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Equipment Evaluation Rept by Ofc of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Equipment Qualification Branch for AL Power Co Jm Farley Unit 1, Partial Review
Person / Time
Site: Farley Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 02/13/1981
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20126F817 List:
NUDOCS 8103200335
Download: ML20126F818 (46)


{{#Wiki_filter:. . O Partial Review



t a Partial Review EQUIPMENT EVALUATION REPORT BY THE OFFICE OF NUCLEAR REACTOR REGULATION EQUIPMENT QUALIFICATION BRANCH FOR ALABAMA POWER COMPANY JOSEPH M. FARLEY UNIT 1 DOCKET N0. 50-348 - 3 STAFF EQUIPMENT EVALUATION The staff evaluation of the licensee's response included an onsite inspection of selected Class IE equipment and an examination of the licensee's report for completeness and acceptability. The criteria described in the 00R guidelines and in NUREG-0588, in part, were used as a basis for the staff evaluation of the adequacy of the licensee's qualification program. The NRC Office of Inspection and Enforcement performed (1) a preliminary ~ evaluation of the licensee's response, documented in a technical evaluation report (TER) and (2) an onsite verification inspection (week of December 1, 1980) of selected safety-related electrical equipment. The main steam, auxiliary steam and auxiliary feedwater, and feedwater control systems were inspected. The inspection verified proper installation of equipment, overall interface integrity, and manufacturers' nameplate data. The manufacturer's name and model number from the nameplate data were compared to information given in the Component Evaluation Work Sheets (CES) of the licensee's report. The site inspection is documented in report IE 50-348/80-38. No deficiencies were noted other than discrepancies identified on 14 components where actual nameplate data are different from the information in the licensee's submittals. These discrepancies had been identified by the' licensee before the site inspection and corrective measures had been taken. For this review, the documents referenced above have been factored into the overall staff evaluation. 3.1 Completeness of Safety-Related Equipment In accordance with IEB 79-018, the licensee was directed to (1) establish a list of systems and equipment that are required to mitigate a LOCA and an HELB and (2) identify components needed to perform the function of safety-related display information, post-accident sampling and monitoring, and radiation monitoring. ] The staff developed a generic master list based upon a review of plant safety I analyses and emergency procedures. The instrumentation selected includes i parameters to monitor overall plant performance as well as to monitor the per-  ! formance of the systems on the list. The systems list was established on the basis of the functions that must be performed for accident mitigation (without regard to location of equipment relative to hostile environments). 1 The list of safety-related systems provided by the licensee was reviewed against the staff-developed master list. Based upon information in the licensee's submittal, the equipment location l references, and in some cases subsequent conversations with the licensee, the j staff has verified and determined that the systems included in the licensee's submittal are those required to achieve or support: (1) ercrgency reactor l

l t shutdown, (2) containment isolation, (3) reactor core cooling, (4) containment heat removal, (5) core residual heat removal, and (6) prevention of significant release of radioactive material to the environment. The staff therefore concludes that the systems identified by the licensee (listed in Appendix D) are acceptable, with the exception of those items discussed in Section 5 of this report. Display instrumentation which provides information for the reator operators to aid them in the safe handling of the plant was not specifically identified by the licensee. A complete list of all display instrumentation mention ~ed in the LOCA and HELB emergency procedures must be provided. Equipment qualification inf.ormation in the form of summary sheets should be provided for all components of the display instrumentation exposed to harsh environments. Instrumentation whicn is not considered to be safety-related, but which -is mentioned in the emergency procedures should appear on the list. For these instruments, (1) justification should be provided for not considering the instrument safety-related and (2) assurance should be provided that its subsequent failure will not - mislead the operator or adversely affect the mitigation of the consequences of the accident. The environmental qualification of post-accident sampling and monitoring, and radiation monitoring equipment is closely related to the review of the TMI - lessons-learned modifications and will be performed in conjunction with that review. The licensee identified 703 items of equipment which were assessed by the staff.

3. 2 Service Conditions Commission Memorandum and Orcer CLI-30-21 requires that the 00R guidelines and the ' For Comment" NUREG-0588 are to De used as the criteria for establishing the acequacy of the safety-related electrical equipment environmental qualifica-tion orogram. These documents provide the option of estaclishing a bounding cressare and temperature concition based on plant-specific analysis identi:1ed in na licensee's Final Safety Analysis Report (F5AR) or basec on generic prcfiles using the metnocs icentified in tnese occuments.

On this basis, the staff has assumed, unless otherwise noted, that the analy d for developing the environmental envelopes for Farley Unit 1, relative to the temperature, pressure, and the containment spray caustics, has been performed l i'n accordance with the requirements stated above. The staff has reviewed the quaPfication documentation to ensure that the qualification specifications enveicoe the conditions estaclished by the licensee. During this review, the staff assumed that for plants designed and equipped with an automatic contain-ment spray system which satisfies the single-failure criterion, the main-steam-line-creak (MSLB) environmental conditions are enveloped by the large-break-LOCA environmental conditions. The staff assumed, and requires the licensee to verify, that the containment spray system is not subjected to a disabling single-component failure and therefore satisfies the requirements of Section j 4.2.1 of the DOR guidelines. a b I 4

                   - _                                . -          --                  .            -     . ~ .

Equipment submergence has also been addressed where the possibility exists. that flooding of equipment may result from HELBs.

3. 3 Temperature, Pressure, and Humidity Conditions Inside Containment The licensee has provided the results of accident analyses as follows: .

Max Temo (*F) Max Press (psig) Humidity (%) LOCA . 300 47.5 100 MSLB (not provided) (not provided) 100 The'. staff has concluded that the minimum temperature profile used in the specifications for equipment qualification purposes should include a margin to account for higher-than-average temperatures in the upper regions of the containment that can exist due to stratification, especially following a postulated MSLB. Use of the steam saturation temperature corresponding to'the - total building pressure (partial pressure of steam plus partial pressure of

       ,     air) versus time will provide an acceptable margin for either a postulated LOCA or MSLB, whichever is controlling, as to potential adverse environmental effects on equipment.

The licensee's temperature profile does not appear to fully envelope in all cases the saturation temperature profile recommended by the staff. The peak emperature and peak pressure conditions do not occur at the same time. The saturation temperature of 290 F at the pressure of 47.5 psig should be used

             'nstead. The licensee temperature of 272 F at 47.5 psig does not satisfy the ab ve requirement. The licensee should update his equipment summary tables to e' lect the' change. .If there is any equipment that does not meet the staff
orition, the licensee must either provide justification that the equipment ei"7 cerform its intended function under the specified conditions or propose
o vective action. .

3.1 Temoerature. Pressure, and Humidity Conditions Outside Containment

            -r5 'i:ensee has proviaed the temperature, pressure, and humidity associated wi n ar HELB outside containment and applicable radiation levels associate:                                      .

witn equipment in the proximity of recirculating fluid lines. The following area outside containment has been addressed: (1) Auxiliary building he,itaff has verified that the parameters identified by the licensee for the MSLi are acceptable. l l 3.5 Submergence l 1 Ine maximum submergence levels have been established and assessed by the licensee. Unless otherwise noted, the, staff assumed for this review that the methodol.ogy employed by the licensee is in accordance with the appropriate criteria as established by Commission Memorandum and Order CLI-80-21. 1 i ._ . _~ .- -, . . . - . . , m. .- _ _ . , - . . _ _ _ _ . . - - ._ _

                                                                                                                     ,   _    ._..~.-

1 The licensee's value for maximum submergence is 15 f t elevation inside containment. Equipment below this level has been identified by the licensee. The licensee stated that the components will perform their functions before becoming submerged. In this case, the licensee should provide an assessment of the failure modes associated with the submergence of the equipment. The licensee should also provide assurance that the subsequent failure of the component (s) will not adversely affect any other safety functions or mislead an operator. Additionally, the licensee should discuss operating time, across the spectrum of events, in relation to the time of submergence. If the results of the licensee's assessment are acceptable, then the component (s) may be exe.mpt from the submergence parameter of qualification. In aadition, the licensee has identified a flood level of 3 ft 5 in above the floor as the maximum flood level resulting from the worst-case HELB outside containment. The licensee has stated that all safety-related equipment outside containment is above this level. 3.6 Chemical Spray The licensee has specified that boric acid solution constitutes its chemical spray; however, the exact volume percent concentration and pH values were not provided. Therefore, for the purpose of this review, the effects of chemical spray will be considered unresolved. The staff will review the licensee's respons.e when it is submittec and discuss the resolution in a supplemental re: ort.

3. ~ Acina Se:: ion 7 of the D0R guidelines. does not require a qualified life to be estab-
     ' 5"ed for all safety-related electrical equipment.      However, the following acti:ns are required:

(1) Make a detailed comparison of existing equipment and the materials identi-

            #ied in Appendix C of the DDR guicelines. The first supplement to IES-79-018 l            recuires licensees to utili::e tre table in Appenaix C and identify any acoitional materials as :ne res;.1; of their effort.

(2) Establish an ongoing program to review surveillance and maintenance records to identify potential age-related degradations. (3; Establish component maintenance and replacement schedules which include

          , considerations of aging characteristics of the installed components.

