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Issue 6 to MQCIM-1, Maint QC Insp Program. Annotated Page to Rev 4 to Updated FSAR Encl
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Site: Fort Saint Vrain Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/09/1987
From: Redmond G
Shared Package
ML20237J664 List:
MQCIM-1, NUDOCS 8708180294
Download: ML20237J692 (36)



lai, eosc 7 sis'JUN8-1987

'[l7e ECTIVE DCCF NUMBER (S) B1 - 07 0 4- ? FORM (D)372 22 3rA2 8708180294 870810 PDR ADOCK 05000267 G PDR

ym e y.- ~_ y_ Sorvico'" ~ PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO Page 2 of 35 l ) \\ TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ) l 1.0 PURPOSE............................................ 4-1 1 l 2.0 APPLICABILITY...................................... 4 1 3.0 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS................................ 4 l 4.0 PROCEDURE.......................................... 5 1 l 4.1 Responsibilities............................ 5 I l 4.1.1 Manager, Quality Assurance........ 5 I 4.1.2 Quality Assurance Services j l Manager............................ 5 l 4.1.3 Supervisor, Maintenance l Quality Contro1.................... 6 l 4.1.4 Senior Maintenance Quality l Control Inspectors................ 7 l 4.1.5 Maintenance Quality Control l Inspectors ........................ 7 l 4.2 Qualifications.............................. 8 l 4.3 Training.................................... 8 4.4 Rec.rds...................................... 8 j l 4.5 Nonconformance Control ...................... 9 l 4.6 Special Inspection / Test Controls............ 9 l 4.6.1 EQ Inspection...................... 9 l 4.6.2 Calibration and Calibrated i Equipment Inspection............. 11 l 4.6.3 Dimensional Inspection........... 13 l 4.6.4 Fuel Handling Inspection......... 14 3 1 4.5.5 Radioactive Material Inspection... 15 = l 4.7 Inspection Controls......................... 18 ? l ) FORM H:13n. n. x43 l r. ( I

y u mm _ y I SOrVICO'" PUOLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO-Page 3 of'35 l' 4.8 OC Hold and Witness Point Review........... 18 1 l 4.8.1 OC Hold and Witness _l Points........................... 18 l 4.8.2 OC Hold and Witness l~ Points Control 19 l 4.8.3 OC Hold and Witness l Points Criteria................... 19 l 4.8.4 OC Hold and Witness l Points Implementation............. 22 l 4.9 QC Inspection Report....................... 22 l 4.10 Proced,ure Control........................... 25 1


......................................... 25 l 6.0 ATTACHMENTS 26 l 7.0 COMMITMENTS 26 ( l ? FORM (Cl372 22 3643 a

.S OIVICO'" PUBlic SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO Page 4 of 35 1.0 PURPOSE The purpose of.this r.rocedure is to provide the direction l necessary to implement the_ Maintenance Quality-Control (MQC) program to assure that plant maintenance is performed in such a manner that system _and component quality is not degraded. 2.0 APPLICABILITY "#* See Commitment 7.1 *#* l MQC inspections shall encompass, but not be limited to the following safety related maintenance areas: l A. Electrical Maintenance l B. Mechanical Maintenance l C. Preventive Maintenance l D. Security Preventive Maintenance l E. Fuel Handling Work l F. Tests l -G. Technical Specification Surveillance Tests l H. Equipment Calibration l I. Fire Protection j J. Relays K. Source Inspections l L. Radioactive Material / Waste 3.0 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS j 3.1 MQC shall assure compliance with established quality requirements per applicable specifications,

codes, standards, and procedures.,

l 3.2 MQC Inspectors shall assure compliance with established quality requirements in accordance with applicable specifications, codes, standards, manuals, and procedures. I 3.3 All maintenance procedures are reviewed by MQC prior to l 3pproval for incorporation of hold / witness points. FORM (C)372 22 3643 C

p mm '

  • d $3rVICO'"

. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO Page 5 of 35 ( i h 1 l 3.4 Qualification of inspection personnel shall be in accordance with ANSI N45.2.6. L 4.0 PROCEDURE l-4.1 RESPONSIBILITIES ) L 4.1.1 Manaaer, Quality Assurance The Manager, Quality Assurance is responsible for: / 1 l A. Establish an MQC Program, i l B. Conduct audits of FSV MQC Program and followup corrective action to assure compliance within the program. l C. The overall implementation of the "Q" series procedures. l D. Resolution of differences between MQC and other departments which cannot be resolved by /, the responsible managers. 4.1.2 Ouality Assurance Services Manacer I The Quality Assurance Services Manager is responsible for: l . A. Maintaining the MQC Program. B. Maintaining a sufficient number of qualified personnel. l C. Ensuring that maintenance nonconformance 1 l discrepancies are corrected. l D. Ensuring that all MQC Inspection personnel are l l indoctrinated in QC practices, requirements, .l and adequately trained to implement the MQC Program as outlined in this manual. 4 E.- Inform the Manager, Quality Assurance of the l status of the MQC Program. F. Resolution of differences between MQC and other departments which cannot be resolved by j the responsible supervisors. romcim.m.wo l =

, Public. F0riT SL biAW hucLLAW dhA m.d og.*' . Issue 6 u, Sorvico* PUBLic SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO-Page 6 of 35 l t 1 ~. .4.1.3 Suoervisor, Maintenance Ouality Control l The MQC Supervisor is responsible for: A. The organization and implementation of the MQC l Program. B. Provide the required trainir.g for.MQC: Inspectors. to, meet: .all. applicable: requirements. C. Review and evaluate training of'all personne1' performing MQC functions. D. Provide.

guidance, evaluate.

