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Forwards Amend 13 to License R-71,eliminating Operating Authority & Attendant Tech Specs & Reducing Amount of Authorized Snm.Related Correspondence
Person / Time
Site: 05000142
Issue date: 12/17/1984
From: Woodhead C
To: Bright G, Frye J, Luebke E
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
CON-#484-686 OL, NUDOCS 8412190230
Download: ML20140D857 (14)


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j " WASHINGTON, D. C. 20666 -


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'84 [ipe,cemye3 :}T,1984 bb/ElN.YN.Nviu John H. Frye, III, Chairman Dr. Emmeth A. Luebke Administrative Judge Administrative Judge Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Atomic Safety and Licensing Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Consnission Washington, DC 20555 Washington, DC 20555 Glenn 0. Bright Administrative Judge Atomic Safety and Licensing Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission Washington, DC 20555 P,", 8


14 In the Matter of uE p ,l THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA p; c" (UCLAResearchReactor) p. E it 1 Docket No. 50-142 - o44 3;;;Y l (Proposed Renewal of Facility License) y ]


. G,

Dear Administrative Judges:

I am forwarding to you copies of the recent amendment to the license for the UCLA research reactor. The amendment eliminates operating authority and attendant technical specifications, and reduces the amount of SNM authorized. As indicated by the document, the parties were served by the Staff.

Sincerely, 3 j

,(.J p / W Colleen P. Woodhead Counsel for NRC Staff


As stated cc w/o enclosure: Service list m*2aiJWOR G



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8 9*o UfJITED STATES g .


"% , , , , . + #e December 12, 1984 Docket No. 50-142 Dr. Walter F. Wegst, Director Office of Environmental Health and Safety Center for Health Sciences University of California, Los Angeles Los Angeles, California 90024

Dear Dr. Wegst:

The fluclear Regulatory Commission has issued Amendment No.13 to Facility Operating License No. R-71' which authorizes possession but not operation of the nuclear reactor located at the University of California, Los Angeles.

This amendment is in response to your June 22, 1984 and July 26, 1984 letters requesting conversion of your license to a " possession only" status pending decommissioning and license termination. It also reflects the technical specification changes and fuel inventory reduction requested in your letter of July 25, 1984 that will provide relief from certain reactor calibration, maintenance, and reporting requirements no longer applicable with the change of the license to the ' possession only" status.

Copies,of Amendment No.13 and the related Safety Evaluation Report are enclosed.

Sincerely, ee'O 0. h = =

Cecil 0. Thomas, Chief Standardization & Special Projects Branch Division of Licensing


hrendment flo.13 Safety Evaluation Report cc: See next page M


O University of California . 50-142 o at Los Angeles -

ccw/ enclosure (s):

Mr. fici! C. Ostem'cr, bnyr N. i ttm Tc bridge The C w fluclur Engineering Laboratory 153/ Sutler Avenue 4203 School of Engineering and Los Angeles, California 90025 Applied Science University of California Mr. John Bay at Los Angeles Chickering & Gregory Los Angeles, California 90024 3 Embarcadero Center Suite 2300 San Francisco, California 94111 Director, Energy Facilities Attorney General Siting Division 555 Capitol Mall Energy Resources Conservation and Sacramento, California 95814 Development Commission 1516 - 9th Street Mr. James R. Heelan Sacramento, California 95814 Director, Society Services American Nuclear Society California Department of Health 555 N. Kensington Avenue ATTN: Chief. Environmental La Grange Park, Illinois 60525 Radiation Control Unit Radiologicel Health Section Roger Kohn, Esq.

714 P Street, Room 498 P. O. box 1186 Sacramento, California 95814 Ben Lomond, California 95005 Mr. Daniel Hirsch Robert M. Meyers P. O. Box 1186 City Attorney Ben Lomond, California 95005 Lynn Naliboff Deputy City Attorney William H. Cormier, Esq. 1685 Main Street, Room 310 Office of Administrative Vice Santa Monica, California 90401 Chancellor -

University of California Dorothy Thompson 405 Hilgard Avenue c/o Nuclear Lan Center Los Angeles, California 90024 6300 Wilshire Boulevard #1200 Los Angeles, CA 90048 Christine Helwick, Esq.