The licensee identified a numoer of equipment items for which a specified qualified life was established (for examples, 5 years,15 years, or 40 years). In its assessment of these suomittals, the staff did not review the adequacy of :ne methodology nor the basis used to arrive at these values; the staff has assumed that the established values are based on state-of-the-art technology and are acceptable. For this review, however, the staff requires that the licensee submit supple-mental information to verify and identify the degree of conformance to the abeve requirements. The response should include all the equipment identified as required to maintain functional operability in harsh environments. The licensee indicated that the phase of their response is outstanding and that the review is in progress. The staff will review the licensee's response when it is submitted and discuss its evaluation in a supplemental report. 3.8 Radiation (Inside and Outside Containment) The licensee has provided values for the radiation levels postulated -to exist following a LOCA. The application and methodology employed to determine these values were presented to the licensee as part of the NRC staff criteria con-tai'ned in the D0R guidelines, in NUREG-0588, and in the guidance provided in IEE-79-018, Supplement 2. Therefore, for this review, the staff has assumed that, unless otherwise noted, the values provided have been determined in accordance with the prescribed criteria. The staff review determined that the va'.ues to which equipment was qualified enveloped the requirements identified _ Oy tne licensee. The value required by the licensee inside containment is 5 x 107 gamma and 2 x 10s beta rads for the integrated dose. These values envelope the DDR guiceline requirements and th.trefore are acceptable. . A required value outside containment of 1.1 x 105 rads in the RHR/LH5I pum c:r has been used by the licensee to specify limiting radiation levels outside c tainment. This value appears to consider the raciation levels influencea , :y tne source term methodology associated with post-LOCA recirculation fluic

        es and is therefore acceptable.
             ;J'LIFICATION OF EQUIPMENT e '0110 wing sucsections present tne staff's assessment, basec On tne licensee's n.: 'ttal, of the qualification status of safety-related electrical equipment.
       -re staff nas separated tne safety-related equipment into three categcries:
          . 50.:ipment requiring imme:iate corrective action. (2) equi: ent recuiri g a::itional qualification inf:rmation anc/or corrective action, and (3) ecuic-ment consicered acceptacle if tne staff's concern icentified in Section 3.7 is sa.isfactorily resolved.

In its assessment of the licensee's suomittal, the NRC staff did not review tes ethodology employed to determine the values established by the licensee., in reviewing :ne cata sneets, the staff mace a determination as to tre stated conditions presented by tne licensee. Accitionally, the staff nas Sc ::moleted its review of supporting documentation referencec by the licen-see (for example, test reports). It is expected that when the review of test e::rts is complete, tne environmental qualification cata bank establisbec by
        . e staff will provide tne means to cross reference each supporting document to ne referencing licensee.

If sutporting documents are found to be unacceptable, the licensee will be 3 re:uired to take additional correttive actions to either establish qualifica-t" r or replace the item (s) of c;ncern. This effort will begin in early 1931. ] An appendix for each subsection of this report provides a list of equipment for wnich additional information and/or. corrective action is required. Where ' acpropriate, a reference is provided in the appendices to identify deficiencies.  : It should be noted, as in the Commission Memorandum and Order, that the deficien-cies identified do not necessarily mean that equipment is unqualified. However, 3 they are cause for concern and may require further case-by-case evaluation. 4.1 Ecuipment Recuirino Immediate Corrective Action ,


4.2 Ecuioment Recuiring Additional Information and/or Corrective Action l Appendix B identifies equipment in this category, including a tabulation of ceficiencies. The deficiencies are noted by a letter relating to the legend (identified below), indicating that the information provided is not sufficient for the qualification parameter or condition. Legend

     ,                                         R radiation 7         -

temperature OT qualification time RT - required time pressure i - numicity C5 - chemical spray A material-acinc evaluation; replacement sene:uie; ongoing ecui: ent surveillance 3 - submergence M - margin  : I - HELE evaluation outside containment not completed i QM qualification method , RPN - equipment relocation or replacement; adequate schedule not provided EXN - exempted equipment justification inadequate SEN - separate-effects qualification justification inadequate

                                            <  ;I       -

qualification information being develecee RPS - equipment relocation or replacement scnedule provided - As neted in Section 4, these deficiencies do not necessarily mean that the ecuipment is unqualified. However, the deficiencies are cause for concern and l recuire further case-by-case evaluation. The staff has determined that an acceptable basis to exempt equipment from qualification, in whole or part, can be established provided the following can be established and verified by the licensee: 4

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            . (1) Equipment does not perform essential safety functions in the harsh environ-ment, and equipment failure in the harsh environment will not~ impact

, safety-related functions or mislead an operator. (22)~ Equipment performs its function before its exposure to tne harsh environ-ment, and the adequacy for the time margin provided is adequately justified, and (20) Subsequent failure of the equipment as a result of the harsh environment does not degrade other safety functions or mislead the operator.* (3). The safety related function can be accomplished by some other designated equipment that has been adequately qualified anc satisfies the' single-failure criterion. (4) Equipment will not be subjected to a harsh environment as a result of the postulated accident. - The licensee is, therefore, required to supplement the information presented oy providing resolutions to the deficiencies identifiec; these resolutions . snould include a description of the corrective action, scnedules' for its ' completion (as applicable), and so forth. The staff will review the licenseets response, when it is submitted, and discuss the resolution in a supplemental , recort. It snould be noted that in cases where testing is being' conducted, a condition ay arise which results in a determination by tne licensee tnat tne equipment

ss not satisfy the qualification test requirements. ?cr that equipment, the
              :ensee will ce requirec to provice tne proposed corrective action, on a                         .

i ely basis, to ensure that qualification can be establisned by June 30,

                .3     Ecuioment Considerec Accectacle or Conditionally Accectable Esse:.on the staff revie, of tne licensee's suocittal. the staff icentifie:
s ecuicment in Appencix C is (1) acceptable on tne casis that tne cualif'-
at'or program adequately _enveloced tne specific environmental plant parameters, or (2) conditionally acceptacle subject to tne satisfactory resolution of :ne staff concern identified in Section 3.7. i For the equipment identified as conditionally acceptable, the staff determined trat the licensee did not clearly (1) state that an equipment material evaluation was concucted to ensure tnat no known materials susceptible to degradation cecause of aging have been used, (2) establish an ongoing p*ogram to review the plant' surveillance and main- ,

tenance records in order to identify equipment degradation which may be i age related, and/or l t i

(3) ' propose a maintenance program and replacement schedule for equipment identified in item 1 or equipment that is qualified for less than the life of the plant. The licensee is, therefore, required to supplement the information presented for equipment in this category before full acceptance of this equipment can be established. The staff will review the licensee's response when it is sub-mitted and discuss the resolution in a supplemental report. . 5 DEFERRED REQUIREMENTS IEB 79-01B, Supplement 3 has relaxed the time constraints for the submission of the 'information associated with cold shutdown equipment and TMI lessons-learned modifications. The staff has required that this information be provided by February 1, 1981. The staff will provide a supplemental safety evaluation adcressing these concerns. h s 9

APPENDIX B-Equipment Requiring Additional Information- 4 and/or Corrective Action (Category 4.2) 4 LEGEND: Designation for Deficiency


R - Radiation ' f T - Temperature ' QT . Qualification Time RT - Required Time

                                   .P - Pressure H.- Humidity                                                                                                                                                                 - ;

CS'- Chemical spray

       ,                            A - Material aging evaluation, replacement schedule, ongoing equipment surveillance 5 - Submergence M - Margin I - HELB evaluation outside containment not completed QM - Qualification method RPN - Equipment relocation or replacement, adequate schedule not provided EXN - Exempted equipment justification inadequate SEN'- Separate effects qualification justification inadequate QI - Qualification information being developed RPS - Equipment relocation or replacement-schedule provided Equipment Description                                                                               Manufacturer                Comconent No.                        Deficiency Resistance Thermometer                                                                    Rosemount                   N1813TE4123                          R,A,QM,M,CS Detector Resistance Thermometer                                                                    Rosemount                   N1813TE4120                          R,A,QM,M,CS Detector-Resistance Thermometer                                                                    Rosemount                   N1813TE422B                          R,A,QM,M,CS Detector Resistance Thermometer                                                                    Rosemount                   N1813TE422D                          R,A,QM,M,CS Detector Resistance Thermometer                                                                    Rosemount                   N1813TE432B                          R,A,QM,M,CS Detector Resistance Thermometer                                                                    Rosemount                   N1813TE432D                          R,A,QM,M,CS Detector B-1
- . . _   O. 4   --- . .~ , -                 - . , ~ , . . , . _ . ~ , . . . . . . . , - . . - . . - . . _ . . . . . .                 +_v_.-,,_       , _ , . - - .   . . . , -           ,-   -.,.-a-

APPENDIX B (Continued) Equipment Description Manufacturer Comoonent No. Deficiency  ; Terminal Block States 11TB001 A,QM,S,CS Terminal Block States 11TB002 A,QM,S,CS  ; Terminal Block States 21TB003 A,QM,S,CS- - Terminal Block- States 21TB004 A,QM,S,CS Terminal Block States 31TB001 A,QM,S,CS Terminal Block States 31TB002 - A,QM,S,CS

                      ' Electrical Penetration                                   GE                                 Q1T528012                                   A,M,CS                                '

Electrical Penetration GE Q1T528028 A,M,CS Electrical Penetration GE Q1T528030 A,M,CS Instrument Cable Boston Insul. IV1V5002B A,M,CS i Wire i

nstrument Cable Boston Insul. 1VIV50020 A,M,CS Wi re Instrument Cable Boston Insul. IV2V5002B A,M,CS  :


nstrument Cable Boston Insul. IV2V50020 A,M,CS Wire
nstrument Cable Boston Insul. IV3V5002B A,M,CS Wire 2

Instrument Cable Boston Insul. IV3V5002D A,M,CS l Wire  ! i Pressure Transmitter Barton N1321PT402 R,T,P,H,A,QM,M,CS  ! Pressure Transmitter Barton N1821PT403 R,T,P,H,A,0M,M,CS ) l Resistance Thermometer Rosemount N1821TE410 R,A,QM,M,CS i Detector ) Resistance Thermometer Rosemount N1821TE413 R,A,QM,M,CS Detector B-2 ga a-.- -y. a g- ggyve+--egm. + , - -g-og-,-+r+, gew---++ecg wy,+r e,--=er e w---- gs-s s - -e wee. ** mew--+o'ee--u.., ~---w.s -r-w >+-e =+=w =----w+ v"--+- -e -

                                                                         . - . . .                    -                                                =    .