inspections, l, maintain cognizance of'the overall MQC Program and evaluate and. update the program 'as' necessary. l' E. Approve-MQC inspection procedures pertaining l. to the MQC Program. l F.' Interface-with plant personnel and contract, I personnel to assure HQC coverage is provided. l .G. Ensure day. to day direction of MQC functions and conveying status to.the Quality Assurance ~ Services Manager. H. Resolve any differences between MQC and other l departments which cannot be resolved by MQC . l Inspectors. I. Ersure all required MQC testing equipment and 'j inspection devices' are incorporated in a 1 calibration program. 1 J. Ensure a sufficient number of qualified inspection personnel in all required areas of expertise. K. Assure that MQC inspection personnel have j access to the plant facilities,. plant personnel and records, as necessary for l performance of MQC functions. l L. Ensure MQC implements Quality Control l Inspection procedures as necessary. FORM (Cl372 22 3643 s __ __ __3

mm. ,---7 H. SOrVICO'" PUELIC SERVICE COMPANY OF' COLORADO .Page 7 of.35 .M M. Approve inspection and any special procedures which are. required toL inspect the work-that is-l -no: covered in other approved procedures. j .4.1.4. Senior Maintenance Ouality Contro1' Inspector Senior Inspectors are responsible for: A. Report daily status of.the MQC Department to the Supervisor, Maintenance Quality Control. l B. Assist' in providing indoctrination of the MQC l-Program and necessary training' to MQC Inspectors. C. Ensure that all MQC Inspectors are familiar l with MQCIM's,and the QA Program. D. Review of all applicable - completed " Work l Packages" for. completeness and correctness. l (Use attachments MQCIM-IC and MQCIM-ID for l review checklists, as necessary.) _l' E. Prepare MQC-Inspection procedures pertaining to the MQC program. l l 4.1.5 Maintenance Ouality Control Inspector MQC Inspectors are responsible for: l A. Ensures applicable maintenance work is inspected, tested, witnessed and/or monitored in accordance with established procedures. l B. Ensures applicable work performed by plant l maintenance personnel meets the Quality requirements. l C. Ensures that reported maintenance problems and l corrected deficiencies are in accordance with established procedures. l D. Maintain cognizance of the MQC Program. E. $nsures proper -documentation of Inspection l

results, pertaining to tests or l_

witnessing / monitoring. ' FORM IC)372. 2 3043 S.

y y mam o ' / $CfVICO'" PUBt.IC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO Page 8 of 35 1 F. Ensures that properly calibrated measuring l

devices, instruments, inspection tools are l

utilized. 4.2 QUALIFICATIONS l The job performance of MQC Inspectors shall be re-evaluated at periodic intervals r.ot to exceed three years. Re-evaluation shall be by evidence of continued satisfactory performance or redetermination of capability in accordance with APM G-7, section G-78. If during this evaluation or at any other time, it is determined by the l Supervisor, MQC that the capabilities of an individual are not in accordance with qualification requirements specified for the job, that person shall be removed from that activity until such time as the required capability has been demonstrated. Any person who has not performed inspection or testing activities in nis qualified area for a period of one year shall be re-evaluated. 4.3 TRAINING The need for formal training programs shall be determined, and such training activities shall be conducted as required to qualify personnel. On-the-job participation shall also be included in the program, with emphasis on fi rst-hand experience gained through actual work l performance. Each MQC Inspector shall attend QA Division training sessions coordinated by the Supervisor, QA Technical Support. 4.4 RECORDS

      • See Commitment 7.2 *#*

I Qualification and training records of MQC inspection I personnel will be retained by the Supervisor, QA Technical Support. Copies of qualification records will be maintained in the Records Center. It is the overall responsibility of the ir.dividual inspector to ensure that records (training and qualification) are current and accurate. Calibrated tool use cards and calibration history cards for QC calibrated measuring and test equipment shall be transmitted to Records Storage for permanent retention upon completion. FORM (Cl372 22 3643 e 4 I

i PubliC FORT ST. 4:WN WCLt An n..a a i,u."' Issue 6 Sorvico'" PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO Page 9 of 35 4.5 NONCONFORMANCE CONTROL Items that do not conform to spctified requirements shall be controlled by issuance of a Nonconformance Report to prevent inadvertent installation at use. Nonconformances, including deviations and deficiencies, shall be issued and dispositioned cecording to APM Q-15 4.6 SPECIAL INSPECTION / TEST CONTROLS Maintenance activities other than routine, shall be inspected using an inspection report or checklist contained in the maintenan:e procedure or in another l applicable procedure. Special inspections are performed to verify conformance of one of a kind or non-routine maintenance activities or any special requirements called- 'for by the controlling documents of the work involved. l Tests required to verify conformante of an item to specified requirements and to demonstrate that items will l perform' satisfactorily, may be observed by' an MQC Inspector. O s< 4.6.1 EO Insoection Inspections on equipment which must comply with the requirements of 10 CFR 50.49 will be performed in a manner consistent with sound engineering practices l and regulatory requirements. Inspections which reveal any indication of degradation will be resolved prior to inspection completion. Inspection requirements which become more critical due to the criteria of 10 CFR 50.49 are as follows: A. Age sensitive parts which are essential for component and system integrity of E.Q. items may deteoriate due to unforeseen external influences and may exhibit embrittlement or discoloration due to any of a variety of causes such as. excessive cycling, heat, or contamination by detrimental substances or agents (corrosion, erosion, or decomposition). FORM t01372 22 3643 s.