Glen R. Woods, Esq. Roger Holt Esq.

Office of General Counsel Office.of City Attorney 590 University Hall 200 North Main Street 2200 University Avenue City Hall East. Poom 1700 Berkeley, California 94720 Los Angeles, CA S0012 Ms. Sandy Hillyer Califorr.ia Coastal Commission W.0 furket Street i r frt.rcisco, California 94102


,j WASHINGTON. D. C. 20555 ie



1. The Nuclear Regulatory Comission (the Comission) has found that:

A. The applications for amendment to Facility Operating License No. R-71, filed by the University of California at Los Angeles (the licensee), dated June 22, July 25 and July 26, 1984, ccmply with the standards and requirements of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (the Act), and the Commission's regulations as set forth in 10 CFR Chapter I; B.* The facility will be maintained in conformity with the amended license, the provisions of the Act, and the rules and regulations of the Commission; C. There is reasonable assurance: (1)thattheactivitiesauthorizedby this amendment can be conducted without endangering the health and safetyofthepublic,and(ii)thatsuchactivitieswillbeconducted in compliance with the Commission's regulations; D. The issuance of this amendment will not be inimical to the comon defense and security or to the health and safety of the public; E. The issuance of this amendment is in accordance with 10 CFR Part 51 of the Commission's regulations and all applicable requirements have been satisfied; and F. Publication of notice of this amendment is not required since it

, does not involve a significant hazards consideration nor amendment of a license of the type described in 10 CFR Section 2.106(a)(2).

r O -

2. Accordingly, Facility Operating License No. R-71 is hereby amended by chances to the technical specifications, as indicated in the attachment to this license arendment. License No. P-71 is further amended as follows:

Paragraph 2.A. is modified in its entirety to read:

A. This license applies to the Argonaut-type nuclear reactor (hereinafter.the reactor 1 which is owned by the Regents of the University of California (hereinafter the University of California or the licensee) located on its camous in Los Angeles, California, and described in the licensee's application dated February 20, 1970, as amended.

Paragraph 2.P. is modified in its entirety to read:

B. Subiect to the conditions and requirements incorporated herein, the Connissinn hereby licenses the University of California:

(1) Pursuant to Section 104c of the Act ar.d 10 CFR Part 50 " Domestic Licensino of Production ar.d Utilization Facilities," to possess but not operate the reactor as a utilization facilty at the designated location in Los Angeles, California in acenrdance with the procedures and limitations described in the application and n in this license.

(2) Pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Part 70 " Domestic Licensing of Special Nuclear Material," to pnssess, but not to use (1) u uranium 235, and (2)p 37 to 3.6 kilograms grams ofas of plutonium contained a

plutonium-beryllium neutron source.

(3) Pursuant to the Act and 10 CFR Part 30 " Pules of Cieneral Apolicability to Domestic Licensing of Ryprnduct Material," to possess, but not to separate,

  • such byproduct naterial as may have been produced by operation of the reactor.

. ' Paragraph 2.0 is rndified in its entirety to read: ,

C. This license shall be deemed to contain and is sub 4ct to the conditions spacified in Parts 70, 30, 50, 51. F5, 70 and 73 cf 10 CFD Chanter T, to all 'rPlicable p"0Vi"in"' n' 'ho Act, and to the rules, reculatices crd nedars of the Onrnie< iin l

i nat or heren'te* in effect and tn the additinnal enoditions specified belnw:


J (1) Operation The license- sNil not insa: 1 ruq a. cxpg ie nt, ,ithin the reactor core or core area.


(2) Technical Specifications The technical specifications contained in Appendix A, as revised through Amendment No. 13, are hereby incorporated in the license. The licensee shall conduct all activities in accordance with the technical specifications.

