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Restart Action Plan
Person / Time
Site: Zion  File:ZionSolutions icon.png
Issue date: 09/05/1997
Shared Package
ML20211B122 List:
PROC-970905, NUDOCS 9709250248
Download: ML20211B483 (41)


{{#Wiki_filter:1 1 ZION STATION RESTART ACTION PLAN A. GENERAL ................................................. 1 A.1 PURPOSE ............................................ 1 A.2 O BJ E CTIVE S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 A.3 BACKGROUND ........................................ 1 A.4 A CTIVITI E S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 A.5 OVERALL NRC VERIFICATION STRATEGY , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 3 B. CASE. SPECIFIC CHECKLIST - PART I (PROCESS) ..................... 4 B.1 INITI AL NRC R ESPO N S E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 B.2 NOTIFICATIONS ....................................... 5 B.3 ESTABLISH AND ORGANIZE THE NRC REVIEW PROCESS . . . . . . . . . . 5 [ B.4 F.EVIEW IMPLEMENTATION ............................... 7 l B.4.1 Root Causes and Corrective Actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 8 4.3 Determine Restart issuas and Resolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 B.4.4 Obtain Comments on Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 B.4.5 Closeout Actic7s . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ ....... 10 B.5 RESTART AUTHO RIZATIO N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 B.6 RESTART AUTHORIZATION NOTIFICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 C. CASE SPECIFIC CHECKLIST - PART 11 (ISSUES) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 C.1 ASSESSMENT OF ROOT CAUSE IDENTIFICATION AND CORRECTION . 13 C.1.1 Event Analysis and Root Cause Determination . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 C.1.2 Corrective Action Development ....................... 13 C.1.3 Corrective Action Plan Implementation and Effectiveness . . . . . 14 C.2 LICENSEE SELF-ASSESSMENT AND MANAGEMENT EFFECTIVENESS . 16 C.2.1 Self-Assessment Capability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 C.2.2 Management Oversight and Effectiveness , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 C.2.3 Management Support . . . . . . . . . . ................... 21 C.3 ASSESSMENT OF PLANT AND CORPORATE STAFF EFFECTIVENESS . 22 C.3.1 Assessment of Staf f . . ............................ 22 C.4 ASSESSMENT OF PHYSICAL READINESS OF THE PLANT . . . . . . . . . 26 C.5 ASSESSMENT OF COMPLIANCE WITH REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS .....................,................ 27 C.6 COORDINATION WITH INTERESTED AGENCIES AND PARTIES , .... 28 C.7 ADDITIONAL PLANT SPECIFIC ISSUES AND INSPECTION ITEMS . . . . 28 C 7.1 Technical issues . . . . . . . . . . . ............ ......... 28 C 7.2 Administrative issues . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .....,,..... 30 l 9709250248 DR 970911 ADOCK 05000295 PDR j .. .,

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                'To' provide a basis to plan and coordinate NRC review activities for restart of Zion Station.

L A.2- OBJECTIVES - To' ensure that NRC review efforts are consistently developed, communicated, and implemented and specific guidance is provided to support:  ; ..

                              . a.        Determining restart issues for review,
- b. Identification of the basic tasks needed to review and approve plant restart, and l
c. - Coordination and tracking of restart review activities.


               . Zion Was placed on the NRC Watch List following the January 1991 Senior Management 6                  Meeting (SMM) and remained on the Watch List until January 1993, when it was removed based on improved safety performance. This improving trend continued through August 1993.~ From August 1993 through January 1996, Zion's safety performance remained b

relatively stagnant, with intervals of slight improvement and decline, but no clear trend developed. Operator and work control performance declined in 1996, and material condition worsened. Efforts to improve performance were not successful. Based on , continuing safety performance problems, with emphasis on the June to December 1996 i- period, the NRC placed Zion Station back on the NRC's Watch List in January 1997. To address continuing performance deficiencies at Zion Station, in the Fall of 1996,

               ' Commonwealth Edison management commissioned a comprehensive assessment of performance in the form of an Independent Safety Assessment (ISA). The ISA was conducted by a team of industry peers and Institute of Nuclear Power Operations                                                                                     '

representatives. ..Tha ISA team's charter was to determine why previous improvement initiatives at Zion Station had not been successful, in December 1996,in the presentation of its findings, the' team identified a number of reasons for historical performance problems that confirmed many of the performance deficiencies identified by the NRC. Zion Station

               . management reviewed the ISA's findings and developed corrective actions.

70n February 21,1997, during a Unit 1 shutdown evolution, a licensed operator inappropriately withdrew control rods continuously in an attempt to take the reactor critical from a substantially shutdown condition, in response, the NRC dispatched an .

,               L Augmented Inspection Team (AIT) to the site to determine the facts related to this event.

The AIT identified a number of significant performance deficiencies in the area of 4

                ! operations. Since the February 21,1997 cvent, Unit 1 has remained in a shutdown
                                                                                                   -1                                                Revision: 09/05/97 W

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condition and Unit 2 has been shut down since September 1993, when it was shut down for a refueling outage. Following the February 21,1997, reactivity management event, the Region lli staf f decided to enhance NRC monitoring of performance and assessment of corrective ac' tion effectiveness at Zion Station. A Plant Performance Review Panel, consisting of regional and headquarters personnel, was established, The Panelis chaired by a senior Region 111 manager and is responsible for reviewing information related to plant safety performance, responding to emergent issues, and evaluating the effectiveness of Zion Station staff's corrective actions. On February 25,1997, Confirmatory Action Letter (cat.) No. Rill 97-002 was issued to formalize the licensee's commitments to address deficiencies in supervisory oversight, crew communications, procedure quality and adherence, plant staff safety focus, control room conduct, and operator understandirig of management's expectations regarding reactivity control. On April 14,1997,and June 6,1997, Supplements A and 8 to the CAL, respectively, were issued. A.4 ACTIVITIES A comprehensive NRC review of the restart process is required. This Restart Action Plan is intended to include expected NRC actims that will be required to be taken before restart of Zion Station. The Plan defines: the actions which must be accomplished by the NRC, as a minimum, to approve restart; the organization that has the lead responsibility for each action; the case-specific issues which must be resolved before restart; and the individuals with the actual responsibility for restart approval. The Panel retains responsibility for assessment of the restart issues and determining whethei each issue has been satisfactorily addressed. The Panel will make updates and minor revisions to the Restart Action Plan without seeking approval from the Regional Administrator. Section B, " Case-Specific Checklist - Part I," of this plan provides generic tasks that support the Restart Action Plan. This section outlines the overall review process needed for the NRC to authorize restart of the facility. Section C, "Caso-Specific Checklist - Part II," contains issues requiring assessment during the restart review. The Case-Specific Checklist Matrix is meant to be complementary to Parts I and ll of the Case-Specific Checklist (Sections B and C). While the Matrix provides a quick overview, including status, regarding the NRC Restart Action Plan for Zion Station, Part il of the Case-Specific Checklist provides more detail and insight on the NRC methodology on evaluating the specific issues. The Matrix summarizes the issues applicable to a Zion restart decision following the outline specified in Manual Chapter 0350. Those items specified in Manual Chapter 0350, but not included in Part 11 or the Matrix, have been determined to not be applicable to a Zion restart decision. The basis for inclusion in the Case-Specific Checklist, as deformined by the NRC Plant Performance Review Panel, was whether the Manual Chapter 0350 item reflected a contributing cause to the event which led to the extended shutdown. While several other

   " chronic" performance problem areas exist with planned corrective actions extending beyond Zion restart, they will be evaluated on a longer-term basis, independent of the testart overview effort. (Some issues, not directly related to the initiating event, have been determined on a case-by-case basis by the Panel to be required for startup and are 2                          Revision: 09/05/97
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t included in the Case Specific Checklist.) Cross-references to the licendee's Recovery Plan 4 _in the Case Specific _ Checklist and the Matrix are provided only_ for Zion Recovery Plan

items that the Panel determined to be essential for restart.~

The Panelis responsible for implementation of the Zion Restart Action Plan. The Panel will!

         - maintain and periodically review the Restart Action Plan. These actions should:

(1) determine review status, (2) verify necessary tasks and items are complete for each - phase of the review, and (3) ensure that review tasks and issues for assessment remain consistent with the known facts and status of the restart effort.= The lists in Sections B and C should be reviewed when significant milestones are completed and prior to restart authorization to ensure any emerging items are considered. A.5 OVFRALL NRC VERIFICATION STRATEGY , The Panelit responsible for reviewing status and rationale for closure of all Case Specific ( Checklist issues. - Verifications performed by the Panel itself (such as review of the Zion Recovery Plan) will be documented in the Case Specific Checklist and supplemented as needed in the Panel meeting minutes.