PubliC' FOR T ST. ' ViiAdi NOCLi:AR ULwie. d b EU.E lssue 6' [ SOTVICO'"


.Page!10 of 35 0* e B. Component operability in a hostile environment following a high energy line. a concern. The. electrical power 'and' control l systems are exceptionally sensitiva and critical... Any condition which may contribute l to the-ingress of water, oil, or.other contaminant, into the'. power or. control component'ofJan E.Q.. designated system ~ may result:in an unacceptable reduction or failure of system or component operability. C. Componc,t qualification is established and maintained by~ compliance _to the E.Q. Component Qualification Package. Generally, the manufacturer requirements for maintenance ~ and repair' as specified in the Operation and l Maintenance manual must be adhered to. Additional information and requirements,' if. any, will be_ delineated in'the E.Q.. Component Qualification Package. While..the whole-package _is necessary to establish component qualification, most of the requirements for. mainta'ining. component qualification appear in J TAB' E, the maintenance and surveillance schedule. Other information which may aid-inspection. exists in.the " Justification and Analysis" section (Sections 6.0, " Service Conditions"; 7.3, " Evaluation' of Non-Metallic Parts"), and the " Testing Verification in Qualification" section (Appendix A, J Maintenance Requirements). 4 D. Administrative 1y, .to maintain E.Q.. on components during maintenance requires adherence to the latest issue or revision of. the E.Q. Component Qualification Package. To do this, the use of controlled documents, or an engineering evaluation of the-documents used for E.Q. components. maintenance or repair, is mandatory. E. E.Q.. material control, to incorporate E.Q. requirements will be accomplished by insuring that "E.Q." is marked on the Direct Charge requisition. FORM fCl372 22 3643 L m

l Public FORT ST. VRAIN NUCLEAR GENERAllNG Sl A160N 133ye 6 Service'" PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO Page 11 of 35 ~ f ', .e 4.6.2 Calibration and Calibrated Eouioment Insoection Instruments, tools, measuring devices and other items which require calibration or the use of calibrated equipme'nt will generally conform to the following guidelines: A. Calibrations will be performed to procedures which prnvide step by step instructions for accomplishing the calibration and specific allowable acceptance criteria tolerances. (APM Q-12) B. The equipment and standards used to perform calibrations or inspections must be identified, verified within its calibration due date, and documented on the procedure used and per any other applicable administrative procedure. If the record is made no where else, then it mu.t be documented on the QC Inspection Report (attachment MQCIM-1A). For calibrations the documentation requirements of APM Q-12 must be met. Although it is not l (-) required it is good practice to record all calibrated equipment used on the QC Inspection s. l Report. C. The equipment and standards used to perform calibrations or inspections must display sufficiently greater accuracy than the item being calibrated or inspected, and adequate precision to determine the measured quantity is within the limits specified by procedure. If the accuracy of an item to be calibrated or inspected is in question, generally the manufacturer specifies the accuracy in its respective O&M manual and/or on its name plate. The accuracy of the calibrating or inspecting instrument is known by the procedure used to calibrate it and is thereby traceable to the National Bureau of Standards l or applicable calibration basis. t o FoRMICl3U Z2 3MJ r


Page 12 of.35 uwm.

'.s Li E D.- The; precision of an instrument used-for calibrating or inspecting must be equal to :or greater than.the precision of the-item to be . calibrated or inspected. . Consequently, the smallest.. units on the measuring.'and test instruments cannot be larger,than the smallest units on the itemLto be calibrated or inspected. For applications in which equal-precision is Enot readily available, then readings interpolated to one half of the i smallest division will be acceptable. E. When calibrations are performed for which no National Standard exists, the: basis-of such calibrations must be documented (for example, per an O&M manual). F. When general voltage levels, flow direction, or other general' parameters are checked for which~ no specific. acceptance criteria is required, then-an instrument-without high precision may be used. O G. An instrument found to be outside of its ss acceptance criteria must be evaluated for possible cor4 sequences of use on safety related l equipment. This evaluation may-be performed per existing Administrative Procedures, NCR, CAR, or AR. H. Instruments which -are damaged, dropped, over ^ ranged or in any.' other way subjected to a transient which causes the calibrated accuracy to be suspect will be Hold'. Tagged (or calibration checked immediately) and corrective action initiated such as_ calibrate, scrap, return to vendor, etc. I. It is not the intent during inspection to l regulate the use of rulers, tape measures, levels and other such devices if normal t commercial practices provide adequate accuracy .and precision (ANSI N18.7, 5.2.10). ? e d FoRMtCl372 22 3643 E

0 FUUliC Fori T S T. s ti AIN N At.L Aa u t...t.n,, i i.0 d..,o n.., 1ssue'o ,[ $0rVlCO'" PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO 'page 13'of 35 l J. It is good work practice to specify the use of instruments or equipment for which. the parameter; monitored. will be. approximately midscale. Measurements at the upper range value or flower range value of an instrument I are to be avoided; in l measurements which-accuracy and precision are mandatory. K. Calibration and calibrated' instrument inspections performed on instruments calibrated or used off site by vendors are i performed upon receipt of the instruments on site. The~ inspection will consist of, as a l minimum, documentation review. (APM Q-12)- i L. Adjustments during calibrations performed by surveillance test may be accomplished without-step by step procedures if the "as found" data is within calibration limits and the skills to l do so are normally possessed by a qualified j Maintenance person performing the test. 1 M. Readings'. which are required by procedure will s.. - generally require the use of c.alibrated equipment for Quality Control inspection l items. To the maximum extent possible, an alternate means of verification will be utilized such as another installed indication l or local versus remote indication. This practice is meant as a QC aid to insure an added degree of assurance that parameters monitored are valid. 4.6.3 Dimensional' Inspection -{ j As the result of NRC commitment, independent QC i I dimensional verification of phys'ical dimensions is required. This verification is to be performed by the QC Inspector and documented on the Quality l Control Inspection Report. The mandatory documentation requirements are as follows: - 1. The acceptance crit.eria. ] 2. The '.' a s left" dimensions (the "as found" dimension should be recorded if possible). 3. The appropriate drawing or document and revision which identifies the acceptance criteria. FORMICl372 22 36C F.

y U CDGUC " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - - ~. - - agggg g v SOrVIC:7" PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLCRADO Page 14 of 35 (*3 ~, 1 Drawings or documents which specify dimensions but do not specify acceptance tolerances should use the following as a guideline in lieu of no tolerance: Fractional measurements +/- 1/64" I i Readings to two places (.00) +/-.010" Readings to three places (.000) +/-.005" j Readings to four places (.0000) +/.0005" j l (Reference The Machinist Handbook) { l Whenever this criteria is questionable, then adequate engineering evaluation should be obtained j and documented. j l Measurements taken should be performed in j accordance with good engineering practices with calibrated instruments or tools. Indirect measurements such as with snap / telescope gauges should be checked for repeatability by taking the O average of three readings. Direct measurements should also be checked for repeatability by taking f the average of three readings. ) l 4.6.4 Fuel Handling Insoection j l

