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Rev 2 to Suitability Training & Qualification Plan
Person / Time
Site: Palisades Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 06/11/1984
Shared Package
ML20070A154 List:
FOIA-90-354 PROC-840611, NUDOCS 9101170155
Download: ML20070A159 (10)


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l A1 TAC}DfENTS I & 11 Consumers Power Company Palisades Plant Docket 50-255 P

Revision No 2 Palisades Plant Suitability Training and Qualification Plan i

June 11, 1984 f '} fl g:;_ ^ l

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14 pages

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I ic0684-0412bl42 PDR FOIA M+ *WI' E ';.:, i FIELD 90-354 PDR

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S itability Training and Qualification Plan, Revie.ican No 2, Palisades. Plant Outline. Point The 'ollowing justifications f or revisions pertain to both the flig RockNevised h hand rtartin.

Plant and Pa'isades Plant.

actual word changes are inentified by vertical lines in the rig t-Justificatton Page Section This section was revised due to logisticalavailability problems, 2-1 2.1.2 such as weather, facility and equipment and failure of security personnel to perform satis-factorile on the first attempt. These factors make

1. difficult to train and certify in a specific order.

Our intent, howeve r, remains as originally developed; that is, to have personnel trained and certified in their respective shift ast,ignment and all shift assiganents belov it , requiring a lesser degree of knowledge and skill as described in Section 2.2.4.

This change is being made to help clarify the re- " to 2-2 2.2.3 Sponsibility of " Plant or Security Supervisors require " retraining (of individuals) in the event the demonstration (of crucial tasks) is unsatisfactory."

Initialing the Individual Qualification Record (lQR) 2-2 2.2.4 is as ef fective as signing, but much less tirne- g



The reference to 2.1.2 and example has been clima-nated as this information has already been stated in 2.1.2 as a requirement.

2.3 The Security Training Coordinator (STC) was substi- [

2-3 tuted for the Security Force 1.cader as the STC is I most knowledgeable of the training requirements and _

of the individual's abilities to fulfill the job I requirements.

An evaluation of the importance of the Property Protection Supervisor's signature on the To IQR was assure conducted and found not to be needed. ,

accuracy of the IQR, the Corporate Property Protection Department vill audit these records on a periodic basis, i


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  • TP AINING AND_Ql'All plCAT_!pj:

2.1 T8A[NihG,#W[KQ][M@

The objectives of this training program are to produce security personnel that are fully qualified and capable of per fer ting the crucial tasks as-sociated with their assigned security duties ano to insure they maintain proficiency by detecting any deficiencies in performance. The manner in which each individual is qualified and is mainteined includes formal, on the job training and/or, at the tice of hiring, determines the individual possesses the necessary knowledge and skills by testing of required ;)erformance objectives.

training and performance evaluation. Proficiency is maintained by ongoing Individual and force effectiveness to meet contingency response tasks will be dentstrated by an of ficer participating in at least one drill per year and successfully passing a writt en examir:c; ion on contingency response procedure.i. In order to qualify, the individual must cent correct receive a minimur isssing score of 70 per-answers on written tests and/or de: onstrate the correct technique for each action element indicated on the supervisor's checklist as required for any critical task associated with his/her shift assign-ment.

In the event an individual at any tirne fails to demonstrate the required degree of proficiency, he or she will receive retraining until sat isf actory performance is demonstrated by again testing of the required performance 1:.J ivid ua l . objective or a decision is rnade to pertranently disqualify the 2.1.2 The training / evaluation program begins as a portion of the hiring process. During the initial interview, it is determined if the individual has had any previous training and,or experience with similar security programs, if experience is indicated, the p son will be evaluated to determine his or her specific training n eds- ]

The Company training program is designed to qualify personnel in their respective shift assignments as well as all shift assign-ments below it which require a lesser degree of knowledge and skill, as identified in Figure 1.

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n2 June ll, 1984



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i I i 2.2.1 Individual Responsibi}i_ty_Hatrix 1

A detailed review has been made of the site physical security and l

! safeguards contingency plans and procedures.

Based upon the identified task, the responsibilities of the con-tract security personnel were established. The established re-sponsibilities, by job position, are outlined in the Individual r Responsibility Mattix, Appendix 11. These tasks were used in conducting the job analysis as outlined in Section 2,2.2. l 2.2.2 Job Analysis 1 i

Utilizing the Individual Responsibility Hatrix, a specific job analysis was accomplished for each shift assignment indicated.

The-purpose of the analysis was to authenticate and identify crucial tasks required for the successful implementation of the l

plant security and safeguards contingency plans which ere of suf-ficient difficulty to require evaluation. The identified crucial L

tasks along with established standards and conditions will be used for the qualification evaluation of individuals assigned to the specific shift assignments (Appendix !).  !

