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Discusses Proposed Deletion of Physical Security Plan for Protection of SNM of Moderate Strategic Significance or Low Strategic Significance
Person / Time
Site: Ohio State University
Issue date: 10/10/1995
From: Cruz J
NUDOCS 9511010157
Download: ML20094B594 (1)


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E Engineedng Experiment Station 15d filtchcock Hau b.,

6-O, 2070Neil Avenue Columbus. Oil 43210-1275

-q Pho to 614 292-4903

[LLa FAX # 614-292 9021 UNIVERSITY US Nuclear Regulatory Commission 10 October 1995 Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555 Re: Proposed deletion of the " Physical Security Plan for Protection of Special Nuclear Material

of Moderate Strategic Significance or Low Strategic Significance" for the Ohio State University Nuclear Reactor Laboratory, License R-75 Docket 50-150.

As you are aware, the Ohio State University Research Reactor no longer has any high enriched uranium (HEU) fuel on site. The fuel shipment of June 1,1995 completed removal of the HEU. The fuel currently in use is all low enriched uranium (LEU) less than 20% U-235. This is confirmed in Section IV of the Certification Report for the Ohio State University Fuel provided by Babcock and Wilcox, entitled " Fuel Plate / Element Data Sheet." The most highly enriched plate is 19.783% U-235. There are a total of 5168.69 grams of LEU fuel on site. This fuel is SNM of low strategic significance, since it is less than 20% enriched. And since the total we are licensed to possess,5.2 kilograms, is less than 10 kilograms, we are not required to maintain a physical security plan, as stated in paragraph 3, p. vil of USNRC Regulatory Guide 5.59.

Apparently, there was an error when Amendment 13 to License No. R-75 was issued. The error is in Section 2.B and states that we can possess and use "up to 5.2 kilograms of contained Uranium 235 at enrichments equal to or less than 20%, ..." As you are aware, the enrichment must be less than 20%. Please amend our license, R-75, to reflect this. Once this is completed, it is our understanding that the Physical Security Plan may be deleted. We do realize that we will still need to meet the requirements of 73.67, but that a Security Plan is not required.

If you have questions on this matter, please contact Mr. Richard Myser at 614-292-6755.


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