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Allegation Review Data Sheet for Case 4-84-A-89 Re Kickbacks & Coverups in QA Dept.State of Ks Interested.No Federal Regulations Violated If Kickback Allegations true.W/840912 Telcon Record.Related Info Encl
Person / Time
Site: Wolf Creek, 05000000
Issue date: 09/13/1984
From: Martin L
Shared Package
ML20206G744 List: ... further results
FOIA-85-594 NUDOCS 8606250568
Download: ML20206H243 (72)





CASE NUMBER 4-84-A-89 OATE OPENED 09/13/84 FACILITY NAME Wolf Creek 50-482 SUBJECT Kickbacks, coverups, qualifications in QA Dept SOURCE OF ALLEGATION Anonymous caMer NUMBER OF ALLEG. 5 ASSIGNED TO RPB-2C CROSS REF. NO.




FTS NUMBER DUE DATE ALLEGATION SUBSTANT SORT CODE A DATE CLOSED ACTION OFFICE RIV MAN HOURS REPORT PREPARATION ASSIST DETAILS: R. Herr says state of Kansas may be interested, but no Federal regulations violated if the allegations on kickbacks are true.

I, 8606250568 860618 PDR FOIA STEPHEN 85-594 PDR 3-4V E2-54

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FERSON CALLED OFFICE /AODRESS PHONE NUMBER l EXTENSION L f f4wr/s b oos H B&O-8/so A:55 CONVERSATION SU BJECT A$ OLE".4#//ff,6W Af / MWl'f4*C-A bazc MEs #pr s./s1 s GA BMM.c/2,5##S #pfgmg M /M M /// M A/s/ M

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-eSaSaar zws so/am mff M' MG M//# SEE:wrfd.

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i 4 2g dy A-n n-wt I N T E R -O F F I C E C O M M U N I C A T 10 N Fwm 3 699 (Rev. &FS)

To: AWS Structural Steel Evaluation D AT E : October 1, 1984 Inspectors '

rnou: Scott Miller


Inspection and Documentation Requirements Inspection / evaluation is to be done in accordance with AWS Dl.1-75 with the following exceptions:

-Paint and other foreign matter on welds - Paint and foreign matter will exist on most of the welds to be inspected. Evaluation of results is done knowing that welds have not been cleaned to the fullest and that


paint does exist on most welds. Paint on welds does not lessen your ability to determine if welds are acceptable / rejectable for the intent of this inspection program. In a case where heavy paint or other foreign matter masks the weld, make an evaluation (if possible) and document results accordingly. Such as, " Portions of weld are covered with concrete,.however weld appears to s be present and full size."

-Convexity - Convexity is to be inspected per FCR l-0049-W which deletes AWS Dl.1, Section 3.3, Paragraph 3.6.1 convex-ity requirements.

-Maximum fillet weld size per - When a weld violates the maximum size per, the weld is to be accepted with a note stating, " Weld violates paragraph"

When inspection, reveals a missing or undersized weld, the entire joint is to be "as-built" inspected and all weld sizes and length documented. "As-built" weld sizes should be as accurate as possible and should reflect any signifi-cant oversized portion of the weld.

Scott Miller SM/ls I


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  • C-1.22, C-[31. C-132..C-134 C-1344, C-151, C-151A, C-155, G 182, G-199, .

gy ,2F-g2521, C-295. EDR-8909, all other specificattees refusencing i -{ '

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l Fillet welds need not satisfy the convexity limitations of.AWS D1.1 Section 3.6.1 provided that all other parameters of acceptable fillet ,

weld profile are maintained. I I The following dasign documents will be revised to include the above state-ment:

1. Specification 10466-C-122 ,
2. Specification 10466-C-132
3. Specification 10466-C-202A
4. Specification 10466-M-618.2
5. Specification 10466-M-635.2
6. Drawing 10466-C-0003
7. Drawing 466-C_-0A0_
8. Drawing ' % .', C 012:11 10466-C-OL2311 A

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Q Revision 1 coordinated with T. McGee, Civil, of Gaitharsburg and J. Coleman on October 25, 1982.