      • See Commitment 7.3 *#*

l A. Inspections are perforned on fuel receipt, l handling, and shipping in conjunction with the l following: j j l 1. FSV FSAR Section B.S.2 l 2. FSV APM Q-2 l 3. FSV Fuel Handling Procedure Manual I ~ E. 4

ywm - ~. - - - SOTVICD* PUBLIC CERVICE COMPANY CF COLORADO Page 15 of 35 S. __ l B. Inspection control of fuel handling activities l is administered during procedure preparation .l-as identified in APM G-2 and FSV Fuel Handling _ j Procedure Manual. Each Fuel. Handling 1 Packet / Procedure is prepared (and submitted to .l HQC for review) for each specific Fuel l-Handling Task. Hold and Witness Points are l incorporated into each Fuel Handling-l . Packet / Procedure following the guidelines for l responsibility as identified in the I attachments to the FSV Fuel Handling l Procedures Manual and MQCIM-1. Inspections I of fuel handling activities shall be l documented on the QC Inspection

Report, l A.

l 4.6.5 Radioactive Material Monitoring /Insoection l

      • See Commitment 7.3 *#*

l 1. Administrative Controls l A. This section addresses inspection of O.. l radioactive caterial other than fuel l handling activities. l B. Inspections of radioactive material is l performed in conjunction with the l following: l i) FSV FSAR Section B.S.2 l

11) FSV APM Q-2 l

iii) Fuel Handling Procedures Manual l (Reflector Blocks) { iv) 10CFR Chapter 1 Part 71 Radioactive Material l v) HPP-26 l Control and Handling l vi) HPP-30 Shipment of Radioactive l Materials ? ? l C. Inspection controls are administered as a l part of pr'ocedure review per APM G-2, l MQCIM-1, and the Fuel Handling Procedures l Manual. c. FORMICl372 22 3643 s

mm SCrylCO'" PUCLIC CERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO Page 16 of 35 I n, ~ l 2. Weekly - QC shall contact Health Physics to .I witness radwaste packaging. This shall be l documented in the QC Radwaste l Monitoring / Inspection Log (see Attachment IG). l A. The inspector upon contacting HP shall l note in the Radwaste l Monitoring / Inspection Log if a packaging j process will be performed by indicating-j l in the Inspection Available column either I Y or N (see Attachment IG). l i) If no, the inspector shall complete j the Log and no further inquiry for l that week is required. l ii) If yes, the inspector shall complete j the Log and obtain a .Radwaste l Packaging QC Inspection Report (see l E). The Report will be l individually numbered by the 1 inspector using the year followed by 1 I a three (3) character number (...! l sequentially utilizing the last l number obtained from the Log, with l the Log to start with 87-001. l B. The inspector shall complete a Radwaste f i l Packaging QC Monitoring / Inspection Report i for the packaging processing observed-l l whether it is partial inspection or l l complete (see Attachment IE). l Inspection of packaging shall include, as i l a minimum, the following: l l Material / waste description. l l Packaging type, i.e., drum, etc. l Identification. { l Physical integrity of packaging l material. l Absence of liquid. l The criteria for these attributes shall ) l be in accordance with HPP-26, Radioactive j l Material Control and Handling. ~ FORMIC)372 22 3643 C.

1 v e2qwlw$0ry CO'" -PUBUC CERVICE COMPANY.OF COLORADO Page~17 of 35 ~ - - - 633es a. E', 4... i j ld,','- l l Upon completion of. an inspection, the -l Inspection Report will be. filed and then .l transmitted to Record Storage. i l^ 3. All radioactive material / waste sh'ipments'shall-l be. inspected upon -notification from Health

l -

Physics. 1 -l A. Upon notification, the QC inspector shall l-initiate : an entry in the Radioactive l -Shipment Checklist Log andl initiate a-l' Radioactive Materials Shipment Checklist I l (see Attachment 1F). The Checklist will' l be numbered with the next sequential. -l number 'obtained from the Radioactive i Shipment Checklist Log (see Attachment' i 1H). l B. Inspection of. radioactive material i shipments shall include as a minimum,~ the I following: ) .l Shipping container physical integrity. l Shipment secured as required. l Container-and carrier properly l marked / placarded. l Vehicle survey is complete if required. l The criteria for these attributes shal1~ l be in accordance with HPP-30, Shipment of l Radioactive Materials. l-Upon completion of an inspection, the l Checklist will be filed-and then 1 transmitted to Record Storage. ? A FORMIC)372 22 3643 E.

em ~. - ~.. $0fVICO'" PUUUC CERVICE CCMPANY OF COLORADD - Page 18 of 35 c /. :0 j. e 4.7 INSPECTION CONTROLS. Inspections. shall be performed on_ designated items which-by the~ performance of the activity.could adversely affect . quality. These inspections' should be performed in the-respective maintenance ' departments,.. (electrical, mechanical, 'and instrumentation). In order -that the quality of inspection is.not affected, day-to day involvement in SSR's, as. described in APM P-7, will assure that these guidelines are adhered to and that SSR's which could adversely affect quality are reviewed. MQC shall where practicable, witness calibrations. 'As a' mini. mum, l MQC shall verify calibrations. 4.8. OC HOLD AND WITNESS POINT REVIEW '4.8.1 OC Hold and Witness Points Quality Control hold and witness points. are 1 l work documents to establish a means l l. of determining an acceptable grade of quality and I thereby a reasonable degree of confidence that the jj component / system will function as designed. l Inspection requirements are determined before job l performance for most inspections, calibrations, and tests. The following are the definitions for QC hold and witness points: H'old Point: An inspection point in a procedure where the craftsman has notified Quality Control, who in turn must sign ~off the inspection before work shall be allowed to continue. I QC Witness Point: An inspection point in a procedure where the craftsman 'has notified Quality Control, who in turn: l A. must be present to observe the actual performance of one or j more steps of a procedure; or (, FORM IC13M. D. 3M3 m

'7 nmm vn n p., ~, ~ S3rVICO'" PUBUC CERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO Page 19 of 35 [.' i ~ j B. must be present to observe the actual performance of a measurement at test to verify that the preceeding steps, in the procedure, have been performed correctly; or l C.

may, after completion of the work, perform an inspection of measurement to verify that the work was performed correctly.

