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Public Version of Revision 6 to Emergency Implementation Procedure EI-1, Activation of Emergency Plan & Revision 2 to EI-4.2, Activation of Onsite Operations Support Ctr
Person / Time
Site: Palisades Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 09/08/1982
From: Montross R
Shared Package
ML18047A591 List:
PROC-820908-01, NUDOCS 8209300016
Download: ML20065D383 (44)


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  • 1 Emergency Implementation Procedures '

,, Revision Sheet

.6 x[51 TITLE:

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.l Revision .

PRC Date Approved by Gen. Manager i

.0 10/30/80 1 4/8/81 e

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1. Activation of the of the Sitergency Eme\Plan is the responsibility of the on-shif t Shif t Supervisor until relieved by the Site Emergency Director.
2. The formal line of succession for the Site Emergency Director (SED) is as follows in order of decreasing preference:
a. General Manager (or Duty and Call Superintendent)
b. Operations / Maintenance Superintendent (First Alternate)
c. Operations Superintendent (Second Alternate)
d. Technical Superintendent (Third Alternate)
e. Technical Engineer (Fourth Alternate)
f. On-shift Shift Supervisor (Fifth Alternate) 2.0 PURPOSE To classify those emergency action levels that will necessitate activation of the Emergency Plan and to list actions that may be taken to mitigate the consequences of the emergency.

3.0 ATTACHMENTS AND RECORDS Attachment 1, Classification of Emergency Conditions 4.0 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS The Site Emergency Director will determine, based on reports and conditions, whether to upgrade / downgrade the emergency classification or to secure from the Emergency Plan.

5.0 PROCEDURE 5.1 The Shift Supervisor, based on reports from the Operators and the condition of the plant, will make the inital decision to activate the Emergency Plan and will activate the plan as follows:

a. Determine the classification of the condition, using " key

/_' ; word," " Emergency Action Level", and " Event" as listed on Attachment 1.

b. Perform the actions, as listed on this procedure and EI-2, necessary to minimize the effects of th,e emergency on members of the general public.

. CONTROLLED COPY e10780-0005a154-93 1

E'mergency Implementation Procedure EI-1, Rev 6 Activation of Emergency Plan J. Ensuring that, for a Site or General Emergency, Security establishes a point to control all entrances to and exits from the plant and that the Chemistry / Health Physics Department establishes a central access point to monitor vehicles and personnel (when radiological conditions exist) exiting the plant during the Site or General Eniergency conditions.

k. Request Federal assistance as necessary. Refer to EI-2 and EI-3. (Communicator)
  • l. Authorization for emergency workers to receive doses in excess of 10CFR20 limits. Refer to EI-6, Attachment 6.
m. Ensuring onsite first aid is performed and accident victims are transported to hospitals as necessary. Refer to EI-14.
n. Dispatch a CPCo liaison to principle offsite emergency operations centers: State, Van Buren County, Berrien County and Allegan County.
  • Indicates a responsibility that may not be delegated.

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ei0780-0005a154-93 3 CONTROLLED COPY ,


l Alarm Observation- All alarm annunciators lost Site Area l Annunciators for more than 15 minutes while Emergency plant is not in cold shutdown and' transient initiated or in progress.

Containment Observation Loss of containment integrity Unusual Integrity Surveillance test results requiring plant shutdown. Event

  • Detection method dependent Loss of 2 fission product General upon which barriers fail and, barriers with a potential loss Emergency to some extent, upon mecha- of the third barrier (for ex-

- nism which causes failure. apmle, loss of core geometry and PCS boundary and a high potential for loss of contain-ment).

Engineered Observation Loss of engineered safety Unusual Safeguards Annunciation (Scheme K13, feature requiring plant shut- Event Panel C13). down.

Nuclear instrumentation Failure of RPS to initiate ALF.RT l \u Rod position indication and ccmplete a scram,.such RPS alarms that the reactor is not made '


Loss of Auxiliary Feed System Loss of functions needed to ALERT and Shutdown Cooling System attain or maintain cold shut-down (for example loss of Bus Y01).

Observation  : Loss of functions needed for Site Area plant hot shutdown. - Emergency Fire Annunciators (smoke Any fire requiring outside Unusual detectors) assistance. Event Observation Fire which affects or ALERT threatens to affect safety systems.

A fire incapacitating safety Site Area systems required to achieve Emergency safe shutdown.

r xFuel Damage

  • Failed fuel monitor (RIA0202) Coolant activity greater than Unusual alarm confirmed by radiochem- 1.0 pCi/ gram dose equivalent Event k,m_)

istry sauple analysis. I-131 for more than 72 con-


tinuous hours.


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ATTACHMENT 1 EI-1 Rev 6 Page 2 CLASSI-KEY WORD EMERGENCY ACTION LEVEL EVENT FICATION Failed fuel monitor (RIA0202) Severe loss of fuel cladding ALERT off scale, confirmed by pri- resulting in 300 pCi/cc equi-mary coolant sample analysis. valent I-131, or 1% failed fuel in 30 minutes or 5% total failed fuel.

Stack monitor (RIA2318) reads Any fuel handling accident ALERT 20 times alarm setpoint $ with release of radioactivity setpoint of 0.5 MPC for a to containment or fuel hand-period of two or more hours, ling building.

and meteorological tower AT is less than positive 2.0.

Observation confirmed by ;)ri- Primary coolant pump seizure ALERT mary coolant sample analysis, leading to fuel failure.

Subcooled margin monitor in- Degraded core with possible Site Area dicates PCS temperature loss of coolable geometry. Emergency greater than saturation temp-erature.

Observation of damage. Major damage to spent fuel in Site Area containment or fuel handling Emergency building.

High Area radiation monitors, High radiation levels or high ALERT Radiation reading >1000 times back- airborne contamination which Levels ground. indicate a severe degradation in the control of radio-active materials.

Man-Made Obse rvation Aircraft crash, train derail- Unusual

' External  ! ment or explosion onsite which Event-H5zards does not damage any safety-re-lated buildings or structures.

Observation and measurement Toxic gas release onsite or Unusual by portable instruments close to plant site not Event (onsite), affecting any plant operating personnel.

Notification by offsite authorities (offsite releases).

Observation Aircraft crash or missile im- ALERT pact on facility which invol-ves a building or structure, but not resulting in inoperable

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equipment required to achieve J safe shutdown.

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ATTACIDIENT 1 EI-1 Rev 6 Page 3 CLASSI- l KEY WORD EMERGENCY ACTION LEVEL EVENT FICATION Observation Explosion which damages ALERT facility, but does not render inoperable equipment needed to achieve safe shutdown.

0bservation and measurement Entry of toxic gas into ALERT with portable instruments. facility.

Observation Turbine failure which results ALERT Annunciation (for exatmle, in casing penetration.

turbine rotor position eccentticity).

Observation Aircraft crash, missiles or Site Area explosions severely damaging Emergency safety-related structures.

Obse rvation Entry of toxic gas into areas Site Area which are required to be Emergency manned in order to maintain plant in safe configuration.

Natural Observation Earthquake Unusual Phenomena Event Observation Seiche(tidal wave). Unusual Event Observation Tornado near site. Unusual Event Observation

  • Sieche (tidal wave) threating ALERT' Notification by civil to flood plant structures.


Observation Tornado striking facility ALERT Observation Seiche (tidal wave) resulting Site Area in 2ncapacitation of equip- Emergency ment needed to achieve or maintain safe shutdown.

Personnel Observation Transportation of contaminated Unusual IIaza rds Notification from injured's individual to hospital. Event Injuries Supervisor.