         - Several 6f the verification items in the Case Specific Checklist will be completed in the                   l

, mutine inspection program by the resident and regional staff. These verifications will be documented in inspection reports. The Region lil operator licensing staff will supervise NRC observations during the Demonstration Phase of the Zion Recovery Plan while ensuring sufficient observations are conducted to assess performance attributes defined in the Case-Specific Checklist and other licensee management and operational deficiencies pertinent to the reactivity event.+ The SRI will coordinate resident and regional (including operator licensing staff) inspection resources based on the schedule provided by the licensee for opportunities to observe significant operating activities. The Region ill operator licensing staff will ensure the NRC's Demonstration Phase Observation Team members are briefed on performance attributes to assess and expectations for documentation of observations. This documeraation will be accomplished in an inspection report. An Readiness Review inspection will be conducted by a Region 111 inspection

         . team near or after the licensee has informed the NRC (in accordance with the CAL) that the plant is ready to restart. This inspection will be a modified (reduced scopal Operational Readiness Assessment Team / Operational Safety Team inspection and will e' valuate areas delineated in the Cas'e Specific Checklist, as well as other performance concerns designated by the Panel. The inspection may encompass some performance areas not addressed in the Zion Recovery Plan or NRC case-specific checklist. as determined by the Panel, to ensure that the current scope and significance of previously identified " chronic" performance problems should not preclude safe plant startup and operation._ The Operational Readir'ess Review Team will be organized and lod by Region lll
         . Division of Reactor Safety personnel. These efforts will be documented in an inspection report.

p 3 Revision: 09/05/97

1 A i B. CASE SPECIFIC CHECKLIST - PART I (PROCESS) B.1 INITIAL NRC RESPONSE Establishment of the facts, the causes, and their apparent irhpacts should be accomplished early in the process. This information wil assist the NRC in characterizing the problems, the safety significance, and the regulatory issues. Early management appraisal of the situation is also important to ensure the proper immediate actions are taken. Many of these items may already be complete when the initial checklist review is performed. TASKS

a. Initial notification and NRC management diecussion of known facts and issues (Region).

Status Closed AIT dispatched. AIT charter issued 02/25/97.

b. Identify / implement additional inspections (i.e. AIT, IIT, or Special) (Region).

Status - Closed AIT Charter issued 02/25/97. AIT inspection Report 97006 issued 04/29/97. Enforcement Action inspection Report 97007 issued 05/21.'97. Predecisional Enforcement Conference conducted 07/03/97.

c. Determine need for formal regulatory response (i.e. order or CAL).

Status - Closed CAL Rlil 97 002 issued 02/25/97. CAL Supplement Rlil-97-002A issued 04/14/97, CAL Supplement Hill-97-0028 issued 06/06/97.

d. Identify other parties involved (i.e., NRC Organizations, other Federal agencies, industry organizations).

Status - Closed An AIT was dispatched to followup on reactivity event. The team consisted of personnel from NRC Region lil, NRR, and AEOD. The Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety resident engineer observed followup activities. 4 Revision: 09/05/97

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          <f Chec list - Part i B.2 NOTIFICATIONS initial notification of the event quickly communicates NRC's understanding of the event and its immediate response to the parties having an interest in the event. Notification to Regional and headquarters offices of cognizant Fede/al agencies may be appropriate. As the review process continues, additional and continuing notifications,may be required.


a. Issue Daily and Directors Highlight (NRR).

Status - Closed Director's highlights issued on 02/2G/97,03/05/97,03/12/97.

b. Issue preliminary notification (Region).

Status - Closed s Preliminary Notices issued on 02/24/97 (PNO-ill-97-010),02/26/97 (PNO-lil 97-010A), 03/07/97 (PNO-ill-97-010B), 04/18/97 (PNO-ill 97-035).

f. Stato and local of ficials notified (Region).

Status - Closed Preliminary Notices issued on 02/24/97 (PNO-Ill 97 010),02/26/97 (PNO-ill-97-010A), 03/07/97 (PNO-lil-97-0108), 04/18/97 (PNO-Ill-97-035). Also press releases issued by NRC public affairs.

g. Congressional notification (NRR).

Status - Closed Congressional Affairs sont the 02/24/97 press release to the Congressional Oversight Committees for the NRC. B.3 ESTABLISH AND ORGANIZE THE NRC REVIEW PROCESS It will be necessary to establish and organize the NRC restart review to ensure the effective coordination of resources in evaluating the restart process. Ef fective interfaces within and outsido the NRC are critical to properly identify and resolve the pertinent issues. Consider both Regional and headquarters offices of cognizant Federal agencies. 1 5 Revision: 09/05/97

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j; Checklist - Part 1

               ' TASKS-
a. Establish. the Restart Panel.

Status - Closed j f. Restart Panel charter issued 04/14/97.- y

                      ' b.      ' Assess available information (i.e. Inspection results, licensee self assessments, industry reviews.)=

Status Closed Licensee's Independent Self Assessment Report dated 02/18/97. AIT Inspection Report 97006 issued 04/29/97.

  +                               Enforcement Action Inspection Report 97007 issued 05/21/97.

Licerisee's Level I investigation report issued 04/18/97. Licensee's Recovery Plan issued 06/05/97.

c. Obtain input from involved parties within the NRC.

Status - Closed input received from Region 111, NRR, and AEOD.

d. Conduct Regional Administrator briefing (Region).

Status Closed Briefing completed second week of March 1997.

o. Conduct NRR Executive Team briefing (NRR).

Status - Closed Briefed the NRR Executive Team during the Screening Meeting _on 04/15/97 f,' Develop the case-specific checklist (CSC). -

                               . Status - Closed Panel approval on 07/17/97.

l l' 6 Revision: 09/05/97 L- C'f 1: l; , k'

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lgy- _ Checklist i Part I? t

g. . . . Develop the Restart Action Plan. ~
         ,4   .
                  ,                             - Status Closed -

q initial Panel agreement on 07/17/97.

h. - Regional Administrator approves Restart Action Plan.
                    'e 9'                         Status - Open x-                                                 Target date 9/12/97. .-                                                                                                -
j. . Limplement Restart Action Plan. N '

Status - Continuous

k. Modify CAL or order ao necessary. .

, -Status - Continuous As Necessary

                                                 ' CAL Rill 97-002 issued 02/25/97.

, - CAL Supplement Rill 97-002A issued 04/14/97. CAL Supplement Rlll 97-002B issued 06/06/97. B.41 .. REVIEW IMPLEMENTATION The review will be accomplished by a variety of methods including inspections, testing, E evaluation of licensee self assessments, evaluation of licensee action plans, and reg'ulatory actions. Once th_e licensee has developed its corrective action plan, the NRC shall review that plan to verify its completeness and adequacy. The NRC will also determine which corrective actions will be required to be implemented before restart, and thus become restart issues, and those that can be deferred to some later date as long-term corrective

- actions. The discussions and issues provided in Section C of this appendix provide additional information to support the review activities described below.

E B.4.1 Root Causes and Corrective Actions

                   " TASKS c

. a.  : Evaluate findings of AIT, llT. or special team inspection. Status - Closed [ Reviewed findings of A!T Inspection Report 97006 issued 04/29/97,

                                             ' Enforcement Action Inspection Heport 97007 issued 05/21/97.
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7 Revision: 09/05/97 6 0

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Checklist - Part l-

                       - g.     . Develop the Restart Action Plan.

5 Status - Closed q . K -Initial Panel agreement on 07/17/97,

h. Regional Administrator approves Hestart Action Plan.

W* Status - Open _ Target date 9/12/97. J. Implement Restart Action Plan.

  • s Status - Continuous
k. Modify CAL or order as necessary.

Status - Continuous As Necessary CAL Rlli 97-002 issued 02/25/97. CAL Supplement Rlli 97-002A issued 04/14/97. CAL Supplement Rlli 97-0028 issued 06/06/97. B.4 REVIEW IMPLEMENTATION The review will be accomplished by a variety of methods including inspections, testing, evaluation of licensee self assessments, evaluation. of licensee action plans, and regulatory actions. Once the licensee has developed its corrective action plan, the NRC shall review

that plan to verify its completeness ahd adequacy. The NRC will also determine which corrective actions will be required to be implemented before restart, and thus become s ?-

restart issues, and'those that can be deferred to some later date as long term corrective actions. The discussions and issues provided in Section C of this appendix provide

               - additional information to support the review activities described below.

B.4.1 Root Causes and Corrective Actions TASKS A a '. Evaluate findings of AIT, itT. or special team inspection. Status - Closed l Reviewed findings of AIT inspection Report 97006 issued 04/29/97, Enforcement Action inspection Report 97007 issued 05/21/97. l 7 Revision: 09/05/97 i. l


       . Checklist - Part 1:                         .y                                                                     ;


               . b.-         - Licensee performs root cause analysis and develops-3 corrective action plan for root causest                                                       ,
. Status - Closed ,

, Licensee's Level 1 investigation report issued 04/18/97, Licensee's Recovery Plan, Revision 1, issued 06/05/97. j

  • 3
                             - Licensee's Recovery Plan, Revision 2, issued 07/08/97.
- 'c- . NRC evaluates licensee's root cause determination and ~

corrective action plan. Status - Closed j ' ~ Licensee's Level I investigation report issued 04/18/97 and - i licensee's Recovery Plan, Revision 1, issued 06/05/97.

_ Reviewed Recovery Plan and verified CAL issues were addressed during i

Panel Meeting held 07/01/97, l B.4.3- Determine Restart Issues and Resolution TASKS-

a. Review / evaluate licensee generated restart issues.
Status - Closed i-Restart issues discussed in public meetings conducted 04/08/97,04/28/97 06/02/97, and 07/10/97.


b. ' independent NRC identification of restart issues.

Status - Closed CAL Rill 97-002 Supplement 8 issued on 06/06/97 contained additional technical restart issues identified by the Panel. During review of the Recovery Plan in the 07/01/97 Panel mooting, the Panel identitied Recovery Plan actions that the Panel believed to be necessary prior , to restart but which the licensee had not designated as such. . The DRP ' Branch Chief communicated these actions to the licensee later that week and Region 111 DRP Director discussed the actions with licensee management during the 07/10/97 public meeting. [ 8 Revision: 09/05/97


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ChecklistiPart I
c. NRC/ licensee agreement on restart issues. '

Status i Closed .

