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Requests Assignment of Technical Reviewers to Westinghouse Oct 1983 Advance PWR (RESAR SP/90) Application.Brief History & Status of Project,Tentative Review Schedule & Listing of Issued Sers,Former Reviewers & PSAR Modules Encl
Person / Time
Site: 05000601
Issue date: 05/12/1987
From: Kenyon T
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Bagchi G, Cheng C, Marsh T
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 8705190121
Download: ML20213H052 (19)



,  !** 7 n NUC:. . ' ?. ?.:C"L/d ORY COMMISSION 4'

WASHINGTON, D. C. 20555 k ... . . p# May 12, 1987 DOCKET NO. 50-601 MEMORANDUM FOR: Distribution (SeeAttached)

THRU: Herbert N. Berkow, Director Standardization and Non-Power Reactor Directorate Division of Reactor Projects III, IV, Y and Special Projects FROM: Thomas J. Kenyon, Project Manager Standardization and Non-Power Reactor Directorate Division rf Reactor Projects III, IV, V arid Special Projects


RE0 VEST FOR ASSIGNMENT OF TECHNICAL REVIEWERS TO THE RESAR SP-90 APPLICATION The purpose of this memo is to request you previde me with the name(s) of the technical reviewer (s) who will be assi the review of the WAPWR (RESAR SP/90) gned the application. Toresponsibility assist you inofyour completion of selection of these reviewers, I am forwarding the following information:

1. Enclosure 1 provides a brief history and status of the project.
2. Enclosure 2 provides a tentative review schedule which would result in issuance of a draft SER in April 1988, and the final SER by the end of 1988.
3. Enclosure 3 provides a listing of the SERs issued to date, the l former reviewers (if known), and the PSAR modules in which the SER sections are discussed. I have attempted to delineate which branch would have the primary responsibility over the SER sections. The ,

delineation may be in error in some cases as no official listing of l SRP responsibilities under the new organization has been issued to date.

As discussed during a May 7,1987 meeting with senior NRC management, PDSNP requests that, to the extent practicable, reviewers who have previously participated in the WAPWR review should be assigned to complete the review of this project. However, consideration must be given to the reviewer's ability to meet the proposed milestones for this review vs. those of other assigned projects. I Accordingly, I request you provide me with the name(s) of the assigned reviewer (s) i in your branch, concurrence (or non-concurrence) with the proposed SER assignments. l and concurrence with the proposed schedule or identification of any problems in i meeting that schedule.

0705190121 070512 PDR ADOCK0500g1

- . ___ - -- . _ - - - -1

May 12, 1987 . ~; <


2-Copies of the updated PSAR modules and the SERs can be ootained froc..te in Rooi.. P-908A. The Docket No. and PA No. are 50-601 and 141213, respectively.

My extension is X27064, ori Thomas J.ginal signed by Manager Kenyon, Project Standardization and Non-Power Reactor Project Directorate '

Division of Reactor Projects III, IV, V and Special Projects


As stated cc: T. Murley F. Miraglia R. Starostecki D. Crutchfield L. Shao 4 J. Richardson i

A. Thadant s J. Partlow F. Congel

, H. Miller '

D. Ross i


ipockettfiej NRC & Local PDR PDSNP Reading Ellylton TKenyon HBerkow OGC-BETH EJordan l ACRS (10)

! PDSN PDJW PDSNP M 6 E$ltoli TKeh :cw HBeM.o'w 05////87 05/j 87 05/sf/87 i



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Copies of the updated PSAR modules and the SERs can be obtained from me in s Room P-908A. The Docket No. and PA No. are 50-601 and 141213, respectively.

My extension is X27064.

