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Cycle 15 Startup Test Results
Person / Time
Site: Quad Cities Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 10/18/1996
Shared Package
ML20129K330 List:
NUDOCS 9611200280
Download: ML20129K332 (4)


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f-l Contents g l


1. Core Verification 2
2. Shutdown Margin 2 l 3. Initial Critical Prediction 3
4. Core Power Distribution Symmetry Analysis (TIP Asymmetry) 3 l ]

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1. Core Verification l ~ Puroose To verify proper core location and orientation for each fuel assembly.

1-Criteria Prior to reactor startup the actual core configuration shall be verified to be identical to the planned core configuration, t

Results and Discussion Verification of the Cycle 15 core was completed on April 25,1996. The orientation, seating, l . and serial number (bundle ID) were verified for each assembly. The first inspection was made to verify oriontation and seating of assemblies. A second pass was subsequently made to verify l

bundle serial numbers.

2. Shutdown Maroin Demonstration and Control Rod Functional Checks

! Puroose The purpose of this test is to demonstrate for this core loading in the most reactive condition during the operating cycle, that the reactor will remain suberitical with the strongest control rod ,

fully withdrawn and all other rods fully inserted, i-l Criteria The shutdov6 ri margin (SDM) shall be greater than 0.38% Ak with the highest worth control rod analytically determined.

Results and Discussion On April 26,1996 control rod H-14 was fully withdrawn to demonstrate that the reactor would

, remain suberitical with the strongest rod out._ This rod was calculated by Nuclear Fuel Services l (NFS) to have the highest worth with the core fully loaded. The strongest rod out maneuver j was performed to allow single control rod withdrawals for CRD testing. ,

Control rod functional checks were performed as part of control rod friction testing. No )

unexpected reactivity insertions were observed when any of the 177 control rods were l withdrawn.

Prior to the initial critical, NFS calculated the shutdown margin to be 1.123% Ak at 0 mwd /ST, which is the point of minimum shutdown margin for Cycle 15 (R =0). The critical rod pattern eigenvalue (from NFS data) was 1.0100 and the SRO eigenvalue was 0.9908. Corrections for moderator temperature and reactor period were -0.357% Ak and 0.0445% Ak, respectively.

l Adding the corrections to the critical eigenvalue less the SRO eigenvalue, the shutdown margin

for Cycle 15 was determined to be 1.5185% Ak. This value was further corrected (for )

uncertainty in GE local critical calculations of 0.3% Ak) to 1.22% Ak, 2  ;

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3. Initial Critical Prediction Puroose

! The purpose of this test is to calculate the reactivity difference (%Ak) between the predicted

and actual critical eigenvalues, j Criteria The reactivity. equivalence of the difference between the actual rod density and the predicted rod density shall not exceed 1% Ak. I l

Results and Discussion l l

The reactor was brought critical on August 24,1996 at 2140 hours0.0248 days <br />0.594 hours <br />0.00354 weeks <br />8.1427e-4 months <br /> with reactor water l temperature 160 F. The Ak difference between the expected critical rod pattern and the actua!

l critical rod pattern (at 68 F) was 0.008 from rod worth tables supplied by NFS. The temperature effect was -0.00357 Ak from NFS supplied corrections. The excess reactivity from the 148 second period was 0.000445 Ak. These reactivities sum to a 0.00399 Ak difference (0.399% Ak) between the expected critical rod pattern and the actual rod pattern, which is l within the 1% Ak criteria of this test. I i


4. Core Power Distribution Svmmetry Analvsis 1

Puroose l l l l The purpose of this test is to determine the magnitude of core power distribution asymmetries I using data (TIP traces and OD 1) collected in conjunction with the LPRM calibration.

Criteria l j The total TIP uncertainty shall be less than 9% and the maximum difference between symmetric TIP pairs shall be less than 25%.

! Results and Discussion l Core power symmetry calculations were performed based on 00-1 data from September 13 and l September 26,1996. The average total TIP uncertainty from these data sets was 4.308%,

which satisfies the 9% limit. The random noise uncertainty was 1.253%, and the geometrical uncertainty was 4.112%. The maximum deviation between symmetric TIP pairs was 13.997%

for pair 16-28, which meets the 25% limit.

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