(~]' Various, depending upon Conditions resulting in ALERT b_ _

_ hazard (for example, observa- Control Room evacuation.

N tion of smoke, radiation area monitors, observation ,

of toxic gas). ,


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  • ATTACleIENT 1 EI-1 Rev 6 l Page 4 CLASSI-

__ KEY WORD EMERGENCY ACTION LFNEL EVENT FICATION Primary Daily PCS leak rate deter- PCS leakage in excess of Unusual Coolant mination Technical Specification Even't System (PCS) limits, but <50gpm.

Integrity j S/G secondary water activity Primary to secondary leakage Unusual greater than 0.1 pCi/ gram dose in excess of Technical Spe- Event equivalent I-131 cification limits.

Containment sump high-level PCS leak rate >50 gpm, but ALERT alarms (LIA 0358, 0*59, a LS 0358, < capacity of operable 0360), with charging pumps.

Mismatch between charging flow (FIA 0202) and letdown flow (FIC 0202).

Off gas monitor (RIA 0631) Steam generator tube rupture ALERT alarm, and resulting in primary to Pressurizer low level secondary leak rate of (LI 0103A). several hundred gpm.

  • Low-low pressurizer level Loss of Coolant accident which Site Area (LIC 0101A)* (Panel C-12). exceeds charging pump capacity. Emergency Safety injection actuation alarm (Panel C-13).

Pressurizer Jow-pressure alarm (Panel C-12).

Containment high pressure

  • alarm (Panel C-13).
  • Pressurizer 1cvel may not be
  • a true indication of PCS fluid inventory. k ,

Primary OPPS operation annunciation Any challenge to Over-pressure Unusual Coolant (SV and/or PORV open). Protection System (OPPS). Event System (PCS)

Temperature Temperature recorder (TR 0121 Critical operation at PCS Unusual or Pressure or TR 0111). temperature <525 F (except for Event physics tests).

Annunciation (RPS alarms). Reactor high pressure trip. Unusual l Event recorder (Initiating event). Event r

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cio780-0005bl54-93 CONTROLLED COPY

ATTACIRIENT 1 EI-1 Rev 6 Page 5 CLASSI-KEY WORD EMERGENCY ACTION LEVEL EVENT FICATION Acoustica1' monitors (FI 1039, Pressurizer code safety oper- Unusual 1040, 1041). ation. Event

-Quench tank high level (LIA 0116). '\

-Quench tank high pressure (PIA 0116).

-Quench tank high temperature (TIA 0116).

Discharge temperture alarms (TIA 0107, 0108, 0109).

' Subcooling margin alarm PCS temperature <50 F sub- ALERT cooled; sustained for more than 5 minutes or <50 F sub-cooled, and subcooling margin decreasing. Not applicable when plant is in cold shut-down or refueling shutdown condition.

Public Observation Plant shutdown under uncon- Unusual Interest

  • Instrumentation (for example, trolled conditions (for ex- Event Notifica- (TR 0111, TR 0121). ample, exceeding cooldown tions limits). <

Obse rva tion Any plant shutdown required Unusual by a Technical Specifications Event LCO.

Releases Stack monitor (RIA 2318) Short term radiological Unusual

. reaches alarm setpoint for , effluent Technical Sp,ecifica- Event two or more hours. Confirmed tions exceeded.

by lab sample analysis.

Liquid waste discharge mon-itor (RIA 1049) reaches alarm setpoint and automatic dis-I charge trip function fails.

Confirmed by lab sample analysis.

Observation confirmed by sur- Significant solid or liquid Unusual vey results. waste spill outside restricted Event areas with threatened offsite release.


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ATTACHMENT 1 EI-1 Rev 6 Page 6 CLASSI-KEY WORD EMERGENCY ACTION LEVEL EVENT FICATION Stack monit'or (RIA 2318) Radiological effluents greater ALERT reaches 10 times the alarm than 10 times Technical Speci-setpoint for 2 or more hours. fication limits (an instanta-Confirmed by lab sample neous rate which, if continued analysis. over two hours, would result in a dose of approximately 1 mR at the site boundary under Liquid waste discharge mon- average meteorological itor (RIA 1049) reaches 10 conditions),

times alarm setpoint and auto-matic discharge trip function fails. Confirmed by lab

- sample analysis.

Stack monitor reached 850 Effluent monitors detect Site Area times the alarm setpoint 1cvels corresponding to Emergency (RIA 2318) for 1/2 hour or >50mr/hr for 1/2 hour or >500 more. Confirmed by sample mr/hr whole body for 2 minutes analysis. Meteorological is (or five times these levels adverse when AT is 1.5*C or to the child thyroid) at the greater. site boundary for adverse mete-orological conditions.

Accident Assessment Projection of above dose rates Site Area based on appropriate para- Emergency meters (for example, contain-ment building radiation level with containment leak rate appropriate for existing con-tainment pressure). ,

Monitoring teams with survey Measurement of above dose Site Area instruments rated in environs. Emergency Stack monitor reads 50 times Effluent monitors detect General alarm setpoint (RIA 2318) and levels corresponding to 0.5 Emergency the meteorological tower AT is R/2 h, or 5 R/30 days, 250 mR/h

> positive 4.0 or using Emer- for 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> or 7 mR/hr 30 days gency Implementation Procedure. to the wholebody at the site The high-range stack monitor boundary under actual meteor-reads 1.3 mR/hr and the meteor- ological conditions.

ological tower AT is >4.0 or 170 mR/h and the meteorological tower AI is >0.

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i ei0780-0005bl54-93 CONTROL.I.FO COPY

ATTACHMENT 1 EI-l Rev 6 Page 7 CLASSI-KEY WORD EMERGENCY ACTION LEVEL EVENT FICATION Accident assessment proc- A dose rate of 1 R/h to the General dures.


wholebody at the site boundary Emergency projected from radiation levels in containment combined with leak rate appropriate for the existing containment pressure.

Survey teams. 1 R/h measured at the site General boundary. Emergency Safety Annunciation (SI initiated; Safety injection Unusual Injection Ckt 1, Ckt 2). Event System (SIS)

Secondary Low steam generator pressure Rapid depressurization of Unusual Side alarm secondary side. Event Observation. Steam line break with secondary ALERT Steam generator pressure system activity <0.1 pCi/gm.


SIS actuation alarm.

Feedwater flow / steam flow -


S/G activity determined by analysis (radiochemistry).

  • Off gas monitor (RIA 0681) Steam generator tube rupture ALERT alarm and pressurizer low with loss of offsite power.

, level (LI 0103A), and ,

, Switchyard noncritical alarms ,

og startup transformer trouble alarm cg automatic start of emergency D/G.

Safety injection actuation Steam line break with >50 gpm Site Area alarms. primary to secondary leakage Emergency Steam generator pressure and secondary system activity indicators. 2.1 pCi/gm dose equivalent Feedwater flow and steam flow I-131.


Activity determined by analysis.


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ATTACIDfENT 1 EI-1 Rev 6 Page 8 CLASSI-KEY WORD EMERGENCY ACTION LEVEL EVENT FICATION Security Activation 'of Security Plan. Security threat or attempted Unusual Observation entry or attempted sabotage. Event

  • Activation of Security Plan Ongoing security compromise. ALERT and notification by Security (For example, discovery of of ongoing security compromise, bomb inside fence perimeter, evidence of forced entry into the protected area or a vital area.)

Observation Imminent loss of physical Site Area Security alarms, control of the facility. Emergency Activation of Security Plan Loss of physical control of General and loss of capability to shut- facility. Emergency down plant.