APPENDIX B-(Continued) Equipment Description Manufacturer Comconent No. Deficiency Resistance Thermometer Rosemount- N1821TE420 R,A,QM,M,CS Detector Resistance Thermometer Rosemount N1821TE423 R,A,QM,M,CS Detector - Resistance Thermometer Rosemount N1821TE430 R,A,QM,M,CS Detector . Resistance Thermometer Rosemount N1821TE433 R,A,QM,M,CS Detector - Terminal Block States 11TB001 A,QM,5,CS Terminal Block States 11TB003 A,QM,S,CS Terminal Block States 11TB004 A,QM,5,CS Terminal Block States 21TB001 A,QM,S,CS

   ,                          Terminal Block                                         States                      21TB002                  A,QM,S,CS Terminal Block                                         States                      21TB005                  A,QM,5,CS Electrical Penetration                                 GE                          01T528012                A,M,CS Electrical Penetration                                GE                          Q1T523030                 A,M,CS Eit-trical Penetration                                GE                          Q1T52E0 0                 A,M,CS Instrument Cable                                      Boston Insul.                IVYV5031B                A,M,CS Wire Iri -ument Ceble                                      Boston Insul.               IVYV50338                 A,M,CS Wire Instrument Cable                                      Boston Insul.               IVYV5002E                 A,M,CS                        ,

Wire ' r Instrument Cable Boston Insul. IVYV5002F A,M,CS Wire Instrument Cable Boston Insul. IVYV50020 A,M,CS Wire

  • Instrument Cable Boston Insul. IV2V5002E A,M,CS Wire B-3

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APPENDIX B (Continued). Equipment Description Manufacturer Comoonent No. Deficiency Instrument Cable Boston Insul. IV2V5002F A,M,CS Wire Instrument Cable Boston Insul. IV2V5002G A,M,CS ' Wire . Limit Switch Namco Controls N1831ZS8047 A,QM,5,CS Electrical Penetration GE QIT528022 A,M,CS Electrical Penetration GE QIT528038 - A,M,CS -

                               ' , Terminal Block                             States                           N1831SV8047-8/JB A,QM,S,CS Level Transmitter                            Barton                           Q1831LT459                       R,T,P,H,A,QM,M,CS             .

Level Transmitter Barton Q1B31LT460 R,T,P,H,A,QM,M,CS Level Transmitter Barton Q1831LT461 R,T,P,H,A,QM,M,CS

     .                           Pressure Transmitter                         Foxboro                          Q1831PT455                      R,T,P,H,A,QM,M,CS Pressure Transmitter                         Foxboro                          Q1831PT456                      R,T,P,H,A,QM,M,CS 1

P-essure Transmitter Foxboro Q1B31PT457 R,T,P,H,A,QM,M,CS Instrument Cable Boston Insul. IVYV50310 A,5,M,CS Wire Instrument Cable Boston Insul. IVYV5002U A,5,M,CS Wire Instrument Cable Boston Insul. IV2V5002T A,S,M,CS Wire Instrument Cable Boston Insul. IV2V5002U A,5,M,CS Wire Instrument Caele Boston Insul. IV3V5002T .4,5,M,CS Wire Instrue.ent Cable Boston Insul. IV3V50020 A,5,M,CS Wire Electrical Penetration GE Q1T528012 A,M,CS Electrical Penetration GE Q1T528028 A,M,CS B-4 I 4.w--er,,.m ,s.-.r ,-m, n = i, - ,e,e- -. r-e,e ,.m.w ,.w e.m..m .- , - ,, w m,e mg,- g..m., - -*-,we,-w --er--, - - - - - um r-a,

l 1 APPENDIX B (Continued) Equipment Desc~iption Manufacturer Component No. Deficiency Electrical Penetration GE Q1T528030 A,M,CS Electrical Penetration GE Q1T528040 A,M,CS-

  • Control Cable Okonite. IVBL5078C A,5,M,CS -

Control Cable Okonite IVBQ5021E A,$,M,CS Solenoid Valve ASCO N1C22SV0498A R,T,QT,P,H,A,QM,QI Solenoid Valve ASCO. N1C22SV0479B R,T,QT,P,H,A,QM,QI -

             '. Terminal Block                                 States         N1C22V0478A-A/JB T,A Terminal B1ock                                  States         NIC22V0488A-A/JB .T,A Terminal Block                                  States         N1C22V0498A-A/JB T,A Level Transmitter                               Barton         Q1C22LT474                             R,T,P,H,A,QM,M,CS
  ,            Leve' Transmitter                               Barton         Q1C22LT475                             R,T,P,H,A,QM,M,CS Level Transmitter                               Barton         Q1C22LTd76                             R,T,P,H,A,QM,M,CS Level Transmitter                               Barton         Q1C22LTd84                             R,T,P,H,A,QM,M,CS Level Transmitter                              Barton          Q1C22LT485                             R,T,P,H,A,QM,M,CS Level Transmitter                              Barton          Q1C22LT486                             R,T,P,H,A,QM,M,CS Level Transmitter                              Barton          Q1C22LT494                             R,T,P,H,A,QM,M,CS Level Transmitter                              Barton          Q1C22LT495                            R,T,P,H,A,QM,M,CS Level Transmitter                              Barton          Q1C22LT496                             R,T,P,H,A,QM,M,CS Flow Transmitter                                Foxboro         Q1C22FT474                             R,T,P,H,A,QM,M,CS Flow Transmitter                                Foxboro         Q1C22FT475                            R,T,P,H,A,QM,M,CS Flow Transmitter                                Foxboro         Q1C22FT484                            R,T,P,H,A,QM,M,CS Flow Transmitter                                Foxboro         Q1C22FT485                            R,T,P,H,A,QM,M,CS Flow Transmitter                                Foxboro         Q1C22FT494                            R,T,P,H,A,QM,M,CS Flow Transmitter                                Foxboro         Q1C22FT495                            R,T,P,H,A,QM,M,CS B-5

9 - , l APPENDIX B (Continued) Equipment Description Manufacturer Component No. Deficiency Electrical Penetration GE Q1T528010 A,M,CS Electrical Penetration- GE Q1T528012 A,M,CS '

                                       'lectrical Penetration E                                       GE                                                              A,M,CS Q1T528028                                         -
     ,_                                Electrical Penetration                  GE                                  Q1T528030                   A,M,CS InstrumentCabie                         Boston Insul.                       IV1V5002L'                  A,M,CS Wire

Instrument Cable Boston Insul. IV1V5002M A,M,CS Wire Instrument Cable Boston Insul. 1V1V5002N A,M,CS Wire Instrument Cable Boston Ir.sul. IV2V5002L A,M,CS Wire

     .                                Instrument Cable                         Boston Insul.                       IV2V5002M                    4,M,CS Wire Instrument Cable
  • Boston Insul. IV2V5002N A,M,CS Wire Instrument Cable Boston Insul. IV3V5002H A,M,CS ,

Wire . Instrument Cable Boston Insul. IV3V5002J A,M,CS Wire . Instrument Cable Boston Insul. IV3V5002K A,M,CS Wire Instrument Cable Bostan Insul. IV3V5002L A,M,CS Wire Instrument Cable' Boston Insul. IV3V5002M A,M,CS r Wire Instrument Cable Boston Insul. IV3V5002N A,M,CS , Wire Instrument Cable Boston Insul. IV4V5002A A,M,CS  ; Wire B-6 I s es--.-m wa .. -e----em-<-, -~ w .-- .,, . . - - - - rc. -.y .. - , --w,--w. --w------n-m_m,,-, -

                                                                                                                                                 -m.-,---  -w--

w . s--.. - - -.a- , .,-,. ., s r APPENDIX B (Continued) Equipment Description Manufacturer Comconent No. Deficiency Instrument Cable Boston Insul. IV4V5002B A,M,CS Wire Instrument Cable Boston Insul. IV4V5002C , A,M,CS Wire - Level Transmitter Delaval Q1E11LT3594A A,M,CS Level Transmitter Delaval Q1E11LT3594B A,M,CS EiectricalPenetration. CE Q1T523006 A,M,CS - Electrical Penetration GE Q1T528020 A,M,CS Control Cable Okonite 1VAI5009F A,H,CS Control Cable Okonite IVBI5008C A,M,CS 1-in. Motor-0perated Valve Limitorque Q1E'4V002

                                                                    .                    A,M,CS 1-in. Motor-Operated Valve Limitorque             Q1E14VC04                A,'M,CS Limit Switch                 Namco Controls       Q1P13ZS3196              A,CS Limit Switch
  • Namco Controls Q1P~3ZS2867B
                                                                    .                    A,CS Limit Switch                 Namcc Controls       Q1P'.3ZS3197             A,CS Limit Saitch                 Namco Controls       Q'P'_3ZS2866B