                                        - CAL Rlll-97-002 Supplement B issued on 06/06/97 contained additional
- technical restart issues identified by the Panel.

4 During review of the Recovery Plan in the 07/01/97 Panel meeting, the Panel identified Recovery Plan actions that the Panal believed to be necessary prior to restart but whica the licensee had not designated as such. The DRP-Branch Chief communicated these e alons to the licensee !ater that week

                                        - and Region lli DRP Director discussed the' actions with licensee management during the 07/10/97 public meeting.                                                                                       .

L. Evaluato licensee's restart issues implementation process. . Status - Ongoing - Target completion prior to NRC/ licensee restart meeting,

e. Evaluate licensee's implementation verification process.
                                        -Status - Ongoing Target completion prior to NRC/ licensee restart meeting.

B.4'.4 Obtain Comments on Plan Status - Closed NRC staff was available to answer questions and receive comments from the public following the public meetings held on 04/08/97,04/28/97,06/02/97,06/26/97, l 07/10/97 and 07/23/97. Public affairs routinet, responcud to put0c inquiries. Written responses were provided to private individuals who had written to President Clinton and Senator Moseley.Braun regarding Zion. Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety management and resident engineer routinely attend the public meetings and have the opportunity to interface with NRC y , management following those meetings. Provided written response to concerns received from the Kenosha County Executive. 9 Revision: 09/05/97 J

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               ' Checklist' Part 1-
               ; B.4.5 ' Closeout Actions                                                                                  !
a. Evaluate licensee's restart readiness self assessment (Region). l Status - Open -i Target completion prior to NRC/ licensee restart meeting.

b.- NRC evaluation of applicable it6ms from Section C "lSSUES" complete. Status - Open

Target completion prior to NRC/ licensee restart meating.
c. ' Restart issues closed.

Status - Open Target completion prior to NRC/ licensee restart meeting

d. Conduct NRC restart readiness team inspection (Region).

Status - Open Target start dependent upon when licensee determines the piant is ready for. restart, e, issue augmented restart coverage inspection plan (Region). Status Open Target completion prior to plant restart,

f. Comments from other parties considered.
,                              Status - Open Target completion just following NRC/ licensee restart meeting,
g. Determine that all conditions of the Order / CAL are satisfied.

Status - Ongoing

                                                               - 10                        Revision: 09/05/97
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             . Checklist Part 1 -

Target completion dependent upon wb9n licensee notifics NRC of completibn

                             . per CAL requirement. -                                                                                                       I h..      Re review of Generic Restart Checklist complete.                                                                             l Status - Open                                                                                                              j l

Tr.rget completion just prior to the NRC/ licensee restart meeting. B.5 - RESTART AUTHORIZATION ~

a. Prepare restart authorization document and basis for restart.

Status - Open Target completion just after NRC/ licensee restart meeting.

b. - NRC Restart Panel recommends restart authorizatien.

Status Open Target completion just after NRC/ licensee restart meeting,

c. No restart objections from other applicable HQ offices.

Status Open Target completion just after NRC/ licensee restart meeting. -

d. No restart objections from applicable Federal agencies. (NRR)

Status - Open Target completion just af ter NRC/ licensee restart meeting,

k. Regional Administrator authorizes restart.

Status - Open Target completion just after NRC/ licensee restart meeting. 11 Revision: 09/05/97 - y--y .y y - - y, ,- wy-pr.-y w,-. .>- -+ y ,,g -r -,,y -. e .- . . - .- e- .g .-+---sm... y -- .mm.-g -y --m,

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       ; Checklist Pa'rt 1:                                                                                            .j B.6 -      RESTART AUTHORIZATION NOTIFICATION
c. . Congressional Affairs (NRR)
                                 -. Status Open -

Target completion after Regional Aaministrator gives restart approval. ' e.~ Applicable Federal Agencies (NRR) Status Open T5tget completion after Regional Administrator gives restart approval. .

f. Public Affairs (Region)

Status - Open . l Target completion af ter Regicaal Administrator gives restart approval. g .- State and Local Officials (Region)- Status - Open-Target completion after Regional Administrator gives restart approval. 4 .J s: , t 12 Revision: 09/05/97

C. CASE SPECIFIC CHECKLIST - PART ll (ISSUES) C.1 ASSESSMENT OF ROOT CAUSE IDENTIFICATION AND CORRECTION The resulting listing of applicable assessment critoria provides the basis for NRC assessment of the effectiveness of the licensee's corrective action plan. C.1.1 Event Analysis and Root Cause Determination

a. Conditions leading up to and eventually requiring the shutdown, including performance and process concerns rotated to the shutdown, are understood and defined in a chain of events or similar chronology. .

Status Closed Verified during panel review of Zion Recovery Plan on 7/1/97.

b. Potential root causes of the conditions requiring the shutdown and any associated problerrs were thoroughly evaluated.

Status - Closed - Verified during panel review of Zion Recovery Plan on 7/1/97. C.1.2 Corrective Action Development

a. The proposed corrective actions are clearly cross-referenced to all of the associated root causes and causal factors they arc intended to correct, as appropriato.

Status - Closed - Verified during panel review of Zion Recovery Plan on 7/1/97.

c. Proposed corrective actions identify the desired conditions to be achieved aad are adequate to preclude repetition, Status - Closed - Verified during panel review of Zion Recovery Plan on 7/1/97,
d. Corrective actions are sufficiently deta:!ed to ensure that all activities related to completion of the corrective action have been identified.

Status - Closed Verified during panel review of Zion Recovery Plan on 7/1/97,

h. The licensee expanded the scope of the corrective actions to consider all of the causal f actors that contributed to the deficiency or problem, including potential Doneric concerns.

Status - Closed - Verified during panel review of Zion Recovery Plan on 7/1/97.

i. Devotopment of the corrective actions ine.uded insights from the organizations or individuals that may have contributed to the event, those responsible for developing the corrective actions, and those responsible for implementing the corrective actions.

13 Revision: 09/05/97

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T Checklist -1 Part ll. j


3 - Responsibilityf Panel  ; . \ I _ Status.a Closed Verified durirg panel review of Zion Recovery Plan on 7/1/97. :1 J.; interim corrective actions have been developed and documented when permanent corrective action will take an axcessive amount of time to implement or cannot be 3 completed before the licensee plans to restart the facility, a Responsibility Panel' ~ 4

                               < Status Closed Licensee currently plans to complete entire plan prior to restart.
                              . This item can be re opened for Panel review if the licensee identifies any deferrals.

Longer term performance improvement' actions are addressed in the licensee's 1997'

. Business Plan.


k. - All corrective actions have been incorporated into a comprehensive corrective
                                ' action plan, which has been approveo by the licensee's independent oversight
, committee.

,_ Status - Closed '- Verified during' panel review of Zion Recovery Plan on 7/1/97. F C.1.3 Corrective Action Plan implementation and Effectiveness

a. Each of the corrective actions is assigned a required start and completion date commensurate with the comp lexity and safety significance of the action. .

Status Closed - Licensee currently plans to complete entire plan prior to restart. F This item can be re opened for Panel review if the licensee identifies any deferrals. . b. An organization and individual have been designated with lead responsibility for b each of the corrective actions. Status - Closed - Verified during panel review of Zion Recovery Plan on 7/1/97.

                    ' c.        The responsible individual has sufficient authority, resources, and management p                                support to ensure the action will be adequately completed.

4 Status - Closed Verified during panel review of Zion Recovery Plan on 7/1/97.

d. - The licensee has defined objectives to be achieved from implementing the L

corrective action plan, including interim objectives to assess the progress of the plan. The objectives are focused on ensuring a lasting improvement in the - operation and maintenance of the plant. Status - Closed - Verified during panel review of Zion Recovery Plan on 7/1/97. 3 i i 14 Revision: 09/05/97

 . i Checklist - Part 11
e. Whenever possible, the licensee's objectives are based on a measurable set of criteria that the licensee can readily track and trend, as appropriate, to provide continuous monitoring of the implementation and effectiveness of the corrective action plan. These measures should form the acceptance criteria for closure and provide precursor indication of declining performance.

Status - Closed - Verified during panel review of Zion Recovery Plan on 7/1/97.

f. The licensee has anticipated and addressed potential conflicts of implementing the corrective action plan with existing facility operational practices, regulatory requirements, or personnel activities.
  • Responsibility - Panel Status - Ongoing Target completion just prior to NRC/ licensee restart meeting,
g. The corrective action plan contains guidance for the licensee to assess changing information or conditions to determine whether the licensee must modify the corrective action plan.

Status - Closed - Verified during panel review of Zion Recovery Plan on 7/1/97.

h. The licensee has developed training on both the lessons leamed from the event analysis and root cause determination and the technical and administrative changes made to the facilities or practices that includes a discussion regarding why the changes are necessary.

Status - Closed - Verified during panel review of Zion Recovery Plan on 7/1/97.

i. The corrective action plan includes requirements to have self-assessments, and as necessary independent assessments, of the implementation and effectiveness of the plan.