-l A- *


i l Th J. Kenyo , Project Manager Standardization and Non-Power Reactor Project Directorate Division of Reactor Projects III, IV, V and Special Projects


As stated cc: T. Murley F. Miraglia R. Starostecki D. Crutchfield L. Shao J. Richardson A. Thadani J. Partlow F. Congel H. Miller D. Ross

DISTRIBUTION: C. Y. Cheng, Acting Chief Materials Engineering Branch T. Marsh, Chief Mechanical Engineering Branch G. Bagchi, Acting Chief Structural & Geosciences Branch ,

C. McCracken, Acting Chief Chemical Engineering Branch -

J. Mauk, Acting Chief Instrumentation & Control Systems Branch F. Rosa, Chief Electrical Systems Branch J. Craig, Acting Chief Plant Systems Branch M. W. Hodges, Chief Reactor Systems Branch R. Erickson, Chief Sateguards Branch L. J. Cunningham, Acting Chief Radiation Protection Eranch A. Beach, Acting Chief Quality Assurance Branch


W. Regan, Jr. , Chief Human Factors Assessment Branch J. Murphy, Acting Chief Risk Applications Branch

.4 t

v t

i-Enclosure 1 j RESAR SP/90 Backgrcund and Current Status


Westinghouse tendered the RESAR SP/90 application in October,1983, and  ;

the NRC determined the submittal was acceptable for docketing in January, 1984. '

The original concept consisted of a module-by-module staff review. Westinghouse '

submitted the PDA application in modular form, with each module containing i

! appropriate PSAR chapter sections to address plant features or design topics.

l The staff was to review each module individually and issue an SER for each

module. Westinghouse's original submittal schedule began in October, 1983 and j was to end in February,1985. Due to resource restraints within Westinghouse, r
the last module was not recefved until March, 1987.  ;


" I Status Staff review was originally schedu;ed for completion in January,1986.

However, no SEPs have been issued to dato for any of the modules, although son draft SER sections have been completed. For the last year or so, except  :

for the review of the PRA (Module 16) by BNL, very little review effort took  ;

{ place, due to resource restraints, lack of response by Westinghouse for l

extenced periods. and lack of completeness of individual modules.

It is difficult to accurately assess the review status quantitatively 4 because some of the earlier reviews might have to be at least partially redone

. by the current review crganizations. We estimate that the review is about 25%

{ complete.

i ,

! Proposed Action and Schedule

! Since all of the modules now have been submitted by Westinghouse, and all

! responses to RAls have been received, PDSNP proposes to perform en integrated review rather than a modular one. This will result in a more efficient review as well as a more comprehensive SER.

a As a result of the reorganization, approximately 30% of the former SP/90  ;

review staff have been transferred to other non-related positions. PDSP l proposes to establish a new review team with the intent of retaining former 1 reviewers to the extent practicable. SERs received to date will be distributed to the staff for reconcurrence by the new NRR management, and a review

, schedule for SP/90 will be established with the concurrence of the technical review branches. The review effort and schedule must, of course, be supported by Westinghouse. l Enclosure 2 of this package provides a tentative review schedule . This l schedule would result in the issuance of a draft SER in April,1988, and the ,

final SER by the end of 1988. The schedule is feasible only if the appropriate l level of priority is established by upper management of both the NRC and Westinghouse.

l i

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Enclosure 2 Tentative Review Schedule 1


1 Milestone Date

- Establish review team a review schedule, and 5/87 distribute SERs

- Q-1 inputs to P.M. 7/87

- Q-Is sent to Westinghouse 8/87 l - Westinghouse responses 12/f.7

- Draft SER inputs to P.M. 3/88

- Draft SER issued 4/88

- k'estinghouse responses to draft SER 7/88

- Final SER inputs to P.M. 10/88

- Final SER issued 12/88 T

.c . , . . . _ _ ,_

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Branch Reviewer Reviewer Module Section Dates DEST /EMTB Smith 5 4.5.1 CRD Structur61 Materials 4/12/85 Johnsen/ 4 5.2.3 RC Pressure Boundary 8/19/25 Smith Materials 4/12/85 Johnson 4 5.2.4 RC Pressure Boundary 8/19/85 Inservice Inspection and Testing Johnson / 4 5.3.1 Reactor Vessel Materials 8/19/85 Smfth 4/12/85 Johnson 4 5.3.2 Pressure-Temperature Limits 8/19/85 Johnson 4 5.3.3 Reactor Vessel Integrity 8/19/85 Unknown 4 Reactor Coolant Pumps N/S (Flyv Feel Integrity) '