(3) Physical Security Plan The licensee shall maintain and fully implement all provisions of the Commission's approved physical security plan, including amendments and changes made pursuant to the authority of 10 CFR 50.i4(p). The approved security plan consists of documents entitled " Physical Security Plan for the Protection of Special Nuclear Material of Moderate Strategic Significance,"

submitted by letter dated March 10, 1980, as amended by letters dated July 3, 1980, February 20,1981, April 21,1981, June 1, 1981, August 10, 1982, and August 4, 1983. These documents are being withheld from public disclosure pursuant to 10 CFR 2.790(d).

3. This license amendment is effective as of the date of its issuance.


0. Yd+s=P Cecil 0. Thomas, Chief Standardization and Special Proiects Branch Division of Licensing


.. Pevised Technical Specifications D/sTE OF ISSUANCE: December 12, 1984

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ATTACHMENT TO LICENSE AMENDMENT NO. 13 FACILITY. LICENSE NO. R-71 DOCKET NO. 50-142 Revised Appendix A technical specifications are as follows:

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UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES MilCLEAR REACTOR DOCKET NO. 50-142 AMENDMENT #13 DATE: December, 1984 I. Definitions A. Doerable Operable means a systen or component is capable of performing its intended function in a nornal manner.

B. Operatino Operating means a system or component is performing its intended function in a enemal manner.

C. Onerability Test Doerability test means qualitatively verifyino the operability of the ,

channel by observation of channel behavior or by the introduction '

of an externally generated signal.

D. Calibration Calibration means ad.iusting a channel output such that it responds, within acceptable range and accuracy, to known values of the parameter which the channel measures. Calibration shall enenroass the entire channel including equipment actuation, alarm or trip.

TT. Site and Reactor Ronn A. Site ,

1. The reactor shall be housed in a reinforced concrete buildirq in the Schon1 n' Engineering and Applied Science, I!niversity of ralifornia, Lns Ange et, California.


2. The restricted area shall encompass the Mucinar Energy Laboratory which is comprised of the reactnr renn, control room, and surrounding support facilities.

2 B. Reactor Room I. The reactor rcon shall have an independent ventilation and air-conditioning system.

2. All gases which nay cause a hazard shall be exhausted to the environment via a common exhaust duct.
3. Air withdrawn from the reactor room shall be diluted to a volume rate of approximately 14,000 cfm, monitored for gaseous activity and particulate contamination, and exhausted to the atmosphere through a stack approximately 107 feet above the ground level.

III. Radiation Monitoring System A. The reactor room shall be continuously monitored by at least two area radiatinn monitors. The monitors shall be capable -

of audibly warning personnel of abnornally high radiation levels. The output of these monitors shall be continuously indicated.

B. During reactor dismantling operations, exhaust air drawn from t .

the reactor room shall be continuously monitored for gross concentrations of radioactive gases.

C. The radiation monitors in items A and B shall be calibrated semiannually.

D. The release of radioactivity from the reactor facility shall be kept to as low a level as reasonably achievable.

IV. Fuel Handlino and Storane A. Irradiated fuel shall be stored in steel-lined storage pits located in the concrete floor of the high bay. Fuel elements or 'ueled devices shall be stored and handled in a genretry such that k is less than 0.8 under optinum conditions of moderation $b reflection.

R. Irradiated fuel elements or fueled devices shall he stored so that temperatures do not exceed desion values.

V. Adninistrative Pequirenen'.s A. Tha Chance!1er of the !!niversity, tha Daan of the School of r-ninaarirq rno Applied Science, +te Director n' tha "ucicar Energy Lahnratory, end the reactor supervisnr shall have line responsibility for the administrative control of the reactnr facility, safeguarding the general public and facility personnel from redir+ ion exonsure and adhering to all require-norts of the facility license and the technical spacifications.


t B. The reactor supervisor shall be responsible for the control of the reactor fuel, the keeping of logs and records, the maintenance of the physical condition of the reactor and the training of personnel.