Status Closed - Verified during panel review of Zion Recovery Plan on 7/1/97.

j. In cases where long term actions remain to be accomplished, the licensee has clearly documented when the action will be complete, the basis for the delay in completing the action, and how the action will be tracked and trended to ensure completion.

Responsibility Panel Status - Closed - Licensee currently plans to complete entire plan prior to restart. This item can be re-opened for Panel review if the licensee identifies any deferrals. 15 Revision: 09/05/97

Checklir - Part il Longer term performance improvement actions are addressed in the hcensee's 1997 Business Plan.

k. The licensee has established a predefined time frame following completion of the corrective actions during which they will continue to monitor the effectiveness of the corrective actions.

Responsibility - Panel Status Open Target completion just after the NRC/ licensee restart meeting. C.2 LICENSEE SELF-ASSESSMENT AND MANAGEMENT EFFECTIVENESS C.2.1 Self-Assessment Capability

a. Effectiveness of Quality Assurance Program.

Recoverv Plan Cross Reference 12.5.1 Establish the methodology for and implement performance of an ' independent assessment of SOV's ability to overview the Station's Recovery Plan 12.5.2 Implement corrective actions, as required to address deficiencies in SOV's ability to overview the Station Recovery Plan, including assessment of effectiveness of any required actions NRC Verification Plans Resident staff will review licensee's assessment of SOV and evaluate proposed corrective actions from that assessment. (Reference Recovery Plan item 12.5.1) Operational Readiness Review Team will evaluate a sample of licensee actions and offectiveness in response to SOV findings. (Reference Recovery Plan item 12.5.2) Status - Open Target completion dependent upon completion of licensee recovery plan items. i 16 Revision: 09/05/97

g: 7, t Checklist Part ll b.. Effectiveness of Industry Experience Review Program. { I Recovery Plan Cross Reference 11.5._ Operating experience issues: for those closed, evaluate if corrective actions - I were adequate l 11.6 Operating experience issues: for those ooen, determine actions required to- > be completed prior to restart IAW Recovery Program Scope Management . l Guidelines , l NRC Verification Plans Resident staff will verify completion of Recovery Plan items 11.5 and 11.6. Operational Readiness Review Team will evaluate a sample of licensee responses to

            . operating experience issues. (To also include a sample of planned actions evaluated by the licensee but determined not required for restart.) (Reference Recovery Plan Items 11.5 and 11.6)

Status - Open

            . Target completion dependent upon completion of licensee recovery plan items.
d. Effectiveness of deficiency reporting system.

Recovery Plan Cross-Reference ,~ 8.6 Revise approach based on effectiveness assessment (Condition Review Group, Conective Action Review Board Trending Program) 12.8.1 Perform an assessment of the CRG & CARB processes and validate the effectiveness of the corrective action program implementation with respect to identification, timeliness, and prioritization of issues NRC Vefjfication Plans - Resident staff will verify that CRG, CARB, and Trending Program established. (Reference Recovery Plan item 8.6) . Resident staf f will review licensee's assessment of CRG &CARB precesses and ' evaluate proposed corrective actions from that assessment. (Reference Recovery Plan Item 12.8.1) 17 Revision: 09/05/97

_ . _ _ _ _ . _ . _ . . _ . ~ . _ . . . ~ . _ . _ . _ . - _ . .

  =** :.

b Checklist "- Part 11-L Operational Readiness Review Team will evaluate a sample of issues subjected to the CRG & CARB processes to ensure adequate approach and to evaluate quality of trending program.~ (Reference Recovery Plan item 12.8.1)- Status Open

               - Target completion dependent upon completion of licensee recovery plan items.
e. Staff willingness to raise concerns. -

Responsibility Panel' . Status In progress Letter to licensee regarding chilling effect issued 7/22/97. Regional Administrator meeting with operators conducted 8/22/97. Plan to have 10/2/97 meeting with licensee on chilling effect. . C.2.2 Management Oversight and Effectiveness a .- Goals / expectations communicated to and understood by the staff. Recoverv Plan Cross Reference 3.1 Formulate and publish the Operational Standards 3.2 Conduct Just-in Time training for the operating crews for Operational standards 3.3 Conduct formal classroom and simulator training incorporating the Operational Standards 6.2A issue interface agreement to Operations (engineering support) 9.3 Develop standards for off-shift management command and control NRC Verification Plans Resident staff will verify completion of Recovery Plan items 3.1. 6.2.4. and 9.3. Operator licensing staff will verify completion of Recovery Plan items 3.2 and 3.3 and evaluate quality of effort by sampio observations. I-Status - Ongoing Target completion dependent upon completion of licensee recovery plan items. 18 Revision: 09/05/97

m. 4 .. _

i e

                                                                                                                 .l l


         ~ Checklist Part ll                                                                                       I
b. ' - Demonstrated ' expectation of adherence to procedures.

HgGQygty Plan Cross-Reference - 5,1 Revise written expectations for procedere use and adherence and

                             ' incorporate into ZAP 300.02 5.2 -     Incorporate expectations for procedures use and adherence into the Operator Remediation and Training Program

{ NRC Verification Plans Resident staff will verify completion of Recovery Plan item 5.1. Operator licensing staff will verify completion of _ Recovery Plan item 5.2. ' Status - Open Target completion dependent upon completion of licensee recovery plan items.

          - c.       Management involvement in self assessment and independent assessment activities.

Recovery Plan Cross-Reference 2 - 4.4 Conduct Operational Readiness Program in accordance with approved schedule 4.5 Operations Manager reviews conclusions and recommendations from the Operational Readiness Program. He presents the results and the recommendations to the Zion Restart Panel NRC Verification Plans Demonstration Phase Observation Team will include licensee management activities and oversight (including ability to identify and address deficiencies) in the operational attributes evaluated. (Reference Recovery Plan item 4.4) Resident staff will review licensee's recommendations from the Operational Readiness Program and evaluate corrective actions. (Reference Recovery Plan item 4.5) Status Open - j -Target _ completion dependent upon licensee demonstration phase schedule. I h 19_ Revision: 09/05/97 i I' i

  • i
       ; Checklist - Pert 11 -
          -d.      Effectiveness of management review committees.

Recovery Plan Cross-Reference 12.2.6' . Validate the effectiveness of reviews performed by the Zion Restart Penel, to support the stated objectives of the Station Recovery Plan NRC Verification Plans Resident staff will review the licensee's validation efforts for the Zion Restart Panel ~


review effectiveness. (Reference Recovery Plan item 12.2.6) Status - Open - Target date dependent upon completion of licensee recovery plon items,

h. Management's ability to measure and implement effective corrective actions.

Recoverv Plan Cross Reference . 4.5 Operations Manager reviews conclusions and recommendations from the Operational Readiness Program. He presents the results and the recommendations to the Zion Restart Panel 9.7 Conduct observation during Operational Readiness Program (off-shift command & control) NRC Verification Plans Demonstration Phase Observation Team willinclude review of licensee management activities and oversight (including ability to identify and address deficiencies and off-shift command and control) in the operational attributes evaluated. (Reference Recovery Plan item 9.7) Panel will evaluate licensee management's effectiveness in overviewing (measuring and implementing) corrective actions by comparing licersee management expectations communicated during periodic managemon; 'eetings to NRC inspection results. (Reference Recovery Plan item 4.5) Resident Etaif will review licensee's recommendations from the Operational Readiness Program and evaluate corrective actions. (Reference Recovery Plan item 4.5) Status _Open Target completion dependent upon licensee demonstration phase schedule. 20 Revision: 09/05/97

              .~.                     _         _,,m  , , ,,,,.,           -
  , .. yc Checklist - Part 111 C.2.3 - Management Support -
a. Irnpact of any management reorganization, with new responsibilities clearly defined and understood.

Recoverv Plan Cross-Reference 2.5 Develop roles'& responsibilities for Operation's Shift personnel

                - 2.6 - Develop roles & responsibilities for Operation's support personnel
  • NRC Verification PIADA Resident staff will verify completion of Recovery Plan items 2.5 and 2.6.

Status Open Target completion dependent upon completion of licensee recovery plan items,

b. Effective and timely resolution of employee concerns.

Responsibility - Panel

                - Status - in progress Letter to licensee regarding chilling effect issued 7/22/97. Regional Administrator t                  meeting with operators conducted 8/22/97. P!an to have 10/2/97 meeting with' licensee on chilling effect.

, c. Adequate engineering support as demonstrated by timely resolution of issues. Recoverv Plan Cross Reference 6.1.2 Review Operability Determinations 6.1.5 Revise all open Operability Determ'inations IAW new procedure !- 6.1.7 Implement action plans for task 6.1.6 (develop detailed action plans to resolve open Operability Determinations for Unit 2 restart) l NRC Verification Plans

                ~ DRS engineer will verify completion of Recovery Plan items 6.1.2 and 6.1.7.
                .. Operational Readiness Review Team will evaluate a sample of operability determinations closed since the plant shutdown to verify appropriate rationale and will review a sample of operability d3 terminations that remain open to ensure
acceptability of condition for operation and appropriate scheduto for resolution.
i. - (Referenca Recovery Plan items 6.1.2 and 6.1.5) 21 Revision: .09/05/97 P


o* *, Chocklist Part 11 Operational Readiness Review Team will review a sample of engineering issues from varied databases to validate the licensoo's threshold for raising issues and resolving thom throuch the formal Operability Determination program. (Reference Recovery Plan items 6. i.2 and 6.1.5) Residant staff wl.1 review items from the licensoo's Rostart Issues list that have been deferred beyond startup to ensure acceptablo approaches and plans. (Reference Recovery Plan item 6.1.7) Status Open Target completion dependent upon completion of licenseo recovery plan items.

d. Adoquate plant administrative procedures.

