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Insp Rept 50-322/88-01 on 880111-15.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Test Witnessing & Administrative Control of Local Leak Rate Testing & Tours of Facility
Person / Time
Site: Shoreham File:Long Island Lighting Company icon.png
Issue date: 03/09/1988
From: Eapen P, Joe Golla
Shared Package
ML20148F027 List:
50-322-88-01, 50-322-88-1, NUDOCS 8803280054
Download: ML20148F045 (5)

See also: IR 05000322/1988001






Report No. 50-322/88-01

Docket No. 50-322

License No. NPF-19

Licensee: Long Island Lighting Company

P. O. Box 618

Wading River, New York 11792

Facility Name: Shoreham Nuclear Power Station

Inspection At: Wading River, New York

Inspection Conducted: January 11-15, 1L88

Insoector: g-g .

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ph A/ Gcila, Reac~ or Engineer dite '

Approved by:



P. K. Eapen,' Chief


date '

Special Test Programs Section, EB, DRS

Inspection Summary: Inspection on January 11-15, 1988 (Inspection Report

No. 50-322/88-01).

Areas Inspected: Routine unannounced inspection of test witnessing and

administrative control of local leak rate testing and tours of the facility.

Results: One violation was identified. The inspector noted a procedural

deficiency with the local leak rate test procedure which resulted in overpres-

surizing a test volume. It is not known if this practice was pervasive and is

viewe'i as a lack of overview of test activities. This deficiency therefore

constitutes a violation. (50-322/88-01-01) '






8803280054 880321 j

PDR ADOCK 0500032'2




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1. Persons Contacted

T.-Arrigo, M&TE Technician ,

  • L. Britt, Manager, . Nuclear Licensing
  • R. Crowe, Operations Staff Manager
  • A. Dubison, Nuclear Licensing
  • R. Grunseich, Operations Compliance Engineer

F. Hubert, Maintenance Engineer

  • W. Maloney, QCD
  • J. Notaro, Department Manager, Nuclear Quality Assurance ,

P. Pizzariello, Maintenance Engineer

C. Seaman, Quality Systems Division

  • S. Skorueski, Assistant VP, Nuclear Operations
  • W. Steiger, Plant Manager
  • M. Toner, Maintenance Engineer


  • F. Crescenzo, Resident Inspector
  • Denotes those present at the exit meeting on January 15, 1988,

2.0 Local Leak Rate Testina (LLRT)

The purpose of this inspection was to ascertain that the LLRT was

conducted in compliance with the requirements and commitments referenced

in the following sections, and that the test results met the acceptance

criteria specified in the station procedures and Appendix J,10 CFR 50.

The procedures were reviewed for their technical adequacy to perform the

intended activities.

2.1 References

Shoreham Nuclear Power Station Technical-Specifications

Section 4.6

10 CFR, Part 50, Appendix J, Primary Reactor Containment Leakage

Testing for Water Cooled Power Reactors


Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR)

ANSI /ANS 56.8-1981, Containment Systems Leakage Testing


USNRC I&E Information Notice No. 85-71, Containment Integrated

Leak Rate Tests



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2.2 Documents Reviewed


SP 84.654.03, "Primary Containment Leak Rate Test," Revision 4

Calibration Data for Local Leak Rate Test Instruments

Selected Quality Control Surveillance Reports

Compliance Engineer Program Planning Surveillance Schedule

. 2.3 Test Witnessing

The inspector witnessed the performance of test activities to verify'


approved test procedures were available and in use;

the procedures were adequately detailed to assure satisfactory

performance;  ;

parts and materials were properly identified; and

qualified test equipment and tools were used.

Mass flow-in test of RCIC turbine exhaust isolation valve 1E51*MOV-045

and check valve 1E51*08V-0021 on January 13, 1988 were witnessed.  :

Also witnessed was the mass flow-in test of RBCCW isolation valve l

No. IP42*MOV-047 on January 14, 1988. These three valves exhibited '

zero ieakage.


