IR 05000029/1988003

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Partially Withheld Physical Security Insp Rept 50-029/88-03 on 880208-11 (Ref 10CFR73.21).No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Plan & Implementing Procedures,Physical barriers-protected,vital & Access Control Areas
Person / Time
Site: Yankee Rowe
Issue date: 03/25/1988
From: Keimig R, Martin W
Shared Package
ML20150F354 List:
50-029-88-03, 50-29-88-3, NUDOCS 8804050171
Download: ML20150F364 (6)



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Report N /88-03 Docket N License No. DPR-3 Licensee: Yankee Atomic Electric Company 1671 Worcester Road Framingham, Massachusetts 01701 Facility Name: Yankee Nuclear Power Station Inspection At: Rowe, Massachusetts Inspection Conducted: February 6-11, 1988 Inspector: / ~g-/[-//

via l te r G. liertm , Phga ecurity date Inspector V

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Approved by: 1 -' 7 d"//

chard R. Keiniig, f, Safeguards date Irspection Summary: Unannounced, Physical Security Inspection on February 8-11,1938 (Report No. 50-29/88-03)

A-eas Inspected: Plan and Implementing Procedures; Management Effectiveness:

Organization; Program Audit; Records and Reports; Testing and Maintenance; Physical Barriers-Protected, Vital, and Access Control Areas; Security System Power Supply; Lighting; Assessment Aids; Access Control - Personnel and Packages; Detection Aids - Protected, Vital,and Access Control Areas; Alarm Stations; and Safeguards Contingency Plan Implementation; and follow-up on RER finding Results: The licensee was found to be in compliance with NRC requirements in  !

the areas inspecte j l

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8804050171 880329 PDR ADOCK 05000029 Q DCD I

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Details 1. Key Persons Contacted Yankee Atomic Electric Company N. St. Laurent, Plant Superintendent

  • B. Drawbridge, Assistant Plant Superintendent
  • T, Henderson, Technical Director
  • B. Wood, Administrative Services Manager
  • J. Palmieri, Security Manager
  • L. Bozek, Quality Assurance Supervisor
  • J. Mcdonald, Quality Assurance Supervision U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission H. Eichenholz, Senior P.esident Inspector
  • Carpenter, Resident Inspector
  • present at the exit interview The inspector also interviewed other licensee personnel and members of the contract guard forc . Security Plan and Implementing Procedures The inspector met with licensee representatives and disc ssed the NRC-approved Physical Security Plan (the Plan) and its '.mplementing procedures. As a result of these discussions, and a review of the Plan, it was determined that implementing procedures were current, clear, concise and consistent with commitments in the Pla . Management Effectiveness The inspector observed that the licensee's plant and corporate management have become more involved in the security program and related on-site activitie This was found to have increased the effectiveness of the security managers and the security program overall. The inspector also observed that there was an increase in overseeing the activities of the contract guard force by the license Security Organization The inspector reviewed the security organization and determined that all <

pos',tions were filled and that the organization war. in conformance with I the Pla I I

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3 Security Program Audit The inspector reviewed security program audit reports and verified that the audits had been conducted in accordance with the Plan. The audits l were comprehensive in scope and the results were reported to the appro- l priate level of management. The review included the response of the security organization to the audit findings and the corrective action  ;

taken to remedy any adverse findings. The documented corrective actions appeared appropriate for the finding . Records and Reports i


The inspector reviewed testing and maintenance records and records of security event j Testing and Maintenance Records: i l

The inspector determined that the testing and maintenance records committed to in the Plan were on file and readily available for licensee review and NRC inspectio Security Event Reports:

The inspector reviewed. and discussed with the licensee, Security Event Report Nos. 87-01 through 87-04 that had been reported to the NRC in accordance with 10 CFR 73.71(c), during calendar year 198 No discrepancies were identified relative to reporting the events or the actions take Training and Qualification Records The inspector selected a random sample of guard force training and qualification files for revie The files contained clear, properly documented records of guard force training and qualifications which were found to be in accordance with the Pla . Testing and Maintenance The inspector reviewed the testing and maintenance records and procedures for the intrusion detection system, card readers, x-ray machines, metal detectors, expiosives detectors, and assessment aids. The long delays in repair and maintenance of security equipment noted in the past have been corrected. The licensee has allocated a man year of effort for the repair and upkeep of security equipment. No discrepancies were identified relative to either the records or procedure . Physical Barriers - Protected Area The inspector conducted a physical inspection of the protected aiea barriers. The inspector determined, by observation, that the barriers were installed and maintained as described in the Plan.


