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Issue 1 to G-13, Fitness for Duty
Person / Time
Site: Fort Saint Vrain Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/31/1985
From: Lee O
Shared Package
ML20128N384 List:
G-13-I01, G-13-I1, NUDOCS 8506030268
Download: ML20128N419 (8)


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AUTHORIZED BY & / 3fff 5-PORC EFFECTIVE REVIEW - - - w cr n A- 10DC DATE 2-4-85 PGW(R)49P.43 :T955' ~


    • f This procedure describes the practices and methods employed to implement the Fitness For Duty Policy in accordance with the NUMARC commitment to INPO. DO NOT* DELETE this procedure without issuance of comparable controls.f r 2.0 APPLICABILITY This procedure applies to personnel assigned to or visiting the station to include company employees, contractors, sub-contractors, consultants, vendors, Federal Government employees and agents.

3.0 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 3.1 PSCo policy and commitments require that personnel granted access to the Protected, Limited Access, Security and Vital Areas must not have their faculties affected in any way contrary to safety or otherwise unfit for duty due to the influence of alcohol, drugs, mental or physical impairments.

  • 3.2 Al1 individuals accessing the areas listed above have the responsibility to monitor not only their own reliability from .a nuclear and industrial safety stand point but that of peers and co-workers as well.

3.3 Potential hazards must be brought to the attention of Plant management. Failure to discharge this responsibility 'may impeach an individuals credibility and -

question the right of. access to the facility.

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8506030268 850502 PDR P ADOCK 05000267 PDR FORW 372 22 3442

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G-13 Issue 1 Public FORT ST. VRAIN NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION Page 2 of 8 service * ' PUBUC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO 3.4 All contractor, sub-contractor, vender and consultant agreements or contracts, shall contain a commitment adhering to this procedure to ensure the health and safety of plant personnel and the general public. Current contractors, sub-contractors, vendors and consultants

, shall be informed of' the procedural requirements in writing, and contracts, agreements and other legal instruments are subject to the specific inclusion.

Agreements executed subsequent to the implementation of this procedure shall contain the'above commitment.

3.5 Items and areas of concern included in this procedure are:.

3.5.1 Illegal drugs, defined as any drug or drug like substance ~ whose sale of or possession of is unlawful under Federal Law or Colorado State Statutes. Accordingly, no officer, employee,.

contractor, contractor employee or agent shril use or have in his or her possession, illegal drugs, within the Protected Areas at Fort St. Vrain at any time. Additionally, no officer, employee, contractor, contractor employee, or agent shall report for work inside the Protected Area under the influence of illegal drugs. Protected Area access authorization for any individual who engages in such conduct will be subject to termination.

3.5.2 Off-the-job illegal drug use,-possession, sale or related activity which could jeopardize the credibility nf the organization, safe operation of company equipment, or the safety of other employees or the public may subject the individual's access status at the station to review and possibly revocation by PSCo management.

3.5.3 Should illegal drugs be found on an individual, in

. personal property or inside the Protected Area under any circumstances, they shall be turned over to Local Law Enforcement Officials. All

information pertinent to the incident shall be

, released, and PSCo management will cooperate to the fullest extent of the law.

F FoAMtC1372 22 3643


G-13 Issue 1

, Public FORT ST. VRAIN NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION Page 3 of 8 SerVICG" PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO 3.5.4 Lecal Druos Officers, employees, contractors, contractor employees and agents have the individual responsibility to inform appropriate FSV managment personnel of any medication prescribed by a licensed physician that could impair thcir ability -

to perform in a manner consistent with station objectives. Abuse, misuse or illegal distribution, of prescription drugs may subject the individual's access at the station to review by PSCo management.

, 3.5.5 Alcoholic Beveraoes The use of alcoholic beverages by officers, employees,. contractors, contractor employees or agents engaged in construction, maintenance, operation or support activities, is inconsistent with the objective of operating Fort St. Vrain in a safe and efficient manner. Accordingly, no one as listed above, shall use alcoholic beverages inside the Protected Areas or report to work inside the Protected Areas under - the influence of alcohol.

"Under the influence of alcohol", for the sake of this policy, shall be construed as an interpretation by the individual, co-worker, or supervisor, of the person's inability to perform in a manner consistent with station objectives.

Obvious intoxication, oder of alcohol, and other indications of consumption are considered prima facie evidence.

. 3.5.6 Mental Imoairments The need for unescorted access to Protected Areas at Fort St. Vrain is verified by applicable management personnel at least once every thirty one (31) days. Access-authorizing management personnel are trained by qualified Behavioral Scientists to recognize key changes in individual oehavior.

3.5.7 physical Imoairments PSCo, contractor, and- agent managers and supervisors are responsible to ensure that emplo'ees y with-physical impairments are assigned to -

jobs that are not jeopardized by the handicap.

- Impairments of a temporary nature are considered just as sericus as permanent impairments for their duration.

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, G-13 Issue 1 Public . FORT ST. VRAIN NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION Page 4 of 8 service

  • PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO 3.5.8 Employees seeking assistance or being referred to the Public' Service Company of Colorado Employee
Assistance Program are. to contact the Employee Services Coordinator, Empicyee Benefits, or Medical

- Department.


These procedural guidelines are published for use by all Fort St. Vrain supervisors, whether ' supervising bargaining unit, .

performance level, or management employees. They are intended to piovide guidance in the administration of the Fort St. Vrain.

' Fitness for Duty Procedure regarding:


4.1.1 Each manager, supervisor or Company official with management responsibility at Fort St. Vrain is charged with assuring himself that the employees under his supervision are, at all times, capable of performing their work assignments in a manner consistent with station objectives.