_ A,CS Limit Switen Namco Controls Q E'2ZS3999A _. A,CS Limit Switch Namco Controls. Q1E12ZS3999B A,CS  ! Motor Joy Manufactur- Q1E12M001A A,CS ing Motor Joy Manufactur- Q1E12M001B A,CS ing Motor Joy Manufactur- Q1E12M001C A,CS ing Motor Joy Manufactur- Q1E12M0010 A,CS . ing Terminal Block States Q1P135V3196-B/JB A,CS

                                   .                      B-7
                                        -   -a                              --s,     w   c

APPENDIX B (Continued) Equipment Description Manufacturer Component No. Deficiency Electrical Penetration GE Q1T528001 A,M,CS Electrical Penetration GE Q1T528002 A,M,CS Electrical Penetration GE Q1T528005 A,M,CS - Electrical Penetration GE Q1T528006 A,M,CS Electrical Penetration GE Q1T528007 A,M,CS Electrical Penetration GE Q1T528019 A,M,CS -

   ' Electrical Penetration  GE               Q1T52B020         A,M,CS Electrical Penetration  GE               Q1T528022         A,M,CS Electrical Penetration  GE               Q1T528023         A,M,CS Electrical Penetration  GE               Q1T528025         A,M,CS Ele:trical Penetration  GE               Q1T528041         A,M,CS Terminal Block           States           Q1P135V28678-8/JB A,CS Terminal Block           States           Q1P135V3197B-B/JB A,CS Terminal Block           States           Q1P13SV2866B-B/JB A,CS Terminal Block          States           Q1P135V3999A-A/JB A,CS Terminal Block           States           Q1P13SV39998-B/JB A,CS Power Cable             Okonite          1VAFU-R5Q         A,M,CS Power Cable              Okonite          IVAFU-J4Q         A,M,CS Power Cable              Okonite          1VAED-15Q         A,M,CS Power Cable              Okonite          IVAED-16Q         A,M,CS Power Cable              Okonite          1VBEE-08Q         A,M,CS Power Cable              Okonite          IVBEE-16Q         A,M,CS Control Cable            Okonite          IVAFU-R5D         A,M,CS Control Cable            Okonite          1VAQ5048F         A,M,CS B-8
        ,                                                                                               t APPENDIX B (Continued)

Equipment , Description Manufacturer Component No. Deficiency Control Cable Okonite IVXR5005H A,M,CS Control Cable Okonite 1VAFU-J4D A,M,CS >

  • Control Cable Okonite. IVAQ5009C A,M,CS -

Control Cable Okonite IVBL5008C A,M,CS Control Cable Okonite IVBL50080 A,M,CS-Control Cable Okonite IVBL5008K- A,M,CS - t Control Cable Okonite IVBL5008L A,M,CS Control Cable Okonite IVBQ5010J A,M,CS Control Cable Okonite IVYR5035D A,M,CS Control Cable Okonite IVBL5008X A,M,CS Cor. trol Cable Okonite IVBL5008W A,M,CS I Control Cable Okonite IVBQ5012F -A,M,CS , Control Cable

  • Okonite IVYR5035F A,M,CS Control Cable Okonite 1 VAL 5122C A,M,CS Control Cable Okonite 1VAQ5029E A,M,CS Control Caole Okonite IVBL509 C A,M,CS Control Cable Okonite IVBQ5029E A,M,CS Instrument Cable Boston Insul. IVYR5066B A,M,CS Wire Electric Hydrogen Vestinghouse Q1E17K001A-A A,CS Recombiner Electric Hydrogen Westinghouse Q1E17K0018-B A,CS Recombiner Electric Penetration GE Q1T528001 A,M,CS Electric Penetration GE Q1T528023 A,M,CS B-9
                      .                                                                                    l
                                                                                         ,                   1 1

APPENDIX B (Continued) L Equipment , Description Manufacturer Component No. Deficiency-Electric Penetration GE Q1T528024 A,M,CS Electric Penetration GE Q1T528042 A,M,CS Power Cable Okonite. IVAFALL3T A,M,CS Power Cable Okonite IVBFBRH6T A,M,CS Instrument Cable Boston Insul. IVXQ5009B A,M,CS Wire Instrument Cable Boston Insul. IVXQ50090 A,M,CS Wire Instrument Cable - Boston Insul. IVXQ5009F A,M,CS Wire Instrument Cable Boston Insul. IVYQ5017B A,M,CS Wire Instrument Cable Boston Insul. IVYQ5017D A,M,CS Wire Instrument Cable Boston Insul. IVYQ5017F A,M,CS Wire - Motor Joy Manufactur- Q1E19M001A A,CS ing

  • Motor Joy Manufactur- Q1E19M001B A,CS ing Motor Joy Manufactur- Q1E19M001C A,CS I ing Motor Joy Manufactur- Q1E19M0010 A,CS ing Electrical Penetration GE Q1T52BfJ2 A,M,CS Electrical Penetration GE Q1~. iib 014 A,M,CS Electrical Penetration GE Q1T528015 A,M,CS Electrical Penetration GE Q1T528017 A,M,CS Power Cable Okonite IVAFA-J5Q A,M,CS B-10 w

SF'r-T ~1'----em-, ,-,-

a APPENDIX B (Continued) Equipment Description Manufacturer Component No. Deficiency Power Cable Okonite IVAFA-I5Q A,M,CS Power Cable Okonite IVAFA-I4Q A,M,CS Power Cable Okonite. IVAFA-ISQ A,M,CS 12-in. ' Motor-operated ~ Limitorque Q1E21V038A A,5,CS

                     . Val ve 12-in. Motor-Operated        Limitorque       Q1E21V0388        A,5,CS Valve                 .                                                      -

12-in. Motor-Operated. Limitorque Q1E21V038C A,S,CS Valve Limit Switch Namco Controls NIE21ZS8871 A,CS 3-in. Motor-0perated Limitorque Q1E21V249A A,5,CS Valve

   ,                 _iti: Switen                 Namco Controls   NIE21258149A     QM,S,CS,A Litrit Switch                Namco Controls   NIE21ZS8149B     QM,5,CS,A Switch
  • Namco Controls NIE21ZSB149C QM,5,CS,A Litit Switch Namco Controls N1E21ZS8808AB QM,S,CS,A
                     .irit Switch                 Namco Controls   NIE21ZS8808BB    QM,S,CS,A l                     Limit Switch                 Namco Controls   N1E21ZS8808CB    QM,S,CS,A Terminal Block               States           NIE21SV8871-A/JB A,CS Terminal Block               Stata            NIE21SV8149AA-   CS,A,QM,S l                                                                   A/JB l

Terminal Block States N1E21SV8149BA- 9, A,QM,5 A/JB Terminal Block States N1E21SV8149CA- CS,A,QM,5 i A/JB  : Electrical Penetration GE Q1T528002 A,M,CS - Electrical Penetration GE Q1T528006 A,M,CS l 1


l B-11

 ,     .. .    ..                                                                 ---------------b

APPENDIX B (Continued) Equipment Description Manufacturer Comoonent No. Deficiency Electrical Penetration GE Q1T528014 A,M,CS Electrical Penetration GE Q1T528016 A,M,CS

       ' Electrical Penetration  GE               Q1T528019     A,M,CS       -

Electrical Penetration GE Q1T528038 A,M,CS Power Cable Okonite 1VAFU-Z2Q H,K,G,A Power Cable Okonite IVBFU-S2Q H,K,G,A Power Cable Okonite 1VAFU-23Q H,K,G,A Fower Cable Okonite IVBFU-T4Q H,K,G,A Control Cable Okonite IVAFU-Z20 H,K,G,A Cor. trol Cable Okonite IVAFU-22G H,K,G,A , C:- r:1 Cable Okonite 1VAQ-5023E H,K,G,A Co rol Cable Okonite IVXKA1533 H,K,G,A Co-:rol Cable' Okonite IVBF/-520 H,K,G,A Co :rol Cable Okonite 1VBF /- 52G H,K,G,A

:rol Cable Okonite IVEC5C22: H,K,G,A Co : col Cable Okonite 1VvKA153E W,K,G,A Control Cable Okonite IVAFU-Z30 H,K,G,A Control Cable Okonite 1VAFU-Z3G H,K,G,A Control Cable Okonite 1VAQ502aE H,K,G,A Cor:rol Cable Okonite '

IVXA1630 H,K,G,A Cortrol Cable Okonite IVAL50490 H,K,G,A Control Cable Okonite IVAQ5022H H,K,G,A Control Cable Okonite IVAFU-T4 H,K,G,A Cor. trol Cable Okonite IVAQ5018E H,K,G,A

                      ,-                   B-12

APPENDIX B (Ccntinued) Equipment Description Manufacturer ' Component No. Deficiency Control Cable Okonite IVAL5042F H,K,G,A Control Cable Okonite IVAL5042G H,K,G,A-

                   ' Control Cable                         O koni te.'                         IVAQ5022F             A,M,CS Control-Cable                           Okonite-                            IVAL5043F             A,M,CS Control Cable                           Okonite                             1 VAL 5043G           A,M,CS Control Cable-                          0konite_                            IVAL5023C             A,M,CS             -

LControlCable Okonite 1 VAL 5044F A,M,CS Control Cable Okonite IVAL5044G A,M,CS ' Control Cable Okonite IVAQ5024C A,M,CS Fans Joy Manufactur- Q1E22M001A A,CS , ing Co. Fans Joy Manufactur- Q1E22M001B A,CS ing Co. 2h-i.. Motor-Operated Limitorque Q1E22V001A A,M,CS

                   'a ve 2b-ir. Motor-Operated                   Limitorque                         Q1E22V001B             A,M,CS
                   .a've                                                                                                                  .