Recovery Plan Cross Reference 5.1 9

                        . 0'/ise written expectations for proc edure use and adhorence and incorporato into ZAP 300.02 6.'
  • 7evise ZODM 0 (operability determinations) 6.? Prepare and issue a moro user friendly Operability Determination Procedure MRC Verification Plans Resident staff will verify completion of Recovery Plan items 5.1,6.1.1, and 6.1.4.

Status - Open Targot completion dependent upon completion of licensco recovery plan items. C.3 ASSESSMENT OF PLANT AND CORPORATE STAFF EFFECTIVENESS C.3.1 Assessment of Staf f (Operations)

a. Deinenstrated commitment to achieving improved performance.

Renayorv Plan Cross Referenga 4.4 Conduct Operational Readiness Program in accordance with approved schedulo NRC VerificatiQn Pigj; Demonstration Phase Observation Team willincludo operator and licensoo management commitment to improved performance in the operational attributos evaluated. (Reference Recovery Plan item 4.4) 22 Revision: 09/05/97

 .* *s l

l Checklist - Part ll Penol will evaluato licensoo management commitment to achieving improved performance through discussions during routino managernent meetings with the licensoo. (Referenco Rocovery Plan item 4.4)

  • Gtatus Open Targot completion dependent upon licensoo demonstration phase schedulo.
b. Demonstrated safety consciousness.

Recovery Plan Cross Reference 3.1 Formulato and publish the Operational Standards 3.2 Conduct Just in Timo training for the operating crows for Operational standards 3.3 Conduct formal classroom and simulator training incorporating the Operational Standards 4.4 Conduct Operational Readiness Program in accordance with approved schedulo URC Verification Pla.n3 Resident staff will verify completion of Recovery Plan items 3.1 and ovaluato demonstrated safety consciousness to the extent possible during routino observations. Operator licensing staff will verify cornpletion of Recovery Plan items 3.2 and 3.3. Demonstration Phase Observation Team willinclude safety consciousness in the operational attributes ovaluated. (Reference Recovery Plan item 4.4) Status Open Targot completion dopondent upon licensoo demonstration phase schedule,

c. Understanding of managemont's expectations and goals.

Recoverv PimLCross Referonen 3.1 Formulato and publish the Operational Standards 3.2 Ccnduct Just-in-Time training for the crews for Operational standards 3.3 Conduct formal classroom and si.nulater training incorporating the Operational Standards 4.4 Conduct Operational Readiness Program in accordanco with approved schedulo 23 Revision: 09/05/97

Checklist Part 11 ' 6.2.4 lasue interface agreement to Operations (ongineering support) 9.3 Develop standards for off shift management command and control NEC Verifice' ion Plans Resident staff will verify completion of Recovery Plan items 3.1,6.2.4, and 9.3 an1 evaluate understanding of management's expectations and goals to the extent possible during routino obserystions. Operator licensing staff will verify completion of Rocovery Plan items 3.2 and 3.3 and evaluate qualitt of offort by sample observations. Demonstration Phase Observation Team willincludo understanding of managemont's expectations and goals in the operational attributos ovaluated. (Reference Recovery Plan Item 4.4) Status Opon Targot completion dependent upon licensoo demonstration phase schedule,

e. Qualifications and training of the staff, including the offactiveness of control room simulator training.

flecoverv Plan Cross-Referenco 2.9 Dovolop training materials (fundamentals; normal, abnormal, and emergency operations) 2.13 Establish Restart (Just in Time) training requirements 2.15 Implement the Romodial Training 4.4 Conduct Operational Readiness Program in accordance with approved schedulo NRC Vorification Plans Operator licensing staff will verify completion of Recovery Plan items 2.0, 2.13, and 2.15 and ovaluato quality of effort by sample observations. Demonstration Phase Observation Team will evaluato adverse performance observations for possible training implications. (Reference Recovery Plan item 4.4) Status - Open Targot completion dependent rpon licensoo demonstration phase schedule. 24 Revision: 09/05/97

Checklist - Part 11

g. Attentiveness to duty, level of formality in the control room, and operator awareness of equipment status.

4 Recovery Plan Cross Reference ' 4.4 Conduct Operational Readiness Program in accordance with approved schedule NRC Verification Plans Resident staf f will evaluate attentiveness to duty, the level of formality in the control room, and operator awareness of equipment status to the extent possible during routine observations. (Reference Recovery Plan item 4.4) Demonstration Phase Observation Team willinclude attentiveness to duty, the level of formality in the control room, and operator awareness of equipment status in the operational attributes evaluated. (Reference Recovery Plan item 4.4) Status Open Target completion dependent upon licensee demonstration phase schedule,

h. Level of attention to detail.

Recoverv Plan Cross Reference 4.4 Conduct Operational Readiness Program in accordance with approved schedule NRC Verification Plans Resident staff will ovaluate level of attention to detail to the extent possible during routine observatbns. (Reference Recovery Plan item 4.4) i ' Domonstration Phase Observation Team willinclude level of attention to detailin the operational attributes evaluated. (Reference Recovery Plan item 4.4) Status Open Target completion dependent upon licensee demonstration phase schedule. 25 Revision: 09/05/97 1

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l - i p" Chocklist - Part 11

k. Proceduro adequacy and usago/adherenco, i y N i

Recoverv Plan Cross Reforonen 4.4 Conduct Operational Readiness Program in accordanco with approved scheduto 5.5 Exorciso solocted GOPs in PHOENIX simulator training and correct all noted deficiencies. Evaluate future corrective actions 5.6 Exorciso selected AOPs in PHOENIX training and correct all noted deficiencies. Evaluato futuis corrective actions

          -             5.8     Eliminato temporary changos to Operations procedures except TSIP NRC Verification Plans Resident staff will evaluate proceduro adequacy and usago/ adherence to the extent possible during routine observations. (Reference Rocovery Plan item 4.4, 5.6 and 5.8)

Operator licensing staff will verify completion of Recovery Plan items 5.5 and 5.6, including evaluating adoquacy of effort through sample observations. Resident staff will verify completion of Recovery Plan item 5.8. Demonstration Phase Observation Team willinclude procedure adequacy and usago/adhorence in the operational attributes evaluated. (Reference Recovery Plan item 4.4) Status - Open Target completion dependent upon licensoo demonstration phase schedule. C.4 ASSESSMENT OF PHYSICAL READINESS OF THE PLANT

a. Ocorability of technical sr.ecification systems.

Recoverv Plan Cross Refnrqnsn 6.1.7 Implement action plans for task 6.1.6 (develop detailed action plans to resolva open Operability Determinations for Unit 2 restart) NRC Verification Plans Operational Readiness Review Team will evaluato a sample of operability determinations closed since the plant shutdown to verify appropriato sationale and 23 Revision: 09/05/97

.__ _o._ . -.. I duacklist Part ll  ! will review a sample of operability determinations that remain open to ensure acceptability of condition for operation and appropriate schedule for resolution. (Reference Recovery Plan item 6.1.7) 4 Status Open Target completion dependent upon testart schedule.

g. Adequacy of power ascenslon program NRC Verification Plans 5 Panel to review and determine that licensee's plans for power ascension meet the criteria in the licensee's Restart Plan.

Status Open Target completion prior to NRC/ licensee restart meeting. C.5 ASSESSMENT OF COMPLIANCE WITH REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS

a. Applicable license amendments have been issued.

Responsibility - NRR Status Open TSIP process in progress. Issuance and implementation expected prior to startup.

e. Confirmatory Action Letter conditions have been satisfied.

Responsibility - Panel Status Open Waiting for licensco's written confirmation por CAL requirements that conditions satisfied. Panel will then provide verification and closcout,

f. Significant enforcement issues have been resolved.

Rosponsibility Panel Status - Open Predecisional Ehforcement Conference conducted 7/3/97. Enforcement Action issued 9/2/97, Waiting for licensea written responso. 27 Revision: 09/05/97 _ , .. - -y .---m-..,e ,....,,e...y .

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       <                       Checklist . Part il
g. Allegations have been appropriately addressed.

Responsibility - Panel

  • j Status Open  !
!                                           Periodic review of allegation status. Target completion just prior to startup.                                                                                                    l I                            C.8          COORDINATION WITH INTERESTED AGENCIES AND PARTIES
e. Appropriate State and local officials i

Responsibility . NRR  ; Status Ongoing PNs issued. Routine interface is continuous with IDNS Resident Engineer. Periodic

  • management meetings open to the public are being conducted. CAL Rlll g7 002 Supplement B requires a public meeting be held during which the licensee will j describe why it believes the plant is ready for restart.
g. Local nows media Responsibility Regional public affairs staff Status - ongoing Routine interf ace, including interviews with regional management, with media on 1 Zion issues.


a. Potential unreviewed safety question regarding the auxiliary building ventilation p system ditferential pressure CAL Rlll 97 002 Supplement 8 Responsibility - DRS Engineering Inspector i .