4.1.2 PSCo employees who have a drug problem and confidentially ask for help are to be referred to the Employee Assistance Program. Contractor personnel are referred through' appropriate channels in -the applicable organization. In either case, the- Technical / Administrative Services Manager (designated Plant Security Officer) at Fort St.

- Vrain i; to be notified of the situation and surrounding circumstances. The decision regarding

- continued Protected Area access is -the responsibility of this office.

. 4.1.3 Each employee is responsible for taking appropriate action in any case where he or she observes another

, individual inside the Protected Area incapable of performing his or her assignmert in a manner

. consistent with station obj r.ives. When an

.,, individual is suspicious that another individual may'be'under the influence of drugs:

i a) . The individual should, if practical, arrange for another person (preferrably the suspect individual's supervisor or another member of 1

, ~

plant supervision) to observe the suspect

,  : individual's behavior. Contact should be made with the suspect individual to determine the source of the problem.

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G-13 l Issue 1 Public FORT ST. VRAIN NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION Page 5 of 8 service

  • PUBLic SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO' b) Should the suspect individual provide acceptable information to plant- supervision such that the circumstances are . clearly explained and are within the parameters of existing policy, the' situation may be closed

, without documentation.

c) Should the contact with the suspect individual further substantiate 'the suspicion, the suspect individual should be removed from the


. Protected Area. If this action is taken by

, someone other than the suspect individual's.

immediate supervisor, the immediate supervisor or access authorizing official shall be.

notified. Documentation of all actions taken is required.

4.1.4 Should an incividual observe the illegal use. sale or possession of drugs by other individuals inside the Protected Area or on PSCo property, the individual should take the following steps:

a) Get help; find someone to corroborate.

b) - Confi scate all- drugs and/or caraphernalia if possible. Maintain all contraband personally-

. until released to Local Law Enforcement. -

c) Identify all indi -idual s and circumstances.

Make accurate notes of particular details of the situation. Time of the incident, activity

! of each Individual, location and. reactions are all important.

d) Individuals involved shall_be removed from the Protected Area. . Appropriate supervisory personnel will be advised.

e) Report suspected illegal-activity to Local Law Enforcement.

4.1.5 Should drugs or drug paraphernalia be found on~PSCo property, and it is not ebvious who the owner is,.

the first step is: to report it to a supervisor. An

effort should be made to determine the owner of the property. Appropriate law enforcement authorities shall be contacted and all drugs and drug

! paraphernalia shall be turned over to them. A signed r*ceipt should be obtained from the authorities.

. FCMMIC1372 22-3843

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G-13 Issue 1 Public FORT ST. VRAIN NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION Page 6 of 8 Service


, 4.2.1 Each manager, supervisor or Company official with management responsibility at Fort St. Vrain is charged with assuring himself that the employees

. under his supervision are at all times capable of

. performing their work assignments in a manner consistent with station objectives.

4.2.2 PSCo employees who have alcohol related problems and confidentially ask for help are to be referred to the Employee Assistance Program. Contractor-personnel are referred through appropriate channels in the applicable organization. In'either case, the - Technical / Administrative Services Manager, (designated Plant Security Officer) at Fort St.

Vrain is to be notified of the situation and surrounding circumstances. The decision regarding continued Protected Area access is the responsibility of this office.

4.2.3 Each employee is responsible for takirg appropriate action in any case where he or she observes another individual -inside the Protected Area incapable of performin~g his or her assignment in a manner consistent with station' objectives. When an individual is suspicious that another individual may be under the influence of alcohol:

a) The individual should, if practical, arrange for another person, (preferrably the suspect

, individual's immediate supervisor or another

. member of plant supervision) to observe the suspect individual's behavior. Contact should be made with the suspect- individual to determine the source of the problem.

b) Should the suspect individual provide acceptable information to plant supervision such that- the circumstances are clearly

, explained and are within the parzmeters of.

l . existing policy, the situation may be closed

. without documentation.

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- G-13 Issue 1 Public FORT ST. VRAIN NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION page 7 of 8 Service" PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO c) Should the contact with the suspect individual further substantiate the suspicion, the suspect individual should be removed from the Protected Area. If this action is taken -by

.someone othat than the suspect individual's immediate ~ supervisor, then the immediate supervisor or access authorizing official shall be notified. Documentation of all actions taken is required.

4.2.4 Should an individual observe the use er possession of alcohol on site, he or she should:

a) Get help; find someone to corroborate.

b) Confiscate all alcohol and containers if possible, c) Identify all individuals and circumstances.

Make accurate notes of particular detatis of the situation, time of' the incident, and activity of each individual.

d) Individuals involved shall be removed from the Protected Area. Appropriate supervisory personnel should be advised.

4.2.5 Should alcoholic beverages be found on site and it is not obvious who the owner is , the first step is ,

to report it to a supervisor. An effort should then be made to dete rmine the owner of the property. Should no ownership be determined, the alcohol should be turned over to plant management.

4.3 Individuals observed displaying suspected mental or personality disorders shall be reported to PSCo management. PSCo management will determine the disposition of the individual's access to the Protected Area, and coordinate the activities with appropriate personnel and organi:ations.

4.4 Responsible management personnel shall ensure that individuals requiring access to Protected areas at Fort St. Vrain do not have any physical impairments that affect their ability to perform assigned duties.

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5.1 Policy; Fitness for Duty, Nuclear Production.

5.2 EEI Guide to Effective Drug and Alcohol Policy Development.

,' 5.3 Commission Policy Statement on Fitness For Duty of Nuclear Power Plant Personnel 12-14-84.

5.4 NUMARC/INPO Commitment Correspondence dated November 20, 1984. .

5.5 Employee Assistance Program.



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