the AFST and the AFW isolation valve}s closed to prevent injection of cold water L into

$ERT the s STPEGS isolation valves are active valves required to open on an AFW actuation signal j Specification requires these valves to be verified (n the correct position. 1 3/ AUXfLIARY FEEDWATER STORAGE TANK (AFST)

The OPERABILITY of the auxiliary feedwater storage tank with the minimum water volume ensures that sufficient water is available to maintain the RCS at HOT STANDBY conditions for 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> with steam discharge to the atmosphere concurrent with total loss-of-offsite power and failure of the AFW automatic recirculation control (ARC) valve followed by a cooldown to 350'F at l

25'F per hour. The contained water volume limit includes an allowance for water not usable i because of tank discharge line location or other physical characteristics. I 3/ SPECIFIC ACTIVITY The limitations on Secondary Coolant System specific activity ensure that the resultant offsite radiation dose will be limited to a small fraction of 10 CFR Part 100 dose guideline values in the event of a steam line rupture. This dose also includes the effects of a coincident 1 gpm ,

primary-to-secondary tube leak in the steam generator of the affected steam line. These values ,

j are consistent with the assumptions used in the safety analyses. l 3/ MAIN STEAM LINE ISOLATION VALVES l

The OPERABILITY of the main steam line isolation valves ensures that no more than one steam generator will blow down in the event of a steam line rupture. This restriction is required to:

(1) minimize the positive reactivity effects of the Reactor Coolant System cooldown associated with the blowdown, and (2) limit the pressure rise within containment in the event the steam line rupture occurs within containment. The OPERABILITY of the main steam isolation valves within the closure times of the Surveillance Requirements are consistent with the assumptions used in the safety analyses.

SOUTH TEXAS - UNITS 1 & 2 B 3/4 7-2 Uniti Amendmcat Nc. 01 Unit 2 Amendment Nc. 50 1108-95 a

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l ProposedInsert 3 to Page B 3M 7-2 I

i Verifying that each AFW pump's developed head at the flow test point is greater than or L

equal to the required developed head ensures that AFW pump performance has not degraded during the cycle (Ref.: Calculations MC-5861 and ZC-7019). Flow and differential head are normal tests of centrifugal pump performance required by Section XI of the ASME Code.


i ProposedInsert 4 to Page B 3M 7-2 i

j This testing methodology confirms one point on the pump curve and is indicative of

!~ - overall performance. Such inservice tests confirm component OPERABILITY, trend ,

performance, and detect incipient failures by indicating abnormal performance. l Performance ofinservice testing, discussed in the ASME Code,Section XI, satisfies this  !




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NOC-AE-000264 )

l Attachment 5  !

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l NOC-AE-000264

' ' Attachment 5 l Page 2 of 4 I


Revision 6 to the South Texas Project UFSAR (October 15,1998) included a change to Section l, " Auxiliary Feedwater System - Tests and Inspections", which provides additional AFW l pump testing information, including pump discharge pressure and flow operability requirements.

l A copy of UFSAR Section has been included in this attachment for reference.

i UFSAR Pages Included:

10.4-31 10.4-32 l

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, Tha AFW lina to each SG, ona par pump., is providsd with a remote minual containment isolation valve (section 6.2.4). Each line connects directly to the upper shell of the SG.

The AFW pumps are located in a seismic Category I building and are physically separated from each other by their placement in individual compartments.

These compartments are designed to preclude coincident damage to redundant equipment in the event of a postulated pipe rupture, equipment failure, or missile generation.

Figures 1.2-21 and 1.2-25 show the AFWS component arrangements. The AFW steam supply pipe to the AFW turbine is routed directly to the turbine pump compartment, located immediately beneath the MS line piping. This piping is routed such that it does not penetrate any of the AFW motor-driven pump compartments. Safety Evaluation. The AFWS is designed to seismic Category I requirements and will withstand a single failure and still perform its design requirements. The loss of one motor-driven pump or the turbine-driven pump will not limit the design safety function of the system. In the event that the makeup water to the AFST is lost, the minimum quantity of water within the AFST is sufficient for a safe shutdown of the reactor. Therefore, failure of any one AFW component will not preclude safe shutdown of the reactor. To demonstrate the capability to meet the single-failure criterion, a component failure mode and effects analysis is presented in Table 10.4-3. In addition the AFWS has been analyzed to determine its reliability and the results of the analysis are provided in Appendix 10A. The system is SC 3 from the AFST (Figure 3.2.6-2) up to the containment isolation valves. The steam line to the AFW pump turbine is SC 2 to the steam inlet valves and SC 3 to the tur-bine. The isolation valves and piping from the containment isolation valves to the SG are SC 2 (Figure 10.4.9-1).