Radioactive Release of radioactive ALERT Offsite material to the environs.

Spent Fuel Possible exposure to offsite ind/or Resin personnel.

hipping Cask Incident Station Annunciation switchyard non- Loss of all offsite power and Unusual Power critical alarms, or startup PCS temperature >325'F. Event transformer trouble alarm, or Automatic start of emergency D/G.

Loss of both emergency D/G Loss of all onsite a-c sources Unusual and PCS temperature >325*F. Event D-C lighting energized. Loss of all offsite peacr and ALERT Bus voltage indication. all onsite a-c power sources Alarms on all bus sections. (natural circulation main-Loss of both emergency D/G. tained).

Loss of annunciator panels. Loss of all d-c power. ALERT Observation. Loss of all alarm annunciators ALERT for more than 15 minutes.

Voltage and current indi- Loss of all a-c power sources, Site Area cators, and loss of both station Emergency

/N Loss of both emergency D/G. batteries for more than 15

_) minutes, and PCS and plant not in cold shutdown or refueling .


ei0780-0005bl54-93 '

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ATTACIINENT 1 EI-1 Rev 6 Page 9 CLASSI-KEY WORD EMERGENCY ACTION LEVEL EVENT FICATION Other As determined by Site Emer- Plant conditions exist that Site Area l H:zards gency Director. warrant activation of emergency Emergency facilities, deployment of radiation monitoring teams and precautionary public notification.

Observation Evacuation of Control Room and Site Area control of shutdown systems Emergency not established from local stat _ans in 15 minutes.

Control Room instrumentation. Other plant conditions which General make release of large amounts Emergency of radioactivity in a short-time interval possible (for example, any core melt condition).

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ATTACHMENT 1 EI-1 Rev 6 Page 10 UNUSUAL EVENT State and/or Local Off-Site Class Licensee Actions Authority Actions UNUSUAL EVENT 1. Promptly inform 1. Provide fire State and/or local or security Class Description off-site authori- assistance if ties of nature of requested.

Events.are in process or have unusual condition occurred which indicate a po- as soon as dis- 2. Escalate to a tential degradation of the level covered. m' ore severe of. safety of the plant. No class, if releases of radioactive material 2. Augment on-shift appropriate.

requiring off-site response or resources as needed.

monitoring are expected unless 3. Stand by un-further degradation of safety 3. Assess and respond. til verbal systems occurs. closcout.

4. Escalate to a more Purpose severe class, if appropriate, Purpose of off-site notification is to (1) assure that the first or step in any response later found to be necessary has been carried S. Close out with ver-out, (2) bring the operating bal summary to off-staff to a state of readiness site authorities; and (3) provide systematic followed by written handling of Unusual Events summary.

information and decision making.

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ei0780-0005bl54-93 g gy -

ATTACHMENT 1 EI-1 Rev 6 Page 11 ALERT State and/or Local Off-Site -

Class Licensee Actions Authority Actions ALERT 1. Promptly inform 1. Provide fire State and/or local or security Class Description authorities of assistance if alert status and requested.

' Events are in process or have reason for alert as occurred which involve an soon as discovered. 2. Augment re-actual or potential substantial sources and degradation of the level of 2. Augment resources bring primary safetyaof the plant. Any and activate on- response cen-releases expected to be site Technical Sup- ters and Emerg-limited to small fractions port Center and gency Broadcast of the EPA Protective Action on-site Operational System (EBS) to Guideline exposure levels. Support Center. standby status.

Bring Emergency Pu rpose Operations Facility 3. Alert to (EOF) and other key standby Purpose of off-site alert is emergency personnel status key to (1) assure that emergency to standby status, emergency personnel are readily available personnel in-to respond if situation 3. Assess and respond. cluding moni-becomes more serious or to toring teams perform confirmatory radiation 4. Dispatch on-site and associ-monitoring if required, and monitoring teams ated communi-(2) provide off-site authorities and associated cations.

current status information. communications.

4. Provide con-
5. Provide periodic firmatory plant status up- off-site ra-o dates to off-site diation moni-authorities (at toring and least every injestion 15 minutes). pathway dose projections
6. Provide periodic if actual re-meteorological as- leases sub sessments to off- stantially site authorities exceed Tech and, if any nical Speci-releases are occur- fication ring, dose esti- limits.

mates for actual releases. '5. Escalate to a more severe cio780-0005bl54-93  ?


ATTACl& LENT 1 EI-1 Rev 6 Page 12 ALERT State and/or -

Local Off-Site Class Licensee Actions Authority Actions class, if

7. Escalate to a more appropriate. -

severe class, if appropriate. 6. Maintain Alert status

8. Close out or rec- until verbal

, ommend reduction closcout or in emergency class reduction of by verbal summary emergency to off-site author- class.

ities followed by written summary.

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ci0780-0005bl54-93 i

ATTACHMENT 1 EI-1 Rev 6 ll Page 13 SITE AREA EMERGENCY State and/or Local Off-Site Class Licensee Actions Authority Actions SITE AREA 1. Promptly inform State 1. Provide any assistance EMERGENCY and/or local off-site requested. l authorities of Site Area Class Description Emergency status and 2. If sheltering near the reason for emergency as site is desirable, acti-

, Events are in soon as discovered. vate public notification process or have system within at least occurred which 2. Augment resources by ac- two miles of the plant, involve actual or tivating on-site Tech-likely major nical Support Center, 3. Provide public within at failures of plant on-site Operational least about 10 miles functions needed Support Center and near- periodic updates on for protection of site Emergency Opera- emergency status.

the public. Any ations Facility (EOF).

releases not ex- 4. Augment resources by pected to exceed 3. Assess and respond, activating primary EPA Protective response centers.

Action Guideline 4. Dispatch on-site and exposure Icvels off-site monitoring 5. Dispatch key emergency except near site teams and associated personnel including mon- ,

bounda ry. communications. itoring teams and asso-ciated communications.

Purpose 5. Designate an individual for plant status updates 6. Alert to standby status Purpose of the to off-site authorities other emergency person-Site Area and periodic press nel (eg, those needed Emergency briefings (perhaps for evacuation) and declaration is to joint with off-site dispatch personnel to (1) assure that authorities). near-site}dutystatiens.

response centers are manned, 6. Make senior technical 7. Provide off-site moni-(2) assure that and management staff on toring results to li-monitoring teams site available for con- censeq, DOE and others are dispatched, sultation with NRC and and jointly assess them.

(3) assure that State on a periodic

. personnel re- basis. 8. Continuously assess in-

. quired for formation from licensee evacuation of 7. Provide meteorological and off-site monitoring near-site areas and dose estimates to with regard to changes

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) Page 14 SITE AREA EMERGENCY State and/or Local Off-Site Class Licensee Actions Authority Actions are at duty sta- off-site authorities for; to protective actions tions if situa- actual releases via a already initiated for

  • tion becomes more designated individual or public and mobilizing serious, (4) pro- automated data trans- evacuation resources.

vide consultation mission.

with off-site 9. Recommend placing milk authorities and 8. Provide release and dose animals within two miles (5) provide up- projections based on a- on stored feed and dates for the vailable plant condition assess need to extend public through information and fore- distance.

off-site sceable contingencies.

authorities. 10. Provide press briefings,

9. Escalate to General perhaps with licensee.

Emergency class, if appropriate, 11. Escalate to General Emergency class, if or appropriate.

10. Close out or recommend 12. Maintain Site Area reduction in emergency Emergency status until class by briefing of closcout or reduction off-site authorities at of emergency class.

EOF and by phone fol-lowed by written summary.