Status Open NRR response to TIA indicated licensoe revision of UFSAR to remove auxiliary - building differential pressure requirements was an unreviewed safety question. l Licensee to perform testing and evaluation to determine dP requirements. Further l - discussion with NRR and Pegion 111 planned by licensee. l 28 Revision: 09/05/97 )

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[ Checklist Part il b, Condition and qualification of containment coatings . CAL Rill 97 002. f Supplement S Responsibility NRR [ Status Open . Licensee removed questionable coatings from " zone of influence," NRR letter - l requested licensee submittel to address specific technical questions regarding ' licensee resolution to the issue.

c. DC control power to safety related breakers CAL Alll 97 002 Supplement 8 l Responsibility DRS Engineering inspector Status - Open ,

Licensee evalOsting needed actions. d.- DC load shedding profile CAL Rill 97 002 Supplement B l Responsibility DRS Engineering Inspector Status Open Licensee evaluating needed actions, e_ - Appendix R concerns with the diesel generator ventilation system CAL Rlll g7 002 Supplement B , Responsibility DRS Engineering inspector Status - Open Licensee evaluating needed actions, e f.- Instrument loop accuracy and qualification of main steamline pressure tiensmitters -

                            ' CAL Rlll g7-002 Supplement B .

Responsibility DRS Engineering inspector , Status Open Licensee plans to replace transmitters and possibly cabling prior to startup, g, i Air filters containing aluminum in containment CAL Rill 97 002 Supplement B 29 Revision: 09/05/97- . 4 .t 1._. .~ , ..e... . 4 - .. ..,, . .. - .,. . . . .- .- . .E'1,, [ -~-..,~

                                                                                                                                     ,        -m.. .        , , . . _ _ . ~ , , , , - _ - . . - - . . .

o* *. Checklist Part ll

                  - Responsibility DRS Engineering Inspector Status Open
  • Licensee plans to olther remove air filters or replace with filters that do not contain aluminum prior to startup.

C.7.2 Administrative issues a, Licensee to place' Unit 1 in cold shutdown, temporarily remove the involved ' (reactivity event) licensed operations shift personnel from licensed duties and to maintain Unit 2 in cold shutdown CAL Rlll 97-002 Status Closed - Verified in AIT Inspection Report 97006 lasued 04/29/97.

b. Licensee to establish an event response team (for reactivity event) to perform a comprehensive event assessment. .q .

Status Closed Verified through receipt of licensee's LevelIinvestigation report issued 04/18/97.

c. Licensee to evaluate results of comprehensive event assessment with regard to possible generic performance deficiencies and develop a remediation plan. The actions specified in the plan willinclude specific steps required to ensure adequate personnel performance, including upgraded training for licensed operators, and if necessary, the training staff. Longer term actions will be documented in the plan with projected implementation dates. CAL Rill 97-002 Status Closed - Verified during panel review of Zion Recovery Plan on 7/1/97.
d. Licensee to documeni actions and findings related to CAL Rlll 97 002 Items 1,2, and 3 and preserve any evidence collected for examination by the NRC. - CAL Rill 97-002 Status Closed Verified through AIT documented in Inspection Report 97006 issued 04/29/97,
e. Prior to the startup of either unit, licensee to discuss results of investigation of -

reactivity event, any associated generic concerns, and corrective actions regarding personnel performance with the NRC and submit investigation report and remediation plan to the NRC. Status Closed 30 Revision: 09/05/97

                                                          ~           ~           _   -          -- _-

l i Checklist Part il l Predecisional Enforcement Conference held 07/03/97. Licensee's Level I investigation report issued 04/18i97. . Licensee's Recovery Plan issued 06/05/97. I 1

f. Licensee to develop a recovery plan to address corrective actions, including quantitative and qualitative criteria for assessing and monitoring effectiveness and transmit to the NRC for formal docketing. CAL Rill 97 002 Supplement A Status - Closed Licensee submitt6d the recovery plan on 06/05/97. Plan was reviewed by the Panel during 7/1/97 Panel meeting,
g. Licensee to identify and assess the extent to which any recovery plan action will not be completed prior to restart and determino if restart is acceptable with action pending. CAL Alll 97 002 Supplement A Status Closed Licensoo currently plans to completo entire recovery plan prior to restart. Will re open if licensos defers actions,
h. Licensee to koop NRC updated on projected startup date for the lead unit in order to facilitate advance planning of an NRC specialinspection to be conducted prior to startup to evaluate the operational readiness of Zion Station. CAL Rlli 97 002 Supplomonts A & B.

Status - Continuous New estimated date of plant restart resulting from licensee's suspension of Demonstration Program not yet officially communicated to NRC.

i. Licensoo to moet with the NRC staff on a periodic basis to discuss the results of the recovery plan implomontation and the extent to which the evaluation critoria for correctivo action offectiveness have boon mot. Meetings are to be open to the public. CAL Rlll 97-002 Supplomont A Status Continuous Periodic meetings betwoon the Panol and Zion management are being hold and are open to the public. The Panoi has boon issuing associated public mooting summarios.

J. Licenseo to moot with NRC once the licensee has completed the personnel 31 hvision: 09/05/97

           ~ .    -     - - . - . . -               -.    .--.-                                 .. - - . _ - . - .- . _                                 . . - _ _ - - - . . .

i Checklist Part 11 assessment process and subsequent remedial training to discuss the results of that initiative and the process and indicators the licensee intends to use to evaluate the

ability of opsating personnel to startup and operate Zion. Meetings are to be open

,' to the public. - CAL Rlll 97 002 Supplement A Status Closed , k. Licensee to meet with the NRC once the licensee has concluded that one of the units is ready for restart to discuss the basis for the conclusion. Meeting will include discussion of resu':s of planned independent assessments of recovery pro 9 tem implementation offactiveness and operational readiness by the Site Quality

  • Verification or9anization, Safety Review Board, and Comed Nuclear Operations Division management team. Meeting to be open to the public. CAL Rill 97402 Supplement A i

. Status Open 2 Meetings conducted April 8,28, and June 2,1997, covered this information as documented in meeting summaries issued June 23,1997. Licensee is implementing recovery plan i

1. Licenses to notify the NRC in writing once the licensee has completed the actions addressed in the CAls. CAL Rlll 97 002 Supplements A & B Status Open Licansee is implementing recovery plan d

32 Revision: 09/05/97 4 r

  -,,m.. n,,-+,.e,,N,,      -      ,,-r.w,a n, n    ,- , - . , , - - , -~ ~ ~ - - , - - - -


b. BJerasfytuylemend addatsornalinspectsons N/A N/A CIceed AIT Rap issued 4/29.97 k
c. Detersne need fue formet .egulatory se panee N/A N/A Closed CAL 9?OO2 med
                                                                                                                                 ,,        AAB ismeed
d. Identify reher retties involved N/A N/A Closed RB14RR/AEOD/IDMS l B.2 NOTIFICAT10N5
a. De.fy and D rectors Eghligtw N/A N/A C3ased 5,,,,,g
h. Isee preferranary seeificeaksi N/A N/A Closed Severet I

I f. State and kwal ofkiels stified N/A N/A C3oued PNe med Press Releases

g. Congreneonal sweificethm N/A N/A Closed Press selease to Consvees f B3 ESTABLISH AND ORG ANIZE NRC REVIEW PROCESS i

J e. Ematadi Remart Panel N/A N/A Closed Charter 04/14,97 I

h. Awss avedaNe inGwice N/A N/A ' Closed Various
c. Obteen input from icvoind parties = nhin the NRC N/A N/A C3osed RM. NRR. AEOD j d. Cmtect Regional Aderacidreier briefmg N/A N/A C3osed Veemi-2nd week of 3.97
e. Conduct NRR Executive Team tmereng N/A N!A Closed Screessag Meensag

.i .i 4M i 6 l 33' t



REFERENCES STATL4 , f, De*cky cow-*recifs checLLs , N/A N/A C3ceed Panel a;yrv=e! 7/17.97

g. Develry Reman Actkm Plan l N.* l N/A C3ceed ' Panelapprowel7/1747
h. Rem! Admmrsmnor oppmves Restan Action Plan N?A N/A Open
j. leylemers Reman Actum Ptae N/A N/A Comman===

L. Modify CAL as necessery N/A N/A C- as asceamery CAL , _ ._. 4/14.97

                                                                                                                           & 64/97 B.4         REVIEW IMPLDtENTATION B 4.1       R.=m Cs.sses and Corrective Actions
s. Evaluate frndWgs of AIT N/A N/A C3ound IR N M 5/21/97
b. Licemee enne cause analysis and CA plan N/A Corrylene N/A Recovery Plan 6/5/97
c. NRC evaluates licensee RCA and CA plan N/A N/A Closed Panel Meetag 7/1/97 B_4.3 Detennine Reman issues and Rasolution
n. Revie*/esoluate licensee gene--ted remert issues N/A N/A Closed Ptsbric Meetuige - Several
b. 3rdge..i. - NRC identifretsne of restart issues N/A N/A Closed CAL s# A 7/10/97 public meetag
e. NRC/Ticemee egreement on remart isomes N/A N/A ClosM CAL suppl. & 7/1497 public sweting
d. Evaluate hcemes's remart hs.ees inyL.-..;.w process N/A N/A Ongemg e_ Evahsave luenwe's inylemerestke wnficatk.n process N/A N/A Om B . 4,4 Obtain Comments ce Ptae N/A N/A Closed Meetig & = vines responses B 4.5 Closema Aeti<ms
a. Evaluate licenwe's restatt readiness eeff-assessmers N/A Ores
b. NRC evaluathm of applicable items from Section C
  • ISSUES" N/A N/A Open
c. Restart issues closed N/A Open
d. Conduct NRC restan e-admess team Wion N/A N/A Open
e. Immue augmented restart coverage inspection plan N/A N/A Open 34


  • l -
f. Comme:s f orn other parties censmiend N/A N/A Open
g. Determme that a!! conda nns of the CAL have been entisfied N/A Orvroeg Ongrear

$ h. Remvkw Generic RcWan Checkte N/A N!A Open B5 RESTART ALTHORIZATB)N

a. Prepare remar* au:hoivaten documers and bens foe restart N/A N/A Open
b. NRC Restan Panel recommerals authortration N/A N/A Opea c No resten tejectkms froen wher appkaMe HQ offices (OE. N/A j N/A op 1

AEOD. etc.) 1

d. No restart <+jectums frors applicaMe Federal agencies N/A a.