4.8.2 OC Hold and Witness Point Control Quality Control hold and witness points which have l been established as inspection requirements in pre-written pre-approved procedures may be N/A'd'during job performance at the discretion of the QC inspector. This is to accomodate the. work situations in which the procedure does not exactly match the job to be performed and any N/A's of hold or witness points.will require lining out the point and initia111ng. Also at the discretion of the QC Inspector, new hold and witness points may oe added to the procedures to insure an added degree of quality due to circumstances. N/A's or additions of QC hold or witness points will not require a l PDR. 4.8,.3 OC Hold and Witness Point Criteria Quality Control hold and witness points are established to determine the requirements of 10 CFR l 50 Appendix B and any other commitments are met. The requirements are incorporated in the Administrative Procedures

Manual, the "Q"

l Procedures. Generally, the QC hold and witness l points are established using the following guidelines: A. Vi sua'l Physical Degradation visual inspeccion to determine conditions adverse to quality are not present; corrosion, erosion, wear, embrittlement, discoloration, cracks, pits, chips, charring, melting, bending or any other unacceptable degradation to the integrity of the item being inspected.- FORMtCl372 22 3643 F-i

ymm ~_. ~ _. 3 3,, $0rylCO'" PU2LIC CERVICE COMPANY CF COLORAD3 Page 20 of 35 i 1 1 B. Critical. Surfaces - sealing surfaces (such as for 0-Rings or other seals), seating surfaces 1 (such as in valve seat to disc contact areas), bearing surfaces (such as in bearings or the surfaces.that seat the' bearing), controlled surfaces (such es flow element venturis), mechanical contact surfaces (such as used in mechanical linkages to. perform a control action), or any other surface which will result in failure or reduced capacity item when the surface is in a degraded condition. C. Cleanliness - dust, dirt, water, oil, grease, scale, metal or abrasive particles, weld

splatter, slag,
rust, grit or other contaminants to meet the requirements of FSV-l STD-3 or MAP-8 as applicable for systems or components.

to insure properly D. Material Control qualified replacement items or parts are used for the application required. To insure {-) adequate in process job parts control is established and maintained per MAP-7. E. Parameter Verification parameter checks to verify within acceptance criteria such as pressure, temperature, flow, voltage, current,

torque, capacity, differential
pressure, re si stanc'e,

or any other variable for which a specification has been set. points at which the F. Orientation establishment of correct orientation is critical to the function of a system or component. Examples of such items would be correct valve orientation for check valves to insure valve will seat on reverse

flow, pneumatic control valves connected to the proper control ports to obtain the desired
action, level switches and gauges oriented properly to obtain unrestricted. freedom of
motion, electrical connections made correctly i

oriented to obtain correct rotatied of motors or the desired action on normally open or normally closed contacts of relays,

breakers, and switches.

(' I FORM f D 3U. D. 3M3 P.

E / .ibund 'l 'un' di-5 ~ ' ' ~ ~ ' ' ' .h v $3;VIC'7" PUTLIC SERVICE CZMPANY OF COLORADO Page 21 of 35 l l L t i e G. Lock Wire, Anti-Tamper Seals and Locks applications where movement of an item is critical to the integrity or crucial to obtain l a correct setting required. Generally, fasteners and fittings on in core items and tne fuel shipping casks require lock wire. Anti-tamper seals are used on valves with delicate settings such as relief valves or j safety valves in which tampering would deviate from a required setpoint. Examples in security are anti-tamper switches or seals and locks to prevent disabling of security systems. Examples in the fire protection system are sealed canisters or alarm. devices in which an unbroken seal indicates an unused system since the last recharge. H. Calibrations of Measuring and Test Equipment - points of inspection established to determine that calibrations of installed and non-installed measuring and test equipment is calibrated with instruments or devices traceable to the National Bureau of Standards b and that devices calibrated are within the ~ acceptance criteria. Other points are established as required to insure adequate documentation of calibrations performed which are not traceable to the National Bureau of Standards (such as calibrations performed per manufacturers' instructions). I. Use of Calibrated Equipment points of inspection established to insure the use of calibrated equipment within its calibration dates. Examples are torque wrenches, pressure

gauges, voltage and current calibrators, voit ohm meters, etc.

points of inspection established to J. Tests verify items meet the acceptance criteria of tests. Examples of tests are functional or operational tests, hydrostatic tests, setpoint tests, drop tests, leak tests, electrical or electronic tests, surface quality comparison

tests, flatness tests, chemical or analytical tests, or any other test which verifies the acceptabilii.y of an item to a specific criteria.