Electrical Penetration GE Q1T528001 A,M,CS I Electrical Penetration GE Q1T529019 A,M,CS Electrical Penetration GE Q1T528020 A,M,CS Electrical Penetration GE Q1T528023 A,M,CS Power Cable Okonite 1VAED06Q A,M,CS co-er Cable Okonite IVBEE09Q A,M,CS Control Cable Okonite IVAED06E A,M,CS Control Cable Okonite IVBEE09E A,M,CS t B-13 =+ee7-mwe * - e ev v-. e==e.vmer . e- er -rew a-*v,* ne---m.- ee- o ----p--' -- e y

         -         -       ..            .   -.        _    -    .         -  .=            -. -

1 APPENDIX B (Continued) Equipment Description- Manufacturer Component No. Deficiency 2-in. Motor-0pera'.ed Limitorque Q1E23V021 A,5,M,CS Valve 6-in. Motor-0perated Limitorque Q1E23V003 A,M,CS Valve 3/4-in.' Motor-Operated Limitorque Q1E23V022A A,M,CS . Valve . 3/4-in. Motor-Operated Limiterque Q1E23V022B A,M,CS Valye -

             ' 3/4-in. Motor-0perated                    Limitorque           Q1E23V022C         A,M,CS        ;

Valve 3/4-in. Motor-Operated Limitorque Q1E23V0220 A,M,CS Valve 3/4-in. Motor-0perated Limitorque Q1E23V025A A,M,CS Valve 3/4-in. Motor-0perated Limitorque Q1E23V025B A,M,CS Valse Electrical Pedetration GE Q1T523005 A,M,CS Electrical Donetration GE Q1T528007 A,M,CS Electrical Penetration GE Q1T528015 A,M,CS Electrical Penetration GE Q1T528015 A,M,CS  ; Electrical Penetration GE Q1T528017 A,M,CS i Electrical Penetration GE Q1T528019 A,M,CS Electrical Panetration GE Q1T528020 A,M,CS - Electrical Penetration GE Q1T528038 A,M,CS Power Cable Okonite IVAFU-W4Q A,M,CS Po'ver Cable Okonite 1VAFU-N2Q A,M,CS  : Power Cable Okonite IVAFV-Y5Q A,M,CS Power Cable Okonite IVBFV-Y40 A,M,CS l 1 l B-14 ' l

        ,  ,                                                                  .                    e APPENDIX B (Continued)


                    -Description              Manufacturer       Component No. Deficiency Power Cable             Okonite            1VAFU-L4Q .. A,M,CS Power Cable-            Okonite            IVAFU-L5Q       A,M,CS
                  ' Power Cable               Okonite-           IVBFV-H4Q'      A,M,CS          '

Power Cable Okonite IVBFV-H5Q A,M,CS Power Cable Okonite iVAEU-M4Q A,M,CS Power Cable

  • Okonite IVBFV-M3Q A,M,CS
  • Control Cable Okonite IVAFU-W4C .A,M,CS Control Cable Okonite 1VAED06E A,M,CS Control Cable. Okonite 1VBFV-N2C A,M, CS ~

Control Cable Okonite IVBEE09E A,M,CS

                     ~: :-ol Cable            Okonite           IVBFV-YSC        A,M,CS Cor:rol Cable            Okonite         ~1VBFV-YSC A,M,CS Cer. trol Cable'         Okonite           IVAFU- LAC       A,M,CS Control Cable            Okonite           IVAFU- L50       A,M,CS
trol Cable Okonite IVAFV-H40 A,M,CS

ontrol Cable Okonite IVAFV-H5C A,M,CS Control Cable Okonite IVAFU-M4C A,M,CS Control Cable Okonite IVBFV-M3C A,M,CS Limit Switch Namco Controls Q1G21ZS3376 A,QM,S,CS Limit Switch Namco Controls N1G21ZS1003 A,QM,5,CS Limit Switch Namco Controls Q1G21ZS7126 A,QM,S,CS Electrical Penetration GE Q1T52,8019 A,M,CS Electrical Penetration GE Q1T528038 A,M,CS Electrical Penetration GE Q1T528041 A,M,CS B-15

      ..LaAre. se 2 4 J-.44ai         >..iJ.                +C+-     -                 A4     3- > . -      d--     --, 4   E-81.6        --     4   - +.n-.--4 -wJ. e.-               J hCi- -

APPENDIX B.(Continued) Equipment Description Manufacturer- Component No. Deficiency Terminal Block States . Q1G21SV3376-B/JB A,QM,5,CS Terminal Block . States N1G21SV1003A-A/JB A,QM,S,CS Terminal Block States -N1G21SV7126-A/JB A,QM,5,CS - Instrument Cable Boston Insul..' IVYR5066G A,M,CS,H,K,G

                                                          -                            Wire Control Cable.                               Okonite                               IVBL5045C                                   A,M,CS,H,K,G Control-Cable                               .0konite                              IVBQ5030J                                    A,M,CS,H,K,G Control Cable                                Okonite                              1 VAL 50370                                  A,M,CS,H,K,G Control Cable.                               Okonite                               IVAQ5021J                                   A,M,CS,H,K,G-Control Cable'                               Okonite                              IVAL5036C                                    A,M,CS,H,K,G Control Cable                                Okonite                              1VAQ5020J                                    A,M,CS,H,K,G Terminal Block                               States                               Q1N11SV3369AA-                               A,M A/JB, Terminal Block                               States                               Q1N11SV3369BA-                               A,M A/JB Terminal Block                               States                               Q1N11SV3369CA-                               A,M A/JB Terminal Block                                States                              Q1N11SV3370AA-                                A,M A/JB Terminal Block                                States                              Q1N11SV3370BA-                                A,M
                                                                                                                          - A/JB                                                                   ;

Terminal Block States Q1N11SV3370CA- A,M A/JB i Terminal Block States Q1N11SV3368AA- A,M A/JB Terminal Block States Q1N11SV3368BA- A,M A/JB' Terminal Block States Q1N11SV3368CA- A,M 4 A/JB B-16

       - -,<-w        rcr- -v,--rwe          -w -w     4.        - , , -- - - - --,-.                  v-,-,.-,,w--                , - - - - , - , .              -              r,

APPENDIX B (Continued) Equipment . Description Manufacturer Component No. Deficiency 7erminal B1ock States Q1N11SV3976A-8/JB A,M Terminal Block States Q1N11SV39768-B/JB A,M Terminal Block States - Q1N11SV3976C-B/JB A,M - Level Transmitter Barton Q1N11LT477 R,T,P,H,CS,A,QM,M Level Transmitter Barton' Q1N11LT487 R,T,P,H,CS,A,QM,M

                          - Level Transmitter-                                        Barton                         Q1N11LT497        R,T,P,H,CS,A,QM,M Electrical Penetration                                    GE                             Q1T528040         A,M,CS Electrical Penetration                                    GE                             Q1T528041         A,M,CS Instrument Cable                                         Boston Insul.                  IVXV5013L         A,M,CS Wire
nstrument Cable Boston Insul. IVXV5014H A,M,CS Wire
nstrument Cable Boston Insul. IVXV5014J A,M,CS Wire e minal Block States Q1N12SV3234A-A/JB M,A
                           'e-minal Block                                            States                         Q1N12SV32348-B/JB M,A
                           ' m inal Block                                            States                        Q1N12SV3235A-A/JB M,A Terminal Block                                            States                        Q1N12SV3235B-B/JB M,A                     I Level Switch                                              Delaval                       Q1N21LSH2828A       A,M Level Switch                                              Delaval                       Q1N21LSH28283       A,M
                           . .evel Switch                                            Delaval                       Q1N21LSH2828C       A,M                   l
                           .evel Switch                                             Delaval                        Q1N21LSH2829A       A,M

Level Switch Delaval Q1N21LSH2829B A,M Level Switch Delaval Q1N21LSH2829C A,M 7erminal Block States A1TB034 M,A B-17 v v w, - - ,e w ---n.e- ,~, -n,w-, -.e.a. . - - , ,.. ,, n - - , - , - - ,r n-n,, , .-,

1 l l APPENDIX B (Continued) l I Equipment - Description Manufacturer Component No. Deficiency -a l Terminal Block States Q1N23SV3227AA - M,A h A/JB Terminal. Block States Q1N235V3227BA- M,A A/JB - Terminal Block States Q1N235V3227CA- M,A 1 A/JB ' l Terminal Block States. Q1N235V3228AA- M,A A/JB 9

                    '. Terminal Block                   States           Q1N235V3228BA-    M, A -           !

A/JB-  ! I Terminal Block States Q1N235V3228CA- M,A A/JB Terminal Block States Q1N255V3772A-A/JB M,A e-minal Block States Q1N255V37728-A/JB M,A Terminal Block States Q1N255V3772C-A/JB M,A Limit Switch

  • Namco Controls Q1P15ZS3103 A,QM,CS i Limit Switch Namco Controls Q1P15ZS3765 A,QM,CS Limit Switch Namco Controls Q1P15ZS3766 A,QM,CS Lirit Saitch Namco Controls Q1P15ZS3179A A,QM,CS Limit Switch Namco Controls Q1P15ZS3179B A.QM,CS Limit Switch Namco Controls Q1P15ZS3179C A,QM,CS Limit Isitch .

