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Proposed Tech Specs Allowing Tolerance of RCS Volume Provided in Specification 5.4.2 to Account for SG Tube Plugging
Person / Time
Site: South Texas  STP Nuclear Operating Company icon.png
Issue date: 08/14/1997
Shared Package
ML20210L574 List:
NUDOCS 9708210233
Download: ML20210L580 (1)


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DESIGN FFATURES 5.3 REACTOR CORE FUEL ASSEMBllES 5.3.1 The reactor core shall contain 193 fuel assemblies. Each fuel assembly shall consist of a matrix of zircaloy clad fuel rods with an initial composition of natural or slightly enriched uranium dioxide as fuel material.

Limited substitutions of zirconium alloy or stainless steel filler rods for fuel rods, in accordance with NRC-approved applications of fuel rod configurations, may be used. Fuel assemblies shall be limited to those fuel designs tha'. have been analyzed with applicable NRC staff-approved codes and methods, and shown by tests or analyses to comply with all fuel safety design bases. A limited number of lead test assemblies that have not completed representative testing may be placed in non-limiting core regions.

CONTROL R0D ASSEMBLIES 5.3.2 The core shall contain 57 full-length control rod assemblies. The full-length control rod assemblies shall contain a nominal 158.9 inches of absorber material.

The absorber material within each assembly shall be silver-indium-cadmium or hafnium.

Mixtures of hafnium and silver-indium-cadmium are not permitted within a bank. All control rods shall be clad with stainless steel tubing.


. DESIGN PRESSURE AND TEMPERATURE 5.4.1 The Reactor Coolant system is designed and shall be maintained:

In accordance with the Code requirements specified in Section 5.2 of a.

the FSAR, with allowance for normal degradation pursuant to the applicable Surveillance Requirements, b.

For a pressure of 2485 psig, and For a temperature of 650*F, except for the pressurizer which is c.


VOLUME 5.4.2 The total water and steam volume of the Reactor Coolant System is bs+ws=w 44 t14 i 100 cubic feet at a nominal T,y of 561'F.

7 is,3cv ood n,gs 5.5 METEOROLOGICAL TOWER LOCATION 5.5.1 The meteorological towers shall be located as shown on Figure 5.1-1.

5.6 FUEL STORAGE 5.6.1 CRITICALITY The spent fuel 7torage racks are designed and shall be maintained with:

SOUTH TEXAS - UNITS 1 & 2 5-6 Unit 1 - Amendment No. 2 40 45,k3,61,65 7 7 9708210233 970814 Unit 2 - Amendment No. 2,6,32,50,54 PDR ADOCK 050G4490 i

