IR 05000029/1988012

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Insp Rept 50-029/88-12 on 880620-24.No Violation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Radwaste Insp Program,Including Training of Personnel,Procurement of Packaging,Delivery to Carriers, Records & Repts,Waste Classification & Labeling
Person / Time
Site: Yankee Rowe
Issue date: 07/15/1988
From: Davidson B, Pasciak W
Shared Package
ML20151H890 List:
50-029-88-12, 50-29-88-12, NUDOCS 8808020115
Download: ML20151H894 (6)






Report N /83-12 Docket N License N DPR-3 Priority -- Category C Licensee: Yankee Atomic Electric Company T671 Worcester R Framingham, Massachusetts 017D1 Facility Name: Yankee Nuclear Power Station

! Inspection At: Rowe, Massachusetts Inspection Conducted: June 20-24, 1938 Inspector:  -

M . Davidson, Radiation Speciaiist date c Approved by: Ds ' [[ du '/ - ' S' M t W. J. Pasciak/ Chief, Ef fluents Radiation date Protection Sect!on, DRSS Inspection Summary: Inspection on June 20-24,1988 (Report No. 50-29/88-12) Areas Inspected: Routine announced inspection of the licensee's radwaste program


including training of personnel, procurement of packaging, delivery to carrier records and reports, waste classification and labeling, i Results: No violations were identifie L


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8800020115 000715 PDR G ADOCK 05000029 i PNU l  ! ,


Details 1.0 Persons Contacted During the course of this inspection, the following personnel were contacted or interviewe .1 Licensee Personnel

 *T. Henderson, Assistant Pla'it Superintendent
 *R. Mellor, Technical Director
 *G. Babineau, Radiation Protection Manger
 "M. Hedges, Chemistry Manager
 *M. Vandale, Radiation Protection Engineer
 *J. Spitulnik, Plant Training Supervisor
 " O'Donnell, Senior Instructor L, Bozak, Quality Services Supervisor D. Neumann, Quality Services Engineer 1.2 NRC Personnel H. Eichenholz, SRI
 *C Carpenter, RI
 * Denotes those present at the exit meeting en June 24, 198 .0 Actions on Previously Identified Findings

' 2.1 (Closed) Inspector Follow-up Item (29/85-05-04) Licensee to acquire a backup multi-channel analyzer or obtain written confirnation of an outside agretment to provide backup analysis. On July 19, 1935, the licensee signed a memorandum with a nearby licensed nuclear power plant to provide backup analysis capability. This item is close .2 (Closed) Inspector Follow up Item (29/66-04-02) ) Licensee to incorporate action statements based on exceeding a priori  ; criteria and block system use to prevent unmonitored un:entrolled radioactive releases to the environment. The inspector reviewed three procedures:



 * OP-8702, "Unnonitored Releases";
 * OP-9246, "Radioactive Liquid Releases"; and     l

OP-9002, "Second*.ry Water Chemistry Control Program" and found them to contain guidance en sampling, sample frequency and detec-tion limits, and evaluation criteria appropriate to address j concerns in NRC IE Bulletin 80-1 This item is close !


2.3 (Closed) Inspector Follow-up Item (29/86-04-03) l Licensee to evalsate the applicability for conforming to acceptable industry practices of periodic in place filter testin The


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licensee tested the Primary Auxiliary Building (PAB) Ventilation Systems on 28 June - 2 July 1987 and has scheduled testing for the next refueling outage. Procedure OP-9243, Rev. 6, Change No. 1 includes testing frequency and evaluations following possible degradation due to fire or maintenanc This action was responsive to NRC initiatives and is satisfactor This item is close .4 (Closed) Inspector Follow-up Item (29/86-16-01) Licer.see to revise a procedure for inclusion of a manual method for dose equivalent iodine-131 calculations (DEI). Procedure OP-9244,

 "Radionuclide Analysis of Primary Coolant and Purification System" now includes a form for DEI analyses. This item is close .0 Purpose

The purpose of this routine inspection was to review the licensee's radiation protection program in tre following area Control of radioactive material transportation including:

* Training and qualification of personnel;
* Quality Assurance;
* Procurement and selection of packaging;
* Use of packages and delivery to carriers; and
* Records and report Control of low level waste disposal, including:
* Organization;
* Quality control;

Waste manifests and tracking; and


Waste characterization and classificatio ; Towards this end, the inspector reviewed records of all radioactive waste l shipments for 1987 and 19SS, (January 1 to present) and selected

] radioactive materials shipment .0 Management Controls 4.1 Organization     l

The licensee's Radiation Protection Manager has the overall responsibility for the radwaste program. This individual reports to the Technical Director who reports to the Plant Superintenden A Radiation Protection Engineer has been assigned the responsibility , for overseeing the day to day activities and program i implementation. Radiation Protection technicians and Radwaste ' Handlers assist this individual. The RPE performs calculations to j support waste manifest radionuclide activities and classification under 10 CFR 61.5 The licensee's environmental laboratory performs analyses on waste streams to provide site specific scaling