N/A Open L. Regumal Admmidrator authorizes restart N/A N/A Open I B.6 RESTART AUTHORIZATF)N NOTIrTATION l

c. Crwirreswaat AfTeirs (NRR) N/A N/A Open
c. AppkmMe Federal Agendes(NRR) N/A N/A Opes
f. Ptd 3.c Affairs (Regie) N/A N/A Opea 3 State and I.ocal O% isis (Region) N1A N/A Open C ISSUES "


s. Conditinns requsg the shutdown are clearfy imderstood N/A Cenylete Veri 6ed Panel 7/1 (Plan review)
b. R<wt causes of conddeone reovirmg shutdown are thortwghly N/A Conglese Verified Penel 7/1 (Pise review) evaluated '

C 1.2 Corrective Action Developmerit - 3." i

s. Corrective act.ons cross-a erenced to rat causes N/A Cwylene Verined Pteet 7/1 (Pine review) i
c. Cemetive metams identify de= red conditions to achieve and N/A Corrylete Vedried Panel 7/1 (Pine review) adequate so prechsde repeterum
d. Corrective actions so&iently detailed N!A Conykte Veri 6ed Pamel 7/1 (Ploe swview) '

4 35 4 _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ m __


h. Expanded score of corrective actions to conander all casual N/A Comyisse Variard Penet 711 (Man revww) factors and generic cancem
i. Corrective actene included Mghts from shone corariberang to N/A Conglese Veri 6ed Phant 7/1 (Pine veview) j ewnt. O y ...g correctrve actions, and in,plemeneed
correcteve actsons
j. Ireerwe corrective actions developed =*:ee permoness N/A Pleas to coeuriser mII 4*===d - WiB s** pen if Peset 7/1 (Pine review)

corrective actime casi be cocpleted before starry sh prior to mewsp any deferrels i

k. . Corrective actions incorporated inne w., 0., - pies N/A Congless Veri 6ed Puent 7/1 (Plos veview)

C.I I Corrective Actme Moe !.--A..,  ;~ and Effectrvenese

a. Correctsve actione assigned .,y,m.a start a congletace N/A l r%==d-WiB re.epenif Pleas to coverleer en Puent 7/1 (Pine review) date actione prior ao seeresp any defer ele
b. leeds essigned responed4dy for each correctrve action N/A Conglese Veri 6md heel 7/17lme eevice)
c. Respan=ble indivwfuel has mafficiens authoney est resources N/A Conglese Veri 6ed Panel 7/1 (Pine review)
d. Defmed rejectrves to be achieved from corrective action plan N/A Cecytene Veri 6ed Poemt 7/1 (Pine review) includmg intenm objectnes to eenese the plan pengrees '
e. Gject,vea beeed on measurable centene that een trend N/A Conglese Veri 6ed Panel 7/1 (Ples review)
f. Ucensee has addressed pneential conflicts of irreementing N/A Ongving Ongoing encrectne actum plas
g. Corrective scian plan contams gu dance to essess changmg N/A Conviese Vari 6ed Pene!7/1 (Men review) infonnstion to deternme ifit semest be wiedfied 5 h. Trainmg develaped on lesswee learned that includes shy N/A Cecylene Verised Panel 7/1 (Man review) changes are necessevy i

.! i. i Conective action plan req.nres self-eeeessments of N/A Caiglese Yei6ed Panel 7/1 (Plas review)

  • L-@-.wion and effectiveness
j. Clee 4y documented shes long term eetions to be coerylete. N/A Plans to cesyle.e all Closed .Will secree if Puent 7/1 (Pine review) bes s for delay and few no be tracked far closure actione prior to seestup say deferrels l i

L Fredefined time f.irne es=Mehed folloming corrective action N/A Opea j sluring which licemee mi3 ceremue to snorator effectivenese t C.2 UCENSEE SELF. ASSESSMENT AND MANAGEMENT

,               EF F ECTIVENESS i

C.2.1 Scif Ancument Cerebday t 36 4 k

                                                                                                                                                                    .. ..        -. _ _                                           _ . .                        . .      -m 1

f!EM DESCDIFTKW RBCWERT IJCENSEE b PSC ACTIDpt STATUS etnanntT3mTN00f - NUMBER PLAN ACDOpt DATE i REFERENCES -STATUS- -*-r .' a' Effectneness of QueLey Anmerence Program Opem [

                    -b.             ENectivenen of Industry Empenesce Review Program              II.S.1I .6                                                         Open                                                                                                          !
d. Effectivenese cf dersicacy reporting syneem 8.6. 12.8 1 Open t

s e.' Stas *dsengneas to raise concems Name In Peugsans immer te h issued

j. 07M [

1 i j C.2.2 Managemes Oversight & Effectnenese '

                  .. a .           Goals'espectaticas commemcated to end underimond by samtf 3.1. 3.2. 3 J.                  Ougeung                              Om                                                                                                            *

< r ? i. I i , bi Denwnstrated espectance of adherence to pmceJwes 5.1. 5.2 Opem

c. I Managemes irnolvement in self-asnessmes & independese 4.4. 4.5 Opem '

e,eessment cerebilities

d. EKectiveness of managemers review ; _.h e 12.2.6 Open
h. Manstement's abildy so messere and i@ efectne 4.5. 9.7 Open correctne actions C.2.3 Managemem Support  ;- ~
s. le of management reorganzmune dernied and underanood 2J,2.6 Opem  ;
b. Effectively and timely res=4ston of employee ecm= erns Nome Im Prayens Immer se Esemame imamed e7w ~

j' c. Adequate engmeenng seppen as demonstrened by tumely issue 6.1.2. 6.I.5 Open i venalution i

6.1.7 i, i'


d. Adequate plara adnuetrative procedures 5.1. 6.t.1. 6.1.4 Open i


  • C3.1 Assessmem of StaK(Opersuons) ' .m.' i
              ~                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   l t

j a. D ..  ;,e.,J commitmem to achieving improved performance 4.4 Open t t ! b. Denwmsirated safety conscicessess,4.4 Open 1


!- c. Understanding of managesrMs enrects ens end scels Opus , f t 6 1 37 f

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        .-ms      :

I i , .. , - - _

                                                                . . . . .           ,____.             .     . _ - . .              - _ .         .      . _ . _ _ _ -            - , . _ - . . . ~ , ._ _ _ . _ _ , , _ . _ . . . - ~ . _ . _ - - _ . _ _ . ,

i j i ITEM NUM*ER DESCRIITION RECOVERY IJCENSEE !9C ACTION STATUS ce namn U T 3 E TIOO Dr -! ? PLAN ACT30*t DATE g' REFERENCES STATUS l e.- QuaLGestion and trarareg of she ma'r, incled.nw ibs 2.9. 2.13. 2.15 Opus

effectivewa of cerevel stwm esmeistor treammy 4.4 1

g, Auerviveness to dury, level of formality in the comrei roome 4.4 Opse j and operseor awareness of equTmers stasme i j h. level of anentsee to detait ' 4.4 Opee I r I k. Procedure adequacy and seege/ adherence 4.4,3.5. 5.6,5.8 Opem l [ .{~ C.4 ASSESSMENT OF PHYSICAL READINESS OF THE - ' ' j FLANT - - 1 ! a. OperateTey of technical specircation eymems 6.1.T Open

1. .


g. Adegssey c(gware ascensina teming program N/A Open t



[ . . . i .

s. Applacable facense onwedments beve been issued N/A Open
e. Cemfenaaory A6 san t.mter(s) conditions teve been emers6ed M/A A m Ecemmme
                                                                                                                                % per CAL                                             i

! s } f. SigvwGcare enforcement i.smes have been resolved N/A la peupues . i r ! K- ^3etsti.e. have beca arrivynstely addressed N/A P-i i~ C.6  ! COORDINATE)N uTTH INTERESTED AGENCIES AND i PARTIES

  • t l

! e. . Appr*priate State and local e&ials N/A Onge=mg i l t i g. le cal news media N/A Omgesag t g 1 C7 ADDTTIONAL PtANTSPECIFIC15 SUE 3 AND l l rNsrtCTxw rrEMS f C.7.1 Technal 13.nes 4

a. Preeririal amreviewed safety queseson regardmg the estiliary N/A In regrees Opse be.3 der verade*= '7' tem differ ==tia8 ree===re -

l CAL Rnt-97402 SarP I. B v

b. Cormfition and qualificataric of Coreaiftrnett ecetsfigs - N/A b regfees P M 4

cat. Rin 97-o 2 s sTta , i I { 38 f i  ; 1 l t i i I

l. )
    . _          . . .                                     . . _ -                       _      _            .               -.         . - -  .      m     _ _ .         .m       _ _ .    .