  • 0 e


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CONTontren ennu

. ATTACHMENT 1 EI-l Rev 6 Page 15 GENERAL EMERGENCY State and/or Local Off-Site Class Licensee Actions Authority Actions GENERAL EMERGENCY 1. Promptly inform State 1. Provide any assistance and local off-site requested.

Class Description authorities of General Emergency status and 2. Activate immediate pub-Events are in reason for emergency as lic notification of process or have soon as discovered Emergency status and occurred which (parallel notification provide public periodic involve actual or of State / local). updates.

imminent substan-tial core degra- 2. Augment resources by ac- 3. Recommend sheltering for dation or melting tivating on-site Tech- two-mile radius and five with potential nical Support Center, miles downwind and as-for loss of con- on-site Operational sess need to extend tainment integ- Sup7 ort Center and near- distances. Consider ad-rity. Releases site Emergency Opera- visability of evacration can be reasonably ations Facility (EOF). (projected time avail-expected to ex- able vs estimated evac-cced EPA Protec- 3. Assess and respond. uation times).

tive Action Guideline expo- 4. Dispatch on-site and 4. Augment resources by sure levels off off-site monitoring activating primary site for more teams and associated response centers.

than the imme- communications.

uiate site area. 5. Dispatch key emergency

5. Designate an individual personnel including mon-Pu rpose for plant status updates itoring teams and asso-

. to off-site authorities ciated communications.

  • Purpose of the and periodic press .

General Emergency briefings (perhaps 6. Dispatch other emergency declaration is to joint with off-site personnel to duty sta-(1) initiate pre- authorities). tions within five-mile determined pro- radius and alert all tective actions 6. Make senior technical others to standby for the public, and management staff on status.

-(2) provide site available for con-

' continuous sultation with NRC and 7. Provide off-site moni-assessment of State on a periodic toring results to li-information from basis. censee, DOE and others licensee and off- and jointly assess them.

site organization 7. Provide meteorological measurements, and dose estimates to 8. Continuously assess in-

, (3) initiate ad- off-site authorities for formation from licensee

!  ; ditional measures actual releases via a and off-site monitoring

( , as indicated by designated individual or with regard to changes cio780-0005bl54-93 .?;} ('OhlTDnt I crWnnv


              .                                                                                              1 ATTACIDfENT 1 EI-1 Rev 6 Page 16 GENERAL EMERGENCY
                                                              ;      State and/or Local Off-Site Class              Licensee Action;-     !

Authority Actions - actual or poten- automated data trans- \ to protective actions tial releases, mission. already initiated for (4) provide public and mobilizing consultation with 8. Provide release and dose evacuation resources. off-site author- projections based on a-ities and vailable plant condition 9. Recommend placing milk (5) provide up- information and fore- animals within 10 miles dates for the seeable contingencies, on stored feed and public through assess necd to extend off-site author- 9. Close out or recommend distance. ities. reduction in emergency class by briefing of 10. Provide press briefings off-site authorities at with licensee. EOF and by phone fol-lowed by written summary. 11. Maintain General Emer-gency status until closcout or reduction of emergency class.

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           .                                            ATTAC&ENT 1 EI-1 Rev 6 Pagc 17 FSAR ACCIDENTS AND EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATIONS The accidents listed below are discussed in detail in Section 14 of the              .

Palisades Plant Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR). Emergency Accident Consequences Classification Radioactive Liquid Spill 1. Contamination of area, per- Unusual Event On Site sonnel or equipment.

2. Spread of contamination.

Steam Line Rupture 1. No fuel damage. Alert Incident 2. Slight, if any, release of radioactivity off site. Loss of Coolant Accident 1. Possible fuel damage. Alert Greater Than 133 Gpm 2. Possible fission product (Charging Pump Capacity) release.

3. Slight, if any, release of radioactivity off site.

Loss of Coolant Accident 1. Fuel damage resulting in _ Site Area (4-Inch to 43-Inch Break) small fission product re-



2. Slight, if any, release of radioactivity off site.

Waste Gas Incident 1. Uncontrolled release of Site Area radioactivity to the atmos-phere.

2. Maximum site boundary dose .
         ,                                     0.500 rem whole body.           .

Fuel Handling Incident -

1. Damage to fuel bundle. Site Area
2. Maximum off-site doses less than 0.500 rem whole body.

Steam Generator Tube 1. Radioactivity is released in Site Area Rupture Incident small amounts from steam dump valves and air ejector discharge.

2. Maximum site boundary dose 0.500 rem whole body.

MHA (Maximum Hypothetical 1. Release of core fission General Accident) (Major Loss of products. 7s Coolant Accident, 42-Inch 2. Two-hour doses at the site ( i Break) boundary of up to 282 rem (73 thyroid, 2 rem whole body. - ei0780-0005bl54-93 CONTROLLED COPY.

ATTACHMENT 1 EI-1 Rev 6 Page 18 FSAR ACCIDENTS AND EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATIONS Emergency Accident Consequences Classification Waste Liquid Accident 1. Uncontrolled release of Unusual Event liquid waste to the lake in excess of 10 CFR 20 limits.

2. No measurable effect on the nearest water supply intakes (South Haven).

Radioactive Off-Site 1. Release of radioactive Alert Spills - Spent Fuel and/ material to the environs. or Resin Shipping Cask 2. Possible exposure to off-site Incident personnel. Turbine Generator 1. No off-site consequencea. Alert Overspeed Incident w/ Casing Penetration Control Room Fire 1. No off-site consequences. Unusual Event / Alert Acts of Nature 1. Flooding, tornado, etc. Unusual Event / Alert Civil Disturbances 1. Possible loss of physical Unusual Event / control of plant. , Alert s -i ki) , -


ei0780-0005bl54-93 CONTROLLED COPY

Emergency Impicmentation Procedures Revision Sheet


Palisades Plant Actions / Notifications During an Emergency, EI-2.1 , Revision PRC Date Approved by Gen. Manager 8 b

         ,                                                                                0                                           10/30/80 1

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EMERGENCY IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURE EI-2.1 PALISADES PIMf ACTIONS / NOTIFICATIONS DURING AN EMERGENCY REVISION 8 1.0 PERSONNEL RESPONSIBILITY i The Site Emergency Director is respon\ sible for determining actions to be taken during an emergency at Palisades Plant. 2.0 PURPOSE To provide.the Site Emergency Director with a prepared course of action for each classification of emergency condition. 3.0 ATTACHMENTS AND RECORDS

1. Attachment 1, Immediate Facility Action / Notification Checklist
2. Attachment 2, Subsequent Facility Action / Notification Checklist 4.0 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS
1. Definitions:
a. Immediate Actions - actions performed within one hour.

These actions are primarily notifications. a

b. Subsequent Actions - actions performed in an expeditious manner depending on the emergency.
c. If Necessary Actions - actions that are not r quired, but could possibly be cceded.

5.0 PROCEDURE 1 t 5.1 Use the emergency classificatio'n obtained in EI-1, (ie,' Unusual Event, Alert, Site Area Emergency, or General Emergency) to identify Mandatory / Subsequent /If Needed, Actions on Attachment 1. 5.2 Indicate the actions to be taken in the left column of Attachment 2. Use an 'M' to indicate a Mandatory Action, use an 'S' to indicate a Subsequent Action and an 'I' to indicate an If Needed Action. 5.3 Date Attachment 2. 5.4 As the specific action is performed, the following are recorded on Attachment 2.