C. Line responsibility for radiological safety at the Nuclear Energy Laboratory shall include successively, the Campus Radiation Safety Comnittee, the Office of Research and Occupational Safety and the health physicist assigned to the Nuclear Energy Laboratory. The Campus Radiation Safety Committee shall be independent of the line organization for reactor dismantling operations in item A.

D. The health physicist assigned to the Nuclear Energy Laboratory shall be responsible for implementing and enforcing the radiological safety program. ,

E. A Radiation Use Committee composed of the reactor supervisor, a radiation health physicist and three other members having expertise in radiation safety shall review reactor dismantling activities.

Committee members shall be appointed by the Dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Science. A quorum shall be three members.

The Radiation Use Connitten shall keep written records of its meet-ings. The Committee shall report directly to the dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Science. The Radiation Use Committee shall:

1.' Review proposed changes to the facility or procedures, when such changes have safety significance, and shall detennine whether they involve an amendment to the facility license, or a change in the technical specifications incorporated in the facility license, and recommend action.

2. Review the circumstances of all abnormal occurrences and violations of technical specifications and proposed measures to preclude a recurrence, and recommend remedial action.

F. Any action recommended by the Radiation Use Committee which may affect the operation and/or safety of the University community beyond the Nuclear Energy Laboratory facility shall be brought to the attention of the Campus Radiation Safety Committee which shall have veto power to such a recommendation.

G. The fecility shall be maintained in accordance with approved

. written procedures. All procedures and rafor changes thereto shall be revinind and apornved by the Dirnctor of the Nuclaar Energy Laboratory prior to becoming effective. Changes which do' not change the orioinal intent of a procedure may be approved in writing by the Raactor Suparvisor. Such changes shall be scorded and st.Hittod to tha Director for rentire review. TFo following types of written procedures shall be maintained:



1. Procedures which dalineate the action required in the event '

of emergencies.

2. Radiological control procedures for all facility personnel.
3. Procedures for handling irradiated fuel elements.

H. In addition to the requirements of applicable regulations, and in no way substituting therefor, the following minimun recordt shall be naintained: .

1. Abnormal occurrences.
2. Shipments of radioactive materials.
3. Releases of gaseous, particulate, and liquid wastes to the environs. '
4. Facility radiation and contamination surveys,
5. Fuel inventories and fuel transfers.

6 Radiation exposures for all facility personnel.

1. Th'e followinc ections shall be taken in the event of an abnormal occurrence.
1. Any abnormal occurrance shall he pronptly reported to the Reactor Sunervisor and shall be reviewed by the Radiation Use Committee. A report of the occurrence shall be prepared, including an evaluation of the causefs) and recommandations for appropriate action to prevent or reduce the probability of recurrence.' The results of the investigation shall be maintained as part 3

of the permanent records.

2. All abnormal occurrences shall be reported to the U.S.

iluclear Renulatory Commission in acenrdance with Section 1.1. of these specifications.

. t

3. Abnormal occurrences shall include, but not necessarily be  !

limited to, the following:


a. a viniation of the technical snacificetions nr the '

facility 'icense; h, en uncon*rn11*/ or unpr*.icipated

  • olesso of radio-activit." frnn the sito; L I


-s- .

J. In addition to the requirements of the applicable regulations, and I

in no way substituting therefore, the following reports shall be made to the NRC. All reports shall be addressed as specified in 10CFRE0.73(d).



'1. A report not later than the following working day, by i telephone or telegraph, and a report within 10 days, in writing, of:

a. Abnormal occurrences as defined in Section I.
b. Releases of radioactivity from the facility above the guidelines specified in 10 CFR Part 20 Appendix B,
Table !!.


2. A report within 30 days, in writing, of any significant j

changes in the facility organization.

! 3. A routine report, in writing, at the end of each 12-month  !

period providing the following information:

a. A discu:sion of the changes in the facility and pro-cedures carried out without prior approval by the '

, USNRC pursuant to 10 CFR Part 50, Section 50.59.