factors and uses a vendor lab to confirm the results. Quality Services personnel provide receipt inspection of packages, vehicle inspections, munitoring of radwaste preparation and shipping operations. The licensee's corporate QA group performs audit Within the scope of this review, no concerns were note .2 Procedures The licensee's procedures for processing, preparation, packaging and shipping radwaste materials were reviewed relative to criteria in 10 CFR 20.311, 10 CFR 71.5, 10 CFR 71.12 and Agreement State Burial Site licenses. Procedure OP-8301, "Shipment of Radioactive Material" was reviewed for adequacy and checked for implementation for twelve radwaste anc' four radioactive rnaterials shipments that were reviewe Within the scope of tais review, no violations were noted, 4.3 Indoctrination and Training The licensee's indoctrination and training prograin was reviewed relative to commitments in tne licensee's responsv to NRC IE Bulletin 79-19. Training provided to individuals with varying , responsibilities for the twelve radwaste shipments were briefly reviewe l Within the scope of this review, no deviations were rote .0 Quality Assurance (QA)/ Quality Control (QCJ l Specific quality control requirements are rnandated by 10 CFR 20.311 to assure complianco with 10 CFR 61.55 and 10 CFR 61.5 The establishment of a Quality Assurance Program of the packaging and tra sportation of radioactive materials is required by 10 CFR 71, Subpart H. A Comission approved Quality Assurance Prc, gram which satisfies the criteria of 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Quality Assurance Program which is established, maintained and implemented for transport packages is acceptable to rneet the requirements of 10 CFR 71, Subpart H. The licensee elected to apply the established 10 CFR 50, Appendix B Quality Assurance Program to packaging and shipping activities. The application of the licensee's QA/QC program to the licensee's responsibilities as a solid radwaste generator and shipper was reviewe .1 Waste Generator QC/ Process Control Frogram Process con *.rol procedures for solidification of evaporator bottoms were reviewed to determine verification of proper radwaste form under 10 CFR 61.56. Both auxiliary operators arJ quality services personnel verify suitable waste forms. Calculations for determining waste classification under 10 CFR 61.55 were peer reviewed within l



quality services and the radiation protection group for a percentage of drums / boxes from each shipment. Quality Services inspections had noted that the frequency of thimble insertion to evaluate potential for free standing water was not met and the licensee initiated special orders to auxiliary operators to remind them of this requiremen Corporate QA audit No. Y-87-09, conducted in Septer.:ber,1987 was ra-viewed relative to inclusion of 10 CFR 61.55-56 attributes and licensee management review of that audi Within the scope of this review, no violations were foun .2 RjadioactiveMaterialsShipperQC/QA Under the licensee's Operational QA Program, the licensee delineated each section of 10 CFR 71, Subpart H and its corresponding section in the QA Program. Audit Y-87-09 included each applicable section from receipt inspection to final QC inspection and monitoring activities. For the twelve shipments reviewed, the inspector verified that the licensee had monitored activities throughout preparation, pac (aging and shipping activities, and implemented the QA Progra The licensee infrt quently uses casks or liners but during the inspection, a CNSI S-120-B cask was received for future use. The inspector witnessed receipt inspection and monitoring activities during this evaluatio Within the scope of this review, no violations were note .0 Radwaste Generator Requirement _s 6.1 The inspector revie,ed the twelve shipments against each of the following radwaste generator requirements:

 *     '

Waste Manifests urder 10 CFR 70.311(d)(4) and 20.311(b) and (c);


Waste Classification under 10 CFR 20.311(d)(3) and 10 CFR 61.55;


Waste Form and Characterization under 10 CFR 20.311(d)(3) and 10 CFR 61.56;

 * Waste Shipment labeling under 10 CFR 20.311(d)(2) and 10 CFR 61.55;

Tracking of waste shipments under 10 CFR 20.311(d).(e),(f) and '

 (b); and
 * Adherence to disposal site license conditions for Agreem.ent State licenses under 10 CFR 30,4 The bases for determining waste class through sampling and analysis and )

dose to curie conversions were reviewed and discussed with the Radia- i tion Protection Enginee I l Within the scope of this review, no violations were note l

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6.2 Procurement and Selection of Packages Since there are only small amounts of radioactive waste generated at this facility (the last resin shipment occurred in 1935) only one Type B cask was onsit Its Certificate of Compliance was reviewed and the receipt inspection reflected the C of C requirement Withir, the scope of this review, no violations were note .3 Preparation of Packages for Shipment The licensee's preparation of packages for shipment, pursuant to the requirements of 49 CFR 172 and 173 and 10 CFR 71.87 was reviewe The licensee's performance relative to these criteria was determined through interviews with the Radiation Protection Group and review of procedures, shipping records and other documant Within the scope of this review, no violations were note .4 Delivery of Packages to Carriers The licensee's delivery of packages to carriers was reviewed against criteria in: a 10 CFR 71.5(a)(1(iii) "Placarding";

   *  10 CFR 71.5(a)(1)(vi), "Shipping Manifests";  i

10 CFR 71.5(a)(1)(iv), "Public Highway 49 CFR 177"; and

   * Procedural requirement Tne licensee's performance relative to these was ovaluated by review of shipping records and discussions with personne Within the scope of this review, no violations were noted.

< 7.0 Exj t interview


' The inspector met with licensee representatives denoted in Section 1.0 at l the conclusion of the inspection on June 24, 1958. The inspector ' summarized the scope of the inspection and the inspection findings. At no time during the inspection were written materials given to the licensee , ) by the inspecto l


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