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l Physical Barriers - Vital Areas and Access Control Areas The inspector observed that the licensee maintained the physical barriers l surrounding the vital and access control areas in conformance with the '

Pla l



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1 Security System Power Supply l l

The inspector reviewed the emergency power supply for the security system !

and found it to be in accordance with the Pla )

1 Lighting The inspector observed the lighting within the protected area during the hours of darkness (6:15 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.) on February 10, 1988. All areas were found to be adequately lighted in accordance with commitments in the Pla . Assessment Aids i The inspector observe:i the operation of assessment aids and determined that they are functioning in accordance with the commitments in the Pla . .,.y e ~ . w ..:,.. . , y y vn.-b


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1 Access Control - Personnel The inspector observed that all personnel entering the Protected Area were searched for unauthorized material and that personnel access controls and search equipment are adequate and appropriate for their intended purpos . Access Control - Packages i l

The inspector observed that the licensee adequately controlled packages and materials into and out of the Protected Area. Packages were searched l


and materials were appropriately exa nined using equipment and procedures l which were adequate for the purpose and in conformance with commitments in the Pla ;


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1 Detection Aids - Protected Area The inspector observed the protected area perimeter detection aids and determined that they were installed, maintained, and operated as committed to in the Plan. Several weaknesses identified during the Regulatory Effectiveness Review have either been corrected or are awaiting final resolution. Proper compensatory measures are in effect (see Paragraph 19.a.).

16. Detection Aids - Vital Areas The inspector observed the detection aids at the vital and access control area doors and determined that they are installed, maintained, and operated as cim.Mtted to jn the Pla .o i , x ' ..cainmSSU BU/SDS

[lp M Pi? '- 0 is M7 pgn pygtjg U 3Cl U E :. li !i l,1JENilglg[(y LUT m, 17. Alarm Stations The inspector observed the operation of both the central alarm station (CAS) and the secondary alarm station (SAS) and found them to be operating as committed to in the Plan. CAS and SAS operators were interviewed by the inspector and were found to be knowledgeable of their responsibilities and dutie . Safeguards Contingency Plan Implementation Review The inspector ascertained that the licensee's program for responding to security threats and other contingencies, as outlined in the Plan, was being properly implemented. In addition, the inspector reviewed the contingency event drills conducted since January 1, 1987. It was noted during this review that the operations organization was notified, but did not participate in any of the 25 drills conducted during the period reviewed. The inspector stated that the licensee should review the contingency events which impact plant operations and determine the adequacy of the response procedures, absent participation of plant operations personnel in those drills. The inspector stated that this matter would be reviewed during a subsequent inspectio j 1 Ryulatory Ef fectiveness Review Follow-up The Regulatory Effectiveness Review (RER) team identified thirteen inadequacies in the licensee's security program which were considered to provide a level of protection significantly less than intended by 1 the NRC, and if allowed to continue, could degrade to a safeguards !

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Current Status - Nine of the thirtean items identified in the RER report (paragraphs 2.2.1, 2.2.2, 2.3.3', 2 2.5, 2.2.9, 2.2.10, 2.2.11, 2.2.12, and 2.2.13) have been satisfactorily corrected and compensa-tory measures are in place for the remaining item , [

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> UGI F09 PUBLjg u!50wla ,. . g ;; gggg;gggty LEF I OL/,i The RER team iden'.ified five program concerns that limit the effectiveness of specific elements such that improvements are necessary to achieve the full intent of the regulation Current Status - Four of the five concerns have been satisfactorily resolved. The one remaining involves weapons mix and deploymen .,,-,.

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' u. NOT FOR PUBllc DECLU303E,ii E INTENT!0NMLy LEFICIMl The RER team had five observations, which are relatively minor items, that would improve the everall security program effectivenes Current Status - Four of the five observations have been satisfactorily resolve i' ' ~

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2 Exit Interview The inspector met with the licensee representatives listed in paragraph 1 at the conclusion of the inspection on February 11, 1988. At that time, the purpose and scope of the inspection were reviewed and the findings were presente At no time during this inspection was written material provided to the licensee by the inspecto .. ..

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