a. ENectaenem ef QuaWy Asswance Ptegram 123.1.123 2 Oyes
i. ,

1 6. EnestnenendIndustry Experwwe f.erww Prcgram Opsa

  • i a

l d EKectrveness of deficiency sercrteg syssena 5 6,12.5.I Opem t i [ < i ' { e. seen wdhnenen to reine cesseres Nome Im reopens Lamer to Eeename immsed [ . 07/IL97 [ t , C.2.2 ktenagemes oversight & ENectrveness ' I I ) n. Go.leletrectations corwunnessed to and undersoned by sanN 3.1,3.2. 3.3 Oepoing Oegeng i

a. i
h. Des ==mstre=ed especta ice of adherence to procedwes S.I. 5.2 Oyee ,

j c. Managemed involvemeva in self-assessment & independent 4.4.43 Cpen j ooseeemem cerebWstics  !

d. i l EKectivenen of ---....~.; review coururmttees 12.2.6 Opse r I

i h .- Manatemen's sMiity to measure and irriemees effectm 43.97 OPue , cortective setkms [,

C.23 Managemem Surpest t I-
m. Invect of .c. . ..._.; reorgnezetion defined med madersiood i-1 1

2.5. 2.6 Open i l b. E5ectmfy and tunely reschman of engloyee concerns Nome Em Prepass I.meer se Esemaneimumme  ! 07f22/97 j i l c. Adeq.smae c.,.-. support as demonstraced by tiniety issue 6.t.2. 6.1.5 Open , rewestre 6.1.7 I i J. Adequare plam adannistrative precedates 5.1. 6.1.1. 6.I.4 Opea C3 ASSESSVENT OF PLANT AND COftFORATE STAFF ETTECTTVENESS - 1 C3.1 Assenmes of StaK Qere wnd

y . a. C... a w._ a.a to achieving inyroved i -ci.--e 4.4 Open t
b. I
De. u d safety ccenciuveness 3.1,3133.4.4 Opee 4
c. v.derst.ndrar of maaase==m's evectatens sad so.a. 3.t. 3.2, 33, Open 1-  ;


t i

j 37 .


!  ? l .- -{ t


e. Qear.fication ami trainire of the sesff. imeladag die 2.9. 2.13. 2.15 Opee effectivenees of contred sunn omedeset tremeg 4.4
g. Anesexvenees to duty. level of forraelity in the control room 4.4 Opee j sad operetor a=3reness of eq:ncmere storme i
                                                             - h.          Level of euenuon to deted                                     4.4                                     Opee L           Prncedure adequecy and us gelodherence                        4.4. 5.5. 5.6. 5.8 Opem i


                                                                                                                                                                                                         '6*i,D N-PLANT v
e. Opernheray of technical specifestion syseme 6.1.7 Open
g. Adequacy of power egeeminn semieg progreen NIA f




e. ApplesNe license e.Je .;s have been issued N/A Open
c. Ccurwmatney istine Letter (s) coreimons have been entisfied N/A Avenung licanese mee6cesos per CAL I f Sigmrcere errforcerners ieuses beve been resr4ved N/A la preguese
g. Allegstkms have been e;pmafy addressed N/A P-C6 COORDIN ATION %TTH INTERESTED AGENCIES AND PARTIES t
e. Appryrince 5:ste and irrel cMicials N/A Oegnag i
g. Lecal acus media N/A Oogest 1 f i C.7 ADDTTION AL PLANT SPECIFIC ISSUES AND INSPECDON frBis t
;                                                           C.7.1         Tectmicalis nes                                                                                                       +

l t

a. ~. Potentisi onreviewed safety question regarding the euxiliary N/A In progress Open builJmg ventife' ion syssem differessist pressure - t i CAL RIII-97JJ02 Suppl. B
b. Condnion amt ge.nhficatow of ccrmammese contings - N/A la pr yrese Open CAL RI!!-974.02 Sugyl. B i

L 38 i

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ._    ,       ._ w

_ _ _ _. ___ __ _ _ _ , - _ - - . . . . -. - . . - - a ~. I i j e iTD1 - DESC9IPTION LECUYAtY I.JCEN5EE NHC ACDC.N S: ATV3 CLOSEOLT METHODr NtJMBER Pt>LN ACTDN DATJ* REFEREAT3 STATU3 - e. 4 c' e DC coverol gwer to emfecyclated breakers - CAL RE97- N/A le pesgress Opee 002 Surpl. B 4- DC bed stee&fmg profde - CAL RE97-002 Sappi. B N/A [ In pregress Orm

e. Agyenis R concerns with the diesel generator wettilatims N'* In progresa Cprn l sywero - CAL RE974J02 Suppl 8 [
f. Instrumem loop accuracy and quali6 cation of mein steamline N/A in regrees Opse i pressure tronomseters - CAL Fil-97-002 Suppl. 8  !
g. Air Shers contatrsag shamanum is ma_:.-.-.;- N/A In pectress Open
f. CAL RE97-00' Suppl B C.7.2 Adsmstrative issues 1' \
s. Place Urat I in cold shadowaTempor 4y renwee the N/A Complete

Va.diGod AK Report 4~29/97 involved (reactrvity evers) licensed gerations shift personnel t from licensed dutiesiteinamin Unit 2 in cold shutdown- CAL [ RE97-002 l

b. Estebresh a event tespenne team (for reactivity evem) to N/A Complete Veri 6ed Level I isoeshgatsom perform a w 3. A.J-e event essessment - CAL RIII-97402 report issued 04f1837. j
c. Evaluate resuhs of 6., A..-.e evem essessmem and N/A Conglese VeriGod Panel 7/1 (Pine avview) develop remed?cion plan - CAL REl-974302
d. Ucensee to d= ament actions and fmdents reisted to CAL N/A Conglese VeriGod AIT Rayeet 9M06 iemmed R E97-002 Items 1. 2 and 3 and preserve any evi Lire 4/2937

) collected for examination by the NRC. - CAL RIII.77-002

e. Ucensee to discuas resuks of investigation of reactivity eves. N/A Cooglese Veei6ed Pted. EmL Conf. 7/337 t

any essociated generic concerns, and correctrve actione *

  • Rep. 4/1R97 regarding perworanel p.' ._. e with the NRC and subnut Recovery Pine 65/97 investigation report and u.-d._L. plan to sfu NRC.
f. Ucemee to deveby a recovery plan to address corrective N/A Complete Veri 5ed Recovery Pise 6/537 actwms, including quarnitative and qualitative crneria for Paest 7/1 (Pine soview) l assessing and monitoring efIcctiveness and tr>nsmit to the
  • l NRC (m formal docLeting. - CAL RITI-97-002 *mL.-..; A i
 ;                     g.               U.-*mee to idenbry and assess the extent to which any             N/A           Complete                     Veri 6sd WiB so.eyesif              Laceemme pines to remery plan action will om be cornpleted prior to testart and                                                Eceasse defors sce6                 cenyleas ameiro pine prior                t i                                      determme if restart is acceptable with action pendmg.- CAL                                                                                       to vesenet                                 ;

i RIII-97402 Supplemes A i J 4 .

;                                                                                                                                                                                                                     39 i
                                                                                                                                                                         'G fTEM                           DESCRIPTION                               RECOVERY           EJCENSEE        NRC ACT10t4 STATUS   CLOSSOLTMET100Dr                     4 NUMBE3                                                                         PLAN              ACTION                                      DATE REFERENCES           JTATUS            +


h. Ucensee to keep NRC updated on proyected maramp dese for N/A C_ - C-the lead and in order em facildate advance p*vming of as NRC
           .pecial impectene to be ecahseted price to startup se evolmste the operatione! nadiness of Zion Statsm. - CAL RM-97M
           ,iL;a.;sA & B.                                                                                                                                              -
                                                                                                                                                               -. y i.

Lkennee to meet with the NRC staff ca e perindse basis to N/A Casannsome P- Meetung -

          & scan the rewaks of the recevery g4an ,, L ...:_;_.and the exless so =1mich the evahsatian creene ice screectwe action eFestiv*seen have been met Meeings are to be cree to the put4k, - CAL Rm-971102 Lggi.._.; A
j. txe.esce is meet with NRC once the licenace has completed N/A Conglete Closed Meessag smennense deemd the pe*vene anessmers peens seed m *w rensediatino June 23.1997 traming to 6scues the venha of that inessene and tie process ord indseater, the hcensee intends to one to evehiste the abiEry of operating persec.nel to stacter and operate Zion. Meeting are to be crea so the pebisc. - CAL RE97-002 Supplenners A
k. Ucessee se meet with ths NRC once the licensee hos N/A Inviennentzes recovery Opse conchaded that one of the units is ready for remart to discuss plee the basis for the conclusion. Meeting will Niede discussion of resuks of plarased k. .L.Mm assessments of recovery pregram in5 4ementaten effectrveness and operstaansi readeness by the Sne Qisaldy Vedfication orgsarataan, Safety Review B<=ed, and Comed Nuclear Operations Dmene managemein team. Meeting to be crea no the public. -

CAL RITI 07-002 Supplement A

1. Ucensee to mefy the NRC in seiting once the licensee has N/A Irrylesmentseg recovery Opea cr.mpleted the acti ms addrenedin the CALs. CAL RE97- pies W2 Supplemerits A & B 40}}