Namco Controls Q1P15ZS3180A A,QM,CS Limit Switch Namco Controls Q1P15ZS3180B A,QM,CS  ; l Limit Switch Namco Controls Q1P15253180C A,QM,CS Limit Switch Namco Controls Q1F15ZS3181A A,QM,CS Limit Switch Namco Controls Q1915ZS3181B A,QM,CS Limit Switch Namco Controls Q1P15ZS3181C. A,QM,CS B-18 1

APPENDIX B (Continued) Equipment Descriotion Manufacturer Component No. Deficiency Limit Switch Namco Controls Q1P15ZS3104 A,QM,CS Terminal Block States Q1P155V3103-A/JB A,CS

  • Terminal Block States Q1P155V3765-A/JB A,CS -

Electrical Penetration GE Q1T528007 A,M,CS Electrical Penetration GE Q1T528019 A,M,CS Electrical Penetration GE Q1T528020 A,M,CS - Terminal Block States Q1P155V3766-A/JB A,CS Terminal Block States Q1P15SV3179A-A/JB A,CS Terminal Block States Q1P155V3179B-A/JB A,CS Terminal Block States Q1P155V3179C-B/JB A,CS e- 'ul Eleck States Q1P155V3180A-A/JB A,CS e minal Block States Q1P155V31808-A/JB A,CS e minal Block States Q1P155V3180C-B/JB A,CS

       -erminal Block           States           Q1P155V3181A-A/JB A,CS e ' 'nal Block         States           Q1P155V3181B-A/JB A,CS ed nal Eleck           States           Q1P155V3181C-B/JB A,CS Termins) Block          States           Q1P155V3104-A/JB A,CS Control Cable           Okonite           1 VAL 5063B       A,M,CS
. trol Cable Okonite IVAQ5049H A,M,CS Control Caole Okonite IVXR5010B A,M,CS l
o. trol Cable Okonite 1 VAL 5065B A,M,CS Control Cable Okonite 1VAQ5032J A,M,CS Centrol Cable Okonite IVXR5010F A,M,CS Centrol Cable Okonite 1 VAL 5066A A,M,CS i B-19 l

i i l l l APPENDIX B (Continued) Equipment Descriotion Manufacturer Component No.. Deficiency Control Cable Okonite 1VAQ5033J A,M,CS Control Cable Okonite IVXR5010H A,M,CS

  • Control Cable Okonite. IVAL5084B A,M,CS Control Cable Okonite 1 VAL 5085B A,M,CS Control Cable Okonite IVBL5074B A,M,CS Control Cable Okonite 1 VAL 5086B A,M,CS -

Control Cable -0konite IVAL5087B A,M,CS Control Cable Okonite IVBL5075B A,M,CS Control Cable Okonite 1 VAL 5088B A,M,CS Control Cable Okonite IVAL5089B A,M,CS Cor:r:1 Cable Okonite IVBL5076B A,M,CS Control Cable Okonite 1 VAL 50643 A,M,CS Control Cable

  • Okonite IVAQ5047H A,M,CS Control Cable Okonite IVXR5010D A,M,CS 10-ir. Motor-Operated Limitorcue Q1P16VC207A A,M,CS Valve 10-in. Motor-0perated Limitorque Q1P16V0207B A,M,CS Valve 10-in. Motor Operated Limitorque Q1P16V0207C A,M,CS Valve 10-in. Motor-0perated Limitorque Q1P16V0207D A,M,CS Valve 6-in. Motor-Operated Limitorque Q1P16V081 A,M,CS Valve Electrical Penetration GE Q1T528005 A,M,CS Electrical Penetration GE Q1T528007 A,M,CS B-20

I a APPENDIX B (Continued)' , Equipment Descriotion Manufacturer Component No. Deficiency Electrical Penetration GE Q1T528014 A,M,CS , Electrical Penetration GE Q1T528015 A,M,CS Electrical Penetration GE Q1T528019 A,M,CS - Electrical Penetration GE Q1T528020 A,M,CS Power Cable Okonite IVBFV-J4Q A,M,CS Power Cable' Okonite IVBFV-J5Q A,M,CS -

                         ~ . Power Cable                            Okonite.                        IVAFU-K6Q            A,M,CS Power Cable                            Okonite                         IVAFU-W2Q            A,M,CS Power Cable                            Okonite                         IVAFU-H4Q            A,M,CS Control Cable                          Okonite                         IVBFV-J4D            1.,M,CS

, :or.: o: Cable Okonite IVBG5007D A,M,CS Control Cable Okonite IVYR4006B A,M,CS Control Cable

  • Okonite IVYR4006D A,M,CS Cortrol Cable Okonite IVYKB164B A,M,CS Control Cable Okonite IVYKB164C A,M,CS

( Co troi Cable Okonite IVBFV-J50 A,M,CS ' Control Cable Okonite IVBQ50090 A,M,CS

  • Control Cable Okonite IVAFU-K6D A,M,CS  !

Control Cable Okonite 1VAQ5007D A,M,CS Control Cable Okonite IVXR50053 A,M,CS + Control Cable Okonite IVXR5005D A,M,CS Control Cable Okonite IVXR5005F A,M,CS l Control Cable Okonite IVXKB164B A,M,CS  ! Control Cable Okonite IVXKB164C A,M,CS i B-21 y *-ee n-.= -wwA,--w.-w.-w 4,w-e erw,. - - = = , - , , - - . , , , , , - - - ,-- - wa,- w-m-r-v, y=. ,-- -- - -

                                                                                     ' APPENDIX B (Continued)'

Equipment-Description Manufacturer Comoonent No. Deficiency - Control Cable Okonite - IVAFU-W2D A,M,CS. j Control Cable Okonite IVAFU-H4A A,M,CS Control Cable Okonite. IVAQ5002F' A,M,CS . 6-in. Motor-Operated Valve Limitorque Q1P17V097' A,M,CS - Limit Switch .Namco' Controls Q1P17253184 - A,QM,5,CS Limit Switch Namco Controls Q1P17ZS3443 A,QM,S,CS

                                   ' Electric Penetration                               GE                     Q1T528016                    A,M,CS                          ,

Electric Penetration GE Q1T528019 A,M CS Electric Penetration GE Q1T528020 A,M,CS I Electric Penetration GE Q1T528038 A,M,CS  :

    ,                                E e: -ic Penetration                               GE                     Q1T528041                   . A,M,CS Terminal Block.                                    States                 Q1P175V3184-B/JB A,QM,5,CS Terminal Block                                     States                 Q1P175V3443-A/JB A,QM,5,CS Po'er Cable                                        Okonite                IVBFV-C3Q                    A,M,CS Centrol Cable                                      Okonite                IV5L/-C3D                    A,M,CS Control Cable                                      Okonite                IVB;5017C                    A,M,CS       .

Control Cable Okonite IVYR5006F A,M,CS i Control Cable Okonite IVBL5009C A,M,CS Control Cable . Okonite 1VBL5009D A,M,CS Control Cable Okonite IVBL5009E A,M,CS Control Cable Okonite IVBL5009F A,M,CS Control. Cable Okonite IVBQ5017H A,M,CS Control Cable Okonite IVYR5035B A,M,CS Control Cable Okonite - 1 VAL 5055C A,M,CS B-22 --w.-en- ----..ex-.wwse n me m ..em.=4e-.-~a..-.+ me*u--~.+..-.--,-vu- +w- e-...e? -m -c--,y- +.n,--- y y -~--- - N w-

APPENDIX B (Continued) Equipment Descriotion Manufacturer Component No. Deficiency Control Cable Okonite 1VAQ5029H A,M,CS' Instrument Cable Boston Insul. IVYR5064F A,M,CS Wire Solenoid Value ASCO Q1831SV8047 R,T,QT,P,H,CS,  ; A,QM,5,M,RPN Limit Switch Namco Controls N1C22ZS0478 T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN Solenoid Vaive - ASCO- NIC22SV0478A T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN - Solenoid Valve ASCO N1C22SV0478B T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN Limit Switch Namco Controls N1C22250488 T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN Solenoid Valve ASCO N1C22SV0488A T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN Solenoid Valve ASCO N1C22SV0488E T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN Limit Switcn Namco Controls N1C22ZSC498 T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN Solenoid Valve ASCO N1C22SV04938 T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN Limit Switch Namco Controis N1C222SC 79 T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN Solenoid Valve ASCO NIC22SV0479A T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN  ! Limit Switch Namco Controls N10222SC239 T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN Sciencia Valve ASCO N1C22SvC439A T ,QT ,P,,H, A ,QM,M, RPN Solenoid Valve ASCO N1C22SV04898 i,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN Limit Switch Namco Controls NIC22ZSO499 T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN ' Scienoid Valve ASCO NIC22SV0499A T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN Solenoid Valve ASCO N1C22SV04992 T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN  ; Solenoid Valve ASCO Q1P135V3196 R,T,QT,P,H,CS, A,QM,M,RPN Solenoid Valve ASCO Q1P175V28678 R,T,QT,P,H,CS, A,QM,M,RPN h B-23

{ APPENDIX B (Continued) Equipment Description Manufacturer Component No. Deficiency Solenoid Valve ASCO Q1P135V3197 R,T,QT,P,H,CS, A,QM,M,RPN Solenoid Valve ASCO Q1P135V28668 R,T,QT,P,H,CS, A,QM,M,RPN - Solenoid Valve. ASCO Q1E12SV3999A R,T,QT,P,H,CS, t A-QM,5,M,RPN-Solenoid Valve ASCO Q1E12SV39998 R,T,QT,P,H,CS, A,QM,5,M,RPN -

           '. Solenoid Valve  ASCO            .Q1E21SV6671       R,T,QT,P,H,CS, A,QM,M,RPN Solenoid Valve   ASCO              Q1E21SV8149AB-   R,T,QT,P,H,CS, A,QM,5,M,RPN Solenoid Valve   ASCO              Q1E21SV8149BB    R,T,QT,P,H,CS,          ,