i r .L f(b. ' . S. Newcoiner Asst. Lead T.inimon Engineer DCT 2 91982 /

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+ y4.p-is.2-b INT ER O F FICE COM MU NIC ATlO N Fewen IG 99 (Rev. &FSB To: AWS Structural Steel Evaluation DATE: October 1, 1984 Inspectors rRou: Scott Miller susJECT: Inspection and Documentation Requirements Inspection / evaluation is to be done in accordance with AWS Dl.1-75 with the following exceptions:

-Paint and other foreign matter on welds - Paint and foreign matter will exist on most of the welds to be inspected. Evaluation of results is done knowing that welds have not been cleaned to the fullest and that paint does exist on most welds. Paint on welds does not lessen your ability to determine if welds are acceptable / rejectable for the intent of this inspection .

program. In a case where heavy paint or other foreign matter masks the weld, make an evaluation (if possible) and document results accordingly. Such as, " Portions of weld are covered with concrete, however weld appears to be present and full size."

-Convexity - Convexity is to be inspected per FCR.1-0049-W which deletes AWS Dl.1, Section 3.3, Paragraph 3.6.1 convex-ity requirements.

-Maximum fillet weld size per - When a weld violates the maximum size per, the weld is to be accepted with a note stating, " Weld violates paragraph"

When inspection, reveals a missing or undersized weld, the >

entire joint is to be "as-built" inspected and all weld sizes and length documented. "As-built" weld sizes should be as accurate as possible and should reflect any signifi- .

cant oversized portion of the weld.

Wk Scott Miller SM/ls l

l l

i S, ac ee .s.5-1 c ' . ' -- . Pome.2 h; i

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  • y,1f Crest 210/7158 18-4-82 ' l-#89 'I  ?

l;  ! st se se */-f 4 4-/o,2 - j '

l; s j c-atiarea.

- as m.1-7s Convexity nestrictions- ,!

L it - - ^^ - r /9ssensues 10466-M 204,18-205, 7518.2, 355.2;. 10466- Ca121.,

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C-122, C-131 C-132.. C-134.. C-134A, C-151, C-151A. C-156, C-182. C-199, "!

g. { ,29gruta, C-rees,. Eon-ages, all etter specificattens referwecise i {

,3 i- neeman wcassee ~ Ike i an. of the mes ni.I cess; secties 3.3, par.  :

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,H the filbrt me44 -in inches (See Fig. -3.EC. )* Esact messerummet st cassently L.. I

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,? ~ ^ A m a s s , Ingle ds S h eesh ,E ts,.

. Delete the regoirement synsted above. Dekte the portions of Fig. 3 6C  :

' * " *' ~ RE RRII.R8_ '

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,. ATTACHMENT A TO FCR l-0049-TJ M-d'Y- N-/dl N .

4 Fillet velds need not satisfy the convexity limitations of AWS Dl.1, Section 3.6.1 provided that all other parameters of acceptable fillet veld profile are maintained.

The following design documents will be revised to include the above state-ment:

1. Specification 10466-C-122
2. Specification 10466-C-132
3. Specification 10466-C-202A a 4. Specification 10466-M-618.2
5. Specification 10466-M-635.2
6. Drawing 10466-C-0003
7. Drawing 466-C-0
8. Drawing '0 ,' ^ 0 011 10466-C-OL2311 1

Revision 1 coordinated with T. McGee, Civil, of Gaithersburg and J. Coleman on October 25, 1982.

e f (. ' . S. Newcoiner Asst. Lead Liaison Engineer l OCT 2 91982 /

s n Y lof fa;;x cx1s T RlQ ,'#+ usJ #

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  • Ad;4i.waL Cemensais, ou tamsua s;Jr.