1. Time action was initiated.

r <

2. Person performing the action.


3. Any comments pertinent to the action.

ei0780-0006a154-93 1 ,',

Emergency Implementation Procedure EI-2.1, Rev 8 '

  • Palisades Plant Actions / Notifications During an Emergency 3

5.5 Upon activation of the Emergency Operations Facility, appropriate Actions may be assigned to the EOF to relieve the burden on the Technical Support Center.  !

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   . @. . . s EI-2.1 UNUSUAL EVENT                                                           ATTAC1BfENT 1                                                   Rev 6                 '

Page 1



  • NEEDED, ACTIONS S1s safety Injection. . Annunciation (SI initiated: Ckt. 1. Ckt. 2). Mandatory: 17
                                                                                                                                 . Pressurizer low pressure (1605 Psia) (PI 0103A)                                                   Subsequent: 38 ,39 Releases                          Radiological Effluent Tech Specs.                                                  . Radvaste discharge monitor (RE-1049)*                                                             Mandatory:
                                                                                                                                 . Vaste Cas monitor (RIA 1113)*                                                                     Subsequent: 38 . 39
                                                                                                                                 . Confirmation by lab sample analysis Significant solid or liquid waste spill out-                                       . Observation.

side u 'eted areas with threatened off- . Confirmation by survey results. site . e.

                                                                                                                   -           -*   Setpoint determined for each planned release based on 1 MPC at site boundary.

Tuel Damage Coole. , preater than 1.0 uc/ gram . Failed fuel monitor (RIA 0202) confirmed by radio- Mandatory: 1._2.3s5.10. 17 dore . paav 1c > ;-131 for more than 72 chemistry sample analysis. Subsequent: 38. 39 conc in'_ ,us hourn PCS, Any challenge to overpressure protection . OPPS operation annunciation (SV and/ce PORV open). Mandatory: Temperature system (OPPS). Subsequent: 38, 39 ot Pressure Crittcal operation at PCS temperature <525' . Temperature recorder (TR 0121 or TR 0111). (except for physics tests).


Reactor high-pressure trip. . Annunciation (RPS alarms). )

                                                                                                                                 . Event recorder.


  • Pressurizer code safety operation.
                                                                                                                                 . Acebustical monitors (F1 1039, 1040, 1041).

{ . Quench tank high level (LIA 0116). J . Quench tank high pressure (PIA 0116). 1 . Quench tank high temperature (TIA 0116).

                                                                                   . .                                           . Discharge tcmperature alarms (TIA 0107. 0108. 0109),

1 PCS PCS leakage in excess of Technical Specifi- . Daily PCS leak rate determination from Surveillance Mandatory: .17 i y Integrity cation limits, but less than 50 gpm. Procedure D-W-1. Subsequent: 38. 39 ) S/C secondary water activity greater than 0.1 ue/ gram ) Primary to secondary leakage in excess of . ) Technical Specification limits dose equivalent I-131. C Station Loss of all of f-site power and PCS temperature . Annunciation switchyard noncritical alarms, start-up Mandatory: - Power .> 325* F. transformer trouble alarm. Subsequent: 38 .39 Loss of all on-site a-c sources and PCS . Automatic start of emergency D/C. temperature > 325*F. . Current and voltage indicators.




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MANDATORY / SUBSEQUENT / IF KEY WORD EVENT DETECTION  % NEEDED. ACTIONS containment Loss of containment integrity requiring plant . Observation. Mandatory: Integrity shutdown. . Surveillance test results Subsequent: 38 .39 Engineered Loss of engineered safety feature requ! ring . Surveillance test results. .andatory: .', 2. 3. 5.10 S;f s gua rds plant shutdown. . Annunciation (Scheme K13. Panel C13). Subsequent: 38, 39 Syetem Fira Any fire requiring outside assistance. . Annunciation (smoke detectors). Mandatory: 18.30

                                                                                                                  . Observation                                                                                           Sub sequent : 38 ,39 Refer to Fire Protection Implementing Procedures.

Sectior.s 1 & 2. Mandatory: 1 2.3 5.10.18 Security Bomb threat. . Telephone notification. Subsequent: $8 . 3b Refer to Safeguards Contingen-Unannounced demonstrations at plant site. . Observation cy, Procedures. Boab Threat Section 1. Demontrations Section 4. N;tural Earthquake . Observation. Mandatory: 1. 2. 3. $,1Q 18 Phinomena Subsequent: 3R.39 Seiche (tidal wave). . Observation. If Needed: 14.15

  • Observation Tornado near site. .

Man-Made Aircraft crash, train derailment or explosion . Observation Mandatory: 1.2.3. 5.10.18 3 ExtIrnal on site which does not dawe any safety- Subsequent: 38 ,39 3

y Haz rds related buildings or structures. If Needed
14.15 .17 Refer to Safeguards Contingen-y .

cy Procedures. Section 8 g Toxic gas release on site or close to plant . Observation (on site). 3 site, not affecting any plant operating . Notification by off-site authorities (off-site release). personnel. T'1 Plant shutdown under uncontrolled conditions Observation. Mandatory: Public . ,2 Intarest (eg. exceeding cooldown limits). . Instrumentation (eg. TR 0111. TR 0121). Subsequent: 38 ,39 Not if ications 3 Any plant shutdown required by a Technical . Observation. 3 y _ Specification LCO.

<                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Mandatory: 18 P:rconnel               Transportation of contaminated injured indi-                                        . Observation.                                                                                        Subsequent: 38 39 IEjurieb                vidual to hospital.                                                                . Notification from injured's supervisor.                                                             If needed: 6.7 *36 ( .otify county Any fatality occurring on site.                                                    . Observation.                                                                                        where victim taken).
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y , m a...:.:..+ . x; .a j . 1; Attachment 1 EI-2 .1 ALERT g,, g Page 3 KEY woc EVENT DETECTION MANDATORY / SUBSEQUENT /IF NEEDED  % ACTION r s Releases Radiological effluent. greater than 10 times Handatory: 1,2,3,5,10,11, 17 Technical Specification limits (an instantan- . 18,19,20,22.24,25,27.32 eous rate, which if continued over two hours, Subsequent: 26.28.38 ,39 would result in a dose of approximately 1 mR at the site boundary under average meteoro-logical conditions) which indicate severe degradation in the control of radioactive materials. Fuel Damage Severe loss of fuel cladding resulting in- . Failed fuel monitor (RIA 0202) off scale, confirmed by Mandatory: 1,2,3,5,10,17 300 pc/cc equivalent I-131, or 1% failed fuel primary coolant sample analysis. 18,19,20,22.24,27.32 in 30 minutes or 5% total failed fuel. Subsequent: 38,39 ' If Needed: 25.26.28,31 Any fuel handling accident with release of . Stack monitor (RIA-2318) reads 20 times alarm setpoint _. radioactivity to containment or. fuel handling f=setpoint of 0.5 MPC for a period of two or more hours, building, . and meteorological tower Delta T is less than positive PCS PCS temperature less than 50 F subcooled; , Subcooling margin meter. Mandatory: 1,2,3,5,10 Trapsrature sustained for more than 5 minutes, or 18.19,20 ,22.24,27,32 or Pressure < 50 subcooled, and subcooling margin Subsequent: 38 ,39 - decreasing. Not applicable when plant in If Needed: 31 cold shutdown or refueling shutdown condition.

   ' . PCS                                  PCS leak rate greater than $0 gpm, but less                   . Containment sump high level alarms                                                                         Mandatory:,17,'
      ** Intsgrity                          than capacity of operable charging pumps. -                      (LIA C358, 0359. LS 0358, 0360).                                                                           18,19,20 ,                  ,

O ~ ~

                                                                                                          . Mismatch between charging flow (FIA 0202) and letdown                                                      Subsequent: 38.39        .

lO 2 flow (FIC 0202). If Needed: '. gf Steam generator tube rupture resulting in . Off-gas monitor (RIA 0631) * ,3 primary to secondary leak rate of several . Pressurizer low level (LI 0103A).