I l b. A sunnary of the nature and amount of radioactive  !

l material released to the environs.  ;

i c. The results of any environmental surveys performed  ;

I outside the facility. [

d. Asummaryofsignificant(above500 mrem) radiation exposures received by facility personnel and visitors .

in any one year, including the dates and times of  !

significant exposures.  !


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! %p.,9v[g a

, WA5HINGTON. D. C. 20$55 g'.....


!. Backaround By letter dated June 22, 1984 UCLA indicated that they were withdrawing their license renewal application and requested that their license be amended to " possession only" status. In letters dated July 25, 1984 and July 76, 1984 UCLA formally requested amendments to their license:

(a) to reduce the fuel inventory from 5 kg to 3.6 kg of contained uraniw, the amount of fuel remaining on-site, and (b) to change the license end technical specifications to reflect

. the fact that UCLA, in preparation for dismantling and decom-missioning the reactor facility, has removed the fuel from the reactor and has rendered the reactor permanently inoperable.

UCLA has also indicated that certain additional pre-decommissioning activities are continuing, as permitted under their existing license.

A plan for the balance of the required decommissioning activities will be forwarded for staff review in a subsequent submittal.

!!. Evaluation In preparation for dismantling and decommissioning the reactor, UCLA shipped excess unirradiated fuel off-site, removed the irradiated fuel from the core and stored it in storage thimbles in the reactor reom. The recuest for a decrease in the quantity of fuel pernitted under the license reflects tha actual inventory now on-site. The license has been amended to limit the amount of U-235 to 3.6 kilograms. This is the inventory of U-235 in the irradiated fuel removed form the core and placed in storage. This amendrent is censistent with staff practice which limits tha amount of fuel termitted under any license to the minimum reouired. The license also

' r f. con amer.ded to prohite the reinsttilation of fuel or experiment ( with-


in the core or core area.

The technical specifications have been modified extensively to reflect the

" possession only" status requested by UCLA. In general, those technical specifications relating to reactor operation, performance, safety, sur-veillance and related reporting were deleted. Those relating to fuel storage and staff and population safety, surveillance, monitoring, organi-zation and related reporting requirements have been retained.

All specifications relating to in-core fuel, coolant and moderator systems, reactor control and safety systems and in-core experiments have been deleted.

Since the reactor cannot be fueled or o)erated, these items are no longer relevant and technical specifications witch address them are not meaningful.

Those technical specifications that pertain to the " possession only" status of the facility were retained. They include the reactor room ventilation system, radiation monitoring system, fuel storage and handling and administra-tive functions. The amended technical specifications will continue to assure that the various activities permitted under the " possession only" license status will be conducted without significant risk to the health and safety of on-site personnel or the public or to the environment.

III.' Environmental Considerations This erondr.ent involve: changes in the installation or use of facility components located within the restricted area as defined in 10 CFR Part 20 and changes in inspection and surveillance requirements. The staff has determined that the amendment involves no significant hazards considera-tion, there is no significant increase in the amounts of any effluents that may be released offsite, and there is ro significant increase in individual or cumulative occupational radiation exposure. Accordingly, this amendment meets the eli set forth in 10 CFR 51.22(c)gibility criteria for categorical exclusion (9). Pursuant to mental impact statement or environmentel assessment need be prepared in connection with the issuance of this amendment.

IV. Conclusion Accordingly, the staff concludes that amendment of this license to a

" possession only" status is approariate. We have further concluded, based on the considerations discussed a)ove, that: (1) because the amendment does not involve a significant increase in the probability or consequences of accidents previously considered and does not involve a significant decrease in a safety maroin, the amendnent does not involve a significant hazards

., consideration, (2) there is reasonable assurance that the health and safety

-f %e public will not be endangered by the propnsed activitirt, and(3)

.id activities will be ccnducted in compliance e th tte Ceuaission's regu-lations and the issuance of this amendrent will not be inimical to the corron defense and scrurity or to the health ard safety of the public.

Principal Contributor: Harold Bernard Dated: December 12, 1984