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  • t Etc leucry /$'

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! 18-Seat to beam- '(/

  • 3

\ (1-$si-SMP ?Ti" l gygg, tog, [ d A$ rod,a DATE /4'/'V baAWlud #, (/7/.M/M i CWI N, W e W // f.Lav. N be641 Me # c

  • 63 4 Ad.IIewdL Cainusuis ow tavstsa cJ,.
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4-94-11-l02. O w

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                                                                             $ f/

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12-CLIP To SEAM-BeTToeO S //4, # 84. Ma,x #2~ V Aza4pstrio g g ,,,,r @ As q w n om wm ,j V wik & /4 Aud Wow ou rep 13-AW ra &n9fD - TC-/l' raw 14-A234A>1M R47tr tb 84ttr y?igYeY Asyu;4LS 70 & Sj+ pc /3 45" f h \ 15-A234Mm )?py m Aps 4 Art s y W " AMns to M xYrmf nom x DWme V' j i 16- N o1ir to SAe30-FC /2 v:.~. o wiyk A ffiaet Warp ou20-4% Y rep - wesas to.,se f 174234/143 0 sw 8;.;Qr~FillerY4 f4. )( S$ Ber7m - AFMets 70 M- l 18-ALS4h3 EM ro &ner -Sucr $4 916 x 3lk l n- Smi- sNW n , ,s /fe' DATE /o -/-dA DmAwfua y, o/2/-BS/eds-luiPRt02. Cwt % A?D&MI N turv. 2'o C' -O' sa+4L Me '6 'u 5 //A 4 Ad.diewdL Camaasmis ou tavs1tse s;dr.

Am A<

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19- Sai- bM2 lu1PEct012 I I U o Y et # DATE MN tRAWlua #e C-/ 2 / ' 6/E- C6' CWI N, M92/l El.Ev. 7676 batML Mo '2 #" E4 4 Ad.diew.1L Cammaufs ow .C;)s .

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  • fat lcx&re ks
  • fuit. lcysr4 / ).

11 C1Lp tb beam-top $*fsuLEN6tW t' fou loggra /% 12-C1Lp to beam-bottom Ns= rva tucni b fv*is lextrx /4

                                                                                             """'""                  /

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                                                                                              ""*"'                 /    ;

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e 3 5., .y a, y /f 3-Clip to' embed-bottom $5 8 Fa' 4.=OxJs~ 9 e,.rea s /4 4

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  • E[ k
  • 2 Y cyfffyg / f ,

9-Clip to embed-Bottom 10-C11p to Beam-vert $6x k /EAM a

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 !        16-Seat to embed vert e                                                                              \

17 Seat to embed-top - l . 1 l 18-Seat to beam-l 19- Ss4. b M W /%"

!      tustsetoe.    ( A Atrdm,                              337: /c -/ tv                          taAwfue, u. M/ Mod i

f* " 2 " tun. E ? / un+4L No 2 e~ E3 i Cwt Na 4 Ad.diewAL Cainmada, ow1tavswa S;)r.

4k WBDS VfDLATE AW$ D/) SuX Z. 7 /. & 4 yg A to 1. i I. . i I i i 6 4 M

a z.:.:: . ::_ z : ^ - - - - - ---; -- -- - - -- -- -- w?LD D&Th.6AfdG1" hRgA k' ne laM W b

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1-C11p to embed-vert  % fu leusru (%<Ye)< fba tracra twoces,zc-

                                                                                                                                                                                   / f+ ,

2-Clip to embed-top #/4 ^ fe ", [bYs) dI c,y ,,cy


3-C1Lp to embed-botton $s* Y6 fSslt')

  • 3 arxecH j


  • G lear
  • L'h
  • feu / carts 'd f j 4-Clip to Beam-Vert s's Ett A/' l l -

5-C1Lp to Beam- top D 1;u le u rd Yt. " Net icMG/d reen reaururi  ! i

                                                                                                                $s*.Gufrutru                                            /4 6-C119 to Beam- bottom                                            $sr & Lens 1H j

7-Clip to embed-vert

                                     -                                          Sex betracry               !fs* Et)(Ett fram/                                           'Y s sexesire

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  • k lem /c*Yr]<Kufestre /N
c. m a /-