   ~                                        hundred gpm.

l i FI Station Loss of all off-site power and all on-site a-c . D-C lighting energized. a Mandatory: 1,2,3,5,10 .18,19.20 l 2 ' Power power sources (natural circulation maintained). . Bus voltage indication 22.24,27.32

                                                                                                          . Alarms on all bus sections.                                                                                 Subsequent: 16.29,38,39

. 'y i) - Loss of all d-c power. .. Loss of annunciator panels. i, I i k A

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                                                                                                         ~   li n                 L,,                         i          V                                                     4 ' %\w .  .   ,  . f  <    g,   _    j%     . ;                 g EI-2.1 ALERT                                                                           ATTACFMENT 1                                                                              Rev 8 Pcge 4               I KEY WORD                                            EVENT                                                                                                         DETECTION                                                                          MANDATORY / SUBSEQUENT. IF NEEDED. ACTIONS Engineered                     Failure of RPS to initiate and complete a                                                   . Nuclear instrumentation.                                                                                                  Mandatory: .18 Safeguards                     scram, such that the reactor is not made                                                    . Rod position indication.                                                                                        Systems                        suberitical.                                                                                . RPS alarms.                                                                                                              Subsequent: 38.39 If Needed: 31 Loss of functions needed to attain or maintain                                              . Annunciators (various depending on function which is cold shutdown (eg. loss of bus YOI).                                                               lost).

Fira Fire which affects or threatens to affect . Annunciators (smoke detectors). Mandatory:, safety systems. . Observation. Subsequent: 38,39 If Needed: 31.34.17 Refer to Fire Protection Implementing Procedures. Sections 1 and 2: Mandatory: Security On-going security compromise, eg, discovery of . Observation bomb inside fence perimeter, evidence of . Security alarms Subsequent: 38.39 If Needed: 31 forced entry into the protected area or a Refer to Safeguards Contingen-vital area, cy Procedures. Bomb Inside Fence - lection 2. Forced En t ry - Sec t ions 6 & 10 Natural Seiche (tidal wave) threatening to flood . Observation. Mandatory: ,18.19 Phenomena plant structures. . Notification by civil authorities. Subsequent: 38.39 Tornado striking facility. _

                                                                                                                                    . Observation                                                                                                              If Needed: M:n-Made                       Aircraft crash or missile impact on facility                                                . Observation.                                                                                                               Mandatory: Extsrnal                       which involves a building or structure, but                                                                                                                                                                   Hazards                         not resulting in inoperable equipment required                                                                                                                                                                        Subsequent: 38,39 to schieve safe shutdewn.                                                                                                                                                                                              If Needed: a~                                      Explosion which damages facility, but does                                                  . Observation                                                                                                               Refer to Safeguards Contingen-
  **                                    not render inoperable equipment needed to                                                                                                                                                                                Procedures. Section 8.

Il achieve safe shutdown. ') Entry of toxic gas into facility. . Observation

 ')                                                                                                                                  . Observation.
 'g                                      Turbine failure which results in casing D Annunciation (eg. turbine rotor position eccentricity).

penetration. ( , 9

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    's-2.1 Attachment 1                                                                   E r 8 A1.ERT                                                                                                                                        p,g, 3 KEY VCRD                                                                                                              EVENT                                                                                                    DETECTION                                                                       MANDATORY /SUBSEQt.'ENT/IT NEEDZD            . ,
  • ACTIONS lu ,16,19 Personal Conditions resulting in Control Room . Various depending upon hazard (.g , observation of - Mansiatory; 20,22,2!.,27,32 1,z,J.)(nol y Injury / evacuation. smoke, radiation area monitors, observation of toxic Subsequent: 34 39_. county where gas). If Needed: 6,7,31,36 taken)

Itaz a rd s Secondary Steam line break with secondary system activity . Observation. Mandatory: 1,2,3,5,10,17,18,19 Side 0.1 uc/gm . Steam generator pressure instruments. 20,22,24,27,32

                                                                                                                                                                                                              . SIS actuation alarm                                                                                                    Subsequent: 38, 39
                                                                                                                                                                                                              . Feedwater flow / Steam flow instruments                                                                                If Needed: 25,26,28,31
                                                                                                                                                                                                              . S/C activity determined by analysis (radiochemistry).

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 --                                                                                                                                                                                                      ACTIONS A

SIS Safety injection . Annunciation (SI initiated: Ckt.1. Ckt. 2).  : i

                                                                                                       . Pressurizer low pressure (1605 psia)(plolo3A)                                           mndatory!f'12.34g,10,17.18.1' h6fhhhn               33.3 .38,39 If Needed: 31. M Raleases                    Ef fluent monitors detect lewis corresponding                        . Stack monitor (RIA 2318) reads 11 times alarm setpoint                                 Mandatory: 1.2,

to greater than 50 mR/h for 1/2 hour or of less than or of equal to 1/2 hour, or 100 times alarm greater than 500 mR/h to the thyroid (or setpoint for 2 minutes, and meteorology tower Delta T Subsequent: 26.28.33,34,38,39 five times those levels to the thyroid) at the is positive 2.0 or greater, less than 0.5 MPC for 1/2 If Needed:, site boundary for adverse meteorological hour or 100. 35 conditions. Projection of above dose rates based on . Accident assessment. appropriate parameters (eg containment , building radiation level with containment leak rate appropriate for existing contain-ment pressure). Measurement of above dose rates in environs. . Monitoring teams with survey instruments. Fual Damage Degraded core with possible loss of coolable . Subcooled margin monitor indicates PCS temperature Mandatory: geometry. greater than saturation temperature. 19.20,21, Subsequent:26.28, If Needed: 31.35

- PCS                              1.oss of coolant accident which exceeds                              . Low-low pressurizer level (LIC 0101A: 2%) (Panel C-12).                                Mandatory: 1,2,3,4,5,10.17.18, 4 Intsgrity                       charging pump capacity.                            .                 . Safety injection actuation alarm (Panel C-13).                                          19.20 21,22.23.24,25.27,32           ,
                                                                                                        . Pressurizer low-pressure alarm (Panel C-12).                                           Subsequent:         j

) . Containment high-pressure alarm (Panel C-13). If Needed: 31.35 i 3 ' i -s Pressurizer level may not be a true indication of PCS [ d ' fluid inventory. a ) . Station Loss of a.11,a-c power sources, and loss of . Voltage and current indicators. Mandatory: 1.2.3,4,5,10.1P < Power both station batteries for more than 15 19.20.21,22.23.24,25.27.32 1- minutes, and PCS, and plant not in cold subsequent: J shutdown or refueling shutdwn. 39 If Needed: 17.31.35 l ) ) e e e *

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                                                                                                                                                .                     .                   }&5Y                 A         1.Ysh$ L-u A ...-                                      _ .      .IG SITE AREA EMERCENCY                                                       ATTACW ENT 1                                                                               EI-2.1 Rev b Page y