2.2.3 Du_ty_Quali f Icat ion l

All personnel assigned to security related duties are required to i

successfully demonstrate the capability to perform all crucial security tasks, under the conditions and to the standards speci-fled on the applicable Job Analysis Vork Sheet (s) prior to assign.

ment to the specific shift assignment involved. The demonstration l must be performed to the satisfaction of an appropriate plant or l Security Supervisor. The individual will receive retraining in l

the event the demonstration is ensatisfactory. The routine per-  !

' formance of a task meets this objective provided it is accom- '

plished in accordance with the specifications outlined in the-appropriate Job Analysis Work Sheet.

2.2.4 Individual _ qualification Record (lQRJ An IQR it, maintained for each individual assigned to security-related duties. -The IQR outlines each specific task required- for l

a given shift assignment function, the date that the successful o

performance for each task was completed, the initials of;the L cvaluating supervisor _ and examinee certifying completion. -Upon initiation of -requalification, a new IQR will_ be utilized to record the evaluations. The IQR(s) for each individual assigned to security related duties will be available for inspection by on authorized representative of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). w ew June 11, 1984 rp06BO 0784all.6 94

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l 2.2.5 Test _jfaterRls All tes.t and tvoluation materials utilf red to demonstrate adequate l performance of required tasks will be retained on the plant site j l for a minimum of 2 years for inspection by an authorired repre- l 1

j sentative of the NRC.

i 0 2.3 CONTRACT PERSONNEL All contract personnel assigned to security related duties will meet the j

i training and qualification requirements outlined in this plan. The Se-curity Training Coordinator or hi$ designated contract ager*,y representa-tive will, prior to assigning any contract Security Porce member to l

security related dutier.. certify that. he has reviewed the individual's IQR and that the pert on has dettonstrated adequate per formance for all

! tasks required of the shif t at.nigtsent position (s) indicated. Training records will be audited on a periodic, by the Corporate Property protection Department, i

j 2.4 R@UALIFICATION All personnel assigned to becurity related duties shall, once annually f- (plur, or minus 30 days), succes.sfully demonstrate the capability to perform all tasks outlined in the opplicable Job Analysir. Vork Sheet (s).

The results of the roqualifications will be documented and attes.ted to as outlined in Paragraphs 2.2.4 and 2.3 above, f

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I Revision 2 June 11.1984 +

i' rp06BO-07B4a146 94 1

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Each individual required to be armed in the performance of his or her security-related duties shall qualify in the use of assigned weapon (s) as i

' indicated below, The individual must qualify with the weapon prior to being armed on duty and documentation of the qualification be accomplished as indicated in Paragraphs 2.2.4 and 2.3 above.


4.1 HANDGUN To qualify in the use of handguns, the individual's performance must meet j- the following criteria:

_ R_ange Number of Rounds _

_ Time (Posit f onL_ _

7 Yards 12 (DA) 30 Seconds (Crouch) 16 (DA) 90 Seconds (Kneeling) 25 Yards (Standing Veak Hand Barricade)

(6 Per Position) (Standing Strong Hand Barricade) 24_(SA) 2 Min 45 Seconds (Sitting) j 25 Yards (6 per Position) (Prone)

(Standing Weak-Hand Barricade)

(Standing Strong Hand Patricade) 12- Seconds (Standing Point Shoulcer) 25 Yards 6 (DA)

To successfully complete the instructional court.c. the individual must be able to score a minimum of 70 percent.

B-27 Silhouette Target  !

- 5 Points All Hits Within X, 10, 9, B Rings - 4 Points All-Hits Within 7 Ring

- 3 Points Other Hits on Silhouette

- 210 Points

_gualifying Score __

- 300 Points Total Possible Score

-(DA) - Double Action (SA) - Single Action .

Revision 2 I , June 11, 1984 rp0680-0784al46 94

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l i

1 Security Force Leader (STL) l li Security Shift Leader (SSL) i l

! Response Force Leader-(RTL) ,


' i Central / Secondary Alarm Station Supervisor (CAS/SAS) i Response Force Member (RTM)

! i Patrol Officer (PO) 4 ID Station Operator (IDSO)

Vehicle Escor Officer (VEO) (

t Vehicle Search Offfcer (VSO)-

.t Personnel Search Officer (PS0) f Determine Proficiency Level .

, t Hiring Process


FIGURE 1 i-i: A i

1 l

Revision 2 r

o 06/11/64 rp0680 0784a146-94 e erw g-t P* T % *' .f--m--m_---6m'--'.a-'A_-

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Lit:BEF j ( ACTIO7:5)

Demonstrate ability while wearinr. a hand Demonstrate Required Doctor's statement of satis- gun (miy be .imulated) and leather gear,

! 3.5.h.1 factory physien1 condition Physical Fitness vil1:

I i

J Bun h0 yards Pick up:

Plot heInet Chotr,ur (nay be simulated) i te:mun i '. en (may be dumny rounds)

Pun 100 yards Crawl 10 yards Fun 100 yards l

within h.S minutes.

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