( FoRMICl372 3 350 C.



points of K. Administrative verification inspection established to determine procedural compliance with applicable procedures, codes, drawings, technical manuals, and standards. 4.8.4' OC Hold and Witness Point Implementation Hold and witness points which have been designat'ed shall be incorporated by PDR and DCCF (for i permanent changes) or by a stamp or may be handwritten in (for temporary applications). Verification of performance of a hold or witness point will be by inspector initials, signature, or l stamp and date. 4.9 OC INSPECTION REPORT l The following specifies the documentation requirements for filling in the QC Inspection Report (attachment MQCIM-1A) and the QC Continuation Inspection Report (attachment MQCIM-18). Responsibility for fillin'g in the QC Inspection Report is the inspector performing the inspection. The QC Inspection Report is generated at the bq beginning of a job and is attached to the work package governing document. Upon job completion, the QC Inspection Report is completed and the second copy removed for the QC Inspector's records (if desired). The QC l Inspection Report is required for inspections performed l l except for "USE AS IS" Nonconformance Reports, Radwaste i l Inspections, Security Inspections, and Surveillance Tests. { l The QC Inspection Re~ port shall be filled out in black ink 6 l utilizing the following guidelines: Inspector fills in equipment 1. Equipment Number number as specified by work document and/or applicable drawing. Information.given in blocks 1 and 2 must be sufficient to positively and uniquely identify the system / component / item being inspected. 2. Equipment Name - Inspector fills in the noun name of the component or system being inspected. Information given in blocks 1 and 2 must be sufficient to positively and uniquely identify the system / component / item being inspected. (l I F ORM 10 372 22 3643 s, i

y_, S9rvico'" PU2WC CERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO Page 23 of 35 h.) 3. Equipment Location Inspector can fill fn the equipment location by level or elevation, specifying reactor building or turbine building, specifying grid numbers and letters, by building number or any other information to positively and easily locate initially.and relocate subsequently if necessary. Source inspections will be the place of inspection, calibrations of non-installed i measuring and test equipment may be marked N/A. 4. Inspection Type The inspector identifies and fills in the type (s) of inspection by name or abbreviation as follows: A. SR - Safety Related B. FS - Firewater System C. CAL - Calibration D. EQ - Environmental Qualification E. SEC - Security - F. DIM - Dimension Verification G. FHP - Fuel Handling Procedure H. SRC - Source The ' inspector briefly l 5. Work to be Performed explains the work to be performed. l 6. Reference Documents The inspector lists any documents, and revision numbers, included in the work package or used in the performance of work. 7. Calibrated Equipment The inspector lists all calibrated measuring and test equipment used for l which the recording,of this data is not provided for in the work documents. For such items, the inspector will record the type of measuring or test equipment under " Calibrated Items", the identi fice. tion number under " Identification Number", the calibration expiration date under " Calibration Expiration Date", and after filling in that information will signify verification by initialling under the "QC" column. (' ~ FORMICl372 3 3643

p - gr gi 0 wn m .m ~.. - -m. - _. ~ ~ u. m x a : - ----;;g,7 g m - - q u $3rVIC&" PUIt.lC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO -Page 24 of.35' 4 ,i L -C.- L 1 e. 8. Dimensional Inspection:'- The inspector performs I independent dimensional. verification of:-physical dimensions.- required 'during the ' performance of' maintenance or fabrication which necessitates the use. of calibrated measuring. and test equipment.- . The inspector.shall document the place of.. j measurement, the "as. found" and/or "as left". measurement, the acceptance _ criteria (documenting ~ l the source of this criteria under " Reference Documents"), and initia111ng the "QC" column signifying verification. The inspector documents the 9. Material Control Direct Charge Requisition number, Purchase Order

number, or other purchasing document that establishes procurement control for materials used.

10. Quality Control Actions Utilized - The inspector-documents all QC actions taken and briefly explains. in the comment section. -NCR's, CAR's, or tags shall be recorded under " Reference Documents". 11. Comments The inspector documents the-inspection . rg, L. performed to the extent that another: inspector continuing the job or an auditor _ performing a review can ascertain the status of, and the extent of, inspection performed during the course of (and. after) a. Job has been performed. I 12. Inspection (s)/ Test (s) Completed-Satisfactory - The inspector marks yes or no based. on tests / inspections performed;such as on PMT's, FT's, CCT's, TT's, or as specified by other work. documents. Failures shall be documented in the comment section by explanation er observations made. Failures must be corrected immediately or reference made to a correcting document. 13. Inspected By - The inspector signs and dates upon completion of all inspection to be performed'on the-applicable work document. i The inspector numbers the QC 14. Page _ of Inspection Report and subsequent QC Continuation Inspection Report (s), or attachments, as applicable. 15. QC Continuation Inspection Report - The inspector uses for comment continuation documentation as 7'c necessary. FoRMICl372 22 3643 e

$9fVlC3' PU LIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO Page 25 of 35-7, (T,..\\ 4.10 PROCEDURE CORTROL l The MQC group shall verify conformance based on the following guidelines: A. Manufacturer Operation and Maintenance Manuals B. Administrative Procedures l C. MQC Inspectier Manual i D. Maintenance Procedures l All SSR's shall be reviewed by MQC to verify inspections l are identified, as required, on safety related/ Enhanced { -l Quality SSR's. ) MQC shall review all safety related maintenance procedures to incorporate QC inspection points and sign-offs as necessary to verify conformance to quality requirements.


() 5.1 Maintenance General Inspection Procedure 1-1 5.2 Maintenance Procedure (P-7) 5.3 Special Inspection Procedures (as developed) 5.4 Special Tests (0-11) 5.5 Contro115d Work Procedures (G-9) 5.6 Action Requests (G-3) 5.7 Corrective Action System (Q-16) 5.8 Control of Nonconforming Items (Q-15) 5.9 Inspection (Q-10) 5.10 Quality Records (Q-17) 5.11 FSV Project Personnel Training and Qualification Program (G-7) 1 ( l FoRMICl372. 2 3643 T.