The AFWS water supply is from the AFST which is designed to seismic Category I SC 3 requirements and the applicable codes discussed in Section 3.8.4. The AFST is designed to withstand environmental design conditions, including flood, earthquake, hurricane, tornado loadings, and tornado missiles. The AFST is designed to retain a sufficient quantity of water for AFWS use. The AFST is designed such that no single active failure will preclude the ability to provide water to the AFWS. The AFW suction and discharge lines are routed separately to prevent coincident damage.

For vacuum protection, the AFST is provided with a water loop seal fabricated of safety class piping physically located within the AFST seismic Category I, SC 3 concrete structure. In addition, redundant non-safety vacuum breakers are provided.

The AFWS is provided with controls at the auxiliary shutdown panel in addition to those in the control room so operation is possible in the unlikely event the control room is inaccessible: Tests and Inspections. The AFWS may be tested and inspected while the plant is in operation. Only cue pump Lt a time may be tested. A test line is provided on each pump discharge back to the AFST to allow for perfermance testing of each pump. AFW pumps are periodically performance tested to verify pump operability in accordance with Technical Specification surveillance requirements and ASME B&PV Code Section XI inservice testing l requirements (Refer to Section An AFW pump must develop a discharge l pressure of a 1485 psig at a flow rata of a 500 gpm to be considered operable (Note: These numerical values do not include the instrument uncertainties .

noted in the applicable calculation of record and included in the test methodology. ) The pumps are tested to demonstrate this capability.

10.4-31 Revision 6 l


Lerktga can ba datectsd by visual inspsetion and by loss of tank invantory.

e The AFWS is tested in accordance with Section 14.2. Instrumentation Aeolication. The control logic for the AFWS is described in Sections 7.3.1 and

The AFWS is capable of starting automatically and supplying the SGs with water l required for decay heat removal. Each motor-driven AFW pump is started l automatically by two out of four low-low water level signals from any SG, an AMSAC signal, or by an automatic load sequencer signal based upon a LOOP or an SI signal. The turbine-driven AFW pump is automatically started by the opening of the turbine trip and throttle valve (supplied with the pump turbine), which is opened by a two of four low-low water level signal from any SG, an AMSAC signal, or an SI signal. The turbine trip and throttle valve may be manually opw.ed from the control room or the auxiliary shutdown panel. The steam inlet valve, located upstream of the trip and throttle valve, is a normally open valve. It receives a confirmatory open signal on SG low-low water level in any SG, an AMSAC signal, or an SI signal. All AFW pumps may be manually controlled from the control room and the auxiliary shutdown panel. Status lights are provided at both locations to monitor the performance of each AFW pump. The two of four low-low water level signal in any SG, an AMSAC signal, or the SI signal close the SG blowdown valves, sample line valves, and AFW crossover isolation valves, and initiate control of the AFW regulaP;r valves between preset high and low flow values by the QDPS. It also allows the stop check valves to function normally. Thus on a LOOP, the motor-driven AFW pumps start and recirculate water to the AFST until an SI signal, an AMSAC signal, or a two of four low-low water level signal in any SG occurs. Each AFW ,

I regulator valve mcy be manually reset and remotely positioned by manual switches in the control room, to allow throttling of flow below the minimum value which QDPS ensures after any of these signals. Manual control switches are also provided at the auxiliary shutdown panel fo) jogging operation. The control logic for an AFW regulator valve is shown on Figure 7.3-21B. An automatic recirculation system is provided for the turbine-driven AFW pump and the motor-driven AFW pumps.

Control room instrumentation is provided to monitor major AFWS parameters, i such as the discharge pressure of each AFW pump (turbine driven pump discharge

! pressure is available at a control room indicator and through the QDPS, the l motor-driven pump discharge pressures are available through the Emergency Response Facilities Data Acquisition and Display System [ERFDADS]), turbine-driven AFW pump inlet steam pressure available through the plant computer, and ,

I AFW flow to each SG. This instrumentation, in combination with the SG level l

indication described in Section 7.5, providar the operator with reliab3e indication of the AFWS performance. If evacuation of the control room becomes necessary, AFWS monitoring and control is available to the operator at the auxiliary shutdown panel. For a detailed description of the auxiliary shutdown panel, refer to Section 7.4.

i AFST level indication is provided in the control room (through the use of CDPS and the level recorder in the control room) and at the auxiliary shutdown panel (via the QDPS).

Alarms indicating high and low AFST water levels are provided in the control room.

10.4-32 Revision 2