The inspector made the following observation during the LLRT of I

1E51*08V-0021: while filling the test volume behind the valve with I

water from the condensate transfer system (this check valve is tested

with water by initially filling the test volume and M asuring leakage

by air makeup behind the water slug in the piping), the test person-

nel significantly overpressurized the test volume while "cracking"

open the valve at the condensate transfer tap. Local indication of

pressure showed a value greater than 100 psig. The test pressure

called for the volume to be filled and pressurized with water-to

approximately 40 psig, the test pressure is 46 (+2, -0) psig and

accident pressure for the plant is 46 psig. The test personnel then-


bled down the volume to the required test pressure and completed the

test. This is a violation (50-322/88-01-01).


The inspector raised to the licensee the concern that initially over-

pressurizing the test volume could help to preseat the valve thereby

influencing the test results. The licensee then administered a pro-

cedure change to the Type C leak rate test procedure SP 84.654.03,

Rev. 4, cautioning against overpressurizing test volumes utilizing



water. The caution statement requires the use of a relief valve in

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the water supply header set at 40 (+2, -0) psig and suggests the use

of a needle valve to control flow into the test volume. This water

method and caution applicable for two check valves

each on the RCIC and HPCI pump turbine exhaust lines. The inspector

reviewed the procedure change notice and found its provisions


2.4 Test Instrumentation

Calibration records for the instruments utilized to conduct the

tests witnessed were reviewed by the inspector. All instruments;

flowmeters, pressure gages, temperature gages were found to be

calibrated within their frequency and were tested by standards

which are traceable to the National Bureau of Standards (NBS).

No unacceptable conditions were identified.

2.5 LLRT Procedure Review and Administrative Control

The inspector reviewed the LLRT procedure to determine its adequacy

of content and adherence to accepted testing methodology. The LLRT

procedure is structured such that every mechanical penetration is

covered by specific valve lineups, piping diagrams, and procedural

steps to conduct the test. The procedure was found to be technically

correct to perform local leak rate testing utilizing the mass flow-in

method. This method is acceptable per 10 CFR 50, Appendix J and

current industry nractice. The inspector verified that the LLRT

procedure contained the following pertinent information: criterion

utilized to determine maximum pathway leakage through a valve / piping

network, test p-ecautions, prerequisites, limitations and actions,

and information and justification concerning valves which are reverse '

direction tested. The inspector also reviewed documentation relevant

to the overall administrative control of the local leak rate test

program. Information which documented the following activity status I

was reviewed: recording of test results, acceptance criterion, sur-

veillance scheduling, and valve maintenance work. The information

reviewed was well organized and appeared adequate to provide proper

administrative control of the overall LLRT program. No unacceptable '

conditions were identified. l

3.0 Personnel Training and Qualifications

The qualification and training of selected test personnel were discussed

with a licensee representative. In addition, the inspector evaluated

the performance of test personnel during test witnessing. The inspector

determined that the test personnel qualifications met the requirements

specified in ANSI N18.1-1971, "Selection and Training of Nuclear Power

Plant Personnel." They were knowledgeable of their responsibilities and

technical aspects of leak testing. No unacceptable conditions were


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4.0 Plant Tour

-The inspector made.several tours of the plant facilities including the

reactor. building, turbine building, control room, and plant exterior to

monitor maintenance activities and housekeeping. All areas inspected  !

were' generally clean and free from debris not affiliated with ongoing

maintenance. No unacceptable conditions were identified.

5.0 QA/QC Involvement

The inspector discussed coverage of local leak. rate testing with represen- i

tatives from the QA and QC organizations and reviewed selected quality  :

control serveillance reports on local leak rate test surveillances. QC '

surveillance reports were comprehensive and findings were well documented.

QA/QC representatives interviewed appeared knowledgeable. of local leak

rate testing and their duties as QA/QC auditors.  !


6.0 Exit Meeting )

Licensee management was informed of the purpose and scope _ of the 1

inspection at the entrance interview. The findings of the inspection l

were periodically discussed and were summarized at the exit meeting on ,

January 15, 1987. I


Attendees at the exit meeting are listed in Section 1.0 of this report.

At no time during the inspection was written material provided to the

licensee by the inspectors.

The licensee's representatives did not indicate that this inspection i

involved any proprietary information.









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