A,QM,5,M,RPN Scienoic Valve ASCO Q1E21SV8149CB R,T,QT,P,H,CS, A,QM,5,M,RPN Scienoid Valve ASCO Q1G21SV3376 R,T,QT,P,H,CS, A,QM,5,M,RPN , Solenoid Valve ASCO NIG21SV1003B R,T,QT,P,H,CS, l A,QM,5,M,RPN Solenoid Valve ASCO Q1G21SV7126 R,T,QT,P,H,CS, A,QM,5,M,RPN

  • Limit Switch Namco Controls Q1N11253369A T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN ,

Solenoid Valve ASCO Q1N11SV3369AA T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN Scienoid Valve ASCO Q1N11SV3369AC T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN Limit Switch Namco Controls Q1N11253369A T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN j Solenoid Valve ASCO Q1N11SV3369BA T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN Solenoid Valve ASCO Q1N11SV3369BC T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN Limit Switch Namco Controls Q1N11253369C T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN B-24 1

                    .                                                                     I

. I l I APPENDIX B (Continued) Equipment Description Manufacturer Component No. Deficiency Solenoid Valve ASCO Q1N11SV3369CA T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN Solenoid Valve ASCO Q1N11SV3369CC T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN Limit Switch Namco Controls Q1N11ZS3370A T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN - Solenoid Valve ASCO Q1N11SV3370AA T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN Solenoid Valve ASCO Q1N11SV3370AC T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN Limit Switch Namco Controls Q1N11253370B T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN - Solenoid Valve ASCO Q1N11SV3370BA T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN 1 Solenoid Valve ASCO Q1N11SV3370BC T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN Limit Switch Namco Controls Q1N11253370C T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN Solenoid Valve ASCO Q1N11SV3370CA T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN Solenoic Valve ASCO Q1N11SV3370CC T,QT,P,H,A,QM,N,RPN Limit Switch Namco Controls Q1N11ZS3368A T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN Solenoid Valvs ASCO Q1N11SV3368AA T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN Limit Switch Namco Controls Q1N11ZS3368B T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN Scienoid Valve ASCO Q1N11SV3368BA T,QT,P,H,A,0M,M,RPN Limit Switch Namco Controls Q1N11ZS3368C T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN Solenoid-Valve ASCO Q1N11SV3368CA T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN Solenoid Valve ASCO Q1N11SV3976A T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN Limit Switch Namco Controls Q1N11ZS3976A T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN Solenoid Valve ASCO Q1N11SV3976B T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN Limit Switch Namco Controls Q1N11ZS3976B T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN Solenoid Valve ASCO Q1N11SV3976C T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN Limit Switch Namco Controls Q1N11ZS3976C T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN Limit Switch Namco Controls Q1N11ZS3369AJ T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN B-25

I APPENDIX B (Continued) l Equipment Description Manufac,turer Comoonent-No. Deficiency Limit Switch Namco Controls Q1N11253369BJ T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN Limit Switch Namco Controls Q1N112S3369CJ T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN

  • Limit Switch Namco Controls Q1N11ZS3370AJ T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN .

Limit Switch Namco Controls Q1N11253370BJ T,QT,P,H,A,QM,H,RPN


Limit Switch Namco Controls Q1N11ZS3370CJ T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN Limit Switch Namco Controls Q1N12ZS3234A T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN -

             ' Limit Switch        Namco Controls   Q1N12253234B  T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN Limit Switch        Namco Controls   Q1N12253235A  T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN Limit Switch        Namco Controls   Q1N12253235B  T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN Limit Switch        Namco Controls   Q1N23ZS3228A  T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN Limit Switch        Namco Controls   Q1N23ZS32288  T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN Limit Switch        Namco Controls   Q1NZ3ZS3228C  T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN Limit Switch        Namco Controls   Q1N23ZS3227A  T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN Limit Switch         Namco Controls-  Q1N23ZS32278  T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN Limit Switch         Namco Controls   Q1N23Z53227C  T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN Limit Switch         Namco Controls   Q1N25ZS3772A  T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN Limit Switch         Namco Controls   Q1N25ZS3772B  T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN Limit Switch         Namco Controls   Q1N25ZS3772C  T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN Solenoid Valve       ASCO'            Q1N12SV2234A  T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN Solenoid Valve       ASCO             Q1N12SV3234B  T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN Solenoid Valve       ASCO             Q1N12SV3235A  T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN Solenoid Valve       ASCO             Q1N12SV3235B  T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN Solenoid Valve.      ASCO             Q1N235V3228AA T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN Solenoid Valve       ASCO             Q1N235V3228BA T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN B-26 l
              .-      -   .  -        ~

J , 1  !


APPENDIX B (Continued) Equipment Descriction Manufacturer Component'No. Deficiency Scienoid Valve ASCO Q1N235V3228CA T,QT,P,H,A,QM,MlRPN Solenoid Valve ASCO Q1N235V3227AA T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN

  • S' olenoid. Valve ASCO Q1N235V3227BA T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN -

Solenoid Valve ASCO Q1N235V3227CA T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN Solenoid Valve ASCO Q1N255V3'772A T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN Solenoid Valve ASCO- Q1N255V3772B T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN - Solenoid Valve ASCO Q1N25SV3772C' T,QT,P,H,A,QM,M,RPN Solenoid Valve ASCO Q1P155V3103 - R,T,QT,P,H,CS, A,QM,M,RPN Solenoid Valve ASCO Q1P155V3765 R,T,QT,P,H,CS, A,QM,M,RPN 5 's :': Valve ASCO Q1P155V3766 R,T'QT,P,H,CS, A,QM,M,RPN So ercic Valve ' ASCO Q1P155V3179A R,T,QT,P,H,CS, A,QM,M,RPN l 50'e oid Valve ASCO Q1P155V3179B R,T,QT,P,H,CS, i A,QM,M,RPN 30'er:'d Valve ASCO Q1P155V3179C R,T,QT,P,H,CS, A,QM,M,RPN Solenoid Valve ASCO Q1P153180A R,T,QT,P,H,CS, A,QM,M,RPN Soleroid Valve ASCO Q1P1531808 R,T,QT,P,H,CS, A,QM,M,RPN Solenoid Valve ASCO Q1P153180C R,T,QT,P,H,CS, A,QM,M,RPN Solenoid Valve ASCO Q1P153181A R,T,QT,P,H,CS, A,QM,M,RPN Solenoid Valve. ASCO Q1P153181B R,T,QT,P,H,CS, A,QM,M,RPN B-27

1 l APPENDIX B (Continued) Ecuipment Description Manufacturer Component No. Deficiency

                               -Solenoid Valve                  ASCO                           Q1P153181C    R,T,QT,P,H,CS, A,QM,M,RPN Solenoid Valve                 ASCO                           Q1P155V3104   R,T,QT,P,H,CS, A,QM,M,RPN               -

Solenoid Valve ASCO Q1P175V3184 R,T,QT,P,H,CS, A,QM,M,RPN Solenoid Valve ASCO Q1P175V3443 R,T,QT,P,H,CS,. A,QM,M,RPN - 0 0 4 l l 4 0 l l l B-28 l

t. - _ - . _ . _ ._ . , . ___..:.-.___~.--c-~._.. - .~ . - . - _ ~ . . - - - - - - - ~ .- - - .- --

APPENDIX C Equipment Considered Acceptable or Conditionally Acceptable (Category-4,3) l LEGEND: Designation for Deficiency- , i R - Radiation i T - Temperature QT - Qualification time RT - Required. time P - Pressure H - Humidity C5.- Chemical spray . A'- Material aging evaluation, replacement schedule, ongoing equipment surveillance 5 - Submergence M - Margin I - HELB evaluation outside containment not completed. QM - Qualification method RPN - Equipment relocation or replacement, adequate schedule not provided EXN - Exempted equipment justification inadequate SEN - Separate effects qualification justification inadequate ! QI - Qualification information being developed l RP5 - Equipment relocation or replacement schedule provided Equipment Description Manufacturer Comconent No. Deficiency Control Cable Okonite IVAL5060B A Control Cable Okonite IVBL40259 A Control Cable Okonite IVXL5071A A Control Cable Okonite IVAL5061C A Control Cable Okoni.te IVBL5034C A Control Cable Okonite 1VBL5034D A Control Cable Okonite IVXL50728 A Control Cable Okonite IVAL5062B A Control Cable Okonite IVBLS035B A Control Cable Okonite 1VBL50350 A C-1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _. --... _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ __ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . ____._._____-.___._-__._..___m_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

APPENDIX C (Continued) Equipment Description Manufacturer Component No. Deficiency Control Cable Okonite IVXL5073A A Control Cable Okonite IVAL5019E A Control Cable Okonite. IVAL5019F A - Control Cable Okonite IVAL5045C A Control Cable Okonite IVAQ5013A A Control Cable ~0konite IVAT0001C. A Control Cable Okonite 1 VAT 0001D A Control Cable Okonite IVAT0001E A Control Cable. Okonite IVAL5020E A i Control Cable Okonite 1 VAL 5020F A

:':' Cacle Okonite IVAL5046C A Cor: ol Cable Okonite IVAQ5015A A Cortrol Cable' Okonite 1 VAL 5021E A
r.:r:1 Cable Okonito IVAL5021? A
r:-i Cable Okonite IVAL5047: A
Or:ri. Cable Okonite IVAQ5017A A  ;