Johnson / 4 Steam Generator Materials 8/19/85-Smith 4/12/85 Smith 1, 10 6.1.1 Metallic Materials 4/12/85 7/15/85 Unknown TBD 6.2.7 fracture Prevention of N/S Contairment Pressure Boundary Unknown TBD 6.6 Inservice Inspection of N/S Class 2 and 3 components Unknown 658 10.2.3 Turbine Disk Integrity N/S Smith 688 10.3.6 Steam and Feedwater System 4/12/P5 Materials r

N/S = None Submitteo


Division / Former SER*

Branch Reviewer Reviewer Module Section Dates DEST /EMEB Kirkwood/ 7 3.1.1 Conformance with GDC N/S Chan Kirkwood/Chan 7 3.1.2 Conformance with Industry N/S Codes and Standards Kirkwood 1, 7 3.2.1 Seismic Classification N/S Kirkwood 1, 7 3.2.2 Classification Systems N/S Chan 7 3.6.2 Determination of Break N/S Locations and Dynamic Effects Associated with the Postulated Rupture of Piping flou/ Sellers 5 3.9 Mechanical Systems and N/S Components Kirkwood 4 5.2.1 Compliance with Codes and N/S Code Cases (Integrity of RCP Poundary)

  • N/S = None Submitted


Division / Former SER*

Branch Reviewer Reviewer Module Section Dates DEST /ESGR TBD 3 2.1 Geography and Demography 3/11/85 t

TBD 3 2.P Nearby Industrial, Transportation, 3/11/85 and Military Facilities Unknown 3 2.4 Hydraulic Engineering N/S Unknown 3 2.5.1 Basic Geologic and Seismic N/S Information Unknown 3 P.S.2 Vibratory Ground Motion N/S  ;

IJnknown 3 2.5.3 Surface Faulting N/S Chan 3 2.5.4 Stability of Subsurface 3/5/85 Materials and Foundations Chan 3 2.5.5_ Stability of Slopes 3/5/85 -

Chan 3 2.5.6 Embankments and Dass 3/5/85 Chan 7 3.3 Wind and Tornado Loadings N/S Giese-Koch 7 3.7 Seismic Design N/S**

Chan 7 3.8 Design of Seismic Category I N/S Structures .

Jackson 7 3.10 Seismic and Dynamic 8/29/85 Oualification of Seismic Category I Instrumentation and Electrical Equipment

  • N/S = None Submitted
    • SER in Concurrence

Division / Former SER*

Branch Reviewer Reviewer Module Section Dates DEST /ECEB Kirslis 1 6.1.2 Organic Materials 8/28/85 ,

Kirlis 1, 10 6.1.3 Post accident Emergency 8/28/85 Cooling Peters Kirs11s 6A8 10.3.5 Secondary Water Chenistry 8/28/85-Kirslis 688 10.4.6 Condensate Cleanup 8/28/85 System Kirslis 688 10.4.8 Steam Generator Blowdown 8/28/85 Processing System

  • N/S = None Submitted 9 .

l Division / Former SER*

Branch Reviewer Reviewer Podule Section Dates DEST /SICB Burrows 9 7.1 Introduction to Instrumentation Draft exists and Controls Burrows 9 7.2. Reactor Trip Draft exists Burrows 9 7.3 engineered Safety Features Draft exists Burrows 9 7.4 Systems Required for Safe Draft exists Shutdowns Burro.: 9 7.5 Instrumentation Important Draft exists to Safety Burrows 9 7.6 All Other Systems Required Draft exists for Safety Burrows 9 7.7 Control and Instrumentation Draft exists Systems Saba/ 15 7.8 Control Room N/S Weiss / (2ndary responsibility)

, Kennedy

  • N/S = None Submitted


Division / Former SER*

Branch Reviewer Reviewer Section Module Dates DEST /SELB Unknown 7 3.11 Environmental Design of N/S Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Gill 9 8.1 Introduction to Electrical N/S-Power 9 8.2 Offsite Power System N/S 9 8.? Onsite Power Systems N/S 2

4 J

  • N/S = None Submitted

Division / Former SERO .

Branch Reviewer Reviewer Module Section Dates DEST /SPLB Unknown 3 2.3 t'eteorology N/S Giardina 7 3.4 Mater Level (Flood) Design N/S Giardina 7 3.5 Missile Protection N/S Unknown 7 3.6.1 Postulated Piping Failures in N/S Fluid Systems Inside and Outside Containment Giardina 4 5.2.5 RCP Boundary leakage N/S Detection Tinker 10 6.2.1 Primary Containment N/$

Functional Design Tinker 1, 10 6.2.2 Containment Heat Removal 7/11/83 System Tinker 10 6.2.3 Secondary Containment N/S Functional Design Tinker 10 6.2.4 Containment Isolation System N/S Tinker 10 6.2.5 Combustible Gas Control N/S in Ct,ntainment Tinker 10 6.2.6 Containment Leakage Testing N/S

, Unknown 13 6.4 Control Room Habitablity N/S Unknown 10 6.5.1 Engineered Safety Feature N/S Filters Read 1, 10 6.5.2 Containment Spray System 3/28/85 (Fission Product Removal)

Unknown 10 6.5.3 Fission Product Control N/S Systems

  • N/S = None Submitted

Division / Former SERO . .

Branch Reviewer Reviewer Module Section Dates DEST /SPLB Unknown 13 9.1 Fuel Storage and Handling N/S Unknown 13 9.2 Water Systems N/S Unknown 13 9.3.1 Compressed Air System N/S Unknown 13 9.3.2 Process and Post Accident N/S Sampling System Unknown 13 9.3.3 Equipment and Floor N/S Drainage System Unknown 13 9.3.6 Chlorine Supply System N/S Unknown 13 9.4.1 Control Equipment Area N/S Ventilation System Unknown 13 9.4.2 Reactor External Building N/S Ventilation System Unknown 13 9.4.3 Radwaste Building Ventilation N/S System Design Criteria Unknown 13 9.4.4 Turbine Building Ventilation N/S System Design Criteria Unknown 13 9.4.5 Annulas Air Clean up and N/S Fuel Building Exhaust System Unknown 13 9.4.6 Containment Cooling and N/S-Ventilation System Unkncwn 13 9.4.7 D/G Building Ventilation N/S System Unknown 13 9.4.8 Essential Service Water Pump N/S Structure Ventilation System Design Criteria Unknown 13 9.4.9 Plant Heating System Design N/S Cri',eria

  • N/S = None Submitted

Divisicn/ Former SER* -

Branch Reviewer Reviewer Module Section Dates DEST /SPLB (cont.) Unknown 13 9.4.10 Essential chilled Water System N/S Unknown 13 9.5.1 Fire Protection System N/S Unknown 13 9.5.2 Communication System N/S Unknown 13 9.5.3 Lighting Systems N/S Unknown 13 9.5.4 Emergency Diesel Engine Fuel N/S 011 Storage and Transfer Systems Unknown 13 9.5.5 Emergency Diesel Engine Cooling N/S Water System I!nknown 13 9.5.6 Emergency Diesel Engine N/S Starting System Unknown 13 9.5.7 Dnergency Diesel Engine N/S Lubrication System Unknown 13 9.5.8 Emergency Diesel Engine N/S Combustion Air Intake and Exhaust System Unknown 6&8 10.1 Description of Steam and N/S Power Conversion System Unknown 688 10.2.1 & 10.2.2 Turbine Generator N/S Unknown 688 10.3.1 Main Steam Supply System N/S

, (Up to and Including MSIVs)

Unknown 6&8 10.3.2, 10.3.3 and 10.3.4 Main N/S Steam Supply System Unknown 688 10.4.1 Main Condenser N/S Lee 6A8 10.4.2 Main Ccndenser Evacuation N/S System Lee 688 10.4.3 Turbine Gland Sealing System 2/8/85

  • N/S = None Submitted

Division / Former SER*

Branch Reviewer Reviewer Podule Section Dates OEST/SPLB (cont.) l!nknown 688 10.4.4 Turbine Bypass System N/S Unknown 6&B 10.4.5 Circulating Water Systen N/S Giardina 688 10.4.7 Condensate and Feedwater H/S System Giardina 6&8 10.4.9 Emergency Feedwater System N/S Unkncwn 6A8 10.4.10 Startup Feedwater. System N/S Unknown 688 10.4.11 Secondary I.fauid Waste N/S System Fell 12 11.1 Source Terms N/S Fell 12 11.2 Liquid Waste Management N/S System Fell 12 11.3 Gaseous Waste Processing N/S System Fell 12 11.4 Solid Waste Processing System N/S Fell IP 11.5 Process and Effluent Radiological N/S Monitoring and Sampling Systems

  • N/S = None Submitted


Division / Former SER*

Branch Reviewer Reviewer Module Section Dates DEST /SRXB Unknown 5 4.1 Description of Reactor N/S Fu 5 4.2 Fuel System Mechanical Design 5/20/85 Richings/ 5 4.3 Nuclear Design 2/6/85 Schwenk Richings/ 5 4.4.1 Thermal-Hydraulic Design 2/6/85 Schwenk Basis Richings/ 5 4.4.2 Thermal-Hydraulic Design 2/6/85 Schwenk Methodology Richings/ 5 4.4.3 Design Abnormalities 2/6/85 Schwenk Richings 5 4.4.4 Hydrodynamic stability 2/6/85 Schwenk Richings/ 5 4.4.5 Loose Parts Monitoring 2/6/85 Schwenk Systems 1

Richings/ 5 4.4.6 Instrumentation for Inadequate 2/6/85 Schwenk Core Cooling Detection (II.F.2)

Richings/ 5 4.4.7 Summary and Conclusions 2/6/85~

Schwenk Giardina 5 4.6 Functional Design of Reactivity 4/4/86 Control Systems Lyon 4 5.2.2 Overpressure Protection N/S System Lyon 4 5.4 Component and Subsystem Design N/S i

(excluding and

Lyon 1 5.4.7 RHR Systems N/S

  • N/S = None Submitted

.i a

Division / Former SER*

Branch Reviewer Reviewer Module Section Dates DEST /SRXB (cont.) Lyon 1 6.3 Emergency Core Cooling System N/S Lyon 13 9.3.4 Chemical and Volume Control N/S System Lyon 13 9.3.5 Boron Recycle System N/S Lyon 4, 5, 15.1 General Discussion of Accident N/S 688 Analysis Methodology Lyon 6&8 15.2 Normal Operation and N/S Anticipated transients Richings/ 4, 5 15.2.4 Reactivity and Power 2/6/85 1

Schwenk Distribution Anomalies Lyon a, 5 15.3 Limiting Accidents N/S 688 Lyon 4, 5, 15.4 Radiological Consequences N/S 6A8 of Accidents Lyon 4, 5, 688 15.5 NUREG-0737 Items N/S

  • N/S = None Submitted

Division / Former SER*

Branch Reviewer Reviewer Module Section Dates DRIS/RSGB Unknown N/A I?.6 Physical Security **

DLPQ/LQA8 Unknown 13 17.0 Cuality Assurance N/S DLPQ/LHFB Weiss / 15 7.8 Control Room N/S Saba/ 18.0 Human Factors Engineering N/S Kennedy RES/PRA Hardin/ Hardin/ 16 Probabilistic Safety Study Draft Exists BNL FNL

, DREP/PRPB Skopec 11 12.0 Radiation Protection 4/10/87 Dunning / 2 Appendix C - USIs/ Generic -

N/S Minners Issues ***

  • N/S = None Submitted
    • Sandia study addresses physical security considerations for WAPWR
      • Westir.ghouse to postpone response to RAls until FDA

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