FUi)iiC Nni di- \\"~'-w--m" s-l>>cc o SOrVICO* PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO Page 26 of 35 h a 6.0 ATTACHMENTS 6.1 MQCIM-1A, QC Inspection Report 6.2 MQCIM-18, QC Continuation Inspection Report l 6.3 MQCIM.-1C, QA Review. Checklist for Completed SSR Packages l Marked (Y) QC Required l 6.4 MQCIM-1D, QA Review Checklist for Completed SSR Packages l Marked (N) QC Required l 6.5 MQCIM-1E, Radwaste Packaging QC Monitoring / Inspection l Report l 6.6 MQCIM-1F, Radioactive Materials Shipment Checklist l 6.7 MQCIM-1G, Radioactive Material / Waste Packaging l Monitoring / Inspection Log l 6.8 MQCIM-1H, Radioactive Shipment Checklist Log 7.0 COMMITMENTS The step (s) and section(s) listed below may not be deleted without issuance of comparable controls The procedure itself, if initiated as a result of commitment corrective action, may not be deleted without issuance of comparable controls 7.1 This procedure is a result of a commitment made in () response to P-85172, I&E Inspection Report 85-07. 7.2 This step is a result of a commitment from QAA-1004-86-01. l 7.3 These steps are a result of a commitment from CAR 87-007. l l l 9 I = FORMICl372+;2 3643 I.



OC INSPECTION REPORT i l PubHc FoRr sr. wiu nem ownAnna srAnow OService* rusuc sanvicit courAmy or cotonAco QC INSPECTION REPORT Po,e et tr ._:swmar REFERENCE DOCUMENTS Eawa='"

  • 0 fr W Manud Esem*" W

$$R he. _ _ - ---A. Tves NCR No. went m es ow+armes N P No. Dem CALIBRATED EQUIPMENT CAU8 RATED l IDENTIFICATION CAUSRAT)ON g ITEMS l NUMBER EXPIRATION DATE 6 6 1 1 1 DIMENSIONAL SNSPECTION PLACE OF ME.ASUREMENT CRITERIA Air A/L OC O I i i venty Proper Matenal Control For Joe. List Aeolicable DC Numbers Se+oe I i 1 6 e i Quahty Contros Actions Utahzed (ChecAn O stoowork O NCR O CAR C Tagged comments Insoeetion(s) s Testies comoieted satisf actory. C Yes C No if No eroiain and reference eponeao e noeumenes in comment s.etion ( Inspected By Date ou im m a sas? FORM (01372 22 3643 e6


( - __ --- Public - FORT ST. VRAIN NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION h' 37,k * " * ' SDrylCOO ' PUIUC CERVICE C3MPANY CF COLCRADD Page 29 of 35 i I k..-3 l l'OA REVIEW CHECKLIST FOR COMPLETED SSR PACKAGES MARKED (Y) QC REOUIRED 1 -l l 1.. Verify QC inspection by has been signed off and dated on the i bottom of page 2 of the SSR. l If: The completed SSR has no QC signature /date, l Then: Transmit the package to the QC inspector responsible for l the inspection for signature /date completion. l 2. Verify that the necessary documentation is included in the l l completed SSR package. l a) SSR pages 1 e,nd 2 attached. l b) QC Inspection Report (QCIR), filled out per MQCIM-1, is l attached, signed, and dated. l-c) PMT if required. l If: PMT required, h: .) Then: Ensure PMT test accept by sign /date completed on l the bottom of page 2 of the SSR. l If: PMT test accept by sign /date not complete as l

required, l

Then: Transmit the package to the responsible supervisor i for completion. l d) Procedure (s) completed as required _ per applicable l administrative procedure (s). l If: The procedure (s) require c rrection or completion, l l Then: Transmit the package to the supervisor who I l signed / dated the supervisor /date section on the l bottom of page 2 of the SSR. .l e) Copy of any NCR(s), POR(s), AR(s), etc. as required for i .l documentation. 4 i ' t, ' FORfA(D)372 22 3fA3 L

Public. FORT ST. VRAIN NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION u SDIVlCO'- PU UC CERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADD - Page 30 of 35 .(,I l 3. Ensure no origfatl NCR(s), are attached to the completed SSR .l package. l If: Original NCR(s) attached, l Then: Transmit the completed SSR package to the verifying l QC'with instructions to copy._the -completed NCR l package and. attach _the copy to the completed SSR l package, then transmit the completed original NCR l package to the QA computer specialist. The QA-l reviewer can also perform this correction without l transmitting 'the SSR package back to the verifying l QC. l NOTE: Under no circumstances shall an original NCR remain with a l completed SSR package after the NCR completion. l 4. Review the instrument calibration sheet from Results.for l completion if attached. l If: Instrument calibration sheet is not complete, l Then: Transmit.the package to the Results engineering l supervisor for completion, j 5. Review the instrument calibration sheet to ensure the Results l engineering supervisor review section has been completed. l If: As-found meets critertai yes/no is marked no, l Then: The Results engineering supervisor review section l must be completed. l If: As-found meets criteria: yes/no is marked yes, l Then: The Results engineering supervisor review section l may be N/A'd. l 6. When SSR review has been completed; sign and date the QA review l by/date on the bottom of page 2 of the SSR and transmit the l package to the scheduling clerk. I f \\. 'i FORM (Of 372 22 3643

' Public FORT ST. VRAIN NUCLEAR GENERATING ST/sTION 'g$ ~ ',) "" ' y SCTVICOO CERVICE COWiPANY CF CCt.GRA03 Page 31 of.35 s ', l OA REVIEV CHEGKLIST FOR COMPLETED SSR PACKAGES MARKED (N) QC RE l 1. Verify that the necessary documentation is included in the l-completed SSR package. I a) SSR pages 2 and 2 attached. l 2. Ensure no original (NCR(s), are attached to the completed SSR l package. 'l If: Original NCR(s) attached, l Then: Transmit the completed SSR package to the verifying l QC with instructions to copy the completed NCR l package and attach the copy to the completed SSR l package, then transmit the completed original NCR l package to the QA computer specialist. The QA l review can also perform this correction without l transmitting the SSR package back to the verifying l QC. l NOTE: Under no circumstances original NCR remain with a b] l completed SSR package after the NCR completion. l 3. When review has been completed N/A the QC Inspection by/date, l and sign and date the QA Review by/date on the bottom of page 2 l of the SSR. I 4. Transmit the reviewed package to the scheduling clerk. l NOTE: Any original NCR that has not been signed off as completed I should be transmitted to the responsible supervisor for I completion. 1 ( FORMID)372 22 3643 p.