Control Cable Okonite IVBL5010E A Control Cable Okonite IVBL50100 A-Control Cable Okonite IVBL5021C A Cor:rol Cable Okonite IVBQ5013D A Contrei Cable Okonite IVBT0001F A Control Cable Okonite IVBT0001G A Control Cable Okonite IVBT0001H A l l C-2 m_., ,.. . , , , , . , , , . . , . , . . _ . , . , . .,..,..,v. .-r- - , , . , , - . . . . , ~ . . . , , _ , . - .

i APPENDIX C (Continued) Equipment Description Manufacturer Comoonent No. Deficiency Control Cable Okonite IVBL5011E A Control Cable Okonite '1VBL50110 A l Control Cable Okonite. IVBL5022C . A , Control Cable Okenite IVBQ5015D A Control Cable ' 0konite IVBL5012E A Control Cable Okonite IVBL5012D A -. >

                                  ' Control Cable                                   Okonite              1VBL5023C                            A Control Cable                                  Okonite              IVBQ5017E                            A Control Cable                                  Okonite              IVAL5045B                            A                              [

4 i Controi Cable Okonite 1VAQ5013B A-Cont ol Caole Okonite IVXR5008A A- - Control Cable Okonite IVAL5046B A Control Cable- Okonite IVAQ5015B A Control Cable Okonite IVXR50085 A Control Cable Okonite IVAL5047B A Control Cable Okonite IVAQ50175 A Control Cable Okonite IVXR5008C A Control Cable Okonite IVBL5021B A ,


Control Cable Okonite IVBQ5013E A Control Cable Okonite IVBL50228 A Control Cable Okonite 1\BQ5015E A Control Cable Okonite IVBL5023B A Control Cable Okonite IVBQ5017E A Centrol Cable Okonite IVAL5003B A B C-3

 ~ . . . _._ - . . . . . ._, _ _ . . - . . - . . . _ . . .       - . . . _.._ ,___.                   . . _ . . . . _ _ _ . . .               .         -     -., _

i ( I APPENDIX C (Continued),


4 Equipment  ; Description Manufacturer Component No. Deficiency ' Control Cable Okonite IVAQ5011A' A Control Cable- Okonite 1VXR5007B A

           ' Control Cable                    Okonite.            IVBL50078      A                   -

Control Cable Okonite 1VBQ50138 A


Control Cable Okonite IVYR5033E A Control Cable Okonite IVAL5004C A - Control Cable Okonite 1VAQ50100 A Control Cable Okonite IVBL5005C A i Control Cable Okonite IVBQ5011B A Control Cable Okonite IVXKJ183C A

 .           Control Cable                    Okonite            IVXKJ183D       A Control Cable                    Okonite             IVXKJ183G      A f

Control Cable' Okonite IVXKJ183H A Instrument Cable Boston Insulated IVYR5054A A Wire Instrument Cabie Boston Insulated IVYR50543 A Wire 14-in. Motor-0perated Limitorque 01N21V001A-B A . Stop-Check Globe Valve ' 14-in. Motor-0perated Limitorque Q1N21V0018-B A Stop-Check Globe Valve - 14-in. Motor-Operated Limitorque Q1N21V001C-B A Stop-Check Globe Valve Control Cable Okonite 1 VAL 5120A A Control Cable Okonite IVAL5120B A Control Cable Okonite IVAL5120C A  !

                                         ,               C-4

APPENDIX C (Continued) Equipment Descriotion Manufar.turer Component No. Deficiency Control Cable Okonite IVAL5120D A Control Cable Okonite IVBL5092A A Control Cable Okonite. IVBL5092B A . Control Cable Okonite IVBL5092C A Control Cable ' Okonite IVBFV-K2A- A Control Cable Okonite IVBFV-K3A A - Control Cable Okonite IVBFV-L2A A Power Cable Okonite IVBFV-K2Q A Power Cable Okonite IVBFV-K3Q A Fower Cacle Okonite IVBFV-L2Q A . 2"- Mo:cr-0perated Limitorque Q1N23V011A A i::;-:ne:x Globe Valve 4 "n. Motor-Operated Limitorque Q1N23V011B A 5t:o-Check Gldbe Valve Motor-0perated Limitorque Q1N23V011C A 5 ::-Check Globe Valve

-s- Caole Okonite IVAFU-U4Q A
                           ;ceer Cable                   Okonite                              A 1VAFU-USQ Power Cable                   Okonite          IVAFU-I2Q           A C -trol Cable                 Okoni.te         IVAFU-U4A           A Cor:rol Cable                 Okonite          IVAFU-U4D           A Co : ol Cable                 Okonite          IVAFU-USA           A Co..;rol Cable                Okonite          IVAFU-USD           A Centrol Cable                 Okonite          1VAFU-I2A           A                .

Control Cable Okonite IVAFU-I20 A C-5

 -- , ;,, .,,- - . , 4        .-         ,-         -       e      -e-+-    -== --*
  • e = -' - *--

...m . __ _ .. _ _. . - . _ t 9 APPENDIX C-(Continued) equipment , Description Manufacturer Component No. Deficiency  ; Control Cable Okonite . IVAL5007B A Control Cable- Okonite' IVAL5008B A  :

                                    'ontrol Cable C                                                       Okonite.                              I'!AL5009B     A-Control Cable                                           Okonite                               IVAQ5010E      A Control Cable                                           Okonite                               1VAQ5010K      A i

Control Cable Okonite 1VAQ5012E A - 9 Control Cable Okonite 1VAQ5012K A  ! r Control Cable Okonite IVAQ5014E A Control Cable. Okonite IVAQ5014K A Control Cable Okonite IVXR5007K A

   .                                C:. trol Cable                                          Okonite                              - 1VXR5007L     A Centrol Cable                                           Okonite                               IVXR5007M      A Cor, trol Cable'                                        Okonite                               IVAL5013C      A Control Cable                                           Okonite                               IVAL5014C      A Cor:rol Cable                                           Okonite                               IVAL5015C      A              !

Control Cable Okonite IVAQ5048H A Control Cable Okonite 1VAQ5048K A Control Cable Okonite 1VAQ5006C A-Control Cable Okonite IVAQ5006H A Control Cable Okonite 1VAQ5008C A Control Cable Okonite IVAQ5008H A Control Cable Okonite IVXR5007G A Control Cable Okonite IVXR5007H A Control Cable Okonite IVXR5007J. A 1 l C-6 l

,- , , , , . - , , I y --- .--,V            v , , . . - ,- wwn, - -    ,        ,--ow---s-    ,r     , . - - - - -   v- -vww * ,

[ APPENDIX C (Continued) Equipment  ! Description Manufacturer Component No. Deficiency i Instrument Cable Boston Insulated 1 VAL 5007C A Wire Instrument Cable Boston Insulated IVAL5008C A. Wire - Instrument Cable Boston Insulated IVAL5009C A

                                                .                            Wire t

Instrument Cable Boston Insulated IVAL5013D A Wire. -

                        ' Instrument Cable                                   Boston Insulated IVAL5014D                 A                     '

Wire Instrument Cable Boston Insulated IVAL50150 A Wire , Control Cable Okonite IVAL5076A A . Con:rci Cable Okonite 1 VAL 5077A A Control Cable Okonite IVAL5078A A Control Cable

  • Okonite IVAQ5030E .A Control Cable Okonite IVAQ5031E A
                        -Control Cable                                       Okonite                  IVAQ5032E         A Control Cable                                       Okonite                  IVXR50083         A                     j Control Cable                                       Okonite                 IVXR5008H          A                     !

Control Cable Okonite IVXR5008J A C-7

 - - - _       .. .     ,              . . . .  -  . . - -    -       ..     .            .   --       . -~
  ~ . . .

1 I APPENDIX D Safety-Related Systems Listi Function System l i Emergency Reactor Shutdown Reactor Protection

           .                                                      Engineered Safeguards Actuation Reactor Coolant                             ;

Chemical'and Volume' Control Containment Isolation Main Feedwater and Condensate t Auxiliary Feedwater' Main and Auxiliary Steam Residual Heat-Removal Chemical Injection Chemical and Volume Control Liquid Waste Disposal Component Cooling Water Servica water Containment Spray-Sampling Containment Cooling and Pruge

             . Reactor Core Cooling                               Chemical and Volume Control / Safety Injection Safeguards System, RHR/LH5I
               -Tne NRC staff recognized that there are differences in nomenclature of systems because of plant vintage and engineering design, consequently, some systems.

performing identical or similar functions may have different names. In those instances, it was necessary to verify the function of the system (s) with the responsible IE regional reviewer and/or the licensee. - D-1

APPENDIX D (continued)  ! i Function System t Containment Heat Removal Containment Spray Containment Cooling and Purge Residual Heat Removal . Core Residual Heat Removal Auxiliary Feedwater Main Feedwater and Condensate Main Steam _ Residual Heat Removall Component Cooling Water Service Water Chemical and Volume Control P i. s -icn of Significant Release Containment Spray (Iodine Removal) c' :st':a:tive Material to Environ-ment Containment Post-LOCA Air Mixing Reactor Cavity Post-LOCA Dilution Hydrogen Recombiner Radiation Monitoring Sampling Supporting Systems Emergency Power Control Room Habitabilit9 Safety Cactinent Area Ventilation

                          'Oniy equipment required to achieve hot shutdown following an accident is i .cluded in the master list submitted by licensee. Cold shutdown equipment is to be addressed later.

e D-2

       .s e-,     m,,.e             -                 .      ,             . . ,w. .+y.      .c, , .. -r-- w}}