11 C1Lp tb beam-top $ss k lem $4 ' fett icm/ e,c,9 temenn 12-C1Lp to beam-botton $^ fu icken b

  • ht trusnt l4 l

! 13- Seat to embed-vert l l 14- Seat to embed-top i 15- Seat to beam 16-Seat to embed vert 17 Seat to embed-top 18-Seat to beam- . M- sni- spe  ! / '/z ' l unnwtut, Me ( 't!. cu

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k WRDS VictATE bl./ SEcf 2 7 /.L. v-- ! S-frA{- A-Idl, l I I I e

37 A3 -/3 cJtc-/ n n w a nnar' m herb'e-m acJ;cae d ' ' \ \ 1 Lj-811 - /\ -lot l

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4-c1Lp to seam-vert Jl'ls,x /*4. me Antws re as- ( exeee<su/m/v) #I 5-clip to Beam-top Yd. X A L. er//4, y q .ct. _ i S h X h*L. anrsa S/M, x $% rc e , rz e u s s s e c o w ery) ag eu,wp ) n ca sp. h, j j 6-C1Lp to Beam- bottom c.," cess, aaweaxis - Iy 3/6 X, LO?z.. Q Fut t t.e u vr/ 7-C1Lp to embed-vert S/$4,X /~L. i . j e-city to eased-top JA x fer," '/8 x 198" feaves,.) o /*h ] [ 9-c11p to embed-Bottom f/i xY kX A /ff [ cts,e. ,p t,M , f 10-clip to seam-vert f4, x E4. k6 k 2C/'. z [' /7) f re ar eveat ,,r,o w 1ip/  ; . j, j s l 11 C11p t4 beam-top f/4,)r A'4. NWAa J/A X 37,/ me (P" Nm i V , 3 l' f 1 S/it,meeX futt-3% /\ cvcxte

                                                                                                                              " " "'*     c&w cru/                    l#    I 12-0.89 w beam -se m Ar K E l-                                                     ser econc uzo vwrx 4234pj"y/

13-A3 m so 4"v% 72 /2 c _ r .^

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as re m acuc.cmi, cut Ass +Prir .

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14-Adrar rv AAW ~ To# MdWA = 'h fh 4 A sa+ prpr i s n e o usc ta w ,, w l;I I 15-ATAjar rapP : -Aarreb/ n 'fS


A xa a,ma a sc-rc n h,!*[yg-m-E~- ,e s cumur wuw ~ prews r=' a \ Ass 4Hff l 16-AAar ib4l~;^ ^ ^; /d* maern Y4x 97h ) - Aza+Ptri 17 Ansar Jar An":e -yms*Lnn. R 4ft, x 9Fes saawrwao l j ugr V ASHM9/ , tffley Me m--sj re g f % e st Lev

                                                                                                                   ~ (4fg,% f<act ae-/b 18-AJ>hr ja ara,ar %"Mbers 44                                                                                                                                        f)

) i 11-inf &## .. t.'-/2/- 8W4 -dS- I lugygig100, f- u


U tATt /d 6 4- DRAWIna6 Me i cwz no eomo! N uer. zast ' o" a a.m z n .u im u d,hou.L c.. . 4.,. . .u . s:J.. !l


1. QA Records ------Several packages of radiographic f iim stor ett in the DIC vault were found stored stacked. This is contrary to: ADM 07-406, paragraph ANSI N45.2.9, paragraph 5.4(3), alid ANSI Pill . 4 3, paragraph 3.2. The DIC procedure does not address special storage of radiographic films.
2. Document Cont.rol-----Open change notices are not incorporated in accordance with QPM-6, paragraph 6.1.6, which limits the unicorporated changes to'5 or 1 year from date of' issue. 't h e Plant Set Point Document, has 60 change notices identified.

Many of t.he changes, were incorporated by Results Engineering in their monthly release of this, document. Procedures used by Results Engineering, do not provide means for i den t. i f y i ng incorporated changes. A review of the DIC Open Design Change Record, found a minimum of 16 other documents which had more than six opeli change, notices and.many chatiges exceeding the year l i m i t. . E17000 plant. electrical terminations had :.:64 open change notices datilig back t.o Aug. 82.