Public FORT ST. VRAIN NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION S3rvicDS Pu:ue esavice C:MPANY OF COLORADO Page 33 of 35 h.c j - RADI0 ACTIVE MATERIALS SHIPMENT CHECKLIST l CHECK LIST NUMBER DATE l 1. Verify the physical integrity of l shipping container. SAT UNSAT l 2. Shipping container properly l secured. N/A SAT UNSAT l 3.. All seals (if required) l are in place. N/A SAT UNSAT 'l 4. Shipping container is l properly marked. N/A SAT UNSAT l 5. Shipping labels applied l as required. N/A SAT UNSAT l 6. Vehicle is properly ,-) I placarded. N/A SAT UNSAT K_ l 7. Vehicle survey is complete l if required. N/A, SAT UNSAT I COMMENTS g. I I I I i j INSPECTED BY: DATE: ( FORM tO)372 22 3643

l + - o 0 '5 A' 1 3 / t r N iIIIIIIIIIIIII n o N IIIlIIIIIIlIII' e O I IIiI (D 's m 6:e I T t 3 T A Nce C S aue E N I Ctsg P U IIlIII1 Qtsa S i II HAIP N i l I TAS Il I IIIIIliI IIi Ili Il ' RO TC E P S N I IlI1lII iIIIIlilIIIliIII IIIIIIII I1IIlIII G O L N S O K R I T A C M E E P R S N I /G N I i1I IlI' l R IilIIliiiI O IlI1II1IIiIIIII T R N I N OEO O TI M LET ALC G IPE N TMP I ROS C ACN I Ill l 1 A P I Il ,lliI ' tIII ' I 0 K ] C 0. A Ti d P .St re CIi at E ELR er T PKE ye S SCD s A NEN n IfU W i / CN l de L I I A 1 iI: .IIIIiIIf I111 eb r I R el E bl T N ma A / O ut i ns M L I E IAET TP yA V RSI l/N EAR l I T TWC a C A S in A M E te 0 D n er ID uo q A Ii1 IIl1IIIIlIIlililiI ey R lII Il1 sr t .l en PlN be SA/ on NVY te A I iIl II l1i1II '

l li i

1IIIil1i1 I l se tv sa ih r T l O C kl A cl I ea EPT i i MIN ~ lt A O Cs H C ns od ll1ll*ilIIIl1liIi i il lI1iIlllIIIlIlin te I1I H1IIlilI ci ef p sl E nl T IA A D 12 l,!lllif!llli1ll(lllllllI il' il l' e

.il i 1 a 5 1 .3 ,t r. n o ) '. e ' m65. 7;4' h 3 ece aue l Ctst otse-R i mAIP O TC EPSN I l iIIIIlIl1Il1Ii IIIllIIlIII Ili SK RAM G E O R L TS I LKC EHC I iI II' itI11IIlIIlI IiIII IIIlIIlIIlI Od T N E 1 M 0 P 0. I d H re S ater EV N yes / o I n T L l i C AEi A ITP de 0 RSI 1 EAR eb r D_ TWC A A S el B M E blma D ~ uh ns yA l/N l a in iiiIIIiiI I 1ilIl1IIlII IIIIIii1I1IlIiIIIi1 te ner NE uo OL q B ITA ey sr CTM t EP/ en PEY be SC NC on IA IlIIIii1ii 1I 1i1I l1i1 11IiI1I1IiIt) Ii te se tv sa E ih T l A kl D cl ea hh Cs IIl11IllIi1Ii1I' ltl1I1lI I1III ' IIllIlIi i 1 ns od il te T ci S ef IR p LE sl I KB CM nl EU IA lN l C 12 l-ilIll lll'

Revision 4 j B.5-32 accordance with requirements specified by the FSV Administrative Procedures Manual. Received records are acknowledged,

logged, indexed and the documents filed.

Records Center controls assure j l records security from loss or deterioration and assure retrievability l of retained do:uments for their prescribed retention periods. B.5.18. A dits and Monitorina Activities j J i B.5.18.1. FSV Audit and Monitorino System 4sa 2 ettymx pi-um a e-a p,, g uenu-a;_,g, d d g ~ M M-S k[ Ner-.m...s incitfdTEfgIMmu --s m8FRP2tEntMttfEr; ,.1 M )(1!L'9IDHf TwoxvearH The system of formal audits is ' supplemented by monitoring actions conducted on a continuing basis to veri fy conformance of on going work activities to applicable requirements. The monitoring system provides greater flexibility and earlier identification of situations which may be adverse to quality. Monitoring results are evaluated and considered when developing audit plans and checklists. B.5.18.2. Audits Audits are performed by the Quality Assurance Division using pre-established procedures and checklists and are conducted by trained lead auditors with no direct responsibility for the areas audited. Audits are also performed by the Nuclear Facility Safety Committee in accordance with Technical Specification requirements (also see Section Auditors and Lead Auditors are selected and qualified in accordance with ANSI N45.2.23-1978 (Refs. 12, 13 and 17). B.5.18.3. Audit Results Audits are formally documented and distributed to affected management, including the Vice President, Electric Production. Audit findings are documented and reviewed with managers responsible for initiation of corrective action. Processing and follow through on any required corrective actions is accomplished through the corrective action system described by Subsection B.5.16. Follow-up audits are performed as deemed appropriate for evaluation of completed QA audits and QA nonitoring results. B.5.18.4. Monitorino Activities Quality Assurance personnel monitor compliance with the requirements of the documents which control plant operation, such as the NRC

licenses, FSAR, Technical Specifications, Administrative Procedures Manual, Opwating Procedures, and ether controlling documents.

The monitoring functions are defined in the Quality Assurance Monitoring Manual which describes the pre flanned instructions and checklists used in OA monitoring procedures. ~ ] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _}}