I KEY WORD EVENT DETECTION MANDATORY / SUBSEQUENT / IF NEEDED, ACTIONS ,% Firs A fire incapacitating safety systems required . Smoke detectors (annunciation) Mandatory:, to achieve safe shutdown. . Observation. f9.,24.25.27,30.32 Subsequent: 26,,39 If Needed:17,31.35 Refer to Fire Protection Implementing Procedures. Sections 1 and 2. Srcurity Imminent loss of physical cot. trol of the . Observation Mandatory: , facility. . Security alarms 19.20.21,22.23,24.25,27,32 Subsequent: 26.28,33,34.38.39 If Needed:17.31.35 Refer to Safeguards Contingen-cy Procedures. Sections 6 and 10 NItural Seiche (tidal wave) resulting in incapacita- . Observation N N*,b2 $ l. } '

  • Phinomena tion of equipment needed to achieve or main- Su$ sequent: 26,28,33.34,38,39 tain safe shutdown. If Needed:,33,35.17 Man-Made Aircraf t crash, missiles or explosions . Observation Manda t ory :2. l3. 24.l5. 2 7. 32 Extsrnal severely damaging safety-related structures. 19.20,21.2 26 38,39 Hazxrds S)ib sequent : 8.9 28.33.34,17.31 3 Needed: 14.15.16 Entry of toxic gas into areas which are . Observation '35.36 Refer to Safeguardt.

required to be manned in order to maintain Contingency Procedures. Section plant in safe configuration. 8 ) Sicondary Steam line break with J50 gpm primary to' . Safety injection actuation alarms. Mandatory: 1,2,3,4, ) Sid.a secondary leakage and secondary system . Steam generator pressure indicators,32

28.33,34,38,39 g activity.?.1 uc/gm dose equivalent I-131. . Feedwater flow and steam flow instruments b[] 3 i . Activity determined by analysis.

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NEEDED, ACTIONS n tor - y 2,} Og7.18.19, SIS See Unusual Event P[O Subsequent: Releases Effluent monitors detect levels corresponding . Stack monitor (RIA-2318) reads 50 times alarm setpoint If Needed: 31.35 to 0.5 R/2 h. or 5 R/30 days. 2L' mR/h for 2 and the meteorological tower Delta T is greater than hours or 7 mR/hr 30 days to the wholebody at positive 4.0 or using Procedure E18-4. The high-range Mandatory: stack monitor reads 1.3 mR/h and the meteorological,25.27.32 the site boundary under meteorological Subsequent: 26.28,33.34.38,39 coditions. tower Delta T is greater than positive 4.0 or 170 mR/h and the meteorological tower Delta T is greater than 0. If Necessary: 6 31.35 A dose rate of 1 R/h to the wholebody at the . Accident assessment procedures. site boundary projected from radiation levels in containment combined with leak rate appro-priate for the existing containment pressure. . I R/h mer.sured at the site boundary. . Survey teams. Fuel Damage See Site Emergency PCS See Site Emergency Integrity Containment Loss of 2 fission product barriers with a . Detection method dependent upon which barriers fail Mandator 17.18

19. 20. 21.y2:2.2 3. 24,2 5. 2 7. 32 Integrity potential loss of the third barrier (eg. loss and to some extent, upon mechanism which causes Subsequent: 26.28, of core geometry and PCS boundary and a high failurd. If Needed: 31.35 potential for loss of containment).

Station See Site Emergency 8 Power

 -        Engineered                         See Alert Safeguards
  • l System Fire See Site Emergency Loss of physical control of facility. . Observation. Mandatory: Security
                                                                                                                                             . Notification by Security forces.                                                                                                             Subsequent: 26.28.33 If Needed: 17,31.35 34.38.39 Other                              other plant conditions which make releases or . Control Room Instrumentation.                                                                                                                                                                           Refer to Safeguards Contingen-large amounts of radioactivity. inna short time                                                                                                                      ,

cy Procedures. Sections 6 and interval possible (eg, any core melt condition; 10. l

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1 . sx, J % ' 2. , .al'lu.siE C#i ':.w$. L '. ,*.htQ.,.r, /a h;% i. i .- . EI-2 .1 ATTAC10(ENT 1 Rev $ Page 9 u. NOTES: To Ceneral Emergency Classifications

1. For sequences where significant releases are not yet takin'g place and large amounts of fission products not yet in containment atmosphere, consider 2 mile precautionary evacuation. Consider 5 mile downwind evacuation (45' to 90*

sector) if large amounts of fission products are in the containment atmosphere. R'ecommend sheltering in other parts of the plume exposure Emergency Planning Zone under this circumstance.

2. For sequences where significant releases are not yet taking place and containment failure leading to a direct atmospheric release is likely in the sequence but not imminent and large amounts of fission products in addition to noble gases are in the containment atmosphere consider precautionary evacuation to 5 miles and 10 miles downwind evacuation (45' to 90* sector).
3. For sequences where large amounts of fission products othe? than noble gases are in the containment atmosphere and containment fa11ur3 is judged imminent, recommend shelter for thosa areas where evacuation cannot be completed before~~ -

transport of activity to that location.

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2. Power Controller (for CO respone) Note: l , Red.. Telephone op' , i  ;  ;
                                , perforni notification #4 once General Office                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ~

l  ; j l Control, Center is notified. [  ; l l l , ,7  ; l l. l l  ;

3. . Nuclear. Regulatory Commission j  !.i,l. 1.. Direct Line!(red '

3 l' . 17 (listed;in order of decreasing preference) telephone)t j J. - l .f' l j l

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4 Lacrgency Impicmentation Proc.edures Revision Sheet , i TITLE: Activation of the On-Site Operations Support Center, EI-4.2 t t

                                                                                                                                                                   .            )              . .

Revision _ PRC Date Approved by Gen. Manager 1 o 10/30/80 i 12/21/81 h y ,'gf3 g g


u . 2 6/10/82 SEP v 2, B&2 6 .

  • O e==


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The Radiation Protection Supervisor or designated alternate is responsible for implementation of this precedure. 2.0 PURPOSE

1. To describe actions to be taken to activate the On-Site Operations Support Center (OSC) and to lisc the emergency facilities available for use at the OSC.
2. The OSC is activated for use in dealing with Site and general emergency and certain alert conditions at Palisades Plant.


1. Attachment 1, Floor Plan of Operations Support Center
2. Attachment 2, Preferred and Alternate Methods of Communication
3. Attachment 2.1, Key to Attachment 2
4. Attachment 3, Personnel Assigned to the Operations Support Center 4.0 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS If airborne radiation levels warrant or the radiation levels exceed 100 mr/hr in the OSC an alternate center can be established at the Feedwater Purity Building with concurrence of the Site Emergency Director.
  • 5.0 PROCEDURE 5.1 ACTIVATION OF THE ON-SITE OPERATIONS SUPPORT CENTER 5.1.1 Emergency equipment and communication systems in the OSC are always availabic for use and do not require activation.

5.1.2 Upon sounding of the emergency siren, the following actions will be performed to activate the OSC:

1. Personnel assigned will proceed to individual assembly areas within the OSC.
2. A personnel accountability check will be performed and the results reported to the Property Protection Supervisor / Security Lieutenant.

ci0780-0008a154-154 1 CONTROII Fh COPY

Emergency Implementation Procedure EI-4.2, Rav 2 . . Activation of the On-Site Operations Support Center (Assembly Areas III, IV, V, VI)

3. A radiation surv3y will be performed to determine habitability of the OSC. If radiation dose rate is greater than 100 mr/hr or airborne levela warrant, the OSC will be evacuated in accordance with Section 5.2 of this procedure.
4. Personnel will leave the area only when directed by Assembly Area Leaders.

5.2 EVACUATION OF THE OPERATIONS SUPPORT CENTER 5.2.1 If the airborne radiation levels warrant or the radiation levels exceed 100 mr/hr in the OSC (any area), the following actions will be taken:

1. The OSC will be transferred to the second floor of the Feedwater

. Purity Building.