3. Test and Measuring Equipmentt----The responsible group leaders of the Mairstenance Department are not keeping the Maintenance Test and Measuring Equipment Calibration Log, as required by ADM 08-21n, paragtaph 5.3. On the first sheet of the 109, 5 pieces of equipment were identifled as having exceeding the ca!Ioration date. Recolds in the calibration lati showed that ali ; piores o f equi pmonts had hoen cal i brat ed , on .schedta l e.

s . !.. > c k o t' cal i brat liin; tags, oli eqit i pment in the electrical

       .s t e o p . l oittid a millammeter        (hC 6018)    w i t.h is calibl~ution due d ette of        f. 0/84.
                                                                                   ~o.e-gassu ,


              .             ,     .,W ~                 '

4 y4-A-l0 A h c J. \ i . i _hemg

                                                                                                            .. .                 i      i au,t:a #            //L                                waa urn.ueer                                          Ana &&ok                                                    -
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J'.! ___ tame...a was mespr mawrZ,- 1-C1Lp to embed-vert Sk. atrev,? < 7- By sv4.*A Et* ./

                                                                                                                                                     . 4 4

2-C1Lp to embed-top 3//A'O2, A n, c r. c  % ' ). /4 " f* 7 3-C11p to embed-botton J7g.kS'h sli,uest,! y,, fy .!],. / Vs. f* _ 4-C11p to Beam-Vert <//e- " 4/vt-o. .; - _C

                                                                            .           .-T.' y 2/ ~                                             l                  -

5-C1LP to Beam-top ~'% : b m: AS 49 'X ,jf'Ns' ~.. . ;e . -r a -? 6 fp - 6-C1Lp to Beam- bottom .T//t. " is . ~3rx i. : n.2: 0 ," X 3 $ $ V' --- 7-C1Lp to embed-vert .S$ / " /P&.7pr g 17- A< .Cfr.)( 2/ " V* - 8-C11p to embed-top 57// k 18 .#/Mr.s re h- f/1,"y /fM,,a,g,, ) /'* -- , 9-C1Lp to embed-Bottom T//t."v'$ Anny; tr /3r - f/l. " g N ' (7,f y p , ,) /#- 10-Clip to Beam-vert S//4 r/rMs/S rr /Pr 5/g

                                                                                            / " X 2/                                          )/ #

11 C1Lp tb beam-top J//C" drinsq g./}e -Q}s." y 3A /l l }r 12-CLIP w Tyylm -[% tic.In .f/l ," i 43 & 7 p q R /%- S}*$}. y 3 ~ bl ~ 13- A to3?Cea ,a Enir -Q" sin-ve s b .5e- M 's 74 " i v'* - 14- Airs.3P/M4 ro EcM 44' s.ot n up AMaxNkiPIN'k7N' V* ~

                                                                       " x t+                     ;                                ivc 1                       f .+ ~

15- /lso 3PA)4 f 52'/// '*n, / Mil?! Din tyk Y !$,*7ce.i** *" = W'A Y'N'%&/*

                         '. ) - .6 ?>                                                                                                                  /k          _

16- Aic.3!"M3 7 4.-dM IW  % no M 7' & 7/// ~ X ?

  • V 17 A/o.S//>//3 to J yi m /s! S'; ' % pc ~ y , c/ l , .1 f -

18- Rn/e.$ 17 d;^/)WY.~/) ' Ts' AMC-LkMZ hrt 6 YC-/Z l \ n-sut-sur i 2ye .

  -, u ,,,      G'      t         u     . ./ / .                _

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whuy p{ey/k: U $. Z)// Sdn?hA'E7'l'E O

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                                        /I . .     / F - urt vy,u                                                                                                        @

( b ,_,,c. g o g ,.,:,,, g _p-


1  ! CD 9 - J t 1p to embed-ve t ~K M' Ip to e' M M, k , tie' M k -

                                                                                                                                                                          *,agg ip te Beas-Var-te to seam-top _

te to team- hot tr to embed-ve: Lp to embed-top E g cy/ d / .p to embed-sot ( W /-_

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( ~ ) 2 1 ' l 3 0 d l -- d o;T/ , gg4 6 ~ // f laat to embed-w

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