2. If the Feedwater Purity Building is not habitable, the SED will designate the alternate OSC location.

5.3 COMMUNICATIONS 5.3.1 The following communication systems are available for use in the OSC.'

1. Intraplant telephone
2. Intercom to the Control Room
3. Portable Radios (available in Control Room) ".
4. General Telephone telephones (independent outside lines and available in adjacent offices) .
                                                      !                         c 5.3.2      The preferred and alternate methods of communicating between the OSC and other areas combatting the emergency condition are shown on Attachment 2.

5.4 EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT 5.4.1 There is a radiological emergency monitoring kit stored in the OSC. 5.4.2 All necessary plant documentation is available in the office cubicle orca surrounding the top floor OSC. ci0780-0008a154-154 2 Proofread by: kG o b

 . q n i c.1 : t   .
                       .                                                                                                            ATTACHMENT 1                                                                                                                                                                          EI-4.2

__.. _..Rev 2 --- - Floor Plan of Operations Page 1 Support Center . A ,y  ; i . . . _ . . . _ . . _ _ _ _ . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ . . _ _ i i i Superintendents - - - - - - Offices ,

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_.._. 1reas ~ - - ' Areas  ;

                      ,                  i                                        Restrooms                                 -                ~ - '                           ~ ~ ~ '                --              - - - ' - ~

i <

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             -     ~~~~~~~

and -- ~~-~~----~~~~---', . , Misec11aneous i i t ' .. I i t i g Document Conference ~~' ~ ~ Control Rooms ASSD!BLY 3 and 4 . g . . - . . . . . . - - . . . _ . ._ . . - _ ASSDIBLY (^)\ AREA III ---- - ---- - - (_ .. - _ _ _ . _ . _ 4 . i  : 4 i.. i  ! .. g

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ,                                      ,                                                    ',           t,
                            .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             EI-4.2                          --

ATTACHMENT 1 Rev 2 Floor Plan of Operations Support Center __.. "E" s, m -p . - . . - . . - . . - - w _-_. ..

 . _ _ _ _ . _ _                 .. _ _. ._. __ . .. . .                                                    _ . _ _ . _ _ . _ . . _ . . . _ _                                                        _l.       _ _ _ _ _ . . . . _ . _ _ _ -                                          . . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _                                            _ . . .
 . . . _ _ _ . _ . _                . - . . . . _ . - . _ . . . _ . - - - .                                                    .                ..-_ =._.                                        ...                                                                                                                              . _ - .                                ._

ASSEMBLY AREA V- - l - i i @  :

                                      . . . _ _ Main Lockeroom '                                                                                                              i                                                                                                                                                                             >
                                                    --Assembly Area VI                                                               -              --                             - - - . - -                                --- -                                                                -


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N V ATTACHMEN1 Preferred %nd Alternate Methods of Communication

  • Communication Control Tech Supp Ops Supp Emergency Control Ctr NRC Mich State Van Buren Room Center Center Operations Jackson Police / Dept Emergency FROM: TO Facility of Health Services Centrol Room 1.--- 1. F to F 1. Intra 1. Intra / Gen 1. Dedic 1. Dedic 1. Gen 1. Dedic 2.--- 2. Intra 2. Walkie 2. Radio 2. Gen 2. Gen 2. ** 2. Gen
3. Sound (

i 1 l Technical Support 1. F to F 1. --- 1. Intra 1. Intra 1. Gen 1. Dedic 1. Gen 1. Gen l Center 2. Intra 2. --- 2. Walkie 2. Gen 2. --- 2. Gen 2. ** 2. --- Operations 1. Intra 1. Intra 1. --- 1. Intra 1. Gen 1. Gen 1. Gen 1. Gen Support Center 2. Walkie 2. Walkie 2. --- 2. Gen 2. --- 2. --- 2. ** 2. -- l Emergency Opera- 1. Intra / 1. Intra 1. Intra 1. --- 1. Gen 1. Gen 1. Gen 1. Gen l tions Facility Gen 2. Gen .2. Gen 2. --- 2. --- 2. --- 2. ** 2. --- l

2. Radio 1

Control Center 1. Dedic 1. Gen 1. Gen 1. Gen 1. --- 1. Gen 1. Gen 1. Gen i J:ckson 2. Gen 2. --- 2. --- 2. --- 2. --- 2. --- 2. ** 2. --- l NRC 1. Dedic 1. Dedic 1. Gen 1. Gen 1. Gen 1. --- 1. Gen 1. Gen i

2. Gen 2. Gen 2. --- 2. --- 2. --- 2. --- 2. --- 2. ---

Michigan State 1. Gen 1. Gen 1. Gen . 1. Gen 1. Gen 1. Gen 1. --- 1. Gen 3 Police / Dept of 2. ** 2. ** 2. ** 2. ** 2. ** 2. --- 2. --- 2. ** 2 H elth i i i

 !   V n Buren County   1. Deiic      1. Gen        1. Gen                         1. Gen         1. Gen      1. Gen   1. Gen            1. ---

Emergency Services 2. Gen 2. --- 2. --- 2. --- 2. --- 2. --- 2. ** 2. --- 6-

                                                                                                                                       .             EI-4.2 Rev 2 ci0730-00C8bl54-154                                                                                                                              Page 1


  • EI-4.2 Rev 2 ATTACHMENT 2.1 KEY t

Key: F to F = Face to face ' Intra = Intraplant telephone Dedic = Dedicated telephone Walkie = Portable radio Gen = Normal outside telepone line

                            **     =

State Police radio bank (available through plant security) Radio = Company radio Sound = Sound-powered telephone NOTE: Portable radies are available in the Control Room for communications to s and from any area within the plant. In addition, the Control Room is the ( ) principle communication center for the plant, therefore all methods of 4;7 communication available in the Control Room can be used as backup for any plant assembly area to any offsite location. s l

 !     I ci0780-0008c154-154


1. The following groups of personnel are assigned to the four assembly areas in the OSC. .
a. Assembly Area III (Conference Rooms 3 a\nd 4)
1. Senior Engineer (in charge)
2. Environmental Supervisor (first alternate)
3. Administrative Supervisor (second alternate)
4. Maintenance Supervisors
5. Document Control Supervisor .
6. Material Services Supervisor
7. Quality Control Supervisor
8. Buildings and Grounds Supervisor h b. Assembly Area IV (Conference Area, Document Control)
1. Senior Engineer (in charge)
2. Engineers / Technologists
3. Quality Assurance Superintendent (first alternate)
4. Personnel Director / Assistant (second alternate) 5.

Quality Assurance Engineers : *

6. Quality control Inspectors
7. Clerks t

! 8. Comptroller / Assistant

9. Buildings and Grounds Personnel 1

ei0780-0008d154-154 7 ~ 'e 1 A - . .-- A i i ~ .- u. .


c. Assembly Area V (Lunchroom)
1. Radiation Frotection Supervisor (in Charge)
2. Instrument and Control Supervisor (first altern' ate)
3. Chemistry Supervisor (second alternate)
4. Chemistry / Radiation Protection Technicians
5. Instrument and Control Technicians
d. Assembly Area VI (Main Locker Room)
1. Assistant Maintenance Supervisor (s) (in charge)
2. Assistant Mainten,ance Supervisor (s) (alternate (s))
3. Repairmen
4. Stockmen
2. Personnel assigned to the OSC will be a pool of personnel available to help minimize the effects of the accident and to help in recovery. After initial assembly, those personnel not required for accident recovery will be released to their homes on a standby basis.

ei0780-